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Health & Safety Consulting

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Professional consulting, innovative solutions and outstanding quality are our trademarks. Your excellence is our objective. Our services provide you with the necessary assurance to move in the right direction and will help you to improve your company H&S goals and objectives.

Your Health and Safety Excellence is our goal.

Enhancing your company's H&S performance so that you improve your efficiency and business results creating a competitive advantages and customer satisfaction — that's our ambition. You receive optimal solutions to your needs and challenges. Consulting to us means result-driven implementation together with our clients. Customer proximity and results-orientation imply that we support you at any of your locations, both nation-wide and internationally. Our objective-driven consulting, pragmatic implementation throughout the entire H&S journey and systematic change management ensure that you move in the right direction.

Our know-how and background from different domains and industries enables us to understand your H&S challenges and to create suitable H&S solutions together with you.

With over 30 years’ experience in Occupational Health and Safety management, whereof 20 years with Fluor Corporation and 5 years with Essent / RWE Technology, Guido Simons has developed and implemented proactive techniques to assess and manage H&S risks, resolve and overcome complex cultural and diverse situations and train multi-cultural staff in behavior based H&S Management.

During his whole career Guido Simons was and is still highly involved and specialized in both international and Benelux situated Projects.

Guido Simons is a proven instructor/mentor in H&S leadership and management focusing on a strong base in human insight, motivational skills and sound leadership and management principles.

Guido Simons is also involved as lecturer in the H&S Niveau 1 master class at the Antwerp University.

Based on long-term services on several levels of H&S Excellence management, Guido Simons has built professional and hands-on experience in the developing, managing, evaluating and follow up of Health and Safety Excellence Management Systems.

Guido Simons is an expert in recognizing and anticipating issues and challenges facing company and/or project management.

Health & Safety Consulting

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Health & Safety Consulting

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There is a H & S goal that is common to companies in all industries: “Everyone goes home safe and healthy everyday.” This may even be a personal goal of yours. Either way, it’s a good word image to illustrate the differences between viewing H & S as a compliance regulation and viewing H & S as a culture. Guido Simons is primarily focused towards delivering the best Health and Safety services to your company. We will partner your business by firstly understanding it, next ensuring you understand your H&S obligations, then focus on best practice and continuous improvement. Resulting not only in compliance to the legislation but ensuring both you and your employees understand and practice H&S. This is what we call creating an H &S culture. Such an H & S culture will improve your business results as a safe and healthy workplace is also a productive one.


Guido Simons can offer any H&S management services, including

-H&S management plans (even for small business), -procedure /guidelines development and review, -developing and follow up of project H&S Plans, -inspections, -auditing, -risk assessments, -education and training, -incident investigation, -H&S culture measurements, -OHSAS 18001 and -VCA/SCC support, etc.

Ensuring employees are safe at work and returned quickly to work when injured guarantees a stable, happy and productive workforce. Success creates trust. Your success is the yardstick for our satisfaction. It is our aim to build lasting relationships which means that your changing demands will always receive suitable solutions.

Health & Safety Consulting

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Guido Simons 2180 Ekeren Belgium Office +32 3 664 73 61 Mobile +32 468 210 448 [email protected]