Download - Herald (1888-Present)/1941-1950... · 'I Two Wayne Houses Bought This Week M:. L Rmger reports the sale of two ","'ajHe



Two Wayne HousesBought This Week

M:. L Rmger reports the sale oftwo ","'ajHe properties IhlS week..John Baker bought the KenmlCorzllle resldenc(-' for $4,aOO andRay EHrs bought the Mrs. AliJsPollal d pttopel ty for $2,{JOO MrBaker does not plan to fOO\'e toWayne for some months The Elhsfamrly IS already hvmg III thehouse purchased from MI'S. Pol­lard.

HERWill Send Notices R bb S

'":;;~:~~~~~.~~ ~1~;~i~~~i~~~1_n_ w:~~~ :.:_r_e_e_s~~dAt Special Meeli~g. Report ha\[' not hE'cn I'cc('l\od 1 ~1

I at til(' 10 nl drdlt board conccrn- SOLDIERS EXP~SS ioux City Men Conf a ItoAt a specIal mL'etl~g of Wayne Jng" men who took pre-inductIOn CONFIDENCE FIRM Entering and Steali &'

board of cducallOn j\1onday e\e~ phY!HCals at }<'Olt Crook Monday RESOLUTIO t HQPE From Two Firms. I ,nllng, membel S 01 thf City school The _AP~I'_QrV1Ce call IS large. pARFNTS who soruly m !>sstaff werc reelected With mcrcases - . ... ,th~lr dbscnl soldlCr Lo~s, Dalrcll Copenhaver. 24 andIII salanes fO!' all " Jack Fauc' 26 both sin ~ d

G Id W dd- .. may fmd ~omfort In the letters "" g n

t· High school JnsquqlOIS renamed 0 en e log ~ they \'('(C1H' from them ~ the both of SIOUX City, who e ca edI n to tnelr POSltIOIlS Mbnday eire L lo\£-' dnd confidence mamfC'stcd from Monona county ]all I Iowa

G M'acDo\\cll A ., Atkms, Henry T B Ob d They l'XPIPS:i anX1C\y 10 finish February 28, were captu d In

U °t M('~k('. MISS ClIz,IlJC'lth Krause, Joe serve the task In Iwnd as soon a!'; pos~ SIOUX City Saturday evenmg bautI L Campbell Mrs lIazel 'Frahm, ~ I I th ~t b k t 930 and one o( the cn s toMISS Viva Frcdrlck$dln, Mrs IIow- ;)~~l~ei~~~ cl\~~angl-p u t.~<;cU I t ~ which they confessed was t at lofard FIsher, Mrs>-: Gi'neV1C\e Lun- Mr. and Mrs. D. Hall to Hold ThC'se boys prodi 1s O[ sturdy brcakmg mto and robbmg t e B.dak MISS Ruth SellJ1lan Open House ..and Family pJl{:,nts kno'v\ 'v\l aI, th('y arc L Stark clothmg store In dyne

JunlOr high and gT<lde ICdchefS Dinner Sunday. fIghting fot, and tlwy Ille fac~ FflQ,ay night. Most of the lotb-reelected (:lie MISS Grellal Hack- 1111[g ~Jl,t\P)y ,ind klC'I'IIlJnedly mg \alucr! at about $165, w s rl'-cnbelg, MISS VlIgl£la Jones, MISS 'J lit' gulden \\cddlng dtl.nJIVpr~dry till' tlfli1b lhl'y an.'lgl\cn to un- cO\Plcd Thrce checks to lmgArlene KJiqtodntl, ISS Marg;:lId of MI ,mr] MIS 1) Ildll, v,hu:h IS d(,lg~) lhey die St'l'lng'n]OIC of <thout $!16 werc found and a bf'~

FnsblC, MISS LOI n Miller MISS M<lI( h 11 \.... 111 be obserVC'd nL'xt Ow \1orJd and gdm~lng an unuel- lng held by F I3 1. They had b('cnH,u:e! Repvl' MISS F ulh Ross MiS!'; SunddY. March 16 With op('n house stHnduig of more dilfJerent pcco- torn Into plf'ces About $1 4 IIIIColla Potl'as Lind ~1lss Mary pelle at tlll'1t homc from I to '5 and With pies thdn they cOjlld pOSSibly cash ','vas taken but t¥ m ne~,ISchmltt I a family dlnnl'r fOI about 60 at the hrl\e done In a IJil}-lJmcc <IS Cl~ hard to ldt>ntlfy, ':as betn t rned

Supl J W Llthrrld.nd \\a<; rf' Mf'thodlst parlors <1t 630 Mr and \JlIi-tllS As an olfsE'tj to hard and over hy thl' pair and IS ~elng h\,"ldelected to IWdd the schuol .It Mrs llall lIly/tc ftH'nds 10 call sometimes IJcnlous eXJ)l'ncncc, pendmg actIOn by officers.learller mcctmg I Thc Halls' daughll'rs, Ml<; Cldr~ etlucatlOll"lI values alG Jnestl- Dale Anelclson, manager 0 the

-- --- - ~\---. ~~~~I~' ~:~~;~no~fL~~~rn~' aa~~ t~(~;~ ;~\;~~~leth;:~r~~ft'1 ~~~e (~~~I(~~,~IH'~~ ~t~~:~~Y~::~(f:~~pp~h~~i~ l~I"tresses V"lue I dolught('f-Jn~law, Mrs WlIhur Hall J11gh satJsfdclion to how dnXlOUS SIOUX City TtH,'sday wl1en the~. to~" Po of Wayne Will dSSISI With lhp ob~ parents Also. Wives whose hus gethCr WIth 'P(ll:ce Chief F~;IQY,Of B 's I SPfvancc TheIr son, who hR.d be-en brlnels arc flghlmg fbr t'lw I.:qlls(' and FBI Agent Tho~pson ob~oy I touting hple from Al<.islul, IlI-l.el to Ipaw on of democracy \..\-dl fecI l..'Xllle<l. tamed cnnfe.<;smns that ..1,he 4:vo

Ill:; return before the ,mnl\ersdry Illldcc when t hey (('turn 10 fur- llwn h,ld rohLwu the Brown-Mc-I Grundchlldrcn who Will be- ples~ 01('1 l)('a<.'e~lmlC JVUIf;Ult~ \\htll' Donald store- In Wayne last Oclo·

l::xecutive' Sa~ Reaves Is ent arc MarJone, Lloyd and Blll tlH' storm oj \Hlt rage's courage lwr 26 A haH-'lmg bag. SUIt andSpeaker fo~ KijWanians Conry of Lincoln, BC:-J.trl<.'e Ple-ston IS dn---t"'>cntJdl which IS Ilsually othel drtlcles \\lllCh 'have b~l.'n

[W Mri d I and Kent HaJJ of Wl.lYl1l.'. ('i-ld( t nol Idckmg. RelLet 1.\'111 he lm- used, some re-covered III SlOUXn ayne 'fn ~y. Jason Preston 01 Lincoln, may mC'dsurdllly elghtdncd wlwn City dnd othC'ts from a hideout III

TIl(' \rtlUl' 01 bfY sfVUl trHlIllng com01f ht> IS not mm,ed hl'fore thHt tilt I'tOlIl1 lJ scs ~~;Il~t'~r~~J~'r~h~de~~~~~.~~~~~:~~~~",Ilhy(.' :",l""'I'::n('lgl'lj~"CYw':~~'''C,t"t:,sss,~,nd lime, <tnd NOlla Janp Hall WIll he 1 h bb 1u ....« '-.J 0.,' '-... here unIts!"; she leCel\CS 11~r tal] to -- - - _------0 S[Ol(" n t pro pry lere last fall,M 1 b S R f ( E t R h IIH' m('n t'ntereel a htgh rear Wlll~hd~n~~~ a!JllJ('~~:d I~'l':nl~ns)~<~' ~~~O~~l~~)~,I~~tlarJnes tramlng sta~ xpec to eac do~f 1he slore lind took sut,l.s,fted\C'S IS cxpcull\ft o[lthc ('O\ered Mr' and Mrs IIdll, t1w Jdllrr t !Qil.the! Jackets and luggage.

Wav-on alC',l (OUIC" rOl S( outmg fOrmf'lly SarHh McCrdekcn \\('!e Red Cross Quota ]n \IH' break-Ill m Wayne FnddY"nd 1101< Iusl <eC!' "'111,, IHomutlO" mdCmu at ¥;cnn",d, Neb, "I",," n<ghtl\' steel r,re door over a high

WhIch \..\-Ill takc wn I to Kansas Mr Hall had .I greenhouse ,mel ~ - 1" . ~~;{~I\~:r~I~~o~~~nt~~ ~~:;:r:e~~l~g~Cit) nursery untJl 1921 whpn lll' 1ll00pd Many Reports to Be Ma e

JU\(rllle dcllllq Jpn(~ l'> d (Hob~ to Wayne to estdulls!l i.l JdrgC'f Will Likely Bring Total ~!I'~~~C~(';t~~ c(~~1l~71(~~t;:ll~~rig~~~~~lt!etll m e\('ly comlO1unll Y Jd.rge or business.... '$maJ!, slated lVI' Reaves, ilnd M<trtl1l Hall of Oakl,llld, ell, 10 Goal Sought. IJHr::; \H'I(' tlH'n torn off and the$coutJng has bee III one of the most bl other of Mr I rail, IS among those Her! (ross \\-ar dn\(:, In \'\idym' WIOUO\\ pIled opc'",<.[[ectlve agentlP~to ~'ontrol tlw; pL.'nnmg to "ome fronl ,I "Istan"c I ."t6'J(H.' At StdTI,s Ihemc'n se-emed to beS o~ltlng 11 s ('eI rh .IlJI .... u.... county now lold s _1""- ) "JU d( ~ Pl( king Clothmg for themselves,(u~ks from <~h/<~~jorml~~~o~o~~~ fOI thC~~~ISd~y~ __ ~)71~~~ngc~':1~~~nBe~~~~~~~u:r~ec,~n~~TheS' nhHle \lOay wlfh one overcoat,from 11\ cs of (nm by ~1"lllg them B S 'I"' I f 11 \V I fl\l' pam, of shoes, 18 necktlf:'~,:-Iolllf'thing worth hllf' to do 'lhe OJ coul roop yet In 1'001 aynp {lstnets, tllIe" palls of lrouse-Is, three whIleJj}rDgr am provHll's fU('h ~I \anety of rl' B S d ~~~~;~I~~al~I~~I, f~:~s~:~, I~:~l;S ~~"c~ Shll t'> handkerchIefs gloves, twotralllmg Ihllt evcr bOZI can ~dtlSfy 0 e pon~ore trwts When these die dO It IS ex~ jl<lJrs of undeTweFlr and socks. They

hiS Jntcre~ls II pectf'd th,rt the t)uota uf $5 ::lUU wdl ~~~I\~I~~ ~~~~~l:r<Jtil:hr:;~n:J'asfr~~The sp('dkpI p )ltJtc~l oul how Rest Center Is Con8idered he reached, locked Oli:!er thmgs In the store

Ht:hutl£1g bols hl'lPfd lh Ihe \.... ar As Post~War Need for (JilP of tile olltslandlng reporls were not drs.t.llrbed('nwrgency IIp lold 01 Pat McGill, J t M B k h

..l-. Cit of Wa e IreL'el\-L'( ly ,r ec en aut'r IS The robbers trf('d to g~t out the;~~ (i~'idl~;;)I~~'~'II~{ ~10'l~J,~df~l~~~UI~ Y Y)' ftorn thr Waynt' hospital wher~ Ihe door but jimmIed the lock so.theyttl(' south Pdllflt, M{ Gill wrote Cham!)cT of Comnwrce dlr('( tOJ s, ~taff and employes gave $91 _1 had to make their eXit through the

mCe'Ung TuesdHY. CVf'lllng, deCIded All '>OIICltC)[,> .Iff' <lsk~d 10 tom~ \.... Indow Ihey had entered. 'that tlw IllfOllYldttll h~ Icalned III 10 sponsor a ho,¥ Stoul troop III pit Ip Ih(11 l,llJ\i:I.-';:-; by Un.' first of Mr SI,H~ to the sto

~~~~~~~~1~~I~~~::~r::r~~~~~~~('~~:nn~l~~ Wdyne rhe gl0t;Jp '" ill bl' org,lll- lllxt \'. cek mornm~ he (auld n

tme In the !'a( Ilw, ""rotf' that ~~c~,~7;e:~o\~I~t~~tJ::I~\II~m~~~prSK TlI{eell"ng l'-'l~N-o-,-r---lolk ~!l~ft~' l~~ ~'tl~~~~ :;;:tiS(OUllllg IS ,I nl'(t'~SJi) '1 hIs )outh ./",j :.1 '~""told that whpn h and hiS sfJuad- The adVIsability of mallltClIllIllg' A it d db W dow whl{'h the W11eVi:l!;ron were lost In I 11Jllg1p he put It IPcreatlOn dnd Il sl ('pnter In en e 1/",\ 1 omen Wlwn dr·rested at their roommg

I Wayne III ttl(' post~\\,jf pc-rlod was MIS S 1\ LUlg1'Il',' iNcblClska hOllSC' III SIOUX City" SaturdayIllS shit t on ;:r [lOJ('Jartc slgnalpd for11('lp to S,1\(' thl' gl'oup He used dlscusse(f The grollp Icels lhltt [loct JaUt('dlt' III Ihr' Ft'df'ratlon oj night Ihro men were wearmg somethe JIlfornhlllUn l-oIuwd III st.'()lll~ such a (entel' would b(' \aluable W()mt'll~ club'- ~JloI{(' \\11h MIS of Ihf'clothmg taken mWayneancl

1 for Iho:"p cOllllng hel(' ffom,ll R \V lIdl, sl,J.l{' 1)I(',I<I(,l1t ()\P! hdd Ill<- rest III their possesston'ItJg I'aul ('om)s 1,It IT Ibu!ps IllS{'omml~slon 111 the lil\)i to hl~ scout aleas, fOl other \lsltOl~ In thp eily W.JAG Norfolk fi-lUIO <;tatlOn Tul's:::' '} hI Y WPf(' Identified as h6f"lIlg'wOlk • iWU for young- foll{:; No actIOn was day morning Mrs Llltgen also be-pI) S('('11 III Wayne and confessed

lVIr fu',t\es lold rthat 76 pe'r crnt taken gave the closlllg message for til(' ~o the cnmeof the' awatds for honol' ulld OIS- The board Will meel !;:!ter for day s confefl'nce of club \\-omen I r..he "rfc"t concluded a 20.dayt t h t f db b further consideratIOn of til(' ccn- from Thlfd (lJstrlct tll<lt afternoon {nl('nsIYC manhunt conducted by~~~ I~~r('a~~o~~t;} came y oys ter. aL Nodolk f<~ R r ag:f'nts and about 25 police

BOYS undel IH Tow In sloullng, Uth('l~ florn \Vdynr ntlendtng O[fIC('IS and :"herlf{s of thiS at"f'H

ale lcndcrJf1g mo<; vdlud.hle seI\~ Goes to l?remont dr(' Mrs R W (asper, lVIJs Madge The t\\-o robbers were gomg to theiCC' to lhl' nahon tWelftlmp Mr I Ch Eff t d Bardslf'Y Mrs l<~ S Morgan, ~rs rooming- h,ouse III which they sta\~R('R\(-'S mentLOned that III July, n J\. ange :J ec e Julia Haas, Mr<; Anna Spahr, MIS cd \\h('n they were ~PP'rehended

1~41, the scouls wc (' asked to help I hi;· i.';'}e ~~~~~z~~;~t~c~c~t:~:~U\;~: Be~r~('L~rt;;~: ~I~ r~~:~p;~.c~~: Copenhaver and FaUst sawed

C@IlC"ctalummumadtheYbroUghttfdtFdhMOIganandMls BardslC"y wJlJ Ie wtll'(I'trI"lv,aYltl~UmloOrnl tlnghe OJarPFaelbrOWlnr"y-10 10 of the 1:l 1l1111fon Ions gather· ll~gm'Ilrya~tflr~oveo ;::Imconltatl"nr ~ ...eel In September 0 the f'ame year« ~ -- port on the meeting to the lucal 28 0.1 tl b f they were to bescouts were 1m lIed to gather wa~te .Ij'earrangelrnent lS bE'mg dfocted m club Filday. tdiJ~~~ ~r~ ~:dlson to serve. 10­

~errltOfJe1' Thre(' areas wlJl now yr.RjP sentences for breakmg arHl~c handl d hy two men M, Resigns Position, enlenn&. Th'y were ques,honedCampbell will have the Fremont 0 S l B d about robbcrJeSa:nd car thefts amItel f1tory and half of (lIS f(l)rmcr n choo oar admltled many. They.... confessedarea'M N F!stet: also watt the' (' W Campbell, who IS moving that the)! had a hideout at Mudcump<.tny here, rctaw,'; !lIS present to Fremonl, 1cSigned as a m('mber lake nf:':<l.r Stevens, S. D. They '1'150terl1tofY and takes O'er half of of the sehool hoaId and OIS rcslg~ admitted that smce breakmg JailMr. 6llnpbell's III thiS \Iemlty. natIOn W,lS accppted Mbnrlay The they had been m Denver and broke

- -- - - - - -- h9'!.rd plans 10 pIMP the name of mto a store at Potter', Neb.Strahan Precinct I (andldate' 10 sucu ('d 111m on the Both Copenhaver and l'~aust,

Assessor Nanzed election IJalJol by petition who arc extra large men, haveWayne county gQam- appomte-d served tIme. SlIfee beIng released

Arthur C_ M-tttm assessor m Stra~ Convocation Speaker last September they have commlt~,At C II Th d ted 60 to 80 robberies in4-~owa, Ne~

~~~n~~~c';~l~) ~~v~~U~~~~ th~a~l~ 0 ege ltfS ay braska and South Dako'f' aceord-

tnct The dppllcatlOn for becr 11- Ko~:rn~{'~t P;~tt~:I~onU~;\o:~~<;I~~r ~i ~~~s:~ ~~c~~uar~;SSI~~'~r.a~~ ~~~tcensc for Clarence Johnson was Soulh Ddkol<t at Vermillion, Will week "I'lle two also fl:Jice chargesr~~:~~cof <-:Ot~;~. bUSiness was al~ sppak at college convocallOn next of car ~hefts and Ja'il' breaking.

Tuesday, March )l8, Ilt 10 on "A They aJre now bemg ip.eld beforeStudy III ('OLlr ag('." The pubhc is being d'lken to Fort :Madison toinVited serve m years for breaking anq

Dr Patterson addresses KI",an~ entenng Other chargeslare Qn fIle11;lns next Monday noon. agamst the (or future! tHroe.

, Copel~have was ooce charged'" II h Chicken theft in Waynecou'lly.

coJ1C'gelconvo~atlOnTOe d~y I ~ n· Wayne m,pds 81 lboys In thre~mg. THe chOir sang St r Spa $"1 d !loops, and at D-r:~.'OC.nt only oneBanner, Nowlthc Day I CVve ~ ct.- troop IS functlOm g Mr_ ReavesPrftYCfIO[ Pat.rlOtlsm umbe y appealed to Klwan ans to sponsorth~ girls gl('~ club we c stu er one g1'OUp scoutw

tcalls on busy

Sohg and SPil'll Flower ThrE:1 men for thf' organIzatIOn fmdsthat bu',y peop)p ar I he ones whogC'l more don£' Kl;tnlS l('ptC'scnts

~~~\;c~I~~~n~~~~~~qV:cn 8CnO: 1dM;c PRESBYT RI S HOUD1 I I I d I" tI b MEE INC THURSDAY

~~~~o~~ ~e~t~n al li)F' Ie oys pass The 6::!nd annw Prr'sbytermnScuutmg s m<lIn obJectlv('s arC' congrcgatlo -1il('C'!lIlg Will he

ch9-rac{cl htllldIni' cItizenship held Marcil 30, bGgmnJng at u 30,bUlldmg and Amen amzaLon In m the chun;hcloslOg Mr Rra\ s chaJlenged The meetmg wJlI open with aWayne and KI\vanl1ns to hellJ care dmner. .r.ach lamJly 115 asked to[or Ihe boys hctwC}n 14 and 17 bnng a (overed dish, sandwH·:lles

Dr Ray BI yan Jresenteu Ulel and SII\ er for the faOlll) Mrs Mspeaker. I N Foster is In charge

Supl J W Lit erland pmned R(?ports WIll be given, officersthe membership ~10 iOn Albert elected and plans Will LJe made forBahe. Prof John R IKe~{h was un- the new church year. begl'I1nmgabl·e to be present but w1Il receJVe AprIl 1 The motiOn picture, 'SalthlJ pm later. of the ,Earth," wlll be shown. Thn..

The birthday of 'r d Berry was is the st0ry of a CUban pastor andobserved. hIS work on the Island.

IComes from Pilger.

Ernest l Muhs has I moved here VIsiting in Oregon.Ih Chicago from Mo dar untIl Frtl- from ne~r PI~er apd IS on the Sgt Ed.1 J. DamrJes lS op lea"cQay,: last week Iwhe th y attended McEachen fa west of \\fayne, from the tocal detachment and JS

a ~ml(!al eonrhenc a the Stev~ the place vaca ed by Anton t1PPs. vIsrtmg In I Oregon, I

cn~ ,hotel sponsored by the Chlca- l I 'go medical SOolet. IInstructive WUI Return TI¥s Week. Undergoes Operd.tjon~post graduate wor ~as glv~n Lt. an4 Mrs. wale Ral:stpn are Miss Jean Berry unde~ent anfeaturmg the new di eases a:t eJl;pected back thIS eelt from New operatI0ior appendIcitis ¥ond:atreatments that do to must e' Jersey ~here they !SIted durmg In a SIO CIty hospItal. ¥rs. .alert to when sel'Vl -vren ret Ithe form,er's leave rom the local A Berry ent there Mpnda¥1 to be l\....,.;:.-4,.;..:.,...i.;;..~~,.,..;,~~"'"'.home, ,I detaChmrnt. I with...,ber. I II

1 • • .-.- - ,I t ·1I I ',I I ,I ' I

[Iii in lIo!'Opital.Mrs. C'. E. Ml1lt'I' ('nll'ITd :1 Ill·

Cit! hospllal Tuesday flit' Inl dl('dlcate.-~~~

Fatnlf'rs Hyhrid ~f','cI ('orn.Farn1f'rs Hybnd 9'C't! ('orn 11.,<.';

reached· our supply depot. Allvanetlf'S arf' C'xlra good. Cuo,10m·('r~ and dl.'alprs suppliprF. Ikl1\·C'I'­ies WIll lIr "m:ldp 1'0 ('mf'rgr'O('~. \'".E. Roggpnhach, \VI:-inpr. 1')1On('3173 \Vl.sncr. mL1t f

SOMEtiMES dt'~~f'rts are a pTobJpmtIllS llIlH· oj "'·.IT, rtrell't they"! Ex:·f'p,pt Inr IIII' l.t1ndl;lr stand-bys. It'sh~Jnl t" fwd eX("1tmg [rl",h IrulIs_and )-et, tlH're are lots of easy-to·nlnk,', mou! h·\\ .dE'nng, month·of·]\1.ITch ness('rts For ('xnmple (andIIlL' surprJ'olllg thIng ahout thIS oneb tll.ll It nzul,,'!;; lls OIUI SdU<.:C \o\ob


1 cup enriched 2 tbsps. meltedflour shortening

2 tsps. baking 1 Cl.lp coarselypowder chapped walnut

1 4 tsp. s.llt meatslol cup sugar 1 cup brawn sugar,

5';! tbsps. firmly packedcocoa l:ol cups hot watel'

!;> cup milkSlit ,1l1d rrlt-'i1<;ur,' flour: SIft \(·ith bilk·mg p!l\\(kr s.Jt, .'> ann l;:!t1hp'" or tlH' rOt U'l;1\dd Inllk, .shorl­tlJlng .Inri nul wats. Il11X \\,,11.:-Il'r".«1 Into \'H· gn'llsE·d l'.lkpp.1niH x H x:.'1 Comiline rl'rrlalmng CO(.'OLI

:Ind IIlL' brown sugar, spnhklc I,)\erlop I'our hot \'i,lter onlo tdblespdofl.nllowlng to o",crflow onto flHxtl,lre/I,lkp In m"dpr.lte OVL'n \:3:;'0" F.} 45mInute", or until done> J\1av f';ene.... otrm or rold WIth pour cr~'[Im orS\o\oPt'tl't"" d ..... hlpped en'aniL Senes B.

.Jusl t'.. show you lhnt the problem of

.rnakin/i good' desserts l'I~Jl,l at theI)('/o:ltlnlng of spring IS nothing new,l1O'r,...·:-;:l11 old solulion thBt'S stIli fuJIof p.d,ItL'-llckIJnI{ virtue»MY MOTHU'S LEMON BRlAD PUDDING3 cups milk ~4 tsp. nutmeg3 cups breild, 1 Y.:- tsp!>. gr.lted

broken Into lemor1l rindsmall pIeces ~4 tsp. ,lemon

3 eggs eKtt"act1 cup sugar

I'our milk 0)\ E'r brf'fld. let stand until. brl'old I" Vd·l! ...""kE'J. aboul :20 mln­

llks Add slll..:htlv. hp:ill'B egg yolks,, l·Up 01 llll' ..,ugar, nutml'l{, and

It-m''l1 nnd H"ott thoroughly .... Ithr,,1.I(\ !lp.,j,·r Pour Inl" 1 ~"2 qU.1rt..... ,·11 gn';I<wd 1'.lklng dl ..:h H.lkl' ~n

plln "t 1101 \\,111'r III slo\\" O\l'tl (J£:,'F I ,dJOul I hour nnd 20 mlnuU·s oruntJi :--llghtlv brown Hod puddIngbegin ... to 1",1\'> sIdes ot pun Aboutl.rj OI111tHt's hl'lorL' purldln!,: lS d"fH'.mnlw nll'Tlngup by beatlllg l'~g \~ Ill"''''Ju~t ulltd st Iff Add rl'rnlunHlg I J

(UP oj sugnr, 1 th~p at tl tlOU'. llt'.lt-~Ing until wf'll blended aflt'r ,',I( hI1ddltJOI1. ContinU'C bealmg ulltdmixture holns a peak. Add fLl' onn"Pile on pUddlTl~rnd retUln to O\t-',Il.

~~~k~'t 1~5 m:~ne~l:: l~~~~~r,(J~;Yu~'!lI:;~~K~I~ i~fb;~d ~~IZ,h~~ ~~~~~n;~t~~Serves 6.

,€)~a l:ulolliql{D."""S4Jeway Homemilkers' Bureau. \

·1 ...

h,f' R('d Rtamp"O AS . B8 . C8 . D8 ~ E8 . F8~\\"orth 10 points f'RI'h, and Kood thrt; !\fay 20.

rak,:~;~j I.h. 45c~is.

huck Roast Gra<le-A Lh. 25c";s.('j'ntf'r

34c!'~,.ork Chops Loin "u" Lh.

fork Roast ~~~ ,u's Lh. 28c!'~,.

Picnics l~;~~~11\~~;OIf' Lb. 29c.!,Bacon ~.Iii;;~l;t (~~~:~~-A; I"h. 39cl!'.Sausage :;~~~:~. (;:::'~JI. Lh. 39cl!'.

Swan SoapIlvory:SoapILifebuoy Soap''Oxydol2 ~.~;;. 19cSuper Suds i>t~'.. 23c

Subjp<'t to only market ('Mn"CS, prkf"s are f'ffe<'tivpthroll~h Ma.r('h 25, in Waynp.

Carrots ~~O~~\'("{I Lh'l 8cPascal Celery :;~~~: I,h.! 12cT . Nf'\\! crop; 6curmps m;ld .......... Lh.

Head Lettuce .. Lh. HcG f· White 7crape rUlt "meated" Lb.


t;~~·. 18c2~~~~. 25c.

;;~~: 8e~t~~'15c

:,:~I~: 23e~:~:: 16c

COMPARE $tlfewfly P,leestlnd see IitJW much you stlve

"'1L.wL:.I.;.I!l.;I:.\1~..t!iii:l:iL;"...l."\, _tl;ompare. the prices you p<1Y fDr food <It S,lf"t'­way, and prove to yOlJr:"l'lf that tIl{' ~{lfew;lY

habit S3Vt'~ you monf'y wC'pk lH ,1l1d v.~~'k out I

E'ood budgets bt' watdu:,d in wdl1-tihw-Safew3Y helps you ('tJlltnll til{ m! I

C . Ii ~-alrh. 68c'pl,5,.I risco Short_nino "

:Coffee ;i~~\~~[~~~;r~~~'h ~~b. 24eiB V Wilson's; vf'Rf'tahlf' 2~.jz. 24c,. nnd hl'f'f f'xtrar·t j .Jarl

3 '·arke 29('aIJ":'" C"-L~~" ~~~1;lItn 6c

3 <alws20ci,t~~ 23c~;,:;~~. 61c

Gpt f'utry hlanl{ and rule-s at ,Safeway.


)<;lIt('r Suzail)na Pan('ak£, Naming Contf'lit$2,500 IN ('ASH }'RIZES


~. Make generous u:-;e of

the foods that are in~~~~ plentiful supply! Listed

~"- 'I, he!"C oreJa few of the

,(\\~1f_~ ,many, w, iting for you~ nt your 8nfeway store!


l,et's eat CabbsRe l There is anIlbnndant snpply on the marketnow-and Rreen cahbsl{Cl f'onntsit" vitamins and minerals hi~h.lts calories IQw! Serve cool. erl'ilPcote 818.\\1. hQt savory slaw; andf'abbd2"e ~oiletl In meat broth.


Every day nowmore people arcfinding that $predis all Ihat we claimfor it, nd more. It'snot 0 ly the petterwatclr thinned'paint,it's e slier tp useand c mes in morebeBjutl!U] color s,Ha¥/? you t rI e dSp~cd t

Ilfrs~ ~gro (on It or 0 trans ort):lI~at'$ the moiwat-

AnQther car ofCl1('os~ted post~ a,r­flved~ thIS week so

we are Inlfw

I . \

1Lurpber will be S{'rgC'nnt:"ThankshJrd¢r to get! 1hls for thl' warning."Yl/ar t lhan in thpP1SL jGet what l ylOu Repail'lhoseJeakyn ed of it for' Jl'e- roof~ WIt h shinglespc ir purposes and wit 11 \iff' and colort en _ keep yo tl r.ln 1 h (' m, <l!''Phaltbt~ild\Jlgs·well paINt· ;.;hingll"s in beautifulcd fet thclr prpt¢c- reds Bnd grf'E'ns. Totlpn. ,l You'll w~nt be sure of getmng

Gpd<Jrp paint or ~~~ b~~:: l~il~1~~~~b'~d~~urr.~s~'']1i~C~ shingles we have

TC~tejj.'~ ~~~lll~k:~he~~rd.

THE! (NOT~HO .E,?!aVRC, ~ebk Thurs.. ilia". L:J, I!J44. J~ No.5

'F;arlY Show Monda of G

III : ' I !'II' " I" 1,11'" , ~' I, 'I I A I ,

T-~I' _",...".~==±==!=*"",-!:*=~=="":\~V~A~i·.,::NE~~~R~L~D:::,':,,'~~t~~'·t'f=F'lJ~h~A_~S~K~A;;.';TH1J1U;;;:;;::,:SD~A:;y.:,.;M::A;:R:::OH:;.:..:.,.:2::"S.:,.,::19;:~f4:,.=====--===-=.c:-..__..__..__.O-;===±:===='*='1"''''V:::_::;:-::==.".;.=====::J===='· Obseryel cd iJg e~yi Frances MagnesIs IWillBeM~arried OfficersEle Silver Weddingl~/I

State D H~ ,H I , in ~it Fra~e~m~:!s~O~~~srn~ p1.~~~! ~i~~n:~n~'!nh!r wom~f, ~~?!'~~~!:~~~:fn Th?tl~:rr~~d~io~~~~~r¥.. ay ~,re MI"'" J ne Scr V'l~','10, to WaynC' thlf> Thursday Mr. and Mrs. Ed. NI('man of nf'ar county, meeting in Wakcficl'd sflry of Mr,' and Mrs.' John

n at the 1:"ollege audHori'um, Mis;.; Waynp, ant L s Wanda LInn, W('dn('sd~y, chose MIls, Wm, Schroodh was observed SUnday

tLi~~~~!!~!!!!!!!!!1!~!1east Is Chosen for Play ,IOf Lt. CharI... Milgnes was guest artist at the d~ught('r f Mr, and Mrs. Gtlb~rt Longe of !Emerson, chairman, Mrs'j al their home he-re, Mr, andJ State Teachers college last June Lmn near urf'l, WIll hf' mar· Bryan Johnson of Wakefield co· Mrs Schroeder Ll.Jc latter for

Sjponsored by C~a,sse~ , I' A Chrreh Setvlic and is fprnemhered lJy t,hm,c, "".ho ri('d I ·s Thu srtay f'Vl'nmg hI 7 at chairman; and Mrs. Frarp.ces Plan~ meri y Emma' F'anz~n, wer~At Wayne Prep. 'kiss 1'ane, Eli abE'th ("n, ?eard her,tts em out~ta~dLOg.vlolln~ an Info~', cC!rpmony in nUl' R~~ trnhC'rg of Emerson, f-,<"cretary~ marrird at th~ Lutheran parson~

da~ghte of 1MI'. m!l.~'Mr, 'f;. 1St. dcC'mC'r s Lutjwran r'hurch In trC'asuter, A good numMr attend~ qge 25 ,Years fig\, by Rev.'bl~~ SCr'i~en ! ~,tchell, .. d, L, has. Mis!, Mi'\gnps is fl nativf' of C1C'vp· W~lyne. R:ev. S. K elp FrpPsP Will ed considering the heavy snow. MoC'hrlng. Th y have livQd here

" W Illam } llis son f r ~ r< laod, bhio. When only. 14, shp HI'- o.fllc.mtl' In llj~' prf'st'nCt' of r('la· ~----~~ sincl', 15 '!cats on farms and 10program F'riday evening, March 24, ~ . I • , . . oJ

7P. Cooper EllJs of cotts\:jll f ere pearect as- solOIst .with thf' Cl('\(,- tlves and frll'Il(h;. A II'eE'p110n \",11l Avoid Dist'-lrbing years in W~y~. The Schrocders

at :30 in the college gmynllf''ium ma,rried Ilast week Wednh ~ Vf'. lal1d hmphony Ol'c~pstra. 'OthC'r follow. ~ have two children, Bcrni1n, }ugh'==!,===========I;o==F'=!=i'111 to present work of the music: and n1tg by ~hC' Ftcv. aWl'enc' I' at r I rI T H Il PIN· f B kl Seal~d Patches sch I . d M Iv .17 Thursday. Ma~ch *3 ~~~~~:~e i;ai~~~t~d. ~~~a~~~:I~~1I~~ til' 'Fl'der<Jt~~l ch rch in i c ell. :~&e~ta7~~\r~~~dU~ann~:;~chO~\' Fiel~" C~~;a~n~a~I,~\,~~mMa~~h~i Farmers who have tre'Bted nox- ior o~jg~~n~~~d:~ aft~r~~~n~~~~

~J is Friday instead of Monday on ae. he bride~wore ani ivo y . tm be.sid('~ several (major a;.;soeiations for Sheppard FIl'ld, TC'x., for fur- ious weed ]l<..!lchds Wllh chemIcals cr.,> w('rQ Rev. S. K. dp Fn;C's(',"Cfl,mpllS Rh11l,itnm i count of the school men's gulhpJ'. gown 1rimm d in 1'0$11 pol ~ aqe. with ~hc great!or('hC'stras in }:u~ ther classiflC'1.l110n In thf' army aIr in 11w pa;.;1 h"w years ,'ihould not MI'. and Mrs. Aug. Krusp, Mrs.

c ......,.. """"'-+_H! ing on Monday. ~Icn:·veil. was fing ljiip Ie t a~d rope.' corps. dnvC' over' Or' dlsturh thpsC' patches, Henry Franzen, Mrs. L. W, Sundr . t ~ iG'arrlCd a bouq et of g . At OJ(' oulhr0al< o[ thl' prp.'il'nt Ml",S Linn tPildl('S nnrlhwpst of '\Cc( I'd ICC R k k f hand MlchaC'1. E\"t~nlng. guests

Fri~aY.Satu..d~h .! da~~~l~~~~~~e~~ln~~::~~(~'~l~al~~ ~\,11;h 'White rhscs nd s ,e I s war sbl' ....;as sludying- In Pal is, .WHynp. ' ) 17\~,(,((; di~lrl'C'L us U' 0 I e were famJlies of Henry Wf'sploh,March 24.25 \, in chargf' and wilL present t ~ t . t Mi,.,,;s Anita Scrivens walii Fr'anC't~. \Vil h t he Ill'l~) of Ihis go\,· cht>nw'a!s havp hepn ap. Fred Ot It', Frt'd BJison, Ivar J('n~

of the grades and jum~r\~gl~nJl~ ragujt, Idaho, vl~11pd t 1e !tradC's ter'l s ma d of hono " and Mi·.j; prnnH'l1t she was all!.l' In rt'( urn Tf'lI 01 'Eng-llg-f'IlIf"nt. plu'd on \\ l'1'ds. t hl' rf'<..!C'l JOn v. hlch J'ien, Carl Nelson and John Dun~

IThu"sday amI lold chd(h;en 11H.OY g ''"II,c, '.I·'.'~r of tho Ilr,'d'g or ,,' II,l' Un,"',! SI,·,',". Mr.•',0,1 MI.". A r .. ('crtaln ,,[ t k I I h I klau, also Mr. and·MI's. Ernf'st

music. Prof. John R. KPlth v.Al di- mtelwsllqg IhlO~S about t\:ll' II lJn~ 1J~h{ d·'11~~'·"'1~"p('rs, ", ,- ,'" 00 p ace as I w c pmlca camC'1n Gpewe M nd MeW t

1 ~~:~~:~~a~a;~in;u:~::~}. b;~~i~ a;l~ Jlong,)'s1ohna'ho~arer,P!a.:II'·"D.sa1l0rs for 1t '11' gAt~~"ndmg .the,' 'lIS itsF~~~~C~';lL~~~gr';'~::llJlI'(I~II::;)bl~t~I~'~~:~~tl/th~I~~~~ll~(:~{!~t'r~,\v:l':~n~~~~~~ ~~~t~~~s ~~~:l~ S:'%~l{r~~;~eS~~:;~eJ~ \ Mij:·r. a~dl rM~s. I~:~~y ~I~?;'an;';n:,.-, t M' A 11 I ("' f th t"1 fln( Mrs. Ht>nry Schrm'dpr,, bert G. Carlson Yi'ill presf'nt piano D{ln IJl>nklOger ar.j Janet M'~ M~lurICt' I Scn'r'I'n, COUSin, 0 qlC' ~":oca":d g:~I~lffl"itl~l:g~n~,'hOr;o"g'H~,nrl'lr('.:, (~~:';. l-};~;~nk v~;~e R~:lll~~:'on,or~al~~' ~)~ g~~un~o~ar:r~;~~~ll~~r;~;s~~;~'('~ ~~~ I r. and Mrs. J\ug. KrlJ.s(', Mr.

puplis. Mr:". EsU1{'I' CHrlson has Auli fc wrr(' the fm.;t sludt'ots 1 jbrJ(lt'. l,,<J,urpn.\' Wal.rath of a ng, .''- anli ::vIIS Or 1\1 t M Iqhargp of physica,l ('duC'aflOn dpm~ karry all Sight ~oJ'd.'i in th;-' lUi c()~sm o~ t:l~ b uicg:oo , ',l;ld go]d~h~ac1l'rt Cl:lnf' I rom 1hl' czar for S"rgrwnt Bluff. now sl~t1J()n('d at can Sf'(' 10 lrpal 1h(' o]d plants or Mr.'i.'R'~I;}h I~'~I'Cl':l~\l\~';Inl~' ~~~:.

I onstrations for grade and junior won.l jlacks. \ Sta~ton rim s of colLsblu f j S IV· hi~ rf'ITl<J.rkabl(' playing fit court. • Cl~PI'r,r ;)O~1t, ~l C ~11<;.'" C(>~~~12n anthlor<jtl' 1~:1\~~ ~a~etPi~E"~~~t$ EdwJl1 itlChard<;, 1\11'. and :\11''''.

higph..1P'U. PAiI.s'W"II ha\'. a shol" I,,·,SI·- I Fir"!t Gradf' ;\If·WS. ('dl~O'IIU"s,"~ll'org~' a r" "p",'on " th" WaMltr'I' R(Jhf'rl will a('{'omp::lny a pn(C' t p co PgP (,fl'ln . . mon('y' and lahnr ,IS l'pf,UJrN:I!o ap- L. W, Sund, :\11". ,111<1 l\ll~. Wm.

- I <:.- '-. j Mlss I agnrs iit 111(' pU< Mr. Roh~ Bll'Ctk," Mrs. HI'nry f[:HI'o('n. \1rs,~l'ss mee~ing after the prograrn. ,SIt pO:" :m~Wt'r'~'d a 1I,'tlel',~r,nt, c!lurc!l {larlors thl cOl;2jJle r t lor crt IS anI" of Amenca·s grt'Olt ,1:::- Df'f'ds Art· FIII'jl. ply II "lA'('" LIke good cal'(' of our Wm ,Jaroh"('n, Mrs KatJ(' f{Jeh.

I flay Cast Chospn., bj .i\,I"" (Lllo]jn 1\1dlll1, \\ho 1{,I(h- a bnl'f \\'C'ddmg tr p, Lt. 1-, IJ viII companists. IJr' hR.>; \'lSltl'd Wi'tync Proporty dC'cds fil('rl In \Vnync I palches ;ltld rl'adJcllt(' WC'Pf!1 'roll1- arrb Mrs. Anna Hallig-, Mrs.,i Wayne! prep Juniof-sC'lllor 1Iar(,l'" ~'I~.~\~:~I::ll.:~k;)~n:h~~\:~:~~~d(:;' c;:::::,~~ 11~J'(,port for fU:..lhll'r tra!rin <. co· wi1h Carroll G\onn. Hr was also counly 111(' past wrek II1clude the plcH'ly 'l.'i .'ioon :IE' pO~.'olhlr," urgl's Mar' Mahnkr, BonnlP Bathkl',

, a.ct comedy "GIrl Shy" f('hp3irsals I )llot of a B· I {a,j as Veg S if'V dIrector and plano .';O!Olst for I h(' [oJlowll1g: Mr. Buskll'k. Norma and Duanf; {>11(>. ~-I('rmHnIsta..,rtf'd Mo'nday with'Mlss M'('ml l{'tlC'j'-. 1(' rt'c<'1vI'd hIS ommis!'j 0' Ht M~lnhat(an Sympl10nw en',l'mhlt' ('Inr:l B. Lynn, :ll!mlm:;lI'(l!or. pt I'alctws may bp rr!I'p:ll('r] ;lny FI'<ln7f'n. Curl and Karl (lltt'.iCrawfOl'd in chargp. Parts ar\c·'tak- ttl~~~~~.ll~·I~~ll)\vn Pi~:,~:I~~~ f11-fa, '&l'X, Marc ..,1~. M~. IllS which \'1",l!et! \V.lynp IW(J years Ill.. to C'llthl:'rllH' 1<'11'\\':10. ::\1:1r('h 1101(' \\hl'n \\:t'I'r1s,appl'ar, bu! Sep- Lunl'hf'on was ~wrw'd aftf'I' a so.

en. fl$ foll.ows: Tom ~rsdalC', ~tm· Monilay It1l'Y ,,<.\w p1C1Ut'f's of 1':s. \\:111 reI urn 10 the (hlldrol s I os- ago. ,1,~,: ,[,',',1' n,", '1')"""""1"'['. .south ~~~t:~I~ t~(~(~la~~ct;~t~~I~rr:;,r~!s~~~ CUll time. Mr.>;. FrC'd Olt!' hak041

mle Monn.son; ~)kc Stimson, .r4mf's t(\S ul:k F(;r art It':;>son 1st 'T d- ~)llld In ])('nvC'r, .111'11(' sh s an Mi"s MagnC'c.; C'OTlH':-oi lwlI' in ...,,~ <lnd Evelyn Ott!' dl'coralC'r! onp

IKemper; ClIrolJne, Ivadl'l Johl1son; Pili' I" ~f <ill'my cadd l1urf;(' Hath ~o ng of til(' Mary Br>ckl'l' tno\\ \\<1,,", suhdlvlsion of hlOf'k :\ (jf Bnlton,lirst fJppllcation. of the la,r"r' cakl'.s. MI'S.v Anna'A t " PI'S t1S1'( liS ]ll(' uro it!' a gllJ( l' or t' ,'. 11 t \\ ! ,.,

n hony Al'sdale, Hill (ross;1SY1-1 Jll'lking of 111'1' d(,:-oiCfqJtJVP plC! UI'PS olks wpnl to Junlo co C'ge to 7, t h- unahll' to COITW 10 Idj llP )I'('<lU,<;I' & 1.~.l,lr,',','I'a·I""'II'" 1'~,'(I,~11AH~.~."'IO",n\\r·,~I~.n"',..,,,. IJi o~;-oa~1'1Mpf'~ IIattig and Mrs. Henry Fran7pn

Via Websler, Ma.rgaret Co.stpr .,,;an; The ,If' • watks -.; ..; T 'l'sl cd IdpfiS f~t~ lH' lit Scott "bluff. of, 11"1(' slorm. i\. .t:1·1'<! I <11'( l"t "uhsll- . ,0,0 ,~~ madC' tile at htT Thp SChrt){'(iE'1 SD,ea..,n Marl o"v , Bill In~rnm,; .p . C'h~ othf'f ) ]('S'ion.s. gtJl1da K('""I('1' I Jlr~'nul~tlal, c\cn s ,hon?r, n !t~:' tuft's fOJ· n .t:r·('it! :lrll~1. ty to Ellsworth Hagel, l\larch L() PI Omrga iPl \1'1r1 'M0l"!day f'\C'- rCCClvC'r! m::lny glfh and (' Larter. J€'fln Ann Shar(r. ASlh· broul'hl hf'l'I'y'-odnlls:iolhat t'he bndr Jn~lll(lfd a~tlOUSS(,'U hC,l The h,ls Isslwd jJ1\l!n- fOt'$14,O(j{),EI:;ofSI·: I'iof:..!1,also nlllg III Ih(' stwllPnt-unlOn \\ltl1rna, colored gIrl, .lun(' lJa\\;';on; If 11 d I ~1\"l'n by her rno Iwr la,1 ~ek tions to :-.rlwo).s III Ilurlh- ~I.! of :"JW1 4 of ~7':2:J·3 ::\1ary Claire Jordan preSiding. The

jiBirdlt' Lavf'rne, Ma~J1yn Slandley; sl ~~~Hl~\:tCt:~'I(d(,;~l~~;'l~~:~~;nnin '10 '~ul?st!ay, afternoo , and a d nnf'1' C'::I~t to 'ihart' In 1hi'i ('on· s'rRh','ul~... , MSaCrh,I,l

hln:s"l ['o'r' <. IA,.n,nn,"1 '"F

h'.· ~:,.(,'nH,P ,(~~CcUU'I", r,\d<"I(~U~"i:.llli('f"'ltuh,:' h',h,c.",Y

':Barbara Sanford, ,foan AhC'rn~ Al· 1 I g 'f 1·' g 1 19 al11ll' LlOcoln hot I in Sco 1. lUff cC'rt. A largp IS <lnlIClp,lt('lJ. 11., _.~ .,,, lO"'""" ..Ifl'ed Tf'nnyson Murgaloyd, pO@I, p ay,snm\l o t lP m1°l"C ml' OlIO\!:; ·rU/1'"day .,C'\,pn lng or the i1rlaJ l'r e0r1s1cl('raLun, SI:,: of S\V 1.1 01 nt'ss people and tf'adH'rs of com-

1'~~~~~~OI~('mI)f'r;Chuck Mayn,a3111 songk ();~hH~~r:::~:;:J~nt.,.s. pa~~. '~j:/~<~~v~ ", n, I- IIi. Mrs K~~~~:j;~ ~~::~~~~~t~,\\ I'" dlS- ~-~~-~Tlussr]J lIdll twn (~t 1 x(l_1 meIer M~~'\t ~ <~ t1t.7t~)~onn/~r~{~~~1: Sturl('nts saw motion ptC'turcts of MIls:" .l\1ar)OIW 1',l1lers In.lrot!uc\'d \V;I~nf', grarHII)lart'lb of tll' lJ mlssf'd from d ]O(,t1 llospJ1 d I'll (IJlm" 10 lIlnnmg 11111111 I dnd £n1f'ntdlor" Sm' ga\e'Estes pnrk MondHy mOJ'nlng./ Dr. a nUOlIIl'I' of tn(nl''ill11g lllllllht'r g~'oum, allf'nd~'d. uay. F, for $16,()()() SLl j at 33-Ll-'J IhIghlights f IhrLl CdrN'IS theirIGporge Speck dirf'cted ttl" :PIC- ganws !hl."; , __ ._.. __ l_-+_~--+- ~---~- ~- IIf'nnlfig IIall1l1 10 ,John Gpr\vC', st:)l!' dnd manncrlsms Shl" dl~·

Ilures. 'Dunng slOl'Y In elJRrgC' rf To (,hicag-o l Mf'etin , rmlt-r~O''f''S ApIWndf'1 tmny. IM,llC'h I, for ~1~ OO(J lhc :-oidmp closed lltf ('-knov,n felch <lhout the

-~-~~~~~I1II~.11 Boy scout m('ptlng was hf'ld ~FI'i- MISS Bl'! Iy Uonaghu, Charl('s J,lh- Dr: J. T. Anckrs,bp atkn c CI}dl' Alex Ind~ I 01 I m('l son un.\ Carl Thomsen II' and \\Ife to nH n v.ho tlansmit dnd mterpret'f. ,day ('vpnlllg last wC'('k. !- dahl lo1d an ItJlprC'"llng story.. mN'lmg ,of tlw North CC'n ra df'r\VC'nt In ,lPfWnd(( 10my ll1 a MorrIS J rhomspn March 14 fllt nt\\S l';oxjt meellhg \\111 be AprIl

IAdd h' IS ' In order to get a name fori the Mi,,,;s Dorothy 'Jarobs, sl utiont SOCIal JOn of ColiI' es an f)gh Wakl'fH'ld hosP1LI! flH sd i:) $4600, N\V 14 of SW 1, or -\-:2)-5 17

tten seCOR S ow alur :school annual whIch IS bf'lng pub- tC'adH'1', 11I1s !>N'n lwlpmg boys arid Schools lin C_~a~o March' () t :~H.'dayand see uHarvest Mel ,lished thtS yeal" all students !)avc gJI'ls \\Ith Ih('ll' part JIl !hl' ."'IU· SE'nJor play, .' j;ood Nl ht ~.ody'''' and j~Desert Song." \been askf'<i to submJ1 suggestions, Iden' )'l·l'l,,,I.,,hlC'h " I.. ,><, ~"oo die'" March :11 Rill m. c, y, U~I'-----------+t and a frc(' anmJal wl1l,be gj\'l'r to l'rJ(llty 1'\l'lllng Ihls \},l'l'k. Manlyn t ' , , )J~~tl

Sunday. Monday, Tuesda , !thc sludt'nt WIth t1w he:-oit sUg(gr~. :\1r11er and Lelll'y Bt'lTQS ""JlI s11al:e orlllnJ. <.(I" 111 .:

March 26~27·28' I tion. ' honors as dlj"t'CtOr of lhe rll.ylhlnl..,. -+_r-+-if-.:..... Tlw following pupil:;. under I thf' bnnd.. . .

""l',lnUnf'f'! Sunday ConUn:uou~ i ~lr('ctl~of Pmf. Albert (;. qarl~ . WOJ'k In r4"fltlmg rPRdmps:" hqsI aftpr 30'(')o('h:' sdn, parllC'lpalt>d 10 a plano rrCIlal lOcludl'd' til!' sludy of Jal"llls.

;(\tlonclay e\pnlllg thIS \\'l'l'k· P~lty ",nm]1 1<111\1 \i\,." ('(1l1s!r!wtl'dV1CloJ' played Our Flag Rnd ~rhl~ \\E't'k llnl!l'l' t.lw ([Il"!'('1IlHl ofOrchard S\Vlng; 1\1ar[11/1 Car~son L:<l Hn'\(' rV1a'lonholdl'r. As H n'Sllll Ttl(' Howard I-:Henbcrgs we

~laYOd In thr Life of a SoldlC'r; 01 thl" sludy, .'itu~~n1s )Parner! Don Lutt's Sunday la~t w C'k.lancy Ruth McGmn played :ij:\'P· many n('w \\'ords: I hE'y y'arn~1:l Miss Ewlyn Carlson wa aing and A Waltz for Skadng; names of haby anImals, whIch very day, last wl'ck gUpst in t choma~ Daniels played Canofing oftl'n dlfren'tl froOl lhl'lr parpnts VlC'!or home.

, So~g and Get Along Lil tic ~Ogi(';';; Iand, nanws of 'fo~ds grow,~ .<~~d ~IS(,S MI n I Mr' Don 11 Al (j' tQumtella Street played Dlxu:~:and of. tach foor!. Larry". ~( 1~ I,~ (un- w('r~"a~J~hn s~~t1er's ~u~ ay ,j.~.~rnerican Patrol: J(Try Ash, tnbulNl th~ word sdage. nm~ last weck. : 'lYrareh of tlH' Tromhm1P.s and fire M~'. and Mn... Fhnk 1...0 ge a!ll.

rill March; Mary Allre Da!n'iels, A thletes Picked ()d Thul'sday C'vl'Ojing last ('(' pt

%~~1~t,t~~n3al~';dri~~,~'rYFft\On~ For :~"tate Honof.'J Glz;~;r :~~~~~"6f Lexington, a~l.aves< and White Sad",. Ar('I.Uow- JJl"() Strahan of Waynp, was ed lrJ tllC' Amo:" Et'hlenka ph me

~' Rondo in G and "Chopin's S[Jhng nampd In (Jnf' of thp forward po- lasl Friday evpniltg, ~

,ong;l Maryb('l1e Samuelson, <:1>\'('1' sllions on thf' all-c.;lat(' class B Thf' La\'('rne Harclf'rR c, lIedill and Dale and The Glowwd'rm; basket hall ,tmm. Ct'n!' Dlldlnc of Sunday aflernoon In the ale

Virginia Denkingpr, The Mhry Falls City, WAS nllmC'd to lhe olh- {~rs home at LauJj'c1.S;katf'r and May N][~h1, ()la K!tth- et' fclT....... ard ]"losllI011, Lloyd .Jont'S 1\11" 'JIlt! Mrs G W Albf'rltP'n McGinn, KIng CJ! tht' Cat"{I,l\al of Lpxmgton, to centl'!', H.ol)('rt S:H1day a~1f'lfno~n Vl~(tor.~nd ManJkm Parade; Ola KfJihryfJ. Bowman of Sldl!I'y, and C;('orge Floyd Hupp homf'.

tCGinn, Betty JanC' Bard and Vll'~ Pfeifel' of BIlY" Town, to guard TIll' IrWin Vahlkamp fainia Denkmger, H('1ty~", Wod'den posillJOm. sjlt>nl FrIday ('\'C'nlllg Ins1 WI'('hoe Dancr. . GI1Pgg l'vlC'Prid(, of 1111' Omaha tIl(' ~'Iar('nce M~lOn home. ,

~ :Fifth Gnule- News. ' IWorld-Hf'r{Jl~ sl,d'f wrok, "Stnt· Mr". Earl }knn~'1t and sons nd!, Stud(~nts arc It'arnmg HI\Ollt han. a ("]('V('lj ball-handler <lnd ('x- Mrs. y..,·arren Ausl:ln were ::It A en

early DulclJ settlers who cam¢ .0 ('1'l1ent shol, WH~ a \otl'rnn who Auslln's SaturdaYI Mal'cll n. :tJ.iffierica. An origln<J.1 pIa;, is bfing Ikl'pl 111(' youln(l"' WaHl(' l('am from' Mrt 'md Mrs John Fran en~ritten based on informatlQll gnm. fallIng npart}>" ::;]lE'n{'Tt1l11'sdli:\: ~\',p~ing lla.c;t \V {~kep. from till' study of tlw urll( ~lJst ])ol1:-Jld Eljlck<c:on.,.Of \Vak('flrld, in t1w Harold Snrer'J"t~n flome. I

rtnished., and Jim ;":;trillaln \\"1'1'0 m-l.m('d on 1\11h", Wilma ,Janke of Wlch ta,I The class gavp an nrilhrnf.'tlc thf' honor n 11 of Ow \Vorld-J{(T- n., spcn1 Fnrl<\y and patur ly

d.€monstratlOn lesson for Dr. Ray aId 1~'14 j\"(' a$kil hIgh school f.ill· t wt'I'k in the Fred \ ahlklfl. PHryanls class Thursday la:"t week. state' (earn. hal tr'am IS Ihl' hom} ,l Joe Nus:;, Darlene Andef$on and youngf'sl h nor combmatlOn III M: and Mrs. IJo:r\~rin Vahlka 'p

~bert Cross comprisE" the flew Cornhuskpr I l'C'p hlsl ory. and an:lJly Wf're last Sunday i-

~c fbg.ram tommittee .for Fnendshlp '[wr nel JUnChliOn guests at F 4du Rpeg s. ! I

\ I<'rom Fourth Grad£'!. ~ , M~. ~~nd Mrs. Aden Austin nfj,j Btonies of the invention df ptiint- Mrs. 'R~Llph Aus;tin sprnt ~ul1 alY

, j~g halVe been read in historty dass. :(;'Vcnil!1g, last week al HcrmMn R1t·: ,; ,lThelclass has been fOU0"jinglthe. t'nusflpn B.

Mrf and Mrs. August Longo, r.!-,and .M~" KC'nneth Ramsey - nk!,-!ane~ ere la.:1 Sunday guests atOsca amspy s.

Mad Mrs. Will SchToe~er n~Mr. fnd Mrs. J'. M. Manley W I1lc,Thur d<lY evening last week v s·'tors It C. A. Pres'ton's. '

Gf' rgC' IIoffmnJlt' and daught 1'$,MlsS~M~lnt> and Miss F~rieda, w ~elas! urj:day aftf'rnoon guesU lrthe e0Jrge Wack~r home. I

an~rfv!~,~d E~,r~ru~l~r:~~~ i~ h~'H, Aj. Ret hwisch home Thurs a~l~lRt 4'f'1k helping Ihang p~per, I, Mr and Mrs. F,red Damme Ii

fami! and Mr. mild Mrs. H~

.Suen arjld famIly were IIp;t Sunafter oqn vJSltors

lin the I I

ISchr cdpr horne, II Mr. frank Simonin of Ok ar\lloma CIty. Mr. an~ Mrs. Jolm S .;­!ber :eT)e m the Ed. Miller ho ~'Tues '~I last wee\<:. Mrs. Simo !~left If I' home the Inext day, I

Mr J. H. Spaht returned ho ~Wedn s4ay evening last week a. t~er sp n~ng the la~t two w¢eks jDes 01 es, Ia., wi~iting her ~au htet ad· amily, tvlrl. an4 Mr~. Riard yl'l and her s~ster~ Mrs, E;

Perij! S'I' ,I I I"' IF.!r Mro. Ostar J\t:ann~

Mr . O$car M~n~'s blrtlld.ayobs/:! ed'i Sunday WheIja r~J.atiand If iel;ids were QIinn-fr and ebin~ UCRls,


12 ;:;" I7flNo Poi.nts


12 ~~~e 35&,



2 Pof,:d' 28cNo Points

, FAncy Wrapped 2'3High Color ~ . C

2 Pounds. "



ORANGESlieSmall. Medium and Large

One Kind or Assorted

IpEACIt and




G~a;;::RU~T QhUi!ilwillqJiJJU.aMARMALADE .•"

Waxed Rutabagas,3 J,M.IOc~::n.~ .. q •••• 20e

Young Carrots, Bunch 6eIceberg Lettuce, Head Be


~rorn'ng Ugbt Cl'llsm Style 12GOLDEN CORN ~:~' .. , , C

;::~~ 32.

EG~iftES3 P;:;'s. 25¢ Per Pound



You'll really appreciate the big saving to be made by co~fining yourfo~d Pilrcha~esto the well stocked Counoil Oak Stores when you have a comparatIve check ,ofour "Evetyday" Ceiling Prices. .

WHITE LOAF "The Thirsty FlOUr," $209,. ,50POUND BAG ••••••

I ' '

~rtheastWakefieldl!(By Mrs, JeWell Killion) l

I Mrsts-tta,






't8~{)z. Box

, ' II



2 ~~~e~

W. l'khmltth~r, :W r.


,,' , "'il I i ~ 11

==~'=dd-~ ) l-···1 I 'FMFt.G'""c:,r,llO:U=gh~'~Th~e~ju:n~io~r~b~a~n~d~jW~il~1 ~e~d~lt~or~e~a~ln~d:l~ol~iJ~\I~e=re=s~li~Jj,g~I,h~i~ngf~H~~E~¥~f~f9f~~E§:§§!~~§§~§~I~I~im~e~w=as~s~pe~"~t=l='n~,ttY~i~ng~a~q~U~il~tr.m~o~n~t~Tu~e~S~da~y~fo:r~en~o=o~n~o~n~i~s~re~.~C~.~A=,~K~in~n~e:y~W~I~lh~m~o~V~in~g~t~o~l~he~ir

i :y~_ and vocn,l and instrum~ntal ab()~t the' Duko a ~cnut~ $pot. whic-h Was pI'esetlted, to' the tuth to S-tockton F'leld" Cal." hbme J~ town "thUrSday. All.\Vct!Q.sf ,will be presented bct~ecn ~ Fr~m ,F . rth Gt:!u1r. Utechts, as was alSOtithe shower of Dr, 'nnd Mr!'l, 'D. P. ,Quirnb~ of dJ.nne.r, .gue9~!t 1m the Floyd c;lough

cC l-;,i i T O!le ~'illrnin IfO in thleir fina gift rought by cl b members, SOUlh Sioux City were Sun~lny home and 1urtcffeon guests)n the'~ club is arranging n hannuet mas ery t~$t in p lling 'Fr~rlay. ar r~l(' .1ohnc:on, rf:!, Clnl"pnca gu('sts in thC' Bf"l'l Harrison.. h~'e. Laurence JOhns~n'hO,me.Mrs. John!

f, asketballllOd football pl~yers Rulh McPI,e"a, Bob t~"liur, Mi"l'letly Ji~1 spr~i Mond y 01, n welc..gue,,,, I Tho ho",cBS MI, anll MI'. ROY Pi~I'on nd ~:;~~hs~:~.r~l\~h~~g;~~Pt~~l~l~r7:.j 1.: ' Darrell! Franzen Loren ElIrls, Pats is ~\:('.C'k in S (;U~ City. ,.served, Mrs. Mary ~o.~p('r were Sun ay ,son home. '1 .. I)

school dasses will prdvide HogAe~OOd, W It~~' Ql1be. t, Shlr ~ 1 flft .... rnoon VI'ltOI' d 'up e,' The Melvin n es spent Sund/1.y C '- "~ ?n.~ 1l.Jt d ., M ,,:

tion programs every ather ley w 5Z,",S, Dane AtkiIOS, Ma gu€'sts in the Ch,as. Pierson ho~~, If,l r,' ~n ,NIl'S.. e~~m, La~sen en~Fr ~ 'y until the term clOSai. Sen- TIe Kalkpfen, A Ice Brnlhack I~ $200, I EI "'ening in th~,;R,° spilhr'hO,me., Miss Helen Lewin went to, pet tertuihed a~ ~tlrtday dH1r:lfH' andior aVe charge this Friday. \ Dorqthyarm FI nand M<1rgule Hi"dpl'~r n :Nf'\HI. The Howard Ml us Wf're Sunday home sou1h of En'lersort Mon1

aySU{J~ _rOI' .Mf, and Mrs., Eric \Sl

. L. Campbell's honu} I100m Swu~ney In\ h nd1fork hi 1rPn 1 adf linner gueRts in the Henry Mau evenihg and due to incJem nt Johnson, ~~9aore- at1d Harold.the dnnee ThesdhY, ~ PllpJ!,; arc OM mg a Dutch ~(,f'ml' hnh~ d IcI{(1 n~, du k~ lrob nk anlll lome. weathlO'!, on TUC>5ctClY 'no school 'as Mr. ahd Mrs. Clarence ,Olson•. ~.

and Instrumental 3uSICand ,now ha\.p, \~ lndmlll' f)ut"h fOlrl~d ~ rinl f10\\G!rs ~ I MrK Clif( pn call('d Sunday held in district 12. ,Alfred Johnson, Mp. anQ Mrs. EI ..

a' furOlsh€'d by hIgh s hool peopk, hOllS(l,.<; d~anlmalS Some ".Jr,tk Bp NlmblC'!' 'The an bs'r fternoon in t carnes McJntosh Mrs. Edna Nimrod was a Sun- Mrs. Fred and Mr~. Bert Ha MoO lis Johnson. 1\1'r, and Mrs. Laurence--r u s and solOists for the co Ipge boys <II" carvm'" oats and girls and "LI tlf' Robm RR Ibrr Slt ar~ ome.· day ,dinner guest in the R. A. Nim~ son and! Mrs. \Valit"r OUe whe' ,Hanse~n, Del/,ln'O and Paul, ~rs. E .

.Ire fiJ"oioffg lo dl S5 dolls JtJ Dutch npw Ifm '(lr }lays I~ur N1. ,Mr. and Mts i Hhward Mau were rod hotnie! among those lH""lping Mrs. Mel~in W. Lundahl, G'enn and JeanihP, ~.eJotlD(>S w a PO shot's we're Du';,lkl,,1l ned :·Iwl;',OI'!""\~s., 'LMllt 0 II offg" ',umlay pvenini. uests, at, Arlyn Missl Marjorie Rotl.f'rts w?nt to Henry observe her hirthday anhi- ft.-Ifred John400,. Mr., a~d ,Mrs" _bl~brou,ght by Jack Nkhola~st'n ... I ,.~ ,,] nderson's, Council. Bluffs Friday fOf a visit versary Monday afternoon. r' lis Johnson w~:re evening ViSItors

ehool MondaY,afternoon III the 10- Third G d(' Now",. I tIle" Mrs. Albert n I.'r!lon WfiR a Fri- wi1h r<l'latives. Mr, 8'1d

'Mrs. Walter OUe and celebralmg Patricia ~jornspn'scr~st of organlzmg a !lcout hl00P Rbnnlf' Lither and rp1urnC'd tJ C~lld pn rl' USlrl~ nr rk+ ayaftf'I'noon as wepk viSItor at Mr'. ~r'ld Mrs. Chas. Pierson were Sandy, Mr. and Mrs. Bernard Kln- birthday of 1VI.dnday. A cooperative

I J~lor "ig-h Notelt. I school MomtLlY ftef bClng' 111 two bookr " Jr':;t nays fit ~llf1 1" IICrbl'rt Thun'"J Sundfl)l (' ....pning 'visitors in the n~y and <thildren were Sunday eve~ lunch Was e~Joyed.'c~p~~o~s~~~h ~~ ~~~ ~~~~~n\~~~l w~~~~dr('n who aQ0 pcrf(1('t scorJ bo~j*~[lll Wlghl nllll I rou~t1t or~ rn~:~nll~~ll~r~~ tJ1~g~~~C'F~~~:~~ Ja~~:~~<; ~~~~a~~.:'.r~)~I~m~~J~On, Doris ~~~~e~i~j~~:n~nMlr~f'K~n;y~~nan~ Stnt1~ 'f1f-;le Mftf'ts.

hi ',Chat The new edltonal ~laff In t!lf" elghl IE' ('\0/ spf'lIlog h'SIJ .,U' -~- omp Sunday I~st week. and .Janpt \\.'('1'(' Sunday rHnner ill with the flu Saturday. ' ' Nin(! memhds WeTe present atsa tOlloWS,Edltorslll~~le~,¥~r~ inclUdin.~ :.d30 W l'df; are ,Jimm){ L "'AL i Donn'l, J)o~ol y and Janice gUf>SlS in the- Martin Holmbprg Mr. and Mrs. ,.BC'rt Harris~n the fnf'€,tingihald at. th('-homf'·oren, McNut.t and PhylliS J< O~tH, AtkinR, Mary Ei U(lg, ,JimtTIic Da~ '---1 oung called in t p LuthC'r Milli- homt'o drove to Emf'rson Fr'iday evenl~g Mr9~.R W'.,:Fredrick.';on TlwsdayS1j'l~~lllt ('dlto~S, ,<,~ubr.f'Y p.r:oet,t Vis, Mary Cam ejl, Har~nrn r:J SenIor pl,IY, "noo NIgh a~' ell home SlJnd:~y afternoo,n. 1-'1r. and Mri'l, Kenh€'th PacKer, to me€'t ~,Mi~s Marilyn who ea e afternoon, . Rk',d cross j'pwing. ~vas~ arn'n. Elli .... , al t pd~j,ors, lis. 'those who miigs('r! dnly one dIPS, M 1I (h 1/ R (l I 1 ,['jt 11 dl- I MI'. and Mrs:1 pnnf'th Johnson Eugene and Marilyn we're Sunday from Omlnha for a w('ek-(>nd vi. itIdone during Ithe afternoon. Lunch-

1 ~vJe~ and Renf'("' t3('r~ word an"' David Bnf'hr, Charle. tOrlllll1 ~Il al d Sharon calj'ed !We(]neflday evE'- dinner guests in the Ernest PaCker at homt'o Th€>y were lunche n eon was !':er\!ed.qUIZ·pdl~or. Tommy .A¥re- Price', Pat1y Jf'f n'y, Honnip,Lilh I\,'1r:,st. J Il!P~l I\lllr.,;(;' ,i', $i "Ox ~·ng last we('k i?;tIC' }-ferl)ert ThUll home. gu('~t~ rn the Russell Harris~n , ._ ..

. e , , umor ~dltor, Nyla .Lmd~ay; erland, Billy P Imet', Nnncy J( Cily I a da~·.' himH'. Mr. and Mr);. Hilger Mf"yer and home thn1 C'venfng. :,,~aYfli OblH't'v~d,po~tfl repor~ers,. Dale Hmps ~a~d Nelson and Aliq Jorgf'n~en. 'I'lw A h·p\I KOjllin. Vi~'jj",d ini 'MI'. and Mrs, rwin Vahlkamp Dennis, Mrs. Anna Lubberstf'dt I Mr. and Mrs. Roy SlJrldell dro+o In dhs('T'\'ance or thl' bi~thdayunt ;H~l'(>ll, chief reporter, ~hlr~ Nancy Jo Nt"'1. n celybrated 11(' Wlns~ it"' Sunday. ' ntlgtl,I"~, ~,.Jlglw1t~~sl{ WI:'I.~ f,a~U:~di~~r~~~~ ~r'en'ol'o.,~,orfolk \'1sitors Monday aft~ ~,OauOgmhl:hr',a, 'jM·u,:,,~,.dalY)O',l,O'II~yN·stunthde,ll'l ~~lngi\,'e.DI'Oa,',.ise5N:/j~IMso~' a~~~~~lrGdo"lldl';I,.Y ~~n '} general, r,eporiers, ¥.or~ 9th birthday wit I It party at :,;('J100 \.rv!r"1' .llYl'(~n C'u!sn Cl.lli issl ,~.~ '-'- ... . u ~ ~ ..... , , u

18 ~$.~ trom, Mallen£' Fox, ;!Lc- Friday Bftt'rnool She gl'lvc ('lie NllTl I, 'I,e lolaisl'n \\"1'1' -" In ~i ux ";u1n",s",,nl] MI",.I dal' N"l,"on ani] Mr'. and, M·r.c;. .Te\\,'('ll Ki1li~n, Mrs. and 1\lrs. - ale Tinstman, who ca"l,'0 MortenRon w~i('h occl.lfred'during·-.iiiiiiii•••iiil~U o¥\, $Ievers, Betty MePhe.rr

un, child'a plI('l~agc of nine c~ind Clly l' rH ay., l' JV .... ~-,~ All.:'n Kpilgle were pnt('rtamed at from Sa AnloOlo, Tex. Lt. Date th(' week, the followmg went to'

~ ar~1e McInto~h, Bernard Nlqhol~ su('kl~r~. I Mr,1 n d !'tTl'S. L. l. M' ~11r(' r. and Mrs. G~\rf~('lrl Johnson ViR~ Sundny dinner in the Aistrope- Tinstmani is expected 10 arn'..\e the Rt>uben ".Goldberg .home we~tl' i:<;e!i:i Nyla Lindsay" Alvin lfd1- Th~rd gradf"r~ hu\'(' letdned to spenl: I'h~ WoP,l'k-f'lld \\. ~h ]\. r ,nd I'd relatives ~~l Newman Grove Lamb 110me,. herc the. .latter patt of the w(-'l:-k of ~a~ne THursday. E'VenJng forja

UNTIL FURrrH In {'II.· ~ use til(' ~·s in lultiplication Hnd Mrs. b' rdl Lind_'>'l}' III L L r's, 'mday. Mr. !lnd Mr.';. Milton GURtafson for u ViSllL I soclal tIme and enjoyed C'OOpf'TR-T ~ 7th graders gaYe a part.\1 for c1ivi"i·on. Diagn stic tpsts ShO\I Ia. , ' • MI'. and Mr~l Will ,Lutt were and Vivian, Mr. and Mrs. Seth An- Mr. and Mrs. R. A. Nimrod wen:' tive lunc~n: Mr. and Mr~. M<ir~:

N.OTICE W~wt L th, "graders \ wfter that most of the group have m'ns Mr'. H d Mr,'>, ,fobn Lind llitl of 'mday dinner ~'g!jPS1R at F .. C. (JC1:S,on dr~Vf' to Omaha Sunday to ~mong t~e group which gathf'rpd tin Holm rg, Lauraoelle Karnes,:el,l lll~ the actiVitIes room. A~l('r ten'd.. , tlw '-,",.1diliOl and ";\,Jbtractio A1I('n; sp'nl' Sunday with 'h'lr lmm&r·s. Sevora, other relatlvcs, vlsll l'clalIVf'S, In the C. L. Bard homp Saturday Mr. and Sj. Weldon Mortenson

PAY, an " lCe cream and sand\\'ldies facts. ThC'y hav Icarnpl! to ad daughll'l', .vlynlll 'olso ,: ( nd 'rf' thcre, Friends have received cardR evening c~lebrating their 241h wed- and family, Mr. and Mrs. Mar\'in'~ 'e~ served. ; , and ~\lhtract thr'('-pl<:lce humiJf'rSL family h rt'. : Uvlr. anel Mrs., Rohert Stone and from Nf'ls Bjorklund, who is still ding annlvC'rsary and also Mrs. Mortf'nson and daughters. Mr. and

7' if. 'nell Palmer?f the 71h g<ado Fay the Ann M ,t of Omaha. vi,·, MI'. an I M"" flaw ,',.h·al",,, of ildl"h of Laure' I, wer" Sunday at Exeel,ior Springs, Mo., leeeiv· Bald's nalal day. Ed, Gu,tafson, MI'. Lenu, Ring, MI, and M",'

5' ,\'on~, econd place In the CO.4nt

y ited 3rd ~rade M mday. SflC p]aypd! Carroll, \,C'l'(> Sund<l.V dinndrl: nd llC'r guests iIi t'he Fl/'nnk Grif- ing treatments. Eunice and Faith and Mrs. Jose1 Otto Nelson, Doris and Janet, Ani~, , I'" s ~l~ g cqntest Saturday.. '"fer the fOllOW, ing pi, no sclect'ion::. foJf' sup{)erg p.,;ls of Mr. ,lI d Mry;. n~ itlh, .iI'" home. i' , ' Darwin Nimrod wa::. in Wahoo phine Gustafson were Sunday art~ ta F'parson, Mr. and Mrs. Emil

' rlzl' was three, $1 war Sla'tPS. the :lrd and 4th gradps: "Gondo... drl'w 1><-11' {'r·. I r-1rs. Arnold Refg Wt1 Friday ftom Friday afternoon until Sun~ ernoon visilors nnd lunchf'on guests Pearson and SOMS and Victor Holmi,;' - - - I:,' Iarj n~ McNutt of tlw ~.Ih gfr, (if', llers," by Nc'vin, 'I"ir~tl W~tllz," by Miss N' n _ IC'a\'1~! J liS' I 1:1 In' \yil h h('I' ~~ltht'r W '! is in a day evening altf'nding the Luther in further obser\'ance of the ('vE'nL berg~M~. Nels Bjor~dIUnd'fDwaine

on! tllrd place and H. prIZE',- 0 1two, Durand. "IIung c,'1 y," by IKo('lIj,ng~ Saturday" L:\ I, 11' C~i<f!1 ~n, ~ itlX Oly hosJillal. II , JS somf'-: Lf'ag\J(~ convention. Fred Harrison, Bernard Kinney, and r.unic[;' were Sun ay a tel'nOon '$ s mps. Marlene Sleckr:wn ~eld mOde'I'Il" t rans,c~ pUon de "O]q wherd sh hI' Ii CiHC ~'1 nursc!., at <. C1! improved.., I Mr. and Mrs. Earl Leonard took Mr. and ·Mr. WaltEr Otte and Mrs: vi5itors and supper guests In the'

I f ur:1 place but no prize r-'asBlack Joc," by Slan€qrd King. Shd the C'bok coun1y ho~pl ill., r. f\nd Mr~. W, H. W~gn('r and S. Sg1. 'Ellgf'nr E. Leofard to Fre- J. J. Kopnes "sis ted Mr. an'd Mrs. Goldberg home,' Cash fo,l i ve~, ,j and M1';'; 1I~IZ('1 I ('('\·c Illny('u, Mrs. J HE'l'l LUll 1:011r co l(IY .Jilm ami M1r. and IVl-r'~. !Inrry /

i' Rixth Grade N('ws. a duet. ' I 'MondRY rolll ()rn;l!la wh('l'"' he lp{kr wpr(' Sll~day guP,'Ils In the

a ,~~~~; ~~td:7"mal:,nlJ'I~:~~, ~;~~' S"I'nnJl GI Jlq N<'Ws, IHid \'i.'it~JI r."" ", Is, J '~~,' ':~l\P~I~~tcFI'C'l ~'one, se"

I::SI'~J~ti,;D,\v tUlif,}S arra"ng

rc,11l1 a ~'~.'.OW~ ha~ordon 7t PPIII ::il:~~,>ii{~~f~:~,'::S ~!i;'1 ~~r1\\~'1;';~'>:h{'t' [l ¢J FrNI Slon('~~ .ir·., and childr('n

'"-. M IIi) lllVl· , {)·f~;I\lrr·l,w(·n'Salurdayart('rlloonj :In(]i (-;loria ., r.,;, a J}_ In( s,

Gi,J'!' have 2:5 slarR 01\ 1h{'ir sJ?pll- luJls thr'y had IS In LOlllrwna nil (,' tlllt'l's lin til(' Prank Griffilh, jl'.,\it g hart whll(' boy~ have 19.;~ ma(lle :11 IHHne wi h ,11l('lr mollwrs' Fntnk 1'Lill'S{ltl ]!] nhe. '

"1~~_ Black Stalllon," by WQj}ter h,ell~l. PUI}ils arp I arning what ('oJ~ GOth ~}ir',jr day ,:vJ ',".1'(' !J ~11'. ~nd Mrs. Adolph Dorman,';lrl¢ is Iwing rend to Itk c'h~s I I I r! 1Ill{ Mrs. Marvin .lop H,~nson

a 0 e~l~g ('xercis~s eHch -3,11~~'~ ors look \\'ell log; 1Iwr. In numbC'J' ~m~r (1::::;1 ll' 1()('Cd-'>HJn n t,'l, dal,' ,htrr welfe Sunday eyeningn onJ ': ~~~iI7~g I~~~i~s t1~i:l:h~~:. prohlems h(:~I~:~m'[~u(;,~~;;:~~'"4Vr'l(, v ~ltors in the' August Dorman

"E1'p.stel' Parll:d(''' is Olll' or ,:Ihe rrll(,' ('1,"', ',. is ir, "I'rstine< in chil~ Mr:':. nU)\f,0m] h me h. ~" ,I> rod '. .~ ~- ,., I".',· I, F'II,.', a"l] childrenn ,v :on~: {arn~- . ".; drrn of ollwr lan-1:o;. L,"',VPIII .ro!ln~ clren, ,of ukpj"ipld 'I

I )<Ifth Grfld{' ltf'm<;'1,- . rI gu('sl" ~I f'rt Sjmday aft<""rnoon in theSI rip!-; aboul South Sl';'t ls1< hds son hrought [\ Ilo JK H~OUt ;~ lItO,,!. I ' If del H(k"-kman 110m f'. Mr.c;. Lloyd

h, vdbc~n studied in reading.. >ic- Inrli~n ()f lile' Rr'IZl!;~W ,JU~gJpt l\~~L"{~r,;· Ilir'I"(' T'ht!,.'da:V·'1 ,.,1".1 D ltJklflli and chi'Jdr('n WPI'(' Mon~lll'C'~: o.I tripical . fish arc' ~).fin,g ~1~~~~\I~1('.,>t' boy, ~:,~' ~~'u;:.:-- OJ') i.I lOU lli~lg. grllllJl Ill'()ug 1t 1- eli y. II1Isi Wf'('k gll!C');t~ In thL' B('ck~d a\,,~ In connf'ctlOn WIth thlS'i _ Inll'lll S rtl \!Il hmtrlf". (

Pu i'ls arc addi~g and ,,;ubll'jwt- First On, (·ltf'm".: , _, Miil;,r, ',I '('lll'\\"!' \-i';it '<Iin 'ffjcult fractIOns. ' J1ud Boyc(' ('elf' rH't~d IllS hO'lh- 1\1I"s. Gf'br' (; IIl'.'>s hom 'For Rlrt day,

TI\k Black Hills werf' discu$spd day March ~4 by !'(',ltlng dill. ; \VhC'll IH" }as elll'Ollt(. rom lisS Bf'lty Baier ('C'lehraINl h(lr~1III!~!!!!!~!!I!!"IIIII~IIIIIIIIII~~in~hl~·~tbg~1~_~n~IP~h':Y~,is~e\"C'ral have ~qslt~ ~~l_(~~~':~:h, erry Md~~~.~~' Fall);. \Yhc"c Iw Ilad 1J ('R hi 1f:day Sunday eV,f'ning when- . lsome ('l(!el H' jl:.d5 fricndk called in her.........~:I~!!III..I!:• .-:!!II••ii~!!IIII..!'J:iii:ll!!IIIIII!~ii:!lIllIll!~iiii:t-....., to his hor In () h t'.,Aftf'r an cnmlOg t gamesIi: j~ ~topp("'d in orfolk to g' t ah j carels lunch -wa~ sf'r\f d.

IIw formr'l' Ill'kn lIar js6nnirc(' of M's. I k~~:, and I \\'iIIln~ \Vorlu'r....\vho hul! I)("n \'i,;jting in tl1\' Milling WorlH"ts 4-Il club metor moll 1'1', Friday evening, March 10, al theFrnl Ar ,1~ur Young hornf'. Mr. and Mrs.- ';;;;:;;;~;';';i:--;.............+::;.;.-=+-t \V.! S. ylo·ung and Mr. and Mrs.II' lIe j.y Schroeder \\.'('re guests. The

ho. ths sf'rved. TIl(' nf'xt mpC'ting

~~~~l Ir)~H~~~';.C'~,;:n~t ~~;eF~2u~~('~~tle 1r~(~t~t~rf. ~_~~_

Icoybte hunt was held in theno, ~ fl;_~rt of ,Stanton county Sun~

da'1 " \

1', Iii , ..


i,) 16-021. Jar ~'

3ac es ~i:" PerDo~.




'YOU]"'I' ("O:l 1('(1 \"1111 'chal'm"i,,'h{'n VOll \\'(,;ll' lilt,S sml~1"l

11f'ITlllghm1(' 1\\ perl ~lf lq()';-~'1\'ool. IJJwrl With !';lyO!l s:itln.$moky [)('drt but Ions marchmp till' fron\. Lu.rkspur hlue,J;>elge or guld, ....$19.95

T!tlC'y'!1 gd ;ll"lillfld fill. tJlC'10\,pl]('"t 11,)..';." III tll\\ n I1ll!''d rllyo!1 ..... :-.11 ong­ly reInforced. In. \\'arm culm·s

, so right Jur Spl'lng 80u

i,, I


~~~,~~t~~~~g ~~r~iC!~~s:n~p~~~~beckoning cabretta capeskin shp~

ons. ThEly'n' brush dyed, table-cut,and of tme finest import,cd leather.Navy, brown or black ...$2.49

Handsome handbag of cordette,with rayon lining and novpl wood­('n handles. Choice of black orbrown ..4 ... $8.98

Blossom forth in a cute cottonprint that proves "house dresses"can be as youthful and femini~sdressy ones! They're so easy tokeep bandbox fresh $Z·98

It means breaking into print in asheN, classic blouse .like~,. Aflon.Il pattern on White. backgT und

pre'tty a:-; brave, bnght 10 eNpoklllg their heads out of the snow.


Spnllg 1l1('<-lI1S {Tinkly.liltle grepnIt'(l\('.'i opcnir:tg,ll1C Id,t of b~rds'sons, and you tn thIS trJmly taIlor­ed hO\T coat of 100'/( Shctlanrlwool. Lu"h summer J;lrown, gold,lilac 01' lemon green, .$29.95

I'Tcam thc blouse with the lOa',;,Shetland wnol skirt (below) in Li~

lac, ros(', navy or blue. Two bo:li\.pleat:!', front and back. .$4.98


I "III .'

URSD1\ MARCH 23, 1944, '

i ',If 1


r ,


contrar\Y fu the tta itional 0 'der, Let thepeople !sag whether the thith rl;o acceptedlimitati~n I(}n 'the p~Sidentia tenur~ shallbe furii1ti~ ,dis~egar ed, and h~ther theyare Willing', to ,ackn wledge hat· only' oneamong: 1310" million is eapa Ie of leader-shIp, l, I

It Will' be sl.lutn~y for vo ers to, aSsert~hemse've~ ,in :'a ,gequine de ?cratic .fllSh­JOn-let the, PfiSldeIltt ruh all' Il1 and IllVltea testl,of ~Pt>pu ar strength' fter " drlzenyears, If lOoterS decr~e .defea , \1U,reauqracywill retirel with more finalit , CVbn thoughwith less gl~ry,


Dr;.', L. W. Jamieson and Le nard· day dinner guests of M~s E ntt. VERY HING N~ED "1 Balcom homes. l Dahlgren at Mac's cafc.

It is not he world that. is a Mrs. Arthur Cook of C- noll, Mr. and Mrs. Verdel L:und andfaul , but he peop~e Iwho in spl1'nt several days t e past week ~ons of 'Wayne were Sunday din-habft it. E erythih l\laSfbec in 'the Ray Perdue home. Sh ~ and ncr'guests at Ben Lund'sipro)dcd fo man's d vrlo, meo~ Mrs. Pcrdue were at F J. Pc rin's Mr. and Mrs.,1 Arthur ~~clt andandlrcornror, but tile' t1' UbIl Thursday., Myron were Sunday dlnn~r guestslies I in indhiduaL or group Ius Guests Sunday in II'" t J. of Mr, and Mrs, Marvin l<~il'.]t., t d h .... IV' .I... IL,IT.,..... 'H. •

for powel!. That tarte t ,'Brttmist.cUer home \Vil'l'e th for- Vic.tor Jo:rgc.n:/;on was ~ sund."ypres nt ,wei. into w ieh 'ncaec g essman IAlbcl:t -Engel ~ho ml'l"s l\fo sislers and their hus- guest of ·hls uncle, Manrus Jor-rlll1~-inclinlc i Amcrija w~~ fin . s~igaling 1I1ntagon buildIng hands, Mr. andkMrs.. U. W. cid- genson, and fam~l~ at WinSIde.all~r fOI'~e~. fhe war d po,f\8e~~€"5 exp i~uni'!s, h~s cal~ul.aled the auer 01 Ue~ la., find Mrl and M~. and Mrs. Johnson andeve~lytlllng leeded to I' 'rurmsI strl1 t It's dmll!'n~ions Ul alTl'S. Mrs. SmlOn Grimjes\of Sioux 'City. Adeline,, L0~1 ~ahlwrn, andcQrh art a conten to elvery He I' u*s'it antlolj.nts tu 1<13 act'.l'~ Mr. and Mrs. Willard Wilts en- daughters spent SatUJuay In SIOUXbort Na~ 1'al res urcesl ar of h'C~ 83 act'es arC' in olfic.:e tertuined at, dmner and s pper City.abJ ctant, II ut theY

tare orte~ spa 60 uCfc:j is n~iscel!aneous Sunday for Mr. and Mrs. Roy ates Mr. and Mrs. Don Ma~k('ll' of

mi4~1~l!d or .ast~d t r,dug~l lae spac '. he buildmg Will e\entual- and children of Plainview, M s, L. Pone,a, wprc Sunday suI'}ll'1' ~VldThe cCQncimic uphfClval th t brought the of I\-qse.aI1'P IcatlOo. or ~flme, Iy l1 s 8j6 mlJlJ(ln ~ollal's, The lir'st 1<'. Perry of Long Beaeh, 'an Dr. e\'cnmg guests at Rouert Blatch-

new deal )to-l the surflace a,n l(ept it there diatc and sbortsljrhted, self.. esU, lei was 3~ mblllOn dollar::;. In and Mrs. Ncd Pickelt of No folk, ford's.through t~e ',·\propag~tion of costly and of- seeking.;p, oplc al~ too of~e~ addi i ~n Ito tlhe Ihun,ddrc(rlS emIl'lloycjd Mr. and Mr:-;, Schuyler Fox ere Mr. and MI·s. Clarence Woiler I

I II: ' t 'th' 'I nari-owly elfish ~o protcc~ in it p~ra lOlli, a::il e rom Ie ,- I'n n'''ndolpl' ["on' Thu"sday t Sal- and Robert wprc Sunda.y supperlen va ue .eSI' experl"'ents s el' WI 1ll I S 1.1 r ,,, I l ", r M '" ,.~' th.cmselves )y protect ng '1th1' 200! filS, walll'rs, C c., In I s ca es urday \·Islting their soli R bert guest:-; JIl the Elmer FIsher home

.sphere ofiliin 1uence ~hollt Cl. many fOlrfllel' ers.IThe \\10l1d \voul not be ba and,. 'jfC.ll.eriHS., ,Ia II-i~g(' jOl"cc is eJJl- and family. l':tscl" Fox, w'ho s in at Carroll. . '\rej)ublica I ," '.': ambitl,oll and Iizz,Y idens as I 1 d k 'l ' I 1 II 70'.-., et iflProplc ,i not ,'," __ e ,I SOl.....,. ploy til ·mam ;llnlllg JC' -a<;.:l'l' til(' navy and stationed at owa ,Mr. and MI':'" Kennel h' Packel',.

accustomed ~~rn<?crats \~'ho anted to look ~_ 11adc'IhlCh sUjToulnds It. All p\,cn City, 1<1., \vas home on a furlpugh Gene and Ma,nl~'n were ,SUndayouL frdm' fth . InSIde, qUIte f rgetful of ra- i "1'0'A l' I milli dollars' w~n' ~'penl III ac- and was oblIger! to remain langeI' dlnne.r guests In tile pillTntal,tional and l,\-'orl{ahl~ poIi<.' :,\, The 'new ' qUil~1 1 ' Jl PHJ'k:lll.g lot 1m',. t he cars than hiS allotted time when he' was Ernest Packer predipirtated a ,resh'Llf dlg of party of a'11'y offll'l..'J"S ,<lnl! othet' l'm- laken iJi with the mumps. , ~r. and Mr~\ Emil fl-}JlIl'r ct;1tcr-liiles, and 'll~ny JeHcrl<'wllian cmocl'ats will Mi, s Janie ploy e', \\'Jth JUl'tlll'r funds lor Mrs. J. If, Pl1e and SOft, cadet tallled Mr. and Ml·~. 1',lmvr Lund-be found 'arhlycd agl:dnst t c pregenrt rc- wt'ck end witl Miss ogf'lll' Ri, dni\'· pa\"! Hnd illll)f(wing It. J. M. Pilp, left Sunday for Chi- berg and Mr. anti Mrs, W. IT. Dns-gime, wh-ile many rdpuhlic 1,lIH whose 0[- ' Mrf' WarrC' 1 AusU ,~Pint atutr- 11~ 1 '13, the cost of ('(J'll fur hl'at- cagn where they visited the 'for- kclJ Saturday evening"ficial .iub~ were creathi by l!Ie Tugv.... ellian day, rjJght an Sund' y 1 the Ea:d ing t 1 :huge budding \VaOi $16!J,OOO mer'~ mother, Mrs. M. E. Chaney. Mr. and Mrs, Leo ScJlullz amIsVHtem, will !he fOllnd Ignnvil g warmel!' and Bennett hqm . r. i or 111 ' rry $500 {I('I' day. Lighting Cadot Pile had spent a leave with Loann wcre Sunday~ftf'rnoon~'Isi~,,"arrrl<>I' to' a'!'olll'j,h t,"1nl. Tht1' Albert Gn'c \va d:-; \\c+c " , ~aUj 'J.-1'1 ,.t1 $W3"U hiOi parenls here and from CHica- tors III the Gus Schultz homf'. fhC


l ~ - Frida e\'qnl ,. last wee VJ itol's costs \'ere ,poo' '-:-'-'1 , \\ I I I, u V· I I' 'kb '1" '5 we" Iso guosts- ...,l._":':::"::::":"::':'::':-:'::':+-:'::-=:"":::':""::":":.j-,jil__ . "'1 Y, V'a] L),' nln'I' 110"". 1for'.l ht bullps !llf' replacenlC'nb. go Went to. Grosse lie, Mich., for Irgl .',{ (g.,: • :·e a~. - :~

III l( ,q navy aVIation tl'aming. Mrs, Pile Mr. and Mr;.;. C,ldrence \Voltt IDr Wi,-t ON MA 'CH 14, 'last, "'e~. ator '. Pathfin:der tlIaga;.:.iHc he' a first-page Mr' and: M "'. Ad n A~sti' :1 (j Mo"'f' n T t~c WIde la\Vn ~pac:c <:)~t plans lu spend thiS weck In Chi- and Robed w('r(' S<ltul'da,Y dmnl'j"

R' ~ II d Bushfieldl poured into i e k~on- stOl~.v that'tends to b()l~ter fe uhlican hopes. l\'1r~.' Ralph ust',in \Vcr,' S ,Ild' Y $7~,~) l. sl~"'tCllt cl:~~~I~$!,1 ~~J;~ cago. guests at LeslIe Bl·udlgall.'i and Hleca e greSSiOh

g' Re<;Ol'd-re e ac1e' If pr~enb trends in politic' I thought, COIl- dinper gUl'r~S 11 BcqncU s. OUO I p. , ,. ,~ "'. __~._ ..__~ ._--'- the afternoon went tu S10UX l'Jty

f C 't I 11'11' d It' 't tinuC', t e~ ]jre.dietioll Is ma( c that the re- MrR wcilk Spli 19dhet1 a rl man ooms. An~! ,M!. ,Lngll !Ul- by bus.or apJ 0 1 oS a y OU pourm Oi \\'1 G' '~f'ro S mela dlllnfl' ue;.;\s nlShe·t'Olumns 01 ~llnlllal' statistIcs I I Mr. and Mrs. Otto Sah", Mrs.

arid 'wisdom-elL stor of Dr, Wil a,' A. publicar H1 \~ill l'apttl're ;~~}61 votes and the . all' D. .~ I 1e t E ~ on th S dC'partimenll-lIl'xtr.avaganc('. NOJ·tIBhywMersS.twW,Ca.~k,inegf) ield


CatherJne Culton of Waylll', ,\-1rs,Wirt's warning in 1 34 u.f the 'n deal demoera::? ~t·{:J 'ill the ¢Iectu~\'al cullege. B"ut ~~} ~f lIll'(~dn ~r~)1~1 ~(~~~ ~~ r~:lh~ It a~ 0 d:-; on(j' 01' the moSt glar,in~ Minllle Miller and Arnold \\'erethreAt to remake th~ fovernment 0 the r(~public 'rs,I'cannot aHord ~o h,e cocksure. fi ·s~ I"lasf; f~t t)f'Jcert ho Is e:K¥~ cs ,of d,ep/lrll:1ental, acll\'J- Sunday d)nner guests in the Tller-'United States. The !ir charge W' ade They rot ~il !~ame fol' lcaders:hip a man who h~llf'~on fU\1 ~!l f am' Jhl' ,Ie~- '~~~gj~ ~~I~u~1 c~\\~tJl: dJ~fl:;c~'a(:: on Culton -o:bject of a congl'~sH~onal invest 'g~ ion. 1,hn fy1l measure up to responsibUities tlans~ l\-1rH. Sp IMgPr )el' Ir a lstfcr th c t of wI~ich d\varfs all othe;' The Harry St,olles ~pent Wed- Miss Helen Hanson spent \Vrd-

Dr, ",rir!: was call~d to \oVashin tQ~l to dnd ado ~.'.t la platfor'lI1 that i;') sound and of M', Parn~l. Uthl I' guests: wetje e I : t b d npsday evening III the Art Mey,er nesday evening in the JOhn Han-lestify, and he was S(j) overwhelme b of- COllstl'uehVc , I MI' . nd Mr~'1 .1\1\'11 Daun an~ e~pc, tures. t mu., I..' won, an home. son home visiting hC'J aunt, MISSficial arro~an-ce, drul,nk with PO\\ er,' and LC'{~n' 1 I wJ11 I e ~'on, at Hn.y, cost., b But I,n 1\11". and Mrs. Harry Bartels Amy Hanson, who recentlty rctllrn-

" ~' . ~ war1.i ~ whc:n ou!r 1raVl' ays arc F d cd from with defiapjce, that he u.'. no Henr.\T :.'1"0[1'(1, \·eten{~1 au~omohile mallu- -- I' I h b 'I' 1'1" t 1'1 SPl' Thursday c'\Iening at re ...'I L1 Ii' II () )!t4 Gear t l' runt, 0 can IC, W lJ e R b ' Mr, and Mrs, Roy Jenscn, 1\1r.

c;ll:ance to defend his position. He Hs,Widi- facturer, !w;::-; ill a mood to make pre dic- '., (i~~, 1H'~II'~I':;a " ('v'(lin" tlll' 1 )ple 1,1C'I'{, .<ll'l' bending all h~r~~ron Helgten tamjJy were and Mrs. Raymo'ntl .Jen~en, Mar-dl(led upd discredited, and only sub 'eq~lent tions wh h i1ltervicwed thi:4 week. H€1 pre- la~~ol~\-~~ej( I~ Ill' :arl1 Bt n("tt thclr ~r~ll'!S, \0 '.badCln~ them up S nday afternoon guests in the delle and S~.ley of Fr('rhont, Mr.years of· planned eti,onol1lY justif e~~ his dieted th 'witI' would he~n\'er ill two m(>illths h~1tJC Gudt~ I!Hycd )00 ;l'nd }riz{,~ to tim *IJlnJt, It l.~ dleplOlablc that L('vcne home. and Mrs. C ickshank were Sun-w~111ing, as Senator BUS.hffeld poin e~IOUt. and lha nO.'i\t-war devclopmer,It would ~cc t fc MInd 1\1 ~fre 31 thcn} an be sueh cxamples of 1 Mr. and Mrc;. Paul Lessman day supper uest's at Emil Miller's.

'T1'e' s~€nator told of, enlarged e ec tive I"" j I I t b t dwcn

0 II 'I a '] ( ,~ waste f puhjic' Jl1nds. Mr. Engd IS Mrs. Jc.' B"ownell "nd Mrs.n large y llcr~asec ranspor a ~on y au '0- ow a son <nl rs 81 \ 'Y Irl fIt J spent Friday cifternoQn With Mrs, •powers, increased inv~sion ofpr~vat rghts mobileH nd!kirplanes. He adVIsed that less enec Cclrl~on Tlw; Iwas th las carryn on 11 got Ig1 ,.anl con- Minnie Miller. Ernest Anderson attl'ndbd a mis.all.d. '. mult.'iplied rest].ctions on in iV~.idual lazinesR Hlrdl~more work would solve post- meftJlng of the s{'astln gr('s~ ·1 ould help !)y hnngJllg to ac- Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Bloomquist cellaneous .;;hower Sunday aJter-ptoduction and busin S8, and then c;!l1etl war pr leIT\s. As to filxing the clate for the i -- I 'I chount tho,",e \/vho$!..' extravagurce were Sunday cvening guests at noon in the Ernest Mitchell homeDt, W,'I't "'I'th th,'S' ob ervation: ~Ib:'" t d hid Id t t Fo~ 'a ~rltl~ Mf'VQ'r, e JS ' !losIng Waltet' !<'redrickson's. at Allen' in honor of 1\-1rs, Albertwar eli" pt eJ' ea. er, wou no agree ~ __ ~___ _

, ' .1 "If. we may j.ud~e by what has a, e.I~- wit.u1:hc ~l:,ord guess. Gu 'o;ts In t c \ <l1ldCc To( j ~CAL NEWS The Robert Blatchford family Potter (Miss Estelle :\1l1.chejl) ... ed since, there I:::; IItt ~ doubt that .! lit home SalUl d ('\,(' ll1g f~r cdcrl i spent Saturday III the M J Blatch· Mr and Mrs Leo Schultz, My

:·tlj'ld,:lexactl Y what h ~had heard, a d hat 1 IUS; Meyer s II hlrt~d,lY weIr 1\'111 Seh pl;!ly "(.. ood Night L l- ford home at Maskell and Mrs Clarence \VoltC't, Mr and" ), Cungre~small Karl Stefan complained and Mrs j~ II ltreyJI dnd mel+- elH s' alel1 Jl, 8 I) Ill, CIty <-llldJ- Mr clnd Mrs. Oscar BloomqUIst Mrs Theron Culton and Mr and

H:f~, enarloreconomists,~ho flocked t "sh-. recently ill Wash ingLQtI that prop~rty be- da ~,~r dnt! M s AIlfl DlIlI 1 an4 tOl lut TTlL)t 1 spent Saturday e\-enmg WIth Mr. Mrs Lawrence Blattcrt spent

::,y.!,~."'gU)n :with the ne'i: deal planne t re-: longing t(l) the National Youth Admin~stl'a- Lf'on Mr l<1rjd 11" J,llli Spll tge1J Mr ~Ld Mrs ('Q)lJ Olson dnd MI;'; and Mrs HJalmer Lund, Wednesday e\.('J;lIIlg- JIl the LoUIS~.-'. ,aKe this country just is he said t eyl,didi tion in Norfolk had been sold at ridiclJlous .. h('r d d Ltcllyn Mr and MIS Johr 'L A iLnskc \\('Ie 1Il SIOU:': CJty Mr Hnd Mrs LeVI Dahlgren; Eby home JIl obsl'n-ance of the' , Fl rtunateJ~::.r t'he 8up~etlne COUlt, b fo, e it l.v low prke~. The sale wa~ ,tIot adyerlised, Kay, (; lr,r '~l Jol nllle Ml dn Sund land Mondd,Y \ l'iltlng 10 the ~Jal e and Leoltl May were Sun· birthday ~~rs_A~e_,_ •~ was·.l'evolutionized; :t new appoin m nts, ann there \'\'ere few bidderp. The complaint Mrs PC'te'l" (' sen 11\11 dnd Mrs -- ~ i -- ~ -~ ~-~ ~~- (.~: tliirew out as unconstitutional, man 0 I the is offeree) as, a' precalution against future ~rUJl))n~P~:1:e~~; 1~~~\1~~~~e ht~~~i I 'I dtft'

.iPlaus of this group,,' , • 'II". salQ{j to ilJrli~iduah of property no longer' ~'I t dalj.lgl~t('rs, MI' ,lnd MI s I('nr~ l

IP SEN TOR G G'I t~' needed ':' \1 e governmen , Brod~g 1m ""dJidug ,'e" M "n, ~~., ~ •..<,(,resident :,' uy 1 e ~ of Mrs 1',rn('~! olll' dnd ddU'htlT I e--C'::"> (/ ~U~-Sh IdR lowlj, ,who has dec de; to The lllim!Jcr of [owns within the ,weep Me ~nd I'll" ,all~ Wllehlc' "n~ ~~Il ~ f,I V ft

. OU . /l.1l errteir·the hustings 'ot re- of the Russi"n armic~, a' revealed by the daugl""" M' 'nu h~ ()lloLull b/~:(>~I, ''';:;~5f .;ifl;q'I election, recently ex 1'~ss!?d the bel e~ithat number captured isi amazing, Perhap.:-1 Mrt <l~](i jr'rJ ~hn Cl'lmrn, M an V v:..' "V'II fll .... ':I~'sictent Roosevelt ilt nbt-1')e a ca .d~.;t1a~e Wh~ll twb 01; more p~rsons <-l.l'C found ,to- Mrs jWm H u~gal~<lnd son, MB / ','.)1 for'a fourth term, hough he ad It'11 hIS h th t"t [I" I "Od IIS 'c Cl' ll"n all and at! ~ 1\

cp~lusion may be bftsed on wishfu tijink- get q cr, Gey COliS 1 II e a 0\\-':11. and "011 Sl~ r III !tOggl' b Jell.

l ing. The Renator h~H been out of h~ rn)ony Mr ,nd MIS 1-z11do ph HpJ emanl .~~~t' ,vith.. the actministr.c,tioll on diff~r nu.

L.', O(.'~ Spl'jllg' ('an1(' officially Mal'ch 20. and of P(,lc!or,1 I III.[S Illlc,ud" \/v nl tOI 1:{ Q ,'~

; casions.', and he fro\v~ed on the thlr t~rm. the \·erna[ etituinox, accompanying, t{i~ sea- Mrs. ()tt(~ but, M!·:-,. JO/Jn Kay, 1;--""""/-, \Ve do not rcli~h he easy way av' son'oS turJl. and making good its reputation, John ~,(;rJ)]jm ;1 II lo'tr.lTP:-.1 ~JIt nsol1,! \ \

!-; ~ should enliven thl' mood or Aquarius ill the valrJllus rCl"C'l, cd ~lllHl1Y glfb,: )

.:' ~~ t1.p.1~~~~~I~~li~;~h~f~p\~~i~~~te~~it ~g~!~~1~ directioll of more rain, Lund1~1_t"I~~~{~I~:~\~~~gl I t~'again, We feel an ilIformed ele~to ate 1.0('. I. N ;ws 'h Id 1 I)erml'tted to pa"s J'udgm n on A Lilteoll'] rC]JOrt ,tatcs that a spel'ial 1s ou )C ("t~, Ml'}, It'<I Lyj n :n1d Brtiy '/('Iln

lbur~altcracy and on the idea of p,er, el'.~.'at- session of t\hc unil'ameral 'will c:pell ,ne::l of '.N. (~r!oll.;:, ~Pl'ht ."1' lt1rday in the!iUg ,one mal~ in office. The presId· nt :lhas M ollday to, pass a law that wJiI pernllt JU~lg(I.J. M. Ch1rry lUnH', Ti C' Ly-:

I"J,,' b!ee.u. elected three t.imes...J.....the las "lmc suldiers to ,Jote, on 1a nJly llJ;o\(',d II J11 Ma(h on tal

1', Nod'i lk. ill

~ican, Vi'rship 1lI ::;0111e dlunlh tJnkllJ1~: cymbal" --- 1_CUlimthwns .l\lrj' Clar" fllp:-.hnwll of !';llrhorn'l

Ifi" ." . I every S n~~lY.~__ I 1.::( 'l1llrl'h Nlghl, :r 1l1](1-\\'C'f'1( ~~~~~H,lr~I-:~~I',l~~'~~~!l/il:~!J'lw,~Jl~1('::J!~1

'. ,l, I: , . Tleo~.hilus E\, .. ('hUf('h. i .,,(']"\·I("f' oj Hlhll' ;Ind fello\\'- i~JJ\g n the Fla.~J1( Uh:-.l hOll.le Ilearl· , .. '. I (J, P. Kai~er, pastor ot 'nldcn) I .,,111]), I", held I'\"('I'Y l'\'('- Carr 11. ~'I !· , :' S~. Paul"s ,J..,uthera.n CJhurch. SundJ y sthool at {'3U p. Ill. WotJ:l 111tlg at 7:~·HJ. TIll' ,'iludy thiS wed, Mr', Enmp )(']]l (Ick ](:!L, Wcd-l

~ -~iles south, 7 east o~ '!Vayne. shi sa Vic!'. at 8:30 p. m. p.l('a~e wlil ht..,gm a s.(,rt('s of C.l g h1. 1C'"sons Jle~dlY f(W PP,.mg l'lt1, .hJa.n., .. tOI-... , (R,pv. H. F. W. Schulz, !pastor) t w en' ever there JR H servi<le 1m the B()(I!<S n! 1he Prophet;.;. A spen the w('cl +cn(l \\'11 h I1h S<Dn,[

Service at 10:30. Bible,c~a5s and ~~ ~he al'm cllurch the Stind~ welcol1lC' IS {'",tended to everyone. ISg,t. )on,,\\/ho, 'xpe 'ts to go ov~r-, h 1 11 30 . h 01 a ld he worship M'rvj('~ will Next Sunddy al 11 a, In., the sea;.; n a ShOI.t~Jtn(,.

Sundsy( sc 00 at :. ~c ~ th c ening other'wlse ill tde t!llPmc will bt, thc' fourth In a ;.;erJcs Thq John Fa 11 f"mJly, :\\~r. and'i,~t I t 11 ' , ·u' 1 timt' Plc'l~fe of wltne"sl'~ ('oncernmg "What Mrl'. iA. C. Sail;.; andl John 1\\,I'('re at

Church of Christ. aattee~~o ~11~1 s~~v~~e a thIS 'Stlnd;~'} Otters SHY.". "1 find no, fault i~ Ray Perduc's.· ."ltll~day aftcrnoon,'\' (AlVin Giese, minister) !:t .J ]. " II t I ~ M 'I 'I , ] B,-rb':t'aI . evening. T~ll others alJOut '.thde t. 11· r.JlHI1.' IS le es Jnlony, r. all( IV rs, , :llS, <In,t '.. '

I, i Biblj2 school, 10 a, m. Corlnm';1n~ services. 1: , : PIi!lIc. , .'. ' ('.ook WCI'C at Imnl:; Surld' y e c-

I'. ibn and sermon, 11 a. m. El-enmg Ladie.' A,lld meets this Thu!rsdai.)' The lll1iIOn SundRY ev('nl~g- SCl 1lI0g., I I

service al 8. in the cl urfh parlors. ' : lCl': WI Iii bc at ~~c 51. Paul ~ Luth~ J\1rs. (:. A. ~.I.df'lilIl(I MI,s~ MU~-i- : You ar~ invited to our se!rVices. " erHn church tlth the message gur{'t \-"~ldc vl!;ltdl the f(Prmer s. G 'e!!'Lutheran Chllrd. tlt1c'd, "J('su;';.IU('als \vlth DeV?- si:hcl' illllmaha!TUfrsctay. The~ ac-'¥ St, Paul Lutheran Chu~h. Th& eh rc~i.of the Lutheran \10u1-' ~10~." Till' .L;UVtlst pas\or WIll c;mQ:l,I,1J('l~ It('\',' ,1.f: 11... 1Ia,zza.r.dJ1

5th ~nrl Pearl Sts. i '(Rev. alt~r Brackensick, pa.stoq) s{ll'rlk, \\-ho \\dS JIl thl..'[Ul) fOI d Bapt1><.;t· Sunday ~chool at 10 o'clock and T ~. .' t 'X Tlw ,'iCI'\"I('(' center will be open meellng.

, morning \vorshlp at 11. , hurs. a 1,(thIS) . evc~rng a, ~~ to lh£' avwl101 students and their 1M 1", and MI'$, If,lrry Wood aIldDr. T, D. Rinde of Fretn~nt, will 0 ~lock" Y. ,.f· $ .. Bible stu~~ a d fhends until m~dnigh'l,. Saturday Carole Jean, lV~. and ,~r~, Ben

: preach Sunda..y mprning. social, E tertal~me~~, t . ~na and untll !1:3( IX In., Sunday, Vis- Norman, R('x a d JllnmH'; Mr. al]ldI ,I =------t. Temme n, :'verm?~l'r~~u~~;<:;~rt ltors 1Il'e wei 'om~'. Mrs, W. C. Mrs.' Earl Col<;e, I-ll1d Mr!li. George


Salem EvangelkaJ dhurc~ mg, F n1\1 Rae ~ Swan$on WIll he 111 charge Sutur- Wood. of Bloom leld, sp('nl sun.dity(J. P. Kalser, pastor of 'Illi en) Delores e lhOld. I I 1 1 ~b day night. in the T. C. Ba rylce homc. Mrs.Sunday school at 2:$1 Wo .hlp ~atur aYQolc:~u:ehs~~~~:;)'l<~d ':~ij~ Norrrpn, Mrs. C Ice and Mrs. "Y0od

~ry1.Cg at 3 All boys a d ~lr s to iO~~~~~ 'cfu~sdar in a, n;. Di~11e Our Rt't!ij(':IlH" 's E'\'. Lnth. ('lIurch, arc sisters of M s. I3athke.lie,confll'Ined to be prese t,las wehll worship at ~1 o'clock. j 1) L. L:. A,a,s Ml children and adUlts 101' t €I Tuesd Y'iehOir r~hearsal at 8. (R('\·. S. K, de Frees/" pastor) WAK FIELDSun!ij;ay school and wod~up serv~ Wedn sci' y, Lenten sct"vic\'s ~t Choir dln'c or, Herman Baehr; Mi.fs Cora 1:1' glund and Ml's.i~e. "~ ,( 8. I, ' I\:f orgalllst, Mrs, Mart in Ringer; jun- Walt!=,r Haglur Wf'nt ~o, '0ma!1aI , CJ h I The c nfi~ation class Will hlCqt iO~~~2i~~ ~~' 'd~~~' ~~~~I~ 26: T1ues~ay momlJ g, to vISlti MISSllmntanuel E". Lu~hera~ lUTe. Tuesday Wf2'dncsday lind Satul'-, JV!:ar~aret Ha;g und who takes

(Rev. F C Doctor, I¥~stor) day, 'j Sunday ~ch I at 10 a, m. Mrs. nurse'"" training at ImmanUel hos-:Mitl~week Lenten scrv~ce5 Wed- ~ ~_ Lf'ster Vath, superintendent. pita!. They als attended a pro-. d t 8 30 m ~ Worshi!p se Ivilfes at 11 a, m. Ser- k:~aml given by. he nursin

rgclass, :pes ays a . p . Ie nodl<st ( hurch, mon, "Caiaph s. the Hypocrite." ;rr >~

~~f" infE;~hS~o~ ~C;;;o~l~~. (Dr VI tor West, pastor) , Tu~sday, M rell 28, Brotherhood Ie~~~ ~a~l~~~~n, Miss 1- aglundI g:~Or~.l: a oy I Mrs .1 Bressler, org,\msl, will meet'at p.,m. ----+-l------'

Preparatbry servIce lat 10,1~ John R K ~th, chOIr dln~~'tor, Lew.nt"cdnncso'dr,a,Y Ms,a"lrC8hp~.9m'm. id-we.ek[ , ! . March 2~1: The 1.ay of ¢onsecr<j-- j(

l' .f~~ounc~ment for e9rt4nunion tion. "B y~lnot conformed to, this V<lt>dnesday Mareh 29. Teachers'm:::be I-'eceived Friday ,afternoon worId~ u~ l!bC ye tran$forrnf'd .I$' aO·fSSofris".tAio]n." 'hll~,ml'Oclelotwal'nlgllt'heehLOemn~

i hd \wen&g.". ' the rene 10, of y?ur mind, thflt ~e Ml 0 ...,

, " .~, ,I . may pro e hat lS that good" a~d ten $crvic~s.r'".~. ;E~t pr.esb~r~tt lurCh. accep,tab e ~',nd perfcct, ,w91 <jl[ Thur:j,day, [~rch 23, choir tl'rac-~,1' ,Rev.. OIj,v~'B.:Pr~tt, PJ~nister) God. ~ "I lice lat:7:30 I· rr, .Jj', mer ~f. Third and\ Li 'cdln Sts, Grade CHurCh sch.o0l, 10. frdf· SatUltdaty. ~rch 25. confirma-

,II":":' 'S~V~~it)M~rCh,26:: I~:, b G'~~i ~~~'~r:~rp~~ml~.nd~~tmdn 'g~~~~:t~ba~: 8·~~1~~hil~ren:ofthe

!'.'::..L.•Ch)Il"'.h.Ch.dOI,. 10 a, .. *./' cr

, W, sUbJect,' C .secrati.on." Ther~... WIll Uhion Le le1 services will be""'Jl~"~'ngr~m"supennte~de.,~., lasses be speci I IPsic in both orgaq a~d held Sunday vaning, March 126, at

,'i" ' ur,~~:ag~s. ,~j J choir nu b, ,l's. Hear the qrg~ the' St. Paul s iLutheran church,.~ .' ",,;t~mo~. ~hUrch, 11 a. ,;~rs. AI. chimes. ': Rev. H, I-Iazz 'rd is the speaReI',:' ;'. '•..aJ:;1i' direc~or. For ~- ~htol dnd Youth.1 strip, 7, in! ¥\r~SI1Y A, cordial v,elcome Lo r:.ll,I . Itlegll1,ner children. l :: chapel . .studel1lts 7) n

:~V, :\ WorsljIip, 11 a. mj~La~; $und~y <;hurch , '.1 i I

" ,.•.•... ' roh ye.a.~.~ $er 0".". :r:,he Suf- .' unio.n . ten: serVil:\.(es "~.t. SIt., 'i"" LP.i?I<s,ai ~he roSs.: (~st Paul's L' h'ran IChurc~4\ 't, I

" ~.1~n•....a.. SPrt~s•.. n~f!l'.~mg.) '''Xi,. sh il e: glad to 'b' 'Y1UbY~he chOIr P, {"Russel y) ,..hii! 'it' u5.1 ,W \ ,,(llliector,~'Or aa' selec' f-' '" I, :/l\lbert, . , rJSoni.llI'- '" I',' 01'". I," , f 4Jl fI ' I" I~ !i I I I

, ! ~~ter fell w:S 'p: 6:30"· (n ttrd\ r) !,

":" ~. ,'I", . g"41

~~~~ch~ c~~~i~f',~;~~' r~~~:P~1Y!~r:... :~~,~r\~~~~.! nd~r

:IL,,,"-',, (, ",J,I'''(11 " ,.,

Hit:of t:he

I Y~ar



Boy·'G S~ort

Jack4ls,\g-p,> III 10 II)


,\1I~\\1I"1 f1'llllh III smllrt

plaid., and dH'('k~ with con­t ra'itill~ bad\ and "')('('\'('S ut1':I\'alr) twill. (,Piant''il' liI)­.'·d.





"Old ReliaMes"


Springtime Fun!

Glen p~aid or checks. JUllt thething fd,r meeting the gang when," can happen".

The advent of Spring bl·ings theneed for new, sturdy, lNard~obefillers. Spring assurance for afellbw that's '\hep".

~J. _~r(lh~WHeeQe<, t'fJ

Two-Tone Leisur:c Jackets.·Plaid front~\"ith plain ~iec:\"e-,'i $7.95and u'll:k.

Variety in Sport Shirts ill plaids orplain. Long sleeves ..

Patterned Ties in rayon and coltonmixtures. Some all-wool plains_

rIf Colton Broadcloth Shirts-for uretis.Fancy paUerns or white, Up from ..

('al)turl' Rprin~tim(J

lIes't "with a new d1'(1[,;8.;'FI \Y­

('r fr('~h p1'int~, 1)lnilli' (. lorpRs1iAls, navy a,nd bla(~k. II('nmplptl'ly feminine of <'r I)eromaine.

.:f -x· ':j;'

Dlnner-Brid~e ~rty.j 1\1I'S. \V. A. W ll'enhaupl, Mrs.

H. E. Lc'y and Mrs. Willard\VJltsc cntl'l'!.ain d Cameo llll'm­Ikrs and' their nlsbands, also

~'" L F. P"CI"y of L:li\g Beach.

:', 'lg~,~',~~~'~I~i~,eO,<1~nd~au~)~-~~~~e~I rlzes 1I1 carels \\lent to Mrs,

:\ IlhC', Prof. an Mrs. \Vollen~

1 J iiuJll dial 1I~E~. ,~..r.

'E ltertain _Frid y.1\11:--':-; MarJorJ Bl"llllllstl'tler

1",CJ Mrs.iI\lC1rga, It,',I,,G,ri,CS ('lltlH'~I lIlled Flilday C\· nmg ITI the D.

,J' Brilnct~tctlcr !lornC'. Guest:;\ TI"(' Miss Gcn '\{lC\·C Morris,

ISS Rulll !,'n'\T't, Miss Arlcne] rHloch\'iJ, MIS Mary,'icIll11ill, Mi"s ar'jorie Gildcr­s ('('\'C and Miss nal)cll ,h·nsen.:\ ISS SC'hmit t wc t IH~ jll'i/[' IIIC ll'ds, Thl' Sf-. Pa n10tif \\'(j:-:

l: llTi('d ollt in la lip t!l'col';diuIlSa Hi luncheon al till' ('lo~e.

'Ii- ·x- *H ve Baptist , eeting.

~'1~·>I3~:Jt~l~I;~:.1} ~~:,t~at~l~,~ l~~ll~;~ti -t \\"oml!'n in II (' church par-

~: ~';I(~:S~16'~D~r~~.t~illJ~\t~lc~~;~s( n, Mrs, Drakc, Illothpr of one(J thc aviation s upen~s, was a:;l C:-,~. Bot:h Bapti·tJ women's so­ci 'tics plan a join ml'eti~g April:!( \\~ith <Jo\'el'cd ~sh, ,1' o'clocklu chl'on anel eke iVll 'o~ officl'l'sa the home of Mrs. J. '"


:~t~;y~~ri~i~~1o'; assucialion

d~h~ \~~~;;a~:~t~~~y ::,~t~,~n~~:~all local girl scout., About 4U eled. Thl2 occasi rl w,s In hon­or bf girl scout '~h~ay week f

10' llowing games, ~ c~kes, eachde 'orated with a candle, anqI.:? oa werd served rh~ associa~

tlO h~d a 'busmes ttrll:'*t1ng prc­ee, ing- the;, party., 0,fftct'rs are1\1 s. A. 1\11. Danl * Jresident,M s, !l-l. :N. Foster ~ec1' tury an~

Mr'. Clarence Me i1nn trcasur-

~:l~(~~~,~~~;~~IU[j mel inMX, Burr Davis' h me'Tllur!iday

W,"l" 2,5" pr,ese,nt ,h :, hqar MissJes Ie' Stephen ~pe 11: oh art ap-pI' elatIOn for chi 1'en. It was\'ot ci to gjve $3 tb the RedCl' !is. Mr~. Davis Mrs. I-I. J.Ha eman, lVII's, H B, I Ley andMr . Howard Wit ~e~vcd. Thcclu meets A!pril:2 With Mrs, A.J, tkms, Mi'S. C. _IStftz, Mrs.'El ,er MCYlet and ivIr. Chas.Mc~achrariiwill as' ·st. 1'8. Geo,Se9cJ<~ wj~l t'cview a;ga inc arti­cle, andl Rfd Cros fSe ing willbc one.' ,

1** ISt. atrick Party I

rs. Joe 1 Hablll~, frs. Dan

~r r~~ 4~{~ber~D 1M ~d;~~~~ I

We er entwtained ~t. ~Mary'sGUl d Fr1dtil(Yl at a l~ I Patrick I

~~ ~1~Jh~IJ~~~~~ ti~OS:~S~ s~~ Ia g ogra[Jliy ~ontes 1M . Wayne I

No ak andtMrs et>e Haberer I

wotAnlIrl h nam co test was'1Ib==~~=!~9~~!~=~=~=~=:;:0 bU~~it:¥~ I ';,';; ::;S,; '~con est, I !js. 0 ~ sa-ryg

:';Li;!,i\Cili;iL;;;,;,t.,!.~"::',:;ri:il:;ii:' J' II" I I I: ,,'! '.II:·" I.;f,~~ ,,,,,,,,).;,,;,«'1: i,~Ii.I;'i,;ji ,',

..Sf it News I

Th~, Ill'\\" 'soft lIt~l('r's,lus'"Fi~llrl\ na II'rlnJ'. 'sm r1 forday or ,:n nill~ with, f~nffY

<Iidiil\ and ,so r('a'iO~lllh y ~)I'k-

t'd-,' I I:li6J 2,fjO lllH) !

: ~ h€'ttor !

-C--'-~- -+cor' t News!

'Fig-lin' ~Il ooth stylI'S ithltt

smart. \\01 It'll will IH~iz~ tlw

Sl'llS(Hl til lI~~I~~_~~:JIO\\"'

NE\V IEast r Dresse1s




~I \!





Ki"IO~f'rn :\lai~15':" ('n'alB . 23c



Soap131I.a,",' 29c:_ Ii Hal'S




3 Bar~;

Ol~~ '~-07.:


So. '!{'an

121c.. : I

$5 ~550 ~6so ~Wl



Corn I

sta~la;:ra '



Cabbage~\l1id hl'IHb

l\ingnctrjl'ip or regular

, ,3Qc


l'n'"h, ~n't'n tOll'>


Oranges('aIHornia: J'\an'1s ,

~:~'~'!) " 33'c.




, Lettuce

I " II I ! I['II Ir ,!,

'. ...,.~---:- .. ~,.,~-+""""'._"",--=- """'.9'*="""'"~="":"F""":'--;--d-9rrI~='"C:::--W;A;1'NJI)~;P~~;';¥~~9~~±¥~~A~An~~H;,j2~S;':. 1~9«~.===============i==*==::;:====~=~~~~~

S. were Igue$ts MI':;; t'l Hcnr Fox, s. CharJc§ ILap- the Inivcr Shannon Morrison, WarrC'n llis; rio us Ispent Sunrlnty rInd Monrlay \,jsllin~

, ' " ,. cnlc~tams next we k.11 h~m. r i I Flows." Thehoslrssr! ,rrved Slory. by lIeller, ,J e'l, Gil espie; I i the AI. tahe, rd. B,UhO u,n~-:. ',:0'C'Ie' I * * 1 Ii"' teo *,' ,I luncheon, using St. Pat~>ick d~c- Curnet solo, T.omm,y Bahc P.!lD C s. Sieckrran.hoilOS, ,','" - . , ' Ple~ffin~~Vt}II:\~rt l~ ~d MIs.' Miner as: M, elt. " orations and ¢uy11owers. Ml.s::; of A J Atkins' ~ulute 0 the __ --L .

. -. ,- -, . -: " Pau ~Ba1C'r enter~Jac Pleasant no~~ ,~~t ; J~~tl~' :t;~ I~~:: ~~1'Yg1'~~t~vel;}~~h~~~~lai~'~~p~~ ~;}~~~J~,Oh ~l~~l~i~ lllI~:;t 'at~l~~ IV''l111 duh l~t cd esday In HOWUljd Witt Iw re 'g!..lests of mecting. School Flag, JOl'a 'Gtl esplC;the Imcl"'~ hon~e S PatTlel,:: Mrs. It l W. n vic Monday ("hen ~ .;.c. * .:+ Sclwrzo, by Schubt'l't,: 'ptommy

SOCIA'" FOR~CAST _ 1unclt'0n ""ab ~ep,c a tCI a so- Mrs, J\ H, Joh ~o gave:thc,1l's· Auxlliary Program. Bahe; Taps, Doh j\ios~'s;! Vjen~H.cbei~ahs l11cct FI'i'd~'y. I.:IUI tUme, , ·lsoOrl~.. ,~Jl, "Uur ','S COll1mfnll.~_- Legion Auxiliary· n\('t TuC's-' nese Danccs, TOlium::,.- IBahe;

, * * oX., day c\'ening in the dub room~. MalTh,of prosperit Yl two Jbiano~,C,(>lle'~c Beaut\! Shol Phom' H ,., F CI~' ~ Jto> ~ as we- u u. i 'X- i;., * Day sl.:oUls; diredeci by HOlllcr Joel Gl11pspic anci l.omitny


25·f. " - 11123l.C l\,ld'. RallJl~ Mo 'S~ el 1.(aiIlC~ U. D. as L q-c eon., Scal'l', ga\'e a :satillc on a soap At the closc Mrs, Kpys('1' i-iignedCameo ll1Clllllo'i's IlneL'L' !\larch . Wc'-Pu Fncthy H·1ni whe 1 l!, It club n cit. Monday aJlcr- opera and Mr, Seace ~poke on off the radio statIOn until nl'xt

30 ,,~h Mrs, i J, R ~t.ihnson. lJl'i~$ in cahls \1" nt to Mis-' noon \\-lith Mrs J,. G: Miller fOI" a community service, Mr~. Fronk Monday evpning al; 7:30! whenSc~j)()ai'(ll plansl ,1 ()'clo;'I~ Cla;al WISCh\lOf ~l drs. Su' 1 o'do~k cove ed :dlsh luncheon ~-lein: ,and l\1r~, W .. s; I.Bl'cs'sl,l'r junior girls prescnt:a rCf.:l~a,1.

cQVl'l'C't! dish lunl'lK'oh till" Fn- Bro'Yh. Mrs'l E/l11a _ HI ~,T cntel and sO~ial tim. Mrs, Jessie ru"y- lepOltcd on the AuxJlla y men- ~--~ ------~-"-~-- 1diP,' with I\11's. ()~cal' Lll'dlkt" ' l(lllls!TllO~d~~Y, Api'll ,I l' nolds \ntC'rta::-: hext Mohday ing they attended lJ1 drand ls~ 'I I",~

l:onll'll(,( lllt'l'ls next TUC:itlny ; 1* .>..~ -* I when l}1rs. A. T, IClaycomb! has lund. Mrs. A.~. Elli", chairm<-Jn, LOt:AL NEW!Sa!tcrnnoll \\'IU~ I\'1rs, J. U, l\'lJlil'l". WithiMiss-ltlsie QV Jk~ ; the prOgram. reported. 91 pald memlje~'s 111 the Sec the ncw lJlousl.'s at \-";:avy'r;.

M'r~_ Ih'nry i\'kn\(c' t'lItl'l"li1I11:i ~'- TclPI>lIonc girl~ net Monlla: 1 -x· ,x" ~~ local~nlt. An,J' \ .... ]10 l1<11\'C rnl~;3t]t t lll'xt TU1",d';1' 'Iftn SOC ,fI,'Y For Mrs. Ger eman. books arc. a~,I\eci, to tlll'll~,l11cm In It. W, Lev went 10 uma, ha on"C,',O,,'o',,',·i\C. . , , C - N . 1-.'1, I ., I 10 Mr~ l'lllS OllS wc'ck Mrs J J I


[J III 0 spell.,. t lis J. Br~·' '~r,' Mr.'i: Cliln,I'l{'f' (:·on~ iJusiJ1c.'i~, Tue~ay, I "Mr. illlt! l\lrs. i\J. ;\i. Fu~II'l' nrC' iHas M. I. H. lu'!. i1Jtcrno n witl Mr,'i. Ultu' (;el"- ~,~g ,. -. :, , ,Jot.' GlIlcsple .'iJl('nt Ihe wlkk-cnci

l. ,'Ielllan ho rcc ntly mOv¢d~l'Om gll", MI". Uttc, !\l,IS. IIallle Mc~ w,'ll' ('la,'" c','n" ,·,t Ca",'oll, :('n{PI;tall1inL: ('UII'l'll' nJl't!1uI'rS i ;\11'.'1. C;('o. [-)o'nhrHl \\<\" 11Wi\- N It 11\1 r I II II '.I.' ,

and lheir husLJ,ll1d~; tillS Friday I l':':, tu M, 1. 11. \Vfdlll'.sdilY. !~Il~ \~~..~tIl'n~lo ~~~C~\\' ~~v~r~~ Sl'~\'C(tn'~'hC '~'ii)rjlr~~~(~i'an~)J:~1I Senior play, "Good Nig~ll La-evening. ·i-, 1\11, (.I" I 1 rl t 'lJ I . I ])(' on child welfare. Mit...;, II, A. dlC~," March 31, B p. m" I.:lt}' <l.udi·

B. lind 1'. W. 1ll!.:1'!,,,, lU'xl Tu('.-;- 'W·th M Sf t i '-,;;;;;;;~;;;;;±;;;;;;;;;;±;;~;;;;;;;;;;~'r I ti\~1~. u.(, ,wort \.J I.: use a SOCJa Welch, Mrs. naul Minei-;, 1\11":;'1 tonum. : m:!,11 1da'.)' t'\"('lllT1 h ,1ln' 11ll' club l'OOIllS : l)\;lI_Fllr~~(,t I Vl~lH'sd;IY , ! .lE- x- -x- , / Clilrt'l1cc :I\ll:Glnn. I\1r~. E, E. R('\', and l\II"~. \V. F l'vlo",t.: EJiza-

'd'~Jl~'d ct;~l~~~('~\rll;~.l'wl'l":-; <Lot! 1'01'. i qll1~ \\ illl 7\11.;> .,.' ~. StirlL. ~ew for Red ross. Gailey and Mrs. Orra 1\lqrUn urL' belh and FayllH' Ann of (?nlHlw,I -1) I ,l\londpy club l~t MondilY', ilft- on till' l.:omm_:J.q"~",,~,,_*, 1------ ~-----.--~- ,. -:--

EI!fI'C'11 cluh nw,'1 ill,L; wiJll'h iHas Bible Ci.r lei- ll'rnoon \\"ltl1 M s. A. !"1. D<lInicls 7i,

'ill Il!' wilh ~II'''' .lllllilll:l:t."; hd"- , l\lIs:-, Clwl"lotl . .I1tiq.;i"l' I'nh'l-- to do F{c(i ern, s scwmg. 'file Recital Like BroaucasL fl~~l$Cl'n po~l[l()llC'd wltil .\prI'l I I :J>, '(dlfWd UII,il' .,:,,'1 l". "!l',!\\'CdnL,.";dil,y. Iniceling- nl'.'\t \ ill be with 'Mrs. MI'...;. Gr'llcc 'Uil'k:-;(Jn Kl'y:-;C'I' ,!,1C ho."'\('''''i ~l't"\l'S ull lhl' 1'1\,1.:- " 7 n IHoml'r pcace 1\ onday whcn: the presenlcd five boy.'i in ;1 jllfl110 ~ ,

n board. With Mrs. Sti tz1 .d(:'f'.lanlatol'y sl rlcnt~ from the l"l'l.:ital Monday al IH'1' AI FIRS'.:'::"T)J~'(""'. ~,I nl, nh IS 11Hl 1\11" Itralnlllg ...;cllUi)[ 'ill,bl\'f2lhciPro4 l'C-'Silknl't,'studio, 1]l('

I 1 \\( I ('sh 111 l\II'i Igram. program ld\l' a l'ill!il)

(C' ;\'lol(l<~\\t](Ill'vlls * -* wilhMUZK lhl'slationl'ilil 11'1- SNIFFLEj. \ \'lilLllwI' '~~l~F~inn~~~~~!d~~;J thc'ir ;-~;~~l:lfn:\'jl~;\ /~;~Jl'~~~~::-SllVilt:l~"~:')[~: Ii

11u...,lliIndr;, also 1rs. L. F, Perry Dob i\l(}SI'.", - f{uymond SNEEZE

~' f Long Beach, ,\\"('I"C g"ueSls,at ~,JOhnHHl; Turkey (h(' Straw,

, ~~~~r-/:l~~l?g~,~~ ~~,~d~Y E~\~~II~C~:':' i~,a~,l;~~~l~~I,ll~;lrr~:;~\~~~CJ\~'~~~:~~~ coPar~s~n~ezs~n.?I~ts~~qf'U'~"C:k~~C'f,t'I~Ji~~I,i,rp~s'1rs. an Mrs. Wallrlcn nadt', by Sl'hubC'rt, T()mm~ Bah('; ......... ;!II

-cl.lwr S, Patndt lfl0tJf Pride of Ihe Rcgiml'nl, ~R{)1J g~~.~~gptir;;gCl~l1:~I~~d~VICUO!!;vus uscu. / I\losC',,,;; dUl'l, Mclody of L~l" by !IflifW -x· -1 -J{. EngC'lmcln, _Tommy Hai c and ~~rcgl~c~~ WA-IRO-NOLLith Mrs. Ca~ ,~~~);"", ,,1'0 ",,~w~,,~rr:,':n":E~II~"~:~M:l'd~i~t~~~~~](~~h_~s~._~,~~'}~'~-~-~~,ii-ii'-~-ii'i-ii-~--ii"ii-~~;~;'.~;;;;;;;;;;;;:;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~~.?i~\'l~~· Mr,. l\\\r,~. c~~'m~~ Ilb,cll gues!. of Mrs. R. M,d,:arhill'l TI,lUt'SC ay at dl'st-c'rt­~rJdg('. Pn/.(';; \ ent to Mrs, J.rt1. ,Strahan, l\II',. Cumpbell anurMx'>. F. \V. I'."yll rg.

, .X- +: .;{-Klard Klub Me ling,~l Karel Klub me bel'S and 1\11';';.

ffi'C'!,l' l'clf.'l':-:cn 'c,'I'e gUCS,·ts of

r'l. C C. Powc's last WcdOli'.s-ay {lrlZCS \n cards were

\Vclll Mrs. E ('t"elt Robcl4ls,J\l1y;t Lc ner and Mrs.dhas, l'v1L~.Y'Cl·. MI s. Tcxlcy Sim­~t.'l'n,lan cntcrl<:\l \s next \\Tod­



think of

for yourbest for




MrS. John (•. Brl's..... lpr of P('ndl'r,sppnl Tu('sday <lod \V('dn('sday lJl

the Lou Lutt homf'. Mr. and Mrs.Juhn D. Frerl(:~h~ and Mr. an(] Mr·".\Vallf'r Frf'richs Ilnrt family of01Ir'riclgp, WE're Sunday gupsh. Mr.and Mrs. Otto LUll. f)f'lorP." HodAI'dyc(' LUll \\'flrc' al~o Sundil)' (';111­erS. Mrs. J(lhn Lult and H.I'\.:-;. K.(1t' Frf'C'."c ('<I lied, MondllY ,1[1 prnl)lllland MI'. and Mrs. HU,""I'II L\111were ('\'('ning \'1"ltOI'S.



Pint Qu,art'

39c 69cMINERAL OlL

Pblt Quart

39c 169c'

Trinity IJllthpran Chnrrb:(Rev. H. G. Knaub, pasfOl')

Sunday ~chool, 10. Church Sf'rv..i('('s, fl. -

Wp'dnosday evpnlng lA'ntf'n Sf'r\'-

iC'('~ Ht 8 o'c1ock:- I('holr rphtl'l:lrsal Fri(hly at 8.Confirmation school Sllturday

at 130.Thp class will ht' PXl1millPd May

21 and confinnl1'd M:1Y ~8, Pf'nle·cost Sunday.

April 7, Good Friday. chu]rch fit8 WJt h communion sC'·nvices.j

Aprll 9, Eas1C'r SundllY, enrnmlw-.. . ,Jon.

Councilman's m('f'l ing was hf'lc1Mont]}ly. e\l'nin.~ ,II Frank Hmn·zynskl'>;.

A flow('l' l'ommi11l'l' appointrdfnr Palm Sunday ;111(1 r-:a~lpr Itl~

cl(ujl'o; 1\11'''. F. T. oit\';lrnrlllundr,MrS\. Thflf\'ald' J:JC()IJ"P!1, Mrs. II.

G. Ifn:~l~_l~

March 29, Lenten services in language al 8 o'clock.

The p<Jstor extl'nc,is a welcomp 10'a)l who would Jikc to ilftend thec~urch serviCES.~

I; ,• I



Coxitrol ·1Hes. & Clark

.AUenljon, .Mr" fanner

When you. start your spring workSkelly oil and gaB. Ge! the most

money and at the same time theyour machinery - SKELLY,

We ~an supply many of your spr~ng needs.

We have· tractor tires and rims, fan helts fortrtu;tors and car-s, Fra~ cartridge! of a.11

Itinds, batteries for tractors and cars.


Let Us Fill Your KerOilene. Trac{orFuel, Oil and Grease Supplies Nou·




Kreso Dip·P. D. & Co.


)i)psom Bags,

.... iI',I!I


_.. ,.' , .

i..::Jpl,IIJi.~·YM 1·$.ltustEL~b'l..-MB'-~I- . I'I'! ,,ldl' ~~~p~:£i~nr~:i~i's7;e~;r~i~~~f~t~:~~n~~r;m~ndT~ti~J~t~~ II • I IR v. and Mr::;. S. V. Hol.steln ofIernoon. Mr. ahd rs Gus Nelson.l'a te Center, \Vcr Sunday over_, and family were uturday! after.'Ig t and Monday i."ltors of the noon callers. I

('\': H. M. JIilpl'rl.. Ha~old Hornhy of 1I1diannpOIi~,

fvl 'ALJ'fio' 'J.. Is' 1n p' , '1 . TV ~ "II M' I H . l Ji b h' L M.,I'. ami Mr!';. Al1no.ld Brnnzyn- ar.rived ThursdRv to ,visIt <l Wf'('\<

.W,., e,.:'." " 1 .~, eriVU.:e. .t1 " ,a,' p~lllnnSI of 1'1' ee i:n;i1/i:;n r'M/rH: r~o~Je~11" i?0 ~Innr<l" ea, '« "nil Jurly were fridBY ew'nlng w,lh his parcn,;' Mr, and' lVIre.

11~ld • Ch h,... :1 d H M I M F • n h' sflPper gU~'Sls of Mt· and Mrs. W. Burt 'Hornby, and othpf rf'~t;L! l",f's.

'. 1 1 ~ ~lrC . Regllln ~ eetln".' I.. ' I,' . '" an arry, ;, u, r. CI'd" ! It ar'r,ul'(' asc I, rhe"h .. of NOrfl'k. When hr returns (n Indiaha, hc

ill1 ~ L nand Voss, an' MI',. Ervi ,. . ,c. I ' . M 1

" . I 'rhe- : tar ~E'('tirltt ~ tpe 0. nnd M R. Edgar S""'flFlson and fl. ' _ Miller and a Ie, rs. n len Wei i , r. an( Mrs. n rl Lewis and will enter the army. He, Mrs. n.•••. B II Ph'll' I E $' w s £>Id on,IIl"-' "rhl, "0 II" M Ch C '; ... M.r. H.nd Mrs. Art' ukt'r drove to Hornlpy, Merna, ;:Ji'd Lennie MaC'.lYJlBS anna e I IpS S . ,,"I ~ , PO' ~- ,0:;, ily, M . allld Mrg. William SW£ll - ) t", fR. r e... 1'1'.', Plan re neinaJ Made 'for ~'bL. at th'e J aU M . M M 6' N(>Jll Sunday to "visit with Mr. Boring .were in <lyne Saturday

, ",rid" Here Monday of, " i soo,. and r,. Clarence 0 'i '. R dC" JJ;, 't "J ni roSeniorJ anquet 'I d M H SM' , I iI S d ftHarvey A "erm.nD. Ohsf'lt\' n.rthd y. I' e r s ~ne Ji 'I'" N' Ft" I M~. :~cJ ·MI:.~. (~;~~. Ril7.(' callcd ~~'~n~~~t ~~ornl~~ ay 11 ('I'noon to

I II ',' '.' ear ure. I" .II'i iii ~., , Twen Y·~ive, riet'ld~i' q.nd r~Jfl- 8 A it nde a, tljl(" Bernif' Bowens home FI'i~ay --jss anna De J Phl1h~s, da.u~h- tives h no'ed rs. Rl.1;dy Tho lp- : ~ t " SOPl0~or('~ of EinSide high ~~'('rjing to ~('e Mr$. BO\VPrs and ~EHURCH E?J

ter of Mr. and M s. LeslIe Phillips son Fri fl ev ning '~I en 1 Fed~rated man ~ ~lu reall~ schoo Ie d in fhe p rchasC' of war dfant son. (Jary Lfc. ,.of neal' "Wayne, R,'d Harvey Georg~ , '\ ' ":~',, ,e~ for Br, dl-ey's' 11 th birthday. at:t- ed $52:90 fa., .he .R~.d C ass bon.,QS an l:'tarnps it!'t. $2,03f.6(.). Mrs. TI'd . Foole: Hnd G('fald

, nerlc Id' tll( guest:s t\( I c( has somt\1 do .atlons [Yet to:come I' Fresh ~ made hign4'st gain for ouglas, MIS,,, }3es:\ip Foote and I i 14 4

Fred Aevel'man~'pf "vest qf jn- 0 erath' I ncheon. ' '1' st { )- Mr~., R S~01 Malmhe.rg, .Mr. an~ from a llenc J.t pr?grlim !onsore the w ('fI<, ' qeo. Foote, spf'nt l.$unda.1 after-side, were marri~t1l ?ftond~~ af~er- p ~ _ 'I, Mrs. L ,0 ~ensen~ Pflzes In game T~esday eve m 10' hc all. I G..' A. giltls wrlsrp to }tlflVe n~on rll W. B. Wether's. Immanoel Rf"rormf'd ('In~rc'h.~1~~~~ti;~n~~t;d~~'R~~~IH~~lt~Ejr~J~ co~t~~ e~ttnR'., f:l. ~~;~et se~I~IH:~;~c:[~n;:~~i-[~~~ sp~te of sno', go I nu, bel' at charg 10[' a cake wfllk after thl' Mr. and Mrs. J@fun RitZf', Miss I~Re\·. If. C. Rt.'ldp~('L pastor)

pel.t p"rforml"g the doU'b~e Eng T COnJ,.tllct club. ,lnot M'1f1.1 MI,rs. Lnmbr chI, Robert Miller, Bonni te de~.. The I' .gra ! inclt~ded ttt . Red . r~s program ITue.Sday e"e- AlUdrey and Miss M!~ry Farran, Mr. SC~\~n~~lYl~~~~OI, 10:.10. Chur('ht;~. ~e h a! b1 wJd 1 f.?llowm~; R~ad ng, {'ar Iflad, }Jva ning] 1t week. Five of the' girls, amrl Mr.". Rtlss('1 Ma!mberg wrre' ¢ ., ., .

cere.mony ill the pre$.ence 0.f r la- or, ac~ ~~n d. ,,61 n.. ¢,.( aYe 110u Fl..hPl' and RORald Hebnef'. ~row;. plano ,uet, Nor't18 Jeanl not k . 't'-' hg the program was po~t- . W SId I .tives and friends. 'The past&'g alk ~~"m~f' ,r~1 ~ ln~ , .'a~: er laind d!:'corat d cuke was pnrt of th~ ~,a~'y and DOl a Il(' ,ulting; re41d-1 pPned. brought cake$ which were mlMl'~Yunned.~~~~ ~):;,,~,Jn~;imh('rg Ml'thodlst ChUfC·h.Was on 1he Bible quotation" "Com- M~~' M~ J, d ~il~:P\~.~I: bl ~rbZ~~' ti'O~COjrse luncheon. I lng, NoCtUl~ P, Mar' n D1nghf;'tg;' sdld uesday to studrnts and fac- B d Mrs. Gurn('y ~('nshoof werp (Rp~'. Mrs:. C. ,1'. Dil.l0n, pastor)mit Th)' Way unto th'e Lord." tut~' gu st The h t $c. d ' I:; 1- ,-- sorilgs, mC'n"1 q Jfirt

l' nt. R" E. I ully Pihcrs fO,r $11 each. 'The F 'iday f'vpning dinnf'r gUC'1its in Su~day school, 10. Mbrning wor-

Mrs. Hilpert' playC'G! tfue I~ro- " . I ..!:.)S l'~ s,.s .1'\ L't. I (1('~trn . ('ir".': ('luh. Gorm1l'y, ,J:, n oya Lt;'Rdy Witt.1 proce Is went to' the RC'd O'oss. 11 f' E. T. Warnpmun\lf' home. Ship, :11. Youth FC'llowship, 7 :43.cessional for th(' l~ridlll party. Miss Entf':rta os j'Auxlliary: \ I , (.ent Iel! Cll ('!e c,lul) lW",t Thurs If'~ and, Re\. H. ~. KI aUh;leadlng~ G, : . had chargt" of war bond MrJ and MrH. ,V. '1. Moses and, Cllotr Thu~sday :It H. ? .'

Mary Jane Arrf.l"tfion of W.~k('- Wom n's Auxiliary 0(: tl4e A~l('r- day: l\~ :ch 16, \\'Ith Mrs. M. . WJdo,w S MI~" 1Ja I Mae Neary; and 1st m booth thL'l week. Dolor- B, b spent. Saturday p\,p.ning in the NC'ft .Sunday" Marcil ..G, \\111 hefield, sang "0 jPtttfect Lov'e" Ilnd iean 1lR iO~ held a ri~g'lJllr me('t- BI~I ~.el. rt1'n members, und. Mr.. sO.ljJgs., 6th, . th and, 81 h grad.e,s;1 es a~i d . old stamps 1TUf'.sday .and Btl'n LewJs homr \ lsi! ing with ('onsI1cr,11Ion Sl.n~ay."Saviour Likel a ShC'ph€'rd ~ad in \\"t Th \*Itl ", . M<llk enshoof and Mrs. M11dre readmg, Sub e Iged, Arle Cary; Thur$. ay noon~.: tl]m and S. Sgt. 'nnd Mrs. F. O. \V. IS. C S. met TUP'ldny, MarchU •• g ,VI }'S_ or t" acdh.,f'n \Vittl, 'etP prpsf'nl. Rf'd eros' I) an d t " FII ~l "1 t th I t

~. . . . .. Saturda a, ternoon. :'W lerrtb~r~ work was done. Leaders were Mr I 0 U0, a"" ., n an~ Laura F om 8enior (;Iass. Wi('kprsham. .. . II e lLlsempn.JlSS Phll~IP$ "~Qre. Whitt. Ratm wcre JPr "Cit. Lun~he()n.: ",as .';{'~·v- Ervin MJ\lpr and Mrs. LOU/.'e Eh' Jane ~ui~n; pi' :no ~ 10, Chal.lott~·l Seni r "Iouch day yvas ohser\"pd iss Ruhy Rl'pd and Jack Sw('i- \V.~s. C S. r1('v(lt!~nnl group ml'l

rJ r·le'hgth,gown'wJlhsweethaart edbyt C" ostCgg. rtwn£' t meN- I r' Tl .t t' A '12 DIl.lon, plan ,01.0, Laura Jane.las,t FichY· Each m¢1'l1bf'rof Ihe g'ni "veri' Sunday ."uppC'r gue~sts \V('d.n;sday,.i\Iarch~~,atMrs.Wmneckline. Her fjnt~rlip. VeliJ. ,fell ing is in efnite. '. I,: :j]~'h(> ~'i~~~r~f'~~~gi)a\~~I~lt~ Ql..j.lnn; :f'adl g, Blt1·rswePl, Char-' c1ags 'o're the old('~t. clothps Iw in the BC'n Lt'wj", llOnw in honor Wyh s.from a pearl headI}I(:'ce. ~er Single . - '! Mil's. Fr '0 Siphlpy nnd Mrs. Harl 10tl1c' I~lllon;EsOlgS f \Var' PC'I'iOct,! cou]~ ind Some-, had garml'nts be· of S. Sgf. anti Mrs. FredellP Wick- St. Pan) l,uthrrnn Chure-h.strand of pearls was a gift of jthe Showf1r orltBrlde. ).1 S I~I I 1 1\1 R rI t Olga f owol y.. Adp ne Pohlman,' longln fO their grandparents. er ham.bridegroom. The bride's acces.?r- Mrs. f"w, AypI's, nee EIlh Martin, ~·r4r;.-e~l(' as pf\cprs . .l I'S. a ne," BC!tty Lou ('J !r, 1arce)la Dil-i Patch 1 \'('f[llls, old ~hops. oJd- r. and Mrs. Charles Grow, Mr. IRev. H. M. Hllperl, pastorlies wel'l' white allld she' earned was hlO or Saturday::a, a rnb-' " IJo~, Mrs. H'~'O]{ Ne,ly, Mrs. F:. T. stylp rc.s('s, hIgh button sho('s, anlMf!';. Elmf'r(;illpsp1fl and Noi·- Thursday, mid-wl'l'k lpnlenroses, sweNpea$. and carnations. c~ellanEl'o s h()\\'cr givet111Y 1\1,·s. iia\;..... '(lotf"rift CI~, .. Whrnr~und , 1 rs. {ussrI l\1alm-: etc., \V re, in evidence.' Hair stylc:s m, -. Jean spent Sunday in Sioux sCr\·iclC$. in English languagr' at 8.

Miss I!en0 Philllip~, who atl('nd- fred M nn ~r:-.::. RllfU~.l\ mn ahd . ,:Mrs. GUl.'npy BC'ns.hno. f ann 1\Ifrs berg. G. A. . h d a ake walle were' a !'o;varied. ('i y. visiting Mr. and Mrs. Art Chdir rehear~al lmmprliatelyfld her Sisler. wor'o powder blue Mr!'. An ire ~ann. IAt out ~() B~lrt Lewi'l werp hostp'ises for til . ~. -~~----1 LpR y. l:peler~on' is mAking pil,n Myers. after '~er\'ices.floor-len th gO\\n \\Ith whlt(\' <l('~ guest$. \rel' pre!'C'nt. til PS and ('<.llrriC' clt,lb March 16. ,SC'\"("n nl<,'m SUSTAIN F A TURJ: . trays he lathe in inrlustri11 rR. Dean Dnird and Nancy of SattJrday school at 1 o'clock,cesSQI')('S She canled whl~e C11- contests wC"c C(ln~rlllctr Mrs A y - Iwrs and h~lP gw'st l\Irs G A~ M 01 J{ NK E O~ ICE arts cl !'l~ Hf' is using mapJC' ankl Li coin, spflnt Saturday Hnd Sun- Sun~ay school. 10:1;).natIOns e1 pe,ll")s \\erc a gift of firs IeC('1 e many Imel, gIfts The Ml!tlf'stRdt \\("1'(' p~{'spn1 Duc te ISS, Rut sfor, '. higl1 school walnut wads. Richard Rp('g firl- da in till"' Ben Lflwis homp to nsit Is Intiirovlllg'.the brl(] , hostC':sst:" ~ l\ccl I fre";/lnl~nts. 1,1(']..,. ()~ Hf:d ('lOSS m<ltefl<d lIlP t(,l1el1el", ~('ll, on iefl li~st W('dtu:'s- ishpd hf" miniature ~rHndfalhcr's wi h &"'Sgt. and Mrs. F, O. WicJ{- Ch~rch serviccs in German lan- Slllly. ~mA)] d;IUghl('r' of flv' LOll

Mr A 'wermann 'WOle brown pUl- i I Ipla\C'd brldg(' h Ith th(' prl/(, gOln da,v ('\'rnJn;t.ant! f! aclurcf!' her clock p ad bCf'n making. er:~harm.,:n,1 Me".. AIr,,",] Jugrl. 0" f guagc: at 1O:~5. Lutts. is impro\ ing ;}[J(T [wing"strIpe Slll clnd hi'!; attpndant Ar- OMpn'('l Bi theIny,. to Mrs Mlttldstlhcl/ Ninety cent right ankle· t~'o'pl cps. Sh~ Wa~ .Junior Not...~. ¥".-... Thel following W('rlnesday, scriowlly III at hl'l' homc.thul'Ral . \I,.OIe Oxford grav Each FrJe~ f·nd rC'! ("<; hC'lppcl \\a"C()IJl('I('~1,ls,IQionat1()nloRpd tRkC'n to a \~n.Yne ospitnl fnr a Miss Gadys Mf'ttkn, Arlpne CalTol!, and Mr. and Mrs. l)olll1ld D••••••••••••~••••••••••••••••••• III4I1 •• Il•••••a ••••ha(!j a w Ite carnatlOn boutonnIere MIS I- r d (nS('n ('(' !l('l ('to"" IbIs ThC' 11('1\1 nwrllng \\J11 fe'\\' d[~ys. Sl~(: J1IHum'u hOllll' Sat- q<l;ry, j ,n! I' vice prpSiden.t and 1;i- ,luge.! and Dickie o~ .Waynp, \Vi?l'e •

blrthdl1\ F IClu\ ('\('llIIig \dAfl I 1 uI'r!ny. l.' ble. ch< lrn a~ for the junIOr-senior Sunday afterT!oon ~'JSJtors In the •A rf'ce tlOn and 630 dmner were so"",I'I' ,_ lUI', 1"-0" "".~" "~"~Id' bp 1\1<1.1'( h J() 1t l\Hs It E, .sorm~ -+- •.. .~~ ,.. I , blanqllf' , I cores Pf'terR, class s('(!- Richard Jugel horne. \ ••

held III t e Fred Aevcrmann home ITh t M I:\<1 1('\1 s Hll!l l\Ils Ben IJcl\\\S dS1iJst~ Ar,:i .(. from h·pst. rrtary, .b rothea And!er::;en" clad>; M,r. ancl Mrs. 'J~hn Redel and 1'- •Mrs Fra k BIudlgam slstCl' of the Ch~~r ~l~'~rnon \\{:~r~d ~l~~I(Y, L ~~ mg ['hc ho"tes<:;fls sflned, • S. Sgl. an~ ~rs. F. 0. Wic~pr- IrrC!'su I'· :lIld prognllm chalrmnn, family movpd ,to Illp Hugo Mdlcr j' :brldegr m, baked the th~(,f'-Iler and MIl'S ~o Jensen and Limrl , sham of CIlJP JJ[larl. Cal., IJrTl\(cd 'a'nd P gg Francis, chairman of farm SatuI!day. Mr. and Mrs. John -

~~~~,;~ ~~;s"~; g:~~~a~~~ ,~~e~~e ~~1I1'~'\\ ~~L;'~;lh~I~ ,IP.7t,~, ;,\j '~I~~ ('(~::,'~7~~V (~:~munlty Hlub 01 ~u~;,~,a~3~,,~I' r;,7~2 l;en~,i_'\~':;1 '~~i~~ ~~~~~. itt .I:;~~ ':~PR>I~i2uf~r Ci,~;, ~,1,:~~~~~1~ ~~dcl:';'ac~loe~e on the :The hou,(' was also m these colors ,cobsen. 1 r,killlet "IiI nwt <II the s('ht01 hO\lse 1)1,h('r r('lati ·f.'S 1,\.J1dlfrif'nd~. Mrs., 11anqu . ('an Dion, class. pr('~~- Ensign fjvf'lyn Spangler. C! nursC',MISS LOI Brudlgam of Vvl111sldr ~ _ \ttl/f'h III G ItnQ!oi dnl! C'ontf'sls \\;jC'kf'rsham lhf' forml"r I Ellw] dpnl. \ a.<:; unable to go. CClme hy plRnp to Om<lha Saturdayand MIS Frances PIPPltlt (l~ Lau- Has G CllIh ~ \\el( (pndur:tl"d With prJlir'slt£;:omg LpWIS, ,is t~r fllJoesl dllug!rJle'r 'of ,An1£' .icln hIstory cla.~" is sludY- wlwre Arnold Jnnk: nwt hC'r andreI, gerv d, wparlng: \.. hI1f organdy G T C uh mpt FllclrJ 1\1'<lIch 17 In MlslArt Ht'rScf1C'ld IpRoy H1'1- Mr. and l\!r-~. Hem Lewis. ij1g la lfn and thp financial s).·s- .hrOll~hl hpr to. WInSHIp to \'Isit _aprons. \"Ith 1\11' cnp ('Ill All nl(m_j,,(hEld P,i:\l1l GE'hrkl" Df'v.I1~nc I ----J ---. trm. "bct!f'S wpre given in cla~~. rL'JnlJv0s and fflends unlJ1 Thurs-;.

The} ung folks wllI11~'(' on the bPIS \"('Ie f('srlll \1" GCOlgP Hohlff, Hhl1rt.ld ,J(ms('n und M,ll~ ,,,.)OW trOjm 1({J"I'ltu~. .J.:l1'g1 sh C'la.,",s is st.udyin)!; Ihe {lay. .,., ':~red Ae ennann furm 1rh1 hrlde G<i11h'l ~lC'q\('d lilt PIIZ(' lh(y \1n IJf'jsctH'uJ n.f'II('",hme,nl~ \\()c n,t'rl Ifol'lhby has' I)prill in :l '{iC10rllll penod poetry. Spot p:IS- 1)lnn('r gUflsts SlInd:-lY 1/1 Ihp W.•lS a grad atf' of Wayne high sf'hool wJll hoi n nlghl p.ul\ aor hus- >;1'rH'd Ihy MIs Gus h.I,:mlCI dnd Waynf' hospJllll! for J:csl !-:l~d m'~di-: ~rg-ps <I\'P bf'f'n lC'arncd. F. 'Unnghprg horne \\'Pf(' :\11'. ,mel =and \\as lecently employed In the hands 1 arah .2t It t H IChllJ('~IMrl" /lJ.l"t Hersc!lPlci Committees cal $rf'atrnpnl. Ml's. Hornby and I Phy."c~ class is studying palhs 1\'1rs. Art IIerschpid and family, •Satewaylst'ore III \-Vayne, t'ngC'1 ll(m~ flw rwxt hN.:Illlg (or>Aptll <t1l(' <IS !ollo\\s rnt('l~ H,lrold \\'{'1l1 to \\'aYl1l' for Illm ~ndrf ctsoff'lf'efricclJrrfllll."Ex- Mr. and Mr~. (;l1h('1'1 Darig'bf'rg,:

\\i11 1)(' 1\ dlCh ~1 \\llh \11':-; Mu- (d,!.(lmpr'lt, CtJr'IS ,hmfln 1> Fhlman .l\1ondayp[lnnoon. [Jenme 1s sho\Vf'(] ('un('lll produc- Rp\'. and Mri';. lL M. IIJlpert and.

r--.. H k~ 'd tha Fleet. The )1(1"1('......" .... I .. k('d. :.;(\'flUP11. Arl JIf'lsc!leld IC'ill'sh- l' fm 1 cens to ring II 1)('11 and Jaql(,p Carol. :,) OS ns Resl e'tlt ~ _ mC'nls rM"1',c; Wm Knwgl'r MiSS I~ Jlmn~ ror Visit. 'parks, pruduced hy dry ('cll b<lt-I l\Tr. !Jnd Mrs.. CarJ, rutzp, Mr.•

P. Nt: f lk For "'nn \l'l'lsar~ Gladys Relct"jert Thjs \\II! Ill' lhc Pfe'. ,J,lC'I< ~'NCl'!Y (,HOlf' from t >t'i('~. Hnd Mrs. John Rtlze and Mr. and:

sses In ur 0 La~t nnt111.Y 'r\f'nJll~ Mr Hnrl flnj).l m~picing ~If the~ll' Amps, 1<1(, Saturday pv~'ning In f';o))homorf' Notes. IMrs. Norman Swenson visited Sgt. •Mrs Alnne Kars;ten 73 of f-Ios- Mrs (lltf I Sv.anson cf'kbrall'd ~ , sppnd th~' w('I'I<+cnd 111 tho II. L.' Eng~ s.1l clas_s Ls .If;lIrning part of and 1\1rS. ,Willis Hitzp and .infant :

kms. 1h'l.[Pd a\\ay Tt1Psd<iIY, March theIr 5ls wrddmg ,mnl\ct'sdry at FOllr-Fhnrs (Iun. Nl'ply hntl1P. ark ntony's (unpt'al oral IOn son, Richard Lee, at the Christ •]4, III ,l Olfolk hospital wh(1T(' she C'ltrroll Itll dn (\('fllng' of \J"- FmlTiF()\lI" hI (dgf' cllJh ""as rm· f. om .'I; wkc;,,-:p('arl' s .. JUIIU .... C'tU'- .]{'nsf'n home in PlIgpr Thllrsday. :had bee a p,ltlent SIl\CC? .;r~nuaIY ltmg lun hlon \\<ls SI'!\ld Thof;e {('rlalll cl F'lflnv March 1"1 by Lpu\'l'S lIosl)ital. ,'.~ 1'."'"', Sunday lunch('on gUf'!';ts In the:15, Decc sf'd IS sun I\'P~ l~ on,' present ('1 ¢!\II clnd Mr i W () Mr$ ,< r W:unl'mum](' Mrs Ifar'" ,,\Vm. J<:hlp!'s who PlIId bNn in: 11 Rl'pO ts from Nf'wsw(,f'k mnga- Rasmus Rasmussen home were.daughtrl MIS Htnry Klm{~ augp Smlth Dn' \V,ITdon nIl, Illld Mls old Ne Iy lAQ-s a guest Pll?f'S \'vf'nt INI,6,.".~·f~~.~rk",{h.()~Plt~\I, \\:as dl.~rhis.S«'d 1n("w rc gi\'en in v:~rld history, 1M I'. ancMl Mr'~'d MDav'C Nelson and:of \VmSJ P, and a son at Mqdlson O!';car S u~on,ulll ,Jam!I), I\- r 10 Mrz; RllSRP! Malmherg, Mr<; N -~" t"a1.o;y 'nl1er <Ind Thomas Swan- ~<lrry, r. an rs. James Nf"lson •__ ' _~_ _ __ ~ -------r- L fjdr an, MIS Otto Gr<H'f dnd ---. -T' son We C' )C'adf'l's. and I\.dc!Je. In the afternoon the la- a: •••••••••~•••••iI••II••EII.IIIIIIBllii II .II ~'.D.: Mrs larold Npt'ly :rhe h~s!('"S ,Rdurn<; fron1Norfolk, Bllsin'ss ,ll'ilhrri('tic class is dips attendC'd the showPl' for Mrs. :II t ' ·.Hf'rv0d ('drrvrng oul thfl Sl Mrs. L('pa Bojf'ns j,vho had hopn sttudyin b~nk discounts !lnd sa\'~ Leonard 'Anderson. := S" T" I W k T" I ,: rick m f1f fhfl next InN'tmg-, a N(Jrfolk hos~lItal for an,opf'ra- Itlgs uC' ouht~. Mrs. Arnold Obst and family •.• ring ln1e s ' IlI1e. Marr h 31, Will hf' a 1 o(lnr:k returned h()~ fhe Inst' of (he Frf'shman ClftloiS. I, spent Friday in HlP Richard Jugf'! := 'I~ I. • • lunchp ,It IhC' homf' of !\11<; III 1 In a I'sl O\'el" "11w Mprchallt oU hOIlH'. In til(' ('\'I'ning Mr. and Mrs.•.!' , I : G kna h O!fl('r mf'mhprs of the --l -- l' VpnipC''' "gmdps of A and B \\.'('I·n W~l1ler Carppnln and Lloyd caII- ::: PL NT BLUE CRAlSS • (ommtl E'f' afe Mrs RLls~{>1 ]\1,llm- lias :Maj()~ O(IPrationt (~amed y Ruth Spf'nglpr, Dplila cd th('rf' to SC'(' Roh('rt, son of Ar- -• SEED .: berg, rs l-I P Rhudy Mrs I r Mrs. Emma l'ft<ly, formrrly of F~cs(', Alice Mac Brummond" no!? ()b~ts, who harl, \1('('n IIj from:= .. \Varne undf', Mr~ GilmOlP Sahs H~skin,s, \IndPrw('nt ,11 majot·ope~~ !Dwight Ulrich unci Helpn \VY]le. acclCfentally swallmvlng some kf'ro- •• PLOW UP GARDENS • and Mr Nortl!': Weible. almn III Sioux (j'lly Twsdqy last the cla·s IS now rl',uling "Sl!\I!': sene. •; BUY SEEb ,NOW: : J --- weck.' j l'f1arlwr ' Mr. and Mr~. Ed. Mnas and Phyl-•. • For ~t" Anc1er!'4oll. < j " Aigeb <l dass started a chnpter' Tis, Mr. and Mrg. Frank Maas, Mr.= FOR FLOWERS AND : A sh weI', hOllloring Mrs. L('on-, Dftu~htp h RArn. l rn frae ·ons. . . <lnd Mrs. Vic Klug~r. and Mrs.; PLANT,S __ USE' • ard An prson, the' former Doro~ I A clllUMghl('J' Will .1~?lr~n 18-;.,t hur.1;- Gene I sC')('ncp c]al~s wjlll havc Herman Bronzynski, Mr. and Mrs.,.. : thy Jo Jensen, was hpld at Trin- (ay 10 r. !1m j'; t.s. na on!}! ~est ,0\,cri1ng the lrst 0 unils August Br.on/yn",ki nn,d Clarence,= VIGORO , • jty Lu heran c,hllreh bast'ml'nt ~aa." of Hoskins'lat u(l'Jorf k ho~j. flday. I Miss Anna Bronzynskl and How-• I : Sunday: afternoon. About ~o gUf'kts pltal. . !J Are'.' eW tlalJ game ~as held'in ard Voss were Sunday dinner= CLEIAN UP THE YARD :Iwere p esent. CliJntesls were con. ~ --t----- ' ommu ·tyalvics'Thurpday. guesls of Mr. amI Mrs. Arnold• F.X UP, REPA1INt l_jductE"d and recipes writt!.pn. The Rllt rn 0 nomll. I Ii' om Grammar Room, Bronzynsk;i and Judy.= : colors f blue anp whitf' wcn~ C'ar- Mrs. Bpr if' B \v(' ,s and infant '. Torn ilIon and Janice Hilpert . Fnday evening Mrs. BCrt Horn·• AND MAKE THE: • rled 0 . The girt table wa!'; dec- son returnp( last W tlnescja f~om on the li:ka l spelling rontest and by <lnd son, t-larold, Lpnnie Mae=. PLACE LOOK : orated nd c0ntered by fresh flow- a Norfolk h spit 1. f:tf'red he c~unfy event at Wayne. Boring and P&ggy Francis drove 'to• INVITING • ers. T f' honore~ reC0IVl!'Q many aturda , , Battle CreC'k to attl'nd an opt'retta,= t =lowly rifts. lcc 'cream, cakes and :;In th . sale. of w~r Stamps the directed by Miss Mf'rna Hornby, L · 0·' C.i, .. WALLPAPER ISGU.. • ~offee were sSrved.1 Hos1f'sSCS cord follows: Eighth, grade, who returhpd home with them. angemel'er I 0::'L INC UP FAST : !Nere os. Leo ~cnscn. Mrs. Ch"is '7~R'g2:a ~1·a$121;n~o t~~~ ~~rt3g,8a7~ Mrs. Cltes(er Wylip and [amily .., ' •,. Choose Your~Pap'er • Peters n, Miss ~ohanna Jensen, f $3.20 th grade, $64.40 tolal sprnt Sunday afternoon In the :'I Now While SetecI', ! MisH'1\ If'np pptdrson, Miss Wilma 'nd gain 0 $9.10, Peter C. Jensen horne. •= tion Is Cood ; Jensen and Miss Dor01hea Ander- March f dimes day'js planned 1\11'. and Mrs. Ralph· Prince, Mr. 614 Main-St. Phone 522·W i= : son. I jhiS we when each p'ill try to and Mrs. Walfred Carlson and , _ _

• See our largeassort..· uy at I one war _st~mp. Evelyn, Mrs. Rll.SSE'JI Pryor and ••••i.I••.•••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••II••••= ment of choice pat+- ;i, Honor Gf'n~ Carr. r J tf'rmedlate Rfom. • ••••••••••••••••••••••a •••••••••_._... a ••m.II•••i ••••••••••••••••~I1.__.a•••

i, terns. :: G('~~i(' ~~r ,~n;:Pb:;i:t~~:~,bi~t~g~~ "t;;;~~ ~ dro~~~eF~~a;:~iz~~h~~~ . j-.:I• WE ARE' : Thursd y pvpning. ppogres.sive Oral s e]ling average!,! ar{' to be S i·l • t·· N d ·• HEADQUART.£RSFOR - pitch ;lS ]llay~d with prize:) go~ ppl. On' orall('sson will bp gi\'- ;ft.ring I'me ee 5 := PAINTS, 'ENAMEl : ing 10 Mrs. LoU!e Ehlers, Harry en each vee]", 't' =I AND H USECLEAN a' Suehl" r,s. Jfflrry SUf'hl and ,John M f b ht a . t t •• '. INC °UPPLIES - :: Damm'. Luncl1pon wa~ sf'rvpd at ing l~~).•rae roug n In prrs - :~ 5 ' • the elcsf' of Iht' C'vening. Ttlose . •

; L. W. Me'Na'll I: i;=~ ;~~C;a~:I/~"~~~ ~~;I W NSID£ LOC~LS Lime-Sulphur Hog l~~~~:~ator ~~z:..f{ ~fcil~~s" =• ':' Louie io:hlp)'s, Mr. and Mrs. Willici Mrs, [red Wagner ~nd daugh- Dip 60c size •• !. Millcr land Wilford, Mr. and MrS1'1 t . h I Gallon $9 00 .' :! I I· G HAff d f ·1' M d v<areamtcodve Y'l


GI.eCI.1PF\,ISaenere,.".eefnamly, • 49c·1'5 .Ph~ne 108 . : W aayne, :J~tbr. 15 M~~. Nor~:nW:~ble a~~YJUd~', ~r.' By. 'l1" " 49 ' ' •••••~~ ~••III1.II~••,••I'•••••••••••••0\ 1. ,and M ,. Emil Rehmus and Rus, Mr. a, Mrs. Pelcr C. Jensen C FOR PREV£NTION 9F SAL HEPATICA

and son~ spent Thursday c\,pnin¢ C •. ' 60c size f I

~~Iihe C. F., Hanson horne al cart. Crude oqcldzossis 49cCarbolic Acid IN',. CHICKS

Mrs. ~ne Thompson and Son-jn went ltursday to Rienbeck, la., Gallonto visit n. and Mrs. Da'le Thorup·son,

Mr. a ct Mrs. ClaUd,,! BalJey ofCarroll, were Sunda,y dmnerguests of:¥r and Mrs. !Ernest EI..<ler.

lTH'c!l,lnic,->AllIn Co.,


for ('()lll'ge. m:.!.'3tl

OF. SF.'\TF.N.',I

( )lliqll1~


Wayne Mattrej>s Sho~. Hoyd'Ho­tel. m23t1

V(~ry dl'.',irablp l<no(j·,"-'rn honH' in :an l'x('('pl ionallynic{1 location, \ ('lo~1' ln, \('ryplC'asant ...,urroundings, ~llilahl('

"0 r(>nl fl.'; two <lpartl11~:nl.'.; If dt'­sln'd, ('xl'I'IIt'nU ('ollddlllll. I'nce"$4,;i()O. I\'1arlm L. HmgPr. m2:ltl


w.\yn:n C;ll:ll:I'

and Iwlp01'''. ('or',\('11phon!' I:lL. WaY1H'.

WA:,\TJ·:fJ· H;l\\" ·flll'<;. Will buy

(,1\·('t;~I:1~~:; t'~~{~':II~.g(:·;J(I.·~ i;/I:;~' ~I/:~TI.:lr'il'n. m9t3·


\VA:--JTT-:J): .\. !'ir!l'r In h:llnsnsC'ity ()). (',1l1l)l :'.']0. Will

1r':I\(' 1"1'1(1.1\ "",''1'''''''1.' ,\l;il'ch:21 or ~:J. ~Ir<;. Arthur FJl11H',Wayne, Ht :..!. "Ill:..!;lt 1p

SIn:-~p S! £FARING, I{(~~l;;;-('arl-son, ]-: 1m. (':bl' or ('alTo]!.



~~~~~t~ \~':~ ~~;jtY~~~,l~'t;:~II~(J~~~n;:.~gr~delle or llumlJ('rs. Ship 10 SiuuxCity and consign 10 thl' FrankE. Scot I C(Jmln. Cu., for promptT't'111rn, <llld lH':',1 j"('.',u!1 'i. m161 f

Glf~LS mlpl'l'''!('c! In r('lnil pmploy-I11l'nl at theBen

_,J. M. CHERRY,Cou,nty JlJdgfl.


m:~j~~~~~;;,~~~~I~d)~~~~h~,f ofthe eli>:! net COlJr1 of \Vnyne coun­ty, ,i\[chraska, upon a decree ren­derbd therein al the SeptPmber,1943, term th('r£'of, In an actionpenlding In said court wherein TheCit~' of WLlync, In the Stutc ·of Ne­brakka was pbintlff and MaryLaase, et aI., Wflre defendants, J.will. on the :241 h day of April, 1944,


Comfort 1'01' rOlir Step i


!ji. !

B~Olfn .. ~ct>oraldIISH~ES .I I .,.,\ '~

St, e~lFor iJ'lOlir Peet .1.

• !,High Heels • MI., d, ium;,',JeelS . Low Hr'I~• D'Orsay Pum s 1- Bo~ !Pumps

• Open, Snub 0 st~are~ Toes• Black., Brown r '~an <fa' <

1 Pnvorite. !I )' I Rro\\'Il:I! i

l'fow Pllmp I, '1' Alligators' '~Illdt:' ~n s.mooth If'athpr. thft.!; . :~1)Jlf\al~ to,' a,lI y onf" Ava IUh, A SrPRlf't ~'lassJ(' SIHJr-~ ~th 1~ ~o1'1 tOl']If'ss also. Brow r ~\'tllt~\11h ('"prythm r. O~IShlnf'k ('fI~ors. JR-,11a ill's dr('ss Pllmi):". I

AA,. B l!'4 9 l :" - AAA $5'19 'Wi lit tis U) ~ " \Villths fiI





$ 9i5


Will" 'you use-that \'al~ableMhop ('OlpOll,

use! wi .. 1,\"-'Jook for~'dllr­il-blll y. i-i y I eand quail! y.

PHEONIX-Lon.Ii;, sn .. g~fitt-inJ;" a II f1attf'rillg­rayon: ~h('('rs. LonJ;"er ,wearin~, la"t~

in~ly braut(rul! All in sl'rinK _..hlld('~to fla~tn h¢r cvery costume.

Extra floC' ... Pollm dots.

stl'jllC~ on JlInin ('olur~ to



Fash i6n-fame'Suits that will lead!

th~Easter parade! The toppersuit, the collarless suit

s e bolero - each astUI' t :u Spring! See theentirc

etion today,

~~;~;,~.:' $16.75 up

HriIlian,t. SIJirlt~lHtinR" ('ol~

>~l~":'::':i(i rot·us all eyes onyou-to S1I1)I>r dUlfgC youren-tire wardrobe:

P~~(~~I~ I:t1H'r and fabrito IUlrsrs~hat will null a lot to your Ea!otcl"~llsC'mbl('.i

;Ealster Hi9hli9ht~I

For Men

I 11

1\ II

'\VA NE HE~ALD, YNEj, R 23 1944, i ,



nd it'~ briJ{h~.


1"; e lIess

R~I INS, $3.00'


SArti FLUSH'19c.

Jlt(lk :-lpmt

GR~!(~I.o~~ANS~:~.~!; .15e





be 'in ,.AJa~..kar:tor ~l~ y,:'fn..::o


,thS' s~y" Oir scndidg t~~ Hdr~ S~I.;UCtion.s and~e;uc.c mqn aI.-~JJ lito -;;. s na:.~.,a. t duti s sat.u.J:.'a.YG..n-d ".hO yiSitCd' her I, he \V:.~Ck the project les,Sd.1n on .lfSOYb am; as ~.~ere ,j.S itdVisa...l.le, f.or Ntrl Y. ~r'(,dl,n,rr'h~ l1rrived'on he ,I' and aJct in per' n n a .!ihortl,. whIle. I,' physical pressure. j . Cpl. arle~ Bard eft (or ow an were !M,.rs. Dick Sandahl, Harvey a Food" amI t~e group di Redi'lo' allow for any frost damHgf'. ,

thn he ~xpe,ct to ch1:: .roe] FIe,I', K:jrJ, W~d !';day, a tcr en- I·~ennlhgsen, Mr: and Mrs. Wilham CJ:oss 'sewing. P~ans were m de 'for It is sugge's ed that nlan y farm-

500 on a,furlou, h. : ;- H rom Kan~ 1 Forme,. Wa he (J y jo~! g .Ieales ~I~h home fo }e,s. BO~ ~ugl'Iman und Mary. "Achi,evement dillY and uL fo.r ,er8 can,! prof! by !'iC'('din~, a [('wj CpJ. +,ndfM '~. Bick :allis land,:3. ~ . :1"- C' d {rIC l5 to ,k eaeh of the aSI·faI AI1l:lmber froni here attended servmg at th'c' Way c ce te~' AprIl small fIelds tt bt'oml" nncl HlfCllfa

II Colne from :' tl ld d I All J '" A.mang t.... et as S,oux ,Ily. a d enjoyed the rli" at the col~ 30. Mrs. Corbit assi,sted ly her thl$' $pring .1 ]" 1><l.slure ·~tld hay,o 1., nionth· a Ig )ter, '. a c.a.nne, i"" N

Sgt. ,and Mrs. er or::f-Iu hes arrived lias ednesday,fl'~:m~.~~n- A~C Jack Wrigh was on of 1:oh . M. and,Mrs. R A. 1m d \'IS~ I ~e Thursday evenmg in which daughter, Mrs. Romame GijaSpey, The brome sh uld b(> !'it+(ir'rl as

I an daughter of C ~l, Pd;~k,' La., field, Klln were Cpl Elh" IS sta· Jix Wrights who a~sed s mucij It.ed , t C. L: Bard s Satu~ay 'VC~ I:';-lJn?~ Sodcrbel'g and Mcrle Ring of Columbus, a1$0 Mrs, Joe Corbit early as pass I ,Ie in order to avo.ldan Mrs. Dean Hug es!,ancl's of tlOned at ~r thel Fjeld. They arc confusio.n. ~J Chic ~rmy ai field)" nmd.lfflO,r the. Il: ':':12. Iin.g annJver$~1 p~,rtlclP~te.d: Tile sLime e.'\'c.nms serV,ed tWO~COULj.SC. luncheD . M~s, the dlln,gC~ ofifreezlllg the.! <Jlf~d!a.

' Wa 00" were ~re' r~ The day In the F1c . ills home un~ll next T.h.e ChiCO, Cal.. .alb: pap r car.' and MIS. B.H~d s. b thrlay. The.MEd. sa,!ern (hOIl. nwmbers were entcr- E, W. LunuahI,wlli be hos\ess In If b.rome IS 1."t 1ilO ; ~~_.c: :.,'. ,1. _:LJut Q

to'" riday last- week in!: he ,'Gc, rge Wcdnesda . ~ tied the fOIlOWjng~tqrY: GU:'itaf:-;on Janlily Mz-.llnu rs, m<;d at tlw Re\'. Curtis Wiberg April. I alfalfa It shOll d he fO;('l'dcd as ..<';O(Jn

HU hes home alld w th,other cIa" "The cadet in'tyt.l tors at the· Ivan John$on ami ~valyn sent h.a eat rC'lI.·e!'ihmenls and a social Mrs. Joe Johnso:1 spent «'dday as fIeld ('andI ions will pcr~lt.

I, UV .1 S, Sgt. Hugl)c' I ill :~oo be Arrf,Cts £rpm "'ol'idu. ~'hico' army air fiel em~cel knew Sundry af~ernoun h~r",', , tIm' followmg practice. Priscilla with her mothdr, Mrs. J. A. Sun- In order 10 I)e sure of a 'high pro~r;< tra sferred to Camp B ViC'~ T. Cpl Hal Id Thompson, who lLs :'Wright' fn;lnl ".'r. g. Wh.C thC~.,. ~1.UI~? 'J. olmso?, G.en~. ;~nd ~.a~~ ~nd ~' M:ldred JOh,n- d,ell, whilC' Helen accompanied Mrs. d,ucin. g bro~1C',J:TOP a farmC'r. should

I".-_~" Is O ••t of If.spltal, i Letter f-••, I"' •.011', fll1lshed,gll m rYI seh,o01 111 Florida, i\lcrc tea.chmg sq adron t rec. a Bal d "ent. tadWah (~F[~dclY W ,el{.! son attended from here. Florence Johnson, Mr...,. C. L. Bard -"ecure seeds f om fields 10 or more"~. ''1' ........ M d d 10 d l (be upper class ca ets. they rClTjame, ~ til ... undayat- Larry J-oc Rll1g received an 1l1~ and Mrs. Lawrence Ring lo MtJdi~ years old, WH n£' ('ounty has,brome'Pvt.- Iferhn Meyer \\-'ho md ~fC' LeRoy Sund " ote'to hLs anl\ed 11 lyllo sp~ M~YS 1"There were SIX WirJght~ in tli tendmg th~ Chns Ian Youth Cor'1~ terestihg letter from his former son to \"isit MrS, G, 1. Neisen and fIelds as mud as 1;' yC'ars old.

' been in a hospltnl 'in 1I1Idm WIt 1 a COl 'in, Donald Sund t~ lIn:" 0 the With hiS n OtIlel

: T

ilSa? s~me sq]1adron~--Jac~ Of. ayne. !ferenlCe at ~uther mllcge. T~ey teacher, MISS. Wilma GemmC'Il, Waltel>. They r~pol't that Valborg's '

I!.u,nctur'd c U' has l'eJou\cd Ius f' usa . t f H Thomps~m, be orb gOll1g tu Bdrk~s- jIarold of Dwight, kan., Wil iam oj' !saw Rev. C. P. 1-1111 and DClcfrcti dUring thc week, She is at Fort daughter. Annet. tn Marie. 'va' a --~J---~----cOlm'ad S " • In" aeconl"'o a ~,ns In a· d"le Fleld~'Sh 'C,)CPOlt, La, ror an- I d ", Enrollm nt Cards,':' j' __ ,wal. \~e arc tr~at ~ J~YalIY and other jSI n enlt HIS \-lslL lS the S!t.. Louis, Zane Of. 1Af.hlQW· , Ark., fi~ong ma~y OllC'1 an report an, Worth, T('x., Htle.nding the Baptist year old thl:' day of Or. Nc'lsen's:~~., , tlO'Jed,to Loredo. j tl'lhl~~'mlcaallllll1,~SsltlaaIVee. III c!r: °O'UVPllbp"f·el. fllst h e 111 C' Jl year ago and! ho Edward of Los A1eles; an Grant enJoyable tJme.. ,thC'olo~lca.1 st'm.ll1~ry and tol.d funeral, I"ebruary :l6. Two ·days Are Being Maile([

" II rb h 11 j ~'il1c of Roscoe, aI.t--,'six, count .. l\~rl.and ~I'S .. ~llJl:,~~ng,'c ~lnd .I~an,y, I~Cldt,'~t.~.I~ Ihc: .sch~~l lile IHlel·ason,Perl,~yn.obert,wasborn ·~f ',;::~.,,~.pvt, estel' L~t: wa

s rJ"Cce.1tIY ~~ not~d that he as la~l t see ~~a~~~o~v;;1 Iy 1~~~11S0~rthC\i~~~I~: sm. ~ i ¥ons ~pent S,atU~d c\crllng help~!as \\cll as cxplalnmg In .dctaJi t~e by Caesarian operation to the Per. 'Pasturc~fo age-livestock __pr()-

~noved from AmUllllo. CX,t: to mhe Herald that ,]i~TnCi p ople '''They sat alphal eqeally i clasS mg Nt, r,~' Longe s Jill'cnts, ,the' A.. rodeo anci stuck show wlue/l was m ry Sheans 111 the Canal zone. Mrs. gram enrollment cards for 1~14.T._ d T TI "as, pnl~c.a,tcd V ~I -----,-----. 1 A K II I I I 3""I extension circular 77 which is'~';;',"'rc 0, ex.~· e. II 1 If' ... ,al'et providing n V 0 .". t. or ..... ,c ets 1'' ,~n grou,ntl school co. urses; ea 'h day '. ~ Ions, l,:l' (Y) at~"111.L'Jr .]Jll1 p~og~ess thL'~C, She a so enclosed Shean is t..he Nelsens' elrler da. ugh~ tit I C d "Gre<Her PI' 0 d u c t ionrcceivln the Herald. her . .~ I ()hang SI Effected lh. c inst,ructors saw a who crow, wcddll1,g an.n.ivL~. l'~. A . large. cllpp,,".gS 10 1.1.lustratC', tel'. Inez, who taught in the gO\[-;!.' -- ·l I P 'of Wrights. ' number ,of .11Iel' s lid relatlves Mr, and MIS. Albert Sundell and ernment schools in Panama 'Sev- Through BettC'r Praclices." and an

• I Visits lIer('l,. ! Goes to Dre lCPfon:, n. . J my rogral(11 I"It almost came to the P~<1C~ were prc.scn~ and, {01 e ,atl~'e l~lilCh sons \vere at. Concord Sunday at. eral year!'i. 1 eight-point lla~ona.J milk produc.

'.t,.'~.:·;.'~f,.~~gfl~l~~~?r.. _t~~~:~l '~:'Oo~~t~: tt~~~l2;~i~o~nUI~.· n~ Uf.. :.~~,~~~ Ihl~.~ a ';.~.t:;~s;.~'nj~a ni/~. gC~JI;~.,t;~r'~~~,o. ~i?ec~1 ~'~~;'~ero~r:~li~h;v;d°';ge,e it· fot w~;h~"~;;~'~t~~'(~~, ':,~;;~~rl~t~ ~~~~~;o~~,n~;~~~~~r~::,=~~~d~;:~:' M ;:,~ni~;~I~~a;';, ;;"~;,~~r~~~~,~;'~~,I:,~:,Sl~~J~t t ( \\!ccIt ~nd III the 1, bee tran~ferred fr m F an' 'gut, tive Marc~1 11, ,Which adde;d nine ! "The mcn arc in different quad~ roll \'isi'ted <J t E. W unpilhJ'~ Sun~ aged 97. Mr. and Mrs. Anderson ay Hold Clinic ~~c~~\;'l~~'If~I~~~'~,inlg tQ CountyW",n~ler cnthaok home. " ,Ida '0. to.BI'emet-to " ','. ash. HerW0t'kS to ,tho ihdi\"idu<ll I.·(!"lns now, and life is' s.impel' fat- da. y afternoon (l!'i d Mr. and Mrs. and'HarriN (MrS, Don f":wingJ re- O,T CO'okers Hel"e

1 [\ r W 11 11 elL d! I d l- Ttw pClsture-foragl'-!i\'C'stock cn~,4' i Id \....a j perrl1ltted to sp ndl)t) few ays !Jpnod forl fl ltP!' pilots and flvc l~Vel'yone, the :-"rightf JncltjdC'd." i a Ct~.' crrpan,. un a 1 ac~ tUl'n(~d herC' wit~ them to spen rollmcnt canIs for 194'1 111'(' ~implc~:, i '~'~ at Lowry .<' ~. I in 1'stol'ia, Orc, wi h ihn:,. u clC', weelp, to tr1c .schedule for bt?mbtT -f\.'''.~ Wright IS 110\\'1. stal.iOhC'(l".I... comp'i'olL'd iii.,. ".rot IT ,\.0 C~eston, the nIght and\hell' host.s took the:n A pressure cooker clinic may he il!'i 'comI.lared to tIl(' f"('quJlTments:"',,}?\'l. , mton, 'IV' Wallin,. Who~ad Chli\JS Paulsen, T c oungf~n pIlot·. l\~0J:h ngo was made III the ,-~h' a!dvancC'd flying " III PI oel- Il~';.iJ ;orm hrtrc' wh c he went to Ito Emerson, to board the tram a\'ailablo to \Vayne county women in preVlou" year's, ,Farmel's inter~110,.'en ~t. Ama."1 ..0' Texas, ha,s .0'.'- Wri •• e.s.· that flOW,~rs al'.. bC"a, l,itul C 1)I'Og,a I . lucn, as .".1(' one. at .-iix, iAhz. Mr. and mrs. Clan' c,e,' fllo~ , tn p.l'mlll~ ntllr~st,"\'. They l\'Ionda}:' morning. who o\\'n pressure cookf'rs. states d' ded C "I I , ,j<l~ d l

, C I It I[d cstt' In thl' pro u<;tio!1 I1l'OgramtOil wry Field, DCil1Vel, ]0. noW In the nOl'thw st. He 1 at.- Way e co It.' l'. accon:hng lu 11\11- ~~'lght and Bob ~~mt :~rom' en' p ann l'( to i~'lj'tlur~ .~, I S ~y. For· ~he, 3rd birthday anniver~ ,ounty Agent \Va lror . ar ('I', far '194.1 may check the wlrious~Ie has I een receiving ~the Hellald tendIng a speciaL sc a . nou ('eme t y! ·CHIlt. \\'m.' Ill. City, K~n:, to VISIt hillll whlle h(:' .Mr,'ll. L:j\,'r~'rC('I,,: Ill']t! fONd,her S<~I'Y of, their twin daug,hters, Jan- Anyone inler('~ted In spendmg a practices on \\Ihich Ilwy _\.\::illl-4l-~,~'and app eciates it. : -- I O'D nnclI.~ \vas at ChICO. With JMr·:--,. l\'~r An Ii'fse 1 of C(ln~ lee Mae and Joyce Marle. Mr. and day in condltionlllg thC' pl·e.'-'SU!"C' I I d' .1' f t' -,- d

" 1\1 ~ t "k ' '1 S . N p 3 'I' d cooker, Includihg the gauge and i { ltlomw In orn:a- Ion ,an re~,', , ow's in e U1! )~~ E' '11 ofllli pl-dods reqllil"l..'tl to (i>,ore.. t'l'\'ICe ew!; on agl' , COl'd,.\\-.vnt to C~~.lla1a' lues ,Cl,y Mrs. L,~'Vi Ih'lgre!1, lurn the carrl to Agent Hardcr. ItIs ~,ferc on Leave. Sgt. Chl'i~lian E. Ba~gl~'olZ has com leU.' ll)H:t cyrriculH fm' prc- 2.) m,",rni'.llg" tOi.. at.ll"Hl. ,'j.lC1.l,xe4:.U ".l\-'(' a fa.mll1Y omnet' Tuesday cvenll1g safety va 1\'(', :-;hould write County is not adviSi-Ibld' to mail all bullc~

;'5. 1~ Ed'l:li-e Denkinger been movC'd fronl C, m~:Cam ,bpI\, fJigh trHj~in ~nd rOt' IJ~'imary, nwctll1g of Ill(' N~l)l" slI;',fl Cc)nf{'r~ ill theIr homC'. Guests IOciuded: Agent Harder. Suggestions for op~ tins' and circut~l".'i aVCiilablp butr~,om' F. ~,'l:agut,.Ida~o, last ,!,~lth'~~ 'K:y.. to Camp Bre;~ki ri g.C',~K Hc bH!'ii, anc! ~\d <lllic{'d. piI,01 ,t raining anCt' _WOrnHI1'j: Ml ,,10 city SCDCI<I'ly Mr. and Mr~. Aaron Helgren and crating the \'1-lrious type~ of gauges the!'ic pamphlet~ nlLlY be hall uponday -to·\ lSlt un6l Tucsday wltjh hiS writc,::; thilt the ,~'ca h , 'has wcn has been c~t€' d~'d 1rorrj. nllle to 10 I~i'dnbday. 'll1l'Y .' PCI I, th(' hight f ll. mJly. MI'. and Mrs, Joe Helgren would be stuciiQd in the clinic. request.'father, ('0 Den!unger, and bther sort of ramy Wlt!1 a fe\t n~'~e Ia)-}; wet'ks. In Jr'lrl ilion, a 11l'W rj\~('- SOllthwestWakefiel Wllh Mpry E,II1{)l' Rl g anu, also 3'rd family, Mr, and Mrs. Carl HC'I· ------- - The i~H'1 tmsturc-fOl"ilgl'-il\ ('~relative here He planned to go now and then ITh tqmpt'r lUi'll' \\(Jek 11'3n111 In course, oJtJ(,lall~ (By Mr~. Lawrence Rmg) Vlsltcd friell 1.-:1. 1 grcn, Mr. and .\1rs. Byron Hcy- Barley and Outs stock program: does not call lorto the \ est coast.1 \ arl-E's from cold 10 \ 'artn 1-:1c con- d(,~lgnat('d ' fl rllkl t I In~11 Ion SIl1~ II Mr, and lr.s, L \V,'I\,nce tl~.g dOn, Mrs. Abner Pearson and Miss ShOllld Be'Seeded any exten~i\'c 'l'"t'port.'i ;JIll1llUgl1

-- eludes by saYing <It e .Hetal .I1'~lg]e engine n flxt'd gunrel:,\- has I ,trnd Lilt'\- (t1lt'd ill thl-' C F S n'- B~rnicE' Peterson, sOJTIe rccogni~liOn will .I,W gl\l'll.,• J Vrites from ltl..l~. 1'1\ cd again thiS 11\ e Ingt au'd gam bC{'1l 'ill cl h~ 110 1() W~( k" \Vl1h '] he han JoJmso~s \\ l'l (' 111 SJOu"x dahl hOllle unddY if~ 'rnoon d d 'Mrs. t. K. Corbit entertained the - D. L. Gro~~. state exlension ag~ farmers 111 vanau::; l'ounlll'.'i, ' '

'··Cp!. o11n Alden Le'lvip, who IS Isaythank<;far~L'n mil-It" Ithl excl'Pt~on of I Ill' Itl.lllsltlOn Cit:'\- FrJdd) \ found J'ylls Smdallh condltlfJl1 R\lral I-jrome society at an after~ ronomist, recommends thaI barleyst~tlOne H1 N~lplcs, Haly, \Hltes -- 1 ';~ cou~s(' fad n !ltel pilotls ttw re- \\ C HlJ1g \-HiS In Omdh,j 1'1' - shO\\lra~ [UI Ill'r' 1111J rc \i~'ment !I nqon 'meeting Thursday. Mrs, Joe or oats be sc('d('d i.mmediateJy for Geo. B. DaniCls~ ;)R. dil'W ilt :Vlag-that he lS now red~l\lng the Hel ~ Papers P1I tt!)!' I \ Isc11 SCh(~UI IS d I ('\ PI slOn to 1111' da\ \\ llh d Sh.ll>n,',onl of cat"!L' •. '.' HC'lkc$ "<1S i !'iUppCI ut:''-'t. CJtfucjl s JO!lnson and Mrs. Art Munsqn gave early pa!'iturc. Addllional secd per nct Tuesday Jaht \\"L'('k.aids an IS fO;h<lrmg them With Lt \\m VonSeggern I Jr. W' Itcs!lO-\\l'ek P,'I phhs( cmployul bl'- MI ,md ,;\lls cj n. Ash \ISlt(' _ __~Charles Wehrer, 100mei Wa~nc from some \\ here! m It1b¥ I,tIP t he fOIl' Pl dl'ljH, I bpI in till: Max Ash hqmc Sunday af' tudcnt. , tecently leeened all tryu <$e em- rlw I( 1141lC' lenh (If 1Ill' comb it LTnOan. I "\ ~ p.

, -- , bel'. Octobl'r <lnd No CIT/her I sue s <ill, f(,ll cPs.:Idr b(.ll1g

fillL'd, ",de,' " Mr. a.nd 1\-1rs, CI:·lS. I,1 io!.son. ""'" . i ~ ~.IJI~.::.' ::::::::::~~~f:;"!!!:::::=~~:§~ft~~~~~~rri\'es from AIaslm. of the Hpraid rile p pels hac fol~ {JUdie]) anr If is 110\\ I)(JS~lllk (01 itl'c! in t/-1(' .las. 'har'llben; ~ %Y\.v ~ 0 ~Mr. ahd Mrs T Collms rf'cel\- slow down~ II (' tempo 01 PI~ot Sundaye\'ening.

cd wo~~ Monday that their son, 1rall1ll1g ar*'l rovlde more 11l1lC' to!' I\1 ' 'M' "k s~ I ; I. .....Pfc. Tn:(lothy L Collms, who had students t¢ 1sol'b compl('x in- ' . r, dnc r>;. ,"l( 0,01 Jerg ~,. ~

ii•••ii.iiii!i£~~=;j . 1~:;~l:~l~;~~O:CIs a,s"n i·ed

,,,,,,! 's;' ·~"I 1 1\11'. ~lnd Mrs. UdOll R r('IIl1~1l1 I . Il. ,I ~ ~.".. " '

. .;~~~i~ ~t~::ai;o~~,I:P"' guest 111 Ihe j, '. 'V~ 4 ' ,""11'.. 1\1rs, Blanche Loullwl',sIcnt'the.. I ~v('d}-('lhd with lll't c!Ju..,i, Mrs,'

I p'mci 31;0'",n, ~ V\{akcfield., M1'. <lnd ;vIr0.~J.g ~ ~Tli'iT-'

.~~;~f'ftr' ~~.aa-;: :h:,~i0g- ~Mrs, p. ul :Fi"eh r were

Sunday afternoon lanel supp:crgue"ts of the LOI'l'OCC lFi!'(' ('rs. '

1\11". ~.nd Mrs. ij.ay 'Agl J' WN"C

.-ll'illllCI". !gllests and; spent Sundaywith .:\11'. and Mrs. Clal"(' I uskil'k.

1\11'. and Ml'!'i. Elme!' f'( It, L<l­\"onlle ,!lnd \Vallacc visitedl III IheJfJ(' J(llln~()n home Sunda~ al1er~

~O~~ll:. and ;\Ir~. A~. E. Chi~'d." ;Hidof l1eldeTl, were 'lIndaygll('S~S in 0lc H.ay n lbinson


1\-11", and ,\1I"s. W, C, Ring \'ij;itE'dilt NOl'Illan AlllkrSll1'$ Sum.1ay CVl'­ning.

Mr. and Mrs. t;(' l. \Vf'lt lllld IheHdn l\UlllI{('11 farm y WI.'I'(' ~undaydll)llel' gUI'''t.-; It1 ilK' IIaIT~' Wcl"t

11Of-'llC'',11'. and 01, rs. R (' t~llhH?\..l'k a~d

'lllJ' Buh Nl'!son fl'lm~'Y v/,WC'1Cl In'

ti.l&. I.lel1l'Y Neb{)1l II.Oj.n. 0 TL~.un'L1aY.C'\'~~nlng.

TIll' Hudo1f Kay !al11uly W('f'e In111(1' ~'rank Longe i IHill1e. l\'!nnd;l.'}

d,/~..,n,Jng ceJcbl"i,"lIjg ~11~'.1~OngL,' s

biJ~rr~la~'~d ,MrK 1.. it Subel' l-lJ1d

JI()~iln were a" Pllge ' Sllnday as d1l1~

m;\' guests of Mrs. 1L,l:stcrIAndersen

and Peter. tMr.. and Mrs. Ja ' qhambers~

ponald and Mrs. ~h'fs. ~*sqn/Nero Sunday dinn r~~:tsi'in U~eIRa'Ul Killion ho~

fvtrs, l<mi -,un~ and Mrs. Frqt1:R.IUtcch 'ere gU~!'its oC the Borr)d

l2.i.f.'C1c c1. b in' thC' GC.'U. Borg ho,!J10Tl1ursdff' at tcrnot n. ..,.' I ,: ~lr. 11 d Mrs. 1·1\·1s Olson .spentM~nda in the J ck Park home,'T!1ey ~tTl' Sund' y dinner guestsin!lhe Paul Olsonlhol1le.

Mrs. Clare Bu~kirk visitl'd Mr.ialld Mnl. Chaun~cy Agkr lastT\lc~day eyening v\'hile her husbanqaHt'ndcd' the Liorls club i-iupper.

'The Wm. Vict(~r family were


a'I ... number., of rc.~-atiycs who~~l(t~d~~'Sbi~~~Jy I~~~J~~ a~~~~~non,

r, antl Mrs, Ij.nwrcnce Carlsona~d Larry Gene \verc Il1 the VernC rison I)ome S1I1nda~ a{ternoona d spent the cYen~ng aL IvanJ~hnEom's.

, rrhc Di~k Sandalll.Jamil,Y were

i ~l' e;~a~.~I~~n~~I~ 'h~~i:tI~~1' g~:~sd~e~d y eveni~g they were entcrt</l.inedin the Art. 'Munson home at suppet· i 1

' I" arid ~rs, Paul Soderberg and F'inCSLj! (Jualit,v 98c. A. $Od¢.rbcrg were luncheon . ,cg (lsts In t~e Jack Soderberg home TIES ... --.-.-.-- ..aT cr aln hl;ld attended Elinor's rG~ I

ci al at ,the college. '"'hitejur colun; $1 49I r. aid ~rs. Dick sandab~la~tl SHIRlS. ' •

so s we e 'upper guests i LieE 'llJli d lOme Friday eveni, g as ~ i ' 5a~"oml;1 mc~t. to Dean W.hO Ie. It rq",r N.ewes paillerns 3 ea my ~e VIC Sunday. SOCK .. _" ... ,._,. . .

! Mrs.1 . . Lundahl and. !chi'~

~en srJ:nt unday evening11thf -=i~rtul c Value ' $4 95

Ivin ~Iar en home tob

. eel;' ralefS~OE-..· up

P'tty B'orn 'on's 12th ~ lrth y 91 ., , .

M .ndaiY'j T~eY accompan~ed thr ." ,i

L4~;~:1~H r~~on~rm~n AndJrso~wIre SUhda.Y. gufs.

st." in.l the,.c.h1;.r1

cr ..' , "The Place to Look for the Hard-to-Buy Items"

tE{I~$~:~~*;I:~[~~;~I~~1 ~II.ARSO·," I : DRY1 Mr., a 'd M s, .chas. Pierson,an~' I I ,

t.~~~.{~"".~;~. :~.:;~{~...~;:~~lr~~~ I•... :.. ', I.... 1, _ ',I'; .., .. '. ' '. ,', . IIG~O~Sf~ gf~k~~eff1~';';;'~' ';;;e~:I",..__I !A...M; l~C ,cn olsonireturnedr.ll II ;,

:! I', !.I ' I: j.Hi:,

Wayne, Nebr.

Attend to FarmHOllsing Repairs


Dave Theophllu8, Mgr.Phone 78

''lee Way"Thi. year raji.e YOUR chick. ih" "LEiE WAY". UseGERMOZOI1lE in the first drinking water,

12 oz.. . , 75c JHalf gallon . $2.503r.! oz. . $1.50 9allon "r-" -$4.50


12 oz. '$1.00 Hallf gall.n. _ $3'.5032 oz.::f $2.00 Gallon" ~ ..... ,,_...$6.50

LEEMtiLSI~N for bronchitis a~~ pJeumonia c.n

be .prayed in brooder, and there IS nJ danger froma lighted brooder .tove. lr.! oz _ _, •.. _.$1,00

Fulleri:on Lumber Co.


Young- poultry alld young animals need warmliving quaner,. Get huilding, in tip,top shape

now. \OV¢ have t:iupplies for your repairs,

('ERESAl\T, a <fry dlsln[cdanL for- Oats, Barley SOCaud!UlIlS, 4 poundS $3,00, 1 POIi.nd .

FORMALD€II DE, tr('atmf'nt for ~raln diseases and ..35cfor trl"atl ~ potatoes, sealed cani 1 pound . ._._ ......

"(:Rl1DE ('AR{OUC AGIO \ 80'Vf'r gallon 89(', ~ 5 gallon lotS., p;cr gallon _.- C

LIME ANn H LPHUR SOU;TIQN ·49cpCr gallon __ ' ._' .'


·.t\v rage room.: lOY-lx12.induQmg ceiling

, ,

Qm,~t'· I

, rHE FRIENDLY STO~ES :~~I QUIll-Ton", i!. U!lut",ud n~'e·OWlled bf Gal1!bll! StMetl'jltfe.



*n'auili· roue01) ... COST"".J'UST'. ~*!~,<I u

~i~l[ ···I.J,·~l\ h Nearl~;,o ' in t ng Be,ac 100 Per D

'~'~t~t -~~~~l~~'~ i'l ~~~~d I~\~, CC~-::: Fie~ i

ong BeaCi-h. !' 'u eral itcs wcrel~=~:;~~~~~~;:¥~=:~~iJ:~:"':::::::':::::::!:~~=b~::dJ~~~~;;~~~~~=~;:;;~=,",=;:j;";:::::::::::::~:::::~"::::~::::~::~~~;;;~~;;;;;~~k',' nducted,~.l\~.aI.'cl 1 at ·l\r1o teU'stape1 ,vl~'l thl '~lks 100 c in -"~-~----. 'I _

~ 1

1.E~ee;~)~1~~.t;.;,~f: :~~~,~: EIXleT,Y~e'SI!l'~i~~;~ ~Ii~ l;~inl '; ;rPh~IIj':unefal~p V~FN: .Writes fro Tii~;tC~~l~~~I~ievem~nt--'INFANt so PASSES IEduc tors Meeting

, l'rton, la., land he '" s 10 r ba~erY ~ 0 'f~f J. L "Y Ab t W Pit AT PLA NVIEW HO~E~ i~ayne, before ;n ving to ong Gil'e"l Tests IIn't So, g tlby LeglOll ..r\re I eM 'I h'n 'stay Iou ~ ne eop e Pr !franl for Clubs Robert Jame Russell, 9 mopth !At College Monday"iaCh

31 jY~Rl~ clgo to cs abh h <~ ,;a Amcnc!lltn gl m post, mccllJ1g MISS Laura E Lyons wntes ~ old son of Mr'fnd Mrs Douglas Il kery. "I ---- I last WC~/1~sd f-vcmng, decldod J.1 •• I from Long Beach, Cal, that a pa- •. --- Russell of Plal view... fonnerly1of I 1 __\ SUl'vlvjing Mr. D Pew arc hiS High School and ~o~~~g to S['CUIQ ,i I ct rt.' of lrwll1 ~. ~v~rs. ~Ilhan P eU j P sses .per omt there Ieee t1y carned the VUlll s Are Welcome Here Wayne, passcd av.ay Thurs$Y, Dr. R. t .. Patterson SpeaksI \ 1Cc, da~ght~t: A~ldl~, n w N~lrs, Take A·llr.! and V. r.! lit s,·"" Ion the e '1n loom TI e A ay in 111 noi~ .f.,fler ,tory tI,at D.lmar.A Yary~n, for, For Annual Gathering March 9 The nfant had ne!'er I To Northeast School

~~Roy F. Bcuy of N(.'~',PO t, R 1, Wayne wednTd Y'l' po,t " n!,ro1ed fo M,· Scars w ° I' any Yea ~' I1In..... merly,of Calloll, h., been award, To Be in City Hall. been well. Gr~up in Wayne.a Igrand.ol1, StepIlCn hell), an 1 a '1 w", tlH' Ilrst ~ync young man I 1, cd tho good conduct medal HeI,s FUneml r,tes we"e conducted I ,

sister, MrsJ Ellen WI ham:::; of es Army Hnd navy A-IJ nel, ~t f who lo"t hl:-; iJ c In the first world ~Fun rall rites ""arc conctlded at In In~a and IS as."lig:ned to a uhlt Wdyne counly "-omen's prOlect Sunday last~w ek at Plamvjew • Annual .j;prmg meeting of fheMplOcs. I lests were given last W dn d 1 war A llar~c IdUlC of Mr S<?Bl1'S Isoe cemclC'ry Jist Thur d$Y for of thclChmawBurma-Jndm alt' servw demonstrtitlon duhs' achlCvemcnt Methodist c Ur h. and the M. j C. s¢hool mer and women of rrorth~

---.----- 'at the college to 11 proun hung In Ithe ,., y ~ch<lol before t~e rs lilian Powel , 75, w'" pass- ,ce command day w,ll be held F"day m the eom- Russell fan" y ent frOm Wayrq. ea.t Nebraska Will be held Mon.I\loy IItt,e Too 1\11 (h J.. lit. and reports on thcsc are bUlltllllg \ etodClCd and It is d aw I~ m PeOria, Ill, S lUrday, Bur~on Clldcc, formcIly of munlty room of the cIty hall A Deceased J '8\ s hiS parents lind day, Marc~ 27, m the Wayne col~ ~l,;~ ~Xt(,I1SIt> Poultry nail JI H cd SOOIl. , hoped thp1 thl ay be locate! ~4rch 11, after anY)le 1'5' II1~ WaynQ, ~on of Mr. and Mnij f'Ja- busll1c~~ meeting v,lll oPf'n at 10 one brothel, ondld. lege studbht UnIon bmldmg, be~

II (;).~~ b.iugh pomtr Ol t t at tJoo Colll'gc students t<akmg t~e~s Shelill Jj If lIt' ami Hem y Joh ~ mqss ¢v S K de Freese aI1d the than t....hacc, . has. fl. Jed for I:J.lfseJh- o'clock at which tIme officers for ~__ -t- .••. gj"'.~In.g at 2 30 an.d C.losmg

Wlt.h a1~1Y '1'1 Iig

htl·n a b~oodo hOll emily tests .1Ie Glenn II('nrl('kson,~ f son \\lrd dPl> Ih~l'd to attend t B¢fke I'Hil,ler morltual Y wljjre m bly man, For U~c past ~() LYcars he the 1944-45 projC'ct year will be Soil C Lt'er ation: 6:~O dinnet and address by Dr. R.r~o~ be dcs rclblci A sllrp us lof Magnet, VIncent KRmrath of #0 ~ lim; clH.rge. I I and hl$ father have' been in'ge elecl('c1, and 01(' aftC'rnoon meeting 0'1 V ': F. ' Patterson, pr~fess~r of govern-Y'~dO\\S In a br't/ock r hou e, llC ca, RobE"rt Gibson and Donald Ne - 1 III po<.:t \tIt ~ to gl\ e $:.!5 t f0ec<i' 11'('(1 11\ I'd II Waync ;Ino 1I1 of the IChClce Lumbcl' and Supply is scheduled tf) begin at 1:30. Vis- If,.' I . C' II •d mlent at the Uruverslty of South·t

nC:::;, plO uces hIlL' ws I tcrp- SOl) of Randolph Jack Cdmpbf11 f tl 'R 1(' l';S 9 JWlt;n£lt al~() lour rr1l1cs west $f AI~ COmpClny. He was a member of the itors (lrc welcome.' ealill 8 a e Dakota. His 'subject will be "Peda~

1e1' tUlC a II ldlg'c bll ht ~ ats on Wa}nC' Wdyn; Prep students~'rl - 1~. ld~l~~ ;;~II'l(~~ I It IIdnlC'I, l()~a t rrqnl(' Y('Hd, lC'avIn& ~bout s~h.ool i board c.lurmg the reh~bili., Each club is C'xpect('d to provide ~----.... _ _ : gogical Pin~ups:' . 'IlC f1001 ,11 at ICd{1 to 0(' d d t~J1 mg ar e John rhlel Bill In a) Fl C T' d l). 30 YCi-J, s algo }!('t husbal1d,lhemp tauon. 11lI'r.lod Jollowmg t.he cart.h- an exhibit based on one of the Ics· Dixon Cau It Farmers ~re The ,afternoon program mcludes:)C lng Co ttdl) to P {lUIHt OPllfl· and JamC's MorrIson \1!ayne 19t1 I I!(UI11qro oy onfe~ a~ Powell, Id'ed In Siln D"'l:o seven quake In March. 1933. • ,om conelucled dUring the yeRr Invited t Allen for Dr. J. T. Arderson Wayne college

n,'1 half dS mM'y ''luare f·ct 0,1 wa, repres"ntpd by Bill M,llthet ;V t~;,':' [':'::;Ia~ !~p~:;: ~h" c'.;rni ye~r> 'gf> M,.,. May Davie~ Gold'ie is re- and to give a IIrief' repnrl of its Meetin I, ' ednesda • pre,ident, addres$ ~f welcome; Dr.In~L; III th~'blOo(jfll !lo sc dS n tlie Waite!' CacblCI and LeHay Vitti v,,, 'd1l<li Ill" L ~ ,on e"ects l~ M"', Po"rll I".,"e~ t"o ~ltugh- cove]'lng Irorn an dperatlOn, wh'ch 1943-11 achi"'enn·n\<. MU'ie num-. ii" . Y M, H. Street. Wayne college t


1 yil\lg hou. '\-'Quld u~ I refer cd tlo IeI' ot Wlt1Sldc, look the j!'Bts ~ I b I tI 19

I tC'/s I\"rs

M('(]Oldl (d.1ll or',IInd('. she u.n.elcrwcnt sam.e m.onths ago., h{'r.~, bouk r("\'jcws and a -t<'tlk on _..l,al'.mrr.'.Of I.)lXO.O., co.unty ty.. mCll.lber.'. "W.hat educ:ators.. canIqp liS lIoy 1\1,., Clay aug\l 1)""0 II II II,'hn and J1eH 1I0g ""I' 'IS su nmCl pehdente '"" ,'011 M" '0erme ivIr<. GoldIe lived in Wayne some 11hl) victory home and gard"n pl"O- 'nviled to Alldn Le'g'on hall Wed- '''''n, lirom the army-nav;" educn-Y~t The ,)t'W 211 b) 'L Ncb <,I-skfl Clar('nu' McGmn WCll.' Hl Cll~Ig --- -------t- ~-- Sd1affql of San Dlgo dlso ~ few years ~go. gram for 1944 will bl' glvcn, nesday night, ,March :2!J, at 7:30 tlon prbgram;"'Lco Blac1{, SUper.

t pal poult" house p o,"d" one of the lesls i I,",,'p~ I'o,pltal. ~Ionddnlrlien Mrs Cam waSl here Mi?sLyon, wroto tbat a woman Mi" Mary Iwonals. stale home for a h9"]'lng on the proposal to v,so,' of secondary ~dueation df thes. u~~e [00\ of glass to 20 oS Uar¢ -~ - - - ~ ~ J MISS \J,lflt I<qnri h.dUJ Imdn ,... he) flqr the ntrs. of Lon~ Beach has \0.. ffered 10 do- extf'nsjon agt'nl, wiH discuss bril'f- organlzc' a soil c.onscrvatJon dIS.- .sl~\te department of educcj.tlOn,f ellof floo SIM<:e R{'\ hnud L.USt n IM'- 01 ()f~lth Ihdt1IJl'( n ~n <In ~).l'llaha hO~IHtal se\.. I ----+- - -~~ - --1 nate :l(Jlo song book;.; to the Meth- ly tlw woman's land army. Mrs. T. tnc\. :fhe hcarmg IS called by Dr. "Teaeht'T sUlpply and curriculum

L I., ~-+ -- ---- --- -~ ~ ,Danish Lutheran church at L~i~n-l (Tal w~~'ks, hed g-tme to Col~mbu$ ;Dr, F'a~Jl Francl;' Shfll:P, atlve odisLchun:h in mClll<!Jry of ncr hus- P. ~loberls, county l.:hHi.rtnan. \.\:ilJ G. j<~. CondrH, f'halr'!'an of Ihe sol! trrnds:" Df. L. Burnham,'lVII',. E. C Rh"a,k,,, "'Dw"on 14 year" resigned 10 ,e'","e:!h 10 be "~h a 1'0fl<'f! lor a while be, 0[1. Allen, " one of 6 dlS1lngu.shed baod;, molhe,'. who' pa<sed away be III eha"ge of ,eeobnilion serv' con,erl'allOn eomm'"ee as a re: ~",",ulive,secretary of Nebraska

IV r~J()I'\'ilje _l1hoadt's a,nd Slot!. C.,ordOY<l and StaP.le!lurst Ithurahc . fOl'~' l'C,tlH-nlng ', 1°i. hf'~ _p~sltJon at sell'ntlsls reCl'lvlng: the DOI'den reccJl11y, In.'iplf'cd by this offering icc:;. suIt 01 a p::tltlOn, Slg.~ga ,a-nd~_ edUcatl?~al as:-;~.Cia~ion, "Major' ak~fiC'ld·lwC'l"c' hNl' r riday I'Me lca\"{;,s m Junt',. , I the loccll 1elcp-t om_' OlflClC. aWard. II j~ rlanned to dedicate 1,100 bong ----------___ mltted by lilnd ov,.r

Wfsfrom Dixon lcg-k-J-afl\e proposals.

• . book? Mother's day. Clinic in Sewing county., . . . . . .' '. C;. A,. Carko'k', supo-intendent' I I Lohg BCAch i$ the terminus of Machines Is Set Nebra~k<l now has 46 so:l dlS- of fIRrltlngton city schools, isI RI1IJrjJ I hight'HY No, b dxtl.'l1.ding from " .' .. . ~~Jl~t:c;;;~th ~pproxlm·~teIY H),(J()O,~ clHurman of the organization.

" ~ I Bost( n, Mass., <Il~d It has been 1 he .'iewmg machJl1e c!mlc t.o be _. '. ~_'~ ..__I '~ ~ marl cd on Ajml'riean avenue, held III Wayne county Api'll 14 TJlr('ctor '!'-'. ~r. ~rokl:lw D.e thc WISN.ER SCHOOL HEAD

l' $ wllicIl is onc-I'lalf block from will be conducted at a point near- state extenSIOn sl!'n'l~(" repn'sflnta- GOES TO PLATTSMOUTH' \ I wI.'e,·b M", Lyoo, Ii,e,. as Graod c,t the majority of tho'e ~'nroll:og, ~~~r~~,~~e .~~:~~ ~~li)~:,7~~~,~':~~ Sopt. T, I, Friest. who has 'head-

N1i ~~Army of lhe R<!IJlll)lic HIghway. ~.t IHese,~~. n;ost ~ntrles ~rc f.lo~ hearirrt DILn Burr' dean of the cd the, Wisner school for 16 yean;,1J E nyU , vclerall,S ¢ire much clat- ~(i\7~~1 ~~i\~~~·h;~i~~~~l~f~-~ ~i~rl~s coll('g·eg~f agricultur~, may also uc has been elected superinten~entatI ed.In er lim, . p y . I I'lall,moutl> and takes up b,s new

I ; " . . " Marlh Mis.'i'Lyons did !lot get to sec Ag,ent V:. R. l.-iardcr.who asks t~at pr;-:l~n'{'rs \V/lO rr'sic!c in SOli cnn- wm'k Apnl 1. The school is largerany of the causf'd by tll.t,Y.lx re~urned PIO~1~ltJ: by all scn'atio;l 'distri ts 're~elve' thp fol- and 'Sup!. Friest also receives a

If t.he heavy ram.", But. '.he co.uld. sec wlshll1g to attend the elmlc, ...~'.'.' .' 'ul) 't nt '. I '. .' ill W'i :' h As on old saying goes, I lmving sNvices Ithoul levying a S Raid rncreas(' In s ary. IS-

Mt,:ch is~'~,n.o ed for its stormy iW~IOI\er~ lamb .." ~lJt always storts to.~ sno~ pan. ~hl' mtlluntaln Sides be~ Stress Pure Seed tax or \\ilthoul ocket costs: La:y- ner ho~r9 lllet Thursday to act on. I'k a lion it will 90~OU Ie, starts to melt away 0 yon usa ena. ing 06 contour ines, terracing as- hIs release.


e~ l;"tb and the long spel tfco~~ a~~ei~n~~O~tyland fre~hness.~n q InVl.t'e ues:dents At C'rop Meeting slstancl', trC'e plantlrfg 'au!, gUH1- Mr. F!"lC'st camp to WHiner frohl


, Ie s" nd crocuS to begi s, reo b1~9thdd'Y m1nth pnd we ~re gIvIng a I" l- ance in grass seeding, and wind Bloomfield in 19~8. He has been'ha VIO ~. M h's ISQ our Ir d d to~ers T' Sh ., S h I Wednesday afternoon Waync croslon control nnd sl'cdihg or president of Third district teach~a190hkeannii,",9v ,rsOatUryre·p~rtOiroCrO;I,'oVOn~uoe!. ItoO'mabllwOeUorthferire.,,~do'~, !h1Wn~thCfu~sOrmnh.Palentd~ cSo'or¢,kas, 0 eating, C 00 county crop improvement assocja~ gras"ed wa1cI'"\\,ay'.;. AJI of ers fOl' three years and preViously

, . .' \Vaync county! reSidents inter- lion sponsored a meeling in Win- tJl(' conservation a.'isistance i" servl'd',{IS s<1creLary and treasurer.e Q e \prepor~ h dilse for the faml , 0, ".! ('.stcd iiJ ;ltLC'ncling a .'ihcC'p :-;hear- :-.idc auditorium, the purpose of at th(' cost. of fedpnJl funds. Mrs. FriC$t is the former Faith

of winte ~nd spring merc a , , I ing school al Colf'ridge March 31 which Was 1.0 urge all to plant pure Dixon rounly has np\.pl' h('cn in Phille{l of Wayne. She 'has beens' stan oljsovings. I and ,April] are a$kl'r1 10 contact :-;~'c~ls:;on, {ll'es(dent, the bell area, but since thi~ active ,in _Woman's clUb, Jr. Eo. 0 ..,

~ '~County Ag('nl W,!R. lIarder at was III ~ arge: . .,'. is no\\! carried on by the soil con- Eastern ~ar and other groups. a~,:~ once so thaI Ill' c~n <iITange for Dr. JC!:iISC LI\ltO,g",ton',t st~~g, .cx- t't'rvation program, Dixon county Wisner. ,.'I:'

""-6=«;'"F"""Z-l~~Q,;"'~':U;:' their l'nt'ollnwnt. I\n l'xpcril'llced tcnslOn Il aryt pa 10 OglS ,:>pOKe on farmers m<t¥ have shelt('rbelt ser\'-"1 sllf'ep she<-lI'C'l" will! he' in charg(' and bats, barley and potato dlscases icc if thC' distrk:l is fornwrl. Pfc. Alvin Kessler, ~5, Son of MrJ\ actual shearing wm be cleDJ'onstrat- and conductf'd a small,gram seed No fRrmel' in a di!'itrict is obH- and Mrs. Josf'ph Kessler of Ran~

ed. treatment demonstratIOn.. Jason gated 10 takC' tip any of the many dolph, is reported missing in Italy.--~-~~-,._--- Wc~st~r, \\!.ayne county SOlI con- soil consprvation practiC'{'~ on his -, _

AIrs. Joe JIal)('hJr, Dan ShC'ITY SCf\atlOnr~t, spo.kc on the brome farm, lJul thC' district proYides this Mrs. Mary Adair-of Wisner, hadIland :-:,otl, Donald, :cjrove to Sioux grass futur¢ Paige L Hall eertl· . d I k h t h Qt-ICily Thursf!<ly to~~c('omfJany that riedt'ion ITI~~agcr of 'Wayn'e crop asslsta~~_> __~__.______ ~~:rSha~~ts~~~erti:Ita~~'~s~~~ be~~ra!' II. N. o:fIJ[<ll'ro.ld, S. D .. ~~:'i'~~~~,,~d~ ~~~~~~e~~~'eM~.p~~~~ 'Patronize the advertjs~rs ml.'ising sinc-e February 13,

t:~~ ~1~~ (~~~'~hJ.c~t~~(\MI\~I.~I~\i~~~~~ son Jed the idiscussions. ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;';:;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;.;;;;;;;,,Al)d Mrs, Sherry. A large. cJ'owd attended,+-------


J, ;VI. Cm;RRY,___~ounty Judge.



Phone 99 for Tank Wagon: ServiceAny Tim~ - Any )'Ia.('p

For Prpfit:s' SakeI "()RDER


D-Y Lubrication and see . ..The difference in the performance itwill give.

Earl Merchant

- The World's News Seen Through,THE CHRISTIAN SCIENCE· MONITOR

An ltdernafional Daily News paper, TntthfuI-Construetive-Unbiased-Free from Sensational·~:m - Editorial. Are Timely and and. In Dailyfeatures, Together with the Weekly MagaZine Section, Make

~-e-~_o-~~t~i~~~:s~ci~~~~;~~~-~:b~~i~~i;;i~;;----------tOne, Norway Street, BOston, Massachusetts

Price $12.00 Yearl~' or $1.00 a Month.Saturday Issue including M guine Section, $2.60 a Year.

Introduc;ory Offer. 6 aturd'b.y Issues ~5 Cent!.Name ~ _

, I ~moqd, ;deceased, and that the ~ ext erne cruelty and desertion, an,decd~ioH"of said instrument may e~ YOU!' ,are required to answer S8'tdcomtnitted. to Emma Peter' as t-. petltl.on. on or befo:te the 10th dayexe1utrix~ . ; of ~pril, 1944, or a decree will be

OB-DEREID That March 21 enjred against ycyu. .194.4' at to o'Clock, ,is aS8lgn~ ated thi::; 25th aay of,ed for hearing Lal etJ ion, when 194.all·persoris lntereste ay appear Lester Beckner, Plaintiff,at fhe county court room - in By Burr R. Davis,Wayne, and show cause why the m2 4 His Attorney. ,

b~a~~;n~~~~~:t~~~~~o~~~u~~ ~~~ NdTICE OF SETTLEM,ENT OFpendency of said petition and '1he ACCOUNThearing there-of, be givrn 10' all In the county court, of Wa:ynepergons interested in said matter courty, publishing a copy of Ihis order 1Ihe state- of Nebraska, WAynein the Wayne Hprald, a weckly county, ss.newspaper printed 'in said coun1t, 110 qII persons interested in thethree succeRsive- weeks prior to elsate of J, H, Hol<amp, deceased:said day of heuring. You are hereby notified ~hat on(SeEd) . J, M, CHERRY, the-Jth day of :M,a~h, l~44j F. W.m913 Coun1y Jw:lgfi', Hokamp, trustC'~, hIed hiS f nal ac·

count and pctHlOn for ·distributionNOTICE of the residue of said estate, a de:'

In lh(' District COUl'l of Wayne termination'of the,hl'irs and for a

County, Nebraska. ' '~;~~:~~~~~~C~~i2gp~';~;0~C h:td t~~Bp;~;~~~ B~~~~~~,r'deF~~~:t~~~, vs. county court room ih Wayne, Nc-

To thC' dpf('ndant, Beatrice Beck~ ~~~t~it0;0 t~~l~:~ha~~,;o~~~r~~in('~:ou arc hen'by notified 1hat 1 p'ersons interested may appear to

haW' commenced an action in the ~~~hioC:cU;'i~)~V~~lt~;a~~'~~~~'rof the

~~~~~~k~~U[~'e0~b;ca(7ndc~~a~:; Oated this 7th day of Marc;h,of which is 10 obtain an absolute 194ftrlivorce from you. togel.her with (Seal)rquitt1hle rpliC'f, on Ihe grounds of m9l3



Addres! ..__.. ~__



I :·•••••·•••••••..••••••••••

.'•••••••••: .IY~=...-! Ii

/•••••••••••••••••••~!!I~•• I1•••••••••••••••••••~








Started Chicks Sexe(1 ChicksWe have a good supply of started one We h~ve some White Leghorn coc~iand two-week-oId White Leghorns, erel. e will sell CHEAP. They WI

White Rock., Barred Rocks and SC make ine fry1\. eight weeks from now.Reds. We have a very lo~ price e;tn We d n't use '"AP SEXORS. We havethese started chicks. Come l~, we wIll a goo -Arneriqan ~ boy this ye~r. PI.ace

d h h t your sexed orders,here for gla to S 0-:v t em 0 you. f! .

We Guarantee Colson Champion Chicksto be Satisfactory.

Book Your Orders Now F~r'Chicksto Avoid Disappointment




'p,~l, II -.. rnod~ e i~he laI1ge In er of fl eo pr*.er of. th! petltid ~r be not inte 8t d in the est;!e O~MelV1~-December ~8, 1941, and costs ofr l eets ~~ t horse$ $leighs an~ ar lages now gra te4. 1 c. D v1s deceased, real na es un- suit, and f r the fjreclosure of• I ~ I I I I I ownr~' }(>caUY.:~ ate4 ~h S l$tJl dn of' Mat' kno .' nd all persons h ,mg or certain ta lien re ificates de-

l I B. f. Goodv/lO. 46, Ci~il iar vetr 194 . ! Clal 109 an mterest In 10 s seven scribed in said peW on upon the

F' ~..... · "~: eran dlfd at iEme~sol1i F bruart (Seal) J. . CHER ,(7)j 19h (8), nme (9) nd ten following escribed real es;tate,

O prl 10' S 15, i~1 , Dr, If- A M rp*.or \m23t3 unty JUQ e, (0), Blo k fIve (51, VIllage o[ to-wit:I \ Sumn.b.r, lll.~ came t P~mca, to lo~ , ShOlf" ayne county, Nebraska, Lot one 1) Block. i:-,:: (6) Vii-

I cate .i. I Ernest 8t ffina Ileft fol,' 1NOTI OF H ING {I real am s unknown, to the heirS,,! lage of holes, Wa' ne COUhty,. I * I ~ertmpi'Yi to VJSJt ..• ~'W,ayqe c ~I'" l the c u ty coll! of Wayrie devJs es, ega tees, perf,onal repre" Nebrask; i. t " ~ ty hat ~etltJOned thE!,!,,~,~UP e Itu t Neb s santa Jves and all other pC'rsons Lot seve (7) Bloqk two (2)5Uhd~y M vie, "nd High l" 1928. rs. lIen J5 a daug ter of court to enJom offl l~lsj of Thl.jl ~ Ie Ii ~he m~ t:ra'Of t e estate of inter sted 10 ,the estate of Mapy Village 0 Sholes,1yne coun.

Band Le re Issues G, W. Win tts lot Cartoll ton county trom C lIeqtmg talx s lb t L T ,~ dj:- sed Alice Cud ell, deceus;cd, r(j>a~ names 1y, Nebr :-ka; ,

r At Ea Iy £ ~ction.. I r)y \Vayn6.Evebts m the terrItorY wh ch liS clall'hed T r all'pe s ~~/'~~ter ~~ed jOn the unkn wn, nd all !X'ISOn,f; havmg rLots sev n t71, ight (81,'~ Fron Wa e Herald for March as a ~art ot both c)unile~1 THere eftate of A b d L ~ mphn de- or cl Imln an mtercst lIn lot nine (9) and tl'n (OUl, Brock

Early Day;s from I thE:' Waytle 19, 190 : H. GrovJjohn 1 bUild· 1S a q~les:tlon wheth l' the 8tr111 nil c n$ed f " ' eight en (] ), Block ¥C (0), VII- five (5)" Village 4f Sholes,HeraI,d for Ma h 2 , 1928' Ing a n w re 'dence at en ll ... questu)n Wu,!; ever ll' ally attacFi~cl You are h eby no Ihed that on lage or Sho CS, Wayne county, Ne. Wayne cpunty, Nebraska;

Match m tIS te rltory means Gco S hI' t k hiS cluJ rtn to to Wayne, but the I ~ deft~ing t e 18th dn f M~rc b 1944, Rob- brasl~, tC'a names knO\\n, to Lot C'j~hV'en (18), lock fivea mo~th \n Whl h an thing mD,Y' pe Omaha a actor •. ThB'~\nfant boundal'H!'s ~ of Th rstc)n eourty ett E TemJP~ n, flIed hIs' petltlon the- hell'S;, e!vJsee:-, I atees, per- 1;o5ul'nVty',1I~~cbrOn:'kSah"OI-'S,Wayneexpected in th forn of weath~r. child of r. a q l\ -Twne Stan~ makes that cOl/lnty ap pn Dakpta 1 ~he count, court of Wayne somU repres ntallves Clnd all other f'-- N....~But ~hjS yea.r he m nth 118:; IJe- ton of C noll, dllrq~1O M'arcl.19D8 ,countYi'"and fOI' that 'ea.~on the tact c unty, NCt'sHa, alUcgmg that persons ~nte e,;ted m the C':>latcs of Part orl southeas quarterhave wonderf ly w 11 l'egardlflg •. ,Th Mat IUS Jones fa lly IS IS \Old. ~e Albert . Tcmp1loldled on the Cecelia flet en and Waltl'r T1Cl- :(8EI4) of nortlwas quarterweat ~r and cr~ p ospects are mOVIng 'Om arMIl to R ndolph ---- __ ] tJ day of ecember 1941. That gen, deceas n, H'<ll names un. ,.<NE'/.I) bf Section ten 00>,good.. The grou d lSI '\ell soaked., John Ham r ;slbwlc{jng a new Gerhardt Kottle~, II, former s Id~ Albert [ TemPlin was at the ~nown. and II p0rson:-;, hd\mg or l1townshil~ 1

wpnly-s \,('n (~7),

a,l~d,t e month h s be 11 fairly Jr~e housf' on hiS f rm ~l,('ar t"a oIl .. , reSident of PJl['rCl" ~hC'd 10 Norfolk date of hi', d1 th a reSident of Hos- ~IalmJng an nt('IPsl In part of Runge onr, Wayne CI unty, Ne-Ifwm Wind. PIa; lllg \\ III so~n The 4-yeur-old aughtN' pf r antll last \~h'dn('sday I 1~Jl'l~ 10 Wa (' county Nebraska southfastqud tC'r (SE 1

1) of norfh- I.A.aska.!

Ist~rt to launch :rmm OpE'ratlo s MJ'S WJlI F"l::;h r f~ll anci ut her -- - - --~--~ , ~halt he dll' [Ized of ~n estate of east quarter t El-4) oj secliOn ten 'AND ADJUDGING he plaintiffIf~' t ~ season, athe COndJtH) s forehead *ddlY~' the Fre Pfelf~ I I hqritance I the fOllowmg de- (10), U'ownshl tv.C'nly-sel,(.'n (~7), to have a fjrsl., Jit'n up n said reala~e f varable an fa prJOt'5 aile fer fcll1lll~ cam frolm p;eOl'lU, Ill, ~I 'if!.!. "~ :S' s rlbed n>H~ estate I sJtuated m ~ang~ One, .lsI, Wayne county, qtate by '-{irlue of satrI tax salegqod 0 the autloqk IS nght and locatEid sou h of W\nslpe . . . ~~. U"'ft " _U Wayne comit , Nebrtrska, to-WIt. cbruska, rep nnmos unknown certificatf's I",nnd ,:kcree and, ordC. r-

lne Rsed tax f~r th band and G('neral J B W ff'\er of I0'Ya

, \\-ill City of W yn~, Nf"hm. ka I I Commet1lc ng at h pomt 14 YoUj are hC,k 'by notlfiC'd 1hat on ing said pI' J])0rtJes sol and thatthe q estiQn of pCrmJtt g Sund¥y speak H1 Wayn opera h~se on NOTI~'El OF )'II..INO AP LICA~ I f~('~ west ~nd 80 feet :-outh of the 171h day f Fl'hruary, ]944, the proce('r!r.; therefrom he applledn~ovJ S WIll came-l blllf re \olCirs tetnperunc¥ ~ TION-TO SELL BE ,R tl1-~ soulh\~qst cornrr of block the VlJIage Of holes, Nebraska. a to the payrnent of pIc inliff's de-t~s S I'mg and mtlj'I'l"st n the elec· A marn ge 1 cen~eMwas IssU~d A'f RETAIL ]$1 In the Village bf IIosklns mumclpal corP( raqoll, flied; Its IJe- C!'C'C, inlcreBt and COl'ts\ includinghon ncreases dmJ:r_ to Geo Cl fsmWan anf Id ISS al'l h

aNobel' IS hereby glwn 1/1at the 1 Jnl Waynel Founty, Nf'!Jraska, tltlOn In the a o\{' entitled CRuse statutory a1tornC'y's frC's, and [01'-

Dl rlct Judgi." ~ A elch has B9U(8'nnmg

h "I[etlle ,In1I~rtC , mayor ahd (l1y council of thc qlty Hwnc(' rUfrting sOllth 379-85/ makl';ft you, n odd1 of yoll a de- evcr barring- and foreclosing youl


() ". e I e son 0 err II I'" 86 I t ~t 1~ f t and each ot you from 1"11 right,been rltlcnlly JII a JllS ome tll'te f W J d th b of Wa~ C' I\'phraska, WI ho y- a I eet, once ea O\J ee, (enda t thcrf:n I"

M . Clara 1.0\1:' 7, pa~sed ~~<~~.07f In ~n~~ ~~ ~aepa~a.'torU~~_ mcetm/; III thl' cily cJcr~ s office thf'nce no th 379·8 /86 ~hen('e Andj lhat 0 mu:-t answer or title', inlf>rf2pt or (>(juilr of rc-away at the home her daughter, cldent Albert KllllOJ1 al'd MISS In t!w CI y nudltor mOl ,on l\H'~daYl west lRO feet along the south plG'ad ~o said pc ItlOn on or bdore c!{'mption irJ and 10 >;'l'i(~ Ill'I'miscsMrs, "'. E Gamble, arc 161 1928 T(,~sJe Chil ott W("ICI m'ul1 led III Mench:2 1944 dt 7 a clock p, IrI1 Slrt0 of 5th !\trect to t~H' place the 24ith ddy of prd, 1944, or the or any p:trq thprl'of. I

:Ha s Otte, 58, \\1ho II 'cd\alonc March 19J' _111SS> Anot Ras~ for Ih(' tlIpos(' of (on~ldt'r1ng' and I of heg 1l1nljng All located Ih allegatiOns at ;l,unllff s petitIOn Dalt'd this 41h day ~ 1YTarC'b,

north est of Wayn~. w s Ifound mussen ancil Wm Sundahl wC're actmg u on thC' followmg appllea- ~he wes,1. v..! of 1hC~1 SOU~hw~st IWin be lilk{'l d true' ctnd thd1 a 19*;;c of Sho!P,,, a muni-de'ad t hJS home Mhrch 2,1928 marrH:'d MatCh ]1, ]908 v I.d. lIons to ~t'jl h(or ar;t r0~aJI. as fjro- !'l, a£. sletjon 27 1 wns lp 25, decree be en cr d upon the tenlh~ j' rid M~ L ~t rp I vldf'd b ChClplf'l )~ ( S Supp, range 1 ('<~"t of th 6th PM, cause of aell n 1 swl prlltlon for cipal ('orpor' lion,

I James Fjnn~ 63, I~asscd SamUl'son < n ~s hO

119@8 J g('~ EH9, a~ ndw (XI~IIllg' O! elS h(,rC-lhal. your prtltlOn('r IS mtelested $11813 ,mu ln1( rt'~I upon sald ny c. \V,"Pl'e ~jngpr,

away at Iwr home I pre 1\ arch 20, ~~~l"l/\o:atl~le~~~n arc 'A l\1eihc~~. qJj('! .Im~n~lr'd 1 sald real rstate 8R a brother amount <11 7', hom I)f'I{ mhc! 18, m9tfi Its t1orn('y.1928. . Jst confplcB (' \VI I' be h~ld m North Npbrdsl«l ,Bp\ll'rng-p ("0, nd onp of uk he,lr~ at law of the ]941, and COtlS r sud <l Jurlh{ r '" ", _

Wo k an \Vuyne s f"\('1,\ I otE:11 has. \Va ne .:\-1 a I h :26 and :27 J With <'1t l~O Vekl 2nd Strp( 1 Wayne, ~~Id Aliwl t ~-' TEmplm, deceased decree upon hf' hlln (dU,f>C of ac- NOTIeR OF PRORATE qF WILLresu ed after a ~fdppag dl.lrmg y ~, ¢ s !\ebldsk ~hat Jour p(ltillOncr l3.nd one WIl· tlOn In ~dld P 11Il n for~~0193 dnd The stale of NChra,,,k<l,'\\Vayncwmtr' weather ~r~~~1C'2t ChUiCh lead!r as Flora Kllpalnd< at ](11) West] am 1'. TC'm~lm are the blOthcrs mterest elt 7' f lin Df'cemhcr 18, county, :.:s.

F Brown, 60, oflMmd n, pres- ,p . j J 3rd Stre' I, Wayne, Nebraskd ml the onlY*helrs at law of s~lJd 1941. and c01ts :':Ult d further At a county court. h('ld~'ll 1h0idept of the Golden I Rul More Do.on COlt ty Na\\!'!I, ,John MeIster at 100 MalO ;\J.lbcrt L Te plm, dE'cE'ased, and decree u'pon the xth e:w.USC' of ac- county court room, in and lor saidcamp illY, was klllp~l M t'C1~ 19, Early Da~~ frO! Nor1hern Ne· Stleet, ayne, Nebraska. that SUlCI a ave deSCribed real tlonln:-aldp!i'tl(l nforSL5628and county of Wayne, on t)l(':.! d dilY1928, when thp car In ,,",hlch he braska JOUli1!al, P nca, fOlfebru~ J R 1\11."1' at ]1:2 Mam Street, estalp df'~('C'n s to tfm In equal mterest at 7J' fl m fkcember ]8, at March, 1944. \1

was ding alonc WR~ stru k by a lary 26, 1891 The slln shon glor- Wayne, eblaska sl';Jarf's Tholt no ap hcatlOn has 1941, dnd co ts () !-;Ult, d further In the maIler of Ihe (, oftraIn ear Holdrf'ge I lously In St LOUIS, Jor 1h lmit Peter dersen at 118 Mam bl(>en made b~ any p rson for the decree u on he n nIh Co1lU.;P of ac- Louisa Brummond c!('ceased\

Art I r Glass and Albe ~ Lam- tIme In s{'\/'tal d8iYs but i\'S lays Stipe!, \ llynf', NC'braskH atppomtmC'nt ?f an c dmJnlstrator tlOn III &Id 0tltl n Jor S~ 38 and O~ rC'adint and' filing lho pc/i.brech lof Wll1sldp, had ani n1mor feB on a clt)1 dl:aprd In mdUlnlng L"st('r C Holeldj at 102 Maln of Ihe esta1e qf Albrr L T('mplm, mterest dt 7'~, lrdm Dccdnh0r 18, tion of Emmi.a PI',ter, pr:lyin¥' 1hatmjuri g when thE' car I whIch for General Shl1rman ~1reC'ts StreN, Jayne, Nebraska d('ccas~d mIl state f Nebraska 1941 and costs of-lsUlt, ankJ a fur- 1he instrumlint fJlC'd on lh~ :2ndthey ere returning from arion, were llned til' m11rs wJlh a solId At sal tlmp dntI place the' local IWHEREFO f~, Pe1ltloner prays th(,l'dccrC'c pon the thlrt('pnth day of March, ]944, ~LnrI purportingS D ~urnect over north f C'clr~ \\all of peal le~\A-ryo gathered to gmt'rnm r I~ody of s[ud mUlllclpdl- fq>r a decrcc wrem detelmmlng cau~e of detl( n In Stud peliltlon for to be the la~t' will and tl'stamentroll. pay tribute 0 on~ who \\jlll.s re- Ity\\J11 ~C'dl\,eCOmpf'1P-nl eVidence the tlmc of r!erth of ~he decedent $750,03 and nlcr'it at 7'( from of said deceased, may bc proved

A. n was born to Mr, a d Mrs. spected not (~Iy ~ mlhtar.,y ,men uncleI' oa h, c1th('[' orally or, by af- and the name~ of hiS heIrs flxl,ng and allbwedi as the Jast will andRola d Harrison of Wa ('fjeld, but ,al.SO hy t~.1e p blie i.': fidavit, .,rom ~n.y.IJersorl b('ar~ng t~e degree. of ~inship of said. hel~st---. -- teslament of said Louisa Brum-Marc 15, 1928. . .. PreparatIons' rt' \)eln~, m,ane upon trll' })llOprH'ty of the g~'~ntlng and the rIght of descent of thiS GAT h ""~.__~ __~._

A 'on was born 10 Mr, a· d ¥rs. in CI~cngo fdr th~ wOl~ld,1S lair. or rejPct on; of .tlll' js~uanc(' 'of ,<\ny l1r?[ferty. BarrIng all clalms of •• ~a, ersonA]f1"e~ L. Johnson at' \Va" C'fiE'ld, BuiJdmgs of IrOn, glass andi:stucco or an of ISi.tld 11t'('nsc's, as pronded S~fl? d('ccClsed la~ fo.r such, othpl' Real Estat~ andl All Kinds ofMh~h :19, Hl2R are bE' conJtructrct OI~ ,t~r Jake by law., , r~;,IiC'f as. may be Just and NjUltab,1l'. Il1! acE ce t Life

A S:on was born to Mr, a d Mrs, front l~r trlE' bIg. jXPOSltiO~ ... , Take> tOl'IC'C' anrI g-o\"('rn your- Tthat, s;al~l mattfr hu,,, bepn set for sur ,e x. pLaw~nce- RuwE' of northeast of The OhiO \'al ey IS .. threatPl).€'d by sel\'('s llC 'O!1ding IY.. .... ' h~arl,?g In th{1. '~~ounty eour.t room Wdyne, Nebr.Wayrie, March 13. 1928. floods ... N bras a ha~ a;lpopu- (SI'(1J) VALTER S"I?RESiSLltR, of :-ald cUWn1y in Wayne, Nebras~

Mr.' and Mrs. John A strong lation of 1,058~10 l:lfcordmglto the m:!:Hl I MUniCIpal Clerk. kB., on 1he 7th day of April, 1944,of P9nca,', telf'bra1e-d the r 60th new census'. Ljlxon ~ountY'sl pop~~ a~- th(' hour or }o o'clock a. ,m,wedd~ng anniversary in arch lation Js 8,084 and Wayne county s City o~.\\.'a,.yn~, Nebraska! (~eal) J. M. CHERRY,1928. . '6,169, : i .' NOTICE,' QF FlLlNG APPLICA- nh2:H3 C~unty Judge,

Th I Bahlie oil sta1ion at ake· S. A. Bennett boyght th~ Jones TION-'I10 SELL PACf\AGJb , _field t. beiJ/lg remodeled. drug store and! Is,retn~delin~ 1t,.. LIQltOR A't' RETAIl, LF~GA-L 'NOTlCE

Ea110rcutt of Conqord ~·as Legislature P3$ to educe l\'oticeislhpl'cby given t~at frye In the couryty CDutt of WnynecallI;' to ~ansas by thq seri us iill- train pas~engef ratE'r to 2c mile may~r and tity cO,u~cil ?f ~he cit~ cpunty, Nebra$kp..ness f his father. i· .. Re\. Gea, WllHams l~ctu~es of \i\iaynp, :Nebraskcl, \\,ill ,holq a In the maUel' of the estate of ;;::;;;:;:;;;:;:;;;:;4:;;;:;~:;;;:;:;;;:;F:;;;:;:;;;:;

A aughter- was ?orn, to i\ r. ~nd on' Stanley's e.f.PE!'ri~~: 1~\{Afnc~ mee1ing i~ 1h~ city clerk's officd in P.~och A. Surber;, decea~ed., .-;;;;;rvI~s.. Gerhardt \Gml"k.. Of. I-I s-kms. at the l\.1~t.hOd.I t eh leh .l~.po.nca 1he. cltf. cll)Idltor,lum (~1.~ Tuesday, . To all.,personsl.interested In saIdMcrl:C 13,1928. ". Wm. lI.or10 of S oux (I~y, and March :!3, ~944, elt 7 a clock p, m., C':-Iate-. both creQitor:,> and heirs:

L'e ion mEln plan 1'0 spend a day Miss Hattlc G ICI Wa~ef.leld, rol' the' p!~q)Qse of con~ld('rjng ~nd You "ire hl1reb.y n0tified that oner<,~.t n

g.. a nl.'W >;lC('I. fE'~_ t La- were married 1~. Feb'

)', Jt39~: .. a,c.twg ul1J,on.. th,e f~I:OWlT1g. '.~P.PIIC<~- ~e 18th day of .Marc~" 1944,POf1t €l cemli'tery, County Supt. S }~roe~ IS orgtnlZlng tJOns, to sell packuge ilquo~ at rc~ auide Gailey, petitIOner; filed herGr~eling has resumed a Ihe a 1'eachers' rea ]1: crele at reI' of· tali. a~ proVl(k-d by Chaptf't 53, C. etition in the above maUer, set­

high ay ffoiin \Vaync no th to fice ... ~oncals ,ne . watey,'orkS S. S.'llPP".: J939, as now PX!Q4n.g or Hng..fnrth among olh('!r things 1hatli;§~~~~;::;t~~~~Laur l. i system wlll be! start~d SOO I ••• as !lerea~lc~ amendc'd: Enoch A, Surber, a I citizen and I;

MLs ,Mabel Gries of Ran101ph, Though the- hf'<jlvrY 19yer 0, sn.ow l\orth ',Nbbraska BeVf'rag~ 0:0" residt:>nt of Wayne in Wayneand arvin Rice of Belden, !were encourages rhrt\lmatlsm, rs;l~lgh at l:!O ~'C'll 2nu Slr'cpt, Wayne l munty, Nphraska, dIed intestatemarri d M~I'{'h 17, 1928, ' , rides, c.old fee~, and, snowl~allmgl Nebl'askil., _ , , Vwrf'in on the 5th de1Y of Decpm-'

Mr . ,-R F. Gletlson, 38, dirrd at thc moIst un' 11' gpod fel tho John 4, Mpls[('r nt lOO M<:i,Jn l~er, 1937" scizpd :and ,po!',,,esspd ofRa. nd lph i~: 1\-Jarch, 1928. I ground.. Th~ livery st ~hlc of Street, Wa$'ne, ~('brilska" 'I lh. e fOlIO""'.'lng dcsdribed rcal cstalc,

As fl was born to Mr. and Mrs. Hart & Woods, fuought from~,A. W. Lester q 1101(-'1<11. at 102 l\Hun to-wit:

FaIT ~ Aller of Lincoln, Mar~h 9, !Ross, is to be ehla~~_~o ~~ Street, ~.atne , Nebras.ka.. A, par.l of tlw souIh l1aJ.f. I:===~i:=:t==:;;;:;~, ----~- - . Al.S~11dl t.J.. m...e and pJac{' tl.oe. locall o.J Ih(' south.W.est qw.,u,t.l(.r l~

go\,prl1lng body of s(lld munclpal- I" ) of s~'('tion s('wmJty WII! r~)CI.i-l\ {' eomp<'tent ('VIdence township Iwpnt y ~s i~under oalth" elthel' ot'ally or by ,af- north. range four (4)/east offidf:lYlt, fro!n ~ny person l)('ar~ng 1111' 6th P. m" in w~Yne cour-

upon ,thetPD...o.r.lrlcl.y 0. f. th.'.' grantll1g 1y, Ne.IJraS.I{a, rIl'.Scr ••l::jed as fd-J-or rC'Jec,t ~Ili, of ,t,he ,I~su~~ce of,,~ny I lows: Commencing ~t a pointor all of ,said li( C'ns( s, as prm Ided ]R5 fe-et north of he law. west corner of lot 1I, block :2,

Take o~lce amI gon'rn your- John Lake's addHion tosclv[':- <lC 'orrdmgly. ,\~layne, Nehraska, til1eroce past

~$k~jt _ i w;;"- (Seai) VALTEH. S. ~RESSLER, .150 feet; thence north 70 feet;m:23t1 I _~VIulll('lpal Clerk. thence west 150 feelt; thence

~4* Ib ORE MEAT' I south 70 feet; to th~ place of, S NOTH'E OF SE'rTLEl\fEN'f OF beginning. fThe above describ-I ACCOUNT ed property is sometimes reo

• In the county court of Wayne ferred to as lot fifteen OS),

pet 100 Chicks in~:,!Ib~e~~~:i·:: co~~t;'s a~~r~~k~ehras;ka, Wayne ~~~~~io~h~~\~;~~~o~::~a~=~IFrom CIIicks fed 0' UP conservatlvtfigure, , ole county,._ s. , Also olher teal estate.I TEPPE lowestOfseVfral farm d To' all pcilrson:.: interesited' in the ~' That said dycectcnt JeH surviv.S laboratory eats run, lh estate a LUcy Ann 1I.('I1ne~sy, de-

li. g him a.." hi~, sole aIi!:, d1 only heirs

which Nutr na was ed ceaRed: t law, hiS Widow, MlrinJe v. Sur-

I it~m~~;~~ mo~s Isfee:~~~ You a e herf'by notlfi0d that on er, and the ftlJOWing ¢hiJdren, to-I ;:~~~~~~;:;~:i5~;;;:testswa.s651 s.m.oreme~lt! the.181h ,1a1Y o~ ~arlth, ]94~, W.~. Wit: Lou SU,rb r, CarL$urbC'r, AUI~I;W "m: oS lleed" IS ScrIbner 9.dmInJstrato~. filed ~IS da RessegUie, and M!l~de S. Gai- Iahe/ale:d tIh~t 11B n;ot final ~cc uht and pe~ltJon for dJ~- Icy; that the widow 'as entitled n Uran e :..,"stepped up" In groYlth tributlOn e~f the reSidue of said ~o an undiVij:d one-p ird of sa,id ANY A D ALL INri'Sand health p~omotinp fb.c. estate, a deltcrmJitation of the heirs It.eal eslaie an each: f said chil- Ex 'epting Li e

. tors Nutre a is n, LtJS and for discharge. Hearing will lren. an undi 'ded on' sixth; that Gus Pau ~n"'" .. feed' ThiS lear fefe! b d 'd t d petIN MASfl OR PELL'fT FORM "Stepped Up' Nut~ea' ,e ha. ,.n.sal acc.oun, an . ,,1- he prayer of,the sai p.e Ut.ion is CARROLL, N B •

.. r tlOn at ~he county court room, m or a decree d termini g t~€ time d23tferrV B OS Pro"'u Ia, Wayne, Nebraska, on the 7th da~ f 0-1(' death Of the d cedeflt andl;;;:;;;;:;;;::;;j;;§~::;;t::;;;:;;;~J' lD ~.... of APrllJl~.44, at 10 o'clock 8. trq he Inames of his nell!'" fixing thel;P on 206 I W yne, N~br. when al IPersons mteres1ed ma~ qegtlee of kin hip of, aid heirs,

_~~~~~~~""~"""~"""""""""'~""""""''''''~~~±~'''!..!.:a:rp't=p:,:ea~r~b~IS~h,::ow~~cau~ewhy the and the rIght of des~ nt of saidI••• *••• 11•••55"1111••111111 1iIIl1Ii1IlIiil&UlIiIIIIIIIRll. D••••••••••••••n ••• II••• ~II'•••II.~i readI ~statef' b rd"'dng e c1a~~s f of• I I I I qrelorso 51 ,an or

• I I I tea other a d f >;elief as: c" i I:> MEATS I a be Just a de;• I' n., • T at said m tte fOI'hear-I;;~§;:~~~~~~~~~: II • i g before th c court of I'• I = ayne count , N , on the: ' Th "', .M k yh"y !! day of Ap ii, 194 the hour• ar, a e vw iI 'If ~ o'clock nthe

·.1 M eft.I: a Success! I, f'9~, ted this 8th

:: I 1$0 ]) ".'i. I ' • 1'2: 3 ''I We stress quality!, I '

'. J.. " [' onCE.1 I and ",conomy tIll I! ¢~{the Dist 'ct ~OUi' CUSTOM IfJUTCHEfUNf ,I! our meats, poule II'" °ffv~:~~ ~~as• ' Let us fikure on y04~ spring butcherin • S"~ ~s try' and fisn I 1[ t.~I o~poratl.'~ , Plai.'.. I I I" " le~rmg, et t, d~f= 'about yo rs now. I 'M' I'. , T Joe Mat ingl~; e he"s,• I \ ';; evi ees, lega eas, rep-

..' .'.1 PJ.,EASR MAKE A OATE BEFORE BR NGI G _ P'hon'''' 73~, II Ill. ese tatives a d, all er p~rsons

;ll JOlhnYsOoUR

;SMAL~~:~k ~~!od: Mark"'et-I 1~II'lk~tj~~'~: ~~ ColsonH~tcherY', .,. I I \ I ' hoes, W~YP eO\l t r,:ebraska, PHONE 134 214 SOUTH MAIJIIi ST. WAYNE. N~B.

1\ I "" '~n I tl 11.=:~::;~h~I~~~~~~~=~~==~~~~~=====~I~=~==~~b~.,.':i~..•'· ,;II ~+ ·.·..•··J·.r ~.1 "'..1"•• ,. ese~:"tives a d aUI"I ~r perso s I;

"',', 'I J • \1 , \ I' Ij 'II'\;11;;::>1'\: Iii \ Ii ! ;Ii,I! I 1





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~!l i'...·'1


-"-0".'00'••.","u ..

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L. W. McNatt Hwde.Phone 168 nayne, N\b.


One coyoteind 272 rqbblts wereshot In a hu t neal Wisner, theproceeds to a to the CunungcO!1nty blood plasma fund

Rev Karl !j::.ocmg of WIsner, ISmoving to Yutan


---II I


group -sfing patriotic songs andgave the nag salule

hl1~U~~ISt~eens~~:~~:~~JOgone~the snows tOnTl; \

Darlene Wo<Pcltman, 3rd grad­er, moved to dilstrlct 11

Allene MelCrhenry and BIllyPlwenllzky are representatlH'sfor the county spelling contest

Marvm WIttler Denms Pulsand Darrel Puis have had per­fect attendance the Ipast month

Dlstrlct 58.(Edith Plwcnl!zlty, teacher)LaVonne Voocks from dlstnct

23 In Stanton county enteredschool January 25 She IS a 1stgrader '11115 brings the total en­rollment to nme

Those haVing perfect attend­ance last month are Vernon MilleI Manlyn Asmus, Leon As­mus La Vonne Voecks

Vernon I\.lIller treated pupllsand teacher to cake for hiS blrth~

day February ~6

A Vcdentmc party \\ as heldI-ebruary 14 Valentines ,",ere Ir....~:":'1('xchanged among puptls and

tce~hl~:ad?na;~~n~~;t:~~~~~d1st I"-~~;;;;"oOoj--"",;-"""1graders IS progrcssll1g ~on As~ PARMAR lIeefrle 'ellee" .. en-mus IS leddlng I ::~~~g h::~'~~:hO~~r~:;:o ':ort


In qUdrlt>lly examinatIOns 'r,~I~d:::P. ~:~~t:dsmeet "F~~:d~:;hq;h< st grades \\cere recorded <is more mob more mofteyfollows 1o.1o.n m Asmus 95 In Immediate delMvery See u. todayanthmellc Vernon Miller 100 In,hygiene 98 In aIlthrnetlc 91 In

spellmg Manlyn Asmus 86 Inhygiene Delamc Miller 100 Inreading 97 In h}gwnc K('nnC'lh


vlded mto groups called sena·tors and representatives Onemember from each Side is select­ed to make out the questIons andcwe the qUIz Senators havewon the past two limes

"The Caissons Go RollmgAlong' and "The MannesHymn' are new songs beinglearned

Those ha\lng pelfeet attend­ance urc Margaret Voss, ArdythDeck Betty Ann Voss' MyronDeck, Lorrame Voss Wesley

:aa;~~rR~l%ell Rohlff and De-

"Andy Lane 0\ erl the Pol~r

lee l's beirg read 10 ~penll1g ex~

~rclScs Cijester Marqtz br ought,~hc bool{ to s~~ I

J)l"trid 85~<MarJOIle E Plckcelll~g teachcl)

Knighthood of Yiouth clubmembcers ga\ e ndl1leb of patn~

utlC >iongs In (InS\\ 01 to lollcall The program lIlcluded

~ngs by a qual tdl Man InItl\er DenniS PU1~ BIlly PI_

enll:lky Fer n Plwonltzky PI_no selections and storlC'S by Ar­enc MClCrthenry ami Fern PI·enltzky bennls Pu s lOd Bli

ly Pmcnltzky earned the great­pst number of club

bPoll1ts the

past montll It \\as d clfled thatmoney fro~ll the cll~b trea:-iurybe u;.,ed to purcha:-ie Irstrumcnt:sfOI the I h)!thm band

In a program honorll1g GcorgeWd.shmgtoJ1 Arll ne Melcrhe nryga\e a sketch of hIs lIfe DarrelPuis and Vernon Voc:.cks told ofthe cherry tree (plsod£, 1he


CR 23. 1944.


lOSing side of the Jpelhng con.test This cont~st ('rtded the lastFridaY In Febtuaryj

All but two PUlilJ!s have hadperfect attendancj'! for lQlsmonth

LOIs Anne tlberg land WilfredBethune have earne:d <l star onthe spellmg sid of tfuc hohul rollchart for the montf of MdrchThese arc tile fllst tal~ earnedlhJ.s school year ,

Room dccora lions were mad~111 art class Friday

Those WI til grades of B 01

above for Mi,lrCh a*c Wilfredand CliffOld BqlhunQ, LOlS AnneLoberg ---+- I

Distlrict 11(MISS Vcrn,l Dl2ck leacher)The 1st 3rd and 4th graders

decorated the ~and labIle with aIloIJdnd scene rhc room IS dec­orated ""lth Janhbs wooden shoes,Dutch gIlls \.\lndnlll1s Hnd pigsCdllY1tlg ShdlTIIOck leaves

Kill s u:-;cn m a health andspelltng contest dIC on the bui­II tin boal d Elleh time a pupildoes/1 t pass healH1 ll1specllO/1 orgll IOO In spellln{; t11e klles' aretdken down

flw motto Speak kind words.and :rOll \\ ill !lear k nd cehoc~,

was po:--lcd by the 01 fleers 01 theSunny IIlilslde dub

N( \\ puplis 10 sch04J1 arc Lo\\

ell tnd De\\d:rnc Rohlff fromdl:-itllLt"79 D<trlenc Woockmannfrom dlstllct 8') I

(ullent eVents lare gl\Cn

fhulSdl)Oi Tuestia}slpupiis ha\ed qUIz O\CI them PupIls arc dl-

ORDER No. 11, EFFECTIVE DEC. 6, 1943in b

Cherokee, Crawford, Ida, Monona, O'Brien, Plymouth, Sac, SioJ.., Buena Vista and Woodbury Counties; except thecity of Sioux City; all in the State of Iowa; Counties of Union, C!...~n Homme and Yankton; ,n the

1ate of South

Dakota, and Counties of Antelope, Ceda., Dixon, Knox, Pierce, Thurstbn, Wayne, and Dakota, except th city of SouthSioux City. all in tile S~at~ of Nebraska.

Sherry Bros.PrtJduce

Phone 206 Wayne



,IYes, Sonny·~We Ihhe to taJe• • I

it up this ti~~. Can't ,~epla(e it now ~e(ause wir~

is one of tHe I things ', i

we us~ th~t has ~~ne to wall;'

I . I I.) ~

.~", 'i'~il!'i


.,ir,':,":C,','·"'·~'-,'.r' r-'-o···"...·I':·..I..'..'--,I!·D-~--·e'p-~,~i,a· ",', -~--,~'!;-, IraId ~~~ ~o:t~~:'::~o f:sOtU~;gn~~:; i~~t::~i:;~l~~~,:a~rd%I~~ e:d:i~ LOCAL~ .. i

. '- . . . . ', guest, of the Chris Andersens The Jast meeting read an ro ed Mr'. Anna Mau who Iad been In


iW~ left Thurs(lay for Hammond, The following bills were e the hImc of Capt Henry Mocdmg:

I t1J.. 'I a~d·'a~ont~r~~PI Andersen's, uncle General Fund I In De vcr, returneel last week.

".;'_: • 1 i . .' '. _ '.... '+'-t----'----+H-:-I---=-===--1-'-+1i---j-,--jc----+--++-'-------- ders(> Th . <,lnr! Mr'i ,Tdm(S In~ II H Honey. salary $ 1000 MJ!';s"Hazcl Reeve went to SlOlLXI CI 'L ' I _~ I ' 1.1 ~ ~ I f "11 (' f young man lea 'es FullE'rton Lbr Co, rna· CIty flday c\-enmg to spend the

" a.s!". of Si.xreen So~',·n.l'II n,a,.,±.I'l"nl· T: ela ives ie wrre TbU ,da dinner 'guests 01 m~~er ':~~I ~~. thl' e'~'1 find I' terlals -' ~062 \leck end WIth MISS Mmnie Will

tB., n~ t;; I .~lh· , 1 w., INks. An1ta Sell lIns. - 1 r r \11 n to Vmslde li1~ Wayne lIerald proceedmgs 176 MJ Jos(>phme Ahern student at

WI e GI aduated I oclal F.~st.' '. 1> ' f,it In Lng e rr eek IMrs, Iv lr ~orr<s spent Thurs· eel d M Light Funl' Ames, came Saturday t~ VISit ovet. L'&"f"- ar~l I erendE' n of Lo~ Angell'S, dJ.y in ~ nd,oph With heI," Rister, Io!~ anI MI~. IT81'01ct \\Tebf'r of H fl. Honey, salary leS'~ TUPS~ay In the J F Ahern homE'.

, __' ~.".rs: Ge . Owenp entertaj:ns We~ OWE:' s. MI'~. 1'. J. Hu an Ott Smit.h ot Pow II. Wyo MIl's. MUll ie Itchell. h scr ~~W C'~ 1 and Mr:-; J kc V tax B080 She ad \acatlOn between schoolAwar Athletic Letters at Fu t~IS S.tUrd8Y!.. '. l.·. \.wag.. H'I'.anu. d;hriS.A. sons-i -IIIW of M s.'Emm Bartel~' 1MI'. and Mr. Walter Rpl wlsch B 1~0(, er, Ill' dnrj Mr,;. Clan" ce Jamos Hampton, same 9R56 tPlms,P Cl b B . t H id Mr I· FI, yd An raws enfer ams I f, - ~af.ed away th ias-t ek. Th·~ Cbne anI;! Corynle were at Mcrl~ d rr(~ng nne .Jd('qlll'lme of R n- \V R Scribner, same 1600 Mr, and Mrs. H. H yathan of

ep u a~que e E. 0, F. tl is Tim day: (I ''-'Ilr Irthd y~. I lel1 died Sun a last eek and Rpe's Sun ay rvening. dO P ,Wf're Tu('s(hly last \\~ek Warren ElectriC Co, lamp Madlstm. spC'nt· Sund~y in theHere Friday. . MN. L:l:S 0180 ~:wterta!h9 Le~ ,and rHo 1). J. 0.0\'1'$ E'ntrr- th latt~lr Friday ,ix of rs Bar- 11MI'. and Mrs~ Morris JC'nklns;and hmner g~r"ts In 11w Paul Broe f'r contract 421 Hf'nry ReynDlds h~n1P to jlf'lp Mr~

Carroll high school will gradu- glon AUXiliary ne. t Tuesdurf I ta'mm d ~\I 'InIWI', S\l d~IY' for the t..,' l". nl.n~ Rons-i ~I, d·Bugh- IYIl..arY spe. t s.unda* in the .R1scoe So~e 'd I." Wf hf'r FInd .rs Soeony Vacuum Oil co.' Oil Don n· Kohl of Dallas, iTl'X., ob:ate' a class of 16 seniors May 19 -.-:- i' j \ bq,t! days (ff lhC'1I' "on. Pfc. E\'~ tfr -in11~W have passed ~ ay. J4nes ho e in Wayne. ! 1/ lr~~ ~r Rr(' sl<:;l('r:-; of Mr HI' ('- and dlstllJate 52118 s('r\,p hl"r birlhdny. ,Iwhen Dean Frank o. Mclnt.yre of II It Ittl ~~Ii\I. :: Cl'N~""Davisl who is II AI&$ka, and I r. 1-1 rC'ndeen whose ife is the !Mr. and Mrs. Louis Johnson! and T~r j;; f ~nel I 1\11 s :ieber

1 ft Home Teiqihonc Co, servo 3 5U ----~-'--Norfolk, is speaker. A Norfolk as, n ~g, ull. :'. DliV1 Edw,~l'd~, bol h on the same for. erl' .~I1(,11 Ba tels, ,\V s buried L.~o~a we e F~'iday supper guests ur

J,c.( n~, 0: t ~f' \\'-f'sl <11tfrh<;pC' d- -noo(l Fund ~ Otrlre In,HospItal.

quartet wilt accompany him, to ~r~. -LC,'1 Rob('rt~ enfert l,l!led day. Gut'stl'\~·l'rl' M~. and Mrs. 10 os Angel~s. Mrs." n'ndeen illl the John D~vis home. ' ~;r'~) (<I) ,'; ltl Ram 0 p and N. F, Timm, labor 2.80 Dr. 'S. A. Lutg-~n has his officefurnish music. In the class are Kmttmg- dub T~C;day. ~; Da\' Ed~', reils, Mrs.1 Griff Ed- chlldr n .bY , former JMJ" an Mrt. John Grfqrlhad Ms· II JI "." ' LlMVC' SYlvats, labor --...... .3.60 i?- the, Wayne hospital. Phone 61.Lila Anderson, Donna ,Broeker, lIas B .tl.t A.ld. . I warcs, :\,lls' Sarnh f.~:d\\'li:rtb und m.arr.,a. g(~•. ,. Eugen m t. ' army T.!UrSday ven ng dinnf'r wHh, tIll' Th ~·'·l 'r· Ir.o~.,.y .<trrl\(d hoinro .MOVCcl h JarVIS..' and .secOndf'd kCleo Mae D v's D th~ H ap s. . t MquJohn < ones. Bi! ie il~ the navy in the P cific and IJ) ve Nels ns t Wim;ide. ' :-;1 ('un-;; ny rum (dl1for~Hl w~~'rE' by Wagn(\r hat the bills be allow- •Bernice R~~p;~~, ~~ty HO:=~: dM~s. Rob~tdGW~ellden :er nin- i ~ I Ba :barn IJean wh s(!' hUs~ mel is In i Mrs. 01 erlin Mqrris amI Gary '~ l-;;td SJnr'P carl~ Jarbu- ed AS! read and the clerk be in-Robert Johnson, lone Jdnes, Le- aplist 1 e nes ay I Blrt dny SI r();rlsf'. SCI' ·ice. ! j wfre with I'S. Bud Burlf'y at Ran- [llY· ,. l,~ III M,u,roc" ,.,'It.h Hier strurtl'd to raw wF,rants for pay· Sodium ChlorateRoy Jone~" Stanley Morris, Dean I R I N .1 ~ *' M ~. En\in \Vl1ll('~ WRS ,!'lurpris- r. S$1ith, v<'t ran of hi:> First dlolph, Mo day Ia-st w{'f'k. rlaug lfl ,r ~ 011\ (I'. Kol('~, alnd ment of sa e. Roll call Jarvis I 'Owen,s, June Whitney. Betty Lou M oya ~ e g ~orH. 1'. 1_' cd Ql IH?-!- iJ dhtlay TtUl~Sdny when W rId W~ll" was about :15S. His I iThe All n Stoltcnbergs wC're I~ I~lP(:I~Jal l:~ar'~ .Wllh, anoth.f'r J~hn.";on, agner, Eddie anci

, Winterstein, Vera, Pedersen, Don- Mrs. M: ,W. AHern pnt . ,t. ,I~(,P {'WI~ ng gu ~1~ ,in 11(' home w£>re Wl~(, lS ~flb(' fDIme> France Rartrls. S4nday af ernoon and luncheon dClUgl~:(:I. MIS. \ C'In Jf. nnC'wf"!.n. !rautwein oting yea; none vol- For Weednn Stoltenberg and Eldon Woods. oyal NCIg; 'tuesday V mg Mr. I nd M s. Joe Hi kl['l, Mr. and 1n l.'he S.' ith family are t 'ee sons, g~.est.,> at. alter R('th~isCh·s. ~~c ~.Islte? hpr hrot hor,.CIYd.e. \\fli- Irlg nay t hc~.mOtio~' carried.

Pep club, entertain('d at a ban- t regular session. ~'l .M.~rs; Rfi. Y pa~lr. M.". .and Mrs. Richard., wi1 h t C' arm~ and re~ 11MI', nnd rs. Claude Bailey were ~dm, ~,m, Ihn L~~ Angel(':;. In hos Orclmanc No. -16:2 Was duly Controlqu('t Friday evening in the Meth- - 1:' ra, k Lor nz and fAmIly. Mrs. cently i GUadal!nal, Cli ton and Sunday di nC'r guesls of Mr. and nge ('-s sea so saw sev~ral fbr- pas.<t;f'd.odist parlprs for basketball boys las Aid l\lffting. Mar Dun, Mr. anQl :\1rs. John DefniS ft home, and t . daugh- ,Mh. Erne·t Elder at Winside. ~C'r f~ar.~olt folks, t,he Lucl~n Cal'-_ John D. wynn was approved as Is Now Availa·ble atand faculty "mel1lbers. The Pep Mrs. J01m R.·Jones and MJ,. J. qam and fllmil y . Inigh ~core tf'l', D. olhy wi 0 has bf'n em- :lIVIrs. Fi yd Andrews spent Sat- ~r 'I~I ~ Mr~. v. G., \\I\hams, new mC'mb~r of fire department.

cJu~ group p.repa~d anq served . Petersen cn.t('rtaine~ M('t¥10q- ~riZls went 0 i\ll·. I fi1kP! and Mrs, pIa e.ct I , t.hC. 0.m~'ha b,.omb :... 1' plant, U..$.ay

.a£1('., noD.n. and J r. ~I~(.. . rs., .G. I(~nn..I.),.ek.. :;o•.r,..the ,r.fhere bel. g no CUrtl.let' bUSiness N EWCAS.TLE ~the dinner and pi nned and con- st Aid at regulat mectmg,i'i~ thle Dum. an Redy of Po ell. I' heir mot he , Mrs. Emma Eddie. ,attel orme~ly Jean :VJi~la1S' Mr. till' meetin adjourned.du.cted the prqgr m. ~Iol)e Jones hurch """ednl'sday. ) • J. ~, 'Mrs. $artels 'od Mr.' Ruth 11MI'. and Mrs. H. H. Honey 'and and Mr~: GII[fl1h,. \\I~!lam.'i "Mr., W. R. SCRIBNER, PONCAserved as toastma.ster. Supt. Har- - ',: ~ Ilia... fal)))Y 'ork(.r~.l Gibson of Randol h,left F ~day for sbr- were rUl"sday evening dinner ~~~ .M~5~1r:0!~,I~I.ln~{, <I~l~ I gC)n~a, Village Clerk. and

I. old Everhart presented basketball At Pearson Home. ; " lie PPY \V( rkt'I':-; Ill(' Frict8Y with PoWell i~' attend f nl?ral ri f's Mon- g~ests in t t' Lee Collins home. .. I. cl~, . 1'.' .. ': J:. (ep ll,ns llf-letters t9 Bob Johnston, ~tanley Mrs. E. L, Peatson cnteh~n('b Mrs. \Vl~l. rikhal'd. D('si.d('s 11 clay for~Mr. Sm·th. Mrs. :Walter '1MI'. anel rs. John GC'ttma~. Mr. JJ1h 'VI lllJnOls IS 11~I~n~~g <It amp ORDINANCE NO. 162 ALLENMorris, Dean Owens, Don Whitney 11 g,uest~ Thursday whch 1rs. n~cm ('t's~ g I~~ts .Wl'!' Mrs. Win- BredC'm ~'f.'r is st' yiJhg in the Gib- and Mrs. F Inwr PhilJi s WC' S _ RobclitS. l\-lr. HOnf) ,lnd c,(l met

i Eldon \Voods~ LeRoy Jones. How~ BeSSIe GIlmer of Ponca, ga 'C' ,a I1le ones. 1\ IS, :,.ddIP ,]00(':-;, Mr". ,;01' ho (' 1hi:-; \\C'pk cllld !ielriving! d~ din.nC' guests at ~.f'rl;{'RO~~.S. Mrs. Ifoney lrl ('olunlbus. I ',An ordinance directing the sale BUY YOURS 'NOW!

! ell Robe:rts. Dean Eddie. Rudy demonstration. Mrs. Gilmer iill1cl HenJjy Jun.c,. !\'llss Vi Ita JC'n~lns, to lCI' ttclirng a Belrlcn S r. anel rs. Owen Jcnkms were 1e1UR·CH E~' ~:~~kcop~~~tr~~~glnOIl I~Jw:o~r~:~~:'Vl'asak a-nd GleYi Schwarz. A lE'tter Don and Bonnie wQre dinnC'f',gt,ests ll\lrs.:'.J.l,:!h~S I.IH\'l'I~('I.·'.1 l\1ISS VIO~et 1 -~- '-- nday aftcrnoon and suppel' ,. . roll, :"Jebra¥ka. and the manne'r Dixon COllnty


was also' given to Vernon Hansen, of pca.J'sons that day. .. i anel/Mlss IV[ II lhn S1l1111!l and MISS B~Jar, Is A~... rftln ed g C'sts III 110 Sam Jenkins homC'. ~ and tl'rms t~ereof.student manager. Supt. Evprhart _' I L('f),la .John" n. 'tlw IiI sl [ollr join- -r.1 M I'll(' FrC' I Eckert fnmlly 8mI 1\-11' = __

: and Roq Johnson, captain, gave Has Cuthollc Ald. ! I'd Ilw club. '1I'S. n)('h II'd ncr's l'n- ..-: or re olos, H'ld ~rs. larry Griffith \\'f'rC' at . I Be it orda-tined by the Ch<linnanl~~~~~~~~~~~;;~t talks. H1well Roberts summarized Mrs. Herbert ~Dny('rs cnt~rl.ain- tl'r'lailns A] ~l. The bb.ard of )~otos d .!~('rvicC o~rllll M rris' Sunday a~1er.noon. I\1t·thod,ist ('hurdl. ~2(~:~~~~I(r°I;~~=~~:S:of the Village; ,; ~~:ds~a;J~~p~~sdo~~~~icpJeaHYE'~~PTtoh~e' ed CfLltholic Aid iand Mrs. W liter For. Mrs Sl f~ R~.l' I nwn f1m this ,ommu ijV has 'I'. and Mrs. Clarenc(> Monis (R('\'. ,CO G. S!('v('n.", paslor) Section 1. That lot fourteen (14'),

J' Rethwlsch Thubday when the 1\I}: ;' f. bC<'ln l' ~rrang(,dfto acco modate a~ld Tom ~ylv:~nus Wf>re S4nda y Sunda}' schooil at II) ,ll1d ~('n·ice block eight (8), uriginal town ofgirl,>' quintet, Mary Joyce Morris. womer) sl'wed thc, Jj:'ans.' . 1':-;. ,mon. Lddll'lcntC'l'lainC'd more pI~lurcs. rs. Ra, J(f'lley, dqrn?r guosts l!l the \VJll Morris alII. CMollie Mae Lage. Mplba TuckC'r. hospit·,I ,n Lincoln 'J'I,o" I1III1 Saturda~'.: M Irch 1.4. 0)' l\Irs. Sue wh~) hal";; chargC'. ask" '1h 1. photo~ hte. ; A \\"('ek of ~('l'\·iCf-'S will ,arroll. Nc raska, be sold to Lloyd

R th °I u. t1 1 ! I )11 1"1 d Texlcy fO~h(, >ium of tWE'nty-five

I 'u \'Vens and June Whitney, meets March 29 with Mrs, ·':'Ll~.O I",t "':I[',,~ll't l[ ',I.,)"; ,', 1.(\1,".' pr(\s- 0 110S~ ~n scrvic' an no ,already ~ 11'. und' Mr.> Arlhur Link and >itart. at 1fw n('.--:1 l\-londay d IIsang \vitn Cleo Davis accompanist. Jordan. Covcn'li di~h lutJcllcon ,. ,~. ,J. \. Z .-nr\){ I, :vtrs. on ~h(' htlard he- I rotlght o'!hrr so Dqnnis, am MIss Mary Thomp<;on cVl'nlng, M,lrcll ~7. ;It H. Th('::-,{' will .0 Ilr.s {$.2r:::.

Uf)) in. cas. h. a.nd that

Seniors hajve picked their phy will be scn'cd ,Robcl:1 ("·llll ]I'll. 1\11'", ,1'Hc(\ Jones, l!lC'y carl be inc! dcci. ]I. is hoped Iwqre at ohn GetttllLln·s S~nday contlnue thl'oug;h S;ltun];IY, i\pnI the ch:lll'm. n and clerk be, and, "0 PrO~ise Me.", and the cast '~'ili ". I J\.Ir':-;. (;('0, ;\-} lrtm, :\k. C F. lIan- lha.t a photo max bo ink n of the ,cvcning. 1. ~~~.Ytl~~'~..,~ {;~e~~~ ~~I~c~~I~l~~~~~d

'!' be ChOS~~e~~~;rla...... Xpws. '''ith Mrs. WagI1pr. . ~'i 2;~~'l,;11~~i- ~ '0. Linn. r~~rs·M.M~~ :at~r~;h~1~Pb~o at~t~.~~~j ; ~1~P~: to;'r~(~c:~'1 S~'11~~~,~; ~ya~~~~17n '~'1('I~J, Sf. Paul Lllt~'rall ('!lur(.h. ;;~:(~~Ull'd, the n~me of said vil~I arithmetic c+',," eom- Delta ~('k m(H With _Mrr,.*Otto Ahem. AIrs., S~~Jnson, Mrs. Thj b01rd is di [,Inyed I II L the Leona d ·}J"IIO" t th In (. ,. I' I I )",.-, ..., \Va:.- 1:'. d M· W It ' . '1' . ' , .. ' , .' 1- L ... nS,\'>'en ere J\.{'\'. r ''1"('( 1.'.("'~I'Il. p;l.... tor Sf'('lion:Z This onimancf' shall

pleted the unit on f·ra('tions and . ,goer, ~I :1.~. .L !'s. " ,. ag- H()lwl'l Eddl" ;\Jll'!-i. Cllris An- HI' dC'mcycl"s. fo~' lIwm. undn:y. ;\1rs. GN}. 11<1n<;(-tl ('nll'I'I"incu!)(' in I.'ull f~'rce and effect 3'~ rla,'sstarted "ne on decimals. ncr of ""ayn(, and Mr.s. }~Ilt:ph .. ob- dns('n, l\-1r.<; .'Sr'lllu.n~, Mrs. ' 1\11' rllld T s F 1011 M I v'-i' b n t P ... t t q , .c 'r.". rpc f'. r. ani Aid lhls Wl'('k. aflC'r Its p ssage, approval and

English literature- student.s d"~ I S WC're gucs S. rJZf'S_ ,"""n 0 Floyd' I\Tr~, .)e"s Hf'n- C 11 t G d S Mts R'lY and 01t I ~ II f'" Mrs II '[ H M vd TJ 1 I ec 0 II ~,., , f' <:In( \.,('ra (0 Jnslruclion ,It 9:45. [lublication rccording 10 la'v.voted thfir -time t.o Thomas Gary's .. ,". J. om~y,' rs .. r. " 'Iau ,- rickson. :\11". 'Bnilcry. Mrs. W yn' l t W R F h' .

wel~, Mrs Lloyd Morns alld \[V1rs '" f j'll' In ocall rive T llrs~I'ayW ~.~'ni~g ... ·n'nc s Sunnay >;('hool at Passer] a d apPI.,oVCd this 141h~< 1 ~~~~y-iwrdr.~~t('nS"~~el'aal CsOtaUnllzlarys W. ~I. W~gnpr. Mrs. (,"has., \~,!',hlt~I~~~~r~l~:I~Jl;;~l If', '~;I~~:()tlri~ll'i;yd ~~n:~ I.e'nlen srf\'J('C ,l( 11. T1H' day of Mar h, 1944.

• ~ L I~ tit I" ~ NIore than $40U, has all'/.'!· ely hecn· is~ 130 nic I Lou Owrons and is "The peace llwrikd hy EDW. TRAUTWEIN,.......1were rrmmorl·zed, and ",peel'al r"~ ney l,:l'l l'r allls nex . 1 daurt~J1Tl'r, ;VII'S.' IT 'nrickson a " I~ I I I' .. h· .. , 1M' GIl" 1 I I t""I" .-, ...- ,--0 r:'c ('(: rOlll If VJ('lnlt or thc ,.s rae "s on. C'aClC'rs a ()ll the cross in I Ill' church ~Ind in Alt('sll: ChaIrman of Board.:;',':I,ports were given on" personalities ':-" ~j gl":llludaugll ('1' .and 11(' Hudf)('r1 Ref .Crf]s~. A. f:'v' o.:gu· izations Sthl.nton"s <,.,nt ~hr wef'k-cnd in lhl' this confusC'd world.' (Scal). \\,'. R. SCRIBNER',I, I from .the: transition period. we-.F.~u lias Party. . _ ft,! ('hlldn'n gn ,ll grand chlltl.n'n of an 1Odli\- d 1 ' ·t I J II 0\\(' s holrne iJffiiiiiiii*ii.iW F b d h ' tc <' I I ua. s a:lc }l !r('port.· t,.:, '. r;.. L.L.L. mC'cts Sunday f'\·('ning at m2:3t l __ ~, Village Clerk.

! terTsYP, l'ninvgnetloar~lsesmaan,ddenboUtS, lct~ e- u mem €'rs an t Cjl'b' US~ M1',<;" fk<l[(\, ::\1!'1o;. IkR I1,Il.urlhel't. bef?re the drt\"(' IS compll t~. Mrs. tVlISS Eo nlf' !Gllm('r of Ponc<l, 8 in the church parlors. "'_'E> '-- bamts were guei'ts in the, upl. a g~'mcldau., htf'l-, and SiIlC'tlll, Da- i"eI Trautw' lei' ~ h catTle hom frJ,m \\' II

H• j, " ~ , o Ill. 1a II'm ('I'e,' 1:" ~,ayne co C'ge - Ralph Copenhaver, with {he ex.

Accoumting students took a two- ar...ld Evc-rharlt home Su,tlday vid end Lit da tl('nn ·k:soll, grp8.l ho {'s 101havo 'J1 conlr·h I" 'F~ida" WI h MJss Iva Pl'l on I. I ' ,(, d I, I mns 10 ll' <J ,- ; rs 0 ConJ{rf'gationa.l ('hurC'h. tf'nsion :;ervtce at Lincoln, for nine

~~Yt;~;.0pnl:opede~'oJ~~r~~l~~~igni~~~ ~vv~nJI~grt,<\~1r~i~~;~f~~d~~~rij:~~~:::~~(:~tii~:~~~::;~(~\"(:~~~\ il\:,l~~(.' t~;,~: ('arly n~~t wc('k. spTndth,c 'e{'k;end.. J (Rl'v. C, G. SI ('\'on.". pastor) yea!'s. has ('en chm;en Thurston

., M ' ' , --I i Iw J'..d a!' ~:vansons \\"("~(' at Prf'aching at ~J>I.) lind Sunday county agen . Mr. and 'Mrs. Cop('n~posting procedur-es and the other rR. Chris Andersell we~ host~ l{ennplth Ed li(' hakc'd 11he llirlhclay H..~'e Shmnjr for R by. W.rn.. Swa son s WPdnesctilY!f'\"(\- school aflcrw'I,(I. h tv

k' I ('sses Prl'z"s w"nl to Mrs ~"Dr'.e ° k F' l . aver amI t 0 daughters will live

to war mg out ~n actua problem. ..,. L L ,. '-.J hi d1 l". .:I'i.f.'tlb:S at... m.d had~ ...,howC'.r nl~. ~ ::l,nd :<;c,a.r ~wa.nsons .\.('1.'(' LacJl(,s' Aid ml'l \Vi'rlnesday this at P('oder. I}V0rk hB\S started on the purchases ------.-- .--...--'.---~~~--, ---- for Bnl¢0., mfanll son of; Lt. amI thrlc rhu sday f'\C'nrng. wcc-k with Mrs. II"\'('n Graws. Mrs. -----:r---------,.,-------.Journal. Owens received highest gradp8. wrilp storie, and N"m,vay Mdt Harolll Md':vet of: Kansas !Mrs. M. . Lmn of LaurC'l, ppnt Oberlin Morris assisted. ~

Donna: Stoltpnbcrg and lone The clas~ rrsumf',j the ~t)Jcly of in g('()~rllph Clly, Mo,. last w('f'k Sa~ rday In a !fpw da s last week ill C ol'gc Sr)('('ial Lf'nten Sf'rvic('s will be CHA .• E'. 5ANDALLJones earned 100 in econ~i~ grammar Monday l Tlw '"'l(1l r,Jd,')'-,; learning thp! Kllthf'l'lnC' Grrses he) G'. The Li~n's. SUI t. Hugh Linn nnd fam-I- held ('ilCh ewn'ing at H from Sun-test. ' - WOJ;'ld history ~lass ha~:a ,unit l1!Jullt (·'hiea ;0. glfC" w~'rC' spnJ ~o tIl(' b hy. The i1) camp f I' hl"r Sund4.Y· day, April:2 until Saturday, April SAYS

DorotilY Hamer, lone Jones and on th<!' story of g,bvernmcnt. rht~)-.. Prmnr,Y ,·(~!tf'S. ]~,f<j1n,t, I.; a gT'1~nFIson of the eUSj ~\ r~. Bf.' eh. Hu.rlbel't WhO.iS l',f'- H. R.. C'.'. s.~tP\.:l'n.s will conduct th('~('. '::Vera Petlersen entered an essay learned how 1,yp:es of govc~nmC'nl Dil\·id Ho wrh, I atillscns of Carr?l!. co~ermg r om an operation. hCls The public IS invitpd.con t est, I submit.ting 50~word changf"d from ancient to hlO~('rn ~on ilnd ,lUI ' 1'('('('1\·- --j- . thLr:tlUmp Her daughter, ])oro~ The chOIr IS prf'paring spC'cialth~mes on the topic, "A business timos. ~ l ed lOU IJl sp ,-vedc F.nllsts ~n NllVY. . th, IS. Als" III .Wllh. them. Ea"tcr music. Ieducation is the best succes:-; in- Freshman Sote~. J The )"1 gl'lrle prO[lt',,,.<;ingWCll IWprhf'rt II. Hqn('y, .ir., C'nlislpd ~~ 1';'" Til Ie. Swanson and th(' T. - k·surance for the 1944 graduate." VOCations class has a nnit (tn in("ollllJinalilt1~. in jtlH' n~\'y at Norfolk :.atunlay C:I,.Wl~tC'r,lcms werC',~l Presh;rh'rian ('hurl'll. "S,LECT GOOD

. From Junior Cla.'>S. ',)1eS!lons we can learn [ro'tll1 ,0U - -,-- -- am I('ft, j rom N~rfolk \\1t dncsday l~IHh~l.1-?' d n,ncr >at H. "". \\ ml(J - Sunday school all. Rp\·. ElwinEnglish literature class has b('~n ers." :, ':, OF CAJRROLL wl1l/1 a ~roup gdng to C)l lalla to S1fln s <it aync, ~unelay. of Norfolk, at L.

studying Gray's "Elegy." W~ather and climate is ,a ~(".,lV, pY lSI INJURED take 10s1~ before! being ,ssign('d ,!Mr. and Mrs. Plcrce Jones and C. Eo at v,-,jt.h ~eT\'.i('(' [I[tl'l'- L~C£NS££S~ Ameri-(;lln histqry class)s ·work~ Unit for general. :"cience.' : Pvt. }. lwrlnch of Norfolk, fOl' trair,ling. MI'. and Mr". IT. II. d~ughler . pent~ ~C'dnC'sday 0\·0- ward,

iog on class movements, _ )n----ari,...:EMgUsh test on \"e~~s ;Fr!~ brolllC'r Ins. T ~. J-!ugllf's of HOJ~('y nccompanjcd him to Nor- nlhg at J ... H(,lrlTl~kson'sand SU~- Ladies' Aid mC'1 \Vedne~day thi" I~ YOU WANTBusIness a.rithrnet~·cC.I.a .~ -. ayil·-Pauline Drake ha. d pighe* Carroll, suflk'r~'d injlllfY to his ldt folk. d!~li:~(>I~~' ~, ~~ctl~;n~~/\~nudannngCarn'd··.w('ek in til(' church parlors wilh i ~

drillingonfundarhental :rg;t,Af6ns. sCort)!. ,hand Fehrulry:.!q ,'n IILI' ongagn- ,y<, Cl\'O"ed dl"h din TI' £LL "'UN 13£""'-,. II,' L MI's. Ed. 't>llOY \\'01''' in (.)I~"!l," { ... ', " In:1C'r a n,",n .. Ie! ." 1:". ~OPhomore .No~~ . I' In Grammar Room. nwnt nl Sa ('rho. ]1aly.' .SeVC1'aJ Son Is, Horn '- " W)mPll mect M 12J (

B"""'g Iso "p'ot··ed 1 d f M L '" I' k 'II : ,. s,.,·.lurday·/'nd Sunday wI'lh ,'lr" 1 I, ,.~gal.n •. nrcl .. "..wn.,t'U'V c 8.8 ,--om ~ ~:u yo ss aura r rc( riC son 1 bOlW.'; \\'('1'1' '1'1 ''''I,u·ng m',ln A "13 1 I I' 1 ;~ .'. 1'1 >\V I I h I I 'I" ~ IY SOI'l, rucl". \·as)(Jr . (' lru~ L6.u:ka· Ma loy, larm,'rly Ilf \\','Iyno I~ rs. m" r,1 e <:11'( ~ an( II' rs. l'rAC£S" "

.xeguJa-ting#mecha ism and is learn- and unable to teach the "fir,'1t uf has lll'l'n in 111"",1, rt·'I,nllls· ,"nrJ 0 I L I II' J h J k II/:~ j" ary c, (J I. anc <\ 'old Mc- Mr. and Mrs, Mauricp Jlan.';f'~I ~) n f>n lns comml, (':s "l'n'L'~; ing about eCl3'no .icvalue of health, theweeik. lank d'i\('l'. 111"1.-> now In a EvE"r' of Kansas M Mrs. and family Md. Ray GrandQn and dJ,nner., Thro un.n\JilI husln(',ss H'.S-f!, different kinds Of diseases and Intermediate Room.. : ;' I 111 Lliy. Ill' able to Mc~~\'(' i' tl f J l' 1 sIDn wlth elect on of off Cl' II I'L1 their, causes, , Tlie 3r?- graders 'are lJarHing Nlarc! :.! III folks. ~C'~ "of ~;:rr~~. or ner e au - children'H, d Leona Johnston w('re be h('ld the~. I 1 rs WI "·~I ..~ng1isJh class compI~ted "tr'he "Th~ Swmg." and they rnJ1dt.l an ISru.,nmdma~s_dl ncr guesJs at Juhn ,Westminster Guild meC'ts Fri- ' _l' Lady ofl the Lakeo." In a t('st :Fri- Eastrr border. ., r.. Sherrill has ~ the k - d 1\1 h 31 'th -:vI' S h .ri, <Ia.Y Bo). BO,denstedt and Hajydn T~e' 4th grade is karn1ni. 10 mump$. Card of Than s. ;Mr, and Mrs. Albf'r{ B('hmer of ,~Y', ,I arc .".' WI . ISS ~ ar1l A er license is a privilege, not a property right.r . 1ro all who rem.'mbf'T('d. e with Hl'Skins sent Sund '.rrg t La\\ards. MISS :Ruby Mrs. T~LiquorControl Commission may revoke-the

gif1if-i and flowers ' during y .stay L a' J·or'd'a' 'c," Th" JoardY",en'sc,n,,',,:' <a"t Dave Ed.wards nncl Mrs. fl' .,~.... ''''" J . t lie nse o.r.8.nY.. aw VlOla.bonor ror bad conduct.

i.l,l ~he \lOsp ita,l, ~ WiTh to/ express A~brose. ordan's at \Vaync that ones asslS . Or it may refuse to renew the li:cense, for cause.slll¢cre ,thanks.---.1rs. Bea h Hurl~ af ernoon. CARROLL nOL\RI) W'ofthe,NebraEi,kilCom;nittee,BrewingIndustrybcr!t.;t he Lc J en,sens were in the Fo dation .lKge extreme care in the issuing, of

F ed Jens n home Sunday for din- CarrollM~~~~a~~,a1944 lie nses. 9ul- work is concerned wholly in seeingRorn' at orfolk. n r. Mr~. Chris Petersen, Arlene The board of trustees of thC' vil- th tlegal:beer is sold under wholesome conditions.

A son was bor Tues1lay last a d Jan¢t, and Wilma Jensen were

we~k tQ Mr. and l Mrs. L~bYd Mc~ ahJ t.helj"c. ~~~:io~f ~~r~o~~:('~ai~ a~1~~Ir7~~ "_.".". NEBRASyt'.1I ,COMMITT, of Sholes

lat a ,N"f'folk I r. artd, Mrs, T. J. Hugh0s and ~ _~ ~'!R

j r M' Geb 0 fO.llo\'> m(' prespnt: EdW'j •hllsl"ta, ' Ci s, ,wens were ill Sioux Trautwein, chalrmart, Robert Ed- " J BREWING INDUSTRY .FOUNDATION

Lions :;~nbn~l~~;:~ ~~e:;\uesday. ~Y~~l~:d~in~~e,:;';~t~~;,e:~s ~~~~d;~~'~g~~~Y;.v.~J;:;~~~.~~~~,~~~e~~:p~Yn~tJ~:o;~'i'~,,;~l':;~,-===::':":'~i"O'=,":":"':::"~"'~D~'~U'~S~bb~D~"'~b~r~'~'~ID~"~RS~T~"~TLD~'~Al~'LD~'~"~U~HC~'LJr::::::;;=___---I------ he Ke neth Eddies and Dan ••••••••• 11 1\••••••

CARROL1+ LOCALS J rgensen \Nere at Herbert Con- : ':Melb.;. Tucker ~as the mumps. y rs' for aturday supper. They • •M 'G J I I I· w· sent Sun ay afternopn at Clal'- : =:'

side I~<pn:y. a lIlson was, III 10- e ce Boell ng's. .-:#l,ois Jenkins was in the.T. E. arion onta arrived Saturday :

o;~n~,> ig~i~~r~a~l~·~:%rsaft:\~;I~on~t ~~~a~j~~ o~~~e~:1.~~~I;'i~~~i~;'~~ :Hans Brogren's Sunday atternoon. hif call to service. His broth­

1:he Ed. Ho~amps Were at e~, LaVNj IS In New GUln('a.

I'lc~ry IBock's atl Belden, Sunday. ;l~~~~ear~dI~~~~~:l;t ~~;~r ~~li~~Or~Mr. l~nd Mrs. Robert Jones and

Rishard were in IWayne Saturday. Ctook Mo day for seje-cti\·c ~('rv­'~'he 1r ~'O Jorda,.ns. were :at Lloyd icC. tests. . L. Henrickson look,I~, tHC'm to \ ayne to J·om 01 hprs of

Bel!}.m,ct·s at IIqskms, rrhursday, :J t th{~ IEarl Davis family spent Ray Pearson and Dean Da1y of

Th ...urSd.a y L'v~eninr in the MCl'lc Roe N.orfOlk, sp.ent ?aturday and.' Sun~horlne. I ' d~y at E. L. ll)f>arson·s. Mr. a11(1

1he Herman huns spent Sun- M~s..Pearson ttok th~m as far asda~1 )ni Fremont with Mrs. L. W. Wmside .Sunday. evemng and cal1-Lo~mi$. ' ed on Hlram W,lIs0n.

the 'I~van HartJe-rs were Sunday jMr. ,and Mrs. ICarl Paulsen, .Hol-

diler gue.st8 a~. RObct.t Waller's gqr Elh.ard.,t. Mr- and Mrs. ,at elden' t J~nes ,and, daughter were at Roy , hr. 'and Mrs. M. W. Ahern and L ndanger's Sunday evening. Mr. / '

Bill I' >lvere at P~ul Bl'Oqker's Sun. a d Mrs_,~' 1'<1'1 Landanger we,e The spring season islsoo, here, Farljners take advant-da :,vf~dn~rs:qeo.Jor~ensen and SI~:;B~~!~:rG't~t~~n~~,e~;, A~- = age of the limited lpm~ left to lool over your farmba Jere at Roy Lanrtanger's Sat. to GranqUist ra~d MlSsDorls implem.ents, Then come in and let UtS supply you withur4ay fight. I Gan~ist io f ~e~r, :-"ayn<.>, were at . W h 'th f II 't

!\Irs. Chas. 'Wihitney alld son J hn r,ew."ansIFt,day.. Mrs Gett· repaIrS, e ave em or a rna es of eqUlpmen . •spant unday a[Uemoon at Robert I'n neturned With the" Blame Get YOIlI' Corn>hllsker Hybrl'd setd Corn Wlll'1e .=GeJ!1rn' U's. ' G ttmfi.ns :and remam('d untIl Sat-

¥issl ElPanor .~ones of Sioux u day. Th Sft i 1St-Ii G d' •Cit~, sJent the w~ek.endwith Mrs" rs. c., L. Wilcox came. from e pp y S l 0 :c. It. Jones. ,,' S lina, Kan., M6nday last week to •

'Ithe ~E. Jone~,. fa1J1ily had Sun· sttY f.or~, while wIth her .par.ents, Minne.sota Tested Pai ts :da~ ,d~Il! er and s pper in the W. R. M • ~nd Mrs. Ij)aVe Rej:'S. MISS 1.Fr~~;~~I'G;~~~'stere~s spe~kS at r:i~~~~~~,~:re~h::"ee~;:~,f::. MEYE~ (;. BICH1EL !Wa ~efi Id Methodist church next m,]COX, lI!l.ISS R~e$., Mr. and •. Mrs. =. ! I ' f.Su !tty everting. I , •Dte Ijtee$ and Jiolln wer~ With Mr.'~r. nd Mrs. Albert Steube of a d Mlrs.. :Ey~rett Rees 10 W.ayne, • ,lou· ~

WlqiSidi" had Surlday dinner with fo SUPda,Y. dmner. .1.: Phone 308 I )IV ayne, Nebr. 5' ...., I

Per~y ohnsons. I rs. Alina Ande!fSen oflWlnslde, • I t I fI. e1Ifr. .and Mrs. I' Floyd Andrews ald h~r ",on, Cpt. Ray ~d,~.rsen. -:.•••••••••~•••••••••••••••••••\II-•••~ 1

, I 'I I ]

,::1 I I· .' . :' I I I

II ..I· '


~'A bird in the haud" is worth a whole flock of 1950cars with \vings-oreven more moderate J 945 models

that aren't here yet either, Better grasp the big ad­

vancement .that's ready now.,. Better havc your

engine OIL..PLATED!

Conoeo Nth motor oil, Ifor your neede~ Spring

change, at once brings yqur engine internal oIL­

PLATING-the foe of cursed engine acids. The~c un­avoidable "leftovers" of combustion were a menaceeven when partly driven off by the steady heat of

lot'lg trips. But rationing b~ought ahort jumpa, with

overcoat operation that m~gnified acid ~ttacks. It's

high time now-in any ~carl ~nder any ¢onditions­to check rampant acid~, t',d you'll 61Ilcceed with

Conoeo Nth oil, containinlf an advanced synthet.ic.This aets ..magnet-like" ... makes metals :attract and

hold their acid-resistant sHield of orL-P~TING;Though your engine's cool orhot-ru~g~rnot­

the OIL-PLATING doesn't aU promptly drtin down to

the crankcase. And where there's OIL-~TING, theacids that want to destroy' are told to "~eep Off!"That's how Conoeo Nth oil can advanc.¢ your car'schance to keep going, Chan!!" for Spring today at Your

Mileage Merchant·S Conoc~ station, Cotjtinental (1)ilII


II1Y3£' ..Sliding .Doors on safe cars tomorrow

OIL-PLATING YOUR ENGINEis like outdoing the future - today

, ,

"CONoeD ~, ~




~~a~m ~lebrate 'theJr Wed~~~~~ Schulte~ ~r. a~~-M-~~ O~~-,~~~~-ISw~n~on 0l;-d~~~I:~-~~r~'l Irenemve('sary. man were [It Walter Ulnc s rl- Surbor nne J. A. \'1' mllT"dpin,

Mrs, John D. Frer;jchs returned day evening, MJ'rCh ]0. . ~,to her home at ColerJdge ~riday S. '2-<;::: Donale Wacker of or· I1nH ,To-nsH 0llprntlon.after spending ,about a week iO the folk, V~I.. and M .''is Lavern Wack!"'!' II , I (' I I Ii

I; .... hom(" of her ~aughter, Mrl';. ~u of Wic~i,t.n, 1,,11 , arrived ~hUrs- slls rnm()~"::I~('~lIl,~II~\I~'n~:\I~~~~,I{~~~O~~.. -~~4-----~-~t'---_~---_4-~~~-----~~.--~_~===L~ ~_-~---~~.~~~.---~,~ ~I~andfumlly. ShC'lladbllndayto\ISlllnthpF~~ackl'r;II~lh~!)IL:II.~II~. ()l!oClrr!C'.

, Hanpefings of Wee b.oci.e \,' Hold AChietmfl~'t' vonne ~d v,..'allacp w(>re, Su day 'home Fhd

JY ('venil1g in honor of l~plpmg carp for Mrs Lutt and her h?mf>.. "Phe' for~l: l0fl Monday for mfln spent kpwr'al days m11m H0r-

,R I I~ •• ~ .. D' k'. (,.~ lafterno n gUPSLq in Ihe Joe J!phn- Honal 's hi ·thday 1":<'1"<' Mr. and little> elaughtpr, SallY, who have ~ashmltton, ~. l:. !1f'rl GlTlpl11lll1 homl' \\ JltlC slJ~ wa~/1 .~oclll Schu Ill',! • ay ~1lt a e 'Ie a son ~o e. ' ',I Mrs: Ivih Kort ard Elmer VCln both bf'(,11 Ill. _ GI~~' a~~r1 V~;~~:~(~\~Jtf ~~~r;I~~I~~;i rl'ClJpel"atllj1.:;. "

" Art n'oiteb no\\' bl'JIlg ma1,e by ; So<'1al F'fr~('UlS. , A Jarge crm~1 "ltenel,'" D,'xon MISS yrttle JOhnS~h nnd G.IAu- ,SPggC"u I F 81 th P t M A J . I '~-- - - - ---, . , u


. ~. 'or r day nr y. ISs 11r1. or!tl'l.""n ot. \VI_m,lc(', ...,pupih;llllh 7thgradf'in('lud~ 111· Ladipsi Brldg(' rlub vill meet county a('hie\;~ c~t' daY' at Ow gust J hnslOn a('{'d rs, I !. - I 1 () If . I LO AT NEWSO\'t~~' ~ 1!'fll(/' path'l'ns, tks~g~s. or this Thu~"Sday \.'\·t!.'nltlg \'Jlh ¥n;. \Vakil'tlcld scil'( 0\ auditorium Wed- Clam ale Ito her ho 1e In Gn den, 'To EX('fllt.lor, Sprin~. I Allout :2:1 gUpsls from Wake- wrrp a t ;;~tt' J I Of'I11;ln q r ric a'~l ~ ~ ~bordC'(' Hni a1tral'tl\I' h'tlerutg.o: :\1~ll'\'m Busby. I . nf'Sd,lY when mrf' S. A. Lutgen of City, J un. They left~SundltY un.'d (;('1' Hogg(,llhach has .<.;ppnt 111(" fiC'ld, call('d In lhp Reuhen Gold- a ternoon, I..'I\l"ma.ns \\'('1"(' II I (l. K BI'<lnd~;f'\IIT \\·.lS In ()ma-. . 1 . I I d h('rg home TIllll'sdBY p\'enill,g last the Brummond 1oml' Sunday ('VI..' I' I' .of <:<:l')llJls IndsmaJIlcTtl'l,·s . ..,OllC Prl'~b tl'rlUn AI~ WI.]J mf'et ~he vVa'-'np Was s~p k1l'. :vII'S. V'\',.'.n v.l! bl' 70nea cw as, lmst tVt0rWI't:.'kS at EXCi"IslOr I \,.. '11,\ d:-;t 'ltll'nd 'In 1m

~ 'J tj. I I \\'('('k 10 lH'lp Mrs. Coldl)('rg ('('1('- nlng asl WC'C'".. 4 Illl",n"o. """'I,n". """01 I',· hL 0-

!"tudf'1l s a~1' t'XIlPI'lmcnIJng'lwlth nflt'rnoo of Mar h :J(l :nIh Mrs, I3rlggs, Pxlf't1sior '~"I"\'ICC le~\dCl' uf .:'\.11's. Elml'l' Strom 'and Sal1dra, Spnn S' M ),1 Jill I'll \ S;)' ~1 " , ,.., , } 1"

'''''.'l'')' I "Jlif; ot!l{'I'S arl' u"lng 'Fl- El'nl'st I kl'roth, Mr~. r, ~dla Bh,- '[,.I,'uln"h. "'RO " ,.'II'gl'.· '.\\110 hall SllPnt the' I)Hst wpek \'IS~ I'" I lJr<l10 he!' bJr1l1rlilY. Aftl'r a social "r. H { r.~. n1., r 1 r" r, ;"1 I II I' 'I' ..", , J '" "'.~ , I - f'vpning 1'1111(''' ."f'l'\·I'd rool}f'ratl\'c and 1\1rs. V('r'nor :-i( h1JOlil' Wl're JIll .!'S. ()I' a )('1'1'1' ){'lurllt"( lvll1n-Ol~'dl~lPI'I' lrlndla Inl". , 1\.('1' and ]\11'". AI~la !'jcClllltock Two lloot)lS lJf 1~I'li('l('s W{'I'(' on :lllllg III tll(' Clarence I-typse and I AI~l1na. So<'itll L'lub. lu·neil. Ihe \VClI!f'r .::Vf;gd:lnz !lol11e u dil.~ last- \.\l'('k Jll,m lLisllngs

1)C'Ut!'<l!I\l' \\all p,ltlt'ls ar£' 1

1<'- hostcs::;e~. . I. t dlspla.}. One bO\ltl) !ldd \\ar1ime ,!\lISS P,\ullnl' JIypsc hon~<" retUrn- Allqna ~ocial cl4b met Thurs~' PII'r('I', Thur!'dlY TIH!I\\llf,rjI"SJ)(' fl.ul .\1)' llahl'r('r

ing' eh!. Jglw I by }II h ~:t·'lIll' art " u~ :\11'<; 1~IJ(',·oy SJ1(ld h, 11sslonary ('Jollllll/-r and Itt I' 01 her ,Htlell'S pd 10 tjll'll' home In Omaha $un- day I~st w~'ek at HleplO SIefken's. ] 81 I \'1'I'non SChnoor, ildd I) . who Il!- d 1. Ill!' oImmuni·denl". ,1"11j,1. II'lllJll'r.l. PllY0)lS a ld \\'110 l'l'cqntl) J"l'turr,e!l II hel' hQllW ~'hlCh bo:'rs 0\'(''1'<'1 s hd\C'! s('nl to day. ~ After'U sO<!'IHl afternoon luncheon MlS~ Il\\'~~~na r~~::II~J~~~~ngeh:', Miss Cn'lghlnn t)Llr d;l} and (':I!"!"I ItlOn tle!l()l('OIOI'f"ll Ilillll'l' '11(' 1),-,1111-: u~('d In In· Sioux Clly on lilt' ~l'lp.shQll!l1 hl.mwfolk<.;. 'I i ~JISS Amy Hanson sppnt last \Vtl!:i S~)'V('d. Mrs. Burdette IIansen K I ,. C' II' t, I 'I I' I, I n','nlCI'!',·ll'I'"on. ,i\Irs Os"'arP('- ill) (\ n'lglloll. r('l\l)n('{ \\ll .'1"'; -,I"t's" ()'. Who at-'rJnHI1)1\ 111(' P·IIWI... I j 1",0111 CIT~nu. will l/lddrt's Ph'sby- l\[1"S. C o. ;\Vil'oJ of AII~n, s{'r\'~ WI'I'];; I thp John JI,lnson home. was tI e onllY guesl. Thc npxt meet- 1('rS{J!1. :\'lrs. H'-'rnn I lC"don: \\'akl'- 1111'111 11) :-jl('nd 1\ (ullpll' of lid} 'Ilf'nd" (·()II!'j.',l' ,11 t-;orth-

, , ~;jC'oll(~ ::IHI '.:hird Hl'm~. I tl'flal1 dHlJ'ch Illdl~S HI d Olhl'1)j; pd as ('/lIllrman fo Ow past ypar, SIll' n'~H:-rH'd hpl' po<.;ilion 10 Nc- mg will tw ThursdAy, Apnl 13, at fi('ld, lInt! ~I"'S Norma Po\\'- hrl'l'. II h,llnpt(J)l .\~d."". "pl'nl 111'1" <.;pnngSI'l'qJlld"l~d '\rd ~r.Hlt'I's lllC'n11r- Illl" T)1l11'"day i\flf'l'nOoNj Mrs. Fred Plan e I)f'rg- of f':mpl'- vada a'ld \\'t11 resun1l' her for,;nkr Ern('s~ Grgenwald's. A co\cred- P)'." \\'('1'1' ('nlrl.tailwd JIl lhe +- I vaeallOnlail wl'pk III \\'a"hlllglon,

izel! "Ir~\l' ~lIHlt," \\ll1\\'n b) Ro)- -- ~ son a" >;('('l'l'lal' -1'I'Ii'suTcr, Mrs. !losJ!lOnla<.; clJdd \\t'lfafe worker m dIsh I~n('heon IS planned. lllrththl)t~llrpriM'" ~ID. c. \\l\lr<"I!I'ls 1,,11'11'11.1 \\'hJl-

I -.Ii I 1 S 1111 r IV I I]\; 'b !.t·l Aaron J!elgl'cn hom" last wcpk I ~: tnt L,')t I" ..~rrtl,\('n'('Il' I llllllS: a 1- , (Jf'l. \ Eugl'np \yhl't'f{'r' of AIII'n, IS gr(JUp l ras t" ~ .- -, ~-~._--- Mondnl' C\Plllll!-' in honor of MISS Patrons nne! jl plls ul' rlhlricl R more.,,!tll<l~l' Il"l [( l. P. F.. n. ,rftf'ts. ' chillrm;ln.' .:\1)'. ar1l1 lVII'''. f rpd Lphman and " "'"

p I ~ 1 I '1 I '1 I Doroth\'s IJlrthda\ . .'\1 ISS \'lTna su!'pn"er! :'\11;,... nt'lty .\1i1likl')l ;vll'<'; L F. PI'ITY anl\'I'r] fromThlnl gr, dl'I"" hol\" lH'l'n 1!'~lrI1- 1'. I' \l. llwl M¢mdh ('\,pninu arm y, .\ I'. all( J\ rs. II<llI:ry S . . .I • (. k I I "!'vI 1.l\I J\;< outheast Wayne M<lf' Slralgl1t was an o~·pr.nlght \\'(>dnp"dav, Milrrh 1.'1. \\Jlh; Long 11 TlII'sdHV 1.1"1 \\pde

illi~ Il()\\ til Idl\·l1l., lltlm 1('1'" 1i:1\ q g \\ ttll :\1)'$. C. \V. Brnwn To FQrm ltJ,xiliary rUle'~ 1an c, ' r. <J1l( rs. .',y ~ gups1. bwfhday r;arlY;1 school ;\'1r ;lnl~ lind h d (,1lI~"II' of \\'t'f'ksJ'l'llldJl1l\t'I"" j I ,J('IlS(,ll GJf Fremont, \\f'I"(' Sunday ..I. ~ \ II

I~ .\ I i I J .. 4ndTa eM b ' I t tI 1"'1 (tiyStaffCorre~pondent) --~------ I'lJrs Alhert .\1111kf'll ,Inri L'ltT) )Wt'!' "I llllnlltll(', and,";\'('qI1! :111.(1 .1'( 2-:1:ll \'1'," 1.1 l' \\'\"\",""'~'OH,',~~n'I'(I''',~,'ul.I,: ]'1('1 "t,..,...ln"o.', J ,:m ers ~~I(;;~~~71ClI~~,~I'r' gups s 10 H' :.lnJ I wprl' aHo gIH'''1 Llllldw()n \\.1" 1.,,11IPPln,..; "limo' I,) lil,' \'1'''1 ('O'lS!.

dOlll' \\,ttl'l' l'dllll11l~ lid' I H' pu"t- ", ,,' V~'-li ...-" nl,,(~n ('ounl" urplt- 'wart ('h,'I'- , I s d It I I '-I I ,'J' ,.J ~ :vi 1 Fl' I -:\1 el"\'e J. (')" a sO'I'1 Ilne. .""J J<' (" 'd\llllg 1)1 I.w .\.. {·<.I"I-('I"" 11l.ll ,ll'P IlO\\' III 111l' J"l)om. ' rid.) \\It)~ .\11S r~icl1(lrd YV,Jll,'rs..~ 1t'I' v.ill _nll'I't londny in AIII'n ,I·S. ':1"1(' t'P( r'j{' {son, ,1·S. MI r1nd Mrs LOUlS Eakf'r ""ere BRENNA ' High 1m'

ll,:~)\I~d!t~l':~~\I:tl;ly'l)I(;lr::~~ll~lt~~, t]:,I)~)t ('hoir Pllrty.! ' ;~~)~J~) :'I~\;o;:~('~;~r~~~~lja~r,",,~o ~~~ t;::~~,\~d ~~~~:~11;:('17\~1~1~' /~~d\\,(~~~~~~ In l\~~~~~~~~y ;~~nd:~rl°nG~u;:n;~~: (By Staff Correspondent) ~11"". J rHl~~.IH~~~~n::i,a~~:." h" Ih- :;,,~I:' ,::".:1 It. 1',,1,1 ",::;." f);'I;~~'~;~ unll on'lln-lht'....· I ~1"l11lJ('I ...' l')f s,~('m. LUlh",r~n Ear-tlh of SIOUX ellt\', \\'111 bt' In jo \1:..1'1 H "lsllT 01 the two w'~)m~ sppnt lk-il Thursday With MIS All- 1 l':\1 I '13 I B I j

KirHkrl:ulrf1'1l anI! Flrst~:'\'t"~\". ('huII' \\ IT,' I'nlpilul I'd III Ihe 'n.ev. clu:\I'g". T\\'o \ l't~'r<1~s of \\'orld :\1I"s. Cha) les Lynn of Mln~Jen, gust K~y ~~~~/~'rs'lr\l~t"1 (~f' I~~~~"('h ~'; I) \\.(",l;~: I;1\"~ ~~ III "ltil~I~~~~1" !~~~\~'.~',Tjl~' :'\~Idhl'l' mil\lt h9~ CurtI" WIIlPI-,?: ho l' IEll>t Thurs~ \Val' II. EmC's{ -r:oarlz of Allen, \',ilS 1Il Ih{' elly a few day~. I'lb' ,~, T~ 1 I I B d t F:1'nnikJlIl, Dennis and La\'onnf' oh<';f'f\'pd t:iunda' wlH'n dlnnlT and 1'1 \\ltl1 !li'r parrnls,

hl'l:n ;Illd fl.lIP~I." H l.dOll Afll'I-1 a sOI'lal tunc ilnd Don StIPP ~f 'Wnkpflf']d, \\ho H') a.!'O \'l"lt('{ Jll t lC ur (' te Lutl <.;111'nl'ldo;t Monday In the Ceo. 1'1'" A,.thu" t)d,'g,o,'IIol.' ,""r", 'La gups\s at If. \V,\ '",l{'r"lf'ln s \\prp tIlt' II lJ I ~lth'ln ... ~11P \\ ill J"('~urnnll!' .... "l'I'dlt~ ... h<l\\ ",! 1\ d.l

l· I \\L'I'L' $L'ndu. <tr( nO\\ In hospl~al~ \\111 bE' taken Fn'drlcksnn home. h " , ",.~, ,- "

I I \ I ('(l]n/'" Il~t I 'I ::\11' 'll1d :'I1l's A) Borg 'Inl! ~ud Bnln" ome. l!lp Anton GranqUist homo Frllli-lY Mr. and Mrs. r ( \\1I11P~Stl'1Il1 tu D:l)],-\." 10 lOin hIT hushand who1l~'1 \ II; I' tl till} 1)(~,:" $rHI~j' (jluh. - " I [I ;;~, a<.;:'r~(l~~1 mernbdr.., Lunrhl;on ~Jl sp;'nt S~lIHi;\Y ;n S'IOUX Clrt} \1':;lt- 1. ::\11'. qnd,:Mrs. Gporg(' Rruns ('1111- a[l('rnoon. and Betl'y Lou. Ind ;vIr" fdlil" h ;11 Jln:,,('rJl 1111 ,I fnr'l'lL:n nlls'1lOn.

ill'" grdtll1 )t; <Ill Ihldgl" {'Iub nwt las!1 Thursda:\- -+-------t I I In the homl' (If, :'III'S. Borg's f',d In t~.l' Don LUll twnl{' last Sat- Thl' IIdT'ry Granquists \\"C'rc in ••••• 1111.11 •••••••••••••••••••• lIm.IIIIIII.Il:•••••••;n\\\)) , r,Mkl11L; ]"t(.' (1\1 nm,,; 111 l\ld( "I,~!t' \\Ilh 1\lls I \\rJtp .. f~n:n (~('rfllal1~. ,\~)::;('>\.'~~I.s%." •.~:~ln·I~I'}r··h:Jnlrlsl~ upldY 1'\·ctung. the E\t'rp1t \Vllte hume at \\'10- • •

IF-irCd L"hman hostll~SI !\,tIl'S L I P,t !-:lPlton nmi; In10;Jnf'd 111 '~1.I·s.IMax l1rudlgam and Mlix- I;\<.;t \V('dnl'sua}. = SEI1'L BY AUCTIO...-r :Kll,d'·"':'1"'·""I' 1J,r\! I :'If('{ ,l\\ lind Mr" Irnn) H(lldt I \\Tot{h ;1 1('1 !e)' to son of U('I1\/'I'. wa<.; al:;o thl'l'{'. Thu 1110 "'P('pt Thursday 111 the Albert and. .:'I1Is. Bud Lutl <lnd = A.-, •

II1!'I)' h~Hlht,'is :llld lit' 11-, 1/1". '1'11(' 11I'X nH·"llIlg \\111 Borg \\'ak"rl('ld f(Jlks \10.1;111'11 I!1 the J;ll'\l Ild1lll1l1homc. JohnnH' wcn' 111 tI)(' \\'111 Test. :

"'''.' I" ("""".''''''''1,'11,,, ,Iilil'r'l:rul.t kl-I _'" "I.",•."co.. IL. ',1"('.".. ~Il" 1"lt\," '''f.l .... Alan :\11~(~oll honw a)<.;(l. 'rh " I 1Ft 'c II d . Ihon1l' last \\'p<!n('sd'l" • •'... h" '-. ""1 ., ,\ '- '. J, II' V'I'·' till' I~~d~ l~r~e\r('rt ~~~~l~ slas~ :'('~~ Carol and Dondhl13ronzynslCl of : IF YOU WANT TO SELL FURNITURE OR ; J!I

h'~~;ll"\l (ll~()n 11'1'~lll'd ;lndl ~ [ t Fill' \\\:~::;~ \~I~ 1.------------,.ISunday'c\:enlng, . Wmwll" spcnt Thursd:IY aftcr-· HOUSEIHOLD GOODS, OF ANY KIND, FORIP,upJ!s 'Ill ,11ld I.l.,,~ I qlr Wal~l'r rtl'('ht. 'I JIp ~t,~ IN h W ' 1\11' '~d Mrs. LoUIS Rnk('r sp<'nt nonn at Albl'l't Gambll' s. =1·1'1I1ay.'IJl (If ITls tl1-1 1 :.\1)' anll !\Ill"" RIchard 'topht and (Jrd (J~l(, ort ea~t ayne Ins!' T ursday (,\(1ning m the The LOUIS Tl'sts WPf(' nl Art TOP PRICES SELL IT BY AUCTION. WE(by \\111l11 \\";1" ~dtllrdil) , Ii la.rl1i1y. :'<11'. dill! 1\11'1' Wllhur ('mss] s{'l1lls (By Staff Correspondent) Fra'nk akl'T'rOnl('. Od('gaard's Sunday aflernoon la~t WIL~ BE VERY GLAD TO HELP YOU PLAN---- t' l'!I'cht ,~nrl hmtlY, Mr. Ilnd Md. .'\11' ~nd Mrs. Albf"rt Dnmme w{,l.'k and at Hudolph Lon~l' s 1DECIDE STORE HOUR 1\ (krman l:techt, 1\1r. +nd 1\-ln". cnlll'd 11 the Fritz Thun home last Thursday p\'pnlng. v.oo ~ALE.,

FOR COMIN,G SEA ON'I 1.11111 l'lf1cht and Mt'IVlll ~J! \-\":lJ-TW. Will I'ro\'it1t ,-.;rnnolll'i. TIll' Ikn IIollnwns spent l,~st WPl'k S ndaye\,c,nin€,. Ttli' LOUIs '!'C's\s we're among, A) ilIl' lludgl'l 1l1l'1'lltlL; 1;\1). ,l1ld' :\olrs. Frf'd S('~nI!L ;ina Rt'rt I'agt' ga~l tl\(' sl'r'llhon ,'It SUndil) !'i('nmg In IIll' Ed. Allf'Dlan Mr. nd I\lrs. Otlo Flepr were thos(' who h(,jped Ang. Brudlgaml:l"t nlg)l1 Ih1)~C' pn'I'Ill 1.111111:-. ~tl·. ilnd .:\1fS. ('bN'ncl:,!' till' Chl'l"t)<ln dhu!IT!J Sunday 1<10,1 WI' k Sunday rlmnp!' guC'slsin cel('\J)'at(' tl1s birthday Sundaj- TROUTMAN BROS.

'I':'" d1.j'(~li)"d "11 \Vdk,'llI'ltl "IOIC" ~chjlllt:s Hnd fdmtl~" ;),11'. and l\11:~, rnnrtlmg In Ihe' alJ.'l;l'ncp ()f th;~ lhl' Fr<'tl \\'ackpr homp. C\I'nlllg last \.\el'k.,\\111\(11)"11\' ~'\la) .\ :lnd 1')1'1! ~chllnes. HI'\ . .:\1. ,JuI~g. I\It~ rreglliar l11Inl"1f>r lJ)(' h'arn Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Baker Tlw Hay Gamblf's were Satur·

cun'I~III')C:: lilrlllle:h dnd :'II)". 1..<1\\I"(n(·I' lltl'cht and wtll pro\l(j{' f~I' ~l)(' hour and fa~ldY vlsl1C'd Carl BlI;heJs day ('\pnln g , gUPst:i at l\1artm I AUCTIONEERS1\ ~ ,l>" 11"('ll\l'11 til ,/"1,, lodc;!'''. ;Hld lilnJtI~ of \Vaynl'. <';[1f'n'\ last Thun;- C\I'ry Sunday. la:-;1 v.1'flk Sunday Ilflprnoon. ' and Sundar. <.;uPPPr gu<,~ts


" club... (II Ill, (.1\ ItH' dOlldl10lh 1'\"lllllg Hl t)l(' \Valt<'r UlI>t'ht Mr. ahd Mrs. Marvm Victor and at Bronzynskl s. W·-l·d 1\1 b IJh 2716', Wl111 \1/110 Ii I'l hom" ll) hl'11J Mr. t:teclll oIJSf'J'\L' ('lIr(Lof' hanko;. chJlr/I'elli Wt'rC' IIi'S 1 Sunday dlllner :'\lrs. Harry Granquist waq 1n tn.';l e, e r. - one

I prc(uPt<··pl()I'·111111l \\'hdt- Ill" hlrthddY· Altt'1' ('drd~ coolie I'Ll- Thf' Bf'l't Scott Llmlly wish 10 gUI's1s Ih ··the Fred Victor home. Wlll"ldp Sunday Jast \\'('l'l\. 10 at- I '~ ('\'('1" h lOll' Ill(' bcdan('1.' \\111 i11\(' IUlw)w{)Il HIl".SPI'\'l'd. that~k l!w \Vilkdcld lin' dl'PiU't- :\1t'. alnd Mrs. JIpnry Brudlgam tend a shq\ver lor Mrs Gordon 1lI III ••••• III •••••••:••••••••••••••

be LiI,"1l IIr,' 1'11) ·]llldgl·l. .l'-I !lwrtl and 110 hplppd llJ('Tn <;Ind (laLlgt"\icrs spent last Sunday \Voolndgl',' tlle former Ruth Rcn-I~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~=conllll~ d,'('I"IIIt1 I)~ lhl' ~;I"{llql !11{iIlR's I)nu~htt'r". f'XIlllg\u<.;h Hw ('-,11 (h<'ll' hon~.: e\'enlllg~\-'ith the Ray JIammprs. del'. ,!~

'I" AI. lilt' annual mefltlTlg~ of the Sutlll'd;ly. 2\-11". and Mrs. Howard }~'lenhurg Tlw Fra~ Llndsays were at:

No Dunluge Is 1"I..:'I,',n,",.',.'" [1)1""U,gllo'ltl',',',",',,~gf, "I",er,."(,h",.r.. l~t.~ara" and familY viSited III the Don Lutl Alex Suhr's \Vpdnesc!ay eVf'nlng., , _. " VVc Lf'3~1P'l I nspital. home la.'>t wf'ek Sundily aftprnoon. Mr. and Mrs. Lmdsay and Brucc

Bll (}himney Fire.'; ('In'lt'd fOI' tiw y('lJr:, Prc!'lIll"nt, Mr-s I!m\':Jrd Rl'ci!:P1111:lupr 0Q(1 lVIr. a~d "!'vII's. WJllJam Barelman had, spf'nt thp day at Evprl'tt Lmd-\\'dkl'lwld fIn' dl'p<lllmI'111 \\clS :;\1I's l-ldl'ry Adam:;, \idc prPfild~nt, mfant SOil ldl .l \\nakl'flf'ld hn~- and Manlyn w<,rC' at Emi'I Barel- SaY s.

caill'd 10 lhC' :-\I'll S\\,tgg:l'rt) LInn' :'\11''' M01TIS ()I."on; secrplal'Y. M,·s. IH1:d arid relUrnfld In thi'lr home miln's last wepk Sunday evening. ~r: and Mrs. Alvin Vogel of i[

1 A I t ~ M n(',\]' Wayne Illst \YpdIH'sday, Mr. and Mrs. Ray Hammer and WmsIde, Mr. and Mrs. Albertnorth of town:l IlltJt' bl'forc nonn :laUnCf'Y.. g.t't';, rel~surpr, .~ sons spent last Sunday aflernoon :Qammf', and the ~amilll's ~f ArtS.ltunlay lu.IH'Jp put Oul .1 cht1l1- ,flO BuskIrk. rhost, atl{'ndl S('hn(ll J)an{'ft Jlf'.ld. 1Il the Henry Doring home at Wm- Dr.:Jnsclka a8d .rTank LJnd~ayfW'\ hllll.('. Tlll'Y \\I'I'!' (';l!)Pd III ih(' I·\·t'ry llW!'lmg last year wen' -M!'s. \ .',d,'. ,\.\'1.'1'0 in the Fred Thun home Sun-Ik'l"1 ,'-;\'otl 1;11'111 diluut hulf ;111 t\l'I}!1 \Vlggnins, ~1rfi' IIarl'Y A school dHncI'. "pohsOl'~'d hy If (' ., I k

~"R W' M <.;1'lllor class, was held Fl'ld,ly 1'\(>- .'VIr. ;lnd i\ll's. Fl':tnk!in Flpgp and Thp JOf' Pinkelmans \-vere 1Il day (,Vl'nlng last \vpe .

!lOll!' I.Jt('I· t'l III Ip Pllt out anolh \dams, ~.. rs. o!t I gl11ns, I'S. M lh K' \V'llell IfllJ 11 '.\ Ill'!.' ;-.Jo damage \\ a::. dOJle ~po. BuskIrk. The retl 'In?" offlcl:r.,; 1l111L:" III lllf' .... c)lIllJl ,lllriitor lum. \ 1~11:~~;~ 1;~lslt\\,I~:~:~~~=1 ~;:~~~I~~:~Il;I:~n~:n;~~lti:~~ ~l~~~:~ Ka~l~n~:I~I.:S ~~ia~ ~!~tyer ~f Pe~-

i' ;1{ t'llllt'r j')!~lCl'. w'n' Pl'('sldf'nf, Mrs. ,Wll~ur l'.v- , I I I S___ : __ ~ ~ns, \ICf' jlJ'f'."II!('nl, Mh. Kl'nn~th "'ill ('1('1\)1 Ilal!. L<,nzpn., dpr, had daml'I' am unc.1Con un-

~.~~~~~~~~~ .'ackt'I'. Mr'f'. Roy WIg- larlH'}; ]t>LIIl If) cl0an thr' and August Longe \\·trc MISs ;vIinnlt' Frf>v<,r!. Alfred day last week 1n the F red Hurd I

aUlS: t,'("l<.;url'l'. Hryan Jol1n~ T':rlddy,t!ternonn. SllnddY :d\"I'!lOOn a!l~l !\-1r. andl Fn'\ert, Harry Bargholz .<.;pent last hOlllP. ]\.~r. ~nd ~rs. Elmer Peters. --- 'on. UlrlCll"o; "('1"\(' fell' OtiC ye';( ~11" AI'l Sunday 1'\('- \V('(jnesday ('\,pnlng III the Hpr- and sons wt're e\enmg guests.. 'lh ( 0 ~njy, "" P.-T l\~\~~',/\' !\If'll'tq. glH!' (lllo MIIJe)':..s Ja"l ber! Fr~\'crt 1wnw. J 0 R ('I t l\1 tI

_, e rop IS J.'~ I ROTHER OF FORMER \\Iwn facully ,,('ned. ~ll·. ([nd :!\lJ's. Allwrl E('htfln- I l)l'lm1~ LJll/ Si(l~: ~I-Jst Th~r~- J. U'. ·I3.'m~mb~:<;·a~;1 ~~~hands'I Th B " and famtl) wen' last \\'(l{'k ~:~' ;~r~~~", ~1~~ a~Ud M~<;~~:~l:;:'I~ wpre all-daY guests Thursday III

' 0\- e (In PASI'fl',OghR".P:-(S()ISI.I):.~,0,AhWroAthy,'.. Lions "'it;\fPf"t. etflr'rnnon \Isltor" )Il tl)(' LUll, wen' In :KOl·folk. the Raymond Langem('ler home.'J "Vh "0 ,Linns ('lllh will ~w~'t .:\1arch 28. Herman (;('('\\e homl'. ~lr. anu Th(' famlll<'."1 of }·;.I/"nest Gpewf', After dlllner, the women did Red

1/4.'/mit- f Allan MCColllwho was H ~(RTI--R-"0-[BJ' Mrs (;ilbl'l"t Kr:1Hman and f;llnlfy Frl'd (}lte Ilnd RaymoIHi ottel Cross s,'wlI1g. Plans wert' made to

01'011'1" \Vdkdield past pI' 'and who W{'1"(' la.s! Tllf'sday p\('nmg \\,(,/,p la~t SundaY dmner gUf'sts III sene at Ill{' servIce cenler Apnl, ' s nO\\ In SIOUX CIty, l1assed away I\lr and ;\1r" IlPrman the Aug~st Franzen home. 8. Mrs. Albert Gamhle cnlertams

n S('olhnd F!ehrUary]O I1nd Dun of PJigl'l', .;,'iir. and Mrs. llerman Lutl and NIl'S. Johanni1 al an aftl'rnoon mectmg .:\-larch 30.w,;.<.; < 'm Wood Rlv~

r, Nf'h, In \.\Il('~ on a \'l:;lt ~ll::~r~)~ll('I~;:~t'l~f<.;('~~',l~\~\:J.r'a~~I..~~~ ~;~~t~~\l~~ni; atf~~r~~~n~,,~t:s.h(~~~ For Loi~ Dran"p!ka.10 hIs brother JI1 Glbboh, Neb., b('- ('hrh.t!an (j'hurC'h, !IoU<.;Cl· Brockmf')Cl' 01 Pllg('I', Lull cal'led Thursday morning. Guests IJ1 the Art Dranselkalore n~turlling to MillO

rpansh In Sunday school a~ 10, Wf'!'1' last week Sunciay dlll!1{'r Mrs. RlL'iReli Preston IS spending home Sunday afternoon last week

lu~gow 'iVhere he had een past\w Comm\lnlOn at 11. gu('sts m the Herman S!euol', ~r., some taine 11l her patenlal W. E. for LOIS' 10th bIrthday were Mr.I' l5 yrihr<:: hOlTlp. F'lSh home at Beldrn, helpmg care and Mrs. A. 1I. Brillkman, J\r1.r. and ID~~('~s<,c1"was a P p$byterian (~~~~~i~ol~~t·J~~i~~:,.(·pl::~~~;.) for her father who lS serIOusly ill. Mrs. \-Vill WIeland and family" in Argeellngj India, aft- Rura) HO!llf> Sodf'ty. The ~rtl1ur M.ann ramily called Mrs. Art Fmke and chJ1dre~, Mr.

I' gradu'lting from tile iGlasgow Sunday s('hool :1ntl BlhJ(' class('s Rural ,Home soclcty mel Thurs~ in: the lienry Brmkman home last anel M~. Carl Thomsf'n, r"sther

~~~P61~~~~~yd ~~~l.C~~1:A~f~~~~= at sJ,~:'u~d~~n~c~~;/~:~'~~~~~~5;day ~~~b~f.t;;~:~~o~~i~~1l~~;~~~~:~e~~,~ ~hu;~~rrf1~:~~~·h~~e:i~·it~~~e~v~~;?1~;'~~~~'I~~'r~n~n;r~~r~~'rcnce

1 in iwith a ScottJsh re5Yment with aft{'l'noon at 1'30. . en and plans W{'re made for county ning. 'hich he returned fro Indla and Lpntf'n serYI('('f) d:'Vf>fY \\t('dnf's~ aclllcvempnt day, ?vlarch 24 'mn Mr. <J d Mrs. Arthrr Mann and

, . F dB I' clay e\'f'nlng:at 8'1.'5, '" Th I d '11 I Is w .servWE' m ranee a e glum vvaync. It' a IE'S \V! serve lilt famlly,' ~r. and Mrs. Otto Baier WWM. ROGGENBACH it Hip first world wa1"

1\Valther L<>algu<, \\pll mc('t March tlw sen'lce conter April 30. R~d and famij}y spent last Sunday aft- Southwest ayne

\\'1~XER,-nT. 1 IBeSides Rev. McColl, e~eased is 30 at 8 p. m. Cross sewIng was donf'. Mrs. Rb.. ernoo 'n the Henr:Y BrmkmanJOHN LUSCHEN s, rviiVed lJlY a son who as, ,wound~ mawr G1JJFtSP<'y of Columbus, was home.

n1 ,I (By Staff Correspondent)

. e irJi nodh Africa whl e fighHng Prf'.sbyterian 11('hurrrn, a guest. The n('xt meetIng will De J h L M lvr C La

G~iiiiii'i'·i·"i~'iSiiEi-iRiiTi·i2iiii~~w~t~h~;~thiei£<~o~t~tiiShiiH~ig~hil~dieirsi·...11 (Rev, J. A. P<lddhck, supply April:20 \\ith Mrs Ernest LUll- Mn;o ~ JO~:ie :;~;eli~ Rand:;~~ Mrs. 1I. W. Winterstpin spentpa£tbr) dahL ., iast' w~ek Monday tb attend fl1- Monday last week WIth Mrs. J. W,..

~~~d~~\~~:~-;~~?~YpreaChing' I neral serviees for IMiss Sadie Goshorn.GET A! at 11 The sultlJbct wIn bt' "\-Vhy ',IIr".oraa~ellr<M' Ir~,:. 'J'aOhh'nkaBmaPleJrr,' ML. Moore. t' The Victor Kniesches visited at

H· 0 M E Did J~SLLq D'IC?:''r ' l~ -~ U ~- Mr. and Mrs. Wl1lte Woods call- Alonzo Soden's Sunday evenmg A" . I "They hatedl me without a <lnd _Mrs. Arnold Y;l~lk<lfP and ed in the Robert Nels n home last last week.

son, Mr. and Mrs. f.mli 13a er and Monday evehing. The Arnold Ham- Mr, and Mrs. Otto Fleer were

OF YOtilL cause." "U Gtpd, Tl10u haqt made daughler. Mr. and Mro;. 0 to Saul mer famlJy were Tuesday evening Sunday last week dmner guests at'fR us',for Thy s{'J~ land ou'r souls arc and family, Mr. and Mrs.\Wllbur c/311ers. Fred Wacker's.

Q,.W ~, l,restlPss Illl th('y rei l m Thl'l'."- Bi1kt'r and daughtC'r, MISS Esther Mr. and Mrs. La\t'rence Ulecht Mrs. Russell Pryor and Sharo-, Augus1mc. !homps~n, Mr. and Mr<.;. L wrenqc and family spent last Thursday lyn \vere at Clarence Beck's Wed-

Thomsen and family, Mr. and MrS. evening In the Walter Utecht home nesday afternoon.II (R~~~lec~r~::~~~~I~~,Il;;:~:~'or) Carl !~omsen, Mr. and M s. WaJ- lat W:akefield, helping Mr. Utecht' Mr. and Mrs. Sam Noyes and

NOW 1('1' L'lnch ahd son, Mr. a d Mr:t\. 'obsprve his bIrthday. DeVonne were at Clarence Beck'sI Sunday schdol at 10 Mornmg ClarencE' MaJnn and "ons, Edward Mr. and Mrs. A. H. Brinkman Thursday ('nning.. / l I IworshlP at 11. Vesper Isen-lce at I3akC'r, spent <l. social I('Venmg spent last Fri(iay afternoon in the The Albert Millikens were Sun-

W~·ll \ ~kit hI I 11 ~holr lchearsal Tljur!;day cue- in the H('n~lrn~n. VahlkatTIp, jr1, Henry Brm~man homC'. Mr. and day Jast ~'eck dinner guests atI 01 e, y;ou can a e youl' ont y payments I t 8 "\ hom~ last Sunday In honorlof MrS. Mrs. Lawrenct" Thomsen and sons Chas. Bull s at Belden.conven)ently, and wh.fe y~u can get the hOrlte I nl~~naflrmatlOn class IlmeNS S.-ltu;~ Vahlkamp's i~th~ay. Co-oJl1erative Were evehi~g visitors. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Koch andyoP wart on the I I I I Iday mornmg at 10. J~niQr Mission- Iyncheon was; sen-ed. I Mrs. Emil Barghol:z and ~iss Leland .were at the Herman V~hl~

,.r WOl\t'ERFUL F~ALOAtPLA~OF SMALJ I kry society Wit meet: Satu!'da I ---~ Emma, ~r. and Mrs. Otto Field kamp, Jr., horne Thursda.y evenmg.l'~ ..,.. ,r-

ftoon t:2 Y and farn~ly, Mr. and Mrs. John Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Gerleman

q WN P~Y ENT A I~ M NTHLY '~ {~~cheo~ a~ Lenien devotions I' ALTONA Awiszus :and son visited Walter and Miss Hele~ Gerleman were at

IPAYMEN S LESS HAN RENT ~or school chil ren Wednesda at eegs last week. Sunday afternoon. Oscar Hoemqn s Sunday afternoonI 1 ~ I • I noon. Y I by' I The Edmu~d Lo!1ges spent last last week. I

Right ~ow may b the m s~. favorable periop 'I L."Mjd-w(>ek Leh'lcn Jcr~'i('cs Wed- Staff COrJ/'esponden I Sunday' evenmg III the Arthur The Russell Pryors and Mrs.

~:d :;i" ti:; :h:~~Oo~i:a~;h~~:~ne::~o~::t :1,~sday at 8., ' ~~~~:~r:~~i~~' i:n~e ~~~~~ :e~~r~~n;~~ISo;u~~~e ~~nd~~~:~at aob income to akje th pay::l'ents count un I[ WAKEFlgLdcALS iE . P. CaauWe called inll'e Will" Longe home last,:ruesday evening. Daagberg's.

~ ~ ,.-- ,'is n Wenke home at Nor lk, Fri.. Mrs, Mary Tolles and Jimmy of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Schnoor, I I II i Miss Faith urrntlerker of Co~ d y last week. ' Laurel, Called in the Henry Rel- and Mrs. Vernon Schnoor were atThfll1iE 1n.d when this f ~sh f '0011 business a~1 ~mbUS' spent t e we('l}~end in the ~Mr. and -Mr~. Burdette ansen, leke home last week Sunday aft- Hennan B'riJdigam's Sunday eve·go d p v IS over, yuill a e y.ur home pal I c. ;N,uer~b~J~r ~qme. i s eot SundA~ In th,e Harol Hwn-I rnoon. ¥r. anq Mrs. Herman rung last week.

rI I MrS. EmIly" lnMch Of Pender, preys home 'at WIsner. eseloh and LUCy were evening Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Beck and,., B d II °1 -'- h b ,pent the wetil -end with her sis- I JElmer antI ~arl Von eg$'crn isitors, I Lindaj Mr. and ~rs. Lyle Gamble

your \'V' r Qn $ w~ e 51 y Y out tea anc • ~rl :Mrs, Ern~J E~eIfoth, II IS ent last Wed~~sday eve int in' The M:~rVin ~ictors were last were lat Ed, Surber's Sunday last, II ' u I , MISS Mary nger t'Jf Sioux City,' thll Otto Greenw~ld hOJjne. unday evenj~ ¢allers in the Hol- week for dinner.

,1 , I~. w.. I ~ I I, ~yne colleg I' student, spent thi1 Mr. a~d Mrs'iBurdette ansen l is. Wt'lIiatns !home at Carroll. Mr. The Wm. Heiers were at Russell~ ''-, Abo'~l IW.lonlhly p'~ym nb Anw Loan From) eek-end in th Mrs. Mary Gree~ c tIed in the'. M~rrin Hors home' nd -Mrs. iW"llroen Lyons had spent Pryor's Wednesday evening. Mr.

$2,000 to $16,000 on Resi nti~l Properly_ II' ,orne. I ' T~sdaY ey,mg1last wee. he weekten1 in the Williams and Mrs. Clarence Cadson andI -'-r ,I J_ ~ I r4iss MarilYllttHarrison of dma T. andl rs ,Otto G enwald omef anil returned to Wayite Judith were there ~hursday eve-

'TWRhIT,Ee", ~ll,IO",NRO.aURtIFlRj·O·EE

n' ItFlO,~,.,11'~,Ao.TI NBpULaLEnTIN,,".: pa, Was a S turday o,ermgh a d Ronald ISlt¢d '" the Alv," , ith the Victors. ning. . I?l:U~~t In the I George EICkhof D urn home ITutsday ~ve JOg of I' Mr; an~ Mlrs. Donald 1Carlson Mr. antI Mrs. H_ W, Winterstein

r~ e. I ' last week, I ' nd tamifY were last Saturday were at Harold Quinn's Thursday


rs. Ernesl Moad of Chicago, Ronald G en aid was Wed· Ight gupsts ,in the elvi' DeLa- evening. The Quinn family had. i I 500 P1l'1'tlNat qnal _ul di g , 'I ,

• 'III OI\'14iHA, EB -+~K " , Mt-$, J. ¥. Monegomery, an G~nWald h 1In hOnor f Il-ob· f . toZier's bl May, They nlng,, "j , I: 'WI' .9,'a 'd 23 I i $band. I er Gree1twaI 's birthday. ere FUe~~ in the De~zier home ,Mr. and Mrs. Victon Kniesche

Mr. and MfS Elmer Felt, La- uests 10 Otto G enwald undllY t1 help Mr. and Mrs. Alex and sons, Mr. and Mrs. Louis



' 1 I 11'.1 Ii,' , " . ,I I ,I I : I I I

II I : I III I ,I i II II ,\ I I'








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I\liss Ellen Brummels <lnd Pfc.Boyd Cunningham of' Randolph,Wl'l'l' married Marl'll 7 at FortLJIX,

OUI Chlncse al1JesNew books catalogued this w('ck

include: Persons and Places, byGeorge Santaypnna, a faSCinatingautobIOgraphy," Toward a Better\\lodd, by Jan Smuts, who IS re­ganlL'd as a commandmg prophetIn th(: field oj internatIOnal af­f,ur,s, The SH'gC of Lenmgrad, byBoris SknlOoro\'sky, which is theinSIde story of how th(' people of.that cIty Il\TU and fought for 515cla}s, Alsu included' IS Strang-eFrUit, by Llllwn SmJlh, whIch IS

a ~10\'('1 of the sOllt~ and the negroproblem and rated a.'" a major no\"~

cl by the No\\ York Tl111es. Anotll­('I' IS Lpnd LC<:i''''l'--\\'eapon fol' Vie_Itory, by E. H. Stctlmius, which ismuch mOl"{' interesling- readmgthan thc Ulle wouId lndJCiite.

Story Iiour for the children Sat­unlay will be 10 charge of .MissI'Ylarybellc Schmidt, I<indcrgartcnteacher aL the high school.

Mlural Gas ,will serve you even mor~ lDy ur home olltomorrow. This Magic FlFGw ich has brought the untold convenJ,ncGof inexpensive automatic gas heating 19...' theA eriean home will soon bring yOU! All~

Y ar Natural Gas Air Conditioning. :

T is means that gas will not only warmy<)ur home in the winter months. but itl wWalso cool and .air condition it duriag lhe hoIsummer monfhsl This is Jhe n~west icOn..trlbution 01 NCIlurai Gas 10 your com!qrl. Itwill lie availa"le to-ypu when the war ~ndland when American industry gets ba¢k toth~ business 01 supplying your peac~tim._n~eds. .



The! Magic Flame That: WillLighten Your: Furute

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A ('Oll' Iliad of sodllHn chlorall' ic;unloadl'd ,1\ Alli'n and I.'" \)(,_

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~"I ' . i 'larmnrkSonie Bonds Now for YoUr Postwar


PH~NJ;: 126.

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1 I!

tht' (J\"t'j1, Resulls: Smoke, fi,relllenaqd cll(~rl'ed dolly.

p\.t. hill]! Spencer of L~'nch,Nt'b., d~'OPI)ed In on home folks [or

~:I ~~:~lr~)\t~~'~~l\l~ll'a;.;(~. i~P(l't~Cl'I:'n(~l~plclnl' Cfosscd the

alJoul 3,000 feetin a pasture

college piano dcpnrtmcnt pr('par....ed and presented the pianIsts, .

..••........•"..•• lJlant' ~\S the: J\11l-;SOllll 11\(1: htlLJaJlul 0411• ntH Ln ~(,Jln hI',• ,j --

: I \\"("llfH'I'm'ln Tl\orna,,:, E. fll'f'd .. O[: Blngllar 11{Hl, N. (" was surprlsed

I \\ hen il yU).Jng \\ Ulllilll asked 111mfor thl' Jl,JI}' 1-1 fOrL'CilLc;1. The rea­son sll(' asU:('d she IS gOlllg to bemarrledl that day.

~~IOt~~a~I~~b~~n~ ,\~1~);~~: '1~~:lr;~L~~ ,e~llorate .A rrives~nd mel thobl·id g'i"0ll1 - t the al- 1 For Dlxon CountytnI'. The unde \\-'OI~C a "'001 ~UJt

and a hal and an clalJOrat co\'sageof artificIal orchids. All ('."Ira ~pc~, lng

qial guests were 'glyc'n 11' .)l'l~ l'(Jr~ at AII('I1.S~lgcs as they en ered. AI JIO\\l't'S A,'; SOdlUlll l"llj(J)'dle lIdS lJCt'1l a

\verc Poston mad', Aller' he CL'n> Illttle dllfll'ult [0 ()lJli1in, CountymO,ny the bnd~ I and b¢l egmum IAgt'nt lJo\\ard Gllla"pJC advisesplaced a dal.lglmg cord bt· cl'll'l on Igclllng Jt right ;lway as this ,cat'th~' Wl'lst 01 the the\', , Iload ii" no! (,-,pceled to I ('maHl longI filL' rcccP\J.on vas 1wll1 III 1he 1m <.;1 ()ri-lglt. "

riless hall. wi Jell \'as stll dt'c(ll"it· :\1uch 01 tllle ...,odlum "lll()l:ll(' i.-;okl [rom Chrlstm, s. All w 'Il' ,"'c~tl- .I)('ing Wit'd In tl](' \\~Ir noL a('Id aL the table, b ~ CVl']'~I. nl' stoon ign'at d(',J! t', d\<1II<lhk \\"l't'l!and clapped a:i U~e wcddltlg lJarLy contrbl, If Ill,' 1)1.'(011 \\'('('0clnt¢rcd. SPCCChe! follo\ve In ·Jap- dlstrlC'1 IS til allot 11('1aner:;l', and abou hall l~l' ~)(,o1>je 01 chlor,l1l', \\IJl hax"e to be

!lIen at the DCn\('l' airbasc'rc- there were Inll'O,~uced. :r'lIldlly a movC'{l :.o()n.J." pancsc Inend j.l the br dcgruom COfl! ['(.)1 of lJin'dwl't'd should betpok O\"l'I''1S nlas er of tT 'cmonl('S contl'nllrd ilV llinck cllltl\'ation<tnd sh{)J'!ly laps'd lntf) Engl1~!l. tl1(']"(' ;.., all ",l{'!'l' Ul' more ])1

1'he w.el!dmg COU~).IC. (Jul hL: cake .'Jolld Block cu]ll\.,t!iun~"nd t\\O o[ lhclr Inends S<: ng solos. than tn'iltrng1I1l' food was ur ught a d guests nut Ill(' \\l'('<1 patchllslenC'd to SWill¥" mU~IC ii'( In a \'IC~ Blust he \\()rked ('\ll'!") lwo ur threC'lrola. Then the Igroup 8, llg .'iuch :wecks Ulldl'l' thIS lllt'tllOdsongs as the M<~l'lncs' 11 mn <:ind .CUfTent popUlar fong~.

The dlllr1CI' ('( nSI~tecl of threeI<icc cakes. one -"pnnk ('ll \\Ilh

lJJ'lghl---r('~, shred lcd, tine! shn/1lp,. lii'il{~nc rolled In it 'cry tlun shet'j oj s('I('('IIOI\;

~t'H.w('ed ilnd ~'.ili'd lIke a jelly 'roll (>I pldFI"~h()wJng <l diunl center)1 eoolH'd 1))('llll)('I'.'" (II~n~ens and dt'll'C shnmp, ilnd ,(In( Romdd ,'-;;ll[('l (Of UA\'J\E (0 0.''1'\'11.''-t.nilal'lY rolleq ,B a tllIl Shl'pt uJ Cn'I,[lll oj Dally !!ienlee

t1K:f'Jct; fOUt· tllcn-faqlc! s;-wel· r. ..·.WfI}·'U. , l'i:20n.m.

8':~~i~';Ii~'lg~;IC~;:~f~:Il;t':\:::(~I"l~~::~:-~:::~:(:,;(:',,, 1""Ill''' ;~: ;;;;~:;;:~' - .-_•• :i~:;'~~~:J'\.,sl':~~":)l[' cli(~na?,tc[Jtrtus:I(~',·(I,~~ :1(~111,(, Il·~(·'I'~ TIl!']l1 (Jgl "Ill tl'd! LllTd 1.)](' qll;l r- Il('(urn ~cJlcdule

u '- I. J I I I I dr.,·· OlUulln . . 6100 p.m.01· and e0l1s1s1l'11'('y of U Ick ap!JIr' tl' III :'1'\ ('ll S(' ('C' J(J!1S lJl(' U mg f,\·,l.lneol".. . 5:2:> p.m.

;buttcl". but tastllg lil{(' lC.<lIl'S <In;1 "Lq.':;llt (',1\;111,'( (J\l'r111J"("" Von ~~:~~~l~;~~·t ·······:·.:l~;·:~~::::

;~~~~l~~ ,~:I~~:Cir:)tlll(~(J t~II~~y <;.~~ Sup~)('. ,1 lid 1~~]('L~~I;'ltl,II;IDJtnald SClU- W.H:U; 10 srol;-~ C1'I'Y

.sweet l}{'ans; ictj cream lnd cake; one oj IllS uwn ('(Jmposi- ~:~:~~,.:;.~~ ::::::::::/: ~:~~::::::punch at the bC9mning a lel !lut tea Pl,Ul(l H.haJl.'iody." An Lv. \\D)'ne . 6::iO p.m.

at the ('wI. I Ill" SIJU.'i(-l',S "Stal's and \\/Al.NI'~ to I\OIlFOLI<:

, "11 a couple WIsh to gc t married J\/,Il~·/I~~o 8~~,~,~)~ ::~: ~~::~::: :...• ' tile YOUI.lg man 1sks hl.'i olkc;, who M I R L\'. \\"D,-De .

: ask thell' eden( s, ask the 1 er'~la~~~ Arrow St«ne L:nes.1 tJlldp S [olh frJ.nus, ) ask hc! UiH ...• folks, v.ho don ask he IS the or til(' j13tr: "".ly MISS HuE' e.'(pldlO d JUp,l- +-___ " _

• nesc proposal . rIll' <1f1l WCI goes I: back the same ....... d), <1nd thn \r\ e,d­• ~lans arc nadl'." ~ . the .gll·j i=doesn t get arou d to ~d LlIlg pH.:k- I

• dd, the process s 'cms ~o perate 1Il: ,ic\"(:'l'sc whethc she I~\"a ls to Lc

• Uicked or not.! ~: ~' Miss IIycy an i her )no her, Mrs. ,• ,ora IIuey, wri (' that hrJs~mas'

: a:s obser\"C'd in camP

t$ '~~ol chil~

BR • reo ga\"(~ progr' S a ~ lIts wcre, • ::. xchangcd..New,Year. W s alsljl ob-

••••••••'••••••••• •••••• , ~erved and interhe('s [ ll< wed .:sume===E':=::r:E====E:,±:=±O::t::::::±===cl::±l=±:E=======;;"±.::.::.::.::.::·.=:. ~ their old customs. ' ,

• ' The \.vomcn Write thalt when the:1 amp \vas firstl cstut>. lJ !led ther('

: ~l~S~SJa~;~r P~~~f:t~1nn, ~l(:~~st~:;~ ..1 t an the outsiq.c .pOpulltion had.:' Gradually thesJ peo!JI~ I''u• ~nd. found po~i.tlons 01 r'sponslbJ1­:. lty 10 the outslqe worldl. FOl: qf1ite,l• a: wIllIe the on~y qod l' 10 ~th('5camp of about 1O,OOU ,I eoptc was

• ~~cth~al::;li:::~. thO was in char¥c

= The,first real1 freeze [the sea~: son came Janu~ry 8. T~' next day! c~il~ren were o~t fishirl icc fL'omi Hle lrrigation ctnals an I trYlIlB" to


save it. I ':'• I

Htnrt Ylear'~ \V' rk.

:Victory 4-H IllivestoeH: club north

of Dixon, met at Flay' Stingley'.,,;: to start the n1W seas . RonaldI Penldrick and. ' onaIQ., Hoell wereIII named on a monsir tion team_

i .'Ii~4.e group "viI study ,I' low. whenand where to use I it. e electricf nee," Mr. S inglcy ill explama!nd, demonst,r, te _caUl! >-J.5rr,:ulL.~on-trot ,soon.. Co nty Ag pt HowaJ,'d(iillalspie showe~l~ a i 'cturc, "AlfIeritage We uard," rs, Sting­ley ~er":'_l,!5I.----Ea -Ecke . ~I)tertainst/!ext in the Wi 1" Eckc ihome.


Ii., .