Download - HINGHWA ANNUAL CONFERENCE - Yale Hinghwa Annual Conference, convened at Hinghwa City, ~'ukien, China, December

Page 1: HINGHWA ANNUAL CONFERENCE - Yale Hinghwa Annual Conference, convened at Hinghwa City, ~'ukien, China, December


OF THE .. .





Page 2: HINGHWA ANNUAL CONFERENCE - Yale Hinghwa Annual Conference, convened at Hinghwa City, ~'ukien, China, December


!s=-.o, .....

Pages Conference Program............................................. 1 Conference Chronological RolL................................ :.~

Mission Directory................................................ 6 I. Officers of the Conference............... ...................... 7

II. Boards and Committees ....................................... .. I I 1. Daily Proceedings ............................................... . [yo Disciplinary Qnestions ........................................ .. V. AppoiutulellLs ...................................................... .

V r. Reports

(a) District Superintendents

11 .~ ;) .) ....


Hankong District by Na :Meong Bing.. ..... .. ..... 47 Kioh Sauh District by Lang Hong Siong... .. ..... 49 Hinghwa District by Deng Seng Deh...... ......... 51 N g Sauh District by Hng Ga Gob.................. 54 Sienyu East District by N a Meong lng............ 5G SiellYu West District uy N a COllg Ban............ 58

(b) Standing Committees and Boald~

Self Support............................................. (;1

State of Church .................. ~.......... ............. GG Stewards' Report....................................... 70

(c) Miscellaneous Reports

Religious Education ................................... . Gnthrie High School by Ng Ceong Irig ........... . Department of Evangelism by VV_ H. Cnle .... .. Con ference Treasurer's Report ..................... .. Hillghwa Mission Press .............................. . Home Missionary Society .......................... .. Preachers' Aid Society .............................. ..

\TIL l{oll of the Dead ............................................. . VIII. Conference SeS'iioIl ............................... , ............ . IX. Statistics ..................... " ................................. .

I- .) I':>

78 79 80 81 82 8:3 85 86


Page 3: HINGHWA ANNUAL CONFERENCE - Yale Hinghwa Annual Conference, convened at Hinghwa City, ~'ukien, China, December

* * Official Minutes of the Twenty­eighth Session of the Hjnghwa Annual Conference of the Meth­odist Episcopal Church, held in Hinghwa City, China, Decem-

1 I

U ber seventh to twelfth, Nineteen ~

~ and thirty-two. ~

Page 4: HINGHWA ANNUAL CONFERENCE - Yale Hinghwa Annual Conference, convened at Hinghwa City, ~'ukien, China, December

,,~!Jit!fii~_~~ I SECRETARY :~RTIFICATE I ~ THIS is to certify that this volume is a ~

i complete record of the proceedings of ;.

the Hinghwa Annual Conference, convened at Hinghwa City, ~'ukien, China, December seventh to twelfth, Nineteen hundred and thirty-two, and it was adopted by the Con­I fereuce as its Official Record.

~ • l

~ Secl'eta1'Y;;I 1If_~_

Page 5: HINGHWA ANNUAL CONFERENCE - Yale Hinghwa Annual Conference, convened at Hinghwa City, ~'ukien, China, December


Twenty-eighth Session of the Hinghwa Annual Conference

Bishop John Gowdy, P)'e.~id'ing

8:30 a. m. 9:45 a. m. 11:00a.m. 1:30 p. Ill.

2:;)0 p. m. 7:00 p. m.

8:00 a. m. 9:00 a. m.

2:30 p. m. 7:00 p. m.

8:00 a. m. 9;00 a. m. 2:00 p. m.

:3::30 p. m. 7:00 p. lli.

Monday, December 5th 1932

2-5 p. m. Committee Meetings.

7:00 p.m. Committee Meetings.

Tuesday, December 6th 1932

J)ay of Prayer

Confession of sin, leader, W B. Cole. Praise and Worship, lp.ader, Deng Seng Deh. In tercession, leader, De Bi Tai. Victory over the enemy, leader, N a Mo Tai. Work of the l)rayer Band, leader, Li ~{eong. Conference Sermon by N a Ga Sing.

Wednesday. December 7th 1932

Sermon and Communion by Bishop Gowely. Organizettion of the Oonference and Opening of the Business Session. Study Group by Rev. Harry 'Vorley. Report of the General Conference by Mrs. Brewster.

Thursday, December 8th 1932

Sermon by Bishop Gowdy. Business Session Continued. Study Group led by Harry Worley.

Religious Education Program. IV[issiono.ry Sermon by W. B. Cole.

Friday. December 9th 1932

8:00 a. lli. Sermon by Bishop Gowdy.

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9:00 it. m. Business Session Continued 2:30 p. m. I Study Group led by Harry W orIey 7:00 p. m. Educational Night

8":00 a.m. 9:00 a. m. '2:00 p.m. 3:30 p. tn.

7:00 p. m.

Saturday, December loth 1932

Sermon by Bishop Gowdy Business Session Continued Study Group led by Harry Worley Business Session Continued Sermon by Harry Worley

Sunday December nth 1932

S:~o a. m. Experience Meeting led by De Bi Tai 10:00 a. m. Baptism of Infants 10:30 a. m. Sermon by Bishop Gowdy 7:00 a. m. Sermon by M. G. Lin

Monday, December 12th 1932

8:00 a. m. Sermon by Bi~hop Gowdy 9:00 a. m. Business Session Concluded.

Each morning from six to seven the Conference met with the Hinghwa City Prayer Band under the leadership of Rev. Li Meollg Ding.

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It>77 18t;8 1888 189;) 1894 1895 1895 1896 1899 190:! 1902 190-1: 1905 1905 1905 1908 1908 1908 1908 1909 1!109 1909 1910 1910 1910 19]0 191.0 1910 19]0 1910 1912

.a,_'.· Members



I Ll DlUng bui HeLll'ed Sang Geh Cheong Retired Sang Bah Leng Ng Sauh Dug Seng N geug Retired Dau Hoh Gi Retired Deng Cih U l1g Retired Sang Bang Ciong Retired

! De Hau Tong Retired i Au Deh Lai Retired I Go Teng Ui Ling Ho i Sang Deh Sing Retired

Oug Co Cai Hinghwa I Carson, :F. S. Hinghwa I Ua Ung Co Supernumerary iNa Cong Bau Leng Hna I Deng Geh Sing Sienyu

Deng Sing Bi Nang Hong Gui Do lang Au Lang

! N a Geh Ciong Kiosauh

I Cole. W B. Sienyu Na Cing Gi long Ca lng N a Meong Bing Hankong

! De Ting Bi Au Ng I Dong Dan Gi Ka Boh

Deng Deb Lang Retired Deng Seng Deh Hinghwa

I Geo N geng Ming Retired i Lang Hong Siong Kiosauh I Ng Teng Hi . Hua Seng I> Si I Siu Retired ! Hng Ga Goh Ngsauh





15 7 3 1 1 1 1 1 9

I 5 9

29 28

1 1 2 1 4 2

24 1 2 2 2 4 2 4 2 7 7 2

Page 8: HINGHWA ANNUAL CONFERENCE - Yale Hinghwa Annual Conference, convened at Hinghwa City, ~'ukien, China, December


1912 Deng Geh Ling Uua A.u 2 1912 Na Bau Seng . D. H. Dang 2 1912 Na Ging Seng DoBoi 1 1912 Na Lang Ring Sa Deong Boi 5 1915 Au Teong Deng Meong Su 1 1915 Ciang Ceng U ng Bah Go .. 3 1916 Ceng Deng Rui Gang Kan 2 1916 Deng Dau Luang In School 1 1916 Dng Co Bing Nang Cih 2 . 1916 Iah Sing So Leng Bo Sua 1 1916 Na Ga Sing In School 1 1916 Ua Ging Do Ring Dong 4 1917 De~g Hoi Deb Chiog Tab 1 1918 Da Sin Tiang R. D. Guang 6 1918 Da Teng Ga Fooebow 1 1918 Deng Eong Hinghwa 5 1918 Li Meong Ding Hinghwa 2 1918 Lin Tien Ro Shanghai 8 1918 Na Meong Ing Supernumerary 1 1!H9 Au Cing Geh Ng Sauh 2 1919 De Bi Tai Hinghwa 2 1919 Li Sing Bau Hu Do Ka 2 1920 Ceng Teng Ging Dang Hau 2 1920 Da Meong Dah Sa Hoi 3 1920 Deng Gong Lo Sui Gau 4 1920 Dng Teng Gang Ng Sauh 3 1920 Na Mo Tai Ng Saub 4 1920 Ng Meong Deh Dong Ha 2 1920 W in tel', O. E. Hinghwa 13 1921 Deng Ging Sing Sienyu 1 1921 Dng Sing loh Sauh Sia 8 1921 Lan Cheong Ga Billghai 8 1921 Ma Sui Do Gong Heng 2 1921 Na Iu Seng Ua Uai :)

1921 Tia Sing Gi Cia Sua 1 1922 De Ting Deh Hua Deng 4 1922 Deng Oi Eng Ching Ha 1 1922 Dng Ming Kiang Po Hio 3 1922 Ku Deh Sing Deng Gah . 2 1922 N a Meong Hong Hong Deng 5


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1923 Deng Sui Bo Dang Sua 1 192:~ Ng Eh Ing Hinghwa 3 1925 Ku Ho Kiang Deng Sing 2 19~5 Na Ming Gi Hankong 1 1926 Co Sener Sienyn 2


1926 Deng Gi Hong DngGi 2 1927 Deng Ngeng Heong Hinghwa 1


1928 Na Dah Cai Sienyll 2 1928 Sang Siong Ceh Shanghai 2 1929 Co Ceo Gui Leng Rua 4 1929 Go Ung Ching KiD Sauh .,


1929 Na (Jiong Hankong 2 1930 Ceng Ciang Roi Bi Ciu :3 1930 Na Geh Sing Kio Sauh 2


19:31 Na Deh Liong Bah Go 2 1931 Na Geh Ing Bo Boi 1 1931 Na Muang Siu Ng Sauh 2 19:11 N g Ciong Heng Hinghwa 2 19:31 Ua Gong lng Ng SRnh 2 19:31 Ua Siu Liong In School 1 19:32 Na Ri Sion{::, Sauh Bo 1 19'~12 Na Ci SeD Sienyu 1 1932 N g Reng Bing Sna Ka 1 19;32 Ng Li Siong Gua Boi 1 19·:12 Ong Cong Gau Dang De 1

Page 10: HINGHWA ANNUAL CONFERENCE - Yale Hinghwa Annual Conference, convened at Hinghwa City, ~'ukien, China, December



lS84 1905 1905 1909 1908 1920 1923

1922 192;1 1904 1920 1924 1919 1925 1901 1917 1924 1923 1931 192~ 1917 1895 1920 1902


General Board


Brewster, Mrs. W. N. Carson, Rev. F. S. Carson, Mrs. F. S. Cole, Rev. W. B. Oole, Mrs. W. B.

tWinter, Rev. C. E. tWinter, Mrs. C. E.

Hankong Hinghwa

" Sienyu


. Woman's Foreign Missionary Society

Aldl'ich, Miss Sylvia E. Hinghwa Apple, Miss Blauche

" Betow, Miss Emma J., M. D. Sien)u t Bjorklund, Miss Sigrid C. t Fuller, Miss Edna tJ ohnson, Mis!'! Eda L., D. O. J uhnson, Miss Mary

t Marriott, Miss Jessie A. Mason, Miss F. Pearl Sienyu Merritt Miss Edna

tPa.lm, Miss Emma-" Richardson, Miss Ruth Hinghwa

Scheirich, Miss Beta " Suffern, Miss Ellen H. Hiughwa

Todd, Miss Althea M. Hankong t Watson, Miss Harriet L

Westcott, Miss Pauline E. Hinghwa

t On Furlough


~, .. "



" " " "



Page 11: HINGHWA ANNUAL CONFERENCE - Yale Hinghwa Annual Conference, convened at Hinghwa City, ~'ukien, China, December


------.~ .. -----P'J'esidin.'1.


English Bec'retary.


Ohinese Secretary. Assistant.


En.gltish Statistical SeC'J·etm·y.

Chine8e Statistical SeC1'etary.

Sec'J'etm'y of Church SUbSC1'iptions.

.John Gowdy


M. G. Lin . N g Ceong leg

N g Ciollg Heng

W. n. Cole

. C. E. Winter

.Da Teng Ga . Deng Ngeng Heong

. Mrs. Brewster

. C. E. Winter


. Deng Eong

Page 12: HINGHWA ANNUAL CONFERENCE - Yale Hinghwa Annual Conference, convened at Hinghwa City, ~'ukien, China, December


Standing Committees


1. Self Support: F. S~ Carson, Chairman, Na Geh Ciong, Deng Sing Bi, Au Cing Geh, Li Sing Bau, Ng Meong Deh, Ku Ho Kiang, Ciang Deng Ung, De Ting Deb, Dng Ming Kiang, Na Ga Sing} N a Meong Hong.

2. State of Church: W. R Cole, Cha-irman: ·Deng Gong Lo, Ku 1>eh Sing. Cang Deng .Hni, .Glli Do, Ng .. Heng Bing, Da ltleong D!lh, Deng G~h .Ling,. ria Sing Gi~ De Ting Deh, Ua. Ging Do, Da Si u Tiang, Deng ~au ?-i. 3. Conference Relations:

Fi?'st -a'roup: Cang Deng Hui, Go Teng Ui, Deng Sing Bi W. B. Cole. Term to expire in 1932.

Second .G1'onp: Ng Teng Hi, C. E. Winter, Na Mo Tai, Gui Do lang. Term to expire in ] 933.

Third G'roup: Deng Geh Sing, NaMing Gi, Li Meong Ding, Deng Gell Ling. Term to expire in 1934.

4. Nominating Committee: Bo Seo-bau, I.i Meong Ding Lan Cheong Ga, Dug Sing loh, Na In Seng, lah Sing So, Deng Gi Hong, Deng Sui Bo, Deng Ci Eng.


1. Bible Woman's Board: :M:isses Todd, Scheirich, Sang Geh Hua, Na Seh Ching, Go Du'a Di, and the District Superintendents.

2. Conference Executive Board: Li Meong Ding, Koh Eong Ciu, Dan Hoh Gi, Sang Bang Ciong, Deng Seng Deh, Deng Ging Sing, Deng Geh Sing, Ceng Deng Hui, Deng Teng Gi, Deng Ngeng Heong, Deng Hoi Deh, Hng Ui Liang, Althea M. Todd, N a Seh Ching, Dau Ng Seh Duang, Mrs. Brewster, Li Ko Cing, Sang Hah Leng,

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Na Dong Bau, Lang H{mg Siong, M. G. Lin~ Na Mo Tai. Au Cing Geb, Ng Ceong lng, Na Geh 'Ciong, Li DD Ging, Go Seng, F. S, Carson, Dog Seng Ngeng, De Hau Tong, N a Moong Bing. Hug Ga Goh, De Bi Tai, Deng Eong, Ng Ciong Reng. Go Tellg Vi, Na Ming Gi, Sang Boi Ung. Pauline:E. WestcottJ Beta Scheirich, Sang Geb Rna, De Ting Geh, Deng Hob Boi. Grace D. Carson, Edith }~. Cole.

3. Conference Stewards: W. B.Oole, F. S. Carson, An Teong Leug, Go Teng Ui, Li Meong Ding, Na Ming Gi, Dng Co Ring, Ng Teng Hi and the District Superintendents.

4. Educational Board: Principals. Advisers .and Deans of the High anti Primary Schools, Directors of Religious Education, Deng Eong. Na Geh Ciong, Ma Sui Do, I~i Meong Ding and Ng Eh lng.

5. Home Missions: District Superintendents and Missionaries, M. G Lin, Deng Geh Ling, N-a Gell.ciong, Ng 'Teng Hi, Li l\feong Ding, Deng Hoi Deh, Sang Hah Leng, Ceng Deng U ng, De~g Gong Lo, Ceng Teng Ging, N a Cong Bau, Tia Sing Gi.

6. Fukien Area Theological School: ·W. B. Cole, M. G. Lin, Hog Ga Goh.

7. Ministerial Training: First G1'OUp: Na Mo Tai, Na Meong Tng, Da Teng Ga,

Term to expire 1933.

Second G'roup: W B. Cole, Deng Seng Deb, Li Meong Ding. Term to expire in 1934

Third Group: Deng Eong, Na Meong Billg. Deng Geh Sing. Term to expire in 1985

8. Triers of Appeals: Na Mo Tai, F. S. Carson, Go Tellg Vi, T. H. Lin, Deng Geh Sing with Deng Seng Deb and Lang Hong Siong alternates.


1. EditO'J' of the Chinese Minutes:

92. Editor of the Chinese Minutes:

Dan Hob Gi

W B. Cole

Page 14: HINGHWA ANNUAL CONFERENCE - Yale Hinghwa Annual Conference, convened at Hinghwa City, ~'ukien, China, December


fl. Fina.nce Gomrnittee: Hug Ga Gob, M. G. Lin, Lang Hong Siong, Na Ming Gi, Hng Ga lling, Ij Meong Ding, Ng Ceong lng, Deng Ging Sing, N a Dah Cai, Dau Seh Meong, Mrs. Brewster, F. S. Carson, W. B. Cole.

4. Hctnkong Woman's Hospital Committee: lIrE!. Brewster, Na Meong Bing, M. G. Lin, Da Dng Co, Hng Ga Ming, So Huah Leong, Mrs. Da, Li Ko Cing, Sang Geh H ua and Mrs. H:lg Deh Ging.

5. Mission prress Committee: W B. Cole, Li Meong Ding, Lang Hong Siong, N a Mo Tai, Hng Ui Liang.

6. To Repold the Conference to the Chinese Pctpe'1's: Deng Eang

7. To Rep07·t to the English A.dvocates: W. B. Cole


1. Conference P'1·o.qram Committee: District Superintendents, District Missionaries, Li Meong Ding.

!B. Statisticia1'ls: F. S. Carson, Na Mo Tai.

3. 1'0 the Conference Sermon: N a Geh Ciong with T. H. Lin, alternate.

4. 1'0 Preach the Missionary Sermon: M. G. Lin wi th De Bi Tai, alternate.

Page 15: HINGHWA ANNUAL CONFERENCE - Yale Hinghwa Annual Conference, convened at Hinghwa City, ~'ukien, China, December

DAILY PROCEEDINGS ----, .. oto·----

First Day

Wednesday December 7th 1932

Devotions: The twenty-eighth Session of the IIillghwa Annual Conference assembled in Hinghwa City, Decewber 7th 1932 at 8:00 a.m. with Bishop Gowdy in the chair. After the singing of the hymn, "The Gospel Feast of Happiness," Rev. N a Cong Bau lead the Conference in prayer. The Scripture.)esson was taken from the third and fourth chapters of Colossians. Bishop Gowdy after addressing the Conference upon the necessity of faith and sincer­ity in approaching the I .. ord's Table administered the Communion assisted by the District Superintendents and the ordained Mission­aries.

Business Session: After tell minutes recess the Conference reas­sembled singing the hymn, "Rock of Ages. " Hev. Deng Geh Sing led in prayer. Roll Call: Bishop Gowdy asked the Chinese Secretary of the last Session to call the roll. The following Elders responded to Roll Call; Sang Geh Cheong, Sang Hah Leng, })ng Seng -Ngeng, Dau Hoh Gi, Sang Bang Ciong, De Hau Tong, Au Dah Lai, Go Teng Ui, Sang Deh Sing, Ong Co Cai, N a Cong Bau, Deng Geh Sing, Deng Sing Bi, Gui Do lang, N a Geh Ciong, Cole, W- B., N aCing Gi, N a Meong Bing, De Ting Hi, Deng Dau Gi, Deng Seng Deh, Lang Hong Siong, Ng Teng Hi, Hng Ga Goll, Deng Geh Ling, Na Bal~ Seng, N aGing Seng, N a Lang Ring, Au Teong Leng, Ciang Deng Ung, Ceng Deng Hui, Deng Dau Luang, lah Sing So~ Na Gao Sing, U a Ging Do, Deng Hoi Deh, Da Teng Ga, Dang Eong, Li Meong Ding, Au Cing Geh, De Bi Tai, Li Sing Bau, Ceng Teng Ging, Da Meong Dah, Deng Gong Lo, N a Mo Tai, N g Meong Deh, Winter, C. E., Deng Ging Sing, Dng Sing loh, Lau Oheong Ga, Ma Sui Do, N a lu Seng, Tia Sing Gi, De Ting Deh, Deng Ci Eng,

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Dng Ming Kian~, Ku Deh Sing, Na M~ong Hong, Deng Sui Bo~ Ng Eh lng, Ku lIo Kiang, Na Ming Gi, Co Seng, Deng Gi Hong Deng Ngeng Heong.

The following Elders "ere absent: Li Diong Sui, Carson, F. S., Ua Ung Co, Den,g Cih Ung, Deng Deh Lang, Geo Ngeng Ming, Si I Siu, Honister, G. W., Dng Co Ring, Da Siu Tiang, Lin Tien Ho, N a Meong lng, Dug Teng Gang.

The following Deacons were also presEnt; Co Ceo Gui, Go U ng Ching, N a Ciong.

It was noted that three Elders had died during the year. Rev Lau Cheong Ga spoke a few words of appreciation for Rev. Ng Deng Hong a retired preacher, Rev. lah Sing So for Nf; Do Ching, and Rev. Deng Ging Sing for Ng Deh Bau. After the Sing­ing of the two verses of "Forever with the Lord, '0 Rev. Dng Seng Ngeng led in prayer for the families of the deceased and also prayed for the father of Rev. Hng Ga Goh, who was reported as being critically i11.

Organization: The Conference was organized by the election of the following officers;

Ohinese SeC1'eta1''l! Assistant English Secntary .Assistaat English Statistical Secretary


Ooriference T'J'easure1'

Da Teng Ga Deng Ngeng Heong W B. Cole C. E. Winter C. E. Winter M. G. Lin Ng Ceong lng N g Ciong Heng Mrs. Brewster

Bar of Conference: On the moLion of Da Teng Ga, the Bar of the Conference fixed at the tenth seat from the front of the mid­dle sections of seats.

On the motion of Na Ming Gi it was voted to ask Mrs. Brew­;eMr, the wives of the missionaries, members 'of the women's For-

Page 17: HINGHWA ANNUAL CONFERENCE - Yale Hinghwa Annual Conference, convened at Hinghwa City, ~'ukien, China, December


eign Missional"y Society and Rev. Harry Worley to sit within the Bar of the Conference and to be given the privilege of the floor.

Hours of Session: On the motion of Deng Sellg Deh the hours for the Session were fixed from 8 a. rn. to 12.

Committee on Conference Relations: NominationA for the Third Group and one vacancy on the First Group were presented by W­B. Cole and on the motion of Da Teng Ga they were elected 80

that the Committee was Constituted as follows;

Fi1'St Group: Ceng Deng Hui, Go Teng Ui, Deng Sing Bi, Vl B. Cole. Term to expire in ] 932.

Second G1'OUp: Ng Teng Hi, C. E. Winter, Na 1\10 Tai, Gni Do lang. Term to expire in 1933.

Third Gronp: Deng Geh Sing, NaMing Gi, Li Meong Ding, • Deng Geh Ling. Term to expire in 1934.

Joint Session with Lay Delegates: In view of the fact that some of the delegates had not yet arrived it was voted on the motion of Deng Geh Ling to hold the joint Session on Friday and Saturday.

Question Twenty-seven: The name of Na Meong BinJ!, Superinten­dent of the Hankong District was called. Charges were prf'ferred against him by Rev. Na Ga Sing. The narneR of the following EI­ders on his District were called and their character passed; Na. Ga Sing, Ceng Deng Hui, Da Siu Tiang, Ma Slli Do, Deng Geh Ling, De Ting Ei, Ku Ho Kiang, and Li Sing Bau. All but Da Sui Tiang, who was a b~ent, gave their reports.

The name of Lang Hong Siong, Superintendent of the Heoh­bing District was called and his charllcter passed. He gave bis report.. The names of the following Elders on his District were called, their character pa~sed and they gave their rrpol'ts; Na Geh Ciollg, Ng Meong D~h. Lau Cheong Ga, Ng Teng Hi, Da Meong Dah and Dng Ming Kiang.

The name of Deng Seng Deb, Snpcrintendent of the Ring­hwa City District was called, his character passed and he gave

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his report. The names of the f91lowing Elders on his District were called, their character pas~ed and' t.hey gave their reports; Li Meollg Ding, Gui Do lang, Na In Seng, Deng Hoi Deh, De Tillg Dell, Na Cillg Gi, Na Lallg Ring, and DE-ng Si Hong.

The name ,of Nil Cong Ba.u, Sup(.lrintendent of the Sienyu West DiFltriet was called, his character passed and he gave his re­pOl·t. The names of t.he following Elders on his District were call­ed, their character passed and all but Tia Sing Gi, who is a jun­ior pre'acher, gave their reports; Dt-'ng Geh Sing, Ku Deh Sing, Na GiJlg Seng, Deng Sing Ei,.Au Teong Leng, Iah Sing So, Deng Ging Sing and Tia Sing Gi.

Closing: Aiter announcements and the Doxology, the uenedictif}u \\as pronounced by Rev. Sang Hah Leng.

Second Day

Thursday D.ecember 8th 1992

Devotions: The Conference assembled at eight o'clock with Rev. Lallg HlIlIg Siung in charge I)f the opening devotions. The hymn. 4, The Mornill!!, Light is Breaking," was 8ung and Vt'Byer offered. The Lhird chapter of Second Thessalonians was read. Bishop Gow­dy then addressed the Conference on the subject of the "Five Yt>ar Movement."

Business Session: After five minntes recess the Conference reas­sem bled and Sang, " I Need Thee Every Hour," and were led in prayer by Rev. Dan Hoh Gi.

Minutes: The Minutes were read by the Chinese Secretary and after ~light correct.ions were approved on the motion of W B. ColI". On the further motion of W. B. Cole, Mrs. BrewRter and C. E. Winter were appointed to read and correct the English Minutes.

Committee on Trial of Na Meong Bing: Bishop Gowdy announced the Commit.tee as follows; Na COTJg Bau, Deng Geh Sing, Deng Ging Sing. Gui Do lang, DE-ng Geh Ling, Na Bau Seng, De Han Tong, Li Meong Ding, and W. B. Cole, Convener. On the motion

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of Deng Seng D~h t.he ConferencH accepted the Committee. The Bishop also announced that he would appoint Rev. Dan Hoh Gi to presiJe at the trial and the Chinese Secretary of the Conference to record the evidence.

Question Twenty-seven: The Question was resumed. The name of Na Meong lng, Superintendent of the Sienyu East Distri~t was called and his character passed. He was absent on account of his health but a letter and his report were read. The names of the fol­lowing Elders on his Di~trict were called, their character passed and they ga\~ their l'f'ports; Ceng Teng Ging, Go Teng Ui, Na Meong Hong and Deng Gong Lo.

The name of Hng Ga Goh, Snpedntendent of the Ng:..sauh District was called, his character passed and he gave his report.

The names of the following Elders 011 his Dist.rict were called, their character passed alld they gave their reports; Ciang neng U ng, U a Gillg Do, DlIg Sing loh, N a Bau Seng, Dng Co Ring, Sallg Bah Leng. The llame of Deng Dau Gi was called and on the motion of Hng Ga Goh was referred to the Committee on Confer­tnee Relationo for ill vestigation.

The names of the following Eld~rs under special appoint­ments were called their charactor pal:!sed and they gave their re­ports; C. E. Winter, Deng Negng Heong, Ng Eh lng, De Han Tong, Dau Hoh Gi, Ong Co Cai, W. B. Cole, De Bi Tai, Co Seng, Deng Dan Luang, An Cing Geh, and NaMing Gi. The names of U a Ung Co and T. H. Lin were called and their character passed. They were not present. Recess: .After five minutes recess Question twenty-seven was re­smIled. The name of Dng Seng N geng was called and his character passed. He made request to be granted the retired relationship. Having passed the age for retirement his request was granted by a standing vote of the Conference.

The name of Deng Cih Ung was called and his character paRsed. A letter was presented from him asking to be granted the

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retired relationship. On the motion of Na Meong Bing his name was referred to the Committee on Conference Relations.

Thp. nameR of F. S. Carson, and Dng Teng Gang were called and their character passed. They were not present.

The names of Sang Bang Ciong, N a Mo Tai, Deng Ci Eng.' Da Tong Ga, Deng Eong, and Dpng 'Sui Eo were called their character passed and they gave their reports.

The name of G. W. Hollist(>l' was called and a letter from him read by W. R. Cole. Bishop Gowdy announced that he had been transferred to the North-East Ohio Conference.1

Question Forty: Who are the retired Ministers? The name of Li Diong Sni was called and his character

passed. He was not present.

The name of Sang Geh Cheonf:" Sang Deh Sing, Au Deh 1 ... ai, Deng'Deh Lang and Si I Siu were called their character passed and they gave their reports.

The name of Geo N geng Ming WilS called, his character passed bll t he was absen t.

Question Fourteen was called and the answer given, None.

Question Sixteen was called and the answer given, None.

Question Seventeen: The na~)e of those who had taken the examina­tions for Admission of Trial were on the motioll of Deng Seng Deh referred to the Committee on Conference Relat.ions.

Question Twenty-eight was called, Who are accepted as supply pastors? Bishop Gowdy announced that all names should go to the Committee on Conference Relations and on itFi recommenda­tion and the appro.va1 by the vote of the Conference they would be available for appointment by the Bishop.

Question Thirty: George W- Hollister to the North-East Ohio Con­ference.

Question Fifteen: It was announced that the Sienyu East District Conference recommended the name of N g Seo Hoh for readmission

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ttl tho Conference. Bishop aIlllonnced that the rec0mmendation should be presented in writing fwm the Secretary of the Di~trict


Report of Religious Education: The report was read by Rev. De Bi Tai. On the motion of Dng Seng Ngeng it was received.

Closing: announcements and the Doxology the benediction was pronounced by Rev. Dng Seng Ngeng.

Third Day

FIiday, December 9th 1932

Devotions: The Conference assemblt'd at eight o'clock and bang the hymn, "Stand Christians Stand." Rev. Hng Ga Goh led in lJrayer. The third chaptcr of John formcd the Scripture Lesson. Ri~h()p Gowdy spoke from John 3:7. i. Ye must be born again. "

Recess: After a few minutes recess the Conference l'ea8sembled and sang Hymn 29 and were led in prayer by Rev. Ong Co Cai.

Minutes: The Minutes were read in Chinese and aflier minor cor­rectioml were approved on the motion of Deng Ngeng Heong.

Lay Conference: Question One was called. The following Lay Delegates were presellt; Su Oi Koi, Sang Siong Hau, Gui Meong Cillg. Deng Mang Hllah, Ng Sing Beoh, Go Hi Lih. Chua Kai Deng, Ong Chiu Ngcng, Li Do Ging, Deng Tcng Seug. Dau Ka Tai, Tia Keong Ming, Guang Ging Su, Deng Giong Hu, Deng Ting Ban, Na Cing Hu, Go Gi, Ng Ceoug lng, Su Meong Cih, Ua Cing Gi, Dellg Teng Gi, Dng Sing Eh, Deng Hiong La and Na l\fing Hong. The officers of the Lay Conference were Ng Ceong lng. President. Li Do Ging Secretary: and Na Ming Hong Treas­urer. The delegates were called within the boulldaries of the Conft>r('nce.

Question Two was called and the answer given, No, the law of the land makes no provision for the same.

Question Three wag called and the answer given, No.

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Question Eight was called and·MllllOllln~ment made L.hRt nO':-Ipe" ei'al financial campaigns were contemplatefd B.t present.

Question Nine was caned and the answer recorded, See, the Report <Di tbe c.oDlallli1ltee on Sel.f-.."-u'ppml'l. .

Question Eleven was called amir the answer reoot'ded', See U1C Re­port of Evallgel~sw amd. :Rellj~iou~ Educaticm.

Question Forty-three wa-s caHed' and the' answ·er gi ven, S'~e the Report of the Board of Howe

Question Forty·four was called and the notation made t hat the Conference has no such Board'.

Question Forty-seven was' called and the item recorded $15~; Me'X. for Local Preachers" Aid.

Question Fifteen was called. A letter was presented from the Sec­retary of the Sienyu East District Conference recummending that Ng Seo Hoh be readmitted to Conference. On the lllotion (jf W. B. Cole a baBot was taken for his·read'mission. The number of' baHt)t~ CI1.St w~re 68 of wh:i-eh 26 were fOl' read"mission. He' '\VaS' not readmitited~

Question Seventeen: The Committee on Ccmfel"et'lce Rd'a-ti'Ofl'S r~ eom meneled Oug Cong Gall', N g Lf Siong, N a: Ci Seo. and N g Heng ning for rel!eption on tria.l The Boa.rd of E'xruminers l'eporte(f that they had pa'Ssed satisfactory examinations-of the sl'l'bjects' re­quiTed. On the motion or Deug Seng Den they were received. on t'ti:al and-placed in the studies of the first year.

N a Geh Giong reporteiI that there were two oLlier Dames not recommended by the Commfttee on Conference ReTations but who had satisfactorily passed' tlie required subjects. He moved that a ballot be taken. It was so ordered. The' first name" N a Bi Siong received 37 votes out of a total of 67 for admis~i'on He was received on triar and placea in tl1e studies of the fhst yea~ The seconu name, Dng Deb Hing failed to receive a majority and was not admitted:

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Recess: After fiva minuted' recess the Con·feron<!e reassemble&

Report of State of the Church: The part of the repot"t regarding the union of the Hiughwa Biblical School with the }'oochow .trelt Theological School was presented. Lang Hong Siong meved that it be received. Rev. Harry Worley presented a repott,of the plans of the Foochow Area TheologicaJ. School. On the Illotion of Hug Ga Goh the Conference voted to unite the PIinghwa Bi,blical Sch<1oL with the Foochow .f\.rea Theolegical School.

Proposals of the Lay Conference, A resolution was presented that any preacher should deny himself and not struggle for his own profit but look forward to the good of the church. On tile motion of Deng Seng. Deh the recommendation was approved.

The Lay Conference presented a resolution that church prop­erty should be preserved and in the case of its being sold should be sold to the highest bidder. Bishop Gowdy stated that Mission Property could only be sold by the consent of. the Board of For­eign Missions. The resolution was withdrawn by Ng {Jeong lng ..

The Lay Conference presented a resolution that appoint­ments to self-supporting eircni~s mnst be by the consent of the members of the said circuit. Bishop Gowdy stated that. such a resolution would be unconotitutional. It was withdrawn by Ng Ceong lng.

Question Eighteen: Who. have been continued on trial?

The llarne of Va Gong lug was called and his character passed. The rrgistr~r repo.rteU that he had passed in all the sub­jects of the first year and recommended t.hat he be advanced to. the.,.studies of the Second year. On the m0tioD. of Hng· Ga Goh ~ was continued on trial and advanced liO the: studie.s. 0£- the. SeG~ ond Year.

The, D~me of N a· Gah J ng wa~ called and his Qaaracoor pass­ed.. The Registl:8tr reported that he had pa&sed in aU his Siubjeet&: wttll the excsptiooJOf Samuel 81nd re~WJ.lmended he be ad~~u,~, to.

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the Second Year with one condition. On the motion of Na Cong Bau he was continue\! on trial and advanced to the studies of the Second Year with one condition in Samuel t.o be ma~e up.

The name of N a Deh Liong was called and his chara:;ter passed. The Registrar reported t.hat he had pal:lsed in the studies of the First Year and recommended that he be advanced to the studies of the Second Year. On the motion of Hng Ga Goh he was continued on trial and advanced to the stlldies of the Second Year.

The name of Ng Ciong Heng was called and his character passed. The Registrar reported that he had passed in all the sub­jects of the First Year and recommended that he be. advanced to the studies of the Second Year. On the motion of Deng Seng Deh he was continued on trial and advanced to the studies of the Se­cond Year.·

The name of Na Muang Sin waR called and his character pa.ssed. The Registrar reported that he had passed in all the ~ubjects of the First Year and recommended that he be advanced to the studies of tile Second Year. Qn the motion of H ng Ga Goh he was continued 011 trial and advanced to the studies of the Second Year.

The name of Ua Siu Liong was called and his character passed. The Registrar reported that all his work of the fi)'~t year was completed with the exception of the Essay and recom mended that he be advanced to the studies of the Second Year with the one condition. On the motion of Deng Seng Deh he was con­tinued on trial and advanced to the studies of the S~cond Year to make up for the required Essay.

Question Twenty: Who have been admitted into full member­ship?

The name of Na Geh Sing was called. The Registrar re­ported that he had completed the subjects for the Second Year and recommended that be be advanced t·e) the studies of the Third

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Year. The Committee on Conference Relations recoUlmended that he be elected to Deacon's Orders and admitted into Full membel'­ship in the Conference. On the motion of Hng Ga Goh his char­acter was passed, he was elected to Deacon's Orders, admitted into full membership in the Conference and advanced to the studies of the Third Year.

The name of Cong Ciang Boi wa" called. The Registrar re­ported that he had completed the subjects of the Second Year and recommended that he be advanced to the subjects of the Third Year. The Committee on Conference Relations recommended that he be elected to Deacon's Orders, and admitted into full member­ship. On the motion of Lang Hong Siong hiR character was passed, he was elected to Deacon's Orders, admitted into full membership and advanced to the studies of the Third YeaI'.

Question Twenty-two was called. The name of Co Ceo gui was called and his character passed.

The Registrar reported that he had passed in the subjects of the Third Year and recommended that he be advanced to the studies of the fourth Year. On the motion of N a Cong Ban it was so or­dered.

The name of Go IT ng Ching was called and his character passed. The Registrar reported that he had failed in two subjp-cts and recommended that he be left in the subjects of the third year to take examinations on all in which he had not attained a grade of eighty or above. On the motion of Na Meong Bing it was so ordered.

The name of N a Ciong was called and his character passed. The Registrar reported that he had passed in the subjects of the Third Year and recommended that he be advanced to the studies of the Fourth Year. On the motion of Lang Hong Siong it was so ordered. Question Twenty-one was called.

The name of Sang Siong Ceh was called. The Registrar

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reported that he had not tali en the examinations for two years and I'ecommended he be kept in the studies r:>f the Third Year. A re­port of his work in North China was given by Rev. Sang Hah Leng. On the motion of Deng Seng Deh his character was passed and he was kept in the studies of the Third Year.

The name of Na Deh Cai was called. He was reported a.bsent. The Registrar reported that he had not taken the exam­inations t,his year and recommended he be kept in the studies of the Thil'd Year. 011 the motion of N a Cong Bau his ohar­acter was passed and he was kept, in the studies of the Third Year.

Request for Retired Relationship: Bishop Gowdy announced for the names of Sang Bang Ciong and De Hau Tong as applicants the retired rel~tionship. On tllf~ motion of Deng Seng Deh their names were referred to the Com mi ttee on Conference -Relations.

Closing. The announcements were given, Following the singing of the Doxology Rev. Li Ko Ding of the Malaysia Oonference pro­nounced the benediction.

Fourth Day

Saturday, December loth 1932

Devotions: The Conference assembled at eight o'clock singing hymn 43. Rev. Na Meong Bing led in prayer. The Scripture Jesson was Matt. 25~1-13 after whinh Bishop Gowdy addressed the Confer­ence.

Minutes: After 8 few minutes recess the Minutes were read by the Chinese secretary. A few corrections wer~ made after which they were adopted on the motion of Deng Ngeng Heong.

Question Four: The Statistical Report was presented by C. E. Winter. On the motion of De Hau Tong it was accepted. See S ta tis ti cs.

Mrs. Brewster read the Treasurer's report. On the motion

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Qf Dng Seng Ngeng it was received. See Treasurer's Report.

Question Five was called and the answer recorded, See Trea~urer's Report. Question Six: The Report on the state of the church was taken up item by item. The section on occupation of church property was presented. On the motion of Da Teng Ga it was adopted.

The section on a Committee for the Press was read and on the motion of N a Cong Bau was adopted.

The section on institutes for men church members was read and on the motion of Lang Hong Siong adopted.

The section proposing the nse of the lower floor of the administration Hall of the Biblical School for a hOf3tel was read and after discussion on the motion of Li Meong Ding was with­drawn from the report and referred tf) the Finance Committee and the Conference Executive Coinmittee.

The section recommending that applicants for Woman's Station Classes and Bible Schools have a recommendation from their pastor was read and on the motion of Li Meung Ding was adopted.

The section asking that Mrs Brewstcr establish her resi­dence at Hankong was read and on the motion of Na .Meong Bing was adopted.

The section requesting a Station Class at Ng Sauh for wo­men was read and on the motion of Hng Ga Goh adopted.

The section requesting the Finance Committee to reopen the Dispensary at Ng Saub was read and on the motion of Hng Ga Goh it was adopted.

On the motion of C. E. Winter a section was added urging District Finance Committees and all other Committees to carry Qut their duties faithfully.

Bishop Gowdy suggested that there should be a school for review and study on the part of those in the Course of Study for Members and for Local Preachers. On the motion of Deng Seng

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neh the qnestion was referred to the -Board of Examiners and Ministerial Training for carrying out.

Applicants to enter Orphanage. Deng Seng Deh moved that applicants for admission to the Orphanage must first have re­commendations from their pastors, be investigated by the Manager of the Orphanage and then go to the Orphanage Board for final action. His motion included a set time for receiving applications. The motion carried.

Question Forty-five was called and the answer gi ven. See Treas­urer's Report. Question Forty-six was called aud the answer given (a) See Treas­urer's Report (b) See Report of Conference Steward!:!.

Question Seven was called and the answer recorded, See Treas­urer's Report.

Question Ten was called and the anE!wer given, See Treasurer's­Report. Question Twelve was called and the answer given, See report of­Nominating Committee. Question Thirteen: What other items of husiness shall be consid­ered by this United Session. See propositions of Laymen propos­ed in yesterday's meeting.

Question Fifteen was called and the answer given, None.

Recess: After a short recess the Conference reassembled and sang,. II Pass me ~ot 0 gentle Saviour"

Report of the CommiHee on Trial. The decision of the committee on. the charges preferred against N a Meong Bing was read by which the charges were not sustained.

Question Nineteen: Who have been discontinued? None.

Question Twenty: Who have been admitted into l!"'ull Membership?" a. Ceng Ciang Boi, Na Geh Sing h. NOlle c. None d. None

Question Twenty-one: What Members are in the studies vf the Third

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Year. a. Ueng Ciong Boi. Na Geh Sing

b. Go U ng Ching, N a Dah Cai, Sang Siong Ceh

Question Twenty-two; What Members are ill sludie~ of the Fourth Year?

Co Ceo Gui, Na. Ciong

Questions 23-25 were called and the an:"1wel'S given, None.

Question Twenty-six was called and tbe llame~, Deng Dau Luang, N a Ga Sing, U Ii Siu Liong recorded.

Question Twenty-eight; Who were accepted as Snpply Pastors. De Hoh Sing, Gi Sing Deng. Na Meong Seng, Chua Geh Ching, Deng Deb Heong, Gi Sing Dih, Ku Cob Hau, Go Hnah Meong, Dng Deh Ring, Ng Sf.'O Hob, Dau Ka Tai, Deng Ting Bau, Tia Keong Ming, Go Pllang Ngeng, Na Po Ngcng, Deng Sih Dng, Deng Rau Ngeng, Na Chillg MiIlg, Na Seng Soh, Ng Sin Teollg, Tia Go l\{ing, Go Hoi PI), Li U, Da Ha Dong, Go Ging Hui, Na Gi Ting, Deng Hiong Do, Deng King Ciong, Ciollg III Sing, Gui Meong Cing. Ng Geh Dt!lIg, Na Ming Deh, Na Ging Cioll.

Admission to Full Membership. Ceng CiaJlg Boi alld Na Geh Sing were called forward and signed the pledge. Bishop exhorted them to be sincere and faithful to tlte sacred office of the ministry and then asked t he usual questions.

Question Thirty-nine: Req ues ts were presen ted from N a Meong lng and Ua Ung Co fo1' the Supernnmerary relationship. On the mo­t,ion of 'TV B. Cole the Supernumerary Relationship was granted to Ga l\1eong lug. On the motion of N a Meong Bing it was gran ted t.o Ua Ung Co.

Closing: After the usual announcements the benerliction was pro­nounced by N a Mo Tai and the Conference adjourned to meet at 3:30 in the afternoon.

Afternoon Meeting

Opening: The Conference assembled at 3: 30 singing hymn 29. "Grace is a Charming Sound." Rev. Deng Sui Bo led in prayer.

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Minutes: The Minutes of the morning meeting were read and ap­pI·oved as read on the motion of Na Ming Gi.

Assignments for next Session. Bishop appointed Nu Geh Ciong to preach the Conference Serrr.on with T. H. Lin as alternate. He also appointed M. G. Lin to preach the Missionary Sermon with De Bi Tai as alternate.

Board of Examiners: Deng Dong, N a Meong Bing and Dell§ Geh Sing were a}Jpointed to form the Third Group with term to expire in 19~5. The Second Group became the First Group and the Third the Second Group.

Question Twenty-nine. a. WhaL Accepted Supply Pastors now in charge are taking

1. The conference Course of Study None

ii. The Local Preachers' Course All passed

b. Was the character of each A.ccepted Supply Pastor now in charge examined? Yes.

c. ~That Local Preachers have completed satisfactorily the btudies prescribed?

Na Sing Cong, Gi Ming Hai, Li Do Ging, Deacons. Dng Coh lng, N g Hong Ban, N g SeD Hoh Elders.

Questions 35-38 were called and the answer given, None

Question Thirty-nine was called alld the names, N a Meong Ing (1) and Ua Ung Co (1) recorded.

Question Forty was called and the names of Dan Hoh Gi, De Hau Tong, Deng Cih U ng and Sang Bang Ciong were recommended by the Committee on Conference Relations for the retil.'ed relation­ship. On the motion of Na Cong Ban they were granted that re­lationship.

Question Forty-one was called and the answer recorded, None.

Question Forty-two was called. Na Mo Tai, F. S. Carson, Go Teng

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Ui, T. H. Lin, and Deng Geh Sing with Deng Seng D~h and Lang HOllg Siang were recorded as the Trier8 of

Question Forty-three was ca.lled and the notation made, See Treas­urer's Report.

Question Forty-nine was called. On the motion of Tia Sing Gi it was voted to hold the next Session a.t Sienyu City.

Committee on Self Support. The report was presented and on the motion of N a Cong Bii.ll was ad oped as read. On the motion of Hug Ga Gob it was voted to have it printed separately and distri­buted at once for the guidance of the workers.

Question Twenty-seven. The name of Deng Dan Gi was called. The Committee on Conference Relations reported that nothing was found aga!nst him. On tbe motion of Deng Seng Deh his character was passed.

The name of N a Meong Bing was called, his character passed and he gave his report for the Hanlwng Distriat.

Finance CommiHee. W H. Colo pre:;ented a plan for nominating a representative Finance Committee. After some discussion it was laid on the table by motion of VV' B. Cole.

LeHer from Foochow Conference. The letter was read by the Chinese Secretary. On moticn of Li l\1:eong Ding the Chinese Secretary was instructed to make suitable reply.

Closing. After annonncements and the Ringing of the Doxology Rev. Ong Co Cai prononnced the benediction.

8::30 8. m. 10:00 a. 111.

10::30 a. m. 1] :30 a. 111.

7:00 p. Ill.

Fifth Day

Sunday, December lIth 1932

Experience Meeting led by De Bi Tai Baptism of Infants Sermon by Bishop Gowdy Ordination of Deacons Sermon by !f. G. Lin

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This is to eelftiry tha.t on the eleventh day of Oeeembelf 1932 at liinghwa. Gity, I. olfdained as Oea.eons in the fJlethodist Epis ... eopa.l Chu,lfeh, Ceng Ciang Boi and tia Geh Sing.

Sixth Day

Monday, December 12th 1932


Devotion: The Oonference assembled at eight o'clock and sang 'Publish Glad Tidings." Deng Geh Sing led in prayer. Ohapter thirteen of lfirst CQrinthians was the Scripture Lesson. Bishop Gowdy used this chapter for the basis of his remarks.

Recess. After ten Minutes l'f>cess the Conference reassembled and ~ang, "All hail the powe.r of Jesus Name," and were led in praye~ by Deng Geh Ling.

Minutes: The minutes were read by the Chinese secretary and after slight corrections were adopted on the motion of Da Teng Ga~

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Statistical Secretaries. On the motioll of W B. Co]e the COIlt't·t·­ence elt~ctl'd F. S. Carson and Na Mo Tai to be statistical 8eCI't~­tarit's for 19:-t3. Secretary of Church Subscriptions. On the motion of O. E. Win \.\'1'

Rev. Deng Eong was€"lected. Editors of the Minutes. On the motion of C. E. Winter, W R Cole wa~ appointed EditOl' of the English Minutes. On the motillu of Li Meon~ Ding, Dau Hoh Gi was made Editor of the Chiue~e Minutes. Official Minutes. On the motion of Na Ming Gi the English Miu­llks were nlade the Official Minntes of the Conft-'l't'nce with the specification that t.he Editors of the English an(l UhillPse l\1illutes must make careful comparison to insure uniformity bet,wcen the two ed i t,ions.

Report of the Conference to the Chinese Advocate. On tlte motion of C. E. Wint~r, Rev. Deng Eong was elected to report the Con­ference to the Chinese Advocate.

To Report to the English Advocates. On the Blot-ion of NaMing Oi, W B. Co]e was appointed Lo report to the English Advocates.

Letter to Li Dion!) Sui. On the mot.ion vf Na Ming Gi the Chinese Sect'etary wa~ instructed to write to Li Diong Sui t,he greetingg of the Conferenct-'.

Report of Nominations. Nominations were p}'es~lIted fol' the Com­mittp.e on Self Support, the State of the Church, Conference Stew­ards, the Conference Executive BoaI'd, the BoaI'd of Education, Hankong Woman J

8 Hospital Committee, Mission Press C0mmittee, Nomination.;; for Finance Commit.tee, Manag(.>rR for- the- }'oochow Area Theological School; Roard of Bible Women and Nominating Committee-. On the motion of N a Cong Bau the nominations were approved as l'e-ad. See Board and Committees.

Conference Stewards. The section on reports of retired preachers to the fonrth quarterly Conference was read aud on the motion of Deng Ging Sing was adopted.

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The section requiring the report of na,mes of childl'en, , with ages and present status before receiving the fir8t quartet's distribu­tion was read and on the motion of N a Bing was adopted.

The section fixing the Annuity Distribution at $3.50 per year of service was read and on the motion of Deng Eong was adopted. The proposed distribution was read. On the Illotion of Lang Hong SiOllg the report was adopted as a whole.

Reports of Institutions. On the motion of N a Meong Bing it was voted to receive the reports of institutions and order them printed in the Minutes without reading before Conference.

Jmportant Actions. Ou the motion of 'Lang Hong Siong it was voted to print important reglliations at once for the guidance of the ~oIkers.

Resolutions., Rev. Deng Eong presented resolutions of appreciation to Bit;hop Gowdy whi~h were adopted by a rising vote.

Reports of Institutions. On the motion of Na Cong Ban it was or­.dered that reports of Hallkong Hospital, Orphanage, Biblical School, Hinghwc1 Press, High ~chools be printed in the Minutes but that the Editors be asked to use their editorial powers to ex­c1 ude Ull i III portan t matter.

Motion for Adjournment. W. B. Oole moved that after the reading of the appoin tmen ts, the reading of the Min utes, the election of the members on the Board of Home Missions and suitable devo­tional exel'cise~ we adjourn SINE DIE. The Oonferellce 80 or-

dered. Reading of Appointments. The appointmentR were rea.d for the Bishop by the secretarieo. Board of Home Missions. The District Snperintendents pres('nted the following nominations; NiL Ming Gi, Deng Geh Ling, Na Geh Ciong, N g Teng Hi, Li Meong Ding, Deng Hoi Deh, Sang Hah Leng, Ciang Deng U ng, Deng Gong Lo, Ceng Teng Ging, N a Oong Bau and Tai Sing Gi. On the motion of O. E. Winter they were appointed.

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'Reading of the Minutes. They were read by the Chinese Secretary and after a few corrections wel'e adopted on the motion of W. B. Cole . .closing Exercises. Bishop "Gowdy 8uggest.ed the Members take -Chapter Thirteen of First Oorinthians for a guiding rule for the coming year. The closing prayer was by Na Geh Oiong. Follow; ing the Doxology Bishop Gowdy pronounced the benediction and the Conference adjourned SINE DIE.

Presiding Bishop


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Division "A"

1. Who are the mem bel'~ of the Lay Conference present, and who are its officers?

Ng Ceong "lng, President, Li Do Ging. Secretary, Na Ming Hong, Treasurer, Su Ci Koi, Sang Siong Hau, Glii Meong Cing, Deng Mang Hnah, Ng Sing Beoh, Go Hi Lin, C bua Kai Deng, Ong Chiu Ngeng, Deng Teng Seng, Dan Ka Tai, Tia Keong Ming, Guang Ging Su, Deng Giong Hu, Deng Ting Bau, Na CingHu, Go Gi, Su Meong Cih, Un Cing Gi.Deng Tang Gi, Dng Sing Eh, and DengHiongLa.

2. - Is the Annual Conference Inco~porated according to the requirement of the Discipline?

No, the law of the land makes no provision for it. 3. What officers and persons holding moneys, funds, etc.,

·are bonded, and in what amounts according to the requirement of the "Discipline?


None. 4. What are the Statistical and Financial Reports for the

a. From the Statistician. See Statistics h. :From the Treasurer. See Treasurer's Report. c. Other items. 5. What are the Items and Aggregate of General Confer­

~nce Benevolences apportioned to this Conference and Approved by this body for the ensuing year?

See Treasurer's Report. 6. What Reports anrl Exhibits are presenten by Confer­

ence Boards and Institutions? See Reports of Boar.ds and Committees.

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7. What are the Items and Aggregate of Annual Confer­ence Benevolences Approved by this body for the eUBuing year?

See Treasurer's Report. 8. What Approved Financial Campaigns are to be carded

on in this Conference during the ensuing year, and for what amounts?

None. 9. What is the schedule of Minimum Support? See the Report of the Committee on Self Support. 10. What are the 'Approved Cla.ims for the Support of

District Superintendents, Bishop, and Conference Claimants for the ensubg year?

See Trea~urer's Report 11. What shall b~ the Evangelistic and Religious Educa­

tional Plan for the ensning year?


See the Reports on Evangelistic and Religious Education. 12. What Standing Committees shall be apI>oiuted by this

See Report of the Nominating Committee 13. What other items of business shall be considered by

this United Session? See Proposals of Lay Conference in Daily Proceedings.

Division "8"

14. Who have been Received by Transfer, and from what Conferences?

None. 15. Who have been Readmitted? None. 16. Who have been Received on Credentials, and from

what Churches? None.

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17. Wbo have been R~ceived on·Trial ? a. In studies of First, Year. Na Bi Siong, Na Ci Seo;

Ng Li Siong, Ong Cong Gau, Ng Heng Bing. h. Itl studies of Third Year under Seminary Rule.

None. c. Exempt from Course of Study under Seminary

Rule. None. 18. Who have been' Continued on Trial 1

a. In studies of First Year. None.-h. In studies of Second·Year. Na Dch Liong, Na Geh

Ing (oue coo.) Na Muang Siu, Ng CiongHeng, Ua Gong lng, Ua Siu Liong (one con.)

c. In studies of Third Year. None. d. In studies of Fourth Year. None.

19. Who have been Discontinued? None.

20. Who have been admitted into Full Membership? a. Elected and ordained Deacons this year.

Ceng Ciang Boi, Na Geh Sing. h. Elected and ordained Deacon8 previously.

None. c. Elected to be ordained elsewhere.

None. d. Ordained Deacon,. havingbeenprevi'Ously elected

by ... Conference. None.

21. What Members are in studies-of Third Year? a. Admitted into Full Membership this year.

C~ng Ciang Boi, Na Geh Sing. h.. Admitted into Full I\Iembership previously.

Go Ung Ching, Na Dah Cai, Sang. Siong Ceh.

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23. of Study?


What ~1embers are in studies of Fourth Year 1 Co Ceo Gni, Na Ciong.


What Members have completed the Couference Course

a. Elected and ordained Elders this year. None.

b. Elected and ordained Elders previously. None.

c. Elected and Elders unde!' Seminary Rule. None.

d. Elected to be ordained elsewhere. None.

e. Ordained Elders, having been previously el6cted by - Confelence.


f Ordained Elders elsewhere under our election. None.

24. What others have been elected and ordained Deacons? a. As Local Preachers.

None. b. U uder Missionary Uule.

None. c. U uder Seminary Rule. d. Elected by this Conference and ordained elsewhere.


25. What others have been elected arid ordained Elders? Ct. As I.Jocal Deacons.

None. b. Under Seminary Rule.

None. c. Elected by this Conference aud ordained elsewhere.


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26 .. Who have been left without appointment to. attend one of our .schools?

Deng Dau Luang, N a Ga Seng, U a Siu Liong. 27. Was the character of each Preacher examined? Yes, This \fas strictly done 28. Who are accepted as' Supply Pastors, De Hoh Sing ~i Sing Deng, Na Meong Seng, Chua GehChing, Deng Deh Heoog. Gi Sing Deh, Ku Coh Hau, Go Heong Meong~ Dog Deh Ring, Ng Seo Hoh, Dau Ka Tai, Deng Ting Bau, Tia Keong Ming, Go Puang Ngeng. Na Po Ngengt

Deng Sill Ung. Deng Ban Ngeng, Na Ching Ming, Na Seng Soh, Ng Sin Teong, Tai Go Ming. Go Hoi Po, Li U. Da Ha Dong, Go Ging Hui, Na Gi Ting, Deng Hiong DOt

Deng King Ciong, Ciong Ih Sing, Gui Meong Cing, Ng Geh Deng, Na Ming Dell, Na Ging Cioh. 29. a. What Accepted Supply Pastors now in charge

are taking. The Conference Course of Study? In the First Year. None In the Second Year. None In the Third Year. None In the Fourth Year. None

ii. The Local Preachers' Course of Study? In the First Year. None. In the Second Year. None. In the Third Year. None. In the Fourth Yeur. None.

b. Was the character of each Accepted Supply Pastor now in charge examined?


c. What Local Preachers have completed satisfactor­ily the studies prescribed 2

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3') U.



Gi Ming Hai, Li· Do Ging, NgSing Cong, Deacons. Dng Coh Ing,.N g Hong l~al1, Ng Seo' Roh, Elders.

'V\rho have been Transferred, and to what Conference? G. W. Holli!:!ter to North-East Ohio Conference. Who have Died? Ng Deb Bau, Ng Deng Hong, Ng Do Ching. Who have been Located at their own request?

None. Who have been Located?

None. Who have withdrawn? a. From the l\.Iinistry.

None. b. } .... rom the Ministry and MemberRhip of the Church

None. c. By surrender of the Ministerial Office.


35. Who have been deprived of the Ministerial Office? None.

36. Who have been permitted to withdraw under Charges or Complaints?


:~7. Who have been Expelled? None

38. What other Personal Notation should be made? None.

39. Who are the Supernumerary Ministers, and for what number of years cOBS8cutivcly has each held this rela· tion?

Na Meong lng (1) Ua Ung Co (1) 40. Who are the Retired Minister:;?

Au Deh Lai, Dau Hoh Gi, De Hau Tong, Deng Cih U ng, Deng Deh I~ang, Dug Seng N geng, Geo N geng

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Ming, Li Diong Sui, Sang Bang Ciong, Sallg Deb Sing, Slmg Geh Cheong, Si I Sill.

41. Who have been granted leave of absence? None.

42. Who are the Triers of Appeals? N a 1\10 Tai, F. S. Carson, Go Teng Ui, T. H. Lin, and Deng Geh Sing with Lang Hong Siong and Deng Seng Deh as alternates.

43. What i" the Annual Report of the Conference Board of Home Missions and Church Extension? See the Report of the Board of Home l\1ission~.

44. What is the Annual Report of the Conference Board of Foreign M lssions ? The Conference has no such Board.

4f.. What are the claims en the Conference Funds? See Treasurer's Report.

For annuit,y distribution 311 years multiplied by the Dis-ciplinary rate of $3.50 per year, $1088.50.

For necessitous distribution .................... $2376.50 Total ..... '" ......................................... $3465.00 46. (a) What has been received on these claims?

From the Book Concern ................. $ .. ; ........ . From the Ohartered Fund, ..................... S ............ . From Board of Pensions and Relief ......... $715. Gold From Annual Conference Investment'S ...... $2000 Mex. From Pastoral Charges, ......................... $ .......... c ••

j1'ronl Other Sources, .............. !" c ......... 5 ............ .. Total, ..... '0' ...................................... $2715

47. What amount has been apportioned to the Pastoral Charges within the Conference, to be raised for the Support of Conference ClaimanLs? 342. S150 Mex. for Local Preachers' Aid.

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48. Where are the Preachers stationed? See Appointments.

49. Where shall the next session of the Conference be held? Sienyu City.

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Hankong District

Dist1'ict Snperintendent: Na Meong Bing, IIankong, lfukien. District Missionary: Mrs. W. N. Brewster, Hankong, Fukien A'll Ny: De Ting Bi. Cking Ha: Deng Ci Eug Den.q Sing: Ku Ho Kiang Dua Do Kau: Supplied by Deng Ting Bau Gang Kau: Ceng Deng Hni Gong Heng: Ma Sui Do Gna Au,: Deng Geh Ling Hanlcong:· NaMing Gi Hong Dong Guanq: Da Siu Tiang Nu) Do Ka: Li Siug Bau No Boi: Supplie~ by Dau Ka Tai

Hinghwa District

lJistrict Superintendent: Deng Seng Deh, Hinghwa, Fuki en lJistrict Missionary: F. Stauley Carson, Hinghwa, Fukien Au Lang: Gui Do Tang CIting Tah: Deng Hoi Deh Dang Sua: Deng Sui Bo Dng Gi: Deng Gi Hong Hingh~{}a City: Li Meong Ding, Deng Ngeng Heong. H'tLa Deng: De Ting Deh Iong Ca Ing: Na Cing Gi o Ba: Supplied by Go Ging Hui Sa Deong Boi: N a Lang Hing Biong Tai: To be supplied Ua Cai: Na In Seng

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Heoh Bing District

District 8upe'rintendent: Lltng Hong Siong, Kio Sauh, Fukien

Disl'rict lIJ.issionary: Mrs. W. N. Brewster, Hankong, Fukicn Bi Oiu: Ceng Ciang Boi

Binghai: Lau Cheong Ga

Ou Po: Supplied by Deng Sih Uug

Dong Ha: N g Meong Deh Hua 86ng: N g Teng Hi Kio Sauh: N a Geh Ciong. N a Geh Sing o Ka: To be supplied

Po Hio: Dng Ming Kiang Sa Hoi: Da Meong Dah

Ng Sauh District

District Superrintendent: Hng Ga Goh, Ng Sauh, Fukien D'istrict 1I1issiona1'Y: F. Stanley Carson, Hinghwa, Fukien Bah Go: Ciang Deng U lIg Bing Dong: U a Ging Do, N a Deh Liong Chan Sia: Dng Sing lob Dai Ho Bah: To be supplied Dai Ho Dang: N a Bau Seng Dang De: Ong Uong Gau Ka Bol~: Deng Dau Gi J\Tang Gih: Dng Co Hing Ng Sauh: Sang Hah Leng, Au Cing Geh

Sienyu East District

Dist'l'ict Supe'rintendent: Deng Ging Sing, Sienyu, Fukien Distr7:ct Missionary: W B. Cole, Sipnyu, Fukien Dang Hau: Ceng Teng Ging, and Chua Geh Ching Supply.


Hau Deng: Supplied by Ng Seo Hoh and Gi Sing Dih, and Ng Heng Bing

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Hingtai: Suppli~d by Deng Deh Heong, Lau Sing Ngeng and Lau Ka Gi.

Le'ng Oeo: Ling Ho: Sauh Bo: Sui Ga71:

Na Meong Hong. and Ku Coh Han supply. Go Teng Vi. Na Bi Siong. Deng Gong Lo, Ng Lih Siong.

Sienyu West District

IJist1'ict Superintendent: Deng Ging Sing, Sienyu, Fukien. District Missiona1'Y: W B. Oole, Sienyu, ~Fukien. Cia Sua: Tia Sing Gi, and Na Meong Seng supply. Deny Gall,: Ku Deh Sing. Na Geh lng. Do Boi: Na Ging Sellg Leng Ho ~/ua: lah Sing So Leng Hua: N a Cung Ban: Co Ceo Gui. Ilfeong Bu: Au Teong Leng. Nang Hong: Deng Sing Bi, and Gi Sing Deng supply. Sicnyn Oity: Deng Geh Sing and Na Hong Ngeng, De Roh Sing



J. Educational 1. Foochow Area Theological School

Teacher: Da Teng Ga 2. Gnthrie Memorial High School

Principal: N a Ceong lng Dean: Deng Teng Gi Adviser and ;Peacher: Mrs. Brewster Teaclze1' and Director oj Religious Education: N a'. Oiong Heng

;3. Hamilton Girl's High School Teacher: Ong Co Cai

4. Hingh wa Deh Ming Primary Principal: Na Ceong lug

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Teachcr: N a Eh lug Ad'viser: M l'S. Brewster

5. Kio Sauh Rua Sill Primary Pr-l1wipctl: Go U ng Ching Adviser: Mrs. Brewster

6. Hankong Hi Eli Primary Princ1jml: N a 'Jiong Ad~'iser: Mrs. Brewster Teacher: N a Gi Ting

7. Hong Dellg Boys' School Principal: N a Ka Ci ng Advise1': W. B. Cole

8. Ng Snuh Boy's School PTincipa.l: Na Ming Gi A dvise'r: F. Stanley Car~on TeacheT: N a 1\1 uang Si u

9. Sieuy 11 Boys' School Principal: Deng Teng Ceh Advisers: Mr. and M 1'8. W- B. Cole Teache7's: Na Dah Cai, Na Ci Seo

II. General Evangelistic 1. Cenference Secretary of Evangelism: W E. Cole 2. Conference Secretary of Religious J~ducation

J-frrs. Bl'e~()ste'r 3. Super'visors of Religious Education fot' Sienyu:

A'I1's. W B. Cole, Co Seng 4. Conference Evangelist: De Bi l1ai 5. Evangelist at Vl.l'ge: Sang Siong Oek

III. Miscellaneous 1. American Bible Society

F-ield Sec7'etary: T. H. Lin

2. Hanlwng Woman's Hospital Supt. of lluTses: Miss Li Ceong Kung


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Conslllting P/~'!Isician: Dr. U. Y. Cheng Advise?': M rE!. Brewster

3. Hinghwa Mi~sion Pl'ess GCJ1e'J'al lJfanrtqer: F Stanley Carson Assistant Ma,;a,qe1': Den.'1 Eong

4. Rebpcca McCabe Or}Jhanage Superintendents: Rev. & 1\f 1"S. F. Stanley Carson Assistant S'ltpt: N a Mo Tai Farrn Manager: To be supplied

5. Edito'r of the Re'vival-ists: Deng Eong 6. On F'U1rlou,qh: Mr. and MfA. C. E. Winter

7. Leave of Absence f01' St'lld~1 Deng Dan Luang, Nil Ga Sing, Ua Sin Liong

Hinghwa Conference \V. F. M. S. Appointments

1. Hinghwa District

Hamilton Girls' High School prl'incipal Ang So Kiang Dean Dng Bi Eng Advise'}' Ellen Suffern Teache1'S Sylvia Richardson

Ruth Richardson

Hinghwa City Primary School Actin~q P7'incipal Ci n Gel! Ing .Advise'}' Blanch Apple

Hinghwa, Ng-sanh, Heoh-bing. Hallkong District Day Schools Sylvia Aldrich

Hinghwa City and Suburban Evangelistic Work fo1' TVom.en & Ghildre1~ De Ting-geh

Pauline Westcott Jl11ie-t Turner Woman's School

Paulitte Wesicott

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Mary Ann Johnson Hinghwa City Director ReJigious Education

De Ting-geh Hinghwa City Station Class

Althea M. Todd Mary Ann Johnson

Hillghwa City District Bible Women Altllf~a M. Todd Mary Ann Johnson

2. Hankong, Ng-sauh, Heoh-bing Districts Hankong Girls' School

Adviser Sylvia Aldrich Lillian Gamble Leper Home

Althea M. Todd Hankong City Evangelistic Work

Althea M. Todd Hankong, Nanch, De-tau, Kio-sanh

Station Glasses Althea M. Todd

Hankong District Bible Women Sang Geh-hwa Althea M. Todd

Heoh-bing District Bible Women N a Seh-ching Althea M. Todd

3. Sienyu East & West Districts .Fannie N tlst Gam ble Memorial

Schoo), Junior High P1'incipal Jean Chen Advise?' Edna Merritt

IsaLel Hart Girls' Boarding School Primary and Kindergarten

P1'incipal Jean Chen

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A.dviser I~ead Mason Frieda 'Knoechel Bible Woman's

Training School Beta Scheirich Sienyn East and West District

Day Schools Pearl Mason Sienyu East and West District

Bible W-Omeu Beta Scbeirich Margaret Eliza Nast Memorial Hospital

Hospital Supt. Emma J. Betow, M. D. Margaret Eliza N aot l1emorial

Hospital School of Nnrsing~ Supt. Emma Palm, R. N·

Pu'rlough:- Sigrid Bjorklund Eda. L. Johnson Jessie A. M-arrirot

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CONFERENCE REPORTS ----.0<>0 .. ,==---

The Report of Hankong District

N a Meong Bing


This is my first year of appointment as the District Sup­erintendent of the Hankong District. I thank God for He has directed me how to work successfully.

(1) District Conditions:- Our district is composed of eleven circuits. Hu Ho Ka and Dua Do Kau are the new cir­cuits which were ceded to our district from Hinghwa City dis­trict and our Nang-Cih Island circuit was ceded to Ng Sauh District. We had good work and got good results from Han­kong, Gang Kau, Ching Ha, Au Ng, Gua Au, Hong Dang Guang, Gong Heng and Deng Sing circuits. The work in Hu Ho Ka was carried on as well as last year. Because of the troubles by bandits and heavy taxes collected by the local government, most of the villagers in Dua Do Kau circuit moved away. In comparing the population with ten years before, we only have two-thirds now. We are glad that Rev. Deng Ting Bau has a warm affection in the heart of the c-ommunity there. Other­wise, our church will hold no foot in that place.

(2) Evangelism: We conducted seven evangelistic meetings. The first evangelistic meeting was held in Gua Au church; the second, in Gang Kau church; the third, in Au Ng church; the fourth; in Dong Ngeng church; the fifth, in Gu Ho Ka church; the sixth, in Nang Dua church and the seventh, in Ding Sa church. All meetings were held with good results. Many have been received, converted and have decided to offer their time and ,money for the service of the church.

(3) The Spiritual Work: Following the Women's Re­treat held in the Hankong church! and the Conference Retreat

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held in the Hinghwa City church, the members of Hankong church have organized a prayer band. Each morning, they sing, pray and read the Bible. The band is growing bigger and bigger.

(4) Results: ( a) The number of church memoers received.

New Members 47 Probation~rs 140 Inquirers 120 Children baptized 61

(b) Finance collect~d Bishop Fund District Superintendent Pastor Home Mission Preacher's Aid Miscellaneous General Conference Central Conferep.ce

(c) Spiritual results

$113 $ 33 2297

20 13 23 14 12

465 passed the examinations of the Religious Education course

329 Whole family Christians 193 hold family worship 339 deciding to pray

54 tithing 142 giving time to church service 265 deciding to read the Bible

(5) Self Support: Hankong and Gang Kau are entirely self-supporting churches. Au-ng, Deng-sing Ching· ha and Nang-dna are "would be" self-supporting churches, because they have been helped by Home Mission Fund, they are now free from Foreign Mission Fund. In short, our district has arrived to the degree of 70'jl~ of self· supporting and the pri­mary schools, 87~~ in seH-supporting.

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Kioh Sauh District Report

Lang Hong Siong.


I have been appointed to the Heoh Bing District for one year. Evangelism:

We have held during the year six series of evangelistic meetings at various points on the circuits .. Each series con­tinued for five days. The mornings of each day were given over to personal talks and visiting in the homes. The after­noons and evenings were taken up with meetings in the church. The attendance varied from 20 or 30 at some tim"es to over three hundred at other times. At Bia Da on Cu Po Circuit the crowd. was so large tbat we had to move out into the larger space outside the church. General Sit!Jation:

The forced planting of poppy last year had a corrupting effect upon the personal and village life in this region.

In external things there has been an apparent growth. The Kio Sauh Church has had the most activity during the year with building, but the members who are merchants have not had much time for worship. The villagers, mostly farmers have been more faithful in attendance on the church services. There has been some spiritual growth here. However in my opinion the net result of the work this year has been a de­crease in both quantity and quality.

Bing Hai Circuit, of which Bing Hai city and Dong Sai are the important points, is rapidly achieving self support.

Dong Ha. The preacher here, Ng Meong Deh was dis­couraged at first as there was no meeting place at Hu Do. He went ahead however and finally secured an ancestral hall for a church. The other three points on this circuit have become cold. They need a revival.

Cu Po. We have tried for several years to form a new circuit here with little" success so far. With Deng Sih Ung this

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year we have made progress. We have opened a new preach­ing place. Chua Cho, and things on this circuit are more hopeful than ever before.

So Hoi members are not very warm hearted. They do not do much for the preachers of the gospel. This year we sent the evangelistic band down and held meetings in two places. One man who had been an addict of morphine was moved to confess in these meetings and promised to give up his evil ways. Another was cured of sickness through the prayers of the band·

Po Hio - Bi Ciu. These two places should be united to form one circuit. They have not succeeded very well as sep­arate circuits.

Hu3. Seng. This circuit includes the important town of La Sa .. it is too bad that such a populous place should not have a preacher giving full time to that work. Hua Seng has not improved much. Statistics:

5 Year Movement 63 contributed time and work to the church.

121 established family worship. 30 tithers.

195 learned to pray. 178 read the Bible daily. 287 studying to read the Bible.

Religious Education 13 Examined on Gospel of Mark, 20 on Luke. 20 " "Bible Stories, 14 on Members

manual. 37 Examined on Probationers manual.

133 " " Life of Christ 269 " "Memorized Bible verses. 113 " " 1000 word primer. 66 " " singing hymns. 30 " " children"s Reader.

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Finances Bishops 68 District Supt. 22 Pastoral Support 1380 Preachers Aid 22 Home Missions Foreign Missions Poor Fund Church Repairs

Membership New Members received Probationers " Children Baptized AduJts Inquirers

524 8

61 345

24 44 82 35

1008 Building

Due to widening the market street in Kio Sauh we were compelled to rebuild the front of the Hua Sih School on bor­rowed funds. Thanks

To those who have helped me during the past year I ex­press my hearty thanks.

Pray for me.

Hinghwa City District

Deng Sen/!, Deh

I am thankfu1 to God for help during this my first year as sllpzrintend:mt on the Hinghwa District. There has been some advance.

Th ~re are sixteen points on the eleven circuits of this district, serve~ by eleven preachers and nine junior preachers. Due to lack of funds several of the junior preachers have had

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to eke out their salaries by teaching school in addition to their pastoral duties which has detracted from their work as preach­ers.

At Gong Li a new church has been built, but the mem­bers are not very many. We need a full time preacher here but at present we can afford only a day school teacl:er.

The greatest advance during the year has been made by the Hinghwa City Circuit. Au Lang and Ua Cai have also grown, as have Ching Tah and 0 Ba, Sa Tieng Boi, Dng Gi, Siong Tai, have made slight gains.

Hua Deng dr~uit in 'spite of heroic work by the preach­ers has had the most difficult year. Soldiers have used the church ahnost continuously, one band moving in soon after the first moved out.

Dang Sua because of tax trouble was burned and looted by soldiers and the church work has been very much hindered by this. It win probably take Dang Sua several years to re­cover from this visitation.

long Ca Ing. This is the Leper Circuit. The peop!e on the three points on this circuit have been very happy to have the gospel preached to them in their chapels by Dng Coh lng and his junior preachers.


A great revival was h~ld in the Hinghwa City Church this year (June 6-13). Many w~re grEtatly inspired and bless­ed in this meeting. Among the results were a Bible Study class and a prayer group which meets every morning at 6 A. M. The total membership in this latter group is 280. Over two hun­dred requests for prayer haVe been presented in the morning meeting of this group, -and many answer3 to prayer have been recorded.

Four Gosper-teams were organiiedmostly of young men .. and women students. Witnessing Bands have also been or­ganized which go from place to-place he'ping in meetings. In

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one villaga, Sau Tui, a woman who had been paralyzed for many years was restored to strength through the prayers of one suc·h Band. Religious Education:

Miss Westcott has been superintendent of the Hinghwa City Sunday School for four years. At present the students number 420, divided into 43 classes with over fifty teachers and officers.

The Religious Education supervisors have exanlined in all almost 1100 children and adults on the various circuits:

Hua Deng 150 Ua Cai 250 Au Lang 113 Ching Tah 61 Siong Tai 24 Sa Tieng Boi 43 Dng Gi· 26 OBa 61 Dang Sua 69 Hinghwa City 300

General Statistics:

Members received 98 Probationers 44 Children Baptized 56 Inquirers 63

General Statistics:

Pastoral Support increase over last year $528 Home Missions increase over last year $200

Than~s : I wish to thank the City Pastor Li Meong Ding and all

who h~ve helped to make my work a success this year.

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Report of theNg Saub District.

Hng Ga Goh.

After twenty years in the pastorate, I was appointed last year to the Superintendency of the Ng Sauh District.

. This District was made last year by combining parts of the Hankong, Heoh Bing and Hinghwa City Districts. Al­though the change has not yet resulted in any great accessions in membership, yet we have been able to do more intensive work among the members with gains in the spiritual life of the churches.

In one place, Bah Go, soldiers lived in the church for most of the year, but the preacher still held servkes in the home of-the members.

De Tau church was also occupied by soldiers, but the preacher patiently bore this trial, and the circuit has actually grown in membership and giving during this year.

With these exceptions and that of Nang Cih Island which had some trouble from pirates, the district has been peaceful. during the year, for which we give thanks.


Ng Sauh Circuit. Sang Hah Leng and his helpers have worked hard during the past year. Sixty-six have been received as members and probationers, and over a hundred dollars have been received for Home Missions, beyond the salary of the preacher.

Ka Boh with a budget of over $200 a year is fully self­supporting.

Bing Dong Circuit has not increased in membership but has made progress toward self-support.

Bah Go as the result of an evangelistic campaign of five days at the village of Da Tau, a notorious bandit stronghold, has started a new preaching place. The average attendance at afternoon and evening meetings was between five and sIx

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hundred. At the close of the meetings fifty-six gave in their names as the nuc1eu3 of a new church.

On the three circuits, Dang De, Dua Ga, Chau Sia, col­lections have been increased and members revived during the year.

On the island of Nang Cih a week of evangelistic meet­ings were held. Many on this pirate stricken circuit professed conversion in these meetings. At Deng Gang we held a four day evangelistic campaign. Five families publicly threw away their family idols as a result, and decided to become whole fam­ily Christians. Religious Education

The following have studied and been examined in the following classes during the year..

Bible Reading 190 1000 word primer 55 Members manual 100 Probationers manual 98 Children's Reader 122 Learned to sing, pray and memorized Scripture 563 Class Leader's Manual 5

Total Examined 1133

General Statistics "Whole Family Christians" 311 New Members Received 100 Probationers 98 Children Baptized 140 Inquirers . 239

Collections . Sunday School $125 Home Missions 484 ~~~~S~~rt M~ Bishops 92

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District Superintendents 25 Foreign Missions i3 Preachers Aid 20 General and Centr~l Conference 23 Current expenses 25

Buildings Sang Hah Leng has built a wonderful gate at the en­

trance of the Ng Sauh Church at an· expense of somewbat:over $ 500., $250 of which was raised from local sources, the rest from Mrs. Brewster. The Gate is covered with paintings of scriptural stories and verses.

De Tau church has raised $ 120 from local sources to repair the church.

Ka Boh members have raised $ 60 and made repairs on their church, and bah Go $ 15.

Chau Sia raised $ 100, half of which was subscribed by Na Ming Gi, for repairs and Misses Todd and Marriott have given the church a new platform for the pulpit which looks very beautiful.

The Eong Li church on Nang Cih island, with the help of subscriptions from Na Sing Hiong and Chua Ceo long? raised $ 150.

The total building operations on this District were $ 1377 more than last year. Thanks

To the many who have cooperated and helped in the work of the District this year 1 tender my thanks.

Report of the Sienyu East District

Rev. Na Meon;! Lng.

Last year I was appointed by the Bishop to be a district superintendent. I often cheered myself up so that progress

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might be obtained. With the help of God, the church work: has been progressive.

1. Leng-ceo has two churches; viz., Hong-cieng and Nia-kau. Hong-deng is an important town of Sienyu. It is a place

where Sienyu and Hui-ang meet. This year the local condition there is quiet. The church works go up like steam. That cir­cuit is able to support itself. Nia-kau is the throat of Ceo-hau. It is a wide place. Mr. Ku Coh-hau, experienced in his matur­ity, bears the cross faithfully. He has made the perishable or­chard into a good garden. In the Hau-deng Circuit the faith of the church members has been very good. Rev. Ng Seo-hoh, Gi Sing-dih, and Ng Heng-bing are all young and brave. They cooperate, and the result is fruitful. In the Ga-deng circuit there are four churches. The members have made much pro­gress in collections. Sui-gau has two churches Rev. D::mg Dong-lo lives at Sui-gau while Na Bi-siong lives at Boi-dng. These two cooperate with the spirit of mutual help. Lands in the Dang-hau circuit are very fertile. The people there are superstitious. They believe the Combined Religions, viz., Con­fucionism, Taoism and Buddhism. Rev. Ceng Teng-ging has done his work successfully. Good seeds were sown and plen­tiful grains were reaped. The Hing-tai circuit is in th ~ moun­tainous region. Banditti are very numerous. Houses are often robbed and families are often arrested. People dare not live in a definite place but move from place to place. The thorny roads make the preaching work very difficult. Though Mr. Deng Deh-heong is an able man, he cannot help it

2. Evangelistic Work Early in the Spring, my co-workers and I planned to

hold evangelistic meetings at the Chinese New Year's time for a week. I went to every circuit to preach, and at the same time encouraged every class leader to be responsible. The re­sults are satisfactory. The major campaigns were conducted by Rev.. De Hi-taL and pastors of the neighboring circuits were called to aid. Meetings were held at Hong-deng and Leong-

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tau and many men were led to come to the ·Lord. Minor com:" paigns were projected by the preachers of the local circuit and neighboring circuits. This was carried on by Rev. Co-seng, the Supervisor of Religious Education and Mr. Na Bi-siong, supply for Religious Education. We have 158 families con­du !ting evening Family Worship, 73 gave their time to help in doing the work of the church, 300 decided to pray to God every day, 291 made up their mind to study .the Bible, and 424 can read and are able to understand His Word. 3. Statistics.

This year we have received 52 new members, 87 pro ba­tioners, baptized 79 children. As our appropriation decreased this year, we had to raise $ 400 in order to make up the fund. Fortunately each circuit is able to help herself. Ga-deng made .an increase of $ 130, Deng-hau $ 75, Sui-gau $ 30, Leng-Ceo $ 100, Hau-deng $ 60, Hing-tai $ 10. In spite of the time of bankruptcy the church members are willing to give their money with bounding joy. 4. Thanks.

We thank Rev. Cole, the missionary, for his supervision and direction. Rev. Co-seng the Supervisor of Religious Edu­cation for his helping and projects, Mrs. Li for her revival evangelistic work among the women. Rev. Deng Gong-Io for his presiding at the Qu~rter1y meetings at Hing-tat

Report of the Sienyu West District

Rev. N a Cong Bau

My term of six years has passed in the twinkling of an eye. Both the spiritual works and the social affairs have been carried on successfully for these six years. I am quite com­forted. This indeed, comes from the secret help of God for no one expected it. Jesus said. "The stone which the builde~s rejected, the same was made the head of the comer."

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1. The effect of prayer. Early in the Spring Rev. Cole suggested that we organize

°a special prayer meeting. At first it was held after Sunday evening service and Thursday evening service. At that time only a few met to pray. The number increased week after week. We prayed for the revival of the churches, that the chur~h members might be able to understand the love of Jesus. After few months the gate was wide open, more than a hundred members met together every morning from six to seven. We pray to God earnestly and study the Bible diligently. Both the boy students and the girl students are more zealous than ever. 2. Vital Spiritual Life.

Within these few years although there was increase both in numbers and in collection, yet the spiritual life was still child­ish. Fortnuately we had had several evangelists who came from Bethel to us last June. Revival meetings were held then for a week. A great number were inspired, repented and con­fessed their sins and became soldiers of the cross. The Holy Ghost descended and made men able to understand the pro­found meaning of the Bible. Men were born again, self was nailed to death.

3. The fire of the Holy Ghost. Twi~e Rev. Deng Geh-sing, of the City circuit invite Rev.

Na Ming-gi, other preachers, Bible women and me to preach in the neighboring villages for a fortnight. Not a few were inspired by the truth preached. Rev. Na Ging-seng and Mr. Co Ceo-gui of Leng-hu'3. invited Rev. De Bi-tai, Rev. Na Ming-gi, the preachers and the Bible women in his own circuit, Mr. De Hoh-sing, Mr. Ng Li-siong and Mrs. Li and me to preach to non-~hristians at Oi-Ii and Dua-ceong for a couple of weeks. In the morning all s~t out to visit in the villages. In the after­noon multitudes were gathered together for an evangelistic meeting. In the evening meetings were held else-where. Most of the audience were watered with truth, and not a few in'­spired. Rev. Ku Deh-sing and Rev. Tia Sing-gi of Deng-gah too, invited Rev. Na Ming-gi to do the revival work in that circuit for a week in the fall. The church members of Deng-

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gah and Bo-hoi were awakened. The important doctrines we explained, so that they realized their lack of Spiritual life, and many of them wept and repented. As for outsiders we search­ed for them in every nook and corner, Althougb it was at the harvest time many farmers were willing to spare their time 'and gather together in the church to listen. There were many men who confessed their sins. The results received are worth seeing. 4. The Work of the Pastors.

There has been very faithful service on the part of the 'pastors during the past year. Most of them have carried on street and village preaching with good results. The pastor at -Meong-su has ability hut the hard soil there has not been fruit­Jul. Rev; Deng Ging Sing of Nang-mong can heal the body as well as instruct the soul. Rev. Ng Do Ching was called Home from the Cia-sua Circuit in the middle of the year. -Rev. lah Sing-so helped supply the work there after his decease. -5; Fruits on the Five year movement.

Rev. Co-seng works very hard with the objectives of the "Five Year Movement.'· In the district there are 781 fami ies. We have 184 families conducting evening Family Worship. ,We have 1550 -church members including full members and probationers. Among them 128 gave their time to do the church work, 104 made up there mind to tithe, 287 determin­-ed to pray every day, 224 decided to study Bible dai1y, 429 are .willing ta learnt(!) read in order that they may be able to read the Holy Scripture. As for the statistics we have received 50 new members, 70 probationers, baptized 71 children and en­rolled 143 -inquirers. We have made an increase of $210 in collections, the City District subscribed $238 for famine reHef. and $580 for church repair. ~. Tbanks.

I wish to express my thanks to all who have cooperated in the work of this Districtduring the past six years. Withopt their help it would have been impossible.

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COJllmittee on Self-Support

1. T ;,~,: Stat us oj Cil·cuits.

(1). Wher.e eight tentlIs of the money for pastoral support above that necessary for the salaries of the preach­ers is given to Home Missions ih~ Circuit I5hall be reckoned as a flrst grade circuit. (2). Where three tenths. of the lJloney received for pas toral support above that necessary for the s.alaries of the preachers is given to Home ~tJissions it shall be reckoned as a second grade circuit. (3) Where a circuit can support its pastor in full it may also if need­ed appoint a junior preacher. (4). Ifa circuit cannot meet more than half of the salary of its pastor it connot appoin! a junior preacher. (5). If a circuit nannot pay as much as half of the salary of its pastor it shall be called a Mission circuit.

2. 'fhe basic scale of salaries shall be as follows; self wife child

Elder 14. ·4. 1.50 Deacon 10. 4. 1.50 Local Preaclwr in ch.~rge 9. 4. 1.50 Local Preacher 8. 4. 1.50 However for the year 1933 there shall be a uniform re­duction of 10% on all salaries.

3. If any circuit cannot attain to the set increase of ~O% in subscriptions for pastoral support the salary of an Elder cannot exceed $12 per month.

4. Allowances for. children shall ceal:)e when they lare married or become self-supporting.

5. Elders m~y only draw allowances for six chil­dren. Others may onlr draw allowance for four.

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6. A District Superintendent shall be allowed an increase of ~4: a month over t.he above scale.

7 District Superintendents must report all miscel­laneous accounts to the District Finance Committee.

8. a. The District Superintendent is expected to spend at least three full days on each circuit every Quar­terly ~Meeting and to hold four meetings a year on each circuit.

b. The District Superintendent is expected to take responsibility in training and inspiring official members to take up the full duty in collecting and paying the pastors.

c. The District Superintendent at the time of the Quarter"Iy Meeting must quarter by quarter see to the pay­ing of the salaries of the preachers of that circuit and cause the members to clearly understand that the salaries of the preachers of their circuit do not come from the Missionary Society alone, but also from the members of the Circuit who must also bear such responsibility. Wheth­er the Circuit is fully self-supporting or not there must be a public accounting for the salaries of the pastors so that the Missionary Society and the members together take re­sponsibility and carry out this work.

d. Each circuit must elect a treasurer to take charge of the funds and to pay quarterly the salaries of the preachers.

9. a. Circuits not yet atta.i~ing to full self-support must make a complete report to their members of the exact amount of help received from the Missionary Society so that they may know their standing with reference to self­support.

b. Full supportiug circuits should first determine just which circuits and to the extent of what sums tliey

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will aid them leaving the others to be aided by the Mission­ary Society.

c. If a circuit cannot attain to self-support this should be clearly determined before the appointments are made.

d. A financial statement for each circuit showing summary of local subscriptions, the amount received from the Board of Foreign Missions, and the amount of salary paid to each preacher should be printed in the Chinese Minutes.

10. Graduates of both the Bible School and Guthrie High school-shall be allowed an addition of $2 a month.

Graduates of the regular Nanking Theological -course shall be allowed an additional $10 a month, but -from 1930 graduates of Theological schools will be paid according to their eontracts.

11. After 10 years of service as Elders, an in­crease of $1 a month shall be allowed. For each additional 5 years service following the ten year period, there shall be an addition of $1 a month.

12. The subscriptions of missionaries and those under special appointment shall be collected on the circuit where they reside by the pastor in charge. But Home Mission funds and Sunday School collections shall be held for use on the following year.

13. Home Mission collections and Sunday School .collections must, following the rules of the Rome Mission­ary Society, be reserved for payment on the first quarter salaries of the following year. A treasurer should be appointed by the Conference Home Missionary Soriety to take charge of these funds.

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14. In the event of a proposed rai se of the salaries of preachers in charge of first and second grade circuits ,over the basic it mllst first be passed upon by the Quarterly ponference. In any case the increase shall not exceed $4 per month and only to the extent of fout doI1ars when a like a,mount is given to the Horne Missionary Socie1y.

15. The accounts of all self-supporting circuit s shall be a.udited by the District Executive Board once a year.

16. If the preacher under regular appointment sends to school all of his children of seven years or overt he may.receive an extra alJowance of $.50 for f:ach of them. If there i~ not a mission school h2 may send his children to a government or other school, the allowance being the same. If he Bends them away from home to a boarding school the allowance for each of the sons may be $1.00. If the chil­dren are living in boarding school and are self·supportingr

the allowance shall be $1.00 too. If they enter the govern­ment school, there shall be no extra allowance. The money shall be paid at the end of .each quarter after the District Superintendent has duly investigated each case. If the child goes to a government or private school the District Superintendent shouJd examine them. Children of preach­ers sholild subscribe wherever they attend srhool Rules for children '8 allowances and salaries do not apply to married children.

The provisions in Rule No.5 apply to special allow­ance for children in school.

17. The annual Conference permits its members t

whose wiv,es have passed the age of thirty wjthout children either male or female, to adopt children whose support may be claimed as for their own children.

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18. ~ll preachers under appointment must give a. tenth of their income to the work of the chul'cb, The Con .. ference must make regulations to enforce this. Those un­der special appointments must pay in their ten111 a1 the place wll(~re they reside. Runday School collections, Home Church and special contributions are not to be counted in

. the tenth. 19. Subscriptions for the various classes of chnrch

benevolences must be kept separate and distinct and should be so reported. No money subscribed for one purpose may be used for any other purpQse. A.fter the District Conference eacb pastor and junior preacher who works at a separate station ~hall prepare a list showing 1he subscrip­tions of his church members and post in a conspicuous pJace in the church.

20. rrbe circuits of Bi-ciu, Nang-cib, Dua-do-kau, and IIu-do-ka cannot claim an increase of ten percent over the basin scale unless they become self-supporting.

21. Preachers shall not work at trades. In case they do they must be reported to the General Executive Committee by tbe District superintendents for reproof. If they do not change they should not be given appoint­ment at the following Conference Ses·sion. Preacbers should not leave their circuits for private reasons without first reporting' to the District Superintenden1.

22. After the appointments are made tbe preach­ers must go to them without delay and live there. If they and their families do not live witldn the bounds of the circuit to which they are appointed they cannot claim salary.

23. When a preacher dies during the year his family shall receive salary· for six months· after which they

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shall be on the Preacher's Aid fund providing the preach­er was a member of· Conference.

Committee on the State of the Church

1. Preachers, Bible women or wives of preachers must not attend theaters. They must not traffic in pro­hibited articles.

2. Beginning with the year 1923 preachers who for any reason desire to adopt little girls must have their ease first passed upon by their District Executive Board which in turn must secure· the assent of the Conference Executive Board.

3. Preachers who have already adopted little girls must clothe~ feed and house them just the same as they do their own daughters.

4. Adopted girls reaching the age of seven must be sent to school the same as daughters born into the family. If there is a reason given why they should not study this mnst Le passed upon by the Conference Executive Board.

5, Whoever does not obey the above rules and op­presses adopted girls shall upon the Conference ascertain­ing the fact be compelled to put these mistreated children into the Orphanage to study there.

6. Preachers and Bible women must not arrange betrothals between their children and non-christians. If any worker under appointment disobeys this regulation he should be expelled from office in church.

7. Preachers who have been previously "married in" must carry out their contracts. If they break them the (jonference should refuse to give them appointInents.

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8. Conference members contemplating "marrying in" must first secure the consent of the Conference Ex­ecutive Board. All other preachers must secure permis­sion from their District Executive Board.

9. All Local Preachers and Exhorters whether siu­flents or teachers may not take examinations on two yeal's of the course in one year. HoW'ever, graduates of both the Guthrie High School and t.he Biblical School may be allowed to do so.

10. Exhorters who have not been passed upon by the District Conference and have not had their license re­newed cannot be regarded as Exhorters in the church nor may their names be recorded as such in the records of the District.

11. Church members must keep the following rules: (1) They must not betroth their children to unbelievers. (2) Members must not take concubines. Persons having concubines must not be received as me~bers. Those al­ready received into the church taking concubines must be expelled at once. (3) Church members must not plant poppy or traffic in opium. (4) Church members must not traffic in prohibited merchandise.

12. The church buildings must be kept clean. Chickens, ducks a.nd animals must not be allowed to track up the church thus defiling the Holy Temple. We ask all preachers to put this into effect and be an example in sa.nitation to the community.

13. We request that the Mission Press not receive aDd print anything in the nature of superstition or that is .Qpposed to the principles the church stands for whether such things be news-papers, posters or advertisements.

14. In order to prevent unwarranted occupation and improper use of church property, the District Finance

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Committees, acting under the General Finance Committee~ should faithfully discharge their duties as local trustees of church property-

15. Where a church has property such as build­ings, orchards and the like, such property cannot be loaned or rented by anyone except the duly appointed pastor at that place and only then when he has the approval of the District Executive Committee and that of the Conference Finance Committee.

16. Our church takes Evangelism, Educational and Medical work to be of the greatest importance. There­fore all that is connected with the institut.ions of the church such as churches, schools, hospitals, etc., and all persons connected with ~he said institutions whether under direct appointment of the Bishop; or whether employe(l by the administration of these institutions, must realize that they are under the church and subject to the administration of the Bishop. Such persons and institutions must carry out the regulations of our Discipline thus flllfiling the objec­ti ves established by our church.

17. We ask that a Committee be appointed for the press, audit its accounts and to examine into the work of that Institution.

18. At present the Conference does not maintain an inn for those who are upon the Retired Fund, neither does it possess any idle property. Therefore such perf?ons" should move back to their former homes and not move to the City asking the Church to provide living quarters for them. Those already in the City' and" in church property are living in property loaned them temporarily and must upon n'otice vacate such property for such uses as the Church may desire to make of it.

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19. For several years Institutes for training Class Leaders have been held with great success but we have not yet extended this benefit to the church IDember~hip. Every Circuit should hold such an Institute at least twice during the year where zealous church IDem bers may be selected and carefully trained in service for the church. We recommend that the District Superintendent reside at these Institutes and that he give special attention to im­pressing them with the duty and responsibility of mem­bership in an indigenous church.

20. We urge that the Stewards and Class Leaders of every Circuit take responsibility according to the methods of an indigenous church in collecting' subscriptions for pastoral support and Home Missions from the mem­bers so that payments can be made for pastoral support quarter by quarter.

21. Since so much furniture quietly slips away we urge every preacher at the time of moving to personally see to de1ivering all the articles recorded in the records to the responsible officers having them take note of it and look after it so that no loss result. Only when a preacher has done this should he receive his first quarter's salary.

22. Because of the lack of finances we ask that the Conference take action to unite the Hinghwa Bible School with the Foochow Area Theological School and that a number or students be select~d from the present student body and 8ent to Foochow to prepare for the work of the church.

23. We recommend that the Teachers' Residence and the lower floor of the Administration Hall of the Bible School Plant be reserved for 3. Conference Inn so that

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there will be a convenient place to stay when we assemble for meetings.

24. We ask that the Secretary of the Conference write to the Woman's Foreign Missionary Society request­ing that all applicants for admission to the Women's Station Classes should fhst have recommendations from their pastors before they can be received.

Stewards' Report

1. Retired preachers should make a report of their work to the Fourth Quarterly Conference on 1he Circuit where they reside.

2. Before receiving the First Quarter's dish'ibu­tion claimants must furnish the Treasurer with a list of their children giving ages, and present status. Payment of allowances must be upon the approval of the District Superintendent in whose territory the claimant resides.

3. Annuity distribution for retired members shall be fixed at $3.50 per service year.

4. ~he minimum funeral expense allowed for members or for the widows of members shall be $40.

5. Children of members not married or indepen­dent are elegible for allowances.

Proposed Distribution for 1933

Hankong D'ist1"ict Mrs. 0ng Ceong Do Rev. Si I Sin Rev. Deng Deh Lang

Heoll, Bing IJist1"ict Mrs. N g Deng Hong and one child Mrs. Ng Sing So and four children

$ 36.00 60.00 70.00

51.00 96.00

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Mrs. Lo Ging Lang and three children Hinghwa District

Five children of Rev. Ng Meong Hong Rev. Sang Geh Cheong :hfrs. Na Cheong and 8 children lvIrs. Ciu Ga Hong and 4 children Mrs. N g Geh Ciong Mrs. N aGing Eong and daughter Mrs. Deng Sui Hong :Mrs. Sang Hah Ming and 3 children :M:rs. Dau Sing Gi and 3 children Mrs. Dau Hong Hoh and one child Mrs. N g U ng Seo and ~ children ]\iIrs. Na Iu Su and 5 children Mrs. Go rreng IIi Rev. Au Deh Lai Rev. Li Diong Sui (F'oochow) Rev. Sang Deh Sing Mrs. Deng Ga Sing Mrs. NaMing Ceng and 8 children Mrs. Deng Cih Sing and 4 children Mrs. Na Deh Cu and 2 children Rev. Geo Ngeng Ming Rev. Dan Hoh Gi Rev. De Han Tong Rev. Sang Bang Ciong Rev. Deng Cih U ng Rev. Dng Seng Ngeng :NIrs. Deng Cling Sing and 4 children

Sien?IU W cst Dist1'ict

Mrs. Gong Guang Deng and 2 children



75.00 126.00 ]56.00

96.00 36.00 51.00 36.00 81.00 81.00 51.00 66.00

111.00 36.00 91.00

160.00 130.00

36.00 156.00

96.00 66.00 70.00

137.00 130.00 133.00 133.00 140.00



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:hfrs. Da Sing Hi and one child Mrs. N a Deh Seng and 3 children Mrs. Ng Do Ching and one child Mrs.Ng Deh Bau and 6 children

51.00 81.00 51.00

126.00 Rev. Na Meong lng grant for medical treat-

ment 120.00

Total $3465.00

Disbursement for Local Preachers' Fund 1933

Mrs. Na Ngeng Hoh Mr. Na Bo Di Mrs. Na Ciang Cheong Mrs. Lau Da Long Mr. Deng Sing Cuang Mr. N a Ceo Siang Mrs. Den g Heong Ra Mrs. De Gong Hui Mr. Gi Ming Rai Mr. Ku Kai Seo Mr. Na Ching Eongo

Mrs. N aCing Meong Mr. Ng Deh ~ro


$12.00 6.00

12.00 12.00 12.00 18.00 18.00 12.00 24.00 24.00 24.00 18.00 12.00


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Religious Education Report

The year's work in Religious Education is marked by several advance steps in addition to the carrying on of the re­gular program.

1. Training Conferences. During the annual conference session a year ago, forty young preachers and teachers met each afternoon with Mr. S. S. Ding, the Religious Education Director of the Foochowarea. After discussing together the problems of each field of work, several phases of the Jerusa­lem Conference Report were discussed. It was suggested that a training conference of a month's duration be held to formu­late plans and study methods and materials to be used during the year. This conference was held (Dec. 1931), but due to the illness of Mr. Ding who could not take his classes it was shortened to one very full week. Courses were given in Chris­tianizing th~ Family, Worship, Personal Evangelism, Methods and Materials in Children's Work. About thirty young preach­ers a ttended this conference.

2. The Five year MO'Vement. It was at this conference that plans were adopted which it was hoped would m':lke for greater progress in reaching some of the goals set by the Five Year Movement. Although it was hoped work toward all goals would continue as before, five points were chosen to be espe­ciallyemphasized during the year. Charts were printed add­ing to the three Stewardship candles representing pr lyer, pos­sessions and personality, two more representing Bible st'.ldy and family worship. These charts were given to the preach­ers, one for each church. Provision was made for pasting appr~priate colors on the candles showing the percentage of the church membership who were pledged to pray daily, to tithe, to give definite time each week to the work of the church.

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to regularly have family worship, to read the Bible daily or to learn to read. Pledge cards were given the preachers to help them win new pledges.

Helps for devotional study. The five subjects represent­ed on the charts with seven others on Christian living and those appropriate to the seasons were chosen; one for each month, for study in church and home. Four Bible verses on each topic, one for each week, were printed on large sheets of paper and distributed to all the families throughout the Con­ference who would use them in their family worship. Thus in homes where the Bible could not be read, at least a verse a week could be memorized. In the weekly church paper the topics of .the month were presented, giving suggestions to pas­tors and worship programs.

February, the time of Chinese New Year, was appro­priately set as the month for thanksgiving. Envelopes were printed and given out to all members of the conference for a special thanksgiving offering for the work of the church. A program of worship was printed for use on the second Sunday of Feb!"uary, the day of the thanksgiving service. Programs of Bible verses and songs were printed for use each day of Passion Week. In some places these were used in daily meet­ings in the churches, in some places in family worship in the homes. During the ten days commemorating Pentecost, in the larger centers daily meetings were held following a speci­-ally prepared program of devotional study. Topics for prayer for each week were used during most of the year by the pray­er bands meeting in various places throughout the conference.

3. Special Religious Education Workers and the Larger Parish Plan. At the beginning of this year a plan was launch­.ed aiming to give better trained leadership to country places. Rev. De Bi Tai was appointed Director of Religious Education for the Conference. The Reverends Co Seng, Deng Dau Luang Au Cing Geh were made supervisors of· two districts each. Besides these there were eleven experienced men appointed to

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smaller country circuits, most of their time to be given to re-1igious educational work. They were responsible for work in four or five places visited each week. They sent in reports of their daily work and once a quarter all met to discuss problems, study new methods and gain inspiration.

4. Report of the Eleven Special Workers. Regarding the five points of emphasis noted above, these eleven special work­ers reported eighty who pray daily, ten tithers, forty-six who give time to work of the church, 344 who read the Bible daily or are learning to read, forty-eight families who have family worship. They have held children's meeting in thirty-two places with a total number of 992 pupils. They report eleven Sunday Schools and ten schools for the "thousand character'· series, having 526 students enrolled.

5. Report of the Supervisors. Two of the supervisors over four districts reported 2797 men, women and children ex­amined in reading the Bible, the church members study books, the "thousand character" series, children'S Bible study books and in memorization of songs, prayers and Bible verses.

6. Conference Report on the FIve Goals. While in some places for some reason or another there was not given the de­sired emphasis on these goals, still the following report is given. Of the 8650 members and probationers there are

2317 Daily praying Christians 379 Tithers 638 Who give of their time to church work

3892 Who read the Bible daily or are learning to read. Of the 3215 Christian families there are

1042 Who have family worship. 7. The Larger Chart fo'" the Coming Y ear. Besides con­

tinuing to work toward the five goals of this year, four addi­-tional goals have been chosen for special emphasis, for which four new candles have been added to the chart; the Sunday School, the training class, the Daily Vacation Bible School,

Page 80: HINGHWA ANNUAL CONFERENCE - Yale Hinghwa Annual Conference, convened at Hinghwa City, ~'ukien, China, December

,6 .l\Il~C/!:LLA~ fi:OL"S UEJ!I)I:TS

"thousand character" and "romanized" study classes. It has been exceedingly difficult to organize Sunday Schools in the­country churches due to the fact that in most places only the preacher and perhaps the Bible woman are available as teach­ers. Most of the so-called Sunday Schools of necessity have­been merely second preaching services. We hope this year's emphasis will give us more and better organized Sunday Schools.

8. Training Classes for the COU1;try Sunday Schools. There has been an attempt this year to establish monthly trajn-

. ing classes in larger village centers where teachers from near­by villages may gather. Rev. Da Teng Ga, Mrs. Dau Hoh Gi. Mrs. Au Eh lng have gone out to help teachers of men, women and children. It has be~n hoped that many places can have this monthly help. In villages too remote for such a plan it is hoped there may be semi-annual institutes of a few days to help those who are on the job teaching Sunday School classes .

. 9. City Sunday Schools. In the cities of Sienyu, Han­kong and Hinghwa, u·nder the leadership of W. F. M. S. work­ers, are very well organized Sunday Schools with weekly train­ing clas~es, doing very fine work. The largest school is in Hinghwa where there are 42 classes, with an enrollment of about 650 members and an average attendance of over 459. There are six weekly teacher training classes. The high schools and Bible schools, students and teachers, the pastor, volunteer workers, church members and children and adults outside the schools and churches have united under the lead­ership of Miss Westcott to make this school a success.

10. Daily Vacation Bible School..~. Last spring materials were prepared for the summer Daily Vacation Bible SchoQls. This year each school arranged for its own training classes to prepare studeBts for this work. It is difficult to report all the­work done in private homes and small communities. However, there were eight schools held with 691 pupils examined. Eigh­teen of the teachera of these schools were our high school and Bible school students.

Page 81: HINGHWA ANNUAL CONFERENCE - Yale Hinghwa Annual Conference, convened at Hinghwa City, ~'ukien, China, December


11. New Materials. ( a.) Certificates for Children Baptized. To en­

courage parents and pastors to greater faithfulness in watch­ing over children baptized, certificates were printed and given to parents at the time of the child's baptism. It was hoped the baptismal service would be more impressive and that the certificates would be a reminder of duties pledged.

(b.) Easter Stories. A book of Easter stories se­lected from the International Graded Lesson series, translated and adapted, was printed for use in children's work.

(c.) Bible Picture Circulating Service. A fair siz­ed collection of Bible pictures has been mounted catalogued and put into circulation among city and country workers. This is but the beginning of an attempt to meet the very great de­mand, expecially from country workers for pictures for use in the Sunday services and other occasio ns.

12. Board Meeting. The Board of Religious Education met in october 1931 to organize and talk over plans for the ye3r's work. Mr. S. S. Ding brought echoes of the summer conference in Shanghai. In February 1932 the Board met to make a sugge3tive program of Religious Educ~tion work for the next quadrennium, these to be presented, as requested, to the China Religious Education Committee at its time of meet­ing in Shanghai. While the findings of our Board meeting will perhaps be of no help to the rest of China, we feel this check­ing up of our own work and our needs will be a benefit to us.

An Attempt has not been made in this report to tell of all the work done in the field of Religious Education. The work done in the school and other institutions and that done by the W. F. M. S. has not been touched. We have merely tried to show the general trend of the work with which we have been most closely connected. We pray that next year may bring much greater progress in every line of work.

Page 82: HINGHWA ANNUAL CONFERENCE - Yale Hinghwa Annual Conference, convened at Hinghwa City, ~'ukien, China, December


Report of the Guthrie High School

N g Ceong I ng.

This year we received a new class of 48 into the Senior High and a class of 48 into the Junior High. The total enroll­ment is 238. We graduated 35 from the Senior High and 12 from the Junior High. We now conduct tests every six weeks instead of every month. We have' added an extra course in Education with visitation work among the Primary Schools of the City.

The Y. M. C. A. has been an organization of our school for thirty years. It is a great benefit to out students. Besides this orgat:lization we have various religious clubs, Glee Club, Natural Research Society, Mandarin Reading Club, Industrial Society, English Literary Society, Debating etc. Most of our students joined the Patriotic Society and are taking military training. They have raised over $300 for flood relief besides raising a fund of $256 for the aid of the Volunteers in Man­churia.

Guthrie being a registered school cannot give religion as a course of study in the Junior High School and only as an elective in the Senior High. However we have appointed Rev. Ng Ciong Heng as director of Religious Education in our school. Four classes of the City Sunday School are composed of our students and during the year 43 have either joined the church as Probationers or as Full Members.

In November last year we had a field meet with many prizes offered by various friends. The competition was keen. Then in January the magistrate held a field meet for all High Schools of the County. Most of the events were won by our students.

The salary budget of the School is $13,000 with addition­al $3000 for running expenses. Of this budget of $16,000 about $4,000 is received from tuition and fees the rest coming from gifts from America. We are in sore need of an endowment.

Page 83: HINGHWA ANNUAL CONFERENCE - Yale Hinghwa Annual Conference, convened at Hinghwa City, ~'ukien, China, December

Department of Evangelism

W. B. Cole


Rev. M. G. Lin has been the Conference Evangelist for the year and with the help of the special workers in Religious Education he has been busy holding meetings in various parts of the area with good success. The meetings held in Hinghwa City and Sienyu City in June by the Bethel Band gave a great impetus to the work for the last half of the year. Reports of these meetings appear in the reports of the District Superinten­dents.

During the Summer and Fall Rev. De Bi Tai and a num­ber of Bible School Students held a number of meetings both in Putien as well as Sienyu County in which many were reviv­ed and others attracted to the church. The Lord's gracious blessing has attended these offorts.

The plan of this Department for the coming year is to have the Conference Evangelist and his helpers hold meetings in promising centers where we have not held meetings thus far and make an effort to enlist new people thus expanding the membership of the church. We urge District Superinten­dents and preachers to make a careful survey of their terri­tory and after thought and prayer select only those places where there is the greatest promise of reaching those who have been neglected and who have thus far had little oppor­tunity to hear about Christ.

Page 84: HINGHWA ANNUAL CONFERENCE - Yale Hinghwa Annual Conference, convened at Hinghwa City, ~'ukien, China, December


Conference Treasurer's Report

Elizabeth F. Brewster


General Conference Collections Bishop's Fund Board of Foreign Missions General Conference Expenses Central Conference Expenses Board of Conference Claimants

Annual Conference Collections Home Missions


Local Preachers' Aid District Superintendents

Local Cur. $557.

71. 40. 26. 51.


$3244. 100. 18t.


To W. A. Main for Bishop's Fund $557. For Board of Foreign Missions 71.

To W. B. Cole for Conference Claimants 51. To w. A. Main

General Conference Fund 40. Central Conference Expenses 26.


Annual Conference

To W. B. Cole for Local Preachers' Aid $100. To Treasurer of Home Missionary Society 3244. To Treasurer of Home Missionary Society

for Supt. 181.


Page 85: HINGHWA ANNUAL CONFERENCE - Yale Hinghwa Annual Conference, convened at Hinghwa City, ~'ukien, China, December


Notes: Investments fur CGIlferenoe Claimants' Fund will be found under the Report of the Preachers' Aid Society.

Details of the above items may he found under Statistics at the end .of this volume.

Drafts from the J306k Concern and from the Board of Conference {laimants are noted in the R-eport of the Preach­ers' Aid Society.

HinghwaMission Press

Chinese Revivalist Colporteur's alc Literature a/ c Bookstore Cur. alc Customers' alc Property New Building Furniture Press and so forth Type Paper and Cards Pettyalc Cash Book American Bible Society Old Capital House Rent, Interest, etc.

$ 186S.88 1.69.82 185.82 794.16

3508.62 395.25

1878.75 851.00

2788.00 4024.00 1104.80 7274.91 1034.92


$169.34 24349.51



Page 86: HINGHWA ANNUAL CONFERENCE - Yale Hinghwa Annual Conference, convened at Hinghwa City, ~'ukien, China, December


Home Missionary Society

By Balance from 1931 $161.04 By Receipts from Hankong District 744.00

" " " Heohbing

" 704.00

" " " Hinghwa City District 1116.00

" " " Sienyu East District 114.00

" " " Sienyu West "

827.00 To Writers forChinses Minutes $5.00

,. Delegates for Traveling 29.00 " Watchman for Cemetery 15.00 " Appropriation for Hankong District 420.00

" " " Hinghwa City District 700.00

" " " Sienyu West " 827.00

Balance 1670.04

$3666.04 $3666.04

Page 87: HINGHWA ANNUAL CONFERENCE - Yale Hinghwa Annual Conference, convened at Hinghwa City, ~'ukien, China, December


Preachers' Aid Society 1932

To Cash in Bank Balance 1931 . . . . $ 72.72 " Cash in Hand 1931 . • • .1854.27 " Cash in Mission Treasury . '. 746.54 " Loans Reported .. 7376.88 " Cash in Raven Trust Co., 15228.10 .. Cash in Underwriter Savings Bank .5000.00 OJ Petty account. . 757.60 " Rev. Li Diong Sui's Mem. Endow. Fund.. 200.00. ~, Rev. Sang Deh Sing's Mem. Endow. Fund 150.00 " Local Preachers' Endow. Fund 12.00 .. Local Preachers' account .. 64.00 " Mission Book Concern dividend for 1931 & 1932 .• 6807.97 ~, Interest on Loans: Raven Trust Co., 2403.68

Underwriter Savings Bank 350.00, Mrs. Brew­ster 78.00, Sang Cheong Po SO.OO, Deng Cih Ung 40.00, Li Ko Sing 18.00, Lau Ging Bau 12.00, Hng long Ming 12.00, Tia Dau Hi 9.60 Hng Ga Goh SO.OO, Mrs. Sang Hoh Ming 32.00, Deng Seng Deh 40.00, Go Teng Ui 80.00, Sang Geh Cheong 24.00, De Hau Tong 56.00, Ng Teng Hi 28.00, Na Cong Bau 32.00, Deng Goh Sing 32.00, Ng Heng Bing 1.95, Lin Goh Ching G. 22.33, & Su Sing long G. 22.33 .. . .3453.89

.By Appropriation 1932: Li Diong Sui 160. Sang Deh Sillg 130. Si I Siu 100. Deng Deh Lang 100. Ng Deng Hong 100. and funeral expenses 40. Sans Geh Cheong 100. Au Deh Lai 120. Geo Ngeng Ming 100. Ng Meong Hong's children 63.75, Mrs. Ong Ceong Do 36. Mrs. Ng Sing So 96. Mrs. Na Ca Cheong 156. Mrs. Ciu Ga Hong 96. Mrs. Ng Geh Ciong 36. Mrs. Na Ging Eong 51. Mrs. Deng Sui Bong 36. Mrs. Sang Heh Ming 81. Mrs. Dau Sing Gi 81. Mrs. Dau Hong Hoh 51. Mrs. Ng Ung Seo 66. Mrs. Na Iu Su 111. Mrs. Go Teng Hi 36. Mrs. Deng Ga Sing 36. Mrs. Na Ming Ceng 156. and Emergency Fund 200. Mrs. Deng Cih Sing 96. Mrs. Na Deh C u 66. Mrs. DengCing Sing 96. Mrs. Gong Guong Deng 66. Mrs. Da Sing Hi 51. Mrs. So Ging Lang 81. Mrs. N a Deh Seng 84.75 and Ng Do Ching funeral expenses 40 ..•





Page 88: HINGHWA ANNUAL CONFERENCE - Yale Hinghwa Annual Conference, convened at Hinghwa City, ~'ukien, China, December


Carried Forward By Conference claimants to New York for 1931 .. Ng Meong Hi Endow. Fund Paid .. .. Sundry Accounts: Cemetery Expenses 15. &

Interest to 'Local Preachers' Aid 140. .• "Loans: MTs. -Brewster 1300. Sang Cheong 'Po

1000. Deng·Cih Vng 500. Li Ko Sing 300. Lau Ging Ban 200. ·Hng Iong Ming 100. Tia Dou Hi 100. SeongGing Giong 25. Hng'Ga Goh 1000 Mrs. Sang Hoh Ming 400. Deng Seng Deh 500. Go Teng Ui 1080. Sang Geh Cheong 300. De Hau Tong 600. Beng Dau'Gi 300. Ng Deh Bau 100. Ng Teng Hi 300. Na Gong Bau 400. Deng Geh Sing 400. Ng Heng Bing 34.49 Lin Eh Ching G. 394.50 and Su Sing long G. 394.50 ..

By Cash in Raven Trust Co.,.. •. .. Cash in Underwriter Savings Book .. Petty account " Cash in Mission TreasuJ:1Y " Cash in Bank " Cash in Hand

Capital and Assets

To Report for 1931 •• ~. .•.• .~ _ .. Rev. Li Diong Sui's Mem .. Endow.Fund .. .. Rev. Sang Deh Sing's Mem. Endow. Fund " Ng Meong Hi's Endowment .• .. Local Preachers' Endow. Fund .•

" Local Preacher's'account •• By Cash in Bank

" Cash in Hand " Cash in Mission Treasury " Loan accounts • " Cash in Raven Trust Co .• " Cash in Underwriter 'Savings Bank

_ ,. Petty account iTo I·ncrease



26062.11 • .1600.00 · .1200.00 •. 140.19 • .2366.00 •. 64.00


$2919.50 20.00 9.81


9648.49 15228.10 5000.00

635.60 7133.19

72.72 901.59


$72.72 901.56

.7133.19 9648.49

15228.10 5000.00 635.60

$38619.66 $38619.66

Page 89: HINGHWA ANNUAL CONFERENCE - Yale Hinghwa Annual Conference, convened at Hinghwa City, ~'ukien, China, December



I T~:'~~~~:~~GII ~A)IE II ])~:u:.\~lm I C'OXXECTION . _ :

I - 1887 Au Deh Chiu \ 1902

~ 1896 Au Teng H uah I 1900 ~ 1886 Brewster, W. N. 1 1916

~- 1878 i 1917 ~ Ceng Ceong Ming 1908 Ciu Ga Hong II 1926

- 1904 Da SIng Hi I 1915 . ~ 1908 Dau Hong Hoh II 1912 La ." 1904 Dau Sing Gi 1919 ~

~-. 1910 De Hing SIng 1912 ~ _ 1888 Deng Cih Sing \ 1930

~ 1875 Deng Cing Gong : 1895 ~ 1903 Deng Cing Sing I 1929 .

- 1877 Deng Ga Sing 1904

~.-. 1912 Deng Ga Dng 1919 ~.;

1906 Deng Sui Hong 1917

~- 1894 Dng Cing Ga 1904 .

1900 Guthrie, F. L. 1904 _ 1904 Go Teng Hi 1926

~ 1905 Geo Hi Ming 1912 I 1895 Go Dng Gi 1911

- 1902 Gong Guang Deng 1912 ltrI 1902 Hng Bo Seng 1921 ' III 1887 Li N ga Eong 1903

~ 1909 Lo Ging Lang 1920 ~

_ 1877 N a Cins:! Ceng 1902 1864 Na Cing Ting 1876

lib 1912 Na Deh Cu 1928 1II ., 1906 Na Deh Seng 1921 [Ql1

~ 1903 Na Ging Eong 1913 ~-1909 Na Iu Su 1925

I~ 1909 Na Ca Cheong 1926 ~

1914 Na Ming Ceng 1930 . ~ 1885 NaMing Sang 1900 "

1877 Na Ming Seng 1899 1917 Ng Deh Bau 1932

,.:. 1895 N g Deng Hong 1932 l8J1 1914 Na Do Ching 1932 11 1895 N g Geh Ciong 1900

~ 1895 Ng Hong Siong 1899 1918 Na Ung Seo 1924

, 1902 Ng Meong Hong 1926 ~ 1902 Ng Sing So 1927 11 1894 Owen, T. B. 1907

11875 Oi Goh Hing 1915 1899 Ong Ceong Do 1907

. 1901 Sang Hah Ming 1919 1888 Seong Gong Ho 1909

: 1875 Sia Leng Hi 1895 ~ 1897 U King Dng , 1901 LI ~ I I ~ 1fl:Aii_ .... ~~~~)lI

Page 90: HINGHWA ANNUAL CONFERENCE - Yale Hinghwa Annual Conference, convened at Hinghwa City, ~'ukien, China, December


Year place Presiding Officer Secretary

1904 Sienyu City Bishop J. W. Bashford F. S. Guthrie 1905 Hinghwa " " " "

H. G. Dildine 1906 " " Henry Spellmeyer " " " 1907

" " " J. W. Bashford U. R. Jones

1908 " " " " " " " " "

1909 " " W. S. Lewis F. S. Carson

1910 " " " " " " " " "

1911 " " " J. W. Bashford W. B. Cole

1912 " " " " " " " "

1914 " ". "

W. S. Lewis " " " 1915 "

,. ,t J. W. Bashford F. S. Carson 1916

, Dr. W. H. Lacy W. B. Cole , "

1917 " Bishop W. S. Lewis " " "

1918 " " " Herbert Welch " "

1919 " " "

W. S. Lewis " " ,.

1920 " " " F. T. Keeney

" " " 1921

" " " " " " " " " 1922 " " "

L. G. Birney G. W- Hollister

1923 " " F. T. Keeney W. B. Cole

1924 " " " Wallace E. Brown " "

1925 " " " " " " " ., ,.

1926 " " " ,. " " " "

1927 " " " " 't " " " 1928 .,

" " L. G. Birney " " "

1929 Sienyu City " F. T. Keeney " " "

1930 Hinghwa " " John Gowdy C. E. Winter

; 1931 " " " " "

W. B. Cole

1932 ,. " " " " " " "

Page 91: HINGHWA ANNUAL CONFERENCE - Yale Hinghwa Annual Conference, convened at Hinghwa City, ~'ukien, China, December


G-ENERAL SU~ll\t{ARY OF PROP~RTY V ALU­ATIONS, including Woman's Foreign Missionary Society Property. * * *

(Value of Land and Buildings included)

University and College Property

1. Board of Foreign Missions . . 2. Woman's Foreign Missionary Society

Theological and Bible Schools. 3. Board of Foreign Missions . . . 4. Woman's Foreign Missionary Society

Middle Schools (Year 7-12)

5. Board of Foreign Missions . . . 6. Woman's Foreign Missionary Society

Primary Schools (Year 1-6)

7. Board of Foreign Missions . . . . 8. Woman's Foreign Missionary Society

Hospitals and Dispensaries

9. Board of Foreign Missions .. .. 10. Woman's Foreign Missionary Society

Industrial Schools, Orphanages

11. Board of Foreign Missions Leper Homes, etc.

12. Woman's Foreign Missionary Society 13. Printing Presses, Machinery. Stock, etc.


14. Board of Foreign Missions . . 15. Woman's Foreign Missionary Society .. 16. Churches (exclusive of property used fo

schools and reported above) .. 17. Parsonages ..

I No. of I Value Buildings (Mex)

3 $28,400 3 14,800

10 78.000 4 85,000

4 20,000 7 49,700

5 35,000 3 50,600

10 44,000

7 20,200 2 15,000

6 40,000 4 22,300

135 287,530 62 86,430

18. Total No. of all Buildings and Value of All ____ -Property 265 $876,960

Page 92: HINGHWA ANNUAL CONFERENCE - Yale Hinghwa Annual Conference, convened at Hinghwa City, ~'ukien, China, December






Hankong District

AuNg ........... . Ching Ha ....... . Deng Sing ... . DuaDo Kau .. _ Gang Kau ...... . Gong Heng ....... . Gua Au ...•...••• Hankong .... _ .... Hong-Dang-Guang Hu-Ho-Ka ........ . Nang-Dua .. _ .... .


Heoh Bing District

Bi Ciu ............ Bing Hai. ......... CuPo ............. Dang Ha .•.•.•..• Hua Seng .....•.. Kio Sauh .......... Po Hio ....• '" .... Sa Hoi ...........

Total I

Hinghwa District

Au-Lang .......... Ching-Tao ....... Dang-Sua ...•..... Dng-Gi ...•.•...•. Hu-Sia ........... Hua-Deng ........ long-Ca-Ing ...... O-Ba ...•......... Sa-Teng-Boi. .. .. Siong-TaL ........ Ua-Cai. ........



Total Ij

1 2

I I I 1

2, 6

121 \ 6\

Statistical Tabl~s, Par.t II.

I- I I I ,


! I I I I I 1 I Ii I 1 1

1~ 2 1 I 1 3 2 2; 3 3 11 10 3

tl i 1 3 2 1 1 44 2 i 1 2 12 1 3 ~ 13

1 1 11 1 1 1 3 3 1

112153 10[2510 4 8 173 5 1 1 1 3' I, i

1 I I 42 1 I 1, 21 2i 2 122 5 70 3

1181 2: 6i131 ~'18131 [I II I 241721 I

32\ 19251217: I I I I I

J ' I i I \ \Jl I I \ I !

1 l' 1 I' 21 2 70


7 \ 1 1 II! 3

1162 4 63 2

IIi 21 I J: 60 1 1 1', 3 I' ! 3 4 61 2

13 2 2 18 4 20 8 \ 8 79 523 35 1 11 I 2 3 7 5 142 7


2 I 2\ 5 8 55

f] 1 1 I 1 l' 3 57 1 1 i 1 1 i


9 50 1 1:

I 5 36 2,

2 1 1 3 3 I 13 168 1\

I !21! 21221221 6



: I I 1 1285/ I


27 26977 132 62 I I I I I , I I I

I ! J I

49195 2 ~ 92 123 3 10 256 188, 444 10 36 120 100 15 2.5 69 ~I 98 15 7 811 38 4 74 168 213 15 104 148

58 103 103 3 78 9111~ 286 70 356 8 10 356 250 2 15 57 571 3 104' 120 2' 4(] 110 36 146 2 9 116; 138


44: 4211 11411399 15401

35\ 1HX~I~

J ~ I I J I 109 63 172' 2 102 100 2' ~ 126 88 2141 4 12 75 95

\~ 89 64 153' 12 73 80 78 26 104' 4 2 85 70

36 165 688 376 1064 28 38 703 760 51 123 265 108 3731 5 11 221j 175 6 15 70 17 87\ 8 1 34 56 1\ 25 82 1 82, 3 5 70 50

~I ~ 83 29 112! 9 ~ 83 72 59 18 77i 4 44 74

71 83 251 151 402; 13 1~ 240, 160


6151 1-1


28401 &f~0811730:1692 I

Page 93: HINGHWA ANNUAL CONFERENCE - Yale Hinghwa Annual Conference, convened at Hinghwa City, ~'ukien, China, December




Ng Sauh District

Bah Go .•••••.•.• Dang De .....••..• Bing Dong ........ . D~i-Ho,-~oh.. '" Dai-~o-DOJ;lg .• '" . ~a Boh ......... . Ng Sauh ........ . Nang Cih •..•.•.• Saul;1 Sia .......... .

7 IE

Sienyu East


Dang Hau ....... . Ga Deng .. '" ..... . Hau Deng ....... . Hingtai. ........ . Leng Ceo ....... . Cui Gau .. ". '" ... .


Sienyu West


Cia-Sua ....... . Deng-Gah.... .. Do-Boi ......... . Leng-Ho-Hua ..... . Leng-Hua ....... . Meong-Su ....... . Nang-Hong ...... . Sienyu City. ... ..

Statistical Tabllts, Pattt II.-Continued


,~ . •

Page 94: HINGHWA ANNUAL CONFERENCE - Yale Hinghwa Annual Conference, convened at Hinghwa City, ~'ukien, China, December

Statisti~al Tabl~$, Paltt II.-Continued ~--- ------r--~~~~~~~~~~--~------------~~~~~~~--------~----, STAFF OF WORKERS 1 MEMBERSHIp·


00 'g Q) ·00 I Missionary ~ 00 ~ t ~ ~ Preparatory 1 cJ =

C1),.!i/lQ)~Q) .d.... Q) FIlM b ,::S ° ~ I "" 00 Q) ~ - u ~ .d u em ers Baptisms ~ ----I] 0 Q) ~ Q) ~ ~ 0 0" Members , . ~ _ ~ ~ = ~ -= g Q) .d I l) ~ :,.5 ~ B. of F. M. eli ° =:E Q) ° t-1 &:: ~ 1 I >c = =

'DISTRICTS ---r~: e.u~u --I - ~It I~ -~I ~ i '0 ::S.S ~ :~ ] .,.. • Q) 0 I ~:t! •. o~ ,.Q 1 >.>c.~ '0::4 1 Z o§ I ~ btl ..

AND ~ ~ 8 ~ 1 ..a'a) Cii ° 81'Cil.~;9 ~ Po ,~ 0 I~ < ~ § ~ ~ Q' Q _ _ ~:~ ~ ~ ~ ~ g;9 as ~~ ~ ~ U "~ ] I t .So

CIRCUITS = ~ .~ ~ '-"Q3'Q3 00 . as I as = > 'E t-1 8 ~ .~ "t:I >- ~ ~ ~::!:l .~ .., .~ "t:I '; .d Q) .f!l 8 00 ~ I ~ ~ ........ Q) P' ? Q) = I ~ MU .~ ~ = "':E ~ I.~ .... ~ = '0 ~

::E I] ~ 0 .~ .g.g,.Q "t:I .S "0 .S. 8 ~ ] E .:: -S ~ &: ~ 1 ~ 8. ° 1 U ~ 1 ~ I!;' a1 0 ~ 0

'g .~ 'g~ ~ tit ~ -; 2j ~I.e ~ ~ 'g ~] as ~ ,_:~ II = "0 I~ e ~ ~ 'g] .d ~ ~ '~>c ~ Q) ~ Cl"t:l I 0 ..s:l '.d ~ .~ =.;;'. Cl .... P' ~ ..... ~ i> .~ ~ ..... ~ Q) Q) m ~ Z ~ N >- U ! m ~ !3 Q) ~ bIl >.

~ig~(~I':~~I~ ~ ~ '~~I'~~';~ ~~]~I~'~ ~ ~~ §~!I~~~~ ~ i'~ ';~~ ];.~§~.g _____ 0 10 P'IU) ~ <1<1< ~ 0 <,zl< Zl~ ::E 1P'IO,r.ilI~ ~ ~ ~ 0lz IUa:) <>CI~] fool ~~ ~ I~~_~~:-'~'~ <~

Han:::~~... . . ... .. I ... 2 ..... 17 ... UJ IU ) .... 2) 1127 J J 22 J 68180 J 21901 J 65'1611022 Heoh Bing. • • . . . . • .. ... ...... .. 8 2 61131 418 13· ..... 19251217 24 720 ::: 32 4414211141 399: 1540 35j 861008 889 HinghW"a City .....• 2. 2 .. 6 .. "1!21 222[22 631 23 ...... 27, 26977 132,1285~... 62 64161519001940, 2840 80 1081730'1692 Ng Sauh ....... '" . .. ........... 13 3 8 171'''112 22· ..... 11,.. . .... , 100

1 937\ ..... , ... 94 4801417 636 2053 101 140

1 8691228

Sienyu East.. .. . . . .. .. .. ... 6 ... 10 9 ". 6 17 ..... 211 31016 521073,... 39 471 6971770 1 597 1 2367. 52 881468 971 Sienyu West. • ••• I .. 1 .. 5 .... , 16 1101 12,'r 2Y·· 19:1029


14 50

11003\.. 32 431454(45715461 2003


j 751


Total 1930 .•..• 31" ~ .:13·· .. 81 8,69971194116 ...... 1214714015140559181" 187 412334792653728112993 2871562'75757960 Total 1931 ..... 3


·· l 13 .... 74 3





", ... 97r~i\5762 27°1



,,, 175 2491





12074, 821


Gain···.·· .. I··[··[··!··[··j .. 1··:\ 71 5[,.!12/1, 6/ ... 1 "["\"["\""1' 1.35!24S!··112[16311.~.:.:1 86[4331, 9191,205/139/ .... /, ... Losses ............ ' .... ; ...... 1. '''I'' 6

1 ...... "I" ......... :1 .. , .... ' ... ~ ............ ", .... 81 219,

Page 95: HINGHWA ANNUAL CONFERENCE - Yale Hinghwa Annual Conference, convened at Hinghwa City, ~'ukien, China, December

Statistic:al Tabl~, Pal't III . . --------.----~--------~-------------.~---------------------r.----------~_______________________ '







of Missionary Local Expenses Conference '.E Ministry Collections 1 I d


-- -.-,-------;---.----- 0

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AuNg ..••• · .••.• Ching Ha ••.•..• Deng Sing ..•..• Dua-Ro-Kau ...• Gang Kau ••.•.• Gong Heng ..•... Gua Au •.••.•.•. Hankong ..•... ,.,

Hong-Dang-Guang Hu-Ho-Ka •.... i Nang Dua .... "1

5 18 361 4 30001 2 2000 2 161

4 270 4 294 84' 2 86 ! 86 2 11 2 SO 1 2000 1 600 I 6 1 82 11 90 4111 42 I 4~ 1 5 1 1 41 2 2000: 2 600 6' 2 117 1 126 33 1 34 3 3~ 30 2 20 3

1 6 229 3 8580 1 2530 14, 3 320 1 338 801 1 81 I 81 18 1 6

21• 4 80 2 1000 1 800 1 6' 3 185 I' 195 68


1 69 10 7 1 1 2 42 3 5000 1 1000 7,2 180 Ii 190 42 1 43 I 4 70 1 3 2 30 350 3 12000 1 3000 2810 612 6 656 4201 2 422 42 Ie 3: 5 68 3 6000 I 71 ~ 168 11 178 64111 65 SO 11~ 120 2 8 11 1 35 11 2400 1 2200

1 8


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1 1 1 1 11 2 1 ::i 11 i 11 1 111 2, 2 1 1 1; 1 1 1

~1 141 218 446 277 309

1092 425 227 92

I 3821 l

Page 96: HINGHWA ANNUAL CONFERENCE - Yale Hinghwa Annual Conference, convened at Hinghwa City, ~'ukien, China, December

Statistiea. Tabl¢t Paaat III.-Continued ~~~I---~-~--~~~~~~~----------'

Sunday CONTRIBUTION IN MEXICAN DOLLARS Church Properties I--;;-Su-p-p-o-r-t:--------

of Missionary LIE IC .~ f/J _.---~_I_------:-_______ Ministry Collections oca xpenses onference.p ~

'" ~ i] -I~ ~-I- Q) ~ I 8 ~ Schools

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'"g ~ 1m ~ ~ I g f/J d ~ = 'g ;a

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:~::: .. ~~~.~~~. 212! 691 2 I~! 1 1500 Bj-I04 1 lJ J 1 45 J :j----~------l----Ching Ta.. ... ..• • 4 4' 12012 I 2


' 4 1 180 1 186 1212 14 1 244 Dang Sua.. ... .... 2 41, 61 2 5000, 1 1500 6 120 I: 129 58 1 59 5 1 200 _Dng Gi. ..... 00... 11 3; 50 1 2100 1 1000 6~':l~ 1501 1 159 t 207 Hu Sia ....... 0" 0 • 11 471 400

1 1 74000 3 5000 40,L1\J 969251064 169

Hua Deng. 0 0 0... • 3, 8' 210, 3 12000 2 8000 6 111 4 366 3 384 60 1 61 15 7 40


200 ~ 2345 long-Ca-Ing ... ,. .. 4 5000' I 3 1 1: 5 43 43 4 2 702 O-Ba. '" •.• " ... • 2i 2 42 2 4000' 1 1200 8' 2 76 1: 87 4 1 5 8 2 56 Sa-Teng-Boi. .• . •. 2


' 4 65 21 3700 8 2 171 1 182 32 1 33 33 25' 145 1 102 Siong-Ta'i ........

j 12 4500 1 2300· I 3 2 98 1 104 4 1 5 I ~ I '1 :~8

Ua Cai. .. '" ... . . . 4 5 130 4, 60001

I. 9,.2 394 1 4061 641

1 651 651 601 100 1 682

Tota_l _··~TI~~2111-719[:-11-471:251i-I26300-111-Ot-I20-50~olr-.. -8Tl-06-T:5~5:126-28-+rI7:-28-26-+1-1O-2-+9;2-0+-:104-.J.9; -4O-3-;-;~-5~21_--+1-2-74~1--583-1I-~j .1.



i'----~-.--.-.-.--.. ---.--.~.---~~.~.~-~-~--~~---~~--.~-._~.'.-~~~_.~_--~--~~~.~"~-~~.~~~~r-.~--.~.~~--~--~------~--~~----------------~---I H7hblnif1>istr1ct j '2- CL2'1' :rl; '1'. .- I' -,,>< l' '''I I 1 I f{ \ I • BI Ciu ~ •. • • • • . • • ..,J 1200 I - i 4',;/ 85' 3 9" 45 1 . 46 46 I 3 \ Bing Hai •••.•• , • • l'"" ~ 10 J. 236 1 249 130 1 131 20 151 20 3 8 ', 1_'3tl"" 3 8000 2 ~ ; I , ..

f Oil.Pol. ~;. ••••• -. -1 3, 1 14.'lQ .~. ,2~ 6 3 681

2 79 42 1 43 43 1 1 , Dang Ha .• .; '" .. .. ~ SI?! 4 400 _ " 10

1 ~ 120 3 136 65 1 66 10 16 150 S 1 1 :. Hua Seng ...... '. 2 S ~ 2 «X)() l' ... nri 1 iOI 2 118 2 132 56 1 57 57 2 1 .-Klo Sauh ........ -. 4 111 ~ 3 sOOo 2 ~ 12 f3 470 7 497 60 1 61 20 81 20 20' 4 -Po Hio. e •••.• '" ;". '21 31 8" 2 5000 10 ~149 2 1631 78 1 79 79 I 1 Sa Hoi •• ,. '" •• -. .22 '81 1 -1500 1 .1~ 6 2 143 2 153

1 48 1 49 11 60 175 21 1 1



Bah Go ........ . Dang Da •••••••• Bing Dang ...... . Dai-Ho-Boh .. '" • Dai-Ho-Dang •••• KirBoh:: .~";"i ... . Ng Sauk ......... . Nang.o'ih;" '" ... . Sauh'Sia .••..•.•


1 1 1 1 2 1 1

140 . 424 . 125 ' 370 194 624


Page 97: HINGHWA ANNUAL CONFERENCE - Yale Hinghwa Annual Conference, convened at Hinghwa City, ~'ukien, China, December

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* .. * \

1 Sienyu East

i Di~trlct 'Dang Hau.' •. · .•••• Ga Deng.·.·.· •.•••• . Hau Deng ...•. ~ •.• 0

Hingtai .• , •• , ••.•• :Leng Gao. '" ••••. Cui Gan~ •••.••••

Siellyu West District

Cia SUB •••••••••• DengUah •.••.... Do Boi .•.. '" .... Leng-Ho-Sua •.•. Leng Hua •.•••... MeongSu ....... . Nang Hong ...... . Sienyu City ..... .

12 3 18' 3

1 i21

~ 4 1

12, ~ lr 1 7016

320 2 337 1~ll 13 513

r~ 16


1 17 465 20 1 21 126 1 132 4\ 1 "5 424 2 441 15 15 un :2 257 12\2 14

I 2088 U 2185 ,.)1 1 851





Local Expenses Conference ] I c:I


13 20 4 4 t? 9S "I T 4 21 270 25 4

1~ 1'1 4 76

i 4

14 ! 3

30 11, 461 . 1211 \ \ \

231 I

37S: 656' 802 i

141 606 322


....... ~.-~.-...-~

i 20 35 30 30 60 30 30


2 4 2 3 2 2 1


288 423 355 330 639 270 341


Page 98: HINGHWA ANNUAL CONFERENCE - Yale Hinghwa Annual Conference, convened at Hinghwa City, ~'ukien, China, December

111111111111~mllll]~~i~~li~m~11111111111 3 9002 05441 2235