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Henry and gma’sWilderness Adventure

Day One

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• Once upon a time there was a little boy named Henry. He liked to sleep over at his gpa and gma’s house, in fact one day when he was there he asked his grandma if she would like to go on a wilderness adventure. He explained that were some supplies they would need, so they gathered up the wilderness guide book, the telescope, the measuring magnifier and of course their bug catching equipment.

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Henry said before they started their adventure gma needed to read the field trip rules because the rules are very important and we need to be safe. So gma started reading the rules out loud, HT said ok, after we tell gpa and Felix where we are going we can leave. So they walked over to the guys and said we are going on a adventure in the woods, we should be back soon.

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So they started their trek down the steep incline into the canyon. And HT told Lucy it might be dangerous so she would need to stay back with gpa and Felix.

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After they entered the canyon and gma realized they were going to be crossing the field, walking on the wood planks that led to the climbing wall on their way to the forest. She suggested they stop a minute and talk about the possibility of accidently finding poison ivy. HT listened but didn’t really think that was a possibility, maybe a bear or a raccoon but not poison ivy.


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Here we go

Hard to balance

Climbing wallYou figure it out

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So when gma and Ht finally scaled the climbing wall HT stopped and said wait a minute gma we need to check our map. Now remember HT is a bit of a “city boy” so when he looked at the map he said don’t worry gma we only have 5 blocks to go. So they made their way to the forest, HT was very excited and gma was still worried about Poison Ivy …

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Once they entered the woods HT said gma follow me because I am the leader and I know where we are going. So off they went deep into the forest, Ht was the first one to spot something …. Look gma look he said. So gma came closer to see what he found, much to their disappointment they found an old cheese doodle bag … so they decided to continue on their adventure.

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HT was getting tired of fighting sticker bushes and mosquitoes and decided maybe gma could be the leader. So gma said go towards the light, HT saw a fence and walked toward it to investigate, much to his surprise he saw a swimming pool and he was very excited … he said gma did you know this was back here? Gma said yes and it was a neighbors pool and HT said gma do you know their names? Gma was sorry to say “no” she didn’t know their names so off for more adventure. But we did find a toad

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They thought they saw a clearing with a pony in it. So they both started running, at least fast walking. When they entered the clearing much to their surprise gpa and Felix were there waiting by the pony. So gma and gpa decided the best thing to do was for both of the boys to ride the pony home.

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Now this adventure was not without injury, when HT was walking back up the canyon a mosquito landed on the tip of his nose and as he told gma later he saw it and quietly slapped it and to his surprise he caught the little bug in the act and found a lot of blood on his finger. He was actually very excited to share the experience and show gma the blood.

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And now back to the “poison ivy” scare ….

The good news is this isn’t HT and the better news is HT saw this and now understands we will always be careful not to touch poison ivy!

A little learning experience …

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Now everyone that knows gma … knows every story needs a happy ending … so we will end this story watching HT eat his dinner that gma … yes … gma cooked.

The End

At least for today!

Ok … a couple more things!

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Ok … just a few random shots

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This is what HT made at Ninja Gym