Download - Himani Vrerma.docx

  • 8/20/2019 Himani Vrerma.docx








    (15 th, JUNE, 2015 TO 31 st , JULY, 2015)



    EAD O" DEPARMENT ROLL NO.1#2$1%001#



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    I, *+ ! - * , st / +t M.B.A *t S.C.E.R.T. BARABAN&I , h -

    / 4 *- th*t th 6- 7 4t - 6 -t + 8 EMPLOYEE ENGAGEMENT

    ACTIVITIES IN TATA DOCOMO”. *t L 49+ : s *+ - ; +* *+/

    * th +t 4*t / : -9 / + .

    I -th - / 4 *- th*t t h*s + t + s tt / s :h - *+

    th - 6 -s + + *+ th +st t t s - th *:*-/ - *+ / ;- -

    / 6 *.


    MBA'!IT SM


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    To complete the project is not a easy thing, you have to take the help of others. I

    would like to add a few heartfelt words for the people who are the part of this project in numerous ways people who gave unending support right from the

    stage the project data was conceived

    My special thanks to MR. RITES SRI!"ST"!" # E"$ %& T E

    $E'"RTME(T) that provides gentle encouragement and constant support.

    I am extremely t a!"#$l t% MS SHRUTI MEHTA&Hr a''('ta!t ma!a)er at TTL* #%r +r% (-(!) me .(t 'e!'e %#

    -(re/t(%! (! 0$(l-(!) t (' met %-(/al a++r%a/ (! t (' re+%rt,

    /%!t(!$%$' '%$r/e %# (!'+(rat(%! t r%$) %$t t e +r%1e/t2

    I sincerely thank them for the constant cooperation, guidance and

    incessant inspiration and their guidance without which this project would have

    *een like a rudderless *oat. +ell to put in a nutshell, without their guidance and support this project would have *een futile.


    M.B.A -Sem

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    It gives me great pleasure in presenting the project on,

    “Employee Engagement Activities in TATA DOCOMO”.

    This project is basically based on the engagement of employees towards their job in thisorganization.

    My objectives are to present status of the employee’s mind towards the organization that theyare satisfied with the company policies, aware of their role as well as company’s role, managers,superiors, colleagues relationship etc.

    Another objective of the project is to provide the e ecution with the framewor! for analysis of problems, related to employee engagement towards their job. The matter of this project is prepared scientifically and analytically. "very best effort has been made to include theinformation used in decision ma!ing.

    #ot only I hope but believe that it would provide great help to the organization. $inally allresearch is cumulative. I have % as a trainee&, tried to call out priorities interpret and finally putdown my analysis.

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    .No TOPIC PA!E NO.

    ". P#e$ace

    %. Ac&no'le(gement

    ). Company*s p#o$ile

    Tata Telese#vices +t(

    ,. Employee Retention

    -. Employee Att#ition

    . Retention in (i$$e#ent secto#s

    /. Employee #etention in Tata Docomo

    0. Concl1sion

    2. 3i4liog#ap5y


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    India is the fourth largest telecom mar!et in Asia after 'hina, (apan and )outh *orea. TheIndian telecom networ! is the eighth largest in the world and the second largest among emerging

    economies. At current levels, telecom intensiveness of Indian economy measured as the ratio of

    telecom revenues to + - is ./ percent as compared with over .0 percent in developed


    Indian telecom sector has undergone a major process of transformation through

    significant policy reforms. The reforms began in /102s with telecom e3uipment manufacturing

    being opened for private sector and were later followed by National Telecom Policy 8NTP9 in

    "22, and NTP:"222 . 4istorically, the telecom networ! in India was owned and managed by the

    +overnment considering it to be a natural monopoly and strategic service, best under state5s

    control. 4owever, in /1125s, e amples of telecom revolution in many other countries, which

    resulted in better 3uality of service and lower tariffs, led Indian policy ma!ers to initiate a

    change process finally resulting in opening up of telecom services sector for the private sector.

    -olicy reforms can be broadly classified in three distinct phases6 The ecade of /1025s saw

    private sector being allowed in telecommunications e3uipment manufacturing. Mahanagar

    Telephone #igam 7imited %MT#7& and 8idesh )anchar #igam 7imited %8)#7& were formedand a Telecom 'ommission was set up to give focus to telecommunications policy formation.

    6 In /112s, telecommunications sector also benefited from the general opening up of the

    economy. #T- /119 was the first attempt to give a comprehensive roadmap for the Indian

    telecommunications sector.

    • Availability of telephones on demand %targeted by /11:&.

    • ;niversal service covering all villages and one -'< per =22 persons in urban areas at

    the earliest %targeted to be achieved by /11:&.

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    • Telecom services at affordable and reasonable prices.

    • >orld standard 3uality of services.

    • ?#T- /111 brought in the third generations of reforms in the Indian telecommunications


    ". ;E< MAR;ET P+A

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    Group Companies

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    $ounded by =AM ET =I TATA in "0 0

    T7E TATA !RO>P is a !+O3A+ business group

    >ith products and services in over "-6 countries

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    ER ICE

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    Fo#me# c5ai#men

    -rofiles of the men who have led the Tata group in the last /22Eplus years

    =amset =i Tata F The $ounder of the Tata group began with a te tile

    mill in central India in the /0:2s. 4is powerful vision inspired


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    Ratan N Tata %'hairman, Tata )onsF /11/ G 2/ &F Batan #

    Tata was the 'hairman of Tata )ons, the promoter holding

    company of the Tata group,

    from /11/ to 2/ .

    'yrus - Mistry, 9=, is the si th +roup 'hairman. 4e was appointed as the 'hairman of the Tata

    )ons board in ecember 2/ and has been a director of the company since 22C.

    In addition to being the +roup 'hairman, Mr Mistry is also the chairman of major Tata

    companies including Tata

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    'ommunication is among the Tata +roup’s larger investments, with over D:.= billion already

    committed. The +roup’s objective is to provide endEtoEend telecommunications solutions for business and residential customers across the nation and internationally. The +roup’s

    communications activities are currently spread primarily over four companiesE Tata Teleservices

    7imited, its associate Tata Teleservices %Maharashtra& limited, Tata 'ommunications %erstwhile

    8)#7& and Tata )!y. Together, these companies companies cover the full range of

    communications services, includingF

    • Telep5ony e#vicesB $i ed and Mobile

    • Me(ia Ente#tainment e#vicesB )atellite T8

    • Data e#vicesB 7eased 7ines, Managed ata #etwor!s, I- M-7) 8-#, ialEup

    Internet, >iE$i and roadband

    • al1e a((e( e#vicesB Mobile and roadband 'ontent Applications, 'alling 'ards, #et

    Telephony and Managed )ervices

    • In$#ast#1ct1#e e#vicesB )ubmarine 'able andwidth, Terrestrial $iber #etwor! and

    )atellite "arth )tations and 8)AT 'onnectivity


    Tata Teleservices 7imited spearheads the Tata +roup’s presence in the telecom sector. The Tata+roup includes over /22 companies, over 9=2,222 employees worldwide and more @.0 million

    shareholders. Incorporated in /11C, Tata Teleservices 7imited was the pioneer of the ' MA /

    technology platform in India, embar!ing on a growth path after the ac3uisition of 4ughes %India& 7td Jrenamed Tata Teleservices %Maharashtra& 7imitedK by the Tata +roup in

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    22 .

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    Teleservices also has a strategic tie up with 8irgin Mobile that primarily caters to youth segment

    offering mobility services on both ' MA and +)M platform.

    Tata Teleservices is the undisputed mar!et leader in the fi ed wireless telephony mar!etamongst private operators. In the wireless mobility space, the company in the past has been

    rated as the ?7east 'ongested #etwor! in India for eight consecutive 3uarters by the Telecom

    Begulatory Authority of India through independent surveys.

    Today, Tata Teleservices, along with Tata Teleservices %Maharashtra& 7imited, has a reach in

    more than 9=2,222 towns and village across the country, with a bou3uet of telephony services

    encompassing Mobile )ervices, >ireless es!top -hones, -ublic ooth Telephony and >ireless


    In ecember 220, Tata Teleservices announced a uni3ue reverse e3uity swap strategic

    agreement between its telecom tower subsidiary, >ireless TT InfoE)ervices 7imited and Nuippo

    Telecom Infrastructure 7imited with the combined entity !ic!ing off operations with /0,222

    towers, thereby becoming the largest independent entity in this space and with the highest

    tenancy ratios in the industry. Today, the combined entity which has been reEchristened as 8I

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    >ith the increasing penetration of telecom in rural areas and the wea! utility power situation in

    the hinterland, a clear demandEsupply gap for power e ists in most of these locations and states.

    +oing forward, the dependence on alternate sources of power will only increaseEthus raising

    both the cost of power, as also the attendant emissions, particularly if conventional bac!Eupsolutions of using dieselEpowered generators are employes. At TT)7, we are very concerned of

    the problem of powerO industry is facing and therefore the need of it to be attac!ed on different

    fronts. -romoting the use of alternative resources of energy and reducing the use of fuel is one

    of the important areas of wor! for conservation of energy and promoting the responsible use of


    There are limited options that any operator can turn to, but as a company !nown for its

    innovation and environmentEconsciousness, Tata Teleservices 7imited has a already identified

    initiatives that are reducing our emission count and helping us develop and implement cleaner

    and greener technologies. To comprehensively address the issue of energy. TT)7 formed an

    ?Applied Besearch team with a mandate to obtain good 3uality continuous power independent

    of grid reliability and thus becoming the lowest cost telecom operator.

    The name of the project was christened as ?-roject

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    power interface uniy including battery bac!up for standby bac!up power. The tower sites are of

    indoor and outdoor category where in indoor ase station is installed inside the shelter with air

    condition e3uipment to maintain the temperature up to deg '. the ase station %indoor and

    outdoor type& are capable to withstand higher temperatures till ==deg ' and hence indoor asestation can be housed in

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    M#. Cy#1s P. Mist#y

    DesignationB 'hairman

    M#. #inat5 Na#asim5an

    DesignationB Managing irector

    M#. N. C5an(#ase&a#an

    DesignationB irector

    M#. 7a ime ;ii

    DesignationB irector

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    M#. ;a 1to Ts14o1c5i

    DesignationB irector

    M#. ;is5o# C5a1&a#

    DesignationB irector

    M#. Is5aat 71ssain

    DesignationB irector

    M#. Ravi +am4a5

    DesignationB irector

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    M#. ;iyos5i To&15i#o

    DesignationB irector


    To actualize the organizational 8ision of ?-roviding Trusted )ervice to e use competency evaluation

    and performance as a criteria for growth. Ade3uate crossEfunctional e posure and

    developmental opportunities are provided to all employees, which over a period of time,

    enhance individual capability.



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    Mumbai, Madhya -radeshE'hhattisgarh, 4aryanaE-unjab, *ol!ata, Best of >est engal,

    (har!hand, ihar, ;- %"ast&, ;- %>est&, +ujarat, 4imachal -radesh and Bajasthan.


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    is the pioneer of the ' MA / technology platform in India. Today, Tata Teleservices 7td, along

    with Tata Teleservices %Maharashtra& 7td, serves over 09 million customers in more than

    9=2,222 towns and villages across the country, with a bou3uet of telephony services

    encompassing Mobile )ervices, >ireless es!top -hones, -ublic ooth Telephony and >ireline)ervices.


    Tata Teleservices 7imited spearheads the Tata +roup’s presence in the telecom sector. The Tata

    +roup includes over /22 companies, over 9=2,222 employees worldwide and more than @.0million shareholders.

    Incorporated in /11C, Tata Teleservices 7imited was the pioneer of the ' MA / technology

    platform in India, embar!ing on a growth path after the ac3uisition of 4ughes %India&

    7td Jrenamed Tata Teleservices %Maharashtra& 7imitedK by the Tata +roup in 22 .

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    /0,222 towers, thereby becoming the largest independent entity in this space and with the

    highest tenancy ratios in the industry. Today, the combined entity which has been reEchristened

    as 8Iest&, +ujarat, 4imachal -radesh and Bajasthan.


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    • Truly loyal customer • 'ustomer retention• 4igh value customer affection



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    HOT ANA+< I


    • BA# TATA• #< B• 7A'* I# '

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    • I#T< ;'TI

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    "mployee engagement called wor!er engagement, is a business management concept.

    An 6engaged employee6 is one who is fully involved in, and enthusiastic about their wor! , and

    thus will act in a way that furthers their organization 5s interests.

    According to )carlett )urveys, 6"mployee "ngagement is a measurable degree of an employee5s

    positive or negative emotional attachment to their job, colleagues and organization which

    profoundly influences their willingness to learn and perform at wor!6.

    Thus engagement is distinctively different from employee satisfaction, motivation and

    organizational culture

    "ngagement at wor! was conceptualized by *ahn, %/112& as the Hharnessing of organizational

    members’ selves to their wor! roles. In engagement, people employ and e press themselves

    physically, cognitively, and emotionally during role performances.

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    The second related construct to engagement in organizational behavior is the notion of flow

    advanced by 'si!szentmihalyi %/1:=, /112&. 'si!zentmihalyi %/1:=& defines flow as the

    Hholistic sensation’ that, people feel when they act with total involvement. $low is the state inwhich there is little distinction between the self and environment. >hen individuals are in $low

    )tate little conscious control is necessary for their actions.

    "mployee engagement is the thus the level of commitment and involvement an employee has

    towards their organization and its values. An engaged employee is aware of business

    'onte t, and wor!s with colleagues to improve performance within the job for the benefit of the

    organization. The organization must wor! to develop and nurture engagement, which re3uires a

    twoEway relationship between employer and employee.’ Thus "mployee engagement is a

    barometer that determines the association of a person with the organization.

    "ngagement is most closely associated with the e isting construction of job involvement

    % rown /11C& and flow %'si!szentmihalyi, /112&. (ob involvement is defined as Hthe degree to

    which the job situation is central to the person and his or her identity %7awler P 4all, /1:2&.

    *anungo %/10 & maintained that job involvement is a H'ognitive or belief state of -sychological

    identification. (ob involvement is thought to depend on both need saliency and the potential of a

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    job to satisfy these needs. Thus job involvement results form a cognitive judgment about the

    needs satisfying abilities of the job. (obs in this view are tied to one’s self image.

    "ngagement differs from job in as it is concerned more with how the individual employees

    his her self during the performance of his her job. $urthermore engagement entails the active

    use of emotions. $inally engagement may be thought of as an antecedent to job involvement in

    that individuals who e perience deep engagement in their roles should come to identify with

    their jobs. >hen *ahn tal!ed about employee engagement he has given important to all three

    aspects physically, cognitively and emotionally. >hereas in job satisfaction importance has been

    more given to cognitive side.

    4B practitioners believe that the engagement challenge has a lot to do with how employee feels

    about the about wor! e perience and how he or she is treated in the organization. It has a lot to

    do with emotions which are fundamentally related to drive bottom line success in a company.

    There will always be people who never give their best efforts no matter how hard 4B and line

    managers try to engage them. ? ut for the most part employees want to commit to companies

    because doing so satisfies a powerful and a basic need in connect with and contribute to

    something significant .

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    Aspects o$ Employee Engagement

    Three basic aspects of employee engagement according to the global studies areFE

    The employees and their own uni3ue psychological ma!eup and e perienceThe employers and their ability to create the conditions that promote employeeengagementInteraction between employees at all levels.Thus it is largely the organization’s responsibility to create an environment and cultureconducive to this partnership, and a winEwin e3uation.

    Catego#ies o$ Employee Engagement

    According to the +allup the 'onsulting organization there are there are different types of


    Engage( 6 Engaged 6 employees are builders. They want to !now the desired e pectations for

    their role so they can meet and e ceed them. They5re naturally curious about their company and

    their place in it. They perform at consistently high levels. They want to use their talents and

    strengths at wor! every day. They wor! with passion and they drive innovation and move their

    organization forward.

    Not Engage( Not-engaged employees tend to concentrate on tas!s rather than the goals and

    outcomes they are e pected to accomplish. They want to be told what to do just so they can do it

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    and say they have finished. They focus on accomplishing tas!s vs. achieving an outcome.

    "mployees who are not-engaged tend to feel their contributions are being overloo!ed, and their

    potential is not being tapped. They often feel this way because they don5t have productiverelationships with their managers or with their cowor!ers.

    Actively Disengage( The 6actively disengaged 6 employees are the 6cave dwellers.6 They5re

    6'onsistently against 8irtually "verything.6 They5re not just unhappy at wor!O they5re busy

    acting out their unhappiness .They sow seeds of negativity at every opportunity. "very day,

    actively disengaged wor!ers undermine what their engaged cowor!ers accomplish. As wor!ers

    increasingly rely on each other to generate products and services, the problems and tensions that

    are fostered by actively disengaged wor!ers can cause great damage to an organization5s

    functioning .

    Facto#s +ea(ing to Employee Engagement

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    )tudies have shown that there are some critical factors which lead to "mployee engagement.

    )ome of them identified are











    Ca#ee# Development Oppo#t1nities $o# Pe#sonal Development

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    CO'OPERATION J s*t s *4t +

  • 8/20/2019 Himani Vrerma.docx



    companies plan for the career paths of their employees and invest in them in this way their people invest in them.

    Ca#ee# Development E$$ective Management o$ Talent

    'areer development influences engagement for employees and retaining the most talentedemployees and providing opportunities for personal development.

    +ea(e#s5ip Cla#ity o$ Company al1es

    "mployees need to feel that the core values for which their companies stand are unambiguousand clear.

    +ea(e#s5ip Respect$1l T#eatment o$ Employees

    )uccessful organizations show respect for each employee’s 3ualities and contribution G

    regardless of their job level.

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    +ea(e#s5ip Company*s tan(a#(s o$ Et5ical 3e5avio#s

    A company’s ethical stand ards also lead to engagement of an individual


    "mployees want to be involved in decisions that affect their wor!. The leaders of high

    engagement wor!places create a trustful and challenging environment, in which employees are

    encouraged to dissent from the prevailing orthodo y and to input and innovate to move the

    organization forward.


    4ow much employees are prepared to endorse the products and services which their company

    provides its customers depends largely on their perceptions of the 3uality of those goods and

    services. 4igh levels of employee engagement are ine tricably lin!ed with high levels of

    customer engagement.

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    Ot5e# $acto#s

    EJ1al Oppo#t1nities an( Fai# T#eatment

    The employee engagement levels would be high if their bosses %superiors& provide e3ual

    opportunities for growth and advancement to all the employees.

    Pe#$o#mance app#aisal

    $air evaluation of an employee’s performance is an important criterion for determining the level

    of employee engagement. The company which follows an appropriate performance appraisal

    techni3ue %which is transparent and not biased& will have high levels of employee engagement.

    Pay an( 3ene$its

    The company should have a proper pay system so that the employees are motivated to wor! in

    the organization. In order to boost his engagement levels the employees should also be provided

    with certain benefits and compensations.

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    7ealt5 an( a$ety

    Besearch indicates that the engagement levels are low if the employee does not feel secure while

    wor!ing. Therefore every organization should adopt appropriate methods and systems for the

    health and safety of their employees.

    -o* Satisfaction

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    Family F#ien(liness

    A person’s family life influences his wo! life. >hen an employee realizes that the organization

    is considering his family’s benefits also, he will have an emotional attachment with the

    organization which leads to engagement.

    Co ope#ation

    If the entire organization wor!s together by helping each other i.e. all the employees as well as

    the supervisors coEordinate well than the employees will be engaged.

    Impo#tance o$ Employee Engagement

    "ngagement is important for managers to cultivate given that disengagement or alienation is

    central to the problem of wor!ers’ lac! of commitment and motivation %A!touf&. Meaningless

    wor! is often associated with apathy and detachment from ones wor!s %Thomas and 8elthouse&.

    In such conditions, individuals are thought to be estranged from their selves %)eeman, /1: &


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    turnover, customer satisfaction G loyalty, safety and to a lesser degree, productivity and

    profitability criteria %4arter, )chnidt P 4ayes, 22 &.

    An organization’s capacity to manage employee engagement is closely related to its ability to

    achieve high performance levels and superior business results. )ome of the advantages of

    "ngaged employees are "ngaged employees will stay with the company, be an advocate of the

    company and its products and services, and contribute to bottom line business success. They will

    normally perform better and are more motivated. There is a significant lin! between employee

    engagement and profitability. They form an emotional connection with the company. Thisimpacts their attitude towards the company’s clients, and thereby improves customer satisfaction

    and service levels. It builds passion, commitment and alignment with the organization’s

    strategies and goals Increases employees’ trust in the organization. 'reates a sense of loyalty in

    a competitive environment -rovides a highEenergy wor!ing environment

    oosts business growth ma!es the employees effective brand ambassadors for the company. A

    highly engaged employee will consistently deliver beyond e pectations. In the wor!place

    research on employee engagement %4arter, )chmidt P 4ayes, 22 & haverepeatedly as!ed employees Hwhether they have the opportunity to do what they do best

    everyday’. >hile one in five employees strongly agree with this statement. Those wor! units

    scoring higher on this perception have substantially higher performance.

    Thus employee engagement is critical to any organization that see!s to retain valued employees.

    The >atson >yatt consulting companies has been proved that there is an intrinsic lin! between

    employee engagement, customer loyalty, and profitability. As organizations globalize and

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    become more dependent on technology in a virtual wor!ing environment, there is a greater need

    to connect and engage with employees to provide them with an organizational Hidentity.’

    7o' to meas1#e Employee EngagementK

    +allup research consistently confirms that engaged wor! places compared with least engaged

    are much more li!ely to have lower employee turnover, higher than average customer loyalty,

    above average productivity and earnings. These are all good things that prove that engaging andinvolving employees ma!e good business sense and building shareholder value. #egative

    wor!place relationships may be a big part of why so many employees are not engaged with their


    tep IB +isten

    The employer must listen to his employees and remember that this is a continuous process. The

    information employee’s supply will provide direction . This is the only way to identify their

    specific concerns. >hen leaders listen, employees respond by becoming more engaged. This

    results in increased productivity and employee retention. "ngaged

    employees are much more li!ely to be satisfied in their positions, remain with the company, be

    promoted, and strive for higher levels of performance.

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    tep IIB Meas1#e c1##ent level o$ employee engagement

    "mployee engagement needs to be measured at regular intervals in order to trac! its contribution

    to the success of the organization.

    ut measuring the engagement %feedbac! through surveys& without planning how to handle the

    result can lead employees to disengage. It is therefore not enough to feel the pulseRthe action

    plan is just as essential.

    ;no'ing t5e Deg#ee in '5ic5 Employees A#e Engage(K

    "mployee engagement satisfaction surveys determine the current level of employee

    engagement. A wellEadministered satisfaction survey will let us !now at what level of

    engagement the employees are operating. 'ustomizable employee surveys will provide with a

    starting point towards the efforts to optimize employee engagement. The !ey to successful

    employee satisfaction surveys is to pay close attention to the feedbac! from the staff. It is

    important that employee engagement is not viewed as a one time action. "mployee engagement

    should be a continuous process of measuring, analyzing, defining and implementing.The

    employee survey is a diagnostic tool of choice in the battle for the hearts of employees.

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    )tudies of +allup, Mercer, 4ewitt and >atson >yatt %consulting companies& as!ed wor!ers

    number of 3uestions relating to their job satisfaction. +allup being one of oldest the consulting

    organization Uin conducting engagement surveyV creates a feedbac! system for employers thatwould identify and measure elements of wor!er engagement most tide to the bottom line. Things

    such as sales, growth, productivity and customer loyalty are all accessed. After 4undreds of

    focus group and thousands of interviews with employees in a variety of industries, +allup came

    up with N. / , a twelveE3uestion survey that identifies strong feelings of employee engagement.

    They have identified / 3uestions that most effectively measure the lin!s %the +allup N/ &.

    /. o you !now what is e pected of you at wor!W. o you have the materials and e3uipment you need to do your wor! rightW

    @. At wor!, do you have the opportunity to do what you do best every dayW

    9. In the last seven days, have you received recognition or praise for doing good wor!W

    =. oes your supervisor, or someone at wor!, seems to care about you as a personW

    C. Is there someone at wor! who encourages your developmentW

    :. At wor!, do your opinions seem to countW

    0. oes the mission purpose of your company ma!e you feel your job is importantW

    1. Are your associates %fellow employees& committed to doing 3uality wor!W

    /2. o you have a best friend at wor!W

  • 8/20/2019 Himani Vrerma.docx


    //. In the last si months, has someone at wor! tal!ed to you about your progressW

    / . In the last year, have you had opportunities at wor! to learn and growW

    )ome of the discussions which come from +allup’s 3uestions areF E

    *now what is e pected of me at wor!E employees should !now e actly what is e pected of

    them. If e pectations are unclear, employees will inevitably face frustration, and will be open for

    other opportunities where they do !now what5s e pected of them, and where their contributions

    are measured and recognized. Materials and e3uipmentE "mployees need the right tools and

    e3uipment to support their s!ills, e perience and talents P perform their jobs at an optimum


    o what I do best every day E Are your employees cast in the right rolesW *nowing the critical

    demands for every role is a !ey to ensuring that talents fit those demands .

    )upervisor )omeone at wor! cares EManagers must spend most of their time with their most

    productive talent. Many managers give their greatest degree of attention to employees who are

    falling behind. Talented, productive people crave time and attention from their managers, and

    will leave your company if they have a wea! relationship %or no Belation ship& with their

    manager or supervisor. 'oEwor!ers committed to 3uality.EMany companies arbitrarily put teams

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    together without considering that employees only psychologically commit to teams if they

    perceive their team members will support their high level of commitment and performance.

    Talented employees set high standards and depend upon those around them to support their growth toward e cellence.

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  • 8/20/2019 Himani Vrerma.docx


    T7E "6 C* OF EMP+O

  • 8/20/2019 Himani Vrerma.docx


    7eader should provide challenging and meaningful wor! with opportunities’ for career

    advancement. Most of the people want to do new thing in their job. +ood leader challenge

    employeeO but at the same time, they must instill the confidence that the challenge can be made.


    7eader must communicate a clear vision. people want to understand the vision that senior

    leadership has for the organization, and the goals that leaders or department heads have for the

    division, unit, or team. success in life and organizations, to a great e tent, determined by how

    clear individuals are about their goals and what they really want to achieve.


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    )urvey show that, over and over, employees feel that they receive immediate feedbac! when

    their performance is poor, or below e pectations. these same employees also report that praise

    and recognition for strong performance is much less common. e ceptional leaders giverecognition, they do so a lotO they coach and convey.


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    )tudies show that, when employees wor! in teams and have the trust and cooperation of their

    team members, they outperform individuals and teams which lac! good relationships. great

    leader are team buildersO they create an environment that fosters trust and collaboration. surveysindicate that being cared about by colleagues is a strong predictor of employee engagement.

    thus, a continuous challenge for leaders is to rally individuals to collaborate on organizational,

    departmental, and group goals , while e cluding individuals pursuing their selfEinterest.

    1.'B" I I7ITL

    7eaders should strive to maintain a company’s reputation and demonstrate high ethical

    standards. -eople want to be proud of their jobs, their performance, and their organization.


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    /. Total Nuality Management %TNM&.. )mall +roup Activities %)+A&.

    @. aily Management % M&.9. -olicy Management %-M&.

    =. Nuality 'ircle %N'&.C. Theory of 'onstraints. %TA+IT< MANA!EMENT









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  • 8/20/2019 Himani Vrerma.docx


    In TLM t5#ee levels o$ J1ality as competitive a(vantage.

    " st +E E+ is FE conformance to customer’s basic re3uirements

    L1ality cont#ol "2-6*s

    %n( +E E+ is FE customers satisfaction with customer’s e pressed re3uirements.

    C st -@s *s 4- - +ts

    C st -@s6- ss /

    - - +ts

  • 8/20/2019 Himani Vrerma.docx


    Nuality management FE /1:2’s


    +E E+ is FE customer delight with une pected new 3uality achieved by meeting customer’slatent re3uirements

    Attractive 3uality creation Today and Tomorrow.

    “ mall !#o1p Activities”

    C st -@s*t +t

    - - +ts

  • 8/20/2019 Himani Vrerma.docx


    Team wor! F all employees participate in activities to achieve the organization goal.

    -lace of learning for members.

    -lace of self G actualization.-lace of communication.-lace of wor!place problemEsolving.

    !A ystem at TATA DOCOMO.

    It follows calendar year%(anuaryEdecember&.'ompetition, reward and recognition system is same for all )+A teams.All )+A teams are registered on 3ui!s at intranet.

    !A team composition.

    @ to 0 members/ facilitator, / leader and other as members.$acilitator can be of any level %officer or nonE officer&.7eaders Pmembers should be non officers only.A person should be a leaser member of only one team.$acilitator can be member of more than one )+A team, if re3uired.


    aily Management is defined as all the activities that must be carried out to efficiently achieve

    the business objectives of each department is responsible for.

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    “DAI+< MANA!EMENT” incl1(eB

    4ourly job.

    aily job.>ee!ly job.Monthly job.)easonal job.Learly job.

    Management $o# #o1tine o4s at all levels(obs in front line operation.)upervisors job.)ection managers job.

    epartment to Top Managers (ob.

    DAI+< MANA!EMENT is a4o1t.>hatW>hyW4owW

    H5at incl1(e.

    Management of regular routine transactional activity es.

    H5y incl1(e.

    Maintain current levels of performance.+radual improvement.

    7o' incl1(e.

    )table and predictable operations.

    3asic steps o$ DAI+< MANA!EMENT.

  • 8/20/2019 Himani Vrerma.docx


    Identify your jobs %roles and objectives& and the related !ey performance indicators.evelop standard operating procedures.

    Monitor the *-Is against target planIdentify and document abnormalities %deviations from target& with reasons.

    Botate - 'A on abnormalities %corrective actions&.Bevise standard operating procedures.4orizontal deployment of the learning.


    ". 'larity in roles and objectives up to shop floor levels.%. "mpowermentF decision ma!ing at lower levels.). "nhancement in internal customer focus.,. ;nderstanding about maintenance G stability of processes.-. Improve team wor!, involvement and enthusiasm of a large group of employees in

    improvement activities.


    ?Activities that are conducted, with the coEoperation of the entire company, to establish and

    efficiently achieve midE and long term business plans and short term business policies based on

    fundamental management policies.

    P#inciples o$ PO+IC< MANA!EMENT.

    PDCA-lan , o, 'hec!, Act

    A P

  • 8/20/2019 Himani Vrerma.docx


    P+AN)et up objective target


    Implement process.


    'hec! whether target achieved or not.


    'onduct immediate remedy

    PDCA is an important management concept and methodology at


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  • 8/20/2019 Himani Vrerma.docx


    H5at is -*sK

    )eiri G )orting

    )eition G )ystematizing.

    )eiso G )hining.

    )!i!etsu G )tandardising.

    )hitsu!e G )elfE iscipline.

    /& )orting O#gani ation F clearly distinguish between necessary and unnecessary. +et rid

    of unnecessary.& )ystematizingEO#(e#liness F !eep needed items at a specified place for easy access when

    needed.@& )hiningECleanliness F !eep the wor! place and items clean and shining.9& )tandardizingE tan(a#(i e F ma!e standards for ma!ing and maintaining everything

    clean nd in place.=& )elfEdiscipline G el$ Discipline F ma!e a habit of maintaining established standards and

    procedure.?=s is a systematic approach using = simple steps to create a conducive wor!


    It creates sound foundation for continous improvement and manufacturing e cellence.It can be gainfully adopted by every individual at his her wor!place, office or home to

    ma!e improvement.

    3ene$its o$ implementating -s>or!place becomes clean and better organized.)hop floor and office operations become easier and safer.

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    Time lost due to unnecessary searching are minimized.'onsumables and material wastage are minimized.Besults are visible to everyoneE the insider and outsider."nhancement of company department image and employee morale.

    -eople develop selfE discipline and positive attitude.Nuality of life at wor! place and home becomes better and betterY..



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    tep%B E ploit t5e “const#aint”

    It means we need to identify strategies to e tract ma imum output from the constraint unit with

    the e isting facility and no capital investment.

    tep)B 14o#(inate t5e “const#aint”

    "nsure the bottlenec! gets priority of resources in case of outage.

    "nsure that the bottlenec! does not suffer for re3uired resources li!e power, raw materials,

    evacuation for it’s output products etc.

    tep,B Elevate t5e “const#aint

    If we have completely e ploited the constraint and are still not meeting the goal, then there is

    need to elevate the constraint %usually through capital investment&.

    tep-B !o 4ac& to step".

    If the initially identified constraint is now not a constraint, identify the ne t constraintY

    TOC Implementation at TATADOCOMO.

    To facilitate the T

  • 8/20/2019 Himani Vrerma.docx


    )upply 'hain and

  • 8/20/2019 Himani Vrerma.docx



    'hiE)3uare Test

    To find whether there e ists a significant relationship between >or! 'ulture of the 'ompany

    and interpersonal relationship between employees.

    42F There is a no significant relationship between >or! 'ulture of the 'ompany and

    interpersonal relationship between employees.

    4/F There is a significant relationship between >or! 'ulture of the 'ompany

    and interpersonal relationship between employees.

    'alculated value is more than table value therefore accept 42

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    There is a significant relationship between overall satisfaction and aspects of job.

    *"# A77’) 'or! responsibilities

    Bules and -olicies

    -hysical wor! environment


    'alculated value F )Z =0/=.:/9

  • 8/20/2019 Himani Vrerma.docx


    Table value F //=0

    'alculated value is more than table value therefore reject 42


    There is a significant difference in the ran! assigned by respondents towards the attributes that

    gives them satisfaction in the company.

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    Resea#c5 Design

    The research design indicates the type of research methodology under ta!en to collect the

    information for the study.

    The researcher used both descriptive and analytical type of research design for his research

    study. The main objective of using descriptive research is to describe the state of affairs as it

    e its at present. It mainly involves surveys and fact finding en3uiries of different !inds. The

    researcher used descriptive research to discover the characteristics of customers. escriptive

    research also includes demography characteristic of consumer who use the product.

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    The researcher also used analytical research design to analyze the e isting facts from the data

    collected from the customer.

    A#ea o$ st1(y

    The area of study is confined to employees of TATA

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    )atisfied nor dissatisfied, issatisfied, 4ighly


    Catego#y scale 8M1ltiple items9

    Ran&ing type 8R"? R%? R) 9

    The 3uestionnaire for the research was framed in a clear manner such that it enables the

    respondents to understand and answer the 3uestion easily. The 3uestionnaire was designed in

    such a way that the 3uestions are short and simple and is arranged in a logical manner.

    Pilot st1(y

    It is appropriate to conduct pilot survey to chec! the reliability of the 3uestionnaire. )o pilot

    study was conducted on = respondents which is a /2Q of the sample.

    ampling (esign

    A )ample design is a definite plan for obtaining a sample from a given population. It is the

    procedure used by the researcher in selecting items for the sample.

    ample si e

    )ample sizeZ/22 samples, variance and confidence methods are used for determining sample


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    ampling Tec5niJ1eB

    The researcher adopted simple random sampling for the study.


    P#ima#y (ata

    -rimary data is the new or fresh data collected from the respondents through structured

    scheduled 3uestionnaire.

    econ(a#y (ata

    The secondary data are collected through the structured 3uestionnaire, literature review and also

    from the past records maintained by the company.



    -ercentage Z %#o. of respondents total no. of respondents&[/22



    Mean score Z total score no of respondents.

    >here total score Z no of respondents[weighted average

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    DATA ANA+< I

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    The 3uestionnaire dealt with different issues, which are considered to be critical factors of

    employee engagement. $ew of the 3uestions were li!e, ?involvement of the employees in

    decision ma!ing , ?employee moral , ?honest and two way communication between themanagers and wor!ers , ?commitment to the assigned job , etc.

    4owever to reduce the level of the biasness in the research, the 3uestionnaire didn’t include the

    personal details li!e name and designation of the employees, but other details li!e age group,

    education 3ualification, s!ill set etc. were included in it. These details were helpful in !nowing

    the attitude and the level of commitment of the employees towards the organization.

    A detailed analysis of all the aspects affecting employees engagement in NEA' P 'entral

    +arage at >est o!aro ivision of TATA

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    S-.+ UESTIONS St- +; D s*;- + th - *;- *;- st- +;

    D s*;- + - / s*;-*;-

    1. A- 4 *- *:*- - - + th s -;*+ *t +K 0 0 0 1 1


    2. D s th ss +F6 -6 s - 4 6*+ *9

    th*t - 7 s 6 -t*+tK 0 0 0 15$5

    3. D th -;*+ *t +@s 6- *s - :+K 0 0 0 3%

    #. D - -;*+ *t + : ;- : + t - K 0 0 0 0100

    5. D h*= 66 -t + t s *t : -9 t *-+ *+/ ;- :K 0 0 0 20$0

    H. D 4 6*+ t- *t * t * 6 sK 0 5 5 20%0

    %. D th*t - 4 *; s *- s 66 -t = K 0 0 5 05

    $. D th*t - *+*; -s *- h 6 K 0 5 5 10$0

    . D th*t - s 6 -= s -s ; / :h +

    + / /K 0 10 100 $0

    10. A- - s * ;- 6 *4t = t s (SGA)K 0 30 20 500

    11. D th*t - :*-/sF- 4 ;+ t + ; = + + SGA *- * - t

    * SGA@s ;- 6sK 0 20 30 2030

    12. : *+ 6- = +ts s 4 +t- t /

    *- K # t H 9* +s

    13. D th +9 &AI EN s * 6*-t 6 += = +tK H0 20 5 510

    1#. D th +9 * t 4 -4 t s *- 6- s = +; t sK 0 0 5 15$0

  • 8/20/2019 Himani Vrerma.docx


    S- + . ue(o'( st- +; / s*;- + th - *;-*;- st- +;

    D s*;- + - / s*;-*;-

    1 . D th*t - 6*-t 4 6*t + *66- 4 *t /F- 4 ;+ /

    4 6*+ ? 0 50 11 $5

    20. D th*t th - s s 4 +t *--*+; +t + *+

    -;+* t + - / * +; : th 6 s 6- ? 0

    20 0 80 0

    2. 21. D , *+*; -s - s 6 -= s -s th +9 th*t

    6 s 6- *s th - :+K 0 #0 050 10

    22. D th*t + : / *s *+/ + t *t = s 6- = -

    6- / 4t *+/ s -= 4 sK 0 5 05 0

    23. D * t - 6 s t +* - s6 +s t K 0 0 01$ $2

    2#. D th*t - 7 s *- 4h* +; +; *+/ 4 t +;K 0 0 05 5

    25 D 6- / t : -9 - TATA STEELK 0 0 5 50

    2H. I *- ? - / h ;h s* *- / 7 *+/ *4 t s + *+ th -

    -;*+ *t +, : *44 6t tK 0 5 05 0

    2%. D - *+*; -s 6- = / 6- 6 - t-* + +;

    *44 -/ +; t - 7 K 0 15 5%0 10

    2$. D - *+*; - ; = s - *

    / *49 + - 6 - - *+4 K 0 15 5%0 10

  • 8/20/2019 Himani Vrerma.docx



    "mployee -rofile.





    25'35 ,*-s3H'#5 ,*-s

    #H'55 ,*-s5H'* =,

    @ o$ #espon(ent .

  • 8/20/2019 Himani Vrerma.docx


    ∗ About 2Q of employees comes under =E@= years of age group, >here as @=Q comes

    under @CE9= years of category, @2Q under 9CE== years category,P /=Q comes under =C

    P above.






    + + ),t-(4),t-(4(+t,-),/(*t,;-*/.*t,

  • 8/20/2019 Himani Vrerma.docx


    ∗ In this @=Q of employees are nonE metric, @=Q have done only metric, where as =Q are

    intermediate, and only /= Q are graduate ..





    6,-*t -*.t ' , ,4t-(4(*+

    =,-)*+Fs.6,-=(s -,G6 s(=, 4*--(,-F;,+,-*)*7/ -F;-,*s,- h, 6,-

    @2Q of employees are operator, where as only /2Q are auto electrician, =Q are over

    man and supervisor and @=Q includes e plosive carrier, general majdoor, and greaser


  • 8/20/2019 Himani Vrerma.docx






    Ye!r o) Ser*#%e

    ,ss th*+ 151H'25 ,*-s

    2H'35 ,*-s3H'#5 ,*-s

  • 8/20/2019 Himani Vrerma.docx


    As far as year of service is considered about 2Q comes under less than /=

    years, =Q comes under /CE = years, @=Q comes under CE@= years, 2Q

    comes under @CE9= years.


    "9 Are you clearly aware of your role in this organizationW



    St- +; /(s*;-,,D(s*;-,,+,(th,- *;-,, + -/(s*;-,,A;-,,St- +; *;-,,

    About Z /22Q of employees aware of their role in TATA

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    . oes the mission purpose of your company ma!e you feel that your job is importantW

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    st- +; / s*;-/ s*;-+ th *;- + -/ s*;-*;-st- +; *;-

    About Z /22Q of employees feel that according to mission and purpose of the

    company, their job is important for the company as well as for themselves.

    @& o you feel the organization’s problem as your ownW

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    st- +; /(s*;-,,

    /(s*;-,,+,(th,- *;-,, + -/(s*;-,,*;-,,st- +; *;-,,

    AboutZ/22Q of employees feel that organization’s problem as their own. This shows that every

    employees of this organization is fully dedicated and loyal to the company.

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    9& o you feel your organization will grow in futureW

    st- +; /(s*;-,,/(s*;-,,+,(th,- *;-,, + -/(s*;-,,*;-,,st- +; *;-,,

    About /22Q of employees feel that organization will grow in future. It means every

    employees wor! without any tension.

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    -9 o you have opportunities at wor! to learn and growW



    st- +; / s*;-/ s*;-+ th - *;- + -/ s*;-*;-st- +; *;-

    AboutZ /22Q of employees thin! that they have opportunities at wor! to learn and

    grow. It means company help their employees to learn and grow in future for self development.

    9 o you feel company treat e3ually to all employeesW

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    st- +; /(s*;-,,


    +,(th,- *;-,, + -/(s*;-,,*;-,,st- +; *;-,,

    AboutZ :2Q of employees feel that company treat e3ually to all employees.where as Z 2Q of employees feel that company do biasness among s!illed and non

    s!illed employees. And treat good to those employees who are concern with union.

    :& o you feel that your colleagues are supportiveW



    st- +; / s*;-/ s*;-+ th - *;- + -/ s*;-*;-st- +; *;-

    About 1=Q of employees feel that their colleagues are supportive and =Q are neither

    agree nor disagree.

    09 o you feel that your managers are helpfulW

  • 8/20/2019 Himani Vrerma.docx





    st- +; /(s*;-,,/(s*;-,,+,(th,- *;-,, + -/(s*;-,,

    *;-,,st- +; *;-,,

    About Z 02Q of employees feel that managers are helpful and /2Q of employees feel

    that managers are not helpful. It means ma imum employees have healthy

    relationship with managers.

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    1& o you feel that your supervisors guide you when you neededW



    st- +; / s*;-/ s*;-+ th - *;- + -/ s*;-*;-st- +; *;-

    About 02Q of employees feel that their supervisors or superiors guide them when they needed.

    And /2Q of employees feel that they are not good guide. They can wor! with their own mind.

    They don’t need any help from supervisors and superiors.

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    "69 Are you member of small group activities %)+A&W




    st- +; /(s*;-,,

    /(s*;-,,+,(th,- *;-,, + -/(s*;-,,

    *;-,,st- +; *;-,,

    About =2Q of employees are member of )mall +roup Activity %)+A& whereas

    @2Q are disagree and 2Q are neither agree nor disagree. It means =2Q of

    employees do not !now about small group activity.

    ""9 o u feel that rewards recognition given in )+A are fair to all )+A’s groupsW




    st- +;/ s*;-/ s*;-+ th - *;-+ - / s*;-

    *;-st- +; *;-

    About @2Q of employees feel that rewards recognition given in )+A are fair to

    all )+A’s group. Bemaining :2Q of employees are not aware about this activity

    according to /2&, so they are disagree or neither agree nor disagree.

    "%9 4ow many improvements%*AI\"#& is contributed by you yearlyW

  • 8/20/2019 Himani Vrerma.docx






    30 2#H'J*+$

    - th*+ th s+

    =Q of employees give suggestions yearly. /2Q gives 9, =Q gives C,again =Q

    gives 0, =Q gives more than these. and @2Q gives no idea. It means :2Qof

    employees are of creative mind and rest @2Q are busy in their job not any e tra


    /@& o you thin! *AI\"# is a part of employee involvementW





    st- +; / s*;-

    / s*;-+ th - *;- + -/ s*;-*;-st- +; *;-

  • 8/20/2019 Himani Vrerma.docx


    About C2Q of employees don’t thin! that *aizen is a part of involvement. And

    2Q thin! it is the part of involvement. It means 02Q of employees give

    importance to *aizen where as rest 2Q thin! it is unnecessary thing.

    /9& o you thin! 3uality circle tools are problem solving toolsW




    st- +; /(s*;-,,/(s*;-,,+,(th,- *;-,, + -/(s*;-,,*;-,,

    st- +; *;-,,

    About 02Q of employees thin! 3uality circle tools are problem solving tools

    where as =Q of employees neither agree nor disagree. 0=Q wants their wor!place


  • 8/20/2019 Himani Vrerma.docx


    /=& o you feel company really ta!e initiatives regarding *AI\"#W




    st- +; / s*;-/ s*;-+ th - *;- + -/ s*;-*;-st- +; *;-

    About 02Q of employees feel company really ta!e initiatives regarding *aizen.

    >here as /2Q of employees are disagree with this statement. It means their

    suggestions are not so good but employees don’t feel so.

    " 9 o you feel that *AI\"# is necessary for the growth of the organizationW

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    st- +; / s*;-/ s*;-+ th - *;- + -/ s*;-*;-st- +; *;-

    About :2Q of employees feel that *aizen is necessary for the growth of the

    organization. >here as 2Q of employees feel that it is not necessary. It means

    employee involvement is necessary for the growth of the organization.

    "/9 o you feel that ).+.A encourages towards new ideasW

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    st- +; / s*;-/ s*;-+ th - *;- + -/ s*;-*;-st- +; *;-

    About :2Q of employees feel that )+A encourages new ideas and rest @2Q are

    disagree or neither agree nor disagree. It means @2Q of employees believe that

    ideas are repeated after some interval.

    "09 o you feel that your ideas are implemented in your organizationW

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    st- +; /(s*;-,,/(s*;-,,

    +,(th,- *;-,, + -/(s*;-,,*;-,,st- +; *;-,,

    About 02Q of employees feel that their ideas are implemented in the organization.

    >hereas 2Q of employees disagree with this statement. It means their ideas are

    not worth or ma!e any changes in the company.

    "29 o you feel that your participation appreciated recognized by companyW

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    st- +; / s*;-/ s*;-+ th - *;- + -/ s*;-*;-st- +; *;-

    About 0=Q of employees feel that their participation appreciated recognized by

    company and rest /2Q of employees are disagree with this statement. It means =Q

    thin! that they need more appreciation recognition according to their wor!.

    %69 o you feel that there is sufficient arrangement in an organization for dealing

    with employees problemW

  • 8/20/2019 Himani Vrerma.docx


    20 20

    $0 $0

    st- +; / s*;- / s*;-+ th - *;- + - / s*;- *;-

    st- +; *;-

    About 02Q of employees feel that there is sufficient arrangement in an

    organization for dealing with employees problem. >hereas @2Q are disagree.

    ecause 2Q ofemployees e pect from the company that company should deal with employees

    family problem also.

    %"9 o you feel, managers or supervisors thin! that employees problem as their


  • 8/20/2019 Himani Vrerma.docx




    10 st- +; / s*;-

    / s*;-+ th - *;- + -/ s*;-*;-st- +; *;-

    About =2Q of employees feel managers or supervisors thin! that their

    problem as their own. >hereas 92Q of employees disagree with this

    statement. ecause /2Q thin! that own problem is own. "mployees must

    !now how to tac!le with those problems.

    %%9o you feel that new ideas and initiatives improve your product and servicesW

  • 8/20/2019 Himani Vrerma.docx


    5 5


    st- +; / s*;-

    / s*;-+ th - *;- + th -/ s*;-*;-st- +; *;-

    About 12Q feel that new ideas and initiatives improve product and service.

    >hereas =Q of employees disagree with this statement. ecause =Q of

    employees don’t !now about changes occur in the company.

    %)9 o you feel about your positional responsibilityW

  • 8/20/2019 Himani Vrerma.docx




    st- +; /(s*;-,,/(s*;-,,+,(th,- *;-,, + -/(s*;-,,*;-,,st- +; *;-,,

    About /22Q of employees feel about their positional responsibility. They

    believe that their responsibility is to wor! with honest for the company. And

    wor! without any damage or loss for the company.

    %,9 o you feel that your jobs are challenging and e citingW

  • 8/20/2019 Himani Vrerma.docx




    st- +; /(s*;-,,/(s*;-,,+,(th,- *;-,, + -/(s*;-,,*;-,,st- +; *;-,,

    About /22Q of employees feel that their jobs are challenging and e citing.

    ecause ma imum employees deal with heavy earth moving

    machines% 4"MM&.

    %-9 o you feel proud to wor! for TATA

  • 8/20/2019 Himani Vrerma.docx




    st- +; /(s*;-,,/(s*;-,,+,(th,- *;-,, + -/(s*;-,,

    *;-,,st- +; *;-,,

    About 1=Q of employees feel proud to wor! for TATA

  • 8/20/2019 Himani Vrerma.docx



    5 5st- +; / s*;-/ s*;-+ th - *;- + -/ s*;-*;-st- +; *;-

    About 1=Q of employees disagree if they are offered high salaried job and

    facilities in other organization, they will not accept it.

  • 8/20/2019 Himani Vrerma.docx






    st- +; / s*;-

    / s*;-+ th - *;- + -/ s*;-*;-st- +; *;-

    About %:2QX/2Q& Z02Q of employees feel that managers provide proper

    training according to their job. >hereas %/=QX=Q& Z 2Q of employees

    disagree with this statement. ecause some of the jobs can be done without

    training also according to managers. ut according to employees training

    should be imparted to them.

  • 8/20/2019 Himani Vrerma.docx


    %09 o you feel your manager gives you formal feedbac! on your performanceW





    st- +; / s*;-/ s*;-+ th - *;- + -/ s*;-

    *;-st- +; *;-

    About 02Qof employees feel manager gives formal feedbac! on their

    performance. And /=Q disagree, =Q neither agree nor disagree. It means 2Q

    did not get formal feedbac!, they thin! that managers are busy with their own


  • 8/20/2019 Himani Vrerma.docx


    %29 o you feel your manager regularly coaches you on improving your





    15Nst- +; /(s*;-,,/(s*;-,,

    +,(th,- *;-,, + -/(s*;-,,*;-,,st- +; *;-,,

    About 02Q of employees agree that managers regularly coaches you on

    improving their performance. >hereas /=Q disagree and =Q neither agree nor

    disagree. It means 2Q of employees are disagree with this statement.

    ecause these 2Q wants that manager come to them and meet personally or

    coach them.

    @2& o you understand what company e pected from you and your wor!W

  • 8/20/2019 Himani Vrerma.docx




    st- +; /(s*;-,,

    /(s*;-,,+,.th,- *;-,, + -/(s*;-,,*;-,,

    st- +; *;-,,

    About %=QX1=Q& Z/22Q of employees understand what company e pected

    from them and their wor!. /22Q of employees answer is company wants

    production, wor! on time and Maintain discipline at wor!place.

    @/& o you feel that there are promotion in right timeW



    15 st- +; / s*;-/ s*;-+ th - *;-+ - / s*;-*;-

    st- +; *;-

  • 8/20/2019 Himani Vrerma.docx


    About 12Q of employees feel that there are promotion in right time.

    >hereas/2Q disagree with this statement. ecause they feel that promotion

    ta!es place very rare and need some source to ta!e promotion.

    )%9 o you aware of promotion policyW



    st- +; / s*-/ s*;-

    + th - *;- + -/ s*;-*;-

    st- +; *;-

    About C2Q of employees aware of promotion policy, whereas 92Q of

    employees are not aware of promotion policy.

  • 8/20/2019 Himani Vrerma.docx


    a. o you feel that you come under e tra standard force %);B-7;)&W



    st- +; /(s*;-,,/(s*;-,,+,(th,- *;-,, + -/(s*;-,,*;-,,st- +; *;-,,

    About 10Q of employees strongly disagree that they come under e tra standard force.

    hat is that you li!e in TATA

  • 8/20/2019 Himani Vrerma.docx


    @9& >hat is that you don’t li!e in TATA age policy towards the unionized category wor!men.7ocal disturbance.

    FINDIN! and CONC+> ION

  • 8/20/2019 Himani Vrerma.docx


    The degree of "mployee "ngagement in NEA' P 'entral +arage can be clearly understood by

    the help of following pieEchart

    h ;h / s +;*; / 10

    / s +;*; / 15

    + th - +;*; / + - / s +;*; / 5

    +;*; / 15

    h ;h +;*; / 55

    To conclude, the data highlight certain strength and wea!ness of the "mployee "ngagement at NE

    A' P 'entral +arage epartment of TATA

  • 8/20/2019 Himani Vrerma.docx


    Almost everyone is feel proud to be associated with TATA

  • 8/20/2019 Himani Vrerma.docx


    )urrounding village must be grow. Any type of death case occurs, dependent service should be provided. "mployees who got job on land basis, if any type of death occurs, service should

    be provided to the dependent.


    >ebsitesF/. httpF

    . httpF

    oo!s/. '.B *othariE Besearch Methodology.

    . )tephin BobbinsE