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PREFACE Dedicated to Lord Krishna. There are two ways of protecting Hinduism. One is to be aggressive against all other religions and the second is to try and understand our own religion. The main dilemma faced by Hindus today is that neither are we aware of the reasons behind the various practices we follow in Hinduism, nor do we understand our scriptures completely.

This book is a small attempt to help us understand the lost perspective in which all the Hindu scriptures have been written and to make it easier for us to understand the inexhaustible treasure of Hinduism.

The Tree (religion) With Deep Roots (reason) Can Stand A Stormy Weather

This book is a work in progress since the topic covered herein is so wide. I will keep adding information to this book as my research progresses.


1. Disclosure of Hinduism- 2. Who Lord Krishna Actually Is 3. Proof that all religions worship the same God 4. Who the Gods really are 5. Actual Secret of the Journey of the Soul 6. Present day practical application of this knowledge 7. The Sheer Scale at which the Universe is discussed in the Vedas

DISCLOSURE OF HINDUISMFor anyone who has ever wondered why our mythology gives such detailed descriptions of vimanas/ aeroplanes and nuclear bombs when according to modern science aeroplanes were invented by the Wright Brothers, and humans were hunters and gatherers at the time when these technologies were supposedly used or anyone who has ever been curious about what and why do we practice the strange rituals that we do in Hinduism, please read on.

There are aspects of our modern day recorded History which the Historians themselves are unable to explain. According to History as it stands today, humans were hunters and gatherers and nomads and then all of a sudden two great civilizations i.e Indus Valley Civilization and Egyptian civilization, came into existence whose origins are still a mystery to all historians, this evolution from hunters and gatherers to all of a sudden developing great civilizations with advanced technology and skills is the page that is missing from present day recorded history. This page lies hundreds of feet underwater across various places around the globe and was discovered in 2002.

In 2002 Indian oceanographers discovered two cities, the size of Manhattan, off the Gulf of Khambat, lying 100 ft under water (these cities are different from the much discussed discovery of city of Dwarka)(Goto the website and in the search window type the following word WITH THE INVERTED COMAS Marine Archaeology in the Gulf Of Khambat or click on the following link ) . The most interesting part of this discovery is that the only time this land, where the cities have been discovered, was above the sea was before the last Ice Age (Goto the website and in the search window type the following words WITH THE INVERTED COMAS Flooded Kingdoms of the Ice Age: Graham Hancock or else click on the following link please see this link Graham Hancock famous British researcher visits the underwater sites). Now if we go by the description of modern history as it stands today, then during the last ice age humans were merely hunters and gatherers and could not have built any cities, especially not two cities, the size of Manhattan.The significance of this discovery is manifold for Hindu mythology, as well as for world history and mythology, because all across the world there are thousands of flood myths like Noahs Arch and the myth of Manu, that describe how great floods had taken place on earth and thereafter, the survivors of the floods struggled to re-establish human civilization again on the planet. The discovery of these cities underwater is a proof of the fact that the stories narrated in our mythology are indeed true and that there was a civilization before the present day human civilization which had the advanced technologies described in the Hindu mythology and were adept at using these technologies, some of the technologies described in our mythology are even more advanced than the technologies we are using today. This is also what is called the Yuga cycle in Hinduism, yugas are actually ice-ages/ages, according to Hindu mythology there are 4 yugas i.e 4 times when the human civilization will develop, spread and again go down in floods or natural cataclysmic events and the surviving humans will have to start civilization all over again. According to Egyptian mythology there are 5 suns i.e 5 times the sun will hide for the longest time after the cataclysmic natural events after the ice ages/ages and human race will again have to start all over again and build a new civilization from the scratch. There are also Ancient records to say that end of each yuga was not necessarily by floods and that each time one of the five elements may have played a role in ending civilization. Why this information is relevant to us today is because we can again today see the effect of pollution on the glaciers and the melting of the ice caps of the world. We need to understand our mythology and take a lesson from it and avoid total collapse of the human civilization due to natural disasters as has already happened in 3 yugas before. It has happened to humans earlier and it can happen now unless we change our ways and respect nature.Now, this is the point where the invaluable knowledge passed down to us in our scriptures and yet again forgotten/dismissed by us in the light of modern sciences comes into play. Hinduism divided powers into two parts called Adhyatmic shaktiyan (Spiritual Powers/good powers) and Mayavi Shaktiyan (Powers derived from Maya; maya being everything around us i.e natural resources and manmade powers derived from natural resources). Now, what is the difference between the two powers? And why have they been segregated into good and bad powers? The names are self explanatory if we contemplate upon them, mayavi powers are the powers derived from Maya, what is Maya ? Maya is everything around us, whereas AdhyATMIC Powers are the powers derived from the Atma/Soul. Now, to take an example to understand what Adhyatmic Powers really are; present day sciences have not yet built as time machine, yet there is no denying the fact that almost every person walking down the road has at some point in their lives had dreams about some event that is going to happen in their future or powers like remote viewing or telepathy are prevalent because of these adhyatmic powers or the powers derived from the Atma itself that lay dormant inside all of us though we do not consciously have the knowledge of these powers lying within us. The Rishis in Ancient India had powers to leave behind their physical bodies and travel through the Universe in their astral bodies and that is how they knew the secret of the Universe because they had been there themselves.Please watch this episode of Ramanand Sagars Shri Krisha from 29 minutes onwards, where the Rishi teaches his student (Sri Krishna) the technique, rules and cautions to be observed while leaving your physical body behind and travelling in ones astral body form:-(Goto and type the following words WITH THE INVERTED COMAS RAMANAND SAGARS KRISHNA EPISODE 26 or click the following link

The Ancient Hindu civilization had developed these powers to such an extent with the help of yoga that they could compete with all the powers that one can derive from exploiting the natural resources. The Siddhis mentioned in our scriptures or as mentioned in the Hanuman Chalisa Asht Siddhi nau nidhi ke data, as var deen janki mata are referring to these spiritual powers. Everything that can be done by exploiting the natural resources and more can be done by the powers of Atma and this is the information and the knowledge/science that Hinduism carries within itself today and is the most critical information that can help save this planet from another cycle of natural cataclysm or at least delay it further. Why Mayavi powers were considered bad by the previous civilization is quite obvious if we have a look around us today and see what the exploitation of resources has done to the planet.

While Ramayana and Mahabharta are stories about the Gods, the rest of our ancient scriptures like Shastras, Vedas and Puranas contain the treasure of Ancient knowledge of these Adhyatmic powers passed down to us not just by the previous civilization but by three previous civilizations/yugas. Hinduism carries within it the knowledge database of entire humanity from the day humanity started gathering knowledge at the time of Sat Yuga. Besides this some more interesting aspects of Hinduism are:Earth : You might remember that Dr Jagdish Chandr Bose who was the first scientist to establish the fact that there is life in plants, started doing his experiments primarily because as a child his mother would scold him whenever he would hurt a plant, telling him that plants have life in them and must not be disturbed. His mother of course got this knowledge from Hinduism, wherein, this fact has been written since ages. Now, another interesting fact mentioned in Hinduism is that Earth as a planet is a conscious living being, in fact, according to Ramayana, Sri Ram descended on earth to kill Ravana only because the mother Earth complained to him about the harm being caused to her by Ravana. (Goto the website and type the following words WITH THE INVERTED COMAS "Ramanand Sagar's Ramayan Episode 01 or else click on the following link Sound : Hinduism believes that the force holding the entire universe together is sound and that is why in we recite mantras to tap in the forces of the sound of the universe. Even the Vedas prescribe separate sets of priests to recite the Mantras in a low tone, high tone and in medium tone. It is also the reason why Lord Krishna is depicted as holding a flute in his hands. He is controlling the Universe through the sound of his flute. According to Hinduism the kind of pollution on Earth is not only pollution of the environment, according to Hinduism, ego in humans is also a cause of great pain to mother Earth, in fact, during Treta Yuga, mother Earth had to go to Lord Vishnu and complain to him about Ravana whose ego was so much that when the man walked on Earth mother Earth felt a tremendous/unbearable amount of pressure on her, and therefore Lord Vishnu had to take the Avatar of Lord Rama and end the reign of Ravana

WHO LORD KRISHNA ACTUALLY ISLord Krishna is the entity of the Universe. He is the universe itself. "Samast brahmand mujhme samaye hue hain, meri ichcha maatr se shristiyon ki rachna aur vinaash hota hai". Thereby he clearly gives his introduction to the Ancient man who at that time did not have any knowledge of what the Universe was and hence it was explained to the Ancient man in simple terms to help him understand.Now what does one mean when one says Lord Krishna is the Entity of the Universe? As already said, Hinduism believes that plants have life and this belief was proven to be true. Similarly, Hinduism also believes that planet Earth is a conscious living being, that Sun is a conscious living being though not necessarily human in their form, that Wind (Pawan) is a conscious living being and also as already said, the entire Universe around us is a conscious living presence. The Ancients had developed Yogic methods to be able to directly communicate with these Entities of the nature and hence the multiple references to the Acts and Deeds of Dharti Mata, Surya Devta and Pawan Devta etc. in the Hindu Scriptures. Though in the case of Lord Krishna, he manifests himself on earth once in each yuga to protect Dharma and the Sadhus. These forces of nature alongwith the Universe form one type of God that are worshipped in Hinduism. Amongst those living today, Dr Steven Greer claims to have revived this practice by studying the Vedas and communicates with Mother Earth through these yogic practices. (Yes, this knowledge still survives; though very few are privy to it today). That is where the ADVAITA philosophy comes from, since the universe both creates and destroys therefore Lord Krishna is Advaita. Like a gardener he lovingly creates various planet and galaxies, takes care of it, helps it grow and wherever necessary destroys it and creates new ones. That is also where the idea of OMIPRESENCE of God i.e that God is everywhere comes from, because when God himself is the Universe, then everything inside this Universe is a part of God himself. We are nothing but mere cells on the body of the Universe/Krishna. That is the reason why when God even kills someone like Ravana aur Kansa the result is that their atma goes and merges into his holy feet. For him a bad person is like an overgrown nail is for us, nothing is good or bad for him because everything is Him only. He loves us all equally the way we cant say we love our left hand more than our right hand, since we are all a part ofHim. There are two types of Gods that are worshipped in Hinduism. The first type are the Gods of nature and the Universe. Krishna the God of the Universe as already described is the most supreme of all Gods, because he himself is the entire Universe, therefore everything and everyone inside the Universe no matter whom you worship, is ultimately equivalent to worshipping Krishna only. He created the planets, put them in their places. He is therefore beyond time and space because he is the Universe itself. Alongwith Krishna/Universe/the Supreme Godhead, Hinduism also worships the Earth (dharti Mata), Wind (Pawan Devta), Sun (Surya Devta) etc. I will be further elaborating on the second type of Gods later, presently I shall continue the discussion about Krishna being the Entity of the Universe.

Now, to further elaborate on what one means by the term "entity of the Universe". You may recall Dr Jagdish Chandra Bose who was the first scientist to establish the fact that there is life in plants, started doing his experiments primarily because as a child his mother would scold him whenever he would hurt a plant, telling him that plants have life in them and must not be disturbed. His mother of course got this knowledge from Hinduism, wherein, this fact has been written since ages. Now, another interesting fact mentioned in Hinduism is that Earth as a planet is a conscious living being that is why she is called Dharti MATA. The Sun is also a conscious living being that is why he is called Surya "DEVTA" and similarly the Entire UNIVERSE IS A CONSCIOUS LIVING BEING AND HE IS CALLED KRISHNA. The idea of a living universe is not a new perspective. More than two thousand years ago, Plato described the universe as thus :-a single living creature that encompasses all living creatures within it. In this view, we live within a living system of unfathomable intelligence, subtlety, power, and patience. In turn, we appear to be evolving expressions of that living universe, infused with a knowing capacity or consciousness, and with an existence that is largely non-material in nature.- PlatoThis theory is now being propounded in the west as the Science of Non-Duality. Please see the article below to find the new scientific take on the Living Universe: - JAI SHRI KRISHNA(Goto the site and in the search window type the following words WITH THE INVERTED COMAS The living Universe or click on the following link

COW : Here I would also like to add, that the concept of saving Gaia or cow as taken in Hinduism to mean the animal cow, could be misconstrued, since the word Gaia (sounds similar to Gaia/cow as pronounced in Hindi) in Greek Mythology refers to the Planet earth, so it is possible that the message conveyed by Lord Krishna was to save the planet earth/Gaia from the pollution we are causing and not the animal. Now, the question that might come up is, how can a concept of Greek Mythology be inculcated into Hindu Mythology? The answer is simple, as explained in Chapter one, after the great cataclysmic of the last ice age the survivors of the previous civilization spread out through whichever parts of the world they could find and established civilizations in those regions again. This also explains the vast similarities in various religious practices in many ancient civilizations around the world. Please see this link for the use of the term Gaia in Greek Mythology :-(Goto the website and in the search window type the following words WITH THE INVERTED COMAS Gaia (mythology) or else click on the following link Jai Sri KrishnaBottom of Form

PROOF THAT ALL RELIGIONS WORSHIP THE SAME GODHinduism :- Hinduism worships God in three forms 1. As a shapeless spirit Niraakar Paar Brahm Parmeshwar (A white light/spirit) 2.As a sound OM 3. In Saakar Form as Lord Krishna who is the entity of the Universe i.e the living Universe himself as explained above. As Hinduism says that plants are alive, it also says that the earth is a conscious living being Dharti MAATA and the Sun is a conscious living being Surya DEVTA and so the entire universe also is a conscious living being, who is worshipped in Hinduism as Lord KRISHNA (Please see my prevous post for further details) Islam:- Muslims worship him in the Niraakar form. If you hear the quawalli Alla Hoo, the wordings of the quawalli say Ye zamin jab na thi ye jahan jab na tha chaand sooraj na the aasman jab na tha, jab na tha kuch yahan tha magar tu hi tu Over here they are talking about the time before the creation of the Universe, when there were no Sun and no Moon, and hence what was there before the creation of the Universe but the CREATOR HIMSELF and thus the quawalli is dedicated to the creator of the Universe, i.e. we may call him Krishna, muslims may call him allah, its all the same.In addition to this, the number 786 is worshipped in Islam. When you convert the numbers 786 into hindi numeral you will be surprised to see what you find. Please see this video :-(Goto the website and in the search window type the following words WITH THE INVERTED COMAS 786=Om-Lakum Pratik or else click on the following link Christianity When the Christians worship Father-Son and the HOLY SPIRIT, the Holy Spirit is same as Niraakar Paar Brahm Parmeshwar, what they want to imply by the term spirit is that it has no physical form and is holy in nature, thus clearly referring to Nirakaar Paar Brahm Parmeshwar . As far as the Father and the Son are concerned, according to the Loka system, as described in the Vedas, Jana Loka or the 5th Loka described in the Loka system, is the Loka of Sons of God Brahman. As Lord Jesus himself described himself as the Son of God, we can here take the Father to mean Brahman and the Son to mean Lord Jesus. I will elaborate further on this towards the end of the book in better context. Sikhism- In Sikhism when we talk about EK OMKAR, it means there is just one OMKAR, means they are worshipping him in the form of OMKAR (the form in which he is worshipped in Hinduism). In addition to this you will also find references to The Light (Holy Spirit) (Nirakar Paar Brahm Parmeshwar) in Gurbaani.Budhdhism and Jainism were only more simplified forms of Hinduism.


WHO THE GODS REALLY AREThere are two types of Gods that are worshipped in Hinduism. The first type are the Gods of nature and the Universe. Krishna is the God of the Universe and as already described is the most supreme of all Gods, because he himself is the entire Universe, therefore everything and everyone inside the Universe no matter whom you worship, is ultimately equivalent to worshipping Krishna only. He created the planets, put them in their respective places. He is therefore beyond time and space because he is the Universe itself. Along with Krishna/Universe/the Supreme Godhead, Hinduism also worships the Earth (dharti Mata), Wind (Pawan Devta), Sun (Surya Devta) all the entities of nature. Now as already said, Hinduism believes that plants have life and this belief was proven to be true. Similarly, Hinduism also believes that planed Earth is a conscious living being, that Sun is a conscious living being, that Wind (Pawan) is a conscious living being and also as already said, the entire Universe around us is a conscious living presence. These forces of nature alongwith the Universe form one type of God that are worshipped in Hinduism.Now, I will come to the Second type of Gods that are worshipped in Hinduism. First, we need to analyse a few things about the Gods that we worship. Lets see what we really indisputably know about the Gods that we worship. Q1. Are they humans?A. NoQ2. Where do the Gods live?A. In the skies/ not on EarthQ3 What do they come to Earth for?A To help mankindQ4 How do they help mankind?A. By giving us advanced technology like Brahmastra etc and various magical bounties which defy the laws of nature as we understand them.

Now, lets think about it, when our thousands of years old religious texts tell us that Gods are non-humans who live somewhere in skies, descend from the skies for a specific purpose, i.e to help mankind with advanced technologies and go back to their abode in the skies when their purpose is fulfilled, whom are they talking about?As rational human beings and putting together the knowledge that we have gained today through our sciences, the answer to the first question itself should tell us who the Second type of Gods are.Yes, they are Extra-terrestrial beings who help mankind in every way they can in order to make sure that mankind fulfils its ultimate destiny of becoming a peace loving society like them and humanity can bring out the divine element that is hidden within them. Why do they come here?There are various galaxies in the Universe which have circumstances far better than what we face on this planet earth, there are planets which have no diseases, no wars, as per our scriptures no one turns old in Dev Lokas. There are however, certain laws of the Universe applicable to all souls entering these galaxies or planets, the souls in their previous lives should have conducted themselves in a certain manner to qualify to be born on these better planets. Our religions and Gods are here to guide us on these ways to conduct ourselves on this planet so that we can qualify as advanced souls and be born in better circumstances on other planets hereafter. I will further elaborate on this in the next Chapter.The ultimate goal for humanity is to become a peaceful society that loves and cares for each other. The day we are able to achieve this goal, we will be allowed to go out into the universe and help other planets reach their full potential as a peaceful society. The Vedas have been provided to humans for this very purpose, remember the Vedas are described as Apurushaya means not of human origin, since they have been given to us by these Extra Terrestrials to help us evolve. Vedas are inter alia mainly formulae to create atmosphere on a new planet. The number of times a certain God like Surya Dev or Indra Dev are invoked in the Vedas is a mathematical formula for how much Sunlight, Water is required to create the atmosphere. It is like a scientific formula H2O (Two atoms of hydrogen and one atom of Oxygen) similarly in each stanza of the Vedas each time a deity of the nature is invoked that is the percentage of that natural resource required to create the atmosphere. Another example of the writing on the wall clearly spelled out in our religious texts, is the story of Kaal Yavans father Rishi Sheshirayan. To put it very concisely the story goes like this, Rishi Sheshirayan married an APSARA from another world and together they had a child named Kaal Yavan, when Kaal Yavan was very young his mother had to leave him in the custody of his father and GO BACK to her Loka because she could not stay on the prithvi Loka for too long (the atmosphere was not conducive to her existence beyond a certain period).Watch this episode of Sri Krishna from 58th minute onwards to follow the story of Rishi Sheshirayan:-(Goto the website and type the following words WITH THE INVERTED COMAS Ramanand Sagars Krishna Episode 33 or click on the following link )There are several references in our religious texts about various Extra-Terrestrial species like Gandharva- Who are CLEARLY referred to as celestial beings in all our religious texts, how much more proof do we want of this. The various species of ETs who were present on Earth at that time are repeatedly mentioned in our religious texts as Yaksh, Gandharva, Naag, Kinnar. We also have further evidence of these ETs having children on Earth. Greek hero Hercules was the son of God Zeus and human woman Alcmene, meaning thereby that he was born to a human mother and ET father.There is also scientific proof of the fact that humans and ETs had cross bred, there is a 1300 year old skeleton of a child in Peru whose Mothers DNA can be traced but fathers DNA cannot be identified since IT IS NOT OF HUMAN ORIGINS.Please see this video recording the results of the scientific tests done on the skeleton :-(Goto the website and type the following words WITH INVERTED COMAS The Unexplained Files S02E02 Peruvian Alien Skull Baltic Sea UFO 480p or click on the following link

There is an entire series on history Channel called the Ancient Aliens where they shows proofs from around the world that humanity has been visited by ETs since time immemorial.All the various methods of worship and yajnas described in the Vedas are meant for the worship of the Second type of Gods. The performance of Yajnas in the proper form gives the Devtas havish which is beneficial for them. These Yajnas are performed for worldly gains and prosperity and for being born on better planets in our next life, whereas if you leave the thought of all worldly gains, good and bad behind, then you can attain freedom from birth and death and reach Krishna and are released from the bounds of Maya.For anyone, who still has doubts that Hinduism has anything to do with the Extra-Terrestrials, Dr Steven M Greer; a country doctor in America; (who i personally believe is an Ancient Rishi reborn) has established an organization called CSETI (Centre for Study of Extra-Terrestrial Intelligence) where he teaches the Ancient Vedic practices to contact ETs to the common public. Dr Greer says that after reading the Vedas, he has found a way to contact the ETs and get them to visit the planet with their Crafts. He often takes out groups of people to open lands where he performs a Puja and then through yogic methods he gets his astral body to float into the Universe, locate the ET crafts and requests them to visit our planet. Dr Greer has succeeded in calling the ET spacecrafts innumerable times. This man has been working tirelessly to allow humanity to realise its potential. He has also in 2013 released one of the biggest public funded movies on ETs called Sirius.This is a video where Dr Steven Greer explains how he uses Vedic techniques to contact extra-terrestrials.(Goto the website and type the following word in the search window DO NOT USE THE INVERTED COMAS How to make REAL contact with the ET/Star People Dr Steven Greer Explains or click on the following link )


Vedic description of the Universe tells us about 7 lokas. These Lokas are actually naked eye galaxies visible to man. These are 1. Satya Loka- Abode of Brahma 2. Tapa Loka-Abode of the Ascetics 3. Jana Loka 4. Mahar Loka 5. Swar Loka 6. Bhuvar Loka 7. Bhu Loka. The term Loka in Hindi actually means Galaxy. What we actually mean by the journey of the soul is the laws of the Universe which allow a certain type of souls to reside in a certain type of a Galaxy based on its previous Karma. Now this is the reason why all the religions around the world pay so much emphasis on regulating our behaviour on this planet, because once our life on this planet ends our souls go over to the other planets in other galaxies according to their Karma.This is the valuable knowledge being imparted to us for the benefit of mankind in the form of the knowledge of the journey of the soul in all religions today.For those critics who would say that there is no soul, I have this to say. All the ancient civilizations around the world tell us stories like the story of Noah from the Bible and the story of Manu from Hinduism which tell us about various flood myths, about how there were cataclysmic floods in the past which swept away entire human civilizations and the survivors of the floods had to start civilization from a scratch. Till date historians refuse to believe these stories dismissing them as myths, however after the discovery of Dwarka city 100 feet under water as stated previously, these myths have been proven to be true. The reason for dismissing these stories as myths was that we did not have the equipment to search the floors of the ocean 100 ft under water at that time when these stories were declared to be myths in early 20th century when present day modern history was being written and therefore due to lack of technology, since these theories could not be proven, they were dismissed. But today when we have the technology to search the depths of the ocean, the truth has come out by itself. Similarly, all the religions around the world talk about the existence of the soul and ask us to live our lives in a manner that would be beneficial for the soul, but the modern sciences yet again dismiss the idea of a soul, saying that there is no proof of it. The fact of the matter is that we dont have the requisite technology to prove it yet, but that does not mean that the soul does not exist. However, we cannot wait for the modern sciences to catch up on this information because humans are living their lives every day and need to follow the rules for the soul in order to attain a better afterlife. The system of Maha Manavtantra in Hinduism, when it says that 6 months of humans (Uttarayana and Dakshinayana) is equal to one day of Gods, they are actually referring to the way the time passes on these other galaxies. There is a story of Maharaj Muchukand who went to the Swarga Loka/Galaxy to help the Gods in a fight, he fought there for a period equivalent to 1 year of Swarga Loka and by the time the war was over 100 years had passed on earth and his entire empire and loved ones had moved on. Thus showing that there are galaxies where time passes more slowly than here on earth. (To see the story of Maharaj Muchukand Goto the website and in the search window type Ramanand Sagars Krishna Episode 34 WATCH THIS EPISODE OF SRI KRISHNA FROM 40 MINUTES ONWARDS or click on the following link, the question arises, that if ETs are here to benefit humanity then why dont they come forth and reveal themselves the way they did in Ancient times. The answer to this question that i can understand is that if we jog our memory back, up to the time of Lord Christ, the occurrence of miracles was quite common. After the time of Jesus these open interactions stopped. The fact that Lord Jesus himself was born through Virgin Mary without any male contribution was easily believed by the general public of the time shows that these miracles were common place, in addition to this there are various reference to voice coming from the sky and telling people that Jesus was a favoured Son of God. However, after the time of Lord Jesus, these open miracles stopped and we do not have much record thereafter of any miracles occurring openly where God descended on earth or there were any voices talking from the heaven. Therefore, in my understanding, these open interactions with ETs stopped due to the way we treated Lord Jesus Christ.Therefore, from this we can see that though we still have access and guidance from up above which comes in our dreams/through telepathy etc., we still cannot interact freely with them in the physical world because of the inhumane treatment given by us to Lord Jesus despite the knowledge of the fact that he was here to help us and to help humanity reach its ultimate goal and yet the way we treated him lead them to be vary of us. Even today if we see an ET aircraft, the first thing that we will do is probably to shoot it down. Therefore, as man has grown powerful over a period of time he has also grown violent and this is the reason why they only interact directly with people like Dr Steven Greer mentioned above who convey a clear message of peace for humanity. Now think about the message that Lord Jesus Christ brought with him, he said we should share; if you have two shirts, give one to the man who has none. Humans decided not to follow his advice, now think about it, what was the attitude that was the root cause of colonialism and ultimately the two world wars, to sum it up in one line, the attitude was that if i have 2 shirts and the other person has one i want his shirt as well, i dont care if he has none left to wear thereafter. If we had followed Lord Jesus Christs advice when he gave it, there would have been no colonialism and hence World War-I and World War-II could also have been avoided. It would have saved humanity a lot of grief, but alas we chose to ignore his advice. These messengers of God know the direction in which humanity is headed and therefore, always come down on this planet to guide us in the right direction. PRESENT DAY PRACTICAL APPLICATION OF THIS KNOWLEDGENow coming to the practical application of all this information and how this information can be used for the benefit of present day humanity.Are you aware of the fact that humans have had the technology to use free energy since the time of Nicola Tesla. (Interestingly, Nicola Tesla himself claimed to be in contact with the ETs who were providing him with all the knowledge about energy.) However, all the great work of Nicola Tesla was confiscated and never allowed to reach the public by greedy corporate nexus who were interested in making money out of the sale of energy. The energy business is a 300 trillion dollar business and has most of present day economy running on it. Can you imagine what would have happened if Nicola Teslas work was not confiscated? So many wars with the muslim nations could have been avoided, the economy would not run on petro dollar and so much pollution being caused to this planet due to these primitive energy techniques and damage being caused to the environment and planet could have been avoided. This would also have led to the fall of domination of the West over the world. Now this is what Dr Greer has been working on, he has been trying to regain this knowledge of formulation of free energy and give it back to the people in order to save the planet. Please watch this video to understand this in detail :-(Goto the website and in the search window type the following words WITH THE INVERTED COMAS Dr Steven Greer-Council for Interplanetary Relations Announcement or click on the following link In addition to this, I have come across two yoga techniques which if taught to people at large scale can benefit humanity and relieve humanity of its most basic needs and hence solve major world problems.Now please see we humans have three basic needs, food, clothing and a house. Today, we spend our lives running after these three basic needs, once these needs are fulfilled we work for a better food, better clothing and a better house and so on. In the end leaving only the few year of retirement at the end of our lives to do what we really want to do. Now see the genius of these ancient techniques, by freeing humans from the basic needs of food, clothing and water, we are left with our entire lives to do what we really want to do.Can you imagine what our world would be like if we were not dependent on each other or nature for food, clothing and energy? There will be no killing each other for material gains, no competition about who has a better house and better clothing. One scientifically proven yogic technique helps humans derive all their nutrition from gazing at the sun itself rather than depending on food and the second scientifically proven yogic technique can help humans survive extreme temperatures without the help of woollen clothing through yogic techniques. In addition to this our religious texts also have references to ancient yogis surviving on Air Consumption in order to continue their meditation uninterrupted. Lord Krishnas mother Devki and Father had used this form of meditation by surviving on Air Consumption for their nutrition when they were meditating in their previous life, after which Lord Krishna had appeared and blessed them with the promise of being born as their son. Though I have not come across any surviving person who is aware of this Air Consumption technique yet but the technique of surviving on sun/solar power for food still exists. If both these techniques are taught to people at yoga camps around the world on a large scale it can result in eliminating the two basic needs for food and clothing for the human society and set humans free from spending their entire lives arranging for these two.1. YOGA FOR FOOD : SUN GAZING :- Humans using yoga to photosynthesize and make their own food. It is scientifically proven (Please see the video link below) that by this technique by doing Surya namaskar and following proper instructions on a regular basis humans slowly develop all the nutrients necessary to survive in the saliva itself and need minimal external nutrition to survive.This technique if taught at a large scale through popular channels can help eradicate the food problem from the world. This will in turn cause the humans to be independent of each other and stop the clamour for resources which is the basic cause of all the evil between humans. .These are some videos on the topic :-a. Hira Ratan Manek- He has been teaching the technique to convert solar energy into energy for humans for many years www.solarhealing.comb. Below is a link to the youtube video where the doctors admit to keeping a yogi namely Mata Ji, who derives nutrition from the sun since he was a young child and kept him under observation for several days and finally admitted that the sun gazing technique works and that Mata Ji could survive without ANY FOOD OR WATER. A medical miracle.(Goto the website and in the search window type the following words WITH THE INVERTED COMAS Supernatural Reptilian Shapeshifter or click on the following link )c. How to do Sungazing : Below is the link for a video blog of a person who has recently started sun gazing and is recording its effects on his series of video blog and he confesses that the technique does work.( He has recently started following the sun gazing technique and for anyone having doubts his progress can be traced to understand the changes in the body while following this technique)(Goto the website and type the following words WITH THE INVERTED COMAS How to do Sungazing HRM method of sungazing- Protocol and tips or click on the following link YOGA FOR SURVIVING EXTREME COLD This is the technique which was used by the Ancient Rishis meditating on mountain tops in order to survive the cold weather on the mountains.This technique still survives today and is being practiced and taught by Wim Hof of Netherlands who learnt this technique from an Indian yogi. He has also published a book teaching this technique to the world. (Please see the link below to see all the details about Wim Hof). If this technique is taught to people on a large scale it can eradicate the need for woollen clothing for humans.(Goto the website and in the search window type the following words WITH THE INVERTED COMAS Wim Hof or click on the following link

In ancient times, the yogis used these techniques while meditating on mountains, by using these techniques they freed themselves of the need for food and water and therefore could meditate without interruption for years. This is also the reason why in order break Vishwamitras concentration Gods had to send Menaka down on earth, logically speaking if a person had been meditating for that long, they should have sent food or water to entice him. But those needs of the Rishis were already fulfilled.

Individual Dharma: Last but not the least, a few words on Individual Dharma, God has created each one of us for a specific purpose. He has equipped us with all the necessary skills required to accomplish that unique purpose and he has given usthe passion to perform that purpose. Our individual Dharma is our passion. Whatever we have a natural passion for, whatever makes us forget about time and the world around, that is our Individual Dharma. A recent study has shown that even if we practice for something for 10,000 hours we still cant master it, there is some factor that is even more important than practice. Meaning thereby even if you spend 10,000 hours practicing something that God did not create you for doing, you will still fall short on some account or another. Whereas, if you follow your passion and do what God has created you for, the Universe will be on your side and help you in every manner. You will feel a certain peace in your heart and soul rather than doing something that only feels like going through motions, with your mind and heart elsewhere.

Therefore, we need to understand Hinduism at this point as the knowledge database of entire Humanity and as a means to save humanity and Mother Earth from the problems that we have caused over the centuries. All we humans need to do is keep a clean heart towards each other and uphold values of peace and love.


In order to understand the sheer MAGNITUDE of the scale at which the Universe is discussed in our Vedas, please go through this video below Vedic Tour of the Universe with the following reference points:-a. The Sea being discussed in the video is the empty area between Galaxies

b. The islands being referred to in the videos are the Galaxies.

c. The Lokas discussed in the video like Bhu Loka, Swar Loka, Jana Loka are actually naked eye galaxies.

d. The next set of Lokas is discussed as PATALA, RasATALA, TalATALA etc., now, the word ATALA as used at the end of each of these terms when literally translated into Hindi means A meaning without Tala meaning Bottom/base so the term Atala can be construed to mean without bottom. Basically meaning that these are the Lokas without bottom, now what do we call something that is without bottom? A hole right? These are the black holes, deriving this conclusion from the terminology itself.

e. In the video towards the end of the 12th minute, you will find some reference to the Universe as having seas of emulsified butter and sea of milk etc. In order to give you a context to these references please note that recently, The Guardian published an article of a recent scientific discovery which declared that Galaxys Centre Tastes of Raspberry and Smells of Rum -Link to the article by Guardian (Goto the website and in the search window type the following words WITH THE INVERTED COMAS "Galaxy centre tastes of raspberries and smells of rum, say astronomers" or click on the following link )

When you watch this video (link below at the end) where the references are made to the seas of Milk and Emulsified butter, please take the term sea to mean empty area between galaxies and the reference to milk and emulsified butter are similar to those mentioned in the article published in The Guardian.

f. SAGAR MANTHAN :- The video (link below at the end) says that the Universe is half filled with Ocean Water, it is actually this Ocean that is being referred to in all the tales about Sagar Manthan not some ocean here on earth. If you observe the video closely, you will realise that all the things used for Sagar Manthan are present in this video. We have Sheshnag who is bearing the burden of all the galaxies on this hood, we have the turtle on whose back the Meru parvat was kept to churn the ocean and we also have the Meru/Sumeru parvat which is actually the eye of the Milky way galaxy.

g. VARAH AVTAAR :- After watching the video (link below) you will realise that the Ocean mentioned in the Lord Vishnus Varah Avtar story is actually this same Ocean that fills half the Universe because the earth could only have drowned in THAT Ocean and obviously not any other Ocean on the planet itself.I AM POINTING OUT ALL THIS ONLY TO HELP PEOPLE UNDERSTAND THE SHEER SCALE OF AT WHICH OUR MYTHOLOGICAL STORIES DISCUSS THE UNIVERSE AND WE WITH OUR LIMITED KNOWLEDGE SEARCH FOR THESE THINGS WITHIN OUR SURROUNDINGS.Now please go ahead and watch this video link below, keeping in mind the reference points given above.Vedic Tour of The Universe(Goto the website and in the search window type the following words WITH INVERTED COMAS Vedic Tour of Our Universe and beyond or click on the following link

Now, one more thing, Lord Jesus when he came down to earth claimed himself to be the Son of God. According to the Loka system, Jana Loka or the 5th Loka described in the Loka system, is the Loka of Sons of God Brahman. Therefore, this information begs the question, did Lord Jesus come down from the Jana Loka/Galaxy. In which case the Trinity of Father, Son and the Holy Spirit would mean Brahman, Jesus and Niraakar Paar Brahm Parmeshwar. Here is a link to the detailed description of the Loka system.JanaLoka- Sons of God Brahma(Goto the website and in the search window type the word Loka or click on the following link )

Therefore, to sum it up, if we go back to our scriptures we can, rise above the need for food, the need for woollen clothing, our sciences can take a leap forward by at least 300 years if not more and more importantly, our souls can take a leap forward to better lokas with no diseases, war, aging etc, or even better , our souls can get out of the cycles of birth and death and go back to their eternal abode, Lord Krishna.


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