Download - Hello, ev- 网学 H - · 万圣节,又被称作西方人的“鬼节”, 在每年的10 月31 日到来。10 月31 日是 万圣节前夕又叫做万圣节前夜,孩子们都


网学网学w w w . p e p . c o m . c n

叮 当 单 词

Happy EnglishPrimary Edition

  Hello, ev-erybody! I am little Ding Dang! Very nice to meet you. As a

good friend of yours, I’ d like to take an English travel with you every week! Welcome you to join us right now! Let’ s go!

超 人


  Hi, guys! Did you see the films of Super Man(超人); Super Spiderman(蜘蛛侠); Super Batman(蝙蝠侠); Super Dog(超级狗)? And did you hear the song by S•H•E, Super Star? Then maybe you can be interested in the word SUPER. Now you, too, have an opportunity to be a super man, A SUPER WORDMAN!  Please tell the names of the following colors. If you can do that, then you will be the SUPER WORDMAN of this period!植物:red 红色 purple, violet 紫色 pink 粉红色 brown 褐色 , 茶色 green 绿色 blue 蓝色 black 黑色 orange 橙色 grey 灰色

叮 当 时 事 快 车

叮 当 哈 哈 镜

叮 当 互 动 园 地

Dear friends, if you have any thought about the Weekly, please contact with us and any contribution is welcome! All answers can be found in the present period.That is all for this week. Enjoy your weekend! See you next time!

■2009年11月27日 星期五 第13期  ■总第149期  ■互联网出版许可证:新出网证(京)字016

主办单位:人民教育出版社·人教网  本期责任编辑:曲秀芬

投稿:[email protected] E-mail:[email protected]

Questions1. 你能从上面的内容中找出 “万圣节” 用英语怎么说吗?2. 南瓜灯用英语怎么说呢?

Questions1. How many kinds of colors are there in the picture? What are they? 图片中共有多少种颜色?分别是什么?2. Which kind of color do you like best? Why? 3. Can you give the names of more colors? Try it!

  叮当叮当,please pay attention(请注意了 ) !  万圣节,又被称作西方人的 “鬼节”,在每年的 10 月 31 日到来。10 月 31 日是万圣节前夕又叫做万圣节前夜,孩子们都会迫不及待地穿上五颜六色的化妆服,戴上千奇百怪的面具,提着一盏 “南瓜灯” 走家窜户,向大人们索要节日的礼物,“不给糖果就捣乱哦!”  我们知道,西方人刚刚庆祝完万圣节,Do you know how to say “万圣节” in English ?  “万圣节” 用英语说就是 “Halloween”,kids 在“Halloween” 那天提的南瓜灯叫做 “Pumpkin Lamp”,而他们说的 “不给糖果就捣乱” 翻译成 “trick or treak”。.  受经济危机的影响,今年很多美国人都选择过一个 “节

The sign ( 指示牌 )

Teacher: Why are you late ( 迟到 )?Kid: Because of the sign( 指示牌 ).Teacher: What sign?Kid: The one that says, "School Ahead ( 前面 ), Go Slow ( 慢行 )."

约型” 的万圣节,我们看看零售业的代言人是怎么说的:"Many people will take the less-expensive road and either design their own costume or use last year's."  他说:“人们倾向于选择价位较低的商品,而且他们自制万圣节的服装或者穿去年的服装。”  看来当前的经济形势对万圣节消费也有影响哦!
