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Page 1: High-PerformanceAnion-ExchangeChromatography … · Electrochemical detection in HPLC has been proven to be a powerful analytical technique for the determination of compounds containing

Hindawi Publishing CorporationInternational Journal of Carbohydrate ChemistryVolume 2012, Article ID 487564, 13 pagesdoi:10.1155/2012/487564

Review Article

High-Performance Anion-Exchange ChromatographyCoupled with Pulsed Electrochemical Detection as a PowerfulTool to Evaluate Carbohydrates of Food Interest:Principles and Applications

Claudio Corradini, Antonella Cavazza, and Chiara Bignardi

Dipartimento di Chimica Generale de Inorganica, Chimica Analitica, Chimica Fisica, Universita Degli Studi di Parma,Parco Area delle, Scienze 17/A, 43124 Parma, Italy

Correspondence should be addressed to Claudio Corradini, [email protected]

Received 18 December 2011; Accepted 23 February 2012

Academic Editor: Margarita Stoytcheva

Copyright © 2012 Claudio Corradini et al. This is an open access article distributed under the Creative Commons AttributionLicense, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properlycited.

Specific HPLC approaches are essential for carbohydrate characterization in food products. Carbohydrates are weak acids withpKa values in the range 12–14 and, consequently, at high pH can be transformed into oxyanions, and can be readily separatedusing highly efficient anion-exchange columns. Electrochemical detection in HPLC has been proven to be a powerful analyticaltechnique for the determination of compounds containing electroactive groups; pulsed amperometric detection of carbohydratesis favourably performed by taking advantage of their electrocatalytic oxidation mechanism at a gold working electrode in a basicmedia. High-performance Anion Exchange Chromatography (HPAEC) at high pH coupled with pulsed electrochemical detection(PED) is one of the most useful techniques for carbohydrate determination either for routine monitoring or research application.This technique has been of a great impact on the analysis of oligo- and polysaccharides. The compatibility of electrochemicaldetection with gradient elution, coupled with the high selectivity of the anion-exchange stationary phases, allows mixtures ofsimple sugars, oligo- and polysaccharides to be separated with high resolution in a single run. A few reviews have been written onHPAEC-PED of carbohydrates of food interest in the last years. In this paper the recent developments in this field are examined.

1. Introduction

The analysis of carbohydrates in food has extreme nutritionalimportance because they are a primary source of energy andhave healthy beneficial effects resulting mainly from dietaryfibers and other unavailable carbohydrates resistant to diges-tion. In food industry they are largely used as technologicalcoadjuvants in order to obtain physicochemical and selectedsensorial characteristics for some products. Moreover, theyare suitable to be considered as markers for quality andauthenticity control.

Several analytical techniques have been proposed forcarbohydrates analysis; among them, high-performance liq-uid chromatography (HPLC) coupled to different detection

systems. This technique offers the advantages of high resolu-tion, fast analysis, direct injection of the sample without orwith little pretreatment, and easy of automation. Differentoperation modes of HPLC have been applied to the analysisof carbohydrates of food interest.

HPLC of carbohydrates is frequently performed usingcation-exchange resins based on copolymers in protonatedor metal ion forms. Metal-loaded strong cation exchang-ers such as sulphonated styrene-divinylbenzene copolymersin calcium, lithium, sodium, lead, and silver form, havebeen extensively used in many separations of mono- andoligosaccharides. Loading of sulfonated resins with variouscations causes substantial changes in retention and selectivityof neutral carbohydrates. By these approaches separations

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are obtained involving different mechanisms such as ionexchange, ion exclusion, size exclusion, ligand exchange, andcounterions in which underivatized saccharides are usuallychromatographed using plain water as the mobile phase[1, 2].

Hydrophilic interaction chromatographic systems usingbonded-phase packaging-based silica columns and employ-ing acetonitrile-water mixtures as the mobile phase, as wellas reversed-phase chromatography, have also been used forcarbohydrate separation.

However, these modes of carbohydrate HPLC can sufferseveral drawbacks such as instability and short lifetime of thebonded phases and poor column performance in selectivityand efficiency. Furthermore, sensitive detection of carbo-hydrates after HPLC separation represents an additionaldifficulty for their determination; in fact carbohydratesmainly lack the chromophores and fluorophores. This oftenresults in attempts to detect carbohydrates using low-wavelength UV absorbance or refractive index detection(RI). As it is well known, neutral carbohydrates adsorbonly in the region 190–210 nm, where the organic mobilephase modifiers such as acetonitrile also adsorb strongly,and consequently the UV detection is unsuitable for usein HPLC of underivatized carbohydrates in mobile phasesrich in these solvents. A greater sensitivity of detection canbe achieved by derivatization introducing either a chro-mophoric or a fluorescent group into carbohydrate analytes[3]. Moreover, post- and precolumn chemical derivatizationsoften enhance the selectivity of the detection since onlyreducing sugars can be modified in the presence of aminoacids and lipids when carbonyl groups are derivatized. Eitherindirect UV absorbance or indirect fluorescence detectionhas also been proposed. After absorbance and fluorescence,refractive index (RI) detection is the third mode in orderof importance in conventional HPLC, and it has been themost frequently used in HPLC of carbohydrates. However,the major disadvantage of RI detection is its sensitivity tochanges in mobile phase composition, preventing its usewhen gradient elution is employed.

Consequently, the lack of selectivity and sensitivityof these detection modes is often not sufficient for theanalysis of carbohydrates present in complex mixtures suchas food. Alternatively, evaporative light-scattering detection(ELSD) has also been proposed. ELSD is insensitive totemperature fluctuations, allows gradient solvent systems,and is dependent on the mass of the vaporized analyte. Onthe other hand, ELSD requires the vaporization of all thecomponents of the HPLC eluent and the nonvaporizationof carbohydrates which can be detected. It is thus possibleto use any gradient of eluents requiring the lowest possibletemperature to prevent thermal degradation of carbohy-drates. Consequently, the chromatographic mobile phasecomposition is not independent from the detection system.In conclusion, ELSD detection, which can be considered auniversal detector, found scarce application in HPLC analysisof carbohydrates.

High-performance anion-exchange chromatography(HPAEC) is a powerful analytical tool in carbohydrateseparation due its ability to separate all classes of alditols,

aminosugars, mono-, oligo- and polysaccharides, accordingto structural features such as size, composition, anomericityand linkage isomerism. Moreover, detector insensitivityis overcome coupling HPAEC with pulsed amperometricdetection. HPAEC-PED is presently being applied to avariety of routine monitoring and research applications.Moreover, this technique has had a major impact on theanalysis of oligo-, and polysaccharides. The compatibility ofelectrochemical detection with gradient elution coupled withthe high selectivity of the anion-exchange stationary phasesallows mixtures of simple sugars, oligo- and polysaccharidesto be separated with suitable resolution in a single run.

2. High-Performance Anion-ExchangeChromatography (HPAEC)

Anion exchange chromatography is not a technique com-monly associated with the analysis of neutral carbohydrates.However, many carbohydrates are weak acids with pKa valuesin the range 12–14, and, consequently, at high pH valuestheir hydroxyl groups are partially or totally transformedinto oxyanions, enabling this class of compounds to beselectively eluted as anions by high-performance anion-exchange chromatography in a single run.

Under alkaline conditions, carbohydrates are readily sep-arated by quaternary-ammonium-bonded pellicular anion-exchange columns, where the order of increasing retention iscorrelated with decreasing pKa value.

Anion exchange chromatography on high pH-resistantpolymeric-based strong anion-exchange columns specif-ically tailored for carbohydrate analysis enables selec-tive elution of carbohydrates, where the most importantparameters influencing the separations are the numberof hydroxyl groups, anomerism, positional isomerism andthe polymerization degree. Monosaccharides possess sev-eral potentially ionisable hydroxyl groups having, takingglucose as reference, the following hierarchy of acidity:1-OH> 2-OH≥ 6-OH> 3-OH> 4-O.

aldoses exhibit greater retention than their reducedalditol forms. A study conducted by Paskach et al. [4]on the retention behavior of 93 alditols and carbohydrateson HPAEC has demonstrated that capacity factors formonosaccharides are lowest for the alditols and are higherand approximately similar for analogous aldoses and ketoses.There is a general trends, observed to be strongest withalditols, for capacity factors to increase with increasingnumbers of carbon atoms. The most common columnsemployed in HPAEC-PED, specifically designed for carbohy-drate anion-exchange chromatography, are manufactured byDionex (Sunnyvale, CA, USA; now Thermo Fisher ScientificInc., USA). As reported in Table 1, the CarboPac MA1 is amacroporous resin fully functionalized with a high-capacity,strong exchange column, whereas the others are preparedby proprietary processes, which permit the independentmanufacture of polymeric nonporous sulphonated resinsand anion-exchange latex particles functionalized with qua-ternary ammonium compounds that are brought togetheronly at the last steps of preparing anion-exchanger columns.

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Table 1: Most employed columns for HPAEC-PAD analysis∗.

Column Specifications Samples Notes


7.5 μm diametervinylbenzylchloride-divinylbenzenemacroporous substrate fullyfunctionalized with alkyl quaternaryammonium groups (15% crosslinked)

Reduced mono- anddisaccharide alditol


Other carbohydrates:fucose,


mannose, galactose


10 μm diameter substrate (polystyrene2% crosslinked with divinylbenzene)agglomerated with MicroBeadquaternary ammonium functionalizedlatex (5% crosslinked)

Mono- anddisaccharides,


Column well suited for theanalysis of food fornutrition labelling


10 μm diameter substrate(ethylvinylbenzene 55% cross linkedwith divinylbenzene) agglomeratedwith a 460 nm MicroBead difunctionalquaternary ammonium ion (5%crosslinked)

Mono- anddisaccharides,glucosamine,

galactosamine; sialicacids

Ideal for the analysis ofmono- and disaccharides in

foods, drugs, and plants


6.5 μm diameter substrate(ethylvinylbenzene 55% crosslinkedwith divinylbenzene) agglomeratedwith a 130 nm MicroBead difunctionalquaternary ammonium ion (5%crosslinked)

Mono- anddisaccharides

High resolution regardingthe six monosaccharides

commonly found inmammalian glycoproteins


8.5 μm diameter substrate(ethylvinylbenzene 55% crosslinkedwith divinylbenzene) agglomeratedwith a 275 nm MicroBead quaternaryamine functionalized latex (6%crosslinked)

Separation of closelyrelated oligosaccharides,oligosaccharides released

from glycoproteinswhich can differ in size,charge, branching, and


Separation of neutral andcharged oligosaccharides in

the same runSeparation of closely

related oligosaccharides


5.5 μm diameter substrate(ethylvinylbenzene 55% crosslinkedwith divinylbenzene) agglomeratedwith a 43 nm MicroBead quaternaryamine functionalized latex (6%crosslinked)


Separations based on size,charge, degree of

branching, and linkageisomerism


6.0 μm diameter substrate(ethylvinylbenzene 55% crosslinkedwith divinylbenzene) agglomeratedwith a 55 nm MicroBead quaternaryammonium ion (4.5% crosslinked)

Mono- anddisaccharides

Fast analysis of mono- anddisaccharides of food


∗As reported in technical note from Dionex (Thermo Fisher Inc.).

Monosaccharide separations are normally performed onCarboPac PA1 and CarboPac PA10 columns, which have highselectivity for mono- and disaccharide separations. Thesesugars are usually eluted isocratically using sodium hydrox-ide solutions at concentration ranging from 10 to 20 mM.Particular attention should be paid to the preparation ofeluents in order to avoid the presence of carbon dioxide andsubsequent production of carbonate in the mobile phase.Carbonate, being a divalent ion at pH 12, binds stronglyto the anion exchangers and interferes with carbohydrateretention, causing shortened retention times, decrease incolumn selectivity, and loss in resolution. Efforts to solve thisproblem may rely on the use of an electrochemical generatorof potassium hydroxide eluents which are not affected bycarbonate interference. Cataldi and coworkers proposed the

use of barium and strontium ions in the alkaline eluent forreducing the uptake of carbon dioxide [5].

The separation of closely related carbohydrates, suchas glucose and mannose which differ only in the axial-equatorial configuration of their hydroxyl groups, can beenhanced significantly by lowering the pH of the alkalineeluent to a value that is comparable to the pKa of thesugar molecules, namely pH 12. In this case, postcolumnaddition to the eluent stream of a strong base through a teeconnection can provide the alkaline environment necessaryfor carbohydrate detection at the gold working electrode ofthe detector.

Retention of oligosaccharides on HPAEC column isnot directly predictable by extrapolating the hierarchy ofmonosaccharide hydroxyl acidities to oligosaccharides. For

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Table 2: Gradient elution program employed for inulin analysis reported in Figure 1; flow = 0.50 mL/min.

Time (minutes) % eluent A H2O % eluent B NaOH 600 mM 50% % eluent C NaNO3 500 mM

0 83 16 1

10 80 16 4

10.1 80 16 4

40 60 16 24

0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40











Time (min)


0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40













Time (min)


Figure 1: Chromatographic profiles obtained for Inulin Tex 0.5 mg/mL (a) and IQ 0.5 mg/mL (b) on a column CarboPac PA200 at theconditions of elution reported in Table 2.

members of homologous series of oligosaccharides, thecapacity factors increase in a regular and predictable mannerwith chain length. However, beside chain length, other thansaccharide composition, linkage positions are expected toaffect the chromatographic retention of oligosaccharides.

Corradini et al. [6] showed that separation by HPAECof twelve disaccharides was strongly affected, beside theiracidity, by the accessibility of oxyanions to the functionalgroups of the anion exchanger column. This effect hasbeen observed in particular for the glucobioses trehalose,isomaltose, gentiobiose, nigerose, and maltose, which aredisaccharides composed of two D-glucosyl residues, differingonly in the configuration of their glycosidic bonds.

The CarboPac PA100 and CarboPac PA200, strong anionexchange columns, are proposed for oligosaccharide char-acterization. To elute oligosaccharides and polysaccharideuntil DP 85, a stronger eluent than sodium hydroxide isneeded. Sodium acetate solutions are usually employed forthese separations that still require sodium hydroxide becausea strongly basic environment is necessary for detection.

Most oligosaccharide separations are performed bysodium acetate gradient with a constant concentration ofsodium hydroxide. The effects of acetate and nitrate as“pushing agent” have also been investigated. Wong andJane [7] compared separations of debranched amylopectinachieved adding acetate or nitrate anions in the mobilephases. They found that, in comparison with the commonlyused pushing agent, nitrate offered greater reproducibility,accuracy, and lower limit of detection.

More recently, we verified that an improvement in res-olution with shorter chromatographic runs can be achievedusing nitrate instead of acetate as the pushing agent in the

mobile phase composition for the separation and detectionof inulin by HPAEC-PED. The different chain-length distri-bution profiles of two commercial available inulins have beenaccomplished with the CarboPac PA200 column using nitrateas the “pushing agent” and gradient elution following theprogram reported in Table 2. Under the selected conditions,baseline separation was achieved in a short analysis time (seeFigure 1).

3. Pulsed Electrochemical Detection (PED)

Electrochemical detection in HPLC has been proven to bea powerful analytical technique for the determination ofcompounds containing electroactive groups, and recently theprogress in application of this detection strategy coupled toliquid chromatography has been reviewed by Trojanowicz[11].

Amperometric detection is typically performed at a solidanode, such as gold, platinum, and glassy carbon, under con-stant applied potential, which is denoted as DC amperom-etry. In constant potential amperometric mode-numerousaromatic compounds are easily detected by anodic reactions.These include phenols, aminophenols, catecholamines, andother metabolic amines.

The presence of π-resonance in aromatic compoundsfunctions to stabilize intermediate oxidation products ofanodic oxidation, and, as a consequence, the activation bar-rier for electrochemical reaction is significantly lowered.In dc amperometry, the electrode must be inert and ableto accept or donate electrons to the analyte of inter-est. This is particularly true for glassy carbon electrodeswhich are particularly resistant to fouling. Glassy carbon

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is the most commonly used working electrode material inchromatographic amperometric detection, using a constantapplied potential. In the case of carbohydrates, this systemis not adequate since glassy carbon amperometric electrodesexhibit no response for aliphatic compounds. As expected,the absence of π-resonance for these compounds results invery low oxidation rates at an inert electrode, although thereactions may be favoured thermodynamically.

Considering that an inherent electronic stabilizationmechanism does not exist for polar aliphatic compounds,the stabilization of the formed free-radical intermediatescan be achieved with the use of catalytic electrode surfaces.Aldehyde and terminal alcohol moieties in carbohydrates canbe oxidated at golden electrodes in alkaline media and at Ptelectrodes under all pH conditions.

Electrocatalytic properties of gold electrodes are muchless pronounced under acidic conditions, and only analyteswith a strong affinity to gold, such as sulfur-containingspecies which are readily adsorbed on the gold surface,are oxidized and detected on gold electrodes under theseconditions. However, intermediate oxidation products ofanalytes can adsorb on the surface of solid electrodes withdirect participation of the electrode surface within theoxidation mechanisms. Unfortunately, a serious consequenceof adsorption is the fouling of the electrode by accumulationof reaction products, resulting in the gradual loss of electroderesponse. The problem of electrode fouling can be solved byapplication of a pulsed potential waveform.

The application of alternated positive and negativepotential pulses as a method in reactivating Au and Ptelectrodes that have become fouled by adsorption of organiccompounds has been employed since the early part of the lastcentury [12].

Pulsed amperometric detection (PAD) applying a repet-itive three-step waveform was proposed the first time in1981 for the detection of simple alcohols at Pt electrodes inflow-injection systems [13, 14]. In these applications anodicdetection was alternated with oxidative cleaning by steppingthe potential to a greater positive value and reductivecleaning of adsorbed products for the reactivation of noble-metal electrodes to maintain a reproducibly high electrodeactivity. By utilizing a simple three-step potential waveform,reproducible detection of polar aliphatic compounds canbe achieved. This technique had been popularly known aspulsed amperometric detection (PAD).

This detection approach was particularly attractive incombination with high-performance anion-exchange chro-matography using quaternary ammonium polymer-basedstationary phases and high pH.

In Figure 2 is reported a generic triple-pulse potentialwaveform designed for detection of carbohydrate at a goldelectrode in alkaline media. As shown in the figure, detectionoccurs at a constant potential E1, which is applied for thetime t1 with electronic integration of the current duringthe period tint, following a delay of tdel to allow changingcurrent to decay to a negligible value (t1 = tdel + tdet). Thepotential of the electrode is then increased from E1 to E2

(with E2 � E1), during a period t2 to fully oxidize anyabsorbed impurities and/or detect products on the electrode

t1 t2 t3





tdel tdet



Figure 2: Triple-pulsed potential waveform designed for detectionof carbohydrates. Qualitative waveform, where Edet is the constantpotential E1, applied for the time t1Eoxd is referred to potential E2

(fully oxidation on the working gold electrode), applied for the timet2; Ered is the negative potential applied during the time t3 to convertthe gold oxide back to native metal.

surface. This oxidation step generates the formation of a thinlayer of oxide on the electrode surface. The applied voltage onthe electrode is then reversed to a strongly reducing potential(E3 � E1) during the period t3, which convert the noble-metal oxide layer at the surface of the electrode back tonative metal, thus renewing the electrode surface. Followinga delay during which charging current resulting from the stepfrom the final potential (E3) back to the initial potential (E1)decays, analyte oxidation current is measured by integrationfor a fixed duration, tdet depicted in Figure 2. The resultingmeasured charge, expressed in micro-Coulomb, obtainedfrom the analyte integration current, is proportional to therate of the oxidation reaction.

PAD detection can be defined with the more genericname of “pulsed electrochemical detection” (PED). Themeasurement of the current in PED instrumentation is dueby electronic integration of electrode current during theperiod tint (see Figure 2). Hence, the output voltage signalcan be directly proportional to the average current or to thecurrent integral [12].

The former style of signal presentation has resulted inthe common name “pulsed amperometric detection” (PAD),whereas the names of “pulsed coulometric detection” and“integrated pulsed amperometric detection” (IPAD) havebeen suggested for the later style of the signal presentation[15].

Sensitivity of PED detection of alditols, monosaccha-rides, oligosaccharides, and polysaccharides at gold elec-trodes is maximized under alkaline conditions (pH > 12),which are also the chromatographic conditions requested inHPAEC.

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Pulsed potential waveform optimization to determine theappropriate detection potential in HPAEC-PED is usuallyperformed by cyclic voltammetry; the choice of the potentialand time parameters in PED waveforms have been exten-sively reviewed [12, 16].

Improvement of long-term reproducibility of pulsedamperometric detection of carbohydrate has been achievedapplying a quadruple-potential waveform to the workinggold electrode in the flow-through detector cell instead of thetriple-pulse potential waveform [17]. With the new selectedwaveform, a negative cleaning and a positive activationpotentials maintain a clean and active gold electrode surfacewithout causing electrode corrosion, with its consequentrecession. Recession of the working gold electrode increasesthe volume between the working electrode and the counterelectrode, decreasing the linear velocity of flow over thesurface of the working electrode. This causes decreased trans-port of analyte to the electrode and consequent decreaseddetector response.

The proposed quadruple-potential waveform maximizessignal-to-noise ratio, showing similar minimum detectionlimits obtained employing with the triple-potential wave-form, but greatly improving long-term reproducibility.

Since its introduction, pulsed electrochemical detectionhas considerably improved the sensitivity and selectivity ofthe separation of carbohydrates by HPAEC using alkalinemobile phases. The alkaline conditions are appropriatefor the direct detection of carbohydrate by PED at goldelectrode.

HPAEC coupled with PED detection has proven to bea very useful method for the analysis of the carbohydrates,including those of food interest. Applications regardingHPAEC-PED of carbohydrates determination in several foodproducts such as fruit juices, milk, soluble instant coffee,infant formulas, dietetic candy, chocolate, honey, wine,wheat, rice, barley, sweet potato, corn syrups, and so on havebeen extensively reviewed by Cataldi and coworkers in theyear 2000 [18] and by El Rassi in 2002 [19].

4. Recent Applications of HPAEC-PADin Food Analysis

Food carbohydrates come in two principal groups: simplecarbohydrates and complex carbohydrates. Simple carbo-hydrates consist of any soluble, digestible, and absorbablesugar such as monosaccharides, disaccharides, and sugaralcohols or alditols. Complex carbohydrates comprise theoligosaccharides and polysaccharides, such as starch andfiber components.

The analysis of carbohydrates in food is of great impor-tance for many studies related to several sectors of investi-gation such as compositional evaluation, estimation of thenutritional value of a food product, food technology andfood processing, control of food origin, authenticity, andeventual adulterations, monitoring of a product duringstorage.

In Table 3 a list of applications of HPAEC-PAD for theanalysis of food products performed in the late years is

reported, with the related references [8–10, 20–56]. As canbe seen, the analytes most studied have been oligosaccharidesrather than simple sugars.

While the main impact of carbohydrates occurrence ina food preparation is linked to the sweetener effect relatedto the presence of mono- and disaccharides, the occurrenceof oligo- and polysaccharides gives to the food differentproperties depending on the type of linkage between themonomeric units that may be attacked by the humanenzymes or not.

Fructooligosaccharides (FOSs) and inulin can be definedas nondigestible food ingredients and are effective prebiotics,which beneficially affect the host by selectively stimulatingthe growth and/or activity of the microbial groups. Theyoccur naturally in many foods of vegetable origin, such asonions, Jerusalem artichokes, asparagus, leeks, garlic, andchicory.

FOSs are composed by chains of fructose moieties linkedby β-(2→ 1)-glycosidic bonds with or without a terminalglucose unit. FOS has a degree of polymerization (DP) of 2–9and is produced from inulin by controlled hydrolysis. Inulinis extracted from chicory roots and contains fructose chainsranging in DP from 3 to 80.

FOS and inulin pass the stomach and small intestineunaltered, since they cannot be degraded or absorbed, andreach the colon where they are fermented by the intestinalmicrobiota exhibiting favorable effects on health promotingthe growth of enteral bacteria, the intestinal motility, and thestimulation of the immune response [57].

HPAEC-PED has been demonstrated by Corradini etal. [58] to be a powerful tool to evaluate changing inchain length distribution of FOS and inulin fermentedby bifidobacteria, providing significant information abouttheir prebiotic capabilities. Fermentation of oligo- and poly-saccharides in the colon is the result of a complex microbialmetabolic activity, and long inulin chains are hydrolysed byextracellular enzymes, supplying FOS to bifidobacteria forselective growth [59].

Besides, inulin is widely used in food formulation forits technological properties on texture: inulin can develop agel-like structure when mixed with aqueous liquid, forminga gel with creamy appearance. Therefore, it can be easilyincorporated into food as sugar and fat replacer, and it isoften used as ingredient in the so-called functional foods.

The traditional and the official analytical methods forinulin and oligosaccharides are based on enzymatic assays.Those systems are long-time consuming and give resultsrelated only to the total sugar content, by quantification ofthe monosaccharidic units, without providing any informa-tion about chains distribution and DP. On the other hand,HPAEC-PAD has been reported to show the advantage ofgiving a signal for any single chain of different DP [60]and provide useful information on chain length distribution[4], a parameter of great importance for the physico-chemical properties of these compounds when used as foodingredients.

The ability of commercial available inulins with differentoligo- and polysaccharide profile to form gel was recentlyinvestigated by Chiavaro et al. [61]. The knowledge of

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Table 3: Recent applications of HPAEC-PAD in food analysis.

Food sample Analytes Column Eluent Ref.

Galactooligosaccharides (GOSs)CarboPac

PA1NaOH, CH3COONa [20]

Mixture of neutraloligosaccharides


NaOH, CH3COONa [21]

Agave Fructooligosaccharides (FOSs)CarboPac

PA100NaOH, CH3COONa [22]

Agave americana Fructans



NaOH, CH3COONa [23]

Agave tequilanaWater-soluble carbohydrate


PA100NaOH, CH3COONa [24]

Artichoke Inulooligosaccharides (IOSs)CarboPac

PA100NaOH, CH3COONa [25]

Banana Fructooligosaccharides (FOSs)CarboPac

PA1NaOH, CH3COONa [26]

Barley OligosaccharidesCarboPac

PA1NaOH, CH3COONa [27]

Brewer’s spent grain OligosaccharidesCarboPac

PA1NaOH, CH3COONa [28]

Dietary supplements MaltoseCarboPac

PA1NaOH, CH3COONa [29]

Fermented beverage ofplant extract

OligosaccharidesCarbo Pac

PA1NaOH, CH3COONa [30]

Fermented beverage ofplant extract

Fructopyranose oligosaccharidesCarbo Pac

PA1NaOH, CH3COONa [31]

Fermented beverage ofplant extract


PA1NaOH, CH3COONa [32]

Fermented milk Galactooligosaccharides (GOSs)CarboPac

PA1NaOH, CH3COONa [33]

Fermented milkFructooligosaccharides (FOSs),

inulooligosaccharides (IOSs)CarboPac

PA100NaOH, CH3COONa [8]

Fermented milk, CookedHam, Food ingredients

Fructooligosaccharides (FOSs)and inulins





Fermented milk (synbiotic)Fructooligosaccharides (FOSs),

inulooligosaccharides (IOSs)CarboPac

PA200NaOH, NaNO3 [35]

Fruit juiceSucralose, fructooligosaccharides


PA1NaOH, CH3COONa [36]

GrapeSimple sugars,

fructooligosaccharides (FOSs)CarboPac

PA1NaOH, CH3COONa [37]

Honey OligosaccharidesCarboPac

PA100NaOH, CH3COONa [38]

Honey OligosaccharidesCarboPac

PA100NaOH, CH3COONa [9]



NaOH [39]

Honey PolysaccharidesCarboPac

PA100NaOH, CH3COONa [40]

Instant coffee Glucose, xyloseCarboPac

PA1NaOH [41]

Konjac Glucomannan oligosaccharidesCarboPac

PA1NaOH, CH3COONa [42]

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Table 3: Continued.

Food sample Analytes Column Eluent Ref.

Onions Fructooligosaccharides (FOSs)CarboPac

PA1NaOH, CH3COONa [43]

Prebiotic mixture Galactooligosaccharides (GOSs)CarboPac

PA1NaOH, CH3COONa [44]

Rice husk MaltodextrinsCarboPac

PA1NaNO3 [45]

Rice bran (defatted) OligosaccharidesCarboPacPA1, PA10

NaOH, NaNO3 [46]

Rice husk Xylooligosaccharides (XOSs)CarboPac

PA1NaOH, CH3COONa [47]

Rice husk Xylooligosaccharides (XOSs),CarboPac

PA1NaOH, CH3COONa [48]

SoybeanGlucose, fructose, sucrose,

raffinose, stachyoseCarboPac

PA10NaOH [49]

Soybean flour (defatted) MonosaccharidesCarboPac

PA1NaOH [50]

Sugar beet Arabinooligosaccharides (AOSs)CarboPac

PA1NaOH [51]

Sugar beetMonosaccharides,

arabinooligosaccharides (AOSs),oligosaccharides


NaOH, CH3COONa [52]

Sugar beet OligosaccharidesCarboPac

PA1NaOH, CH3COONa [53]

Sugar BeetArabinose and

arabinooligosaccharides (AOSs)CarboPac

PA1NaOH, CH3COONa [54]

Wheat bran, chicory root

Arabinoxylooligosaccharides(AOSs), xylooligosaccharides

(XOSs), fructooligosaccharides(FOSs)


NaOH, CH3COONa [55]

Wheat flour ArabinoxylansCarboPac

PA1NaOH [56]

Wheat milling fractions FructansCarboPac

PA1NaOH, CH3COONa [10]

physicochemical and mechanical properties as well as theirstability is of pivotal importance for the formulation ofnew products. In this paper oligo- and polysaccharidedistribution of three different inulins has been characterizedby HPAEC-PED and has showed that chemical structureof the tested inulins significantly affected the stability, thetexture, and the thermal properties of the gels.

Inulin is usually derived from chicory roots. Otherpromising crops for this production seem to be the Jerusalemartichoke and cereals of C3 type. The metabolism of FOSduring the maturation of wheat kernels has been investigatedand characterized by HPAEC-, and some biological effectshave been studied [62]. FOS and inulin differ for the degreeof polymerization and molecular weight, depending on thesource, the harvest time, and the processing conditions.Commercial inulin and FOS are extracted by vegetablesand are composed by a polydisperse mixture of chainscharacterized by differences in ramification and chain length.The employment of inulin in food industry requires apreliminary fractionation to obtain products with a defined

range of DP. This treatment is usually realized using specificenzymes. Artichoke is a common source of inulin with anaverage DP around 80; its composition has been recentlystudied by Ronkart et al. [25] who isolated and purified sev-eral fractions with the aim of producing oligomer standardsfor their identification in a complex inulin chromatogram.

Despite the advantages of HPAEC-PED, the main limit ofthis technique is related to the lack of commercial standardsfor chains with high DP. Therefore the peak identificationis obviously difficult to be performed, and peak assignmentis often based on a generally accepted assumption that theretention time of a homologous series of carbohydratesincreases as the DP increases. It means each peak elutedrepresents a chain with one more unit than the previouspeak. Mass spectrometry could be of help in the attributionof the DP of a fraction, and MALDI-TOF has been usedsuccessfully for molecular sizing of carbohydrates and todetermine chain length distribution of commercial FOS andinulin largely employed as food ingredients [34]. Comparingthe two techniques, it has been shown that HPAEC-PED

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0 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 400 450 500












a (n



) IO



Conc BeneoP95 (ppm)

Figure 3: Calibration curves built by injecting different concentra-tions of the commercial mixture of oligosaccharides Beneo (from[8]).

allows the record of a profile showing a single peak foreach FOS at any DP (even for branched isomers) and thesimultaneous analysis of simple sugars and fructans at thesame time. On the other hand, MALDI-TOF permits thecharacterization of molar mass giving details on maximumDP and on every chain present in the samples, althoughno information on branched and linear isomers can beobtained. Therefore the two techniques can be consideredcomplementary.

As for the quantitative approach, HPAEC-PED is limitedto studies involving the use of lab-synthesized standardsor methods employing a common external standards tobe used for all peaks. This last system does not overcomethe inconvenient represented by the variation of detectorresponse with the increasing retention time above discussed.We studied this matter evaluating the differences of slope forcalibration curves built by injecting different concentrationof a commercial mixture of oligosaccharides containingcompounds having different DP [35]. In Figure 3 thedifferent calibration curves obtained for peaks representingchains with DP between 3 and 7 are reported, and thedifference in the slope value is evident. A mathematicalformula has been proposed [8] permitting to calculatethe amount of each compound taking into account thedifferent value of detector response that can be calculatedwith the aim of an internal standard. Another approach hasbeen proposed by Abballe and coworkers [60], based onthe complementary employment of both HPAEC-PED andcapillary electrophoresis (CEs) coupled with UV detectionand has been applied to verify the reliability of HPAEC-PEDfor quantitative evaluation of dextran mixtures.

In a recent review from Raessler et al. [63] on thedetermination of carbohydrates in plant samples, the roleof HPAEC-PAD in the analysis of different classes of sugarshas been pointed out, and several applications in that fieldhave been reported. The same review presents an overview ofthe common sample pretreatments, among which hydrolysisof oligo- and polysaccharides that can be performed by acidtreatment or by employment of enzymes. The use of enzymescan be useful for conformational studies since it permits

a cleavage of selective linkages as in the case of branchedoligosaccharides.

As presented in Table 3, many s of foods containingsugars have been analysed by HPAEC-PED. One of the mainsugar sources is undoubtedly sugar beet, rich in sucrose butalso containing many other carbohydrates. The presence ofarabinooligosaccharides with different degrees of polymer-ization, together with the monosaccharidic profile, has beenstudied by Zaidel et al. [51] who investigated the presence ofbranched and linear forms. Sugar beet pulp is a byproductof the sugar industry abundant in many countries, and itis very rich in pectin, a complex polysaccharide composedby homogalacturonan, and rhamnogalacturonans. It can bea good source for prebiotic production after a controlledenzymatic treatment. Martınez et al. [53] investigated thispossibility analyzing the profile of the raw material and of theproduct of its hydrolysis. Westphal et al. [54] characterizedthe structure of the chains with the help of NMR studies,while Holck et al. [52] evaluated the in vitro prebioticactivity of different fractions of beet pulp extracts on humanintestinal microbiota.

The stability of FOS, arabinoxylooligosaccharides, andxylooligosaccharides during shelf-life has also been inves-tigated by Courtin et al. [55] considering different tem-peratures and different pH for different time periods andobserving the decomposition of the chains due to thecleavage of the units under the extreme conditions.

Some authors investigated the composition of arabinoxy-lan, the predominant cell-wall polysaccharides occurring inwheat flour. A comparison of different wheat flours has alsobeen proposed evaluating the effect of processing the contentand the structure of water-extractable arabinoxylans [56]. Astudy on the fructan content in milling fractions and outerpart of wheat in two different cultivars has been object ofanalysis by Haska et al. [10]. The chromatograms reportedin Figure 5 show several differences observed between germand wheat grain extracts. Isolation, identification, and deter-mination of molecular weight of fructans were evaluatedby MALDI-TOF. Using the complementarity of HPLC-PADand MALDI-TOF, as previously reported [34], the DP ofthe latest fructan peak was estimated to be 19. Anotherstudy was focused on the monosaccharide composition ofsoybean defatted flour, after acid and enzymatic hydrolysis,and differences between the considered varieties were found[50].

Onion bulbs represent another common vegetable richin fructooligosaccharides; the profile of those compounds,analysed by HPAEC-PAD, has been found variable amongdifferent cultivars, dependent on the bulb size and on storageconditions and time. An interesting study has been developedon onions var. Tropeana harvested in different momentsalong bulb maturation, and a different pattern of FOS hasbeen found [43]. Similarly, Ghedini Der Agopian et al.[26] analyzed FOS in banana of different cultivars and atdifferent ripening stages, and another study of that kindhas been conducted on Agave Americana by Arrizon etal. [24]. Fructans from Agave have been also analyzed byAvila-Fernandez [22] and Ravenscroft et al. [23], who madestructural studies using also NMR and ESI-MS techniques.

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0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 82



HI + 20% CS

G2 G3

G4G5 G6 G7 G8 G9 G10G11



0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 82



HI +



G5 G6






20 30 40 50 60 70 82





G4 G5 G6G7

0 10 20 30 40 50 60


HIHI + 20% 40HFCS

20 30 40 50 60



Figure 4: HPAEC-PED chromatographic profiles of the oligosaccharides fraction of a honey sample (H1) and the same sample adulteratedwith 20% of (a) corn syrups (CS); (b) high fructose corn syrups with 20% of isomerization (20HFCS); (c) high fructose corn syrups with20% of isomerization (40HFCS). (From [9].)


10 15 20 25 30 35 40










∗ 6 7 8 910 11






∗FFFF∗ ∗





Figure 5: HPAEC-PAD profiles of extracts from (a) germ and(b) wheat grain. SU, sucrose; R, raffinose; ST, stachyose; V,verbascose; GF2, 1-kestose; AG, unidentified a-galactoside; FR,fructosylraffinose; GF3, 1,1-kestotetraose; F, unidentified fructan;∗, unidentified non-fructan compound. Numbers indicate DP offructans. (From [10]).

In the field of food quality control, the origin of a productcan be investigated by the analysis of the carbohydrateprofile. An example can be honey characterization: theanalysis of carbohydrates in honey represents an extremelycomplicated case for HPAEC-PED analysis because of the

number of oligosaccharides present, their relatively lowconcentration, and their very similar structures, especiallyregarding the di- and trisaccharide fractions useful forfloral origin characterization [64]. A recent study hasbeen proposed by Ouchemoukh et al. [39] who analyzedseveral honey samples of different botanical origin findingdifferences in the sugar profiles. A similar approach, basedon the examination of the carbohydrate profile, has beenshown to be of great help for discovering food adulterationin the case of addition of corn syrup in honey [9, 38, 39].In Figure 4 the chromatograms obtained by Morales et al.[9], for a honey sample adulterated with corn syrups arereported.

The detection of honey adulteration by addition ofcane or beet sugars and/or sugars obtained from starchhydrolysis is particularly difficult because the variations inhoney carbohydrates and the similarities with sugar syrupscomposition make it difficult to detect these adulterations.

Carbohydrate analysis has been demonstrated to beuseful in monitoring the eventual changes observed duringfood storage. An example is the study of the effect of apreliminary treatment of grape berries with CO2, found toinfluence the sugar profile of grape stored at low temperature[37]. Similarly, synbiotic milks, containing prebiotics and

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probiotics, have been studied during their shelf-life; in par-ticular, a parallel study on the simultaneous variations of thefructooligosaccaridic profile and probiotics microorganismscount has been carried out [35]. The obtained data permittedto evaluate the microbial activity occurring in the product.A similar study on fermented milks has been conducted ongalactooligosaccharides (GOSs) [33], where prebiotic GOScontent has been determined by HPAEC-PED by usingan external calibration curve with raffinose as standardreference.

Recently, N-acetylneuraminic acid and N-glycolylneura-minic acid have been determined by HPAEC-PED in yogurt,milk, and powdered milk [65]. N-acetylneuraminic acid, alsoknown as sialic acid, has been the recipient of considerableattention in recent years regarding the possibility to be addedto different kinds of food products for improving health.

In conclusion, as widely reported, pulsed amperometricdetection combined with anion exchange chromatographyprovides a sensitive and selective means of determining sim-ple sugars and more complex carbohydrates in food matrices.

This review of papers published in the last years proveswide application of HPAEC-PED determination of carbo-hydrates of food interest and opens large possibilities ofapplications in routine analysis as well as in research studies.


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Hindawi Publishing Corporation Volume 2014

Theoretical ChemistryJournal of

Hindawi Publishing Corporation Volume 2014

Journal of


Analytical ChemistryInternational Journal of

Hindawi Publishing Corporation Volume 2014

Journal of

Hindawi Publishing Corporation Volume 2014

Quantum Chemistry

Hindawi Publishing Corporation Volume 2014

Organic Chemistry International

ElectrochemistryInternational Journal of

Hindawi Publishing Corporation Volume 2014

Hindawi Publishing Corporation Volume 2014

CatalystsJournal of