Download - Healthcare Improvement Services - Part B Tender Schedules (59867)

  • 8/19/2019 Healthcare Improvement Services - Part B Tender Schedules (59867)


    Open Tender Pack(Part B – Schedule One(a))

    Commercial:  [Insert Tenderer name here] tender response

    SCHED!E O"E(a) – TE"DE#E# #ESPO"SEHealthcare Impro$ement Ser$%ces

    Tenderers are re&u%red to complete all the sect%ons (tak%n' %nto cons%derat%on the ord countl%m%ts appl%ed) and return the completed tender to the uthor%t*+ Please anser all &uest%onsas ,a%lure to do so ma* result %n the tender -e%n' cons%dered non.compl%ant and re/ected+0here &uest%ons do not appl*1 please mark as 2"3a4 ("ot ppl%ca-le) and pro$%de a -r%e,e5planat%on as to h* th%s %s so+

    SECTION A Or'an%sat%on deta%ls

    A.1Tenderer name

    Please con,%rm the name o, the Tenderer67

    Tenderer Name: [Insert Tenderer name here]

    ∗ 8ull name o, or'an%sat%on tender%n' (or o, or'an%sat%on act%n' as the lead contact here a

    consort%um -%d %s -e%n' su-m%tted)

    A.2Contact details*

    Tenderers must pro$%de contact deta%ls ,or th%s tender+

    Contact Name* 

    Telephone number  

    Email address: 


    ∗ Contact %s the person respons%-le ,or an* &uer%es relat%n' to th%s proposal

    A.3Oranisation details

    !eistered O""ice Address 

    Compan# or charit#reistration number 


    $AT reistration number  

    Name o" immediate parentcompan# %i" applicable&


    Name o" ultimate parentcompan# %i" applicable&


    T#pe o" oranisation [Choose t*pe ,rom drop.don l%st]

    I" Other' please speci"# 

    Page 1 of 31

    Healthcare Improvement Services

  • 8/19/2019 Healthcare Improvement Services - Part B Tender Schedules (59867)


    Open Tender Pack(Part B – Schedule One(a))

    Commercial:  [Insert Tenderer name here] tender response

    A.(Consortia ) SubContractin

    Please spec%,* the t*pe o, Tenderer that %s respond%n' to th%s opportun%t*7

    Tic+ one bo,onl#

    T#pe A:An oranisation able to pro-ide all the reuirements itsel" 

    T#pe /:An oranisation biddin in the role o" 0ead Contractor and intends to usethird parties to pro-ide some o" the ser-ices

    T#pe C:An oranisation roup able to pro-ide all the reuirements as aconsortium

    lease indicate the composition o" the suppl# chain' indicatin hich member o" the suppl#chain ill be responsible "or hich elements o" the reuirement. %This ma# be pro-ideddiarammaticall#.&


      consort%um can rel* on the capac%t* o, other mem-ers o, the consort%um re'ardlesso, the le'al nature o, the l%nk -eteen the d%,,erent mem-ers o, the consort%um+ The uthor%t* ma* ask ,or e$%dence that the resources necessar* to per,orm the contract%ll -e a$a%la-le and ma* re&u%re an undertak%n'3'uarantee to that e,,ect+

    B%dders should pro$%de deta%ls o, the actual or proposed percenta'e sharehold%n' o,

    the const%tuent mem-ers %th%n the consort%um %n the response a-o$e+ I, aconsort%um %s not propos%n' to ,orm a corporate ent%t*1 ,ull deta%ls o, alternat%$eproposed arran'ements should -e pro$%ded+

    Hoe$er1 please note the uthor%t* reser$es the r%'ht to re&u%re a success,ulconsort%um to ,orm a s%n'le le'al ent%t* %n accordance %th re'ulat%on 9: o, the Pu-l%cContracts #e'ulat%ons 9;;

  • 8/19/2019 Healthcare Improvement Services - Part B Tender Schedules (59867)


    Open Tender Pack(Part B – Schedule One(a))

    Commercial:  [Insert Tenderer name here] tender response

    I" the response to A.4%b& is #es' please pro-ide details o" hat is reuired and con"irm thatcompliance has been achie-ed


    A.; or > o, the Cr%m%nal!a ct >?@@ or art%cle ? or ? o, the Cr%m%nal ttempts andConsp%rac* ("orthern Ireland) Order >?:A here that consp%rac*relates to part%c%pat%on %n a cr%m%nal or'an%sat%on as de,%ned %n rt%cle 9 o, Counc%l 8rameork Dec%s%on 9;;:3:>3H

    Please Select

    9+ corrupt%on %th%n the mean%n' o, sect%on > o, the Pu-l%c Bod%esCorrupt Pract%ces ct >::? or sect%on > o, the Pre$ent%on o,Corrupt%on ct >?; o, the Con$ent%on on the protect%on o, the,%nanc%al %nterests o, the European Commun%t%es1 %th%n the mean%n' o, 

    >+ the o,,ence o, cheat%n' the #e$enue Please Select

    9+ the o,,ence o, consp%rac* to de,raud Please Select

    A+ ,raud or the,t %th%n the mean%n' o, the The,t ct >?

  • 8/19/2019 Healthcare Improvement Services - Part B Tender Schedules (59867)


    Open Tender Pack(Part B – Schedule One(a))

    Commercial:  [Insert Tenderer name here] tender response

    >as #our oranisation or an# directors or partner or an# other person hohas poer o" representation' decision or control been con-icted o" an# o"the "olloin o""ences?


    @+ destro*%n'1 de,ac%n' or conceal%n' o, documents or procur%n'

    the e5ecut%on o, a $alua-le secur%t* %th%n the mean%n' o,sect%on 9; o, the The,t ct >?? o, the The,t ct("orthern Ireland) >?

  • 8/19/2019 Healthcare Improvement Services - Part B Tender Schedules (59867)


    Open Tender Pack(Part B – Schedule One(a))

    Commercial:  [Insert Tenderer name here] tender response

    Is an# o" the "olloin true o" #our oranisation !esponse

    a) Be%n' an %nd%$%dual

    %s a person %n respect o, hom a de-t rel%e, order has -een made or 

    %s -ankrupt or has had a rece%$%n' order or adm%n%strat%on order or-ankruptc* restr%ct%ons order or a de-t rel%e, restr%ct%ons order madea'a%nst h%m or has made an* compos%t%on or arran'ement %th or,or the -ene,%t o, h%s cred%tors or has made an* con$e*ance orass%'nment ,or the -ene,%t o, h%s cred%tors or appears una-le to pa*1or to ha$e no reasona-le prospect o, -e%n' a-le to pa*1 a de-t%th%n the mean%n' o, sect%on 9?:

  • 8/19/2019 Healthcare Improvement Services - Part B Tender Schedules (59867)


    Open Tender Pack(Part B – Schedule One(a))

    Commercial:  [Insert Tenderer name here] tender response

    Additional detail !esponse

    h) The suppl%er must state hether1 ,rom >st pr%l 9;>A onards1 an* o, %ts ta5 returns su-m%tted on or a,ter >st Octo-er 9;>97

    (%) has '%$en r%se to a cr%m%nal con$%ct%on ,or ta5 related o,,encesh%ch %s unspent1 or to a c%$%l penalt* ,or ,raud or e$as%onand3or 

    Please Select

    (%%) has -een ,ound to -e %ncorrect as a result o,7

    • HG#C success,ull* challen'%n' %t under the Jeneral

     nt%.-use #ule (J#) or the 2Hal%,a54 a-use pr%nc%pleor

    • a ta5 author%t* %n a /ur%sd%ct%on %n h%ch the suppl%er %s

    esta-l%shed success,ull* challen'%n' %t under an* ta5rules or le'%slat%on that ha$e an e,,ect e&u%$alent ors%m%lar to the J# or the 2Hal%,a54 a-use pr%nc%ple or

    • the ,a%lure o, an a$o%dance scheme h%ch the suppl%er

    as %n$ol$ed %n and h%ch as1 or should ha$e -een1not%,%ed under the D%sclosure o, Ta5 $o%dance Scheme(DOTS) or an* e&u%$alent or s%m%lar re'%me %n a /ur%sd%ct%on %n h%ch the suppl%er %s esta-l%shed+

    Please Select

    I, anser%n' 2*es4 to e%ther h) (%) or h) (%%) a-o$e1 the suppl%er ma* pro$%de deta%ls o, an*m%t%'at%n' ,actors that %t cons%ders rele$ant and that %t %shes the uthor%t* to take %ntocons%derat%on+ Th%s could %nclude1 ,or e5ample7

    • Correct%$e act%on undertaken -* the suppl%er to date

    • Planned correct%$e act%on to -e taken

    • Chan'es %n personnel or onersh%p s%nce the OO"C or

    • Chan'es %n ,%nanc%al1 account%n'1 aud%t or mana'ement procedures s%nce the OO"C+

    In order to cons%der an* ,actors ra%sed -* the suppl%er procur%n' uthor%t%es %ll ,%nd %thelp,ul to ha$e the ,ollo%n' %n,ormat%on7

    •   -r%e, descr%pt%on o, the occas%on1 the ta5 to h%ch %t appl%ed1 and the t*pe o, 2non.

    compl%ance4 e+'+ hether HG#C or the ,ore%'n ta5 author%t* has challen'ed pursuantto the J#1 the 2Hal%,a54 a-use pr%nc%ple etc+

    • 0here the OO"C relates to a DOTS1 the num-er o, the rele$ant scheme+

    • The date o, the or%'%nal 2non.compl%ance4 and the date o, an* /ud'ement a'a%nst the

    suppl%er1 or date hen the return as amended+

    • The le$el o, an* penalt* or cr%m%nal con$%ct%on appl%ed+ 

    %) Is 'u%lt* o, ser%ous m%srepresentat%on %n pro$%d%n' an* %n,ormat%onre,erred to %th%n th%s re'ulat%on or re'ulat%on 91 9F1 9< or 9@1 orhas not pro$%ded such %n,ormat%on %n response to a re&uest -* thecontract%n' author%t*

    Please Select

    or an# situation hich is similar to %a& throuh to %i& abo-e' please pro-ide details belo


    A.Oranisational siBe headcount

    Tenderers should note that th%s response has no e%'ht%n' and %s not e$aluated under th%s Procurement+ The response %s re&u%red ,rom the Tenderer alone+

    Page 6 of 31

    Healthcare Improvement Services

  • 8/19/2019 Healthcare Improvement Services - Part B Tender Schedules (59867)


    Open Tender Pack(Part B – Schedule One(a))

    Commercial:  [Insert Tenderer name here] tender response

    Please pro$%de deta%ls o, the Tenderers sta,, num-ers+ (Th%s %s the a$era'e annualnum-ers o, -oth sta,, and mana'er%al sta,, emplo*ed o$er the last trad%n' *ear+)

    !e"erence ear A-erae AD5**

    The a-erae sta"" number should be e,pressed inannual or+ units %AD5&

    66 n*one that has orked ,ull.t%me %th%n the enterpr%se1 or on %ts -ehal,1 dur%n' there,erence *ear counts as one un%t+ Part.t%me sta,,1 seasonal orkers and thoseho d%d not ork the ,ull *ear are treated as ,ract%ons o, one un%t+

    Page 7 of 31

    Healthcare Improvement Services

  • 8/19/2019 Healthcare Improvement Services - Part B Tender Schedules (59867)


    Open Tender Pack(Part B – Schedule One(a))

    Commercial:  [Insert Tenderer name here] tender response

    SECTION / 8%nanc%al %n,ormat%on

    The purpose o, the ,%nanc%al %n,ormat%on sect%on %s to ena-le the uthor%t* to con,%rm

    the %dent%t* and ,%nanc%al capac%t* and stand%n' (and -* %n,erence ,%nanc%al capa-%l%t*)o, a Tenderer and3or consort%um mem-er+ It tests the sol$enc* and a-%l%t* to meeton'o%n' l%a-%l%t%es as the* ,all due1 and the ,%nanc%al capa-%l%t* to undertake theprocurement+ The ,%nanc%al e$aluat%on 'rad%n' (on a s%mple Pass 3 8a%l -as%s) relat%n'to ,%nanc%al status %s proport%onate to the $alue o, the procurement+

    Th%s sect%on must -e completed -* the Tenderer %n respect o, %tsel, and eachconsort%um part* (%, a T*pe C -%dd%n' ent%t* (see &uest%on +))+ T*pe B (see&uest%on +) -%dd%n' ent%t* need onl* respond to th%s sect%on %n respect o, %tsel,+

    Please %dent%,* h%ch or'an%sat%on to h%ch the ,ollo%n' deta%ls appl*7

    Oranisation Name 

    Oranisation Status Please Select

    /.1 inancial standin

    Please pro$%de one o, the ,ollo%n' set out -elo


    A cop# o" #our audited accounts "or the most recent to #ears Please Select

    A statement o" turno-er' pro"it ) loss account and cash "lo "or themost recent #ear o" tradin

    Please Select

    A statement o" #our cash "lo "orecast "or the current #ear and aban+ letter outlinin the current cash and credit position

    Please Select

    Alternati-e means o" demonstratin "inancial status i" tradin "orless than a #ear 

    Please Select

    /.2 Additional "inancial in"ormation

    Tenderers should pro$%de the %n,ormat%on re&uested %n the attached ,orm ,or all

    consort%a mem-ers (%, appl%ca-le)+

    Page 8 of 31

    Healthcare Improvement Services

  • 8/19/2019 Healthcare Improvement Services - Part B Tender Schedules (59867)


    DH Open en!er

    "esponse from# $rror# "eference so%rce not fo%n!

    Additional Financial


    Page & of 31

    Error7 #e,erence source not ,ound

  • 8/19/2019 Healthcare Improvement Services - Part B Tender Schedules (59867)


    Open Tender Pack(Part B – Schedule One(a))

    Commercial:  [Insert Tenderer name here] tender response

    Page 1' o, A>

     Healthcare Impro$ement Ser$%ces

  • 8/19/2019 Healthcare Improvement Services - Part B Tender Schedules (59867)


    Open Tender Pack(Part B – Schedule One(a))

    Commercial:  [Insert Tenderer name here] tender response

    SECTION C Techn%cal and Pro,ess%onal -%l%t*(#e'ulat%on 9F)

    0here the Tenderer %s a spec%al purpose $eh%cle and not %ntend%n' to -e the ma%n

    pro$%der o, the ser$%ces1 the re&uested %n,ormat%on should -e pro$%ded %n respect o,the principal %ntended pro$%der(s) o, the ser$%ces+

    C.1Oranisational capabilit# 9

    • Please pro$%de deta%ls o, the e5per%ence that the Tenderer (as an or'an%sat%on)

    has %n the del%$er* o, ser$%ces s%m%lar to those re&u%red under th%s contract+ Th%se5per%ence should -e d%rectl* related to the ser$%ce outcomes and del%$era-lesre&u%red under th%s contract and -e e$%denced %th contract e5amples+

    • Please %nclude deta%ls o, up to three contracts ,rom e%ther1 or -oth1 the pu-l%cand pr%$ate sectors1 that are rele$ant to the uthor%t*s re&u%rement(s)+Contracts ,or the suppl* o, ser$%ces should ha$e -een per,ormed dur%n' thepast three *ears+

    • I, the Tenderer %s operat%n' %n a 2mana'ement4 capac%t* (e+'+ as part 3 lead o, aconsort%um)1 then th%s mana'ement %nte'rat%on capa-%l%t* should -e e$%dencedalon' %th the operat%onal del%$er* act%$%t%es+


    C.2Sta""in %+nolede base& F 29

    Please deta%l the num-er o, sta,, a$a%la-le to the Tenderer (%nclud%n' consort%amem-ers and named here appropr%ate) carr*%n' out o, ser$%cesd%rectl* rele$ant to those re&u%red+


    Page 11 o, A>

     Healthcare Impro$ement Ser$%ces

  • 8/19/2019 Healthcare Improvement Services - Part B Tender Schedules (59867)


    Open Tender Pack(Part B – Schedule One(a))

    Commercial:  [Insert Tenderer name here] tender response

    Tenderers should note the "olloin:


    The eihtins pro-ided indicate the relati-e importance o" each

    uestion %hich should be ta+en into consideration hen constructin a


    Tenderers should re"erence Section Three' pararaph ; o" art A o" the

    ITT "or "urther detail.

    SECTION 8 Solut%on Proposal

    H5ESTION D+> DEIT (DO!8 

     Healthcare Impro$ement Ser$%ces

  • 8/19/2019 Healthcare Improvement Services - Part B Tender Schedules (59867)


    Open Tender Pack(Part B – Schedule One(a))

    Commercial:  [Insert Tenderer name here] tender response

    -ene,%ts real%sed+


    Guidance to Tenderers:

    Tenderers should respond directly to the information request above in the context of describing how it intends to fulfil the requirements of the Specification in the context of the guidance provided in Part A, paragraph of the tender!


  • 8/19/2019 Healthcare Improvement Services - Part B Tender Schedules (59867)


    Open Tender Pack(Part B – Schedule One(a))

    Commercial:  [Insert Tenderer name here] tender response

    Tenderers must demonstrate that the personnel proposed ha$ed%rect e5per%ence o, -e%n' %n$ol$ed %th s%m%lar re&u%rements andthat each mem-er has the rele$ant sk%lls and competenc%es to ,ul,%lthe spec%,%c roles %dent%,%ed+

    S5/JECTProposed techn%cal resources capa-%l%t* and capac%t* to del%$er theser$%ces


    The Tenderers response shos that %t

    . 0%ll appl* resources that ha$e %th appropr%ate sk%lls

    . 0%ll appl* resources that ha$e %th appropr%ate e5per%ence and&ual%,%cat%ons


    Guidance to Tenderers:

    Tenderers should respond directly to the information request above in the context of describing how it intends to fulfil the requirements of the Specification in the context of the guidance provided in Part A, paragraph of the tender!



  • 8/19/2019 Healthcare Improvement Services - Part B Tender Schedules (59867)


    Open Tender Pack(Part B – Schedule One(a))

    Commercial:  [Insert Tenderer name here] tender response

    Guidance to Tenderers:

    Tenderers should respond directly to the information request above in the context of describing how it intends to fulfil the requirements of the Specification in the context 

    of the guidance provided in Part A, paragraph of the tender!

  • 8/19/2019 Healthcare Improvement Services - Part B Tender Schedules (59867)


    Open Tender Pack(Part B – Schedule One(a))

    Commercial:  [Insert Tenderer name here] tender response

    H5ESTION D+< DEIT (DO!8 

  • 8/19/2019 Healthcare Improvement Services - Part B Tender Schedules (59867)


    Open Tender Pack(Part B – Schedule One(a))

    Commercial:  [Insert Tenderer name here] tender response

    Guidance to Tenderers:

    Tenderers should respond d%rectl* to the %n,ormat%on re&uest a-o$e %n the conte5t o, descr%-%n' ho %t %ntends to ,ul,%l the re&u%rements o, the Spec%,%cat%on %n the conte5t

    o, the 'u%dance pro$%ded %n Part 1 para'raph < o, the tender+

  • 8/19/2019 Healthcare Improvement Services - Part B Tender Schedules (59867)


    Open Tender Pack(Part B – Schedule One(a))

    Commercial:  [Insert Tenderer name here] tender response

    H5ESTION D+@ DEIT (DO!8 

  • 8/19/2019 Healthcare Improvement Services - Part B Tender Schedules (59867)


    Open Tender Pack(Part B – Schedule One(a))

    Commercial:  [Insert Tenderer name here] tender response

    Guidance to Tenderers:

    Tenderers should respond d%rectl* to the %n,ormat%on re&uest a-o$e %n the conte5t o, descr%-%n' ho %t %ntends to ,ul,%l the re&u%rements o, the Spec%,%cat%on %n the conte5t

    o, the 'u%dance pro$%ded %n Part 1 para'raph < o, the tender+

  • 8/19/2019 Healthcare Improvement Services - Part B Tender Schedules (59867)


    Open Tender Pack(Part B – Schedule One(a))

    Commercial:  [Insert Tenderer name here] tender response


  • 8/19/2019 Healthcare Improvement Services - Part B Tender Schedules (59867)


    Open Tender Pack(Part B – Schedule One(a)

    Commercial:  [Insert Tenderer name here] tender response

    Guidance to Tenderers:

    Tenderers should respond d%rectl* to the %n,ormat%on re&uest a-o$e %n the conte5t o, descr%-%n' ho %t %ntends to ,ul,%l the re&u%rements o, the Spec%,%cat%on %n the conte5to, the 'u%dance pro$%ded %n Part 1 para'raph < o, the tender+

  • 8/19/2019 Healthcare Improvement Services - Part B Tender Schedules (59867)


    Open Tender Pack(Part B – Schedule One(a))

    Commercial:  [Insert Tenderer name here] tender response

  • 8/19/2019 Healthcare Improvement Services - Part B Tender Schedules (59867)


    Open Tender Pack(Part B – Schedule One(a))

    Commercial:  [Insert Tenderer name here] tender response

    H5ESTION D+? DEIT (DO!8 

  • 8/19/2019 Healthcare Improvement Services - Part B Tender Schedules (59867)


    Open Tender Pack(Part B – Schedule One(a)

    Commercial:  [Insert Tenderer name here] tender response

    Guidance to Tenderers:

    Tenderers should respond d%rectl* to the %n,ormat%on re&uest a-o$e %n the conte5t o, descr%-%n' ho %t %ntends to ,ul,%l the re&u%rements o, the Spec%,%cat%on %n the conte5to, the 'u%dance pro$%ded %n Part 1 para'raph < o, the tender+

  • 8/19/2019 Healthcare Improvement Services - Part B Tender Schedules (59867)


    Open Tender Pack(Part B – Schedule 8our)

    Commercial:  [Insert Tenderer name here] tender response

    SCHED!E 8O# – CO"8IDE"TI! K COGGE#CI!!= SE"SITIE I"8O#GTIO" 1. +> ll the %n,ormat%on that the uthor%t* suppl%es as part o, th%s Contract ma* -e re'arded as Con,%dent%al In,ormat%on as de,%ned %n Cond%t%on >(De,%n%t%ons) o, Sect%on Three – Cond%t%ons o, Contract+

    >+9 The Contractor cons%ders that the t*pe o, %n,ormat%on l%sted %n para'raph 9+> -elo %s Con,%dent%al In,ormat%on+

    >+A The Contractor cons%ders that the t*pe o, %n,ormat%on l%sted %n para'raph 9+9 -elo %s Commerc%all* Sens%t%$e In,ormat%on+

    2. T#pes o" In"ormation that the Contractor Considers to be Con"idential9+> T*pe >7 Con,%dent%al %n,ormat%on7


    %INC058E A!A !EE!ENCE&


    9+9 T*pe 97 Commerc%all* sens%t%$e %n,ormat%on7




    %INC058E A!A !EE!ENCE&


    SO5T %ONT>S&

  • 8/19/2019 Healthcare Improvement Services - Part B Tender Schedules (59867)


    Open Tender Pack(Part B – Schedule 8%$e)

    Commercial:  [Insert Tenderer name here] tender response


    >+> The person shon -elo person shall act as the uthor%t*Ls #epresentat%$e on allmatters relat%n' to the Contract7

    NAE  To be con"irmed at Contract Aard

    CONTACT 8ETAI0S  To be con"irmed at Contract Aard

    >+9 The uthor%t*Ls #epresentat%$e ma* author%se other o,,%cers to act on the%r -ehal,+

    2. NOTICES

    9+> n* not%ce the Contractor %shes to send the uthor%t* shall -e sent %n r%t%n' to the

     uthor%t*Ls #epresentat%$e at the address shon %n para'raph >+> a-o$e+9+9 n* not%ce the uthor%t* %shes to send the Contractor shall -e sent %n r%t%n' to the

    ContractorLs #epresentat%$e at the address shon %n para'raph +9 -elo+


    A+> ll %n$o%ces shall -e sent to the Department addressed to7

    To be con"irmed at Contract Aard

    A+9 "B+ In$o%ces must -e sent to ccounts Pa*a-le at the a-o$e address+ In$o%ces must

    not -e sent to the uthor%t*s #epresentat%$e+


    +> ll correspondence to the uthor%t* e5cept that ,or or relat%n' to %n$o%ces shall -e sentto the ,ollo%n' address7

    To be con"irmed at Contract Aard

    +9 ll correspondence to the Contractor shall -e sent to the ,ollo%n' address7

    Tenderer to pro-ide Address

    [INSE!T A88!ESS]

    Page 26 o, A>

    Healthcare Improvement Services

  • 8/19/2019 Healthcare Improvement Services - Part B Tender Schedules (59867)


    Open Tender Pack(Part B – ppend%5 )

    Commercial:  [Insert Tenderer name here] tender response

     PPE"DIM  – SB.CO"T#CTO#S ll suppl%ers to the Department o, Health are asked to pro$%de deta%ls o, all that %ll -e used to per,orm the contract+


    !O$I8E 0ATEST EA!KS T5!NO$E!







    > Th%s %s the a$era'e annual num-ers o, -oth sta,, and mana'er%al sta,, emplo*ed o$er the last trad%n' *ear 

  • 8/19/2019 Healthcare Improvement Services - Part B Tender Schedules (59867)


    Open Tender Pack(Part B – ppend%5 B)

    Commercial:  [Insert Tenderer name here] tender response

     PPE"DIM B – P #E"T COGP"= J#"TEETenderers should pro-ide a cop# o" this "orm onl# i" a arent Compan#

  • 8/19/2019 Healthcare Improvement Services - Part B Tender Schedules (59867)


     PPE"DIM C – CO"8!ICTS O8 I"TE#ESTTenderers ha-e a continuin dut# to disclose actual or potential con"licts o"interest in respect o" itsel"' its named subcontractors and or consortiamembers.

    lease describe an# %potential& con"licts o" interest that the Tenderer hasidenti"ied and ho these ill be manaed*:

    I, *ou 8O NOT ha$e an* con,l%cts to declare1 please t%ck th%s -o57 

    ∗ Tenderers are rem%nded that ,a%lure to %dent%,* mater%al con,l%cts o, %nterest ma* lead to re/ect%on o, %ts tender


    Guidance to Tenderers:Tenderers should describe in the detail the perceived conflict "how it could be perceived in the context of this procurement# and the measures it will ta$e tomitigate the conflict through the procurement life%cycle and service delivery!

  • 8/19/2019 Healthcare Improvement Services - Part B Tender Schedules (59867)


    Open Tender Pack(Part B – Schedule S%5)

    Commercial:  [Insert Tenderer name here] tender response

    SCHED!E SIM – 8O#G O8 TE"DE#8eclaration

    !OOSA0 O! T>E !O$ISION O >ealthcare Impro-ement Ser-ices

    Ha$%n' e5am%ned the proposed Contract compr%s%n' o,7(a) Part – Sect%on To1 (Cond%t%ons o, Contract)(-) Part B – Schedules One1 One (a)1 To and S%5 and(c) Part B – Schedules 8our and 8%$e (as amended)+

     s enclosed %n the ITT response dated (INSE!T 8ATE)+ 0e do here-* tender a'a%nstthe re&u%rements1 and terms and cond%t%ons o, the proposed Contract+0e undertake to keep the tender open ,or acceptance -* the uthor%t* ,or a per%od o,n%net* (?;) da*s ,rom the deadl%ne ,or rece%pt o, tenders+

    0e declare that th%s %s a -ona ,%de tender1 %ntended to -e 'enu%nel* compet%t%$e1 and thate ha$e not ,%5ed or ad/usted the amount o, the tender -*1 or under1 or %n accordance%th1 an* a'reement or arran'ement %th an* other person+ 0e ,urther declare that eha$e not done1 and e undertake that e %ll not do1 an* o, the ,ollo%n' acts pr%or toaard o, th%s Contract7(a) Collude %th an* th%rd part* to ,%5 the pr%ce o, an* num-er o, tenders ,or th%s

    Contract(-) O,,er1 pa*1 or a'ree to pa* an* sum o, mone* or cons%derat%on d%rectl* or %nd%rectl*

    to an* person ,or do%n'1 ha$%n' done1 or prom%s%n' to -e done1 an* act or th%n' o,the sort descr%-ed here%n and a-o$e+

    0e a'ree that the uthor%t* ma* d%sclose the ContractorLs %n,ormat%on3documentat%on

    (su-m%tted to the uthor%t* dur%n' th%s Procurement) more %del* %th%n Jo$ernment ,orthe purpose o, ensur%n' e,,ect%$e cross.Jo$ernment procurement processes1 %nclud%n'$alue ,or mone* and related purposes+

    nless and unt%l the Tenderer and the uthor%t* ha$e e5ecuted a ,ormal a'reement1 the uthor%t*Ls acceptance o, th%s tender %th all %ts enclosures shall not const%tute a -%nd%n'contract -eteen us+ 0e understand that *ou are not -ound to accept the loest pr%ce1or an*1 tender+

    "ame o, person dul* author%sed to s%'n tenders7

    Date7 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++

    S%'ned7 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++

    %n the capac%t* o,7 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++

    dul* author%sed to s%'n tenders ,or and on -ehal, o,7


    Page 3' o, A>

    Healthcare Improvement Services

  • 8/19/2019 Healthcare Improvement Services - Part B Tender Schedules (59867)


    B* complet%n' th%s Declarat%on and su-m%tt%n' *our tender1 *ou ha$e a'reed that thestatements %n th%s 8orm o, Tender are correct+