Download - Hillary Clinonotn Kosove2010i

  • 8/11/2019 Hillary Clinonotn Kosove2010i


    Fjala e Sekretares Klinton me Kryeministrin e Kosovs Hashim Thai (13Tetor 2010)

    Hilari Rodam Klinton

    Sekretare e Shtetit

    Kuvendi Popullor

    Prishtin, Kosov

    13 tetor 2010

    SEKRETARA K!"#T$#% u &aleminderit shum, Kr'eministri Tha(i) *sht di(ka e

    mrekullueshme + am ktu n Prishtin) -ua t.u &alndero pr priten e n/roht,

    po kshtu edhe Presdentin n det'r Krasni+i, inistrin e ashtm H'seni dhe t

    /ith nerit n Prishtin + m prshndetn, u+eshn dhe m dhan dorn

    kur ndalova t shiha statun e tim sho+i) am shum e emoionuar + am ktu n

    emr t Presidentit $ama) 4i o vetm 'rtarisht si Sekretara e Shtetit, por edhe

    si antare e n &amilee shum t prkushtuar nda s ardhmes s kti vendi)

    Remarks With Kosovo rime !inister Hashim Tha"i (#"to$er 13% 2010)

    Hillar' Rodham 5linton

    Seretar' o& State

    #ational Asseml' 6uildin/

    Pristina, Kosovo

    $toer 13, 2010

    SE5RETAR7 5!"#T$#% Thank 'ou ver' muh, Prime inister Thai, and it is

    8onder&ul to e here in Pristina) " 8ant to thank 'ou &or the 8arm 8elome, and also

    to atin/ President Krasni+i and 9orei/n inister H'seni and to all o& the people in

    Pristina 8ho 8aved at me and smiled and shook m' hand 8hen " stopped to see m'husand.s statue) " am ver' e:ited to e here on ehal& o& President $ama) " ome

    not onl' o&&iiall' as the Seretar' o& State, ut personall' as a memer o& a &amil'

    ver' ommitted to the &uture o& this ountr')

    Takimi i sotm ven pas udhtimit t paradokohshm t kr'eministrit n ;ashin/ton,

    ku ai u takua me

  • 8/11/2019 Hillary Clinonotn Kosove2010i


    ?ithashtu dua t.u dr/o n prshndete t ve(ant t /ith trupave amerikane si

    dhe trupave n/a aleatt tan + shren n Kampin 6ondstill) ven ke+ + nuk

    via dot t.u takoa personalisht n kt udhtim, por u &alendero pr /ith(ka +

    eni duke r pr t mshtetur stailitetin n Kosov dhe aneman raonit)

    Presidenti $ama dhe un emi t prkushtuar t ndihmom vendet e 6allkanit +

    t arrin stailitetin dhe e/atin a&at/at) Si/urish, ashkshorti im, Presidenti

    Klinton, ndan me ne prkushtimin ton dhe sht thellsisht i lidhur me kt vend) Si

    president, ai punoi shum pr t ndihmuar popullin e Kosovs + t eto n pa+e, i

    lir n/a persekutimi)

    " also 8ant to send a speial /reetin/ to all o& the Amerian troops as 8ell as the

    troops &rom our allies and partners servin/ at 5amp 6ondsteel) ".m sorr' that " ould

    not /et out to visit 'ou personall' on this trip, ut " thank 'ou &or ever'thin/ that

    'ou are doin/ to support stailit' in Kosovo and aross the re/ion) President $ama

    and " are ommitted to helpin/ the ountries o& the 6alkans ahieve lastin/ stailit'

    and prosperit') 5ertainl', m' husand, President 5linton, shares our ommitment

    and is deepl' onneted to this plae) As president, he 8orked hard to help the

    people o& Kosovo live in peae, &ree &rom perseution)

    Ai, un, dhe Presidenti $ama dhe t /ith amerikant kemi +en krenar + kemi

    +ndruar prkrah Kosovs /at viteve) emi t nderuar + emi mi+t tua dhe

    partnert tua dhe na ka r shum prsht'pe t /ithve /ith(ka + keni arritur

    vitet e &undit) Pra, +enia ime ktu sht n vot e vrtet esimi, e are honored to e 'our &riends and 'our partners and

    8e are impressed ' all that 'ou have ahieved in the past &e8 'ears) So m' ein/

    here is a real vote o& on&idene, r) Prime inister, in 8hat 'ou are doin/ and in the

    &uture that 'ou are attemptin/ to hart @ a ne8 &uture not onl' &or Kosovo, ut &or

    the re/ion) And " thank all o& 'ou &or ein/ part o& that /reat ommitment) Kosovo

    and the ;nited States have een partners throu/h 8ar, throu/h the intensive

    reuildin/ that &ollo8ed the 8ar, and throu/h Kosovo.s hard&ou/ht ourne' to


    B n/a &illimi, Shtetet e 6ashkuara mshtetn t dretn e Kosovs pr t ekistuar

    sin shtet Sovran, i pavarur, renda ku&ive t sa ekistues) irpritm opinionin e

    &undit kshillimor t ?'kats #drkomtare t -retsis + a&irmonte t dretn

    li/ore t Kosovs pr t shpallur pavarsin) -he tani do t vahdom t

    mshtesim Kosovn teksa ao kr'en punn e vshtir t ndrtimit t n vendi t

    +ndrueshm, t e/at dhe demokratik + sht n pa+e me &+int dhe /ithn e

  • 8/11/2019 Hillary Clinonotn Kosove2010i


    m shum i inte/ruar n ashksin euroatlantike) Pr kt +llim, Shtetet e

    6ashkuara an t inkurauara n/a dialo/u i ardhshm midis Kosovs dhe Seris,

    (ka o&ron n shans + kto vende t /idhin prolemet praktike dhe t kapren

    pen/esat pr +en &+in t mir)

    Si( i thash Kr'eministrit Tha(i sot dhe Presidentit Tadi( de, disa (shte, si statusi,

    sovraniteti dhe inte/riteti territorial i Kosovs, nuk an shtruar pr diskutim) Por

    udhhe+sit e t d' vendeve duhet t.i pr+asen dialo/uet me miresim dhe merespekt pr sh+etsimet e nritetrit) Kto isedime pr&a+son n shans pr t

    tratuar nevoat e menhershme dhe praktike teksa het prparim dret s'nimeve

    me pr&itim t ndrsell @ pr shemull, rrita e udhtimeve dhe tre/tis) Pra,

    Shtetet e 6ashkuara kan n:itur edhe Serin edhe Kosovn + t vin n tr'e

    me n plan @ dhe e dim + Kosova tashm ka para+itur n kuadr @ dhe t hedhin

    themelet pr n marrdhnie poitive dhe a&at/at)

    -ihet + nuk sht e leht) Kt e kuptom) Por ka shum vende n Europ dhe

    tetrkund + kan histori t /ata kon&liktesh, t tilla si 9rana dhe ?ermania, +

    tani ashkpunon, hvillon tre/ti, dhe punon sashku) Shpresa on sht +n t ardhmen, t mund t themi t ntn / pr Serin dhe Kosovn)

    Si n vend &are i ri, me n popullsi dinamike e shumetnike dhe me popullsin m

    t re n Europ @ si( pash npr rru/ me &oshnet dhe &mit e ukur + pata

    shansin t shikoa @ Kosovs i krkohet t shum /ra nhersh) Kosovs i

    krkohet t instalo n tradit demokraie dhe t vendos instituione t &orta

    pulike, t nde shkndin e rrites s +ndrueshme ekonomike, t trhe+

    investime t huaa, si dhe t krio vende pune pr /ith ata t rin= t vahdo

    me n plan transparent + t privatio ndrmarret shtetrore oe&iiente t tilla si

    kompanit e ener/is dhe telekomit= t ndrto n prkushtim solid nda sundimitt li/it= /edhe t lira, t ndershme e transparente= dhe t n:is nerit n/a

    preardhe e etni t ndr'shme + t eton n harmoni e t punon sashku pr t

    ndrtuar n t ardhme t prashkt) T /itha kto det'ra an thelsore dhe

    asn pre t're nuk sht e leht)

    Shtetet e 6ashkuara do t vahdon t o&ron (&ardo llo mshtetee +

    mundemi pr popullin dhe +everin e Kosovs ndrkoh + u punoni dret kt're

    s'nimeve n muat dhe vitet e ardhshme) -o t ndihmom sipas nevos me

    /edhet e ardhshme) Ato prn n /ur kilometrik pr kt demokrai t re) -he

    ne e dim + do t en transparente dhe esnike nda rendit kushtetues) #e do tmshtesim hvillimin e sektorit privat t Kosovs) Shohim potenial t madh pr

    rriten e ekonomis s Kosovs, sidomos nse kr'eni investime n t rint tua +

    an, teke&undit, urimi m i madh i vendit tua)

    #e do ta mshtesim Kosovn teksa u pr/atiteni pr t.u ashkuar me instituione

    t tilla euroatlantike si 6ashkimi Europian dhe #AT$) Ato pr&a+son shansin m

    t mir t Kosovs pr n t ardhme a&at/at me stailitet dhe e/ati) -o t

    ndihmom teksa Kosova punon pr t inte/ruar ashksit sere m thell n vend)

    Trash/imia shumetnike e Kosovs sht n pik krenarie pr shum pre

  • 8/11/2019 Hillary Clinonotn Kosove2010i


    +'tetarve tua + pranon se diversiteti ua sht n &or komtare, n &or

    + edhe ne n Shtetet e 6ashkuara e kemi dhe e vlersom shum) von sot, do

    t viito n pre thesareve kulturore t Kosovs, anastirin e ?ra(anis, n pik

    ortodokse sere + daton n shekullin e katrmdhet)

    -o t viito /ithashtu edhe kr'eashkiakt e /edhur rishtas t ashkive me

    shumi sere, t ilt po ndekin rru/n e pr&shires dhe inte/rimit me +everin

    komtare) Ko sht di(ka pr t.u pr/uar dhe mshtetur aktivisht) Populli nkto ashksi duhet t shoh + +enia +'tetar t plot dhe t pr&shir t Kosovs

    shprlehet n prmirsime konkrete n ett e t're) Ko sht kr'esisht n det'r

    pr +everin +endrore) Por, edhe ktu, Shtetet e 6ashkuara do t mshtesin

    udhhe+sit n (do nivel + po punon dret n Kosove t ashkuar, me diversitet

    dhe demokratike)

    #drkoh + nuk ka diskutim + prpara ka n rru/ t /at + do ta m

    sashku, le t +ndrom t pr+ndruar mi destinaionin ku (on ko rru/, n e

    ardhme n t iln n Kosov e pavarur e shumetnike sht e si/urt dhe n

    lulim, ku shanset pr t rint an t ollshme, ku traditat demokratike an t&orta, dhe ku pa+a mretron aneman raonit) Ko sht n e ardhme pr t iln

    ia vlen t punosh)

    Kosova duhet ta marr vet timonin) Por dua t dini, Kr'eministr, + ashtu si kemi

    +en me u n rru/n e vshtir dret pavarsis, ashtu edhe do t +ndrom me

    u) #e emi partnert tua dhe emi mi+t tua dhe emi shum t prkushtuar nda

    t ardhmes tua) u &aleminderit shum)

    $-ERAT$R"% Cprmes prkth'esitD Tani Sekretara Klinton dhe Kr'eministri Tha(i

    do t.u pr/i/en p'eteve tuaa) Kemi koh pr katr t tilla, d' n/a media vendasedhe d' n/a medida amerikane) 9illom me Cnuk d/ohetD)

    P7ETE% Cnuk d/ohetD) P'eta pr Sekretaren e Shtetit% &ar &orme i apin Shtetet

    e 6ashkuara pesmarres s t're n dialo/un midis Seris dhe KosovsF -he kur

    mendoni se uhet t &illo k' dialo/FAnd 8hen do 'ou think this dialo/ue should


    SEKRETARA K!"#T$#% 9aleminderit) 9olm /at me kr'eministrin sepse duam +

    k' dialo/ t et n prvo shum poitive pr Kosovn) -uke &illuar sonte n

    6ruksel dhe duke vahduar nesr dhe m pas /at &undavs, un dhe kole/t e mi

    do t takohemi me 'rtar t 6ashkimit Europian pr ta strukturuar kt dialo/) Ka

    n numr (shtesh + duhet t marrin pr/i/e lidhur me proesin, ndrtimin e ti,

    t ilat do t &illom t.i tratom me kole/t tan ktu dhe me 6En dhe me


    endom + dialo/u duhet t &illo sapo t et /ati, sepse edhe nse ktu do t

    ket /edhe, dhe pasta vitin e ardhshm, /edhe n Seri, esom se sht n

    interesin m t mir t Kosovs + k' dialo/ t &illo dhe t pr&undo n mn'r

    sa m t shpet + t et e mundur) Pra do t kemi ende pr t diskutuar me

  • 8/11/2019 Hillary Clinonotn Kosove2010i


    kr'eministrin dhe 'rtart e +everis tua sapo t vahdom dhe t pr&undom

    konsultimet me 6ashkimin Europian)

    # / + i thash kr'eministrit sht + Shtetet e 6ashkuara do t luan n rol

    mshtets, + esom &ort se ka nevo pr t pasur n udh shum t +art pr

    kt dialo/) #uk mund t vahdo pr n koh t /at) -uhet t et i

    pr+ndruar dhe t prodho reultate) Ka disa (shte, si pr shemull personat e

    hdukur, mi t ilat ekspertt tua dhe ekspertt ser mund t &illon + nesr)Por ne do t metemi n kontakt t n/usht me kr'eministrin dhe me +everin ktu

    pr t raportuar mi diskutimet tona me 6ashkimin Europian)

    $-ERAT$R"% Cnuk d/ohetD p'eta e d't, 5##)

    B;EST"$#% irmn/es) -e, Presidenti Tadi( ri shum deklarata vrtet pro

    perndimmore dhe proSh)6)A) dhe duke sikur sert ishin /ati t &illonin isedimet

    menher) 5ila sht @ u that se do t @ donit t ishit t pr&shir, (&ar doni t

    ni n &aktF &ar pame do t ket spei&ikisht pr pr&shiren e Sh)6)A) n ato

    isedimeF -he (&ar mesahi mort n/a sh+iptart dhe kosovartF &ar u duhetat're pr t +en /ati menher sepse sert than se ishin /ati menherF

    SEKRETARA K!"#T$#% endo se t d' palt an /ati, por duhet t ket n

    struktur pr dialo/un) i kt po punom) # &akt, kur kr'eministri ishte n

    ;ashin/ton, doroi n kuadr t propouar n/a +everia e Kosovs) -he si( d/uat

    de, Presidenti Tadi( ri shum t +art + k' dialo/ nuk do t hap (shte t

    statusit) Ato an /idhur me opinionin kshillimor t ?'kats #drkomtare t

    -retsis) Pra ao pr t iln duhet t vendosim sht a:henda, sekuena, dhe

    pesmarra) K' sht n radh t par n dialo/ midis Seris dhe Kosovs, d'

    shtete n ku&i me nri tetrin, t ilt si (do shtet n ku&i me n tetr, kan (shte+ duhet t /idhin) 6Ea ka interes n kt sepse 6Ea kudeset pr stailitetin

    dhe pa+en e t /ith Europs) Shtetet e 6ashkuara kan interes sepse ne emi t

    prkushtuar nda n Europe n pa+e, t +ndrueshme dhe ve(anrisht n 6allkan,

    dhe emi, si( e thash, mshtets me &or t pavarsis dhe t dretave t


    #da u inkuraova shum n/a ato + d/ova de n 6eo/rad) am inkurauar n/a

    (&ar d/ova sot n Prishtin, pranda sonte dhe nesr do t.i &utemi puns me

    kole/t tan t 6ashkimit Europian dhe t &illom t ndrtom strukturn pr kto

    dialo/e t ilat do t donim t.i shihnim t &illonin sapo ato t en /ati)

    $-ERAT$R"% C#uk d/ohetD p'eta tetr Cnuk d/ohetD)

    P7ETE% Cprmes prkth'esitD

    SEKRETARA K!"#T$#% ;n kam punuar personalisht n emr t vendeve + kan

    nohur Kosovn) Pas iseds me ministrin e ashtm, kam n list shtetesh t tera

    me t ilat Shtetet e 6ashkuara do t isedon) #e mendom se sht e

    rndsishme t vahdom t rrisim numrin e vendeve + nohin, sidomos pas

  • 8/11/2019 Hillary Clinonotn Kosove2010i


    opinionit t ?#-, i ili, sipas esimit ton, e /idhi (shten e pavarsis n her e


    ?ithashtu eso + pr+asa + ka ndrmarr +everia e Kosovs ka si/uruar vrtet

    admirim dhe mshtete n/a mar ota) -he mendo se dialo/u i ardhshm midis

    Kosovs dhe Seris sht n shans tetr + Kosova t lr shenn e sa o vetm

    sin shtet i pavarur rishtas, por si n demokrai e prkushtuar nda instituioneve

    demokratike, rendit kushtetues, t ilin e pam n veprim kur ?'kata Kushtetuesemori vendimin dhe presidenti ua i +ndroi ati) Ka shum ner + tashm po i

    kushton vmende mn'rs si po sillet Kosova) Pranda mendo se ko sht n

    (shte + do t si/uro /ithn e m shum mshtete n muat e vitet + do t


    $-ERAT$R"% C#uk d/ohetD p'eta e &undit, RoteriF

    P7ETE% adam Sekretare, nse mundem, lidhur me !inden e esme, palestinet

    kan re&uuar o&ertn e Kr'eministrit #etanahu pr t /atur isedimet nse

    palestinet e nohin "raelin si shtet (i&ut) P'eta ime sht% A esoni se krkesa e"raelit pr t.u nohur si n shtet (i&ut sht themelore pr (&ardo marrveshe t

    ardhshmeF -he, a eni tani m shum a m pak optimiste + d' palt do t /en

    n marrveshe n muat + vinF -he, nse keni ndon mendim mi viitn e

    Presidentit Ahmadine:had n !ian, duke pasur paras'sh situatn ate, i kemi vesht

    hapur) 9aleminderit)

    SEKRETARA K!"#T$#% S pari, t d'a palt an duke provuar shum +ndrime,

    o&erta, krkesa midis nratetrs) Shtetet e 6ashkuara meten thellsisht t

    pr&shira n punn me t d'a palt) ;n am personalisht e indur + t d'

    udhhe+sit @ Kr'eministri #etanahu dhe Presidenti Aas @ e shohin n interesin et're prkats kthimin pr t vahduar me ne/oiata t dretprdreta) Pra, metem

    edhe e prkushtuar edhe me shpres + palt do t kthehen tek isedimet e

    dretprdreta dhe do t &illon t merren me (shtet thelsore midis t're)

    Pr sa i prket viits s Presidentit Ahmadine:had n !ian, Shtetet e 6ashkuara

    mshtesin inte/ritetin dhe sovranitetin e !ianit) #e hedhim posht (&ardo

    prpekesh pr t destailiuar apo ndeur tensioned me !ianin) emi t

    prkushtuar t mshtesim +everin lianee teksa ao merret me n numr s&idash

    n raonin e sa) -o t shpresonim + asn viitor nuk do t nte ndon / apo

    thoshte ndon / + mund t epte shkak pr tension a pa+ndrueshmri m tmadhe n at vend)

    #uk di nse ndon / + mund t them un do t kishte ndon ndikim= d'sho

    shum) Por, eso se sht n mesah + ota ka nevo prell "ranianve

    pr shkak t dretpeshimit + duhet ruatur me !ianin)

    Remarks With Kosovo rime !inister Hashim Tha"i (#"to$er 13% 2010)

  • 8/11/2019 Hillary Clinonotn Kosove2010i


    Hillar' Rodham 5linton

    Seretar' o& State

    #ational Asseml' 6uildin/

    Pristina, Kosovo

    $toer 13, 2010

    SE5RETAR7 5!"#T$#% Thank 'ou ver' muh, Prime inister Thai, and it is

    8onder&ul to e here in Pristina) " 8ant to thank 'ou &or the 8arm 8elome, and alsoto atin/ President Krasni+i and 9orei/n inister H'seni and to all o& the people in

    Pristina 8ho 8aved at me and smiled and shook m' hand 8hen " stopped to see m'

    husand.s statue) " am ver' e:ited to e here on ehal& o& President $ama) " ome

    not onl' o&&iiall' as the Seretar' o& State, ut personall' as a memer o& a &amil'

    ver' ommitted to the &uture o& this ountr')

    Toda'.s meetin/ &ollo8s the prime minister.s reent trip to >ashin/ton 8here he met

    8ith 4ie President 6iden, his visit to >ashin/ton last 'ear 8hen he and " met at the

    State -epartment) " 8as deli/hted to e his host then and ".m deli/hted to e his

    /uest no8) And &or me personall', it is a /reat honor)

    " also 8ant to send a speial /reetin/ to all o& the Amerian troops as 8ell as the

    troops &rom our allies and partners servin/ at 5amp 6ondsteel) ".m sorr' that " ould

    not /et out to visit 'ou personall' on this trip, ut " thank 'ou &or ever'thin/ that

    'ou are doin/ to support stailit' in Kosovo and aross the re/ion) President $ama

    and " are ommitted to helpin/ the ountries o& the 6alkans ahieve lastin/ stailit'

    and prosperit') 5ertainl', m' husand, President 5linton, shares our ommitment

    and is deepl' onneted to this plae) As president, he 8orked hard to help the

    people o& Kosovo live in peae, &ree &rom perseution)

    He and " and President $ama and all Amerians have een proud to stand 8ith

    Kosovo throu/h the 'ears) >e are honored to e 'our &riends and 'our partners and

    8e are impressed ' all that 'ou have ahieved in the past &e8 'ears) So m' ein/

    here is a real vote o& on&idene, r) Prime inister, in 8hat 'ou are doin/ and in the

    &uture that 'ou are attemptin/ to hart @ a ne8 &uture not onl' &or Kosovo, ut &or

    the re/ion) And " thank all o& 'ou &or ein/ part o& that /reat ommitment) Kosovo

    and the ;nited States have een partners throu/h 8ar, throu/h the intensive

    reuildin/ that &ollo8ed the 8ar, and throu/h Kosovo.s hard&ou/ht ourne' to


    9rom the start, the ;nited States supported Kosovo.s ri/ht to e:ist as a soverei/n,

    independent state 8ithin its e:istin/ orders) >e 8elomed the "nternational 5ourt

    o& ustie.s reent advisor' opinion a&&irmin/ Kosovo.s le/al ri/ht to delare

    independene) And no8 8e 8ill ontinue to support Kosovo as it does the hard 8ork

    o& uildin/ a stale, prosperous, and demorati ountr' that is at peae 8ith its

    nei/hors and inreasin/l' inte/rated into the EuroAtlanti ommunit') To that end,

    the ;nited States is enoura/ed ' the upomin/ dialo/ue et8een Kosovo and

    Seria 8hih o&&ers a hane &or these ountries to settle pratial prolems and

    overome ostales to ein/ /ood nei/hors)

  • 8/11/2019 Hillary Clinonotn Kosove2010i


    As " said to Prime inister Thai toda' and to Serian President Tadi 'esterda',

    some matters, like the status, soverei/nt', and territorial inte/rit' o& Kosovo, are not

    up &or disussion) 6ut the leaders o& oth ountries must approah the dialo/ue in

    /ood &aith and 8ith respet &or eah other.s onerns) These talks represent an

    opportunit' to address immediate and pratial needs 8hile makin/ pro/ress to8ard

    mutuall' ene&iial /oals @ &or e:ample, inreasin/ travel and trade) So the ;nited

    States has ur/ed oth Seria and Kosovo to ome to the tale 8ith a plan @ and 8e

    kno8 that Kosovo has alread' presented a &rame8ork and to la' the /round8ork

    &or a positive, lon/term relationship)

    #o8, this is not eas') >e understand that) 6ut there are man' ountries in Europe

    and else8here 8ho have lon/ histories o& on&lit, suh as 9rane and ?erman', that

    are no8 ooperatin/, tradin/, 8orkin/ to/ether) "t is our hope that in the &uture, 8e

    an sa' the same aout Seria and Kosovo)

    As a rand ne8 ountr' 8ith a d'nami, multiethni population and the 'oun/est

    population in Europe @ as " sa8 in the streets 8ith all the eauti&ul aies and

    hildren that " had a hane to see @ Kosovo is alled to do man' thin/s at one)Kosovo is alled to instill a tradition o& demora' and estalish stron/ puli

    institutions to spark sustained eonomi /ro8th, attrat &orei/n investment, and

    reate os &or all o& those 'oun/ people= to ontinue 8ith a transparent plan to

    privatie ine&&iient state enterprises like the eletriit' and teleom ompanies= to

    estalish a &irm ommitment to the rule o& la8= &ree, &air, transparent eletions= and

    to enoura/e people &rom di&&erent ak/rounds and ethniities to live in harmon'

    and 8ork to/ether to uild a ommon &uture) All o& these tasks are essential and

    none o& them is eas')

    The ;nited States 8ill ontinue to provide 8hatever support 8e an to the peopleand ?overnment o& Kosovo as 'ou 8ork to8ard these /oals in the months and 'ears

    ahead) >e 8ill assist as needed 8ith the upomin/ eletions) The' are a milestone

    &or this ne8 demora') And 8e kno8 that the' 8ill e transparent and &aith&ul to the

    onstitutional order) >e 8ill support the development o& Kosovo.s private setor) >e

    see /reat potential &or Kosovo.s eonom' to /ro8, espeiall' i& 'ou make investments

    in 'our 'oun/ people, 8ho are, a&ter all, 'our ountr'.s /reatest resoure)

    >e 8ill support Kosovo as 'ou prepare to oin EuroAtlanti institutions like the

    European ;nion and #AT$) The' represent Kosovo.s est hane at a lon/term

    &uture o& stailit' and prosperit') And 8e 8ill help as Kosovo 8orks to inte/rate Serommunities more deepl' into the ountr') Kosovo.s multiethni herita/e is a point o&

    pride &or man' o& 'our itiens 8ho reo/nie that 'our diversit' is a national

    stren/th, one that 8e share and herish in the ;nited States) !ater toda', " 8ill visit

    one o& Kosovo.s ultural treasures, ?raania onaster', a Serian $rthodo: site

    datin/ ak to the 1Gth entur')

    " 8ill also visit 8ith the ne8l' eleted ma'ors o& Sermaorit' muniipalities, 8ho

    are pursuin/ a path o& en/a/ement and inte/ration 8ith the national /overnment)

    This is to e ommended and ativel' supported) The people in these ommunities

  • 8/11/2019 Hillary Clinonotn Kosove2010i


    must see that ein/ &ull and en/a/ed itiens o& Kosovo pa's o&& in onrete

    improvement to their lives) #o8, this is mainl' a task &or the entral /overnment)

    6ut here a/ain, the ;nited States 8ill support leaders at ever' level 8ho are 8orkin/

    to8ard a united, diverse, demorati Kosovo)

    >hile there is no +uestion that there is a lon/ road that 8e must travel to/ether

    ahead o& us, let us sta' &oused on 8here this road leads, a &uture in 8hih an

    independent, multiethni Kosovo is seure and thrivin/, 8here opportunities &or'oun/ people are aundant, 8here demorati traditions are stron/, and 8here

    peae rei/ns throu/hout the re/ion) That is a &uture 8orth 8orkin/ &or)

    Kosovo must take the lead 'oursel&) 6ut " 8ant 'ou to kno8, Prime inister, that ust

    as 8e have een 8ith 'ou on the hard road to independene, 8e 8ill sta' 8ith 'ou)

    >e are 'our partners and 8e are 'our &riends and 8e are ver' ommitted to 'our

    &uture) Thank 'ou ver' muh)

    $-ERAT$R% C4ia interpreter)D #o8 Seretar' 5linton and Prime inister Thai 8ill

    take 'our +uestions) >e have time &or &our +uestions, t8o &rom the loal press andt8o &rom the Amerian media) >e.ll start 8ith CinaudileD)

    B;EST"$#% C"naudileD) The +uestion &or Seretar' o& State% Ho8 does the ;nited

    States shape their partiipation in the dialo/ue et8een Seria and KosovoF And

    8hen do 'ou think this dialo/ue should startF

    SE5RETAR7 5!"#T$#% Thank 'ou) >ell, 8e talked at /reat len/ths 8ith the prime

    minister eause 8e 8ant this dialo/ue to e a ver' positive e:periene &or Kosovo)

    So startin/ toni/ht in 6russels and ontinuin/ tomorro8 and then over the 8eekend,

    " and m' ollea/ues 8ill e meetin/ 8ith European ;nion o&&iials to struture thisdialo/ue) There are a numer o& +uestions that have to e ans8ered aout the

    proess, puttin/ it to/ether, 8hih 8e 8ill e/in to address 8ith our ollea/ues here

    and 8ith the E; and the Serians)

    >e think that the dialo/ue should start as soon as it is read', eause even thou/h

    there 8ill e eletions here, and then in the &ollo8in/ 'ear, eletions in Seria, 8e

    elieve that it is in Kosovo.s interests &or this dialo/ue to e/in and to onlude in as

    e:peditious a manner as possile) So 8e.ll have more to disuss 8ith the prime

    minister and 'our /overnment o&&iials one 8e ontinue and omplete our

    onsultations 8ith the European ;nion)

    $ne thin/ that " told the prime minister is that the ;nited States 8ill pla' a

    supportive role, that 8e elieve stron/l' that there needs to e a ver' lear path &or

    this dialo/ue) "t annot /o on &or a lon/ time) "t needs to e &oused and produe

    results) There are some issues, like missin/ persons, that 'our e:perts and Serian

    e:perts ould start on tomorro8) So 8e have to se+uene it and do it the ri/ht 8a')

    6ut 8e 8ill e in lose touh 8ith the prime minister and the /overnment here to

    report on our disussions 8ith the European ;nion)

  • 8/11/2019 Hillary Clinonotn Kosove2010i


    $-ERAT$R% C"naudileD seond +uestion, 5##)

    B;EST"$#% ?ood mornin/) 7esterda', President Tadi made a lot o& reall' pro

    >estern and pro;)S) statements, and it reall' sounded like the Serians 8ere

    immediatel' read' to talk) >hat is @ 'ou said 'ou 8ere /oin/ to @ 8anted to e

    involved, 8hat do 'ou reall' 8ant to doF >hat is that /oin/ to look like spei&iall'

    &or the ;)S) involvement in those talksF And 8hat messa/e did 'ou /et &rom the

    Alanians and the Kosovars, tooF >hat do the' need to do to e read' immediatel',eause the Sers said the' 8ere immediatel' read'F

    SE5RETAR7 5!"#T$#% >ell, " think oth sides are read', ut there has to e a

    struture &or the dialo/ue) That.s 8hat 8orkin/ on) "n &at, 8hen the prime

    minister 8as in >ashin/ton, he delivered a proposed &rame8ork &rom the

    ?overnment o& Kosovo) And as 'ou heard 'esterda', President Tadi made ver' lear

    this dialo/ue 8ill not open status issues) The' have een resolved ' the

    "nternational 5ourt o& ustie advisor' opinion) So 8hat 8e have to deide on is the

    a/enda and the se+uene and the partiipation) This is primaril' a dialo/ue et8een

    Seria and Kosovo, t8o states that order one another, that like an' states 8hihorder eah other, have issues that the' have to 8ork out) The E; has a stake in it

    eause the E; ares aout the stailit' and peae o& all o& Europe) And the ;nited

    States has a stake in it eause 8e are ommitted to a peae&ul, stale Europe, and

    most partiularl' in the 6alkans, and 8e are, as " have said, ver' stron/l' supportive

    o& Kosovo.s independene and ri/hts)

    So " 8as ver' enoura/ed ' 8hat " heard 'esterda' in 6el/rade) ".m enoura/ed '

    8hat " hear toda' in Pristina, so that.s 8h' /oin/ to /et do8n to 8ork toni/ht

    and tomorro8 8ith our European ;nion ollea/ues and e/in to desi/n this struture

    &or these dialo/ues 8hih 8e 8ould like to see start as soon as the' are read')

    $-ERAT$R% C"naudileD ne:t +uestion CinaudileD)

    B;EST"$#% C4ia interpreter)D

    SE5RETAR7 5!"#T$#% >ell, " have personall' 8orked on ehal& o& ountries

    reo/niin/ Kosovo) A&ter talkin/ 8ith the &orei/n minister, " have a list o& additional

    ountries that the ;nited States 8ill e reahin/ out to) >e think it.s important to

    ontinue to inrease the numers o& ountries that reo/nie, partiularl' a&ter the

    "5 opinion, 8hih, 8e elieve, settled the matter o& independene one and &or all)

    " also elieve that the approah that the ?overnment o& Kosovo has een takin/ has

    reall' earned admiration and support &rom around the 8orld) And " think that the

    upomin/ dialo/ue et8een Kosovo and Seria is another hane &or Kosovo to make

    its mark not onl' as a ne8l' independent state, ut as a demora' ommitted to

    demorati institutions, onstitutional order, 8hih 8e sa8 in ation 8hen the

    5onstitutional 5ourt made its deision and 'our president aided ' it) There are lots

    o& people 8ho are reall' pa'in/ attention to ho8 Kosovo is ondutin/ itsel&) So "

  • 8/11/2019 Hillary Clinonotn Kosove2010i


    think that this is an issue that 8ill /ain more and more support in the omin/ months

    and 'ears)

    $-ERAT$R% C"naudileD last +uestion /oes to ReutersF

    B;EST"$#% adam Seretar', i& " ma' on the ideast, the Palestinians have reeted

    Prime inister #etan'ahu.s o&&er to e:tend the talks i& Palestinians reo/nie "srael

    as a e8ish state) ' +uestion is% -o 'ou elieve that "srael.s demand to ereo/nied as a e8ish state is &undamental to an' &uture a/reementF And are 'ou

    no8 more or less optimisti that the t8o sides 8ill /et a deal in the omin/ monthsF

    And i& 'ou have an' thou/hts on President Ahmadinead.s visit to !eanon, /iven the

    situation there, all ears) Thank 'ou)

    SE5RETAR7 5!"#T$#% C!au/hter)D >ell, &irst o& all, oth sides are testin/ out a lot o&

    di&&erent approahes, o&&ers, re+uests, et8een eah other) The ;nited States

    remains deepl' involved in 8orkin/ 8ith oth parties) " am personall' onvined that

    oth leaders @ Prime inister #etan'ahu and President Aas @ ver' muh see it as

    in their respetive interest to return to and proeed 8ith diret ne/otiations) So "remain oth ommitted and hope&ul that the parties 8ill /et ak into diret

    ne/otiations and e/in dealin/ 8ith the ore issues et8een them)

    >ith respet to President Ahmadinead.s visit to !eanon, the ;nited States supports

    the inte/rit' and soverei/nt' o& !eanon) >e reet an' e&&orts to destailie or

    in&lame tensions 8ithin !eanon) >e are ver' ommitted to supportin/ the !eanese

    ?overnment as it deals 8ith a numer o& hallen/es in its re/ion) And 8e 8ould hope

    that no visitor 8ould do an'thin/ or sa' an'thin/ that 8ould /ive ause to /reater

    tension or instailit' in that ountr')

    And " don.t kno8 8hether an'thin/ " mi/ht sa' 8ould have an' in&luene= " hi/hl'

    dout it) 6ut " elieve that it.s a messa/e that the 8orld needs to onve' to the

    "ranians eause o& the alane 8ithin !eanon that needs to e maintained)

    Remarks at &ivil So"iety Re"e'tion $y Hillary Roham &linton Se"retary oState

    *ero Kl+$

    ,el-rae% Ser$ia#"to$er 12% 2010

    Thank 'ou so muh, Amassador) >ell, &irst let me apolo/ie &or runnin/ late) >ehad ver' omprehensive disussions ust no8 8ith the leadership as Amassador>arlik listed, and it 8as a ver' produtive a&ternoon and earl' evenin/) 6ut " amespeiall' lookin/ &or8ard to hearin/ &rom all o& 'ou) " 8ant to spend m' timelistenin/ instead o& talkin/, so " 8ill keep these remarks rie&)

    6ut " 8ant to share ust a &e8 thou/hts) As our amassador said and as " mentioned

    to President Tadi earlier, it.s een ten 'ears sine the people o& Seria ame

    to/ether to relaim and reuild 'our demora') " kno8 that the last deade has not

    een eas', partiularl' &or those 8ho &ou/ht the hardest &or han/e in Seria) And

  • 8/11/2019 Hillary Clinonotn Kosove2010i


    Sunda'.s events are a reminder that in this soiet', as in most soieties, there is still

    a lot o& 8ork to e done)

    6ut 8hen 'ou ompare the Seria o& 2000 to the Seria o& 2010, it is lear that 'our

    ountr' has made si/ni&iant pro/ress) Seria toda' is more open, more demorati,

    and more respeted in the 8orld) And muh o& that pro/ress has ome throu/h the

    8ork o& people like 'ou, inludin/ all o& 'ou) ournalists and ativists, reli/ious

    leaders, and ivil soiet' leaders have pushed 'our ountr' to emrae a di&&erent


    6ut " kno8 that over the 'ears some ritis have +uestioned the motives and even

    the patriotism o& those 8ho have spoken out on ehal& o& han/e in Seria) So let

    me, on ehal& o& the ;nited States, sa' ver' learl' toni/ht% 7our oura/e, 'our

    sari&ie, and 'our ommitment to make Seria a etter plae are a triute not ust

    to 'ou ut to 'our ountr') There is no hi/her or more important &orm o& patriotism

    than 8orkin/ so hard to make 'our ountr' a etter plae)

    5ivil soiet' is pla'in/ a ritial role in onsolidatin/ the demorati /ains that 8e

    have seen here the last deade) #?$s and ativists are en/a/ed aross the &ullspetrum o& issues, and " 8as enoura/ed to hear that the Serian ?overnment is

    reatin/ a ne8 o&&ie to &ailitate dialo/ue et8een ivil soiet' and the /overnment)

    The ;nited States is ommitted to the 8ork 'ou are doin/) $ur 5ivil Soiet'

    Advoa' "nitiative that " announed in m' speeh in Krako8 this summer to the

    5ommunit' o& -emoraies is a ore element o& our assistane e&&orts here and an

    important part o& the 1 million that the Amerian people invest eah 8eek to help

    stren/then demora' here in Seria and &uel eonomi /ro8th and inlusive


    This pro/ram has provided trainin/ to more than I00 ivil soiet' representatives) "thas helped support more than J0 advoa' ampai/ns to address issues ran/in/

    &rom ille/al dumpin/ to human ri/hts) $ur partnership here in Seria represents one

    piee o& a muh roader e&&ort to stren/then ivil soiet' in ountries around the

    8orld) This 8ork is part o& our dail' a/enda at the State -epartment and ;SA"-, and

    it 8as a maor &ous o& President $ama.s reent speeh to the ;nited #ations

    ?eneral Asseml')

    $ur ommitment to this issue re&lets our o8n e:periene) Throu/hout Ameria.s

    histor', ivil soiet' ativists have 8orked to e:pand ri/hts to more itiens, improve

    8orkin/ onditions &or 8orkers, protet our environment, and stren/then our ountr'

    in so man' 8a's) And here in Seria, 'our e&&orts to promote human ri/hts, reli/ioustolerane, media &reedom, re/ional reoniliation, and EuroAtlanti inte/ration 8ill

    help 8rite a similar stor' o& pro/ress)

    #o8, " kno8 that the 8ork o& ivil soiet' is never &inished) 6e&ore " 8as ever in

    politis or /overnment, " 8as one o& 'ou) " 8as involved in ivil soiet' and advoa',

    partiularl' on ehal& o& hildren, &amilies, and 8omen) And the 8ork that 'ou are

    en/a/ed in ma' take /enerations to see it &inall' throu/h) 6ut as 'ou keep at it, the

    spae &or those 8ho hold diverse opinions 8ill open up) Soiet' 8ill eome more

    tolerant) The media 8ill e empo8ered to pursue the truth) And " am on&ident that

    one da' Seria 8ill eome a &ull partner in the EuroAtlanti ommunit')

  • 8/11/2019 Hillary Clinonotn Kosove2010i


    #o8, althou/h the ;nited States does not have a vote in the European ;nion, 8e are

    stron/l' hampionin/ 'our memership in the E;) And 8e intend to e a partner &or

    'ou in ivil soiet' and &or 'our ountr' as 'ou advane to8ard that /oal)

    So " thank 'ou &or ein/ here this evenin/ and &or sharin/ this time 8ith me) ".m

    lookin/ &or8ard to speakin/ 8ith 'ou in these small /roups eause " 8ant to hear

    &rom ever'one to /ive ever'one a hane to e:press 'ourselves and to /ive us

    additional ideas aout ho8 8e an e a etter partner &or ivil soiet' in Seria)

    6eause 8e see Seria.s &uture ali/ned 8ith Europe and ali/ned 8ith the >est and

    part o& the EuroAtlanti ommunit') Seria.s values, Seria.s traditions, Seria.s

    aspirations and /oals are ver' muh in keepin/ 8ith 8hat " kno8 8ill rin/ a etter

    opportunit' and a etter &uture &or not onl' 'ou ut, most importantl', the ne:t

    /eneration) Thank 'ou all ver' muh)

    Fjala e Sekretares 'as Takimit me resientin Ser$ ,oris Tai"

    Hillary Roham &linton

    Sekretare Shteti

    ,eo-ra% Ser$i12 tetor 2010

    SEKRETARA 5!"#T$#% 9aleminderit shum,

  • 8/11/2019 Hillary Clinonotn Kosove2010i


    Arrita e +llimit t inte/rimit n 6E krkon udhhe+si) -he,