Download - .HIH-aH f ,-.%-^, ? i ^y EW3 s» |.&£% Ss *- £$Jg: SS - n«3 ... · have cro-sfd the satulv plain where, for day-, together. thc eye saw llttlo to refieab lt. where the givcn of

Page 1: .HIH-aH f ,-.%-^, ? i ^y EW3 s» |.&£% Ss *- £$Jg: SS - n«3 ... · have cro-sfd the satulv plain where, for day-, together. thc eye saw llttlo to refieab lt. where the givcn of








SprlnirfleW, 111., May 14.-The Pre-idential train PftOmalia at I o'.lock Met night, maldng .. .lioi-t MBff m(Viunrll Hluffs, Iowa, where the PNBMUbI made h short

t]«eoh to the veterons aiMl a farye crowd gathered at

the depot. Arriving at Shenandoah at 8 o'clock the

party brm greot_d afWt a -aluto from the riflV corps._ad tn the light ot a large bonfire Uie Presidcnt nrade a

few rem»rk_ to tho throng _-«er.ibled. At 10 o'clock a

brtc. «P-»ch was made to tlie fiirge nnd cnthusl__tlcrrowd gathered at the dep,«t i:i Marwil--, >u>. Afl HM(ir»t rays of a bripht .prlng swi shono on the _cvan

h___ ol Ua-mlb-l, Mo., the Pre-ldenUal special train ar

rlved at that city in the mtd.-t of not-y blowlng ofw_lsU__, tho .liout- of tl. m.siind and the musio oft__d_. The Pre-ldent addrc-scd the mulUtude as fol¬lows:

Feltow-CiUwns : I have onlv timc to assure you tliatI __.pre.ciai.- vary higl.h __t_ evManea ol your reepect.We have extended our Journev to the I'acitlc C_-.t, wohave cro-sfd the satulv plain where, for day-, together.thc eye saw llttlo to refieab lt. where the givcn of thetduopni.- tliat is so ne-Uul to tho eyo was wuntlng. andvet a*caln and ap»l:i ;it BOBM lonesome statlon in tliede.-ert u f.w .hildrvn trom _chool, and somo of theenierp.Mrg jxvpl" who had pushed ou, there to _krmZ ass.mbled wlth this old banner m thi-.rha.Tids and gave us a hearty American velcome. I aag_ul to f-t-rn to this great central body of Mate- m

whioli I wa., re-J-ed; glad to be agaln ln the land of tliebnekove. the beech ma. Uie marle. To thc-_e denrchildren I want to saor one word of thanks. Tbgy havedone for us much on this Journev |0 make lt pleasaut,Un.r bria-t faoe. liave cheered us. 1 love to .or thern.The care the Mate- are taklng for their edur-Uon s

wtoely brstowed. <iod blews them aU, open to theirfeet B-BaaBB. wtivs and qnallfy them. better than we

have been I" our generatlon. to uphold and peipetuntethe-e magnini-ent elvll ln-UtnUons. Thanki'ig yourio-f, -inc.relv, for this kindry demon-tration, I bid yougood-by. (Great chcerlng.)

LeavL.g H-nnibal at 5:40 the party was pir

every sul.seo.uent station by enthu-lastic erowds. Shortttops wero made at Barry, BalH. and Origg-villc, re-vch-

mg .lacksonville at 8 o'rlock, where the flro depart¬ment. eebool chlldren aud ho_ts of people crowdedarotuid the traln.The Pre-ldent and party had an ovation at -.pring-

fiekl, 111., where a pleasant hour was spe-it. Their ar-

rival was hemlded by the firing of a XaUonal salute_nd the cheering of an immense crowd. t.overnor

Fifer, Mayor Lawrenc-, Senators Cullom and I-almer,

Keprc*eiit-,lve- Springer and Hender. on, Collectx.r .0-0

M. Clark, of Chirago, e.v' ogle-by and Co. >nel

E. V. swaln were __BBB( tlie tlrst to Rreet Uie vidtorsand bid thora wel<x>rao io the capital Of the State. The

city w«vs hatidsooiHy deeorated,,aiid tho arrangemeiits-ere so iwrfect that allhough the vlsit lasted only BMhour. nearly every re?ldent of the city had an 0ff_f-ti nttv to see tlie Chlef MBglsaraia of _M country cmd

the iuember. ol his party. The local B-Ut-S OmmlArmy men and civlc orR-iilzaiion wen- dntwn up in

line at thc staUon and eaoottBi the p.niy tlnvughg»vly decorated streeus past Uio Btala tapitol to tho

LiiK-oln .Monunient iu t)a_ RMfB * cnu-U-ry, wheie Uio

lonnai iniiaanalni took ptaca, Mayor L-anranoa pre-n;dod and OflIMBBF Fifer dellvered an elo.iuciit uddiess

ol welcomo, to wlu.h tlio lTeddent m;y_- IkM r.. ponse:

t.overnoi- Filcr and FoUow-Clllzetis Uiuing tlus i-v

tendi-1 iourne>, ln tno course of wln.h we have Bwepifrou?lh*. Atlantle CoMI tO the t.oldcn Oat* and nortOrw-ard u. tho UmlM ol our teirlt.-.y. we mvrt Mood lnaaaafl aaaE of Urterert and looked upon bobimb tbatSara fuU of butortoal aaaodattona and ol NaUonal____re* and Insplratlon. The interest oltWa Jou.neycuiNVt.iate- to-day. as we stand lier. for a few momenta_b, ,t iliT.-ui-"ol Unoofi. A_ I p_.s_eU throuidi. tiie

b-n_hern 8t»t_a aud noticofl Ihpsa great ce-ures oi Ims.vf__?i__liT whl.-Ti have been built sluce the war ua I «.»

|_7w ihe Bre_ ol tu-aoaa uad becu kliidled wherot_M_- was .Mico a .olliuue,1 could not itoea but U.inkS_r___T Tii__ lt was .ho h_»nd that now IMa"iaufthcll stoiies tbat hir.dled and taaplradall that w,- beho-J. All t-BSB me. of Induttry wewUihted at Uie .uncral pva- of Havery. Tlie pru. lami

^^AbrSS___1_-^e^uln aldet, where (reemon are aow bciidiiig their cnei-

Saa to Um aevrJopmenl 61 SUte. tliat have been lo gunder the pan-Tida of humau aMvjry. 1 come t da>U> this consecrdt.<i and »acred not with a heart flUedwith enioi:,,!, of ratltude that (o.d, whowhwly tomdtowai-d our Bastern shoroi a body of i.o.l f.-ai..^ .ui

__e-ty-l-v_n_ men to found this RcpubUc, did not lallio fl.d l r u, in At hoor ol onr ertreml^ona wjowas comVtent ... had the toarta and ajntpathle. andhf.«d nn 1'ie c >u-,_e of our i>e<iple tn th" tlme ol our

£_St«°. M,io, u_-rii The 1!., of ABraham LlncotoSSches rn-re iwefS le.son. than any eharaeterln American hlMory. Washington stand. re:n 't'- fi"rnu'. we thuik of hlm & difi-Jod and J^aerrod, butwe fiink of Lincoln as one wh. taater »oui I tho

chlldren. the poor. all cla-se. ol oar pcple, »' t fIhe cfriend and love.l. So tho love of oar PWpMlaJu_wn to him because ho had BB>_1 a 9jmASSl -yl - taBMB hcart. Tho a-lK.-rit.ej; u.idhardships of Wa oaa-f UM d,d mrt. duU. but

br.*dened and enllvcned h.a sy.npathi s That

_SS_-_n«3&s@r_Snn feet of the rcvercnt patrlot. M g"

KS an".^n r-^n/' _SU - g^?an produrt: no other soll could have P*fc«giThe _T«'fitne.s of It bai nol yet boen nil\ d_«overeao. me-sur".d As the lnner hlatory of the Umea lnwhl?hahe lived I- wrltten. we Und how .his gre:. ni

turned and moved In tlme of peril and dM.< » J ua

,n-{rVoaf ,.ur country ln th-ir ihome aod for

lailon wlth thal tnarvelloiH ta<t. wlth Uia* n ...

a ing r. inmoii-seiise. which cha.-a-tert.od th - man of

the people. And thnt Impressive Mbbob we have heremsCornlng I seo ln the milita.v unBoiW«cointrv, ita-dtog a> guardf about ttda tomb. 0of a race that had been condemned to Slavary and waa

pmanciDBtcd l.v his immortal pr,_ lamation. AndwhTan .Vpropriate thing it ls that tbOM whoiio dvU

were cu talled even in this State are D(»W thetrf. fM, affectionato guards of the -ort.inirt 1,

"^p=. we wUl ull aeain and apain resd the atory ol

Ilncoln's H'e and will flnd onr heartB and mtndl <"'-

__r«To.,r llve' and characters broa4_n_M and our de-J_StoU_9^»atltntlon, the IU« and the froeGpvern.mmt which he Jrescrwi to u- InteaallMd. £**£«>mv frlend. most cordlallv thinkmc you for tttOMT,L .nsl,' of w-lcome I shall po from thw tombl!^-Mn T.u,U- as to tbOBB Wbo IjOMrS_e_Sl5e_7 though in lesi troublesome tim

were those -f that man to whoae memory my soul bOMIthis morning. (Appluu-C.)When the Presidcnt elosed he was presented by

Govemor Fifer on behalf of cltUens of rctersburg,

'11 with a gold-headed cane, made from the Lincoln

store bulldlng nt Ncw Salem. peeches wata mado

by Postma. ter-neueral Wanamnkor and Secretary Baflk,during whleh th- I'reMd.nt nnd Govemor Fifor pro-

ceerted to tho M__B House. wl.cre a large r-owd was

coUocted. Here the rro-iden. made Uie following wl-

dress from his carriag©.T,,« demand for BBf proence in W-flhl-ftpn U

sa-h thiTi-annot prokaS the sUiy here w\tb yon11s morning. 1 S« a_ lo believe that u,o;t heartUy_ d __KM.f-Ty 1 Uiank you for thla cordial weMometrom lllb-ols, for the totere_t_n_ niomewts that wo

bav. enent abtrtit the tomb of that man wh,. wonld m_d" the fame of Illlnola ImiK-rishal.le and Sprln.-fl id. M,?r._ for P-trlotlc feet. if 00 other man ln thcM. n- of Uie StatT, Kd" ver c.uie to .-niinence-Abt-thiiiilU.i,,. tci^-rs.) In Ma Wa you tova a tijof lnrtrnrtion for vour chlldren, a sprlng of lnHpir*-tionito? your people that will bc lastu g. (Cbaoaa.1

Tuse/da 111., May 14.-The Presidcnt and party had

B most BUlbBBtBlH- reeeption at De<atur. vbOTB Ih-yarrived at 11:30 o«cloclc and remained ten -dnutoa.They were met at Uie st*Uon by Mayor C-amber* aada eommittee of cifUcns and escorted to a atand BB-T

by. where Uioy ITcsideiit made tho following addr. BB1

The land of bluetfra* U thc land of my love. No-

-raaM -SXaTrfaaa- lalrar Mnd_oapoBj novberaSB bm-bm. t iia-'i here m yaar eara great State ollUn.4s a Mato who-- hMtory has baan oae ol Utaa-«__:IVhievement-. ^^l£*m£i&**.bv 1,t iiiu-trlou. sons: a State v ho-o popuiautMi w in-

te___e-i ,o-tented. orderly and libertj lning: a BtaM1f___T_-Vel Pl wiii has not yet hoUHii t» api.r.ach its

2X?S__STt Btote havlng r\S\fm^im^umCe-dered ln- the lake. and «rep as - »^ t« ...f ih.

ru. waterwavs <»f the contlneot, advant-wes of a'

Khvl- a:il rall and rlver, nnexeelled hy__Molany oth.'- Butfl ta .h" Unton: a*...; .ha ha-

not ibreotten that the p-___e_cnee ofour fiee instttu

^d^mS upo:. Ihe InteUlgonce of S°JCP_d_-_S_hM -.jvf.illv i.i tn.' v. v Ijeglm Ing. la d a fimiidaUoiiC. com, o Kbool *. atem by *hl« S evenr nnm a eblMmay have a free edueatton. ( Thoae are

¦7a_nS nur-n- of ii.M-lUgen. e. hut I h-

before, hev .__. MbOOla ol "to tendmore _bw aay olbar pablle toM-">*-««J*!JiS___?__people one people, Here on theae be¦'.'''¦; «p«41SJx.the chlldren). and In ttooaa playground-s the fK-ople fthe rich and poor mlBfto tofetber and theJ^P?n««oti gew his alrs rubl-jd off by contaet with his vigoroii-P-».n_iates. (Cheers.)

Ind__naiK)ll«. May 14.-A large deleg-flo_ of Indlanatrteod. rnct the Preddcnt's party at Montc-uma a;:d

made Uiemselves hoarse cheering the Presidcnt. Ile

wm overcome by the grecting- and for the flrst Uni.

ainee he tarted from Washlngton, waa unablc to re-epond to Uie demand for a speech at any length. He

aian-ged, however, to __y :

Mt triend* Va huvo had a long Jonmey and one thathaa been attendo- bv a Kreat many ple__ant incioenw.We have had cheer* of welcomo, rea-'hing from our nptMop at R>«.ioke, Va.. .ti.Khlng aereaa tbe BBoantaiBBof Tenne-»ee and Northero Oeorgla und Alaiaina. <*.'--"

thtougli Arkan-vs and TVxM iwid along ihe I""'' "' ' --1.Kvervwheif v,e BaVB had ih- mo 1 COI-lftl <ml *",a*f

%; l.nt as 1 ito-.- to-dajr thc b.-i-der 11m- ct in-

dlatia. -:d mmt BfalB tboae idd f:i"nds. 1 Und ln .vourwelc/.me a sweetness that azeaatfl i' all.

At t___ point Uio tear. came M th. 1.-.. ident's eyesaad his utter.-x-.« so choked that h<- coi.M Bayno ro«r_. Ue Baaa BM ov. red. howev-r, and estei.aed» cordial welromc to tiu: Iiidl*naiK,U«i BBBBftlea <"'"-

mlttee. whi.-h tti.. boarded the traln. The I're-ldeitUltraln arrived in Uii. city prompUy oj, ^A.l_^dule Ume.4-4- o'clock ___ aftornooii-Mjid IU a-prott.h wm

heralded by a halute fire. by Battery A, Light Artlllery.Tho preparaUons for the Prealdent's recepUon were

magnlflecnt Ui every way, consldetlng tho llml__ lengthof his stay. Frora every 8-8-81 Ml housc-tnp on

tho prlncipal 8888888-1 stroct* tho r__« and Stripeawere unfurled' to tho breeio and largc-sl-ed plctures ofthe PresWent wero ronwplcuous everywhere. F_.pc< lallywaa this ao along tho lino of mairh. ln Jurkson Haaa.near the 08.88 Station. a speakers' stand was ereeted,but Uie rough hewn planks were toncealed from view

l.y a perfeet mass of bunting and ~tor_ and

¦MpBB. The cfToct was beaut ful. ln tho

c-iitio was hung a larpe ltkeness of Uie Presldent.It was to thia stand Uiat he and the other members ofthe party were 88888881 lnitnrdiatcly upon tho arrlvalof tho traln. through an Immense W88i whlch throngedevery avallanlc point of standlng -88BV The crowd, ln

checr after cheer, gave Uie lTesWcnt a pnulne Hooslerwelromo to his old home. AiTived at the stand, 08T«eruor llovey addressed the multliudc. and M.iyor .ul-

llvan lu a neat speecli welcomed the l'rcsldeut lwmo.IYesldcnt Harrlson responded as follows:

I do not think I can speak much to-lay. The atralnof the long Journev and fmiuej.t caOa made ou me to

speak from Waahlngton to mo Oolrton liate, and fmmtae nu Northwaat tenitory back to jndianapoiis, havesomewhat exliau. .od mc, body aud D__en, ana_ nav°

mado mv heai-t 80 open to thc»o lniP_M_l H»s u I gn-etmv i.ld'frlends, that 1 cannot, 1 leax, 8-88-8888 my-

ilur pathwav hns la-en marked by the plaudlts ofthe multitude; our wav strewn with tlow. rs. \\o hayeiounieved through the orchards ut < allfor.iU, laden withlrnit; wc have eUmbed tlw sunimtt- of great inoun-

tains fi-om whlch rleh metals havo been e_tract_d;then we have dropped lnto fruiiful vallcys. and our

a_0_a pathwav has been made glad by Uioft-lendly ac< laim of onr Amencan feUow-citir^uswithout regard to party. l-hoata ol apphuis.-.iHut all the. Bweetneas of Uiese tlowers, all the beautyot thtese almost troplcal landacapes, all IM rlehness ofthelr precloos mlnes. «lnk lnto forgetfulne_s as 1 roceivoto-day this wclroine. from my old frlend.. (fhero was

a peroeptiblo molstness lu tae l'i_.idont's eye. and hisvolco ain.ost iail.d him.) My manhood ha_ known noOtf-W liomo but this. lt was tlw sc«ne of my early.struggloa. lt has been the cenc and instniment aud_upport of my early BOeeeea lu Ufe. I come to laydown before you to-day mv ofTering of Uiankfiilnessfor the frlendly helpfulne*s in boyh*. Kl aud in all hoursdown to tlii». 1 left y.»u tw<> years a*o v> take up tliowork of U.e most responslblo ofllce In tho world. Iwent to these untrled dutlos sustalncd by your helpfulfriendlliiess. 1 come after two years to O-OiBaa manyerrors, but to say to you that I have but one thoughtin my use wliatever Lufluenco ) have for thegeneral good of all Uie peoplo. (Applau.e.)

Our stay ls so brlef that I must deny myself thapletssure ot taking all tbeae frlend* by the hand. O.-d_____ vou all. 1 have not forgotten, 1 cannot forgetliidianapolls. I look forward. if my life is spared, tothl. as Uie dtv where I shall r.- when the hard tollis done. I-lov'o Its ttome-s and rejolco ln Its commerclalprosperlty. 1 arilon further speech and allow me to_ay Ood i.loss you, every ono, and g.. «l l,y.As Presldout Harrison n-niained only forty-flve mln¬

utes ln Uio elty, the enUre programme of thc llne of

march was not earried out. owing t« this fact a largeiiunibor of people. who dld not 80 fo th.- I'nlon Station,but wero s.attered along tho llne of jnar.-h, wcre dls-.ppointod in not aeetng the Presldent. A anM ep_barkatkm, and Uio party wa* on tho liorac_tn___ for

WaahtaftOB.? .¦


Tho weddlng of Mlss Carollne Stnkes Van Duscn,daii-hter of samuel Van Dusem. to John Henry Town-

aaad took plaee yesterday _!__.___¦ at the beaae afl.ride's father, No. 01 We Thirty- .xtli-st. The BOT.W. H. P. Faaaae, <>f Um Fifth Aaeaae BBptlat ciiunh,uflclaaai Ita baMa waa ghran away by her ______

Thc mald of honor was Miss Et.iiiy Yidal. Jand

l.&ldwin was best man. and tho 888888 were John H.

waison, Joaaph 1 an Daaaa, of l_n_8-__iltla, a cousin

of tho brido; Frank riuiiuncr and Alfred Kaldwln. A¦man reeepttoo fol_riwei. Aaaons Uie g. ie*ts wero Mr.

nnd Mrs. 8. C. Van Dusen. Mr. and Ml ,. A. L. Whlte,Dr. and M_s. J. O. Baldwin, Mr. and Mrs. < >. D. Bald-

vin, Mrs. Cioorg,) Locktnan, of Fhiladelphia; Waa( laiicy, Harry __U__H8. M». _OB Mrs. Ir.uik Dirkcrsou,co.ninaiider aiid Mrs. J. B. Dirker-.n, W* DUkerson,Mr. aiid Mra. J. B. Van I_asen. Mr. and BbW. J. _.

Townseiil and Mr. aad Mrs. __ 8, E-dl-PB.At St. Bartholomcw's Church, MadKon Avenue nnd

rorlv-iourthst., kal e\,-niiig, M-M Mary BiaokB,datiphter of Cluirles M. Jirooks, wa* marrled to Charle,D. JLi818810-8. Jr. The Rov. Dr. Groer, l-ector of tho

church, offlciatcd. The best man was lt. K. Wa*bi-idge. and the ushers wero C-81-8 M. lirr«»ks, Jr.,Bobert M. Uaaan. Tlurry Sanderson, Winllns.p Tutfle,K. N. .Scarle-s iuid Fiwderick 8. Arm^trong. Mlaa-Lverly. of l'hiladelphla, was the mald of honor, and lheb_k_Ma_B_-a wero Mlaa Flareaoa Oeariea, Mlaa Lcda i.y-in.ui, Miss Mano Sehuiiiatiier and Miss Mary Knap.The reeeptlao wbtob foDowad at tba hMM of the

bride's lai:.-v, No. _h _eat M_tyiifth st., «_ lor in-tiniute triemls and relatlves.


A fashioiiahle weddlng will f-.U<- p8_» at M. John I

ChapeL Vonaeea, on uert Thursday afternoon al

o'dook Park Benjamlo, ol Neaa-York, wlU.wedMlss ida Bo_BBk Cranc, youugest daugtit.'r of HenryC' }hc enga-e.nent |B announcod of Ml- ilelcne UalMMith.ei, daugbter of Edward Ai.thoti. lo ( harles tosfcr.Thelr W-ddi-8 wlll taKe pla.e OO Juno 10.

Tho weddiuit ot Hia* Anaa Uppeimann, daughter olFre-erlok upiiermaiin. Je., .. Henry Haetemefiler tookput. la-t ewnlng at .aO o'clock at St. PetW. » er.i.a..

Lutheraii Churcu. I_txlngton-ave. aud Forty sl.xth -t.

The ceiemoas waa performed bjr thp Rev. or. Mom-

d.-iike The brido euterc.i the . hui« h with Uer rathei.

KhS^aa attended bj ber Btator. Miss Ma__«ppper.mann, a< mald of bonor, aad by foer brldearaal«a, Ih"r-rlc Doelger. Mlsi Anme Mlaa Loalae Doelger____ Mtaa ___k_lne Doeifer. fhe beat noan wu J._ut,|M-.t. It., and the nsberfl 8818 Halk. Irank\. _hr,-t. cinries Doelper and aeor_e Jetter. A u.-.e

-...,m, io. followul al - o'clocB at Arton Hall, wheregeveraJ hnndiW frlenda aat down to dlooer, dwlogwhich time thei. waa ma-lc by an orrh-atra. r. -<

Ri' g er¦ as mast-r of eeremonlea, and readlettere and teksgrama of cpnp ai...iil- th-.Lrue. s were Mr. and Mra. llenrr lauaen. Mr. aad Mra.Ctorles Hausen. Mr. and Mr 6eorg ChaUnon, llenrr¦u Mr and Mrs. A. Doelger, Jacob Doelger, PetorDa'gcr, M_ an'-l Mrs. F. vpv-r^nnu. Ml- Maajer.M, and Mr;. J. A. Mw-hw-r, (J. W. Kroger, Mr. BJldM-i A.P Fltch. Mr. and Mr*. J. B. Hanehner. Mr.__S'__.. _Udi_i- Katm,.-yer. w. G. RlnSer. Mr.and\ c \ Btadler. Mr. and Mra. J. Halk. Mr. and Mn,M-i\ Bidllti Mr. and Mra. John Bopp ant Mr. ai'. Mr-.

t ikJettoer. rhe pan- atarted fiwl nlfht for an ax-

^___^Ma?H?8peel-l).-TI_l marHage ocmrred lnTr iut? c'hi.n'li at itooo to-_ay of Ml,s Gi^chen Oa-_oo_7dta8hU-r ol Dr. and Mra. Hamlltoo Oampd. ofMoit'it Venion-«=t to Flake Watren, the aon of Mrs."

\ m atao ot Moturt Ven rm-at. The churchva.s cnxU. wltb gueata The uabera wmB.F,c^Ji-H W (iroen. W. H. (iardper, B. E. Bales,«¦"-. VlVke F K. C.tmmliors. F. M. EUMMMl. P. B,Plunimcr and E. T. Cabot ITomptly ut 18 ojclock th >

b. d" "pirtv pas-s^i ap the eentnl alMe, mv brldeamalda all ln plnk. 1_1 the wav. Th--e won; MlaanSaMa. MlS Aoole Lyman, Mlaa Boae 8. mehoJa,M__?____e't-r-«r. Mlss Kth-i Flake and Mlaa Cornellaw_rren iSebride, a b-aattful blonde. ea-

rorted hy her ftith *. Ai tae ehaocel the part- were

.-,.t iv Uie and toet maa, Btflari wyat otPh,ia,i_i, hia ai.d the oiii.iating c_Bfirn_ao, Ibe Ber.

.>m pt i^K,ks, r.lshop^i. t of tbe ttoeeaa. Aaarti«_e irVotiping nf hydranaaaa and pataa fnrmed a

nnttv baTus-rouiui to tbe brldal groap. Ti.e eeramonyI.mr_s5v.l. T-erfoi-tllM by Dr. Jirooks. Thcil f >1-

_?_i^PJSl___)_ at the home of Dr. Os. ood. Mr. and

.r war^n1 wll. tUe a hii.lal trip. after whlch tba.will'make thelr home ln Walthara.


Ti-t.M crl=n llttle a(lvcrtisement_. deseriblng ln a

_, "'"lr tfe varied rcunlrements of a host of?Xt.*HTmIny VoVunm. ou the nlnth page of The

Tribune to-day._XOTES OF THE STAGE.

Rtuart Robson and b-8 company have volunteered

their aervlaaa, J. *L WU haa ven the use ot the

. ,.on t8J8_-8 Theatre. and the 8*8*88 and or-

,-,...__ havo tataotoered fheir aaaatoaa lor a #er-f.,,.snee for the bcncflt of Iba ( Imrity Fund o tbe

,...,, Vcl.-rrm Camp of New-York. A ma ln_-

., f .riea.iee of <-Th- Henil-ttn" wlll be- glven «TWTB-ParairaaoOT r(M(-f (.om,llltf<,. .f

day, M%y -.3. T i« l"'" ,l rl)r (.rtr. __ t_8 alck.

vetaauoa of the .. k__ eaaae.'The Baaaabara of u.e MatiapiaHaB Bowimg «*.*«*

thel. frlenda. wlll fcnri a a_rfe ttaalaj party at tho

l'r-adway Theatre ou Friday evcnlng.

Bury Dasent, well _M8_D -888 u- 8 Oieatiic.l

matiuger and agent, who baaB-_a lUBB- ta OaJ-OTBtosome ktaae Bea, h aaid tojf__»"g % '^ ",:d il u

e_pee__l Iba. he win aaea baaaalialj a___

Mtne. Jana.H.h'-k has decided to leave the B_kBja

icinianently after Uils »'U^n.RUMOUS ABOUT ___.__>- BABBBB.

it is laambifl that a biaaaear of a eheap iimnsement

coterpriae ls anxious to get hold of N,hlo'< <^>c.,,,-xt -88888 and make a ten and UI88B _H_ theatre

.f it with the poasiblo ad.litlon of a maaram. The

house. it is undc. _oo<T. baa not pald at -ii tUa a

BltbOJfb lt has had some fOOi B_-_M_*»08. BBd B. 0.

Ollmore. tlie BMeehl l-<- a"11 ¦ '!ilfl hf

wllllng to let the plaee for the p.irj,,..- deataad. Oh-

JeeUon U mado, however. on tl.e part of the Mpi8-sentatives of the Stewart esUte, as thev bel.cve that

mc. _ rhange ln the pollcy of the theatre vaaM ln-lure t'.« property, as well as the M.tropollt_o Hotel

mttf, and they aie B8-«8a_. Bieaadtagly air-lUlaithat it -should bo pui to thc BBM of ti.e*;. ei.t.-it.ln-

ai /«._._ n t aeem llkclv, on the WhalB, that__."__ _i_ __rj^_8_8___ aboai There was ,u,...i^ ^?"_? __L tha. t .- P'a'-e woold DOt ba .., upledaaTtheatraii _Tl Ifter tl.l, _8B8_8. but thl. __. cx,n-

tn-lir-.ted.___«. _U___Or_ BWOVBBTi yoi; CBABITT,

The will -I __-8_B C. Mart.e, Bf-BBfaB. <f «he

Tvpothe.;..-, waa llad -'"<. 9***** f***M. The

u-tator beqo-Bthee 81.000 eaeh ls th,- Board .,f Homem. __ni of the Pr-sbvterlnn Chnreh, tha P___>7le___BllJ-plCy aud __» N.-w:VorK ophtnalmte Hoaattal


The sensatlonal roporta published yest,i.av about

_e*r_u^ Ula-ae'a coudiUou were emphatically danioa

by the famlly. Mr. Blalne lt. slmply rcttlng ouietly &

few dav. at tho house of Ma .on-in-law, Waltcr Dani-

ro-ch. proparatory to returnlng to Ma work at the 8tate

Dcpa-tment. Ho Ib, the famlly -AT*. almcK entirelyreeovrred from his recent attaek oi Indlgwtlon l|0wUl roturn to Waihington to-morrow or on Mondaj ,

at ka-t, Umt ls hi- intentlon at i*.->c'.it.




Q_TriE.MF.NTs.Chlcago, May 14.-A local new.piiper print- an

intervlew wlth Senator Alllson at linbiiquo. Thebenator said in part: -There will still be » siiriiluson the flr_t day of July ne_t of about BBOfiQOjOOQ, notinrludlng the fractiona! -ilvor, wlilch If added wUl

niako *'5O.00O.__0 availablo on the ilrst of July. ThlawlU be -iifllelent, wlth the then current revenue-, U>

pn.vide for current expensos and redeem the __1.000,-000 of outst-ndlng 4 l-_ per cent bonds as rapldly Bfl

they v. 111 couie in for redemptlou. Tho curr-nt

revenue-. wlU bo -Uttlrlcnt afterward to mcet currentexpendlturvs of tlio next year.*'

Refcrring * tho proposltion to extend Uie 4 l-2s at2 per cent, Uie Senator said: -The NaUonal bankshold about *_ .,0-0,00- of the 4 1 | p r cents as secur.tyfor clrculaUon. In order to have their bonds redeemedby U,o Treasui-y on the flrst of feeptember it wUl l»c

nee__sary for them to deposlt greonback- or coln intho Tro-nury eo,ual to their clreuIaUou, to secure

pos-ession of thc bonds. If Uiey do thi., under a lawpas_ed last year, tho greenback- or coln thu_ dcpositcdure covered into Uio Treasiiry and at once becomean assct for tlie redemptloii of the bonds, bo that only10 per cent oi thc_e __ft,000,000, money now ln theTreasiiry, wiU be requlred to take up the bonds heldby tho Natlonal bauks. lt is tnio that the remainlng1*0 j«er cent wlU be ueeded to redeem theNatlonal bank notcs as they are pald Into theTreasiiry. nut thii 1_ a slow proccas andwlU probably requh-e at least two years to aceompU-h,so that, ln any event, uot more than 4-5,000,000, now

ln the Trcasury, wUl b© prosenUy i-.jidred to __kocaro of thc 4 1-2 bonds. fco Uiat, if the Secrctaj-ylaaa aat see flt to .uggest aa extonslon of a part oftho 4 l-2s, thero wUl be fund- iu the Treasury to pro-vl_e for their payment without ln any way distuvblngthc fund held for thc redeinption of greenbacks or BfltBfany of the fund- hlthcrto coiintefl as iinavailablc forthe payment of Uie pifblic dobt. Hnt 1 have Mdoubt at least ono-hiUf of thc 8-1,000,000 of frac-tlonftl currciicy ca,i bo converted into avuilablc fund.,

undcr the reciu paafooal of thc _*ri_U_*y, and thc

$.1,000,000 of sllver buliion lying dortuant ln thoTrrn-urv, rr-sultltiK from Uadfl dollar-, red-vmed, will¦oon be coUSfd into itaniard ao_ars «n«i add>.-d u> theuvallablo fu:alr-. So, v__. -,-¦. the t'ov-mment hu_moans to take caro of iiTidomaiid- upon it,"

irding mad. t.hut thcr. wlU be _s

larae deflelendea for Oongreaa to t\\ next fear as ti,Mr AJlMoo -.nd "There aro elwuye daflclenclOB,'l.abiv will 1.- to some extent next year. bul no

.vms afl thi.. year. The great deilci-ticy Ua.yoar araa for *rtmrrfri-t, There is not Hkelr 11 i.e anygreal de-cfeney, lf aay, for p_n<-loii- nexl year. \\oMtprcprMted f..r oexl rear au wae aakei upon a

,,, eareful a:,d llberal e-tlmate. This traa not trucof cither vrar or ____. Ko appioprtotloo wa_ m-.ule

ar to in.-'t th,- Depeadent Pentlon bUl; thatwas provlded for in tho Detlrioncy bill this...... -^> tfcal deflclerfrlea next year are nol likely to boan olcment of imp u-tanco ln any cakiilatloii.*'




<i,i, :,_-,,. May 11 (Special).-A woman givlng her

name BB Mrs. QeotffB K. Booi applicd at UM Mayor'sdav f * tra_-P0rl8tl0n to New-York. BM *vas re-

ferrcd to the cotinty ngr-nt. To a reportcr she toklI pattaetM story. From her statcment lt appearsthat, Iboufb now p ..r aai ho-Qf eMIbed, iba was

once a New York society belle, being Ihe, BhtOBl datifc'h-ter of Govemor Marcy of New-York. Sho wns ad-

mlred nnd MM at Albany, and ti tbfl _aj*B sivnt theresho cvldently chcrlshes happv nienmries. for the toarsflowed down her ebeBka Bfl B_fl MUni ti them. " MyfaUier dled ln l^.'.T,*1 BbB said, "and some yearsafterward I married a printcr-this man liond-and was

,n- rwned and cast out by my friends and relntlve-.".. HOW did you come to marry a prlnter If you warfl

the danglitcr Bl ('overnor Mitry of New-YorkI" wns

aakee... That is a family matter on wblch I must refuse to

speah taitbar," said tho woman. "I IoVed hlm and

married him-that'R all. He did not lend me a

liappy Ufe. \\'o wandercd all over tho rr.iintryfrom polnt to polnt togetTi.r, and finally he leftme ln Colorado. Wo had slx littlo ones. but tliey nre

all now asleep in ("reenwood Cemctery. New-York.

Well, when I lort my lm«b_nd in Colorndo I set upon n

JOar-Ba In BBBreb Of hlm. I'or over a year I have been

upon his track and at last I placed Mm in Chlcago.I leanied that ho had been worlilng here for BOBjB timennd hnd, I believe, swui-ed cmploymetit 00 BOTOO oftho dallv Hut a few WOBBB a~o he died andwas burled, I tbink, In one of the cemeterie. hcr»-Now If I OOOM l-'et back to New-York 1 tlilnk I couldcko out a living for __yfi__La



The incldent of yeatertey afternoon w.s the last ofthe t<.ns at C-Brentont, bi probahty more tha.^300peoplo wep© ptxvent. Th" patroneaaea, Mrs. s. v. n.

Crafar, Mrs. Oeorge B. DeForeat, Mrs. j. n»mpdenBobb, Mra, \v. C. Bcb-naerlioBB, -Mrs. lamea P. Ker-

Doehaa, Mra, IUcboUa Flah, Mra. Onaa wilson andMrs. J. F. D. Lanier. were all theis'. Lander's orches-

tra played, and te_ nus served on the vi-and-i of tho

raataaaaat, Among other, preaent wera Mi -. HenryL. Ii_rrett, Mra. L. C. W_merdln», Mba KlttMMi-s PMea DavM, Mlaa BJeanor BoMaaoa, M a

Beatrlee Cbapman, Mi-s BeH, Mrs. Oeorge KMd, Mra.Henry lt Coppet, MMa Pl 9, Mra. BaOard Bmltb, Mr.

and Mrs. H. I.'uthvcn I'ratt, Mra, W. (". Davles, Mi-s

Dav!,--. Mra. .i. c. freatorrelt, Mba Weatartalt, Mr*.

a. 8. Vaa Daaer, MMa Vaa Daaar, Mra. F. 0. Esier,Mta. Kdwud Merritt, Mrs. A. S. M-'nilt. Mrs. Danloli,iitt<-ri,.-i-, Mra. omeapM, tbe MMbob AMxanoar,Mary Held, <". >'. Bebtoaon, E. Baadolpb Bobbiao-,LMut-nant P. j-. Carter, J. CBaeli 8-nlth, OohaMI 8.v. H. Cruger, Mkhotaa Fi-^h, MMb Beatrlee How, Mrs.

n. ii. wm-,!. Mra. Btuyveaairt Flah, Mr>. Daalay HeM,Bergeani Craaa, Mr. aud Mrs. p. t;. Tbebaai and J.

sir BO-erlek fnmeron gavo a stag dinncr last nightat hla boasa, Ma B10 Fifth-avc. Abm-I Mawere Corneltea VaaaarbBt, Arthar Leaiy, I. Haa_paeaBobb, C. C. Ilaldwln, J. Colcman Drayton, bamuelBurrowea, Jadae Munaoo, D. Wlthe,--, Rleholaa PMb,Cbarlea li. Mar-hall, I'Ctor B. Olney, BetaaaM Cramund F. u. DaLaie, *_,

WilU-th 1). <viitlirle ha* Invited a party of frle-ndsto be hN rneVti in a eoaeblng trlp from Parla to theOermaa tronUer. Blach Forent, Bnp-Une and thcTyrol.The trlp win oeeupy -i\ weeka, and lotne **ew-ioraerBnow ln HA* and ifr. aud Mrs. Warrcn E. l>cnnls, ltls aaaera-OOd, will make up tho party.

Teacher-, stcnographers. typcwrltcrs, coactimen, walt¦rs eooks, nnd. ln _hort. all classcs ofMople, find lt to their i-tvantage to use Tlie Tribuno'icolumns of short advertlsement..



N -w-H.'iven, May 14 (BppfMl) OlM hundred prom-Inent Hebrew and iiolars rave it dinner lnhonor of 1-rofes-or Harper, of YiiIj, tonlght. The

..-ii'-t of the evening made a spcoch In whlrh he<l a grand future for tl.: ncw Chlcago I'nl-



Washington. May 14. iBBiateiy I'roct.r returncd to

WaaaJaftea from Vermont la-t nlght.


Amom 11 -ailing for Europe yc-tcrdayon Um UbbiImh 1-ieriiteB ship Cala-BbM were Mr. and

Kra. Aa-iaw OM-aag-. tho Chov_ller Vea Hesse-War-

Mr. and Mr.. John A. Logan, Jr., Mr-. John A.

,., ,';i ii. I. M ln. Mr. und Mrs. I'hllip D. Armour,Vt.~; W B. iralnMorC Walt-r J. Damm-i-hand" Fiaal H, I-imroseh wero also pri-^en-M ,.,; th- Ootaa-Ha. Mr. and Mrs. Cani.-giewm .pond the tun.mer ln ficotlan.. ^^J^FV^ta. d his brother wfll go di;-.-t to Oerinany on bu-i-

M_i.Mra DamroM-h tblnba of Jolntug her hu-h-j.din E-jroi«. later 0:1 in the BB-MB.

COLOBED XETUODISTS TS OBBWBBEBCB.Th- to. r..b*rt> of th. New-Yorlc of the Afrlcin

Method'-t EpMeapal i'.iou Chun-h. NSBtvad an mvluiion

!r-,m M 1' f*a Ei.Ucopal Church. Pcrt..he»-T. through.. C':i«rlet E. Burglcr. pa.tor. to laasMa holy c«n.

m-UB yeaierday. BUhop Hood and thc m.-rr.ters of tte

conferenr. wmi In a b_dy. and IbB ****** V*~nlnl.tcrwl M whlte Epl» aud black Mi-h.-di-t-

around _M BBBta alt-r wAt tto ZIoq »econd d.y» aea*loa. I.ario- *v-

Kand.ll and MaBBBfl HulchUon. of ZUon Churth, *«r*»

aduiitted t" Ma eaaMoaaaa on tnai:th. f-Uowinf uv Megaaaa mm aaaaHMd to mbM in th«

caaaaa-ce: DarM ft-lth. Poaab-aaa-M: BmlmB* ImU,,,,1,,,.. X-W-Tork; Cr_irh« KloasUnd. f>r.

UwM r- Vaf-aa, tiays "<>^ l«waoa, Byaebj Bmj»D ....14^1", I-'iU- Haa, Oti--l»und,Ml^ti'--»cveiileeiith »t.

aav.Taek] Mr-. a.,., i__idri..e. Mow-BiwiMlai _a_aaalHi.t-g BaiiBIja e. x».: m». Jennio J. Baaa. _0ae>

«ha aaaaMaa ot _.,> mm. < * BBBaaif «ud u.e Ber.8 F. BMMHO from Ihe Vlrflnla cMif-renco were an-

Baaaaai, -nd U.-,r ii«m^« »er« ord.-eU W b. «nr»ll«4 *»

__it-r. al Ma Xsw.XutB aanl-Hafta.


SOME about alumintm.



To the Edltor of Thc Tribune.Sir: Tho author of the communlration headcd "Con-

te.npt Mr Alumlnum . embraces Just enough ot truUiln his liroad statements io make that whlch ls not

truth all the more dangerous. For instanre, in a

hasty glance at the artlcle, I would call your attenUonto several statements whlch he makos w.Uh are

¦ in my Judgment. Pure alumln.ra can bo

M,ldcre<l n-Il.hlv. Ra 8888 lt cannot. Puro aluminumls one of tho most duetlle of metals: aud when tho

artHan knowe how to work It la one of the eaaieat

worhing metals. and work can be done with lt wblcti

Is Imposslble with almost any other klnds of metai

and thereforc ln worklng lt ls not -one of the 88888118metals ln exlstence." Alumlnum docs not taniin

rcadllv aa compared with other metals to whlch he

refera: and from resnlU whlch we have so far obtaincfl

with alumlnum ln salt water, the author of the artlrto

sent has no right to __f that - a ship bullt olaMMBwould be fuU of holca after one trip aroui.d the worw.

As to tho atafement that for ahlp-bulldlng and all

parte exposed to water. alumlnum " is intrlnsical y

inf.-iior to iron," ln thia he ls entirely "» error. °a

,1,1s,t 1 can apeak confldently and *«,h aiS"*n.'

IVsts are 80- l.elng made of alnmlntim for rootlri^and so far thc teata do not show lt to be lnforlor

to galvanlr.ed Iron. Tho point he make* in this ro-

gard as to so'.dertng 1. not «."".* .?statement that for vessels employed ln the kltchei 1

could only be employed where __U ls kept away ls not

true. I have had cullnary artlrlcs in my house for

over a year. and they have stood very wcll-murhbetter than 88-888. of coppcr llned with tl,. W8«-

pect to bring this out soon. In this matter, I can aa>

to you Uiat 18-81 have been made carcfuUy by one oi

tho largest cullnary concerns In tho country. and tnai

these utenslls havo stood splendldly as compared with

other forms of _*_-_-8 utenslls. One vessel that lmd

alumlnum with nlckel rlvcts showert the alumlnum to

bc as clean as ever, while the nlckel rlvcts were as

black a* your hat, after cousiderablo seivlce.

Ho says that, welght for welght. alumlnum la not

as strong as Iron. Here hc ls enUrcly ****>'"»tinsllo stn-ngth cf alumlnum sheet ls, say, -".ww

piunds per aqaaro incl,: it often runs to 30.000, pound,mr aqaara Inch. A sheet of iron welghs 2-0 ttBJBl as

n.w-li as alumlnum. Thcrcforo. wclghtfor welght,,Mhe spcaks of. alumlnum 888M be M.000 Poanda per

_,BBN Inrli. as _g_ln averago Iron aheets 48.000 to

50,000 p unds per s.iuaro lnch.The statement that Iron can be bought for fourteen

cents mt B8BBd show, tho Imprartlcablllty and la.k

of knowledgc of the author _f making such a 888*8-

ment. Had bo put a deelmal poiut between ttalBOdthe 4 (1.4). hc would have t.eeu nearer right »"ho_gh.

of 0-8-88, lt would bo somethlng over that. His

stit-1,1.-1,1 that alumlnum would be four times as bulk,- to give tho same atrength is an crror. as H

only 141 ttaea aa buiky, and. welght for welght, it k

B-___fBC than Iron.Tho statement that alumlnum. for thc same di

amcter, is t-lro as g-.od a coaductor of ele.trhify M

iron is an crror. Wlt.i Iron at 13. alumlnum Btaflda0881 80, ln ciuivnlcnt scrtlon, whereas copper would

be 100. For a glven welght. a length of alumlnumhas the least re .stunre f all metals | .r _____W.

Th,- ¦., k-ntlst" also states that for artlcles that ar-

to bc handlcd aluuilrum is no better tlian tln and

db the baada liko lead. The untruthfuli. - «

thlfl -latemcnt ls elcarly shown by kM __4 that for tho

la twentv vears tho ftae.t opera gla-es that wo know

BOf-btag ahout have been made of pure alumlnum, and

bxlay thc alumlnum opera glaevs are Uie most dcslr-

able. C.rtalnly nothlng: ls handled moro than opera

Classes. Tho chemist ends up with a statement whlrh

IB rcrtalnly agrco with-that is. that la his prae¬tlee aa chemist hc has not had a slnglo use for

alumlnum In flfteen years. If ho had perhapa he

would have known more about it.(ihe aluminum a chance. It has taken hundreds

Ol vcirs lo -8881 >P tho trado ln copper, brass and Iron

Wbieh wo have to-day. Alumlnum was never produeedrot.imcrrlally until torbj T*M BfO, and then at a prtcomuch highcr than silver; and It is only within thc last_roTe___thal a Droceaa haa been dlacotered (the Hallli' vs-' wl -^1 lhe ...etal can bo produeed at a prire[.. n,,,-tl ou with 0r____7 metals. such a. tln. rickel

and coDDer. and thia compctltion ean only come when: .-s ivf.rred to is belng worke<l on a larire

-"ale IW-ad of a small scale of 500 ponnda outputf o,l It wlll be seen, U.erefore, that the advance-'

made lo the arta Biready lo Uie use of alumlnum_narkablc I thc light of the hlstory of the f.rogress.HIH-aH_f___,-.%-^,_?_iE_r ^y_EW3_s»_|___S__ .&£%_ Ss_*-_£$Jg:

,1 ,i,i u,i. .rtur.-, ,,f al.oi.inun. am perfectly adapt..,!,. to mannf-cture upon aa large a^aeale aa ahe

Kodactlon of ony other melala, and with no greater

"Tv..:%«cal?jo\\\**£!A to the fact that the

pit ...-. i:-.ii..Ho,. Oompaoy bava nevw beeo galltyn.-.kit.g broad etalma u to the adaptahillty of

iiimiiimii for yarlona pn-P-aaa, nor havo they made.i-tiito promlaea aa E fowerlng tha prtee of

V in.n.i to am partle. Whatever. The policy o

till. convTwny baa been eoi___ratt-a npon thaaamattcra They take the poalttoo thal they wiii ex,' any wnonnl whleb will be fcmnd neeeaaary to

-,i. 'nd> loformaUon to tha pobBe aa

to the properfiea of aJ-mlnnm. leaytof ta all eaaea thenif-Mio, of the adaptablUty Itor evew purooae to the'' ns,.,,'. r to nnd for hims .f. in the matoor o

thc aelllng price of the m .al. s,. far ln t!.,- Watonajumlmim. the flrst vou bear of a new proeeaa ta broad:"..;,i- to the rheap prl- at whlrh they ran

mannfaetare the metaL BneS bowb beua m Ita **,. own con tradi, ttton, aa aa. aaa who hai a goodnroreaa for th- actual man-fa-tnre ol the metaiwould eonalder it advlaaMe t. keep all cost of bmo-nfactnre aa a bnalneaa aecrei Bo tar the iu«t_rv of

thoae who hi.v. made biaad elalma lor chenpalunilnimi lUM ;ir,,v,-<l th .r __B to be onlv' to deceivothe pul.lie and would-be ^ff^ K »-,--,

iT.-si.v-it (!,<. Pltt-bare it(_iurtioii (Xnapanp.Plltshurg, I'.nii.. M iv 7, 1 .11.

FEATtT.E_ OF CTtABL-B PRATTS CHARACTER.T 0 thc E .1 I t o r o f The Tribune.

Ir: Charle. I'ratt was a man of m> uuaaaamlDg n

BBtB18, so hiisilv fjippd in dnlng fOOd and great tlilngs,ao BKMleal in aaaaaar, that f.-w- of the dtlaeaa of New-Torfc aad Brooklya knew lha real beauty of hu life und

m t ax-eUenea for wbteh ii_> ataad. This seoms a

li'tljg aaoaaeal to tell somethlng of liis rhanicter. Nocenstiro was ever serlously uttcred of him savo ln ref-erenco to his conne.tlon with tho stan.lard 011 Trust.Here i-, uot the p_B88 to dtscuss this burning questlon,thotich hlstory wlll doubtlcss show tho complete de-

(enalblUty of surh or_B8..lloaa, But the meUvid of

tlie trust kiy Bt the bottom of Charle. I'ratt's under-sta'i.llng of Btea and alfalrs. Assoclatlon agamsf',o;ii|.-titlvc anarchy, oider out of chaos was his pur-¦088 aad aaeeeaa la every eariKvaatas ho ever un-

BaatoOk. Whejtberit were manufactiiilin;. reflnlng, rall-

roading or edtieatlng. Order out of chaos is the tost

of right llvlng, is the trtumph of every genlua ln every

tl.-ld of hiiniau aildBBTIB slrfce Uio beginning of hlstory.This rharartcr w_- lutegral: ho brought phllan-

Ibrapf tatO buslness and buslness Into phllanthropy to

Um liataoiBUBil <-f aaeh. n<; aaa Blaarty devoid of tho

nn,laliilngsplrlt. Ile choso his tlekl, found out what

I, wa.s, and BIQ8888.8 to develop lt. " __B8 ls theworld: I will make ihe moat and best of hVaajliN noble temi^r. -PUl \oiir davs _,.i your fellow./ilavs with haiiplness; storo up pleasant nicmorlos.t. ,.!..';.«i._V oo his iu.,. Bul tn- Boeattiait ln him was a .¦.¦rtJiln unlon of c...,-ni^s wltbpu.le, .'. v.i.i.h -Ude blm .-x.<rii,o:lv Ini.-n-stlua: iw a

penwnaMty and pf-pared him lor ttU<-k'.i.s aa a patroB of leaniliia and art and tadaaUT.>.. how Natuiv doea tbln«? waa perhapa ttm moat

h_uu__t -nvlnir of his _mple phlhr-opny. He \»\. -.1

,,,,,.. lii^-a-s willing ,o tfle tho Ht Ume for the_.- its Ile .V.-.1 loiiu- P'-opIc as d...-s .very gwttLT., ."od s ..1 And m lhe <iays of tlie rloatpf d fhe

!.r .kivi. -cbools whl. h be ba_ fcmnded or dey-topedtVve. <f every pnpli aod erdry leaeher and

v^.v inrtove n Adolphl A__demy and m Pyatl lo-?m_to .3__re_ that ..I.-- ...illl-naln, had fouud the way

lo the. aaarl ol Iba "'"{{.';¦';,,,. F. cHABCBLW*.Technlcal Illgli IBhoe. Ilalt Ii._tituf.>, May 8, IdOl.

THE OO-M-R 8. ¦TMASTER.To thc Edltor of The Tribune.

Mr: Within about a month The Trlbuno printed a

lctter from the I'ostmasteMieneral stating that the,s:er at North Lanslng, Toniphin-s C -uuty. N. Y.,ttU* 108888] in that servlee, which seemed to

settle thc questlon, but to-dav you prlnt a dispat.hirom Boston staUng Uiat tlie late postmaser at Meri

dei, Mass.. -waa ¦ .baMy the oldest posimaster lni,o , t of sorvlce." < mght not tlw ofilclnl sutement o'1,1, osrofltre DepBrtment to setUe the niauer. I

ii the postmaatorat Kortb L_n_ug holds hu oiBcelNew-York, May 8, UM.


Mr: Tlie Orji.d Jury of New-York. ln case of accl-dent puro and a_BP__i eau flnd a bill against Uie dl-

,., B8 of a great rallroad, regardl-sa of the fact Uiat

tbaa havo BBhaa gaeal pre.-autions t>. atwHaa for u.e

¦iaty al iba iraaratlM aa___e. la Haw-JHaaai,:. iiaaaHna ..f ti.e law was paaaiadHalad and

ib_] aioaaaal vSb t*aBa\ -traetty, tta Owad.iurv is-nabh- lo flnd a bill 8888881 tta f*l*nAMt of

tlie act. Oaaep \va_iingt ui w__ bc. a ebMad tt awaibaaa of ln< **B for RttUaj hk* thal ln r._P<»ti -e to a

BtBBlkW .oiui.llnient paM to hln> by 88 old eolorediiiiui. "CMaUaaaaa-," aaM Iba Oaaaaal la raptf, "day.u .upp<__5 Uiai I am golng to allow myaelf to beout-__8 ln poUUsaeaa bjr a n-frol" Ju__a_ from re.

cent eventa lt would seem that the mhatoltant- of

New-orlean- h_-e derlded that they wlU not permitthemsel. ee to be oatdone In vlolewe, even by the most

aMaatBBB outlaws. H It U their deMre and their

mghe-t ambHIon to. vlc B*b the bloodthrjty Mafla ln

vlliany, I au,to do so- 1

JlOIl IO V1C Wl.ll U.C U1VW....-W "7 .. M

ppo-0 lt U U.clr right w.d tIr. Ir prlv kljlliere aro those, win, aro #*TlUr**1f'. "fillSto do so. inere aro tnoso- win, «-.¦"..{.. a',:.,2

hat tliev should *n]oy all the honor that will arijriio"thenYfor sodotng- The only -UggC-Uor, we have to

make to them U that they excrctae a little more BBMMI,. cai-d to their choice of subjerls. so as to avold )"-volving thc gcneraJ Government In any unpiea__comnllc-tjons wlth other natlon*. _,,,.

llrooklyu. May 8, 1.01. OMOBOl PRITCHETT.


JOHN WALTON.John Wnllon, who dled ycslerday at hl» home, In

Etl__beth, N. J., wns one oi the oldest pracUeal rall¬road mon in tho country, and spent over half a cen.

tury ln tho busine-S. Ho enteied the employ of the

Camden and Amboy Rallroad, tho pioneer of UiePcnnsylvanla Rallroad, In 1*34, nnd for fortyj*ear«was .octlon boas of ttie dlvlslon from RUtal^llh toNcw-Brunswlck. It was his boa-t that he knew every

foot of tho Ponn.ylvanl*- road from New-York to

Philadelphla, and he had no supcrlor as n tmek con.

stractor. Flve years ago tho Ponnsylvanla Companyretlred hlm on a life penslon. He w:i_ eijthty yearsold nnd leave- u wlfe and tbree son.. Mr. \\ altonwa* married in 1830, and dled on his weddlng an-


JOHN TEMPLE FAR1. H.John Tcmple Farish, who dled aa Wednesday at his

home. No. 70 Park-avc, was born ln Virglnla nearlyseventy-two years ago. Before he had become ot _gohe eame to New-York to live wlth his uncle, LewlsRogers, who was then r* promlnent morchant here and

a man of cultur. and wide European connertions. Mr.

Rocers acted as agent for the K.rthschild- ln purchaslngtobacco in this conntry. It was thu- Uirough Mr.

Rogers that Mr. F_rl_h _e._nio a oomml-slon merchant

and dealt in tobacco. Mr. Farish was so succeasfulthat he was able to rctlr. from business when hardlyforty years old. Slneo then he has not been cngagedln any business other than tho management of his

property.In 1P70 hc man .ed Miss C.rter, a datighter of R. C.

r.rler, Ass-clate JusUee of thc Supreme Court of thernitcd State.. Mr. Farish has been particularly In-

tere-tcd ln vnrlous charttable ln-tltutions, devoUng a

Hvrgo part of his lneomo to charitable work. He was

a regiilar aftendant of St narthplomew's Church andwas greatlv Intcre-ted In everything connected wlth lt.

Ho leaves'a wlfe, but no chlldren. The fnneral ser-

vtce- will be held at ST. Harthol imew's Chui-ch at 10

o'.l,-k UiLs morning. Thc burlaT wlU bo at Wooulawn.

THE REV. FRANCIS N. -AI.I.1SKIE.Prlnreton, N. J., May 14 (. pcclall.-Tho Rev. Francis

B. Ziib.isklc, D. D., a well-known writer, dted ot his

homo yesterday afternoon. 11c was born at Hacken-

sack, N. J. la April, 1332, and was a grandson of

J. V. C. Eomcyn. Ho was graduatcd from tho I'nl-

| of the City of New-York in 1S50. He studledlaw for two years und then entered the TheologlcalBa-daary of Hutgcrs CoUcgo, from which he graduatcdaad wae lbensed to preach ln 185S. His ilt-t chargotrafl at Llvingston, N. Y., and afterward he had

charges at Coxsackle, Chlc. and Claverack. He was

eilltor of "The Christlon Intel_gencer" from 1-80 to

1H8... and he contlnucd to be a weekly correspondentfor '-Tlie InteUlgencer" until a short tlmo before hisdeath. Ho came to Pi-lncc-.ii ln 1-85. and has slncethen been ehlefly engaged ln litcrary work. He was

a frcinent contrlbutor V, a number of rollglous pup-llea-ions, enpeelally "Tho Chrlstlan at Work." HisnoM iiiiportant litemry effort was a blography ofHoraee Ureeley which reeently appeared and was

ravorably eommented upon. His lllness dnted backfor a rear and a half. and his early death was caiisodl,v ovenvork upon this book. His wife. u son andtwo daughtcrs survlvo hlm. Tho funeral wUl takeplace from his homo to-morrow at 3 :30 p. m. Pro-MoaOf Mabon, of Uutgers, wlU offlclate. Tlio lntcr-ment wlU be at Hackensack.


Cheyenne, Wyo.. Mfl___ 14 (SpcclaD.-The Rev. R. E.

Fleld, pastor of the Prcsbyt-rt-n Church hero, droppoddead last night. ParalysU of tho heart, brought oo bytho grip, caused ht< death. He was graduatcd at Prlnee-ton and Unlou Coll^ges and was for sever-. years as-

statant to the R«v. _>r Cuylor, of Brookiyn. I_»ter ho

was pastor of the Puritan Congregatlonal Church, Brixik-!\-n. His hcalth becou.lng lmpalred, he was sent to

Co'orado, where he became pastor of one of tho largestlr.»liyieri_n Churches ln Denv.r. An oiltr M incre_-«l

salary took Mr. Fleld to Cheyenne. Ho leaves a wlfe,but no chlldren.

FROFESSOR GEOROE GOSSMAN.Milwaukee, Wls., May 14.-Profes_or Georgo Gossman,

well known as a teaehe. of languages, is dead at his homoln this city of hoart diseaso. Ho was Vnltod StatesConsul at Athens under Presldent Lmcoln's Admlnlstr*.tlou.

JAY S. BUTEER.Elmira, N. Y., May ll.-Jay S. B.tter. formerly of

Buffalo aod edltor of "The Elmira Oaiotte" from January.

188-. to March. 1891, diod ln Ashcvllle. N. C. MM nl_hluf consumptlon. Ho was forty-four years old.

DAVID A. WEED.Ilavld A. Wood, sixty-threo years of age, dled ot the

I-ui.u Bonae v*>terday mornin. from Brlghfs dlRcas..Ibe fnneral wlli Iw> held at the Madlson Square Presty-Hrtaa , liur-h. and will bo conductod by tho K*v. Dr.

_____un-_ The burlal wUl be in C.r,<riw-od OOTotery.Mr. Weed was born »t Xew-Rochelle, and came to this

city to live about forty years aco. IU engaged in the

tobacco business, M whleh ho was assocleted wlth h_s

1 rother, Rot_rt. His brothcr dled about flve years ago.

and Mr. Weed retlred from aotlve business. Ma leaves

a wldow and ono sl-ter, Miss Wced, of btauifot-, Conn.

People out of work, and those ln scarch of helperashould consult tho many columns of Uttlo advertlsements on Uio nlntli pago of The Trlbune this moruliiiC.



Herm.ui Beyer, a uerman night aaMMBBa M Bauor

_, oppenhelmer, con,n,lsslon bufchors I l-.astni-ii's iat-

tlo yard, at Flfty-nlnth-st. ind the Xorth Klvor, was

cliarg.-d at the Yorkvllle Pollce Court yostcrdiy witl,

havlng bmtally and mallcloiwly murdend one ot his em.

ployer's honos because ho wos U.ld that ho would bo

dlsr.urg-d at tho end of tho woeii. Bcy.r's work was

un-sUsractory to his employers, and cn Monday night he

was told by Josoph Opponlielmer, one of tho _rm, tliat his

scrvlces would be no longcr requlwd after Saturday.

Beyer took his dLsn-.lssal sulkity and surted ln drinking.

When oppeniielmor entcfoa bis stable at tho rear of

tbe alaogh...-house, on Wedne-»-»y x_o,nlng he fo'iud ona

of hit hoi-os strctched out m Uio pas-wgeway wlth It*

_rull efushed la and dylng. Whilo tho horso was still

sirucgimg to Ita do»__ throos Beyor camo luto tho MBBMand actod as though ho onjoy..<l tho *lght. -usplolon at

once fell M him. and when ho was que-tl .nc_ oe -a.d Uiat

a naro had klck.-d tne horse. Veterlnary S.-rgoon ..cta*,who c.ftmlned tho wcuud. said tnal It could not huvo b en

irade by a kick, l short tln,e afterward a heavy carpen-t-r's hammor stalned wlth blood was found ln the stabto

clos. t used by Beyor. The h_mr_or had baBBBH h*lr ua

lt and v<m* covered Wlth .leod.ileyer was arr.sted, and when arralgned M court -_.

commlttod for trial ta IfltBBB of B1.000 MA.0 -


Al a meeting of tho VOW'YBBB Mercaotile Exchange

yestordav the members wero addressed by L'-th-r b.

Marlln *nd W. D. Edson, of tha Natlonal BaU-iiuen s

Protecdve Association of Philadelphla, regardlng the salo

of oleoraa-g-rhie ln' that dty. They said that wlth tho

exception of four or flve produce deal-., »H tho whole-

.ale d^ilers lu that city had taken hold of the urtl.lo

and wer. eelllng It as butter M but.-r packages; that

the laws wero constaotly evadel aod there w_- app_rentlyno uso ln enforclng them; that no lieenses were Uk-n out

and that tho er.ani.ry, ln .conncctlon wlth tho

l.ultcr men. had co.itflbuteU *10,000 to eonduct the flght.A r.«olutlon waa ad.ipteu by tho moetlng that a co n.

MtttM M MV bB BBBBMMd from BbS Bt*bBBBJB to con-

f,r wlth tho conunlttoo from Phlladelphl* as to mcans

of NBBBCyMg this stato of thlngs.

BBEtiBw READY FOB CdMP.lfG.V WOBK.Tle- BMBBBMataM BapahUaaa Club held ita regular

monthly me, tlng Iwt night in IU club-rooms, Colutiiiiu-»\_. aud Oi.-hmidr,-d-aiid-elghth-»t. The pn.ident, Uo_-. rt S. lleilf.rty. j.r-sld.._. A commltteo of tlvo was ap¬

polnted to mako . ca_i\a_s of the dlstrlct, with a \i> w lo

securlng the e.i-lme.t and actlve work of every Repub-licau. HUaiid Flowers spoke on -bllver."

The ftudent of human nature will find much tointerest him in the " little advertlseiiients of" on the nlntli page of Tho Tribune. Thoy tell

tale more varied and striklng than you wUl Pnd lnmany succcssful noveU.

_. i


A* was stated ln The Trlbune yesterday. the facultyof Union Theologlcal Semlnary Is about to take part Mtho Brlggs co-troversy. The »utem.nt ta regard to ths

potltlon of his f-llow-profes-ors toward tbe- Rov. Dr

Briggs U ta type, and will probably be made publie to-day.It 1* uot long. H contalns about 8,000 word*. ead lsh»HmvmI to be lav .rable to Dr. Brtags. The or-e*" whi. hiTi. Briggs ta passlng through hasT-d a tad -It-ct on hl#

hesltb. He 1* far frora well.- ?


A frl'-ud ti the Iloth r_nilly, who live st No. 3*1 West

Thirty-'lguth t,t., left a rvvulver il their homo la.t Marih.

LaM night llt. »_.>. ar old Maxwell Roth wa* showlng the

»._o..ii to a laaaaalaa, «h«u tho waaaea aaal otr .iid

the taillet Mak BBWM M Max_»'U's MM MaaMa, The boyput Uio r-volver back on tho *helf sa« fell to Uio floor.

¦Il brother Rkluird »ud » mau namod Wllli__ Dl-drlrk

took Um woun--- Ud M *t. Cbapman, at No. 8S4 VTsst

lortj.__lfd.s_.. _.*. >>Uw-b aw-r. Ihe tecWt could not

help hlm. and the hnaf dead boy was wslked hom* __.*.»'Then tho ctse was reported to the West Thlrty-s-VMj-h-rt. pollce statlon. and tho hoy wa< taken to RooseveHHospital, whero Br. Kent said he could not recover.

A BEVf EDITOR FOR * TIIE PBESS."Philadelphla. May 1 ..-Ilrodford Mcrrlll, who hfi_

been, for flve ywvrs past ma,_iglng editor of "TheI'hitodelphl- Pn«ss,- will a-sumc cdltorlal eharge ol"Tho Ncw York Il-ss" soon ait/er June 1.

THE rOSBSIBSM ELK<T OFFICEUS.The t.isnd Court of the Kt* e of New-York ef Me

Ancient Order of Forostcrs of Amcrica «nded Ita dellb-f--Uons la»t night. There were 230 dekgatos prc»eiit. W.A. Klits i-r.-.l_> 1. Ibe i.nnd Cewt oiiic. r* chvted were:

BH-tae J.,,». H. *'. K. G ¦*.he, Hi-h Treas-urer; Wllllam Daly. High Seen t-.ty. and U.o usual coniplo.mmt ot hcadle-. ctc. Tii* r.omlneea for the HlfhCourt ollk-ers aro W. A. Kllta. ¦_B__MB B. 0. B.J 8t A.

HachniHt.. Huperlor 8. H. C I f. E_ *******; E. M. W-¦mi.rtjy. S,.| IBMB S>I r> tary. DKfAttto the High Court seaslon .»t»c held ln Brookiyn tn Augus.wero elected, one to every 1,000 rnembers in the order. Tha

re^oit showel an lncrea-o of :*3 p«r cent In raerobei-hip and

40 per cent In fund*. Th-re are 1K2 courv, ln ttie Stato otNew-York and 23.000 n BB Mra IbBBB years a_o Uie oi-sr

.,,. 1. tl from the Engllsh crdcr and formod an independenlorder here. An clabcratc dlr.ncr cuded Uio thl-i _.___aldrand Court.


A BBTBKIPAL LBABkTB MBBTTBB.The People's Municipal I-esgue M the XXIst AMembly

nutrlct met at Jaegcr's, Madlson-ave. and Flfty-nlnth st,last evening for orguilzat-.n. L. ( Wi.ltou was ealledto sct «s tomporety chalrman. and N. B iMMaM wss madenecretary. Although but flfteen ni. n and on. boy were

actually present. Thoodore ¦M-BBQMe reported, on b*balfof tho Goneral Conimlttee, that 500 perion* had been en-

rolled ta tho o,ganl-atl.-i. The f.diowlng permanent ofllcerewere elected: J. llarsen Khod.s, pt.ald.nt; Mysr 8.

Isaacs, vlce-prosid, .it; Nolson S. Sp«nrer, secretary; A.

C. Bernhelm, trea-iirer. i. Noolo Hay-a, Bylvester H.Knoeland. EflflMa uudin, Richard A. Z.rega and R. FultoaCuttlng were chosen the executive eommittee, and author-l-ed to draw up bylaws. Tho chalrman was call tho nt_t BMBOMg.

Bar-nlns In Kurniiu.r.of new desiijns _a_ Ee fouud «t <«o. C. Fllnt Co.'s, 10.Wct l*Ui-s_, ii.-i- etbeve.

popular wine*

The Flur-t W:ib}-»Csn only be mad« hy ustag U,o ollve o:l ln.ported and oet-tlKl hy Hazard, Hazard Co. TMt oll U .-xpre-eed fromthe chol.-e-t seleetod oll'os. for us only, and ha- a rl<._ tast.of tho ollve peculiar to Ita'-K wlilch no oth.r oll can *r_ptcach. 1- if th Avenue, cornor 'i'"cntyfourtti, *_.blxth Avenue, comer Tklrty-i.tath Slrcet.

When baoy was slck. we gave her Castorta,When she was a Chlld, she cried for (a. torl*.When she -.-came Miss, she clung to Castorla,Wbea she I.d Chlldrou she gave th.m Castorta.


B»rthol,.ii.os Ciiurch, bv tho Kev. Dr. wreer (harlasPhlllp Armstron-. Jr., to Mary Dewkla Brooks, daughtt.of (liarles H. Brook*.

CWFIN-HROWN-On Wednesday, May 13, at the res«.daaea of the parer.ts. iu MVidletown, < onn., byBav. \v w. Pann.ll, asslsted hy Kev. a. w. uaaea.I>. I).. nell* M., daugh. r of Henry L. Brown, to _->«_*_v. OaBM.

MKRRII._--PHF...l'S-Oi, Thursday, Mar 14, l«.l. st thonaMsnee of tho bride in thu elty, b/ the R.iv. vviniamM. Tavior, D. D., Anna Kinsman. _au«ht_r of the K. P_ilps, u. Dr. WUUam Hutchlnson Mer-_>!__, of Pepperell, M_w.

TOWNSKND-VAN _>rSF.N-On Thursday. May¦ U. a»the resldcnce nf the brid.'s parenta. Bl W__* *> bythe Rev W. II. P. rwnnee, CaroMne Mokes. daughter of__ui-_il B. Va. Buscn, to John Henry SBWBBaag,

Notices of marriaKes muat be indorsed wlth fullname and address.

DIED.BOARBMAN-At New-Mllford, Conn., May 13, Miss Mary

C. Boardman, BgM "- imtIBBB ou baturday afternoon, May 16, at Jo'clock. _'

BRYAN-In Orange, on May 14, Marv M. IMflhMI, wlfe ofRev. A. V. Bryan. misstonary ln Ja,ia.i, _ged BL

Funeral on Saturday morning May 1<1. at 11 o clwk fromthe rosl -ence of her father. Kev. A. H. Dashlell, in I_-ke-

Tralns 'l.Vv'u New-York, foot of Llberty-st., at 8-T5 ». ro.,and Lakowood at 4 p. m.

B-RCHELL-Mary Burchell, at her late re-ldence, 287West 21st-st.. aged "6 years

Funeral at convenlence of fan.ily.Bt'RNAP-At Marlett*. <'a., May 1_. ta the MM year ofhta age. G-orge bkeel. only sou of Ukius C. Burnap.

rox.On May 13, Whlttlngbam Cox, son of ths late Rev.Rlclard Cox, 1). D. and sop-ta-law of tho late Rober.H. Ludlow, of Westchester, M. Y.

Funeral prlvate.DENISON-At Btonlngton, Conn., Tuesday. MwA BA'ward C Denlson. sou of the late Samuel F. Dentaon.

Funeral Friday afternoon at 3 o'clock.FARINH-On VVe_ne_d»T. May 13, at his residencs, Wo.70 P-rk-a.-., John T. ._r._h, ln tho 72d year of hta Mfc

F-nc.alservi.-S w.It be held ai St. Itaitholomew-s Church, and Madlson-ave.. at 10 o'clock Saturday mofn-inu. May 10. Fr_w,ds are tavitod u. atteud.

Kln.iy omlt llower..KEWELL-May 11. while vtaltlng hta »^ln-'a*;J;*Os_ood e_a. of Andover, Mass.. the Rev. Wllllam w.

vTea: D^IJ. latclv pastor of the UOm Street Pn-sby.terlan Churdi of this city, ln the 84U, year ol his age.

Interm.nt prlvate.ODBLLr-On May 12, Jonathsn Odell, ln tha 60th year

F.n.r-iT'hls late resldence, No. 3 Wost 37th-st., oa

Friday, May 15, at 10 s. m.______________

Interineut at WoodUwn, at couveulence of famUy.Klndly omlt flowers.PKTlOltS.On Wednesday evening. May 13, Sarsh A..« do v of Hewlett P.t. rs. in her _8th year.

t-.-,__,i .i-m th- resldence of her son-lii- »w, Wm. A.FK__? on. Frld-y -ftruooa, at 3 o'clock, 348 Cltatou-»t.. lirooklyn. ______________

Relatlv.-s and frlends lnvited.Poughkeepsle papcrs please opy.SAVFORD-On Tuesday ev-nlng, May VA Charles O.-anford ln the 78th vear of his »ge.

K.l._v s and friend* of tho famlly are r^pe.-tfullvAmttmto attend the fun.ral from his lata r.-^denw. 18. Brooklvn. N. Y., on Friday evening. at 7 o'clock.

InV-rm.-nt at Brld«cwBt.f. HMIXZIX-Oii Thursday, Mar 14 IMl, FredericBKldahock. son of Oatharhio L. and the late Oeorge J.Kehmel/el. . -

Notlce of tho nmeral hereafter.WITHF.I,-___-Sudde_ly, »t her W-deBwa 1- W.t, M-ry K. wither. 11. wMow of u^.rge Wlth_reU. la

V___Hral _-rrteee -'.!.".>. held at St. Ann's F.placopalChurch West 18th-&t., at 10 o'clock Irlday morntag,May Q.

Klndly omlt flowers.-AH-mwi_.A> l'rlnceton. B. X.. May 13, Rev. Francls

rllcoll BabrtalUe, D. -., aged .".'.< years.Funeral seT-leee wlU be b> ld at hl» late resid.'nce on tri-dav at 3:80 p. m. ._.Fr*-i_ ot tho famlly aud tho elargy BM MMMi witboul

lnurrmentn-t Vlagk.iisack. N. J.. on Saturd.ty._^M0VM1 HOPB C___i-T__ttT.

Offlee. 8M Slith-ave.. cemer 23d-i_. K. T.

3pecial Xoticcs.('a>l Off Clotblna- -.

Astoiil-hlng prlce-s pald tor genUemen's left-off clotlilng.Send .ostal. Catiu'ron. 202 F.atbush-sve., Brookiyn.

Gobelln Tapesiry.A gobelln Upestrv for salo, W _xl_ feet. For pertlcu.

lars apply to J CAMPBl-'-U .,:) Rc-id-avc.. Brookiyn. N. Y.

J. Carley Hroiher,cutlery of every descrlpUou, for 2'J years ta tho VandsrbUtBuUd-ig. remwedto firgSr aa-HeM. 6 waueaab_

M_t_- Dolores tone of tho Slsters of St. Mary), bogao_rn,stl. for Sfta - ca^ofl eUrthtag. ahoes. *te_J«fJBmany poor fannll. > amou w__B BM -ui_«. I .- a« dir..l

as foUows: SlSTER-Br>LORK.S, 60 Varlek*.

I'u-l.-n,--.- N..II. ¦<¦

(Should bo read daily by all uiUic.U-d, as chanf.s m_y

0CC|i-,.tt-.<rs"for for-fga eoaalrlea ne.^1 not be speelally ad.dreswd for dtapat.-h by aay particutar wh-n.l- ._ d.-".'d t«. -<-i.d,- of l>ank_.g and co_._-M.i__dJunienta. letUrs aet .neUHy addre*,ed being sent bytii. ta-.'st ..--..ta availat'ie.

.-on-iki. D__ta for the ,.k eedlag M_rie win closarnroni-tlv ln all e__es) at Ih- ofli.-e as foi ow«

(PTit UAY-At 11 a. m. (supplemen__ry 11:.. a. m.) fotF__tiiii.i Island. lam-tca BnOeremle. pei s, *. Alv-i.a'eSl'.rs%ot¦ C-aia R»ee rM IMam BNM 9* dite.u-d "m«

A1sS.r?ilDAY-At 8 a. m. (aa«l8«aala-r io a. m.) foiSAicivw/i Si-im. l'ortiii.'ftl and .ui-.-v.5?n.C*,a.*&^WnmJAoT'Aa H«vr.-; at «30 .. m. (sup-

K .._..,,i U m.) for _.-__»_¦ lifect, i» a ,.

K'f*'; ,1 .m.. ,1-uei- for othoi i:i,o|...... cojialrleef ^,,.--a.i,.,t. ».d Bren-sn must be dir. w "mtt_'m.^,- at ^0 a m. [s-pplementary 10 :., a. «.) BKid-r ), »' **..-" l*'Kt.urka,,Ma Quesn-4uwn (lettare forriern'.'a.V1 Kr,,,.; sWlW! Ttaii. S,-ln. Por.UgmlnT^rkev n i.t Ih- dl.e.^'d "p-r IMuria"i at !) .3fl_r».Tr^_eMe»_arUa__r5^^

Th,,.maio'_-|h0ett>-rs for Barbedoe. pemerara. -loboi-'o must '>r lo!«nl"i -Uin J m ,"..D'.|.n-.e-Uiv 10:30 a. m.i for Ih»: Oados lojn.m..-_- 'a BarbsdO*. po? s. .. Il.rm.i_a dett-r- for ctheeWl. dw'rd l'*u"da must Te dl.vcwd -p.r BerwM»*_l at 11« m 'oV _ini_"'he, Chl_P''.s. Tabasoo and Yu.-stan. Mf!' Tumur. isftel-* to C-hs Bnd Tampioo dlreet an«-'i M. xi^sn Btatea vla Vera Crur. must he dlrecwd..p.r Yumurr): at 1- m. tor Qrenada, Trlnldid _i.Tfihaco DSr s. s. Artcuns.

St'NDAY-At 2 u. m. for Coei* Rlca. vl» Llmon. ,__. . Fn»h»U f'em New-Or'.eans; at 2 p. m. for Hlueflelds.n_r s s W i». Hewes, from New-Crleane.

MaUs for the Hawallan Islands. per s. ». Au.trslla (fr-mSan Franclscoi. cl-»e here dallv up to Mav «18. st 0 -Cn. m Matls for Chtns SJid lapan. per i. s. Belgic (fromK»n Franclsco;. close here daily uo to Miy *14. at I Mum "laiis for Australla. New.Zealsnd. K-walian, FiJIand Bsmoan Islands. per s. s. Alsrr.sda (from San Fran.rlsioi, ekea h.-e dstly up to Mav -23, at 0 :30 p. ro. (or onarriv-l st New-Y"-' of » vith Itrlti-h mailsfor Australl-i Malls for th« Boel-ty I-lands. per »hlpiialil»>' [from San Kr_n<-I.< ov rloae hrr- dillv un to Mar.2S st 6:30 o. n>. MalW f..r N.-tfoundlsnd. hr ralt u>lla'lf'-s aud fcence b) ."¦i-. r .Ioh,. ut th!« oflke diillfit » :i^ i> m M:>!i-- fo" MlQ-elori t>r nt »o B-Ston,aud th.n.- bv stestner. .IO- at ,»>'» offlee dsllr at «:30u m Mall» for Cuba. bv r.!l . > »"d thencebv -teanier (salVn. Mondav- ,.i,.l T-.-r« .'os- at thisofflee dstlv at '.' 30 a. m. Matls f,»r Me-lco. overlsnd.unle^s __.'....11 v addr"*. d for dl^pa'ch l.y ______M, closaat this offlee dally at 3 ». m.

¦Trana-Pacltl.- n.alU sre forwardi-d t» Bsn I ranrlsrodallv and the srh-dale of rloalnj ta arraneed on the nr*..iin.'nttoi. of t.-lr xntnt. rn.i.Kd ov.rl-.,,! tnnall to SaaV'r«Miri».-o Malls fr<i!.. tio V.-»t ar.lvt.iu ou tlme at SiaKnwr U... ,-n the dav of «_l'in, <X »t.»inei- ar- _-.i>at.-_._thenre the sams dsr. R*"1"*-"..'" "'"U^-,""'." _' rt fc. »->prrvlous aay. CORN-l.IlJf V*AN COTT PoeU_as4-t.9 -"osUMcs, SswToiIl B. *.. May 9, lltt.