Download - Headed Stud Anchor_Shear Capacity


Sheet1CAST-IN HEADED STUD ANCHORS - ACI 318M-02, APPENDIX D.fy =240N/mm2%Specified Yield Strength of Anchor Steel%Diameter =19mm%Headed Stud Anchor Diameter%

1Steel Strength of Anchor in Shear%ACI 318M-02, Section D.6.1%

Vs = n*Ase*futkN%Norminal Strength of An Anchor or A Group of Anchors; Eq. D-17%n =1%Number of Anchors in A Group%.Ase =280mm2%Effective Cross Sectional Area of An Anchor%fut = Min{1.9fy or 860 N/mm2}fut =456N/mm2%Specified Tensile Strength of Anchor Steel%Vs =125kN2Concrete Breakout Strength of Anchor in Shear%ACI 318M-02, Section D.6.2%Vcb = (Av/Avo)*Y6*Y7*Vb%Shear Force Perpendicular to the Edge on A Single Anchor; Eq. D-20%Vcbg = (Av/Avo)*Y5*Y6*Y7*Vb%Shear Force Perpendicular to the Edge on Group of Anchors; Eq. D-21%VcbP = 2*Vcb = 2*(Av/Avo)*Y7*Vb%Shear Force Parallel to an Edge; Y6 = 1.0%VcbgP = 2*Vcgb = (Av/Avo)*Y5*Y7*Vb%Shear Force Parallel to an Edge; Y6 = 1.0%Av =%Projected Area of the Failure Surface on the Side of the Concrete Member at Its Edge for A Single Anchor or A Group of Anchors%Avo =

Y6 =1Y7 =1.4%No Cracking at Service Load%