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The Hidden Secrets

Russell StutelyOCFM International Coach



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Copyright © Russell Stutely 2006. All rights reserved.

No part of this book may be reproduced by any means, nor transmitted, nor translated into a machine

language without the written permission of Russell Stutely.

While every precaution has been taken in the preparation of this book, the publisher assumes no

responsibilities for errors or omissions, or for damages resulting from the use of information contained herein.

Remember: Consult a Doctor BEFORE you take up any exercise. Use EXTREME caution if you practice any

of the techniques found in this book. 

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I would like to thank all the people who have helped and inspired me over the years in my training and all

those who contributed their time for the photos in this book. With Special Thanks to:

Rick Moneymaker The man who started me on the PP route. I blame him for changingeverything I ever did in the Martial Arts. Always true to his word, a great


Eddie Stokes For the realism required. A true Gentleman and Martial Artist, who always

told me the truth and was always there to help.

Peter Consterdine An inspiration in fitness and Impact. You will never know how much you

helped me.

 Anthony Blades A training partner second to none and a true friend.

Peter Holmes A great friend and great training partner. If it works on Peter, it works on


Bob Sykes For making me look at things that little bit different. A great character and

one of the Worlds true Martial Artists.

Herol “Bomber” Graham An absolute inspiration in terms of fitness and conditioning. One of the

greatest Boxers of all time. Herol always took the time to teach me and help

with my awkward attempts at his style!

 A big thank you to all the people who I have had the privilege to train with, be taught by and who I have

taught over the years.

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Russell has also produced a wide variety of Martial Arts Videos that have been distributed all over the World.

He has been acknowledged as the leading authority on Kata Bunkai in Europe.

“I have dedicated my life to the furtherance of knowledge for all Martial Artists,

regardless of grade or style.” Russell Stutely 

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Russell Stutely and Training Partner 

Peter Holmes

A Waveform straight right.

Photo from the filming of the award

winning DVD – MFFS Impact

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More Information 

Over the years I have been fortunate enough to meet and train with some of the UK's and indeed the

World's foremost Instructors / Seminar Instructors / Trainers and MA practitioners. During this period I

have also been fortunate enough to learn what I previously considered to be well beyond my capabilities.

For this I am eternally grateful.

However, I am also deeply worried and saddened by what I have learnt.

For years I was happy to do the same class week in, week out. Happy to march up and down in lines,

happy to do Kata and happy to do some Kumite. We were quite content to intensify the training leading

up to Gradings and / or competitions and push ourselves to what we thought were the limits.

We were all gloriously happy in what we thought was Martial Arts, what we thought was real Shotokan

Karate. We were told that Shotokan was about the best there is, and we were happy to accept that,

indeed so was I.

I / we were quite happy to accept that our Karate would work for us in the street if we needed it. Even

though, at the time, several of my friends were bouncers and I knew deep down that what I was doing

would not work against them. Still, I kept training the same way. Even though I knew it would not work.

The thing is, I was HAPPY doing it and so probably are you!

Now, here is the problem... Does that story sound familiar to you? Do you know that deep down what you

are doing will never stand up to the venom and ferocity of a real attack? Are you kidding yourself? More

importantly, are you an Instructor who is kidding others by teaching the same old stuff?

I mean to shock with this book. I mean to offend people. I mean to offend the Karate Do World. I mean to

take you away from your comfort zone!

Firstly, I want you to leave aside personal likes / dislikes. What I am about to write is not a personal attack

on any person or any system. It is an attack on a mindset that is potentially life threatening for those

involved in it. If this offends you, then you are part of it.

Now, ask yourself some questions. Why did you start Martial Arts? According to all the statistics most

people started for Self Defence and / or fitness. These reasons are changing with the advent of Full Time

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Centres that are more biased to the personal development skills that Martial Arts can and indeed does

bring. But, they are another matter!

So, most people started for self-defence and / or fitness. What has been the result of those years of 

training? Are you more able to defend yourself? Are you much fitter? You may well think that you are,

because you have reached a Dan grade in whatever you do. But let me tell you, you are not! 

If you have reached Dan Grade in say Shotokan, you will probably have become totally institutionalised in

that system, the same with Wado / Kung Fu / TKD etc. You will automatically go into long, deep stances.

You will bounce up and down in Kumite. You will automatically put one hand at Hikite for no apparent

reason. You will think that your reverse punch is a fight stopper because it works in Competition. You

could have reached Dan grade without EVER having hit a pad or a bag, let alone a person.

You will be under the impression that your Jodan Mawashageri will work; you will think it is right to step infront of your supporting leg when performing Yokogeri. You will be under the impression that your back

kick will work against anybody; your lunge punch will finish the fight just like it did in last week's

competition. You will do more and more Kata for no apparent reason other than to learn another Kata!

Why, will you think this? Because your Instructor told you. His Instructor told him. And yes, his Instructor 

told him.... And so on and so forth till we get back to the villain of the piece. The Instructor that started it

all, whoever he may be.

Deep down, you know all this is wrong. What possible purpose does Kata serve in a fight? What possible

way can you land a spinning reverse roundhouse kick in a fight? Why would you bounce up and down in

a fighting stance for a fight on the street?

OK, I hear you say, what makes you think all this is wrong? What qualifies you to say that we are wrong?

We have Instructors with 7th / 8th or even 9th Dans from Japan that do not agree? It has always been

taught this way for hundreds of years? This is real Karate.

Well, I say "Wake up and smell the Coffee!” Firstly I want you to think of every rule that there is, in a

Kumite competition: no biting for example, no groin kicks etc. Now, we have a fight, you stick to the rules

and I GUARANTEE I will break every rule there is. I have just increased my chances of winning 1000%!!

  Kumite, teaches you to stick to the rules.

  Kihon teaches you terrible Body Mechanics

  Kata teaches you Kata

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These people are perpetuating the myth that Martial Arts in its present state works! Are you dumb enough

to believe them?