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  • 8/2/2019 Health Part 3 (The Triology)


    Health Part 3Time is changing very much precipitously and dynamically. I remember 1996 like it was yesterday. I

    remember 2001 like it was yesterday too. Today, we live in 2012. 2012 in my life is a year of new

    beginnings. Now, I express my masculinity in a stronger fashion. I am healthier than last year. My skin is

    clearer and I am physically stronger than in 2011. Thats on the real.I will be hip to soul and I will express

    my soul in a potent, obviously transparent manner.I have a renewed focus to move forward in my life

    journey. I do represent where I am from. ITS ALWAYS 757 (IN VIRGINIA) FOR LIFE. I am from the

    7 CITIES OF HAMPTON ROADS IN VIRGINIA (I respect people from across the Earth as well). Im

    almost 30 years old, so Im still very young. Yet, in the course of my life, you get to evaluate more about

    your actions. You get to think and evaluate about what you have done correctly and other things that you

    can improve upon. Therefore, I am not perfect, but I do enjoy correcting my own errors. Like others have

    mentioned before during the onset of human history, a person should admit and correct their errors.

    Health is a very great subject for me to type about. Health care is obviously a human right. Health

    care is an intrinsic means where human beings can have so they can literally survive and live

    potentially for more decades. The object of this work is to not only describe health care. It is to show

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    tolerance for human beings. It make absolutely no difference what your age is, what your background is,

    what your color is, what your weight is, or what your background is (or your physical appearance). All

    men are created equal. The diversity of humanity is a blessing not a curse. True beauty isdiverse, which includes reasonableness, confidence, treating all people exactly the same, progressive

    thinking, and sincere intentions that are motivated by LOVE. Sometimes, I write controversial things about

    issues. On the other hand, I do appreciate and love the whole human race. You definitely deserveequality, dignity, respect, and inspiration in order for you to reach into higher heights of your existence.

    When you have love in your heart from God, you can spread that love to all humankind. When dealing

    with our health, we should eat the meat and throw away the bones. That old saying

    means we should accept health principles and health advice that works while we can

    reject information that is massively fallible or untrustworthy. Life and truth will never be

    on E, but they will be full of joy & non-trepidation. Discrimination is abhorrent. Not all laws

    are just laws. Opposing unjust laws is honorable and courageous in my eyes. We know that in the

    final analysis, a person should possess all of the rights that any other human being ought to have.

    For the government to make a policy to prevent equality among human beings is truly disgraceful.

    The government period has no right to tell grown adults who he or she can associate with

    peacefully or love peacefully (in a legitimate & ethical fashion). Its a matter of extending humanrights to all people. You will notice that the reactionaries will try to use theological arguments

    (either they take verses out of context [omitting that we dont live under a theocracy. We have the

    separation of church and state for a reason. Not a single verse talks about the merging the church

    and state or to relegate people into second class citizenship filled with oppression because of

    who they are] or distort the original Hebrew or the original Greek meanings of those words in

    those verses) in order for them to promote bigotry. Yet, somewhere I read that there is no male or

    female under Christ Jesus. Somewhere I read that you love your neighbor as yourself.

    Somewhere I read that all those who call upon the name of the Lord shall be delivered and that all

    people will be saved if they follow God (without exception). Somewhere I read that the rights of

    the poor and the oppressed ought to be defended. Therefore, its reasonable and just to fight for

    the legitimate rights and for the dignity of fellow human beings. The worship of the market forcesor privatization is just as illogical as the denial of religious liberty rights. The good news is that

    the youth see the handwriting on wall and they want to witness an end to materialism, bigotry,

    unjust wars, and other injustices. You have the right to experience the pursuit of happiness. What

    really blew my mind was the recent mind blowing research I found out about this issue and theology.

    Human beings are inquisitive by nature. Being inquisitive is inherited in our nature as humans.

    Therefore, I am more than willing to show my business to the public. When people ask me personal

    questions, I answer those inquiries. Both sides of my family have issues of gout, cancer, diabetes, and

    other issues. So, its time for me to realize my health family history. When I was younger, my immune

    system was weaker than an average person. I took allergy shots (during the early 1990s. Sometimes, I

    went into elementary school later in the morning because of me taking those shots) and I had asthma

    back in 1999. In about 2008 (when I was nearly 220 pounds), I took exercise much more seriously. Todayin 2012, I am healthier, I never had an asthma attack in years, and I dont take drugs for the time being. I

    am physically stronger. Today, Im 28 years old. I will be 29 by the end of the year. I am appreciative to

    God for giving me strength to overcome viruses, colds, and other trials in my life. I am also appreciative of

    family, friends, and colleagues giving me love, advice, and inspiration in my life. What made me stronger

    ultimately was when I overcame obstacles. Some people in my family live into their 90s in age, so thats a

    great thing. I want to live to a very old age. I want to see more of the world and experience more of life. I

    love to be cognizant of my health and I love to help out the human race. I am taking precautions now to

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    improve my own basic health. You feel an exhilarating, excellent feeling after you work out and after you

    eat more healthy foods. There are many detoxifying foods in the world like: cilantro, chlorella, garlic,

    broccoli sprouts, Omega-3 oils, papaya, lemon or lime water, mung beans, and beets. After I exercise, I

    do experience the feelings of happiness, strength, and rejuvenation of my soul. Its fine to preach for truth

    (TRUTH, CHURCH, TABERNACLE, AND AMEN. LOL).My agility is still strong and my quickness is very

    fast, so I do love working out. At any age really (not just in middle age or when you become older), we

    should be wise to deal with our health. Also, being healthy doesnt equate to being extremely skinny.

    Healthy people can be small, medium sized, and a little bigger. There are bigger people living into their

    80s and 90s today. I love bigger sisters and women of numerous sizes too. Of course, we should not over

    consume food and be reckless, but I do respect human beings of many sizes. In our generation, were

    more tolerant of the exercise culture. We still have a long way to go in improving our health globally, but

    we can become better health-wise in the future. Hope is always a truism. WE CAN ALL DO BETTER.

    With the usage or execution of creative energy, a better world society can be extensive, thorough,

    and greatly functional.

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    Various Exercises

    Weight resistance exercises (or strength building exercises) and cardio are important exercises toaccomplish. Strength building exercises (like using weight machines, bench pressing, and

    resistance training) can easily improve our fertility rate or libido. Some people love or hate

    cardio, but cardio is vital in exercise. I like strength training more, but you have to do cardio. It is

    what it is. Cardio can increase the stamina of a human being and build up the cardiovascularsystem. These acts can decrease cancers and especially heart disease. A balance between

    resistance or strength training and cardio is a key way for a human being to experience a

    comprehensive exercise routine. In the health world, a person wanting to lose fat should do morecardio than strength building exercises. A person wanting to build more muscle should do more

    strength building exercises than cardio. Yet, doing both is important too in order for individuals

    to experience a thorough exercise routine. A persons body shape (in the ranges of ectomorph,mesomorph, and endomorph for males. The major body types for females are the gynaeoid,

    android, thyroid, and lymphatic) can influence exercise routines as well. Also, these three body

    types arent the only human body types since there are hybrids like mesomorph/endomorph,

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    etc.You can easily learn about your own body type and find exercises that can

    strengthen the composition of your health.

    Our Health

    Its easy to see that the markets alone cant cure our healthcare problems. Some reactionaries feel that

    the only solution to our health care problems is just to rely on the free market solely. They reject even a

    public option in order for us to end the evil health disparities in the world. They accept the archaic laissez

    faire economic theories that contributed to the Maafa, imperialism, and other miscreant actions over the

    course of human history. Even the economist Kenneth Arrow wrote that health care cant be marketed

    like bread or TVs. The reason is that health care involves the literal life and death scenarios of human life.

    Health care thats totally privatized is very expensive since most of the richer people can afford it. You

    need a lot of money to have triple coronary bypass surgery. You definitely need plenty of Greenbacks (or

    Dineros) to have chemotherapy. A lot of Americans cant afford to pay major medical costs out of pocket.

    One obvious concrete reason for our health care complications comes from the corrupt policies of various

    factions. These factions are some private insurance companies, drug barons, and hospital corporationsmaking health care expensive and in numerous cases inaccessible. Cutting a half billion dollars from

    Medicare (that even some Democratic politicians advocate. Senator Baucus form Montana even banned

    single payer supporters from testifying at Congressional hearings) over ten years is just a fraction of the

    for profit health sector. That will further leave numerous elderly American citizens lacking in health care. A

    singer payer system will justly confront the aims of Big Pharms, Big Insurance, and Big Hospitals. A single

    payer system or a Medicare for all system are better solutions than the privatized system that existed for

    years in America. People say that we have no right to take care of anybody. Yes, we do. Were all human

    beings. We are bounded by law to pay taxes if we work in order to help society. We should treat our

    neighbors as ourselves and we dont live on an island by ourselves devoid of humanity. The Constitution

    (as found precisely in Article I, Section 8) gives the government the responsibilities to provide for the

    general welfare of the people. Not everyone goes to church or have access to charities, so they cant help

    all people. Before 1960, tons of people died needlessly, there was a huge bad sanitation problem in

    America, and some folksliterally starved to death because of the lack of health care.

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    Even today in 2012, patriots, activists, and others have exposed the grave corruption that is found inside

    of the corporation of Monsanto. James Northstar wrote an article about Monsanto many years ago

    including others. You need a comprehensive approach in ending health disparities. Private and

    public options should be made available for human beings in order for the people to acquire health care.

    Experts like Mike Adams and GMO researcher Anthony Gucciardi (or the co-founder of the Natural

    Society website) have exposed Monsanto for years. Monsantos crops are dangerous for the environment

    and human health. Recently, Wikileaks discovered that Monsanto heads are in powerful government

    positions inside of the United States government. Monsanto has many U.S. diplomats on their payroll.

    Anthony presented evidence via a letter about how Monsanto may have knowingly planted their GMOs

    before USDA approval. Activists have found out that Monsanto has been busted for forcing workers to act

    in slave like conditions. An example of these abhorrent conditions includes the following: making workersto work the cornfields for 14 hours per day (and buy their food at hugely inflated prices from a company

    store). Monsanto promoted these slave labor activities for years. ALL LABOR HAS DIGNITY AND

    WORTH. All people in the labor force ought to be treated with dignity, respect, and honor. Argentinas tax

    agency called the AFIP raided the Monsanto corn field did the operation become unveiled. Unfortunately,

    some in the FDA promotes Monsantos agenda. Billionaire celebrities like Monsanto shareholder Bill

    Gatesis of course pushing GMOs as the answer to starvation and sustainable agriculture. Gates is a

    population control advocate that ships seeds into the Arctic Circle while people are literally starving to

    death. 19 studies proves that GMO corn or soybean can harm the organs of rats and mice (in their livers

    and kidneys especially). That is why nations globally have severely limited or banned genetically modified

    foods. Monsanto is greatly opposing to the quaint policy of labeling foods with GMO if they possess

    GMOs. Corporate controlled government is wrong, especially when Monsanto is harming the health of

    human beings (they even oppose serious testing of their products). Monsanto threaten places likeVermont if they advocate labeling foods with GMOs. These GM crops and herbicides are spawning

    mutated species of insects and powerful super weeds according to Anthony Gucciardi. Evil corporations

    like Monsanto want to control as many resources as possible or radical corporate ownership of society

    (with the government being exploited by elite corporations as an instrument to execute bad policies under

    elite control). We shouldnt patent human life. Our biosphere ought to be protected.

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    Poland has a victory for health freedom. The Poland beekeepers kick Monsanto out of their hive. In other

    words, Poland has successfully ban bee-killing GM corn. So, the Monsanto MON810 or a genetically

    modified variety of maize (corn) is banned. It produces its own built in Bt insecticide in every kernel. There

    has been thousands of protesters who took to the street to protest both MON810 and the chemicals

    applied to it are at least partially responsible for causing CCD (or the Colony Collapse Disorder). This

    disorder has caused the worldwide phenomenon in which entire swarms of honey bees disappear or turn

    up dead. The decree is in the works. It introduces a complete ban on the MON810 strain

    of maize in Poland, said Polish Agriculture Minister Marek Sawicki, who also explained to

    the press that pollen from MON810 appears to be responsible for further devastating the

    already dwindling bee population throughout the country and elsewhere. This is historic.

    The reason is that according to reports, Poland's decision to ban MON810 is the first nation to

    acknowledge formally that Monsanto's GM corn is linked to CDD. It confirms the findings of many earlier

    studies that proved a link between Bt GM crops and bee deaths (including independent research

    conducted by Pennsylvania beekeeper John McDonald). McDonald's research found that bees foraging

    near Bt crops didn't grant the proper amount of weight and failed to produce honey in their honey supers

    (honey storage bins) when they should have. Their non-Bt crop counterparts produced more than double

    the amount of honey they needed to survive the winter. In March of 2012, 9 European nations like

    Belgium, Great Britain, Bulgaria, France, Germany, Ireland, and Slovakia successfully blocked aneffort by the Danish EU presidency to allow expanded cultivation of GM crops in Europe. And around that

    same time, France imposed its own ban on MON810. The U.S. continues to go with the largely

    unregulated, cultivated, and usage of GM corps. There are American grassroots efforts to put at least

    some restraint on GM agriculture including many state initiatives that would require GMO labeling on

    food, Monsanto's products continue to dominate much of the agriculture inside of the American

    landscape. is a website in which people can

    support the preservation of honeybees in their own local communities. Our efforts to oppose GMOs have

    had successes in the world over.

    Now, its been fully established that a person consuming soda can increase their risk of numerousmaladies from cancer to diabetes. People from Natural and tons of others have found that one

    ingredient in sodas can harm brain function. The substance is called HFCS or the high fructose cornsyrup. HFCS has been associated with fatty liver disease, diabetes, and increases in obesity. A newstudy found this out. It was made by UCLA (or the University of California from Los Angeles). HFCS is apowerful ingredient. Its added into fast food and fizzy drinks. It can be as 6 times sweeter than sugarobtained from sugar cane. The study used the HFCS on rates to study their effects since rates have asimilar brain chemistry to human beings. The study tested rates going in a maze. They were trained 5days before the diet came. Some rats were given HFCS and the rest received Omega 3s (with drinkingwater). The rats with Omega 3s performed better in the maze than the rats who received the HFCS

    compound. On closer inspection of the rats brain tissue; it was found that insulin had little or no

    effect on brain cells in those from the HFCS group. The authors of the study suspect that

    consuming too much HFCS could block the ability of insulin to regulate how brain cells storesugar for energy requires for processing thoughts.Professor Gomez-Pinilla said, The brain cells

    had trouble signaling each other, disrupting the rats' abilities to think clearly and recall the routetheyd learned six weeks earlier. Were concerned about high-fructose corn syrup that is added tomanufactured food products as a sweetener and preservative. Were not talking about naturally

    occurring fructose in fruits, which also contain important antioxidants. The study found thatOmega 3 fatty acids can protect the rats brain from the effect of the HFCS (which can cause a

    low amount of memory on the part of the rats). Supplements have Omega 3s including nuts,seeds, and oily fish (like salmon, mackerel, and sardines). Soft drinks can increase obesity and

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    toxic substances. These items can lower human IQ indeed. Therefore, it is imperative for all people (not

    just young children) to withdrawal these substances from their diets. This information about IQ levels and

    foods is confirmed again by British researches. They studied the connected between processed foods

    and reduced IQ. They follow 14,000 children who ate and drank at the ages of 3, 4, 7, and 8.5 years of

    age. The children would answer questions being submitted via the parents through a questionnaire. The

    researchers discovered that if children were consuming a processed diet at age 3, IQ decline would begin

    over the next five years. The study found that by the age of 8, the children had suffered IQ decline. On

    the contrary, children who ate a nutrient-rich diet were found to increase their IQ over the 3 year period.

    The foods considered nutrient-rich by the researchers were most likely conventional fruits and

    vegetables. If children were to eat a wide variety of organic produce, super foods, mineral-rich plants,

    and perhaps even consume a food-based multivitamin, the researchers would most likely see a

    substantial IQ increase. This eating plan would also benefit the children or even adults in other

    aspects of their lives as well, such as better overall health & well-being. It's easy to witness and

    understand that processed foods are known to wreak havoc on the body for some time. There is one joint

    American and Spanish study that discovered that junk food products, (like those containing trains fats)

    can make healthy young men infertile by damaging their sperm. Another study (conducted by scientists

    from the University of Las Palmas de Gran Canaria and the University) found something. They found that

    junk food consumption can bring on depression. The link was so strong that those who consumed fastfood were 51% more likely to be depressed. Therefore, the worst anti-IQ foods are the same foods that

    can cause numerous health complications. That's all the more reason for us to cut the junk food and any

    processed food. We should reject GMOs and love natural fruits and vegetables. Never forget that

    omega 3 fats including DHA (plus antioxidants) can improve our brain function

    including memory.

    Osteoporosis and Calcium

    Osteoporosis is a serious issue not only in the Western world, but in regions globally. Its a fact thataging means that our bodies will be weaker and slower. When we age, our bones begin to erode.

    Some of this is normal as it is a natural part of aging. Yet, osteoporosis is a condition where there is

    extreme deformed or weakened bone structure in the human body. This extreme bone loss can

    occur not only in the arms or legs, but in the ribs, the hips, and the shoulders too. Fractures on the

    human bones can be a result of osteoporosis. A persons bones may crack and break under the

    bodys own weight in other extreme cases of osteoporosis. So, its very important for us to find

    ways to treat it or prevent such a horrid occurrence from happening among people. Osteoporosis

    comes from the words osteo meaning bone and porosis meaning thinning or becoming porous.

    So, the word osteoporosis represents the thinning of the human bone. Those with this disease have

    lower bone mass and lower bone tissue than average people. Your bone density is the amount of

    bone in your skeletal structure. The more density of bone you have, the stronger your bones are.Genetic and environmental factors can influence a persons bone density. This disease should be

    treated early or else the bones of a person can break very easily. Anybody can get osteoporosis, but

    the risk factors are increased for women (who need estrogen hormones after menopause to

    promote strong bones), Caucasians, Asians, genetic factors, people that drink heavily, smokers,

    those that use steroid drugs, and people with a small bone density. One natural remedy for

    osteoporosis is fish oil containing EPA (eicosapentaenoic acid) and GLA (gamma linolenic acid),

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    which not only are effective safeguards against osteoporosis, but also improve the skin and brain

    function and avoid cardiovascular problems.

    Light exercise is also recommended to prevent osteoporosis, such as walking, dancing, aerobics or

    bouncing on trampolines. Calcium and magnesium supplements, in the ratio of 2 or 3: 1

    respectively, would also help increase bone density. A person drinking too many sodas like colas can

    increase the risk of osteoporosis. The reason is that sodas have too much phosphorus (which can

    eliminate calcium from the bones). People need magnesium too, because magnesium can be useful

    for bone growth and bone density. Other hormone deficiency states can lead to osteoporosis, such

    as testosterone deficiency. Glucocorticoid or thyroxine excess states also lead to osteoporosis.

    Fluoride can destroy collagen. Collagen is the glue that can add strength to the bones. Too much

    coffee intake can correlate to bone density loss as well. What can we do about it?

    1). We can eat foods rich in calcium, Vitamin D, and phosphorous.

    2). We can exercise, especially with weight bearing exercises. We shouldnt use smoking or

    excessively drink alcohol at all. An aerobic exercise (like walking or jogging) for 20 minutes a day

    for at least three days a week can strengthen our bones. Weight bearing exercises can increase bonemineral density and reduce the risk of falls.

    3). We cant consume too much fat in our diets. We should have natural vitamin D by exposure (not

    over exposure) to the sunlight. We can receive Vitamin K, which is essential in calcium development

    in the human body. Vitamin K activates a protein found in bones called ostoecalcin. Osteocalcin

    holds calcium molecules in place. Our bones arent made up of calcium alone, so we can eat foods

    with the minerals of zinc, boron, and copper. These elements can be found in whole grains, beans,

    fresh fruits, and vegetable, fish, shellfish, and lean meat. Apples, pears, grapes, legumes, nuts, and

    honey have boron. Boron is a mineral that allows the body to hold calcium in. Manganese is another

    beneficial mineral. Traces of manganese are largely found in pineapples, nuts, spinach, beans and

    whole wheat.

    4). We can reject excess salt and sugar consumption in our bodies. Excess salt and sugar in our

    bodies can eliminate calcium from our bones. Our bones need nourishment from calcium,

    magnesium, vitamin D, and phosphorous. Dairy products (milk, cheese, and yogurt), salmon,

    sardines, almonds, dark green leafy vegetables and broccoli are good sources of calcium. It is

    recommended that one should include 1500mg of calcium daily either via dietary means or via

    supplementation. Dandelion Tea, red clover, chaste berry, Dong Quai, and other herbs can help

    prevent osteoporosis. Health expert Tony Isaacs believes in not allowing people to take bone drugs

    for osteoporosis, because they can make the bones brittle (including causing abnormal bone drug plus

    other life threatening side effects).

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    Natural Health

    Still, we have a long way to go before we live in a world where we have complete health freedom.

    There is the health issue of raw milk farmers. Regardless of what you think about this issue, I don't

    agree with the FDA having huge raids on raw milk farmers . I believe in legalized free speech that

    describes about the curative properties of medicinal herbs, nutritional supplements plus

    superfoods. Even some Democrats voted against a law that would prevent the FDA from raiding raw

    milk farmers. Freedom means that there should be food freedom. This doesn't mean that farmers

    should practice fraud, lying to people, or try to poison citizens. Yet, a farmer ought to have the total

    power of executing the principles of liberty. That means that it is wrong for the FDA to arrest raw

    milk farmers, throw them into prison, and violate their rights if they are peacefully creating real

    food. This policy can destroy America's small family farms. There are numerous beneficial effects of

    Chinese medicine, medicinal herbs, and nutritional supplements (that some folks want to make it a

    crime to have in some circumstances). It is immoral to send herbal product formulators to prison.

    Even the Amish farmer should not fear prison time if they peacefully milk a cow and sell it to their

    neighbors. If a person claims to love liberty and freedom, we have to protect the liberties of others.

    In that way, we don't have an oppressive police state. We have police state like laws and policies

    running amok inside of the world landscape. For example, warrant less wiretapping by the NSA is

    wrong and the prison industrial complex is totally corrupt (as explained by people from across the

    political spectrum. We need rehabilitation for non-violent criminals not punitive punishment. All

    prisoners who paid their debt to society ought to receive complete voting rights). It's a shame that

    85 percent of the U.S. Senate supports total FDA tyranny over raw milk, farms, food, and

    supplements. Only 15 Senators (who are Republicans ironically enough. This doesnt mean that

    Republicans are saviors. We know about their legacy and their nefarious agenda) voted to stop the

    FDA tyranny against farmers. There is the slave mentality that allows many poor and middle class

    people to vote against their economic interests for Republicans (who desire to end collective

    bargaining rights & economic security). Decades ago, our tax system was more progressive than it istoday. That is one reason why our economic system was stronger years ago. Today, you have the

    1% having record profits. Corporate excess and capitalistic greed are great sins indeed. You either

    serve God or Mammon. You cant serve 2 masters as the great prophet, Messiah, & leader Yeshua

    said (peace be upon his name). You will notice that all of the major Abrahamic religions have a

    strong influence from African culture since all humans originated from Africa (historically &

    scientifically). Numerous Republicans today want to greatly decrease or end Social Security,

    Medicare, Medicaid, and other programs that historically helped the middle class and the poor.

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    Even Bush and Cheney tried to justify the torture of human beings when these human beings were

    beaten, starved, and tortured (not only in Guantanamo Bay, but throughout the Earth in secret

    prison camps).

    A generation ago, most Senators would be in favor of real health freedom and now it's the

    opposite. The government has been infiltrated by corporate interests and politically regressive

    people. I dont need to worship some country. There are certain times in a persons life that you

    have to be controversial. I am thankful of being controversial at times. Its like I believe that a

    hypocritical culture, materialism, and corruption can go into hell. Yes, I admit it. I hate

    mainstream religion. It doesnt mean a single solitary thing to me. I believe in true spirituality (or

    true religion) instead. Like so many others have eloquently mentioned before, we should organize

    and mobilize in order for us to get our interests & goals executed in this world society. We should

    battle against corporate corporation and imperialism. Every time a man from the establishment

    gives you a so-called victory or concession, its their victory not ours. If we want victories, we will

    have to be active in creating our own independent methods to assist our own people. We don't

    need a dictatorship. Some laws and policies inch us closer to a more totalitarian society. These laws

    and policies include the following: the Patriot Act, NDAA, Food Safety Modernization Act, etc. We

    have to be loyal to God. GMOs are a threat too. We should stand for liberty, freedom, opposition

    against bigotry, and harmony within Nature. Organic foods are fine to embrace as well.

    People realize the great health benefits of zinc. It is said that zinc should be used in limited amounts

    at least. The human body although can't produce it readily and a steady supply can be used in order to

    strengthen the immune system, having wound healing, cell division, and support the catalytic activity

    of various enzymes essential in DNA. Zinc can cause hair growth as cells in the hair follicle have

    zinc. It can promote healthy skin as zinc manages the skin's oil content and the androgenichormonal effect that produces acne. Zinc is present in meat, dairy products, and certain vegetables.

    Zinc is also an essential trace mineral found in the soil. Organically grown vegetables or meat

    sources from free range farms that feed their livestock organic grain has a lot of zinc. Commercial

    farming in many instances has depleted the soil of minerals and trace elements. As a result of thisactivity, there are numerous nutrient deficient products that may not contain enough zinc. That is

    why some food products may not contain enough zinc. Zinc is best absorbed when a meal has

    protein. You can find zinc as being found in food sources like fish, meat, and poultry as more easily

    absorbed by the body than zinc derived from plant food. The body can absorb about 20 to 40 percent

    of the zinc present in food. A healthy and well-rounded diet can satisfy the zinc body requirements.

    Zinc is found in supplements if you feel you lack enough zinc in your diet. Some people can suffer

    zinc deficiency. Vitamin D deficiency (including someone lacking iron) is regularly linked to

    someone lacking zinc. Someone with zinc deficiency can increase their risk of dementia and

    cognitive decline. Zinc can improve memory and learning. That is why zinc is found in nerve cells to


    There are neurons in the hippocampus that can help develop high functions in learning and memory(they have huge substances of zinc). Men need zinc for maturation in their body and great prostate

    development. The elderly need a necessary amount of zinc as well. Osteoporosis is related to zinc

    deficiency. A study done on 600 senior citizens prove that those with healthy zinc levels in their

    blood are 50 percent less likely to develop pneumonia. A prior study also revealed that those who

    had normal zinc levels in their blood experienced fewer overall infections and needed fewer

    antibiotics as opposed to those who suffered from low zinc levels who were prone to developing

    prolonged illness. According to the Linus Pauling Institute, zinc's recommended daily allowance

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    (RDA) is 11mg/day for men and 8mg/day for women. Zinc supplements can be best taken with juice

    or water. Taking 40 mg of zinc is a safe amount. Research has proved that zinc can prevent

    atherosclerosis, provides resistance to malaria, fights breast cancer, fights diabetes, and even the

    common cold. The scientists from the University of Singapore discovered that high zinc intake

    reduced cholesterol build-up on arterial walls. In a study conducted on animal subjects, two sets of

    rabbits were fed high cholesterol diets over a period of eight weeks. Only one group was given a zinc

    supplement. At the close of the study, it discovered that the group who enjoyed a zinc supplement

    had reduced cholesterol build up in their artery walls. Therefore, a wise usage of zinc can benefit

    human health indeed. Health can cause a person to experience happiness, strength, and renewal.

    It doesn't take a genius to figure out that eating raw living foods can cause great positive dividends

    for a human's life. Fruits, vegetables, nuts, and seeds can help strengthen the human immune

    system, cause clearer skin, and allow people look extremely younger than what their actual agesare. One woman is named Annette Larkins. She is 70 years old, but looks like she is 40 years old.

    She eats raw living foods, specialized drinks, nuts, and seeds. She has great health, wellness,

    strength, beauty, energy, and longevity. Mimi eating a vegan diet for decades. She is 71 years old

    and loves her life. Jim Morris is 72 years old and works out 6 days a week for one hour. He doesn't

    eat hamburgers, pizza, and steaks all of the time. His diet is made up of nuts, beans, fruits, and

    vegetables. Sunny Griffin is 70 years old. She eats raw foods in order for her to control her wealth.

    She has energy, her skin is better, and her eyes became clear. According to Eric Dubay, there are

    more omegas in seaweed than in fish, over twice much more protein in spinach than steak, and four

    times more calcium in sesame seeds than in milk. There are numerous benefits of a raw food diet. A

    2001 study done in North Carolina proved that a raw food diet (without meat) can increase the

    quality of life of individuals who struggle with fibromyalgia. Fibromyalgia is a negative conditionwhere human beings have chronic pain that affects muscle tissue and joints all across the human

    body. This syndrome in times have been classified as "rheumatism' or a disease that is typified by

    inflammation of the joints and tendons. It can decrease a persons mobility. It can harm the

    muscular control of internal organs like the bladder and bowels. The treatment of these symptoms

    is largely limited to non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) like ibuprofen and pain killers.

    Currently, known treatment is limited to the mitigation of the symptoms paired with physical

    therapy to keep the muscles in use. The cause is unknown, which makes addressing the problem

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    complicated. So, the study allowed 30 people to be placed on a controlled diet. This diet is made up

    of raw fruits, raw vegetables, nuts, salads, and juicing. This diet has a higher concentration of

    nutrients. During the course of the study, the participants continued to take their medications to

    limit variability. The study lasted for 7 months. The participants said that the raw diet caused them

    to improve their sleep quality, their pain levels decreased, and they had increased flexibility plus the

    range of motion in the joints and spine. There was no change seen in muscular endurance exercises.Participants were absent from their workplace less often and reported a drastic increase in the

    number of days where they reported being very pleased with their quality of life. This study

    demonstrates that a raw food diet can help ease the extreme discomfort of fibromyalgia patients.

    Organic foods and raw foods are great ways for human beings to improve their health indeed.

    The Health Care System

    That is why an universal health care system is necessary to assist those individuals who need affordable,quality health care. Im fortunate enough to pay a small amount of money per month for my own health

    care, but other folks dont have that option. Some people have to pay hundreds or even thousands of

    dollars to literally survive in America plus the world. A person cant sell health care like bread. That means

    that it must be paid for by some form of insurance and you need regulations in it to protect the poor. Many

    insurance companies are more concerned with the bottom line than any altruistic role in helping a human

    being. Some insurers try to deny people with a preexisting condition. That wicked policy was banned by

    the new federal health care law. Discrimination against a person with a preexisting condition means both

    that insurers try to deny as many claims as possible, and that they try to avoid covering people who are

    actually likely to need care. Both of these strategies use a lot of resources, which is why private insurance

    has much higher administrative costs than single-payer systems. HMOs have been highly limited in their

    ability to achieve cost-effectiveness because people dont trust them theyre profit-making institutions,

    and your treatment is their cost.

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    Today, we have the Supreme Court discussing the legality of the Affordable Care Act. To some (like the

    Tea Party crowd & reactionaries), the law is very controversial. Some of the Tea Party protesters have

    been disrespectful in jeering at a handicapped man and a sick woman who just desire health care reform(in the streets and in various forums). I remember looking at news coverage when the Congress finally

    approved of the bill. The critics of the law call it Obama care (in a disparaging way). The Affordable

    Health Care Act has many legitimate and great parts in it like preventing discrimination against people

    with a preexisting condition, the granting of services to those in need, and the many people are helped

    now because of the new law. It does have its weaknesses. One weakness of the law is that it doesnt

    strongly promote a public option in the law. The new federal law gives new powers to private insurance

    companies. It gives an individual mandate for people to buy into private insurance corporate companies.

    That is why I agree with a revision of the law and not a complete elimination of the law that some

    advocate. Some who advocate the total banning of the law want only charities or private places to help

    people sick (and if you cant afford it, then youre on your own literally). The United States already spends

    enough to provide health care to all. As the amicus brief states : Studies conducted by thenonpartisan General Accounting Office and the nonpartisan Congressional

    Budget Office have consistently concluded that if a national single payer system

    were implemented in the United States, administrative cost-savings alone would

    be enough to guarantee universal coverage without increasing overall healthcare

    spending.A single payer health care system can control administrative costs and create real universal

    health care in the world. Universal health care is needed in America (as Veronica de la Cruz talksabout so many times).

    MY OPINION ON THE 2012 SUPREME COURTS DECISION ON THE HEALTH CARE LAW:This is the most significant Supreme Court decision in the 21st century and one of the mostimportant decisions in American history. The Supreme Court throws out the stolen valor case.The individual mandate is upheld under certain circumstances. The Supreme Court ruled thatthe individual mandate (or the center piece of the health care law in trying to get money tofund the health care reform law) may be upheld on the taxing clause (from Congress) not thecommerce clause. The whole law in essence (for the most part) has been upheld. This is ahistoric decision. The Supreme Court upholds the Medicaid expansion, but the Court bans thefederal government from excessively fining states (or get rid of all existing Medicaid fundingperiod to these states) who refuse to accept the Medicaid expansion. That means that the feds

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    can't eliminate existing Medicaid funding to states that refuse to accept the Medicaid expansionpart of the new health care law. So, this means that the federal individual mandate can't beexecuted under the commerce clause, but it can be administered via the tax code (or you can betaxed if you refuse to purchase health insurance after 2014). The law isn't perfect, but it's muchbetter than the status quo. Mitt Romney hypocritically believed in an individual mandate for hisstate insurance program, but he opposes it on the federal level. Romney can lecture on theFounders, but some of the Founders agreed with universal health care centuries ago. ChiefJustice John Roberts voted on the side of the rest of the majority, which is historic in it of itself.This is the Roberts court. Justice Roberts preserved the President health care reform law. It's anew stage in the human evolution of Americans. We are just a few steps away from fulluniversal health care for all people and it is great day to be alive. What we are fighting

    now for (which is universal health care) is something that many industrialized nations

    already has.

    Single payer health care is in the state of Vermont. Universal health care is a pristine part of thehuman rights movement. Nations globally possess it and we don't. A civilization must haveconcern to help its citizenry via concern for its youth, concern for the people's health, and

    concern for the elderly as well. Still, private insurance companies want that policy to bechanged or completely eliminated in Vermont. The health insurers couldn't stop the state'sdrive last year to enact a single payer health care system. Governor Peter Shumlin expressedgreat pride in the accomplishment. We gather here today to launch the first single payersystem in America, to do in Vermont what has taken too longto have a health care (system)that is the best in the world, that treats health care as a right and not a privilege, where healthcare follows the individual, not the employer, Shumlin said. So, health care should be part ofthe patient's well-being not controlled by the private employer completely. It will fully becomeimplemented in a couple of years. The federal health care reform bans states from taking morefar reaching reforms until 2017 unless waivers come about. So, Vermont's Congressionaldelegation is trying to get a waiver. The health care industry spends a lot of money to claim that

    singer payer is a dirty word when it is not. The private insurance companies will get third partyfolks in order to bash any single payer health care proposal. Also, some insurers want highdeductible policies. The higher the deductible, the less insurers and employers have to pay forour care.

    This collaboration between insurers and employers has increased the amount of Americanfamilies filing for bankruptcy. Dermatologist Dan McCauliffe (in Vermont) was one of severaldoctors there who suggested that patients needed to pay more not less out of their ownpocket for care. Ironically, this skin doctor joined other physician specialists in arguing thathealth care costs would never stabilize until patients had more skin in the game, a term myformer colleagues used frequently as we tried to spin the advantages of high-deductibleplans. According to statistics from the American Medical Association, dermatologists are among

    the highest paid specialists, making on average more than $230,000. See, Vermont is a smallstate with little most for profit insurers active. The insurers don't want a single state to gosingle payer. Even in California, single payer policies fell in just a few votes of getting a bill tothe floor of the Senate for a vote. If Vermont wins, California could get more votes in order forthe state to give its people more comprehensive health care. Health insurers make anenormous amount of money off of us. They can't do this in other countries like Canada. Lastyear, the four largest insurers (of United, WellPoint, Aetna, and CIGNS) reported earnings of acombined $11 billion on nearly $220 billion in revenues last year. They want to make more

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    money and a single payer system won't allow them to make the profits that they desire. Thereare new threats from the young man Paul Ryan seeking to turn a lot of Medicare into a vouchersystem (he wants the age of eligibility of individuals receiving Medicare to increase to the yearof 67 by 2033) and eliminate a great deal of Medicaid. Seventy percent of those who identifiedthemselves as supporters of the fiscally conservative movement in a new McClatchy-Marist polloppose cuts to Medicaid and Medicare to solve the countrys deficit woes. Since 2007, about45,000 Americans die each and every year simply because they lacked access to health care. Ina single payer system, all medically necessary care is covered throughout the life of the patient.People can pay into the system based on their ability to pay. The status quo isn't working andwe must do what as the late President John F. Kennedy said. JFK said that we must haveuniversal health care preserved like other industrialized nations have been doing. Therefore,it is morally right and succinctly honorable for us to promote universal health care for

    every man, woman, and child in America. Heath care is a human right that should be

    accessible to all people not be just some product that is sold.

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    Various Vitamins and Minerals

    Health is important to promote. Vegetarians and non-vegetarians all agree that we need protein in

    order to enrich our health. People have the right to morally not eat meat or eat meat . Human teeth

    structure proves that we are structurally omnivores. That means we are designed to eat animals and

    plants as food if we desire too. Now, this also means that people have the right to not eat meat if they

    want. This is a part of individual freedom. Yet, removing protein from the human diet can cause bad

    consequences. Some people want organic, grass bed beef. The reason is that conventional, factory

    farmed beef today is full of antibiotics, tumors, and growth hormones. Some have found ammonia laced

    pink slime in some cases. These substances obviously will have detrimental effect on human health.

    Therefore, some people who want to eat meat can eat in its natural and organic form as nature intended.

    Excessive eating of beef can be bad for health. Yet, beef goes have its strength if eaten in a moderate

    amount. For example, beef has some fat. Some fat is good. Half of the fat in beef is called oleci acid.

    Oleic acid is a heart healthy monounsaturated fat found in olive oil. Saturated fat in beef can decrease theheart attack risk by lowering bad cholesterol (or LDL). Beef has omega-3 fatty acids. Omega 3 can fight

    cancer. It can develop the human brain and promote cellular health. Grass fed animals are richer in

    omega 3 than grain fed, because sixty percent of the fat content of grass has omega-3. Beef has a lot of

    protein. Protein is made up of amino acids that can the human body needs for life, but they can't produce

    on its own. These amino acids come from plants. Using the right combinations and proportions to

    consume what the body needs can be easily digested from meats. Grass fed beef is good for the

    environment. Beef is full of nutrients like B vitamins, zinc, iron, potassium, phosphorus, selenium,

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    magnesium, etc. This doesn't mean that we have some beef-majority diet, which can be harmful to your

    health. Eating too much beef will increase your chances of diabetes, heart disease, various

    cancers, blood clots, strokes, etc. That's common sense. Yet, it isn't wrong to eat beef once or twice

    a week (in a moderate fashion). Not to mention that you can receive tons of proteins from plants like

    hemp seeds, sunflower sprouts, pea shoots, etc. The vast majority of foods that we should be eating



    -vegetables (Its very easy to witness the benefits of green leafy plants. They can

    make you smarter, more athletic, and more balanced in your weight. Leafy greens

    are low in calories mixed with a lot of nutrients. Vegetables can give human

    beings better or more youthful skin). The high folate in leafy greens can help

    protect against cognitive decline as we age according to studies conducted by

    Tufts University. So, dark leafy vegetables can reverse the effects of dementia

    (along with stress reduction, exercise, and diet). Our brains need healthy foods

    too. Kale has tons of Vitamin B, C, K, and minerals.



    -fish (if you can)

    -organic foods

    -real raw foods

    -and other foods (including the drinking of clean water). We should exercise tooand think positively about life.

    Its easy to see that Vitamin E can be utilized to help fight many forms of cancer. In some

    Western countries, cancer can kill a lot of people, second only to heart disease. Cancer

    can be impacted by genetics (or family history). A large cause of cancers deals with poor

    lifestyle habits and poor diet too. Scientists found out that the fat soluble vitamin E can

    fight against cancer. These findings have been found by researchers at the Center for

    Cancer Prevention Research at Rutgers University. Their research has been written in a

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    study. This study is found in the journal Cancer Prevention Research. The study found

    that vitamin E from dietary sources can prevent cancer development and progression.The

    scientists have found that two forms of vitamin E, gamma and delta-tocopherols found in

    soybean, canola and corn oils as well as nuts do prevent colon, lung, breast and prostate cancers.

    For years, scientists have proven that an increased risk of cancer can be a product of lower bone

    density with vitamin E from supplements. Yet, these studies focused on a synthetic form of

    vitamin called dl-alpha-tocopherol (The study didnt specify the form of vitamin E used).

    Vitamin E is found in many forms called tocotrienols and tocopherols that occur in natural

    balances in numerous nuts, seeds, and their cold-pressed oils. Dr. Chung S. Yang is the Rutgers

    study author. He and his team examined associated risk for developing colon, lung, breast, and

    prostate cancer. The scientists found that forms of vitamin E in vegetable oils, gamma and delta-

    tocopherols can prevent cancer formation (and growth in animal models).

    The substance Coenzyme Q10 is a vital entity in the world. It can be used to improve humanhealth and human longevity. Coenzyme Q10 is also called CoQ10. CoQ10 is natural. It's an oil

    soluble, vitamin like substance, which is absolutely essential for optimum health and longevity.It's called ubiquinone too. CoQ10 is found in every cell of the human body. It's mostly found incellular mitochondria. CoQ10 can allow electron transport chain which can generate 95 percentof the body's energy via adenosine triphosphate (ATP). CoQ10 is important for the heart.Organs with the highest energy requirements like the heart, liver, and kidney have the highestconcentrations of CoQ10. So, if the heart experiences an adequate amount of CoQ10, then aperson's cardiovascular health can improve. Some statin drugs can unfortunately decreaseCoQ10 production up to 40%. As we age, we lose much of our supply of CoQ10 (especially inthe heart). Therefore, CoQ10 can decrease high blood pressure, and prevent the oxidation ofLDL cholesterol. One recent study proved that CoQ10 can improve the survival after a cardiacarrest. By the age of 80, CoQ10 levels are cut by more than half. CoQ10 is also an importantantioxidant which inhibits both the initiation and the propagation of lipid and protein oxidation.

    Additionally, it regenerates other antioxidants such as vitamin E. One recent studydemonstrated that low doses of CoQ10 reduced oxidation and DNA double-strand breaks, andthat a combination of CoQ10 and a diet rich in polyunsaturated fatty acids leads to a longerlifespan. CoQ10 can develop brain health, brain function, and fight cancer. CoQ10 can be foundin small amounts of numerous foods beef, sardines, mackerel, and peanuts. Other food itemswith modest amounts of CoQ10 include grape seed oil, walnuts, hazelnuts, pistachios, parsley,spinach, sesame seeds, olive oil and avocado. Supplementation with CoQ10 has been studiedin amounts as high as 3600 mg per day with largely only gastrointestinal side effects observed.The observed safe level (OSL) risk assessment method indicated evidence of safety is strong atintakes up to 1200 mg/day.

    It's known that physical exercise can lower cancer risks. A person having optimal health can prevent ahost of chronic diseases ranging from heart disease to stroke (plus dementia). Studies have proven thatregular exercise can reduce breast cancer and other cancers. People are trying to figure out how activityduration, exercise type, and intensity can influence cancer prevention. The researchers from theUniversity of North Carolina Gillings School of Global Public Health in Chapel Hill published their findingsin the journal called "CANCER." They found that physical activity, either mild or intense and before orafter menopause may reduce breast cancer risk. The scientists discovered that substantial weight gainmay negate these benefits. Dr. Lauren McCullough is the leading study investigator. She and her teamlooked for a link between recreational physical activity done at different time points in life and the risk ofdeveloping breast cancer. They found that moderate exercise can lower breast cancer up to 30 percent.The study examined 1,504 women with breast cancer (233 noninvasive and 1,271 invasive) and 1,555

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    women without breast cancer who were 20 to 98-years-old. Participants were part of the Long IslandBreast Cancer Study Project, an investigation set up to review possible environmental causes of breastcancer. Researchers determined that women who exercised either during their reproductive orpostmenopausal years had a reduced risk of developing breast cancer. The study found out that womenwho exercise between 10 and 19 hours per week experienced a 30 percent decrease in breast cancerrisk. Risk levels were decreased regardless of duration or intensity. That means that a rigorous workoutwasn't necessary to achieve positive results. Exercise can lower the risk of hormone receptor positivebreast cancer (ER or PR positive), which is the commonly diagnosed tumor type among Americanwomen. The study found that that increased weight can increase the overall risk of forming breast cancer(regardless of hours spent exercising). Physical activity can lower the risk, but it can be negated withgaining weight. Dr. McCullough concluded "The observation of a reduced risk of breast cancer for womenwho engaged in exercise after menopause is particularly encouraging given the late age of onset forbreast cancer."A daily 30 minute walk and maintaining a healthy body weight provide a significant shieldagainst this insidious disease.

    Estrogen & Testosterone

    There are numerous natural ways for females to maintain high estrogen levels as well. Estrogen

    is a hormone that helps females to maintain their bodily functions, female image, and fertility.

    Estrogen can maintain a female's mood. Menopause is a natural process of all females.

    Menopause and age can lower a female's estrogen levels. One simple way to boost estrogen is to

    stop smoking. Smoking will lower the female body's estrogen levels. In fact, it can harm the

    reproductive strength of males and female blatantly. Chasteberry is an herb from thechasteberry tree. There is plenty of evidence to prove that this herb can improve a woman's

    estrogen by stimulating the pituitary gland to produce sex hormones like estrogen. It was used

    for thousands of years and it can ease menstrual problems. Yet, a female should consult a

    doctor before using supplements, especially if a woman is pregnant. Dong Quai and red clover

    are herbs that can stimulate estrogen also. Female have high estrogen levels from 30-39 in the

    range of ca. 210 pg/ml. Vegetables, whole grain fiber, some protein, and regular plus moderate

    exercise can keep a healthy amount of estrogen in the female body. Studies by Leslie Bernstein,

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    Ph.D., and colleagues at the University of Southern California's Norris Comprehensive Cancer

    Center have shown that exercise in adolescence is most influential in premenopausal women for

    lowered breast cancer risk. However, in postmenopausal women, it was discovered that long-

    term activity that correlates with recent activity also has an influence on lowering breast cancer

    risk. Over exercise can adversely affect estrogen levels. Moderate exercise is great to maintain

    strong estrogen levels. A person should consult their doctor to correctly assess their weight andits potential impact on a females estrogen production and fertility. Meat, dairy, eggs, and most

    animal products have great levels of estrogen. Fruits and vegetables that are rich in estrogen

    include: apples, cherries, flax seed, garlic, eggplants, olives, and potatoes. Of course, oats,

    wheat, and soy are naturally rich in estrogens. Some females need hormone replacement

    therapy if a woman has severe cases of low estrogen. Doctors are some of the best people to

    accurately determine a regimen of estrogen replacement.

    Testosterone is one of the greatest parts of a male. A human typically reaches their total

    physical peak between 28 and 35 years old. A person's athleticism or speed peaks at around20-25 years of age. There are exceptions of course. Testosterone can decline in a man by the age

    of 30 years old. Studies show that most men experience a 2% drop-off in testosterone

    production each year after they turn 30.There are many ways for a man to increase their

    testosterone levels naturally. You can use zinc. Zinc is very important for getting natural

    testosterone. Zinc prevents testosterone from transforming into estrogen (or the female

    hormone) via not making the enzyme aromatase function. Zinc and produce healthier sperm

    and higher sperm counts. The following are foods high in zinc: oysters (a natural aphrodisiac),

    liver, seafood, poultry, nuts & seeds, or supplements of 50 to 100 mg of Zinc daily. A male

    can eat more healthy fats like monounsaturated fats & Omega-3 fats that had the highest

    testosterone levels. The healthy fats are found in more nuts and seeds, fatty fish like salmon and

    tuna, avocadoes, olives, vegetable oils, and natural peanut butter. It isn't hard to decipher that

    the more overweight a person is or higher body fat percentage a person has, then the male's

    estrogen levels will increase. That means that testosterone levels will drop. More body fat has

    the enzyme aromatase that converts testosterone into estrogen. Fat burn workouts can increase

    testosterone. A person can eat more raw cruciferous vegetables like broccoli, cabbage, turnips,

    collard greens, Brussels sprouts, bok choi, kale, and cauliflower to build up T-levels. The reason

    is that cruciferous vegetables contain a chemical called DIM (or diindolylmethane. DIM helps

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    the human body to get rid of excess estrogen. Eating more fiber can cleanse the human body,

    get rid of toxins, get rid of excess estrogen, and grow T-levels. Most fruits and vegetables, nuts,

    and beans are all high in fiber. We (who are males) should avoid xenoestrogens. What is that?

    Xenoestrogens are man-made estrogens that are found in things like pesticides, artificial growth

    hormones & steroids, air fresheners and plastic containers and these xenoestrogens will

    increase your levels of the female hormone estrogen while lowering testosterone. Organic fruitsand vegetables don't have these substances. To grow T-levels, we should get at least 6 to 8 hours

    of sleep. It's a fact (as proven by an University of Chicago study, etc.) proved that men who get

    6 to 8 hours of sleep can have high levels of testosterone. That is a man's T-levels are very high

    in the morning (more than 30% higher in the morning than the evening). That is why sometimes

    a man has a very strong libido when we (who are males) wake up in the morning. We should

    decrease stress as well to grow our T-levels (including taking 1. 1000-1500 mg of Vitamin C per

    day Vitamins A, B, and E are essential nutrients for our health indeed). As for exercises,

    compound muscle exercises (like squats, bench presses, deadlifts, chin up, military presses, etc.

    These exercises can train several muscle groups. Heavy weights and sprinting are way to grow

    T-levels too) and strength bearing exercises can increase natural testosterone levels in thehuman body as well. It's important to rest harder than to work out since overtraining can cause

    more cortisol and lower T-levels. Drinking alcohol can cause more estrogen too. D-Aspartate

    can grow sperm production as well.

    Foods filled with Vitamin D, but we should be careful with not eating too muchbutter/margarine.

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    As for our health, we need to get sufficient vitamin D. Vitamin D deficiency is a serious problem

    in the world. That is why moderate sunlight exposure is fine. Also, vitamin D3 intake every dayis fine. Raising vitamin D concentrations to 40 ng (nanograms) per ml (milliliter) by taking

    1000-4000 IU (international units) per day of vitamin D3 supplements is a legitimate means for

    us to prevent diseases. Vitamin D can reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease, diabetes

    mellitus, respiratory infections and many other chronic and infectious diseases. If you think youmight be vitamin D deficient, you may want to get tested. The Vitamin D Council has created a

    helpful page that explains how to get tested, what to look for, and how to begin restoring optimalvitamin D levels in your body: It's known that EPO or evening

    primrose oil can help people in a variety of ways. EPO comes from the seed of the evening

    primrose plant and is great for skin disorders like ecaema, psoriasis, and acne. EPO has beenused in pregnancy for preventing preeclampsia, starting and shortening labor and preventing late

    deliveries. Women use evening primrose oil to fight PMS, breast pain, endometriosis, symptoms

    of menopause and hot flashes. EPO can be utilized to handle a wide spectrum of ailments. These

    ailments include: rheumatoid arthritis, osteoporosis, Raynaud's syndrome, multiple sclerosis,Sjogren's syndrome, ADD, alcoholism, Alzheimer's disease, schizophrenia, asthma, cancer, high

    cholesterol, chronic fatigue syndrome, diabetic nerve damage, dyspraxia, heart disease,hyperactivity, leg pain, neurodermatitis, obesity and weight loss, whooping cough, andgastrointestinal disorders including ulcerative colitis, irritable bowel syndrome and peptic ulcer

    disease. EPO can be converted into prostaglandin E1. This is a hormone like substance whose

    properties can act like a blood thinner and a blood vessel dilator. Evening primrose is awildflower that grows all over North America. So, EPO has been found to improve blood flow

    and nerve function by lowering bood lipid risk factors. Most North Americans get too much

    omega-6 fatty acids in their diet and the body needs a balance of omega-6 and omega-3 fatty

    acids (found in fish oil) to stay healthy. EPO can come in a pill form (put in the refrigerator) andin the form of plants. Also, there are certain ways to improve our skin in order for our skin to

    look more radiant. We should stop smoking, drink plenty of water, and exercise. Water is a great

    way to detoxify our body. Water can boost our metabolism and accelerate the elimination oftoxins and fat. Drinking 6-8 glasses of water everyday is normal for our health (with even a few

    slices of natural cleansing lemon to the water). Exercising that causes sweat is essential, because

    sweat helps to rid the pores of harmful toxins. Eating fruits, vegetables, and organic foods canhave the minerals and antioxidants (as found in pears, cherries, pomegranates, plums,

    Blackberries, strawberries, raspberries, etc.) to help our skin out. Green tea is a great drink to

    assist our skin and health as well.

    Inspiration on Our Health

    It's a fact that the United States spends more money and gets less on health care than any otherindustrialized nations. These facts are confirmed by a new report. The report came from the

    Commonwealth Fund. It examined health care spending along the 13 developed nations including

    America. The report mentioned that America spent nearly $8,000 per person in 2009. The researchers

    found that this higher level of spending doesn't correspond to a higher quality of care. They believe that

    this high spending relates to greater supply or a higher utilization of health care services. According to the

    study: "...During 2009, there were 2.4 physicians per 100,000 people in the U.S. This was fewer than in

    all the countries in the study except Japan. The U.S. also had the fewest doctor consultations (3.9 per

    capita) of any country except Sweden. Relative to the other countries in the study, the U.S also had few

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    hospital beds, short lengths of stay for acute care, and few hospital discharges per 1,000 population. On

    the other hand, U.S. hospital stays were far more expensive than those in other countriesmore than

    $18,000 per discharge. By comparison, the cost per discharge in Canada was about $13,000, while in

    Sweden, Australia, New Zealand, France, and Germany it was less than $10,000..." Some feel that we

    pay more prices for health care, because of our greater use of expensive technology (as a reason why

    there is high health spending in America). We have expensive prescription drugs and other expensive

    technologies like CT and MRI scans (than many other nations). According to the researchers, meanwhile,

    while the U.S. had the best survival rates for breast and colorectal cancer, the survival rate for cervical

    cancer was below average. The rate of asthma-related deaths among people aged 5 to 39 was also high,

    as were amputations for people with diabetes. That is why the health care reform law (despite its

    imperfections) encourages physicians to focus on quality rather than the quantity of care as a means to

    bring down health care costs. Yet, this doesnt mean I agree with austerity or cutting services from

    people. I dont. I believe in building up new modern-day hospitals, advanced technology, and other

    actions that can grow our health care apparatus. It is just for the government to pressure the private

    sector to have reasonable prices and to allow a public option in health care.

    If you don't like the way the world is, you change it. You have an obligation to change it.

    You just do it one step at a time

    We are living in a time of unbearable dissonance between promise and performance;

    between good politics and good policy; between professed and practiced family values;

    between racial creed and racial deed; between calls for community and rampant

    individualism and greed; and between our capacity to prevent and alleviate human

    deprivation and disease and our political and spiritual will to do so

    -Marian Wright Edelman

    You can't lead the people if you don't love the people. You can't save the people if you don't

    serve the people.

    -Cornel West

    I have the audacity to believe that peoples everywhere can have three meals a day for

    their bodies, education and culture for their minds, and dignity, equality and freedom for

    their spirits. I believe that what self-centered men have torn down men other-centered can

    build up. I still believe that one day mankind will bow before the altars of God and be

    crowned triumphant over war and bloodshed, and nonviolent redemptive good will proclaim

    the rule of the land. "And the lion and the lamb shall lie down together and every man shall

    sit under his own vine and fig tree and none shall be afraid." I still believe that We Shall


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    -Dr.Martin Luther King's Acceptance Speech, on the occasion of the award of the Nobel

    Peace Prize in Oslo, December 10, 1964

    That is why populists legitimate want a SINGLE PAYER UNIVERSAL HEALTH CARE COVERAGE for

    all people or Medicare for all. In America, we have a huge privatized health care system with expensivemedicine and the inflation of prices (and a total privatized health care system is promoted by the

    Rockefeller-funded Austrian economic philosophy. That philosophy is a breeding ground for the

    existences of greed, austerity, and selfish individualism). Its very hypocritical to allow Wall Street banks

    to get trillions of dollars when the poor dont receive billions of dollars in order for poverty to be possibly

    eradicated in America. The state ought to serve the people not vice versa. Do the greedy, private

    insurance companies and Big Pharma have a vested interest in seeing all diseases cured or allow a

    system where they make billions of dollars off the diseases prevalent in the world? I choose the later,

    because if most diseases are cured, then Big Pharma will mostly be out of business. Some in the

    government have been infiltrated by corporatism.

    One taboo subject deals with the issue of Wal-Mart. Its time to not blame constantly the President for he

    is a victim of the same wicked pro-white supremacist system as we all are. Any person of color or any

    human being that wants real justice, wants real equality, wants real peace, and wants to destroy the

    wicked system now deserves my respect. This doesnt mean that we ignore the Presidents mistakes, but

    its time to expose the evil corporate system that created the mess in the first place ( which existed long

    before the brother President Barack Obama was elected in 2008). I believe in empathy and love plus

    compassion for the brother President Barack Obama, his beautiful wife Michelle Obama, his family, and

    all human beings. President Barack Obama is our brother and the First Lady Michelle Obama is our

    sister. When Republican Tea Party reactionaries slander the left of center President Barack Obama as a

    communist or a socialist, then you know that the Republicans are very much extremists. Communism and

    socialism isnt the same thing. There are even variations of communism & socialism. Henceforth, it is

    important for us to advance collective bargaining rights and promote and end to discrimination inside of

    the workplace. The President isnt perfect neither a devil as his enemies unjustly classify him as. Theenemy uses the catch phrases or code words of personal responsibility, individualism, get the

    government off our backs, etc. as an excuse for them to promote a corporate (near fascist) domination of

    our society. The President deserves true respect. Its our responsibility to help this nation as well. If were

    dissatisfied with the conditions in the world, then we should be human enough to develop programs to at

    least try to solve the problems in our own communities. Just because the President is a black man,

    doesnt mean our problems evaporated. We still have issues of police brutality, discrimination, sexual

    issues, unemployment, underemployment, education, health care obviously, racial profiling, foreign policy

    subjects, and tons of real items on the horizon. The poor cant make a dollar out of 15 cents

    if the poor lack any cents to begin with. That means that we have to pull our

    sleeves up and promote private and public programs that fight against poverty

    (and help the poor in America plus the world. Our issues are international not justnational as Malcolm X & Dr. Martin Luther King said). Yet, I dont agree with the Presidenton every issue though. I dont accept his foreign policy agenda, which is nearly identical to ex-President

    George W. Bushs foreign policy ideologies. I dont agree with President Barack Obamas support of anti-

    civil liberty laws (like the Patriot Act).If the brother President Barack Obama is wrong, then hes wrong

    period. So, I want to make that clear.

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    Strength is no Shame

    Muscles are some of the most important parts of the human body. The three major muscles of humansare the skeletal muscles, the smooth muscles, and the cardiac muscles. The most famous muscles that

    we know about deal with the skeletal and cardiac muscles. Health experts have created exercises toimprove upon the functions of our muscle groups. With my muscles: LETS JUST SAY MY BICEPS,TRICEPS, MY PECTORALS, AND LEG MUSCLES ARE ON POINT. MY MUSCLES ARE VERYSTRONG.THIS BROTHER RIGHT HERE KNOWS HOW TO STRENGTHEN MY MUSCLES LOL. In allseriousness though, a person with massive muscles is equal to a person with smaller or leaner

    muscles. All people are created equal and deserve respect of course. So, the Golden Rulehas a paramount importance in my life. Some people want to build muscle mass and otherfolks want their muscle to be more streamlined (or lean). We have the right to choose either function or dosomething independently with our muscles. As a saying goes: to each it's own. One of the easiest meansfor a person to build muscle mass is to use dumbbells. Dumbbells can make a person's ancillary muscleswork and to produce more compound mass. If someone uses a greater range of motion, it can increasethe number of muscles used in training. Using compound movements can allow muscles in every fiber togrow. A person can focus on less developed muscles in order for you to perfect your training routine.

    Some muscle groups are easy to grow and other muscles aren't so easily to develop, so it is preciselyreasonable for a person to improve muscle development in the trouble areas. It is possible for us toexperience unique exercises in order for us to find the best muscle exercises. Warming up before doingexercises is a simple method to gain maximum results and for us to describe the risk of injuries. Usingoptimum sets (or training heavy and performing numerous repetitions) can burn calories and build upmuscle mass. The only exception is that we can't over train. Common sense dictates that proteins andvarious meats can cause muscles to increase in size (along with the right nutrients). If you want leanmuscles, cardio (using done 3-4 days a week) is one special method where that goal can beaccomplished. Also, a person can use low weights with many abs and muscle workouts (including

    sculpting classes & Pilates). ANOTHER SECRET FOR QUICK FAT LOSS IS SPRINTING

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    OR RUNNING. YOU CAN STRETCH OR JOB MODERATELY BEFORE SRINTING AFEW DAYS PER WEEK. SPRINTING IS ONE OF THE EASIEST WAYS FOR APERSON TO DECREASE WEIGHT (or have a more lean look). SPRINTING (evensprinting uphill, which many professional athletes do commonly) CAN INCREASEHGH LEVELS AND DECREASE THE FAT IN OUR ABDOMINALS. According to JohnMcKiernans article entitled, Sprinting: The ultimate fat burning exercise:

    Sprinting is considered by many as the ultimate exercise. It not only increasesathleticism by building fast twitch muscle fiber, it is highly effective for fat burning.Performing sprints a few times a week can replace long cardiovascular workouts ontreadmills or ellipticals. The key to getting the most out of your sprinting sessions is toperform them at 100 percent intensity.When the body performs any explosive movementat a high intensity it releases growth hormone in the days to follow, to aid in recovery. Onestudy showed that a 30 second all-out sprint increased HGH 530 percent overbaseline levels. High growth hormone levels are ideal for keeping body fat low andbuilding lean muscle. Sprinting increases size of the mitochondria, the part of the cellwhich stores energy. This makes the body more efficient at releasing energy and thus it

    has less propensity to store body fat for energy. This means that sprinting not only oxidizesfat, it also prevents the body from storing new fat. When compared to low intensity exercise,sprinting and other high intensity training burns far more fat and calories. A 20-minuteworkout session doing high-intensity sprints is roughly comparable to an hour-long cardioworkout at a lower intensity.

    *Sprinting has helped me immensely. I performed some 30 second sprints recently. The resultshave been amazing. Immediately in about a week, my chest became more defined anddeveloped. I have more a lean body shape and I feel more invigorated physically. Sometimes,my energy levels have been as high as when I was in my late teens and early 20s. The recentsprinting allows me to have a better range motion in increasing my agility. I am a competitiveman, so I want to be better physically than a year ago. I am approaching my physical peak in afew years. I probably won't reach it until a couple of more years. When I am 30 years old, it's on.I am going to exercise a lot when I'm 30 years for real. Being healthier can easily increase yourIQ or intelligence as well. So, sprinting along with eating healthy foods does work wonderscompletely. I am a living testament to that fact.

    Upper abs can show up easily with regular crunches. Lower abs are harder to decrease. The exercises of

    reverse crunches, pelvic tilts, bicycle crunches, and other exercises can strengthen a human beings

    lower abs. Also, we should do cardio, walking, running, and other likeminded exercises to decrease our

    stomach size. All of these actions are done in combination with drinking plenty of water and eating

    healthy foods are necessary in order for folks to be stronger in their health. Consult your doctor before

    beginning an exercise program, especially if you have previously been inactive, have or are recovering

    from an illness, or take medication. Start slow when you first begin your workouts and go at your own

    pace. If you have pain, stop exercising and consult your doctor. If you are using weights, begin with

    comfortable, light weights and work your way up toward heavier weights as your strength increases. It is

    vital to respect all people irrespective of their physical appearance too. There are many

    people with narrow-mindedness and prejudices, yet we shouldnt be like those fake

    people. We should be real and keep it real. Our realness is defined by us showing

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    tolerance for all human beings and us having strength to promote justice & true,

    revolutionary values for humankind. We are going to love humanity.

    In health, our legs are a very important part of the human body. I like to strengthen my legs. Building thick

    and strong legs can come easy for some and difficult for others. The human legs are divided into theupper leg and the lower leg. The upper leg or thigh is made up of the quadriceps, the hamstrings, and theglutes. The quadriceps is found in the front part of the upper leg, the hamstring is on the back side of theupper leg, and the glutes are near the behind of a person. The glutes are one of the most powerfulmuscles in the human body. Quadriceps can be strengthen with split squats, and lunges. Calves are inthe lower legs. Running and plyometrics can develop the calf muscles. Plyometrics are unique exerciseswhere a person can jump, skip, and do various fast, powerful movements. Athletes do plyometrics all ofthe time. This has been popularized in the early 21st century. The purpose of plyometrics include manythings like using explosive, fast acting movements in order for human beings to develop muscular power(and to grow overall human speed). So, the deal is that plyometrics allow a person to exert the maximumforce in the shortest amount of time possible (like a jump up). A full back squat can develop leg growth.Squatting is an excellent way for the amount of growth hormone the body releases. Human growthhormone can regenerate human cells. Females release more human growth hormones than males. HGHis produced by the pituitary gland. To get HGH naturally, we can sleep in 6-8 hours, so we canimprove our recovery and enhance muscle growth. Exercising (especially with resistance trainingincluding cycling, weightlifting, and sprinting) is the largest contributor to the growth hormonerelease. A squat can be done at anywhere at anything. Anaerobic exercise increases heart rate whilehelping increase lean muscle mass. In a 2011 study published in the "Journal of Sports Medicine,"subjects that underwent regular resistance training exercise and anaerobic exercise showed a significantincrease in HGH and cortisol production, immediately following each workout. Yet, it is important forhuman beings to do aerobic exercises as well like walking, jogging, swimming, and cycling. Aerobicexercises are a lower intensity, long term exercises that require the usage of a large quantity of oxygeninto the human body. The squat shouldn't go below to a person's toes, so you are working the hamstrings,quads, and glutes. Over exercising can lower HGH levels though. The American Council on Exercisesuggests exercising at least five days per week for 30 minutes per day to increase your health andhormone function. There are plenty of other benefits to sprinting as well. Sprinting and speed exercisingcan cause a human being to improve their agility and speed. Sprinting naturally increases the body's

    endurance strength (or the ability for the body to store oxygen). Sprinting can store more calories andenergy within muscle tissues rather than the fat storages within the body. This can decrease the fatstorage that account for human weight gain. Sprinting can grow human bone density and strength. Byexercising regularly, you can help ensure that levels of HGH in your body stay at a constant level.

    Consult your doctor before beginning an exercise program, especially if you have previously beeninactive, have or are recovering from an illness, or take medication. Start slow when you first begin yourworkouts and go at your own pace. If you have pain, stop exercising and consult your doctor. If you areusing weights, begin with comfortable, light weights and work your way up toward heavier weights as yourstrength increases. Great exercise is fun, so enjoy yourself.

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    Some of tSome of tSome of tSome of the major muscles include the followinghe major muscles include the followinghe major muscles include the followinghe major muscles include the following:

    1). The Pectoralis Major (as found in the chest area)

    2). The Biceps Brachii (in the front side of the arm)

    3). The Rectus Abdominis (found near the stomach)

    4). TheTibialis Anterior and the Tribialis Posterior

    5). The Triceps Barchii (or triceps)

    6). The Deltoid (behind your shoulder)

    7). The Trapezius (on the left side of your upper back) and the Rhomboids (on the right side of your upper


    8). Latissmusdorsi (on the lower part of your back)

    9). Biceps femoris (On the back side of your upper leg)

    10). Quadriceps femoris (on the front side of your upper leg).

    Numerous Other Exercise Tips:

    -There are many exercise techniques to improve our health in the real world. There are numerous

    tips that can better our physical health indeed.

    -There are some folks who love interval training. That means that bursts of high intensity efforts

    mixed with slower recovery efforts can cause the human body to have a leaner body. 15 to 20

    minutes of interval training performed like this can burn as many calories as an hour of traditional,

    steady state cardio. Intervals instead of slow action can keep the human body burning long after the

    workout ends.

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