Download - History of the Confederate… · Confederate flag only exists because of that secession," said CNN political

Page 1: History of the Confederate… · Confederate flag only exists because of that secession," said CNN political

History of the Confederate Flag

Page 2: History of the Confederate… · Confederate flag only exists because of that secession," said CNN political

Confederate flag modeled off the Saint Andrew’s Cross (Flag of Scotland)

Page 3: History of the Confederate… · Confederate flag only exists because of that secession," said CNN political

1st Flag of Confederacy

Page 4: History of the Confederate… · Confederate flag only exists because of that secession," said CNN political

2nd Flag of the Confederacy

• (Without wind, there was a problem with Flag)

Page 5: History of the Confederate… · Confederate flag only exists because of that secession," said CNN political

3rd Flag of the Confederacy

Page 6: History of the Confederate… · Confederate flag only exists because of that secession," said CNN political

History of the Confederate Flag

• In their declarations of secession from the Union, some Southern states expressly mentioned slavery as a reason for their departure.

• "... an increasing hostility on the part of the non-slaveholding States to the institution of slavery, has led to a disregard of their obligations.”

South Carolina wrote in its declaration.

Page 7: History of the Confederate… · Confederate flag only exists because of that secession," said CNN political

History of the Confederate Flag

• The state of Mississippi aligned itself with slavery right off the top of its declaration:

• "Our position is thoroughly identified with the institution of slavery -- the greatest material interest of the world."

• Georgia named slavery in the second sentence of its declaration.

Page 8: History of the Confederate… · Confederate flag only exists because of that secession," said CNN political

History of the Confederate Flag

• "South Carolina and the rest of the South only seceded to preserve the violent domination and enslavement of black people, and the Confederate flag only exists because of that secession," said CNN political commentator Sally Kohn. "To call the flag 'heritage' is to gloss over the ugly reality of history."

Page 9: History of the Confederate… · Confederate flag only exists because of that secession," said CNN political

Strom Thurmond

• In 1948, South Carolina politician Strom Thurmond ran for president under the newly founded States Rights Democratic Party, also known as the Dixiecrats. The party's purpose was clear:

• "We stand for the segregation of the races," said Article 4 of its platform.

• At campaign stops, fans greeted Thurmond with American flags, state flags -- and Confederate battle flags.

Page 10: History of the Confederate… · Confederate flag only exists because of that secession," said CNN political

History of the Confederate Flag

• After Brown vs. Board of Education gave black children access to all schools, the Confederate battle flag popped up more and more.

Page 11: History of the Confederate… · Confederate flag only exists because of that secession," said CNN political

History of the Confederate Flag

• In 1961, to honor the 100th anniversary of the beginning of the Civil War, South Carolina lawmakers raised the Confederate battle flag over the State House.

Page 13: History of the Confederate… · Confederate flag only exists because of that secession," said CNN political

History of the Confederate Flag

• South Carolina flag was taken down in 2015 after deaths of 9 black church members

• Video

Page 14: History of the Confederate… · Confederate flag only exists because of that secession," said CNN political

State Flag of Georgia (1956-2001)

• Adopted in 1950s to “preserve segregation and white supremacy”

Page 15: History of the Confederate… · Confederate flag only exists because of that secession," said CNN political

State Flag of Mississippi (1894)

• Adopted to support Jim Crow segregation

• Mississippi voted 2-1 not to change the state flag back in 2001

• Video: Ole Miss and Removing State Flag

Page 16: History of the Confederate… · Confederate flag only exists because of that secession," said CNN political

History of the Confederate Flag

• Confederate Flag merchandise can still be bought online, swap meets, and in gift shops