Download - History of the Church Didache Series: Test 05 Fathers & Heresies

Page 1: History of the Church Didache Series: Test 05 Fathers & Heresies

Theology III Period A Test 4 The Early Christians Multiple Choice - Circle One Name____________________

1. A Creed is an official statement of belief. What is one of the two points that the Athanasian Creed emphasizes? A. The Eucharist C. The Trinity

B. Purgatory D. All of the Above

2. What is one guiding principle of Gnosticism?

A. Live long and prosper C. Secret Knowledge

B. The body is holy D. None of the Above

3. What role did asceticism play in Manichaeism and other gnostic heresies?

A. The body is evil C. Sanctification of the body

B. Get in shape D. All of the Above

4. Who alone has the power to start, change, and end and ecumenical council?

A. The holy angels C. The Pope

B. The emperor D. None of the Above

5. Who is a “Church Father” and what is one characteristics of a Church Father?

A. Has many childrenC. Long beard

B. Orthodoxy of Docrine D. All of the Above

6. How and why did St Ambrose stand up to the very powerful emperor Theodo-sius in 390?

A. He didn’t like him C. Excommunication

B. Called him a heretic D. None of the Above

7. The New American Bible is unique because it:

A. Is used in Liturgy C. Is written in Latin

B. Has a nice cover E. None of the above

8. For what is St. John Chrysostom best known?

A. Calm personality C. Preaching

B. Soft, quiet voice D. All of the Above

9. Why was Arianism such a threat to Christianity?

A. The attack on Rome C. distracted the faithful

B. Was expensive D. None of the Above

10. Who convened the Council of Nicea in 325?

A. Pocahantis C. Constantine

B. The Pope D. None of the Above

11. What is the Hypostatic Union?

A. business partnership C. Union of natures in Christ

Page 2: History of the Church Didache Series: Test 05 Fathers & Heresies

B. Marriage of emperor D. None of the Above

12. What does the statement “Peter has spoken through Leo” really mean with reference to Pope St. Leo I? A. Leo knew scriptures C. St Peter’s author-ity was alive in his successor

B. Recorded Peter’s voice D. All of the Above

13. Which regional churches form the Oriental Orthodox Church?

A. Texas, Ohio, New York C. Spain, Sicily, North Africa

B. Egypt, Ethiopia, Syria D. Liturgy, Sacraments, Prayer

14. How did Pope St. Leo I increase papal power?

A. Was a lucrative administrator C. Condemned Gnostic heresy

B. Proclaimed Christ’s Authority D. All of the Above

15. What is Dogma? A. Must be believed by faithful C. Divinely revealed doc-trine

B. Truths of the faith D. All of the Above

16. How did St Augustine answer the challenges posed by Donatism?

A. Started a monastery C. Wrote a book

B. ordained new priests D. Said they’re dependent on Christ

17. Why would St. Augustine’s ordination be particularly controversial with the do-natists?

A. He was a converted sinner C. He disagreed with them

B. He was African D. None of the Above

18. What do the words, “tolle et lege” and what is their significance in St Augus-tine’s Life?

A. Take and eat C. Come and See

B. Seize the day D. None of the Above

19. What topics did St Augustine address in two of his best known works, Confes-sions and City of God? A. Conversion to Christ from the world

C. Heresy

B. Church politics D. Creed

20. When and by whom was Christianity declared the official religion of the em-pire?

A. Constantine 313 C. St Anselm 323

B. Theodosius I 391 D. The Pope in the First century

Vocabulary: On the Back of this paper define one term from each group21 22 23 24 25

Anathema Anomoeans Apocrypha Apollinarianism Apostle’s Creed

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21 22 23 24 25

Arianism Athanasian Creed

Caesaropapism Chrysostom Church Fathers

Demiurge Docetism Doctor of Church Donatism DokesisEcumenical Coun-

cilFilioque Gnosticism Heresy Homoeans

Homoousios Infallible Logos Manichaeism MarcionismMontanism Monophysitism Monothelitism Neo-Platonism NestorianismPelagianism Quicumque Vult Theotokos Vulgate

May Jesus Christ reveal his great love to you and may the Holy Spirit keep all good things in your memory. God love you.