Download - HHS4U Summative Outline

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Steve  Hall   HHS4U  -­‐  TVDSB   Summative,  2014    



“Hot  Topics  Burn  Individuals/Couples”  Culminating  Assignment  Outline  

 Thames  Valley  District  School  Board  

Individuals  and  Families  in  a  Diverse  Society      

Mrs.  S.  Wilson  HHS4U  

 Semester  No.  1  

Sep  2013  –  Jan  2014    

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Steve  Hall   HHS4U  -­‐  TVDSB   Summative,  2014    


HHS4U  Culminating  Assignment,  2014  Part A: To Start.........Select one individual or marital event.

Ø Do some independent research on your choice of event or social problem, and select a variety of at least three (3) different resources that examine the event or social problem.

Ø Critically evaluate each of your resources for bias and credibility. Keep track of your articles with APA citations. These will be submitted as a portfolio.

Ø Your portfolio can be in any format - you can make a paper scrapbook with cut and pasted articles, or create an electronic portfolio with downloaded articles.

Ø You should include an introduction paragraph identifying your choice of social issue. Then you should have a short summary for each of the articles stating how it will be useful for you.

Part B: Presentation

Ø Create a visual presentation that shows and explains your topic using information from your research.

Ø Include how your topic is used as a theme in at least three examples of popular media.

Ø Use presentation software, such as Microsoft PowerPoint, Movie Maker or Prezi.

Ø Select a variety of at least three different mediums, such as songs, advertisements, film clips, and web videos that use your event or social problem as a theme.

Ø Use at least one separate slide for each medium. Ø Each medium should be presented using an image and an explanation based

on your research. Ø In your explanation, explain the connection between your topic and the

appropriate social institutions. Ø Use one slide for your bibliography.


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Steve  Hall   HHS4U  -­‐  TVDSB   Summative,  2014    


Part C: The Discussion & Sharing

Ø Share your visual presentation in a discussion with your teachers and peers. Ø Post a copy of your presentation for your peers and teacher to review. Be

prepared to explain your choice of topics, and to discuss your presentation. Ø Read all posts, respond to your classmates and teacher, and answer their

questions when you can. Ø Remember, everything that you post in the discussion area will remain

there, allowing your classmates and your teacher to read your ideas and to add to the discussion.

Ø Upload a copy of your visual presentation for your peers and teacher to see. When you are ready, enter the Hot Topics Burn Discussion.

**The Discussion Tool has forums and topics. The forum is used to gather all of the discussions on related topics, but you can only post your comments within a topic area. You are required to participate in all discussions. Be sure that when you are participating you are being respectful and courteous to your fellow classmates.

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Steve  Hall   HHS4U  -­‐  TVDSB   Summative,  2014    


TVDSB  Visual  Presentation  Guide  

Visual  Presentations  

Creating an effective visual presentation can be challenging, the information provided will guide you through the process. Presentation software, such as Microsoft PowerPoint or others you are familiar with, can be used to create visual presentations.

Steps to Creating a Presentation:

1. Create  a  title  slide.    a. Create  a  title.  b. Towards  the  bottom  of  this  slide,  print  your  name  and  class  

information  in  a  smaller  font.  2. Create  an  introduction  slide.  

a. Using  a  bulleted  list,  briefly  summarize  your  topic.  3. Create  content  slides.  4. On  each  new  slide,  paste  the  content  and  images  for  each  point  or  

subtopic.    Include  bullet  points  for  text.    5. Create  a  summary  slide.  

a. Using  a  numbered  list,  summarize  at  least  three  interesting  trends  or  correlations  observed  in  your  research.    Only  list  the  trends;  do  not  explain  them  yet.  (For  example:  a  survey  on  poverty  might  discover  that  more  males  live  below  the  poverty  line  than  females,  or  that  poor  female  students  are  more  likely  to  take  part  in  athletic  activities  than  those  who  are  better  off  financially.)  

6. Create  a  conclusion  slide.  

a. Based  on  the  summary  slide,  list  several  conclusions  and/or  recommendations  related  to  your  topic  (between  two  and  four  bullet  points).    Your  recommendations  should  answer  questions  such  as:  i. What  do  these  trends  mean  for  society?  

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Steve  Hall   HHS4U  -­‐  TVDSB   Summative,  2014    


ii. How  can  we  deal  with  any  negative  trends  or  how  can  we  make  the  positive  trends  work  most  effectively  for  the  common  good?  

iii. Whose  responsibility  is  it  to  make  any  necessary  changes  regarding  this  issue?    In  your  opinion,  what  should  be  done?  

b. If  necessary,  you  may  use  two  slides  for  the  conclusion  (if  you  run  out  of  room).  

7. Complete  your  presentation.  

a. Apply  an  effective  colour  scheme  (ensure  that  there  is  a  good  contrast  between  the  background  and  the  text).  

b. Apply  some  simple  animations  and  transitions.    Do  not  use  animations  or  transitions  that  are  flashy  or  take  a  long  time  to  occur.  

c. Insert  images  where  applicable.  

Principles of Presentation Design

Knowing how to make everything in a presentation is one thing. Knowing when and how to use all the features of presentation software to get your message across to your audience is another thing. This is the art of presentation design.

There are two simple principles of presentation design:

1. Keep  your  audience  in  mind    

Always keep your audience in mind. Think of the impact, both positive and negative, of each element of the presentation. A bright, colourful graphic of people having fun using a product could have a positive impact on your audience. A slide with a long text on the technical specifications might have a negative impact on the audience.

2. Keep your message in mind

Always think of the message that you are trying to communicate in your presentation. Elements of your presentation may assist in getting your message across or they may confuse it. A bulleted list of technical specifications may convene your message very well. A clipart graphic might add nothing to your message and if it doesn’t match your message it might even detract from it.

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Steve  Hall   HHS4U  -­‐  TVDSB   Summative,  2014    


Summative  Assignment  Rubric  Categories Level 1

(50 - 59%) Level 2 (60 - 69%)

Level 3 (70 - 79%)

Level 4 (80 - 100%)

Knowledge and Understanding -selects and responds to a variety of credible scholarly and popular media resources relating to intimate relationships IS1.02, IS2.01, IS2.02

-selects and responds to a variety of credible scholarly and popular media resources relating to intimate relationships with limited success

-selects and responds to a variety of credible scholarly and popular media resources relating to intimate relationships with some success

-selects and responds to a variety of credible scholarly and popular media resources relating to intimate relationships with considerable success

-selects and responds to a variety of credible scholarly and popular media resources relating to intimate relationships with a high degree of success

Thinking -create a survey question for primary research, using appropriate methodology IS1.01, IS1.03

-demonstrates limited ability to create a survey question for primary research, using appropriate methodology

-demonstrates some ability to create a survey question for primary research, using appropriate methodology

-demonstrates considerable ability to create a survey question for primary research, using appropriate methodology

-demonstrates thorough ability to create a survey question for primary research, using appropriate methodology

Communication -uses current information technology to collect survey results and create a visual presentation IS2.03, IS1.04

-uses current information technology to collect survey results and create a visual presentation with limited effectiveness

-uses current information technology to collect survey results and create a visual presentation with some effectiveness

-uses current information technology to collect survey results and create a visual presentation with considerable effectiveness

-uses current information technology to collect survey results and create a visual presentation with thorough effectiveness

Application -analyse current marital events and identify relevant social institutions SC2.02, SC2.03

-demonstrates limited ability to analyse current marital events and identify relevant social institutions

-demonstrates some ability to analyse current marital events and identify relevant social institutions

-demonstrates considerable ability to analyse current marital events and identify relevant social institutions

-demonstrates extensive ability to analyse current marital events and identify relevant social institutions

Note: A student whose achievement is below Level 1 (50%) has not met the expectations for this assignment or activity.