Download - Highly Available Active-Active NFS server on GlusterFS Storage system

  1. 1. Highly Available Active-Active NFS Server on GlusterFS Storage System Meghana Madhusudhan Soumya Koduri NFS-Ganesha team
  2. 2. 06/08/15 AGENDA Introduction NFS-Ganesha + GlusterFS High availability of NFS-Ganesha servers Gluster CLI Active-Active NFS-Ganesha Demo
  3. 3. 06/08/15 NFS-Ganesha + GlusterFS A user-mode file server. Supports NFS v3, 4.0, 4.1, pNFS and 9P from the Plan9 operating system. Provides a FUSE-compatible File System Abstraction Layer(FSAL) to plug into any storage mechanism. Integrated with GlusterFS using 'libgfapi' library available via 'glusterfs-api*' packages. Dynamically exports/unexport GlusterFS volumes/sub-directories using D-Bus mechanism.
  4. 4. 06/08/15 High availability of NFS-Ganesha servers Achieved using Pacemaker/Corosync. HA-script: Input: servers to be added to the cluster along with Virtual IPs assigned via the 'ganesha-ha.conf' file Sets up and tears down the entire cluster. New resource-agent scripts added to monitor NFS service on each node. Case - if NFS service down on any of the nodes Entire cluster is put into grace via D-bus signal Virtual IP fails over to a different node (within the cluster). Integrated with new Gluster CLI introduced to configure NFS-Ganesha.
  5. 5. 06/08/15 Required Packages Gluster RPMs (> 3.7) glusterfs-server* glusterfs-api* glusterfs-ganesha* Ganesha RPMs (latest) nfs-ganesha* nfs-ganesha-fsal-gluster*
  6. 6. 06/08/15 Pre-requisites 1. Populate /etc/hosts (or ensure DNS) on all machines. 2. Disable and stop NetworkManager service, enable and start network service on all machines 3. Create a gluster shared volume 'gluster_shared_storage' and mount it on '/var/run/gluster/shared_storage' on all the cluster nodes using glusterfs native mount. 4. Touch /etc/ganesha/ganesha.conf (empty file) 5.. `yum -y install pacemaker cman pcs ccs resource-agents corosync` on all machines 6. set cluster auth password on all machines - `echo redhat | passwd --stdin hacluster` - pcs cluster auth on all the nodes 7. Enable IPv6 on all the cluster nodes. 8. Enable and start pcsd on all machines - `chkconfig --add pcsd; chkconfig pcsd on; service pcsd start` 9. Populate /etc/ganesha/ganesha-ha.conf on all the cluster nodes.
  7. 7. 06/08/15 Sample ganesha-ha.conf Sample ganesha-ha.conf file: # Name of the HA cluster created. HA_NAME="ganesha-ha-360" # The server from which you intend to mount # the shared volume. HA_VOL_SERVER="server1" # The subset of nodes of the Gluster Trusted Pool # that forms the ganesha HA cluster. IP/Hostname # is specified. HA_CLUSTER_NODES="server1,server2,..." # Virtual IPs of each of the nodes specified above. VIP_server1="10.x.x.x" VIP_server2="10.x.x.x"
  8. 8. 06/08/15 Gluster CLI New CLIs introduced to configure and manage NFS-Ganesha cluster & Exports gluster features.ganesha Disable Gluster-NFS Start/stop NFS-Ganesha services on the cluster nodes. Setup/teardown the NFS-Ganesha cluster. gluster vol set ganesha.enable on/off Creates export config file with default parameters Dynamically export/unexport volumes.
  9. 9. 06/08/15 Active Active NFS-Ganesha Simultaneous access via Multi-Head NFS-Ganesha servers. Acheived using Upcall infrastructure. UPCALL infrastructure: a generic and extensible framework. used to maintain states in the glusterfsd process for each of the files accessed sends notifications to the respective glusterfs clients incase of any change in that state. Cache-Invalidation: one of the features provided by UPCALL infrastructure NFS-Ganesha uses 'Cache-Invalidation' mechanism to serve as Multi-Head Config options: 'gluster vol set features.cache-invalidation on/off' 'gluster vol set features.cache-invalidation-timeout '
  10. 10. 06/08/15 nfs-ganesha in Clustered Mode Storage Node1 Ganesha Server Storage Node 3 Storage Node 4 VIP4 VIP3 VIP2 GlusterFS Filesystem Shared Volume/Storage VIP1 VIP1 PACEMAKER/COROSYNC CLIENT-1
  11. 11. 06/08/15 DEMO