Download - Head & Face Medicine BioMed Centralcrinopathies manifesting as precocious puberty, hyperthy-roidism or acromegaly [1,2]. Gender prevalence of FD is equal. The monostotic form is more

Page 1: Head & Face Medicine BioMed Centralcrinopathies manifesting as precocious puberty, hyperthy-roidism or acromegaly [1,2]. Gender prevalence of FD is equal. The monostotic form is more

BioMed CentralHead & Face Medicine


Open AcceReviewThe nature of fibrous dysplasiaLiviu Feller*1, Neil H Wood1, Razia AG Khammissa1, Johan Lemmer1 and Erich J Raubenheimer2

Address: 1Department of Periodontology and Oral Medicine, School of Dentistry, Faculty of Health Sciences, University of Limpopo (Medunsa Campus), Pretoria, South Africa and 2Department of Oral Pathology, School of Dentistry, Faculty of Health Sciences, University of Limpopo (Medunsa Campus), Pretoria, South Africa

Email: Liviu Feller* - [email protected]; Neil H Wood - [email protected]; Razia AG Khammissa - [email protected]; Johan Lemmer - [email protected]; Erich J Raubenheimer - [email protected]

* Corresponding author

AbstractFibrous dysplasia has been regarded as a developmental skeletal disorder characterized byreplacement of normal bone with benign cellular fibrous connective tissue. It has now becomeevident that fibrous dysplasia is a genetic disease caused by somatic activating mutation of the Gsαsubunit of G protein-coupled receptor resulting in upregulation of cAMP. This leads to defects indifferentiation of osteoblasts with subsequent production of abnormal bone in an abundant fibrousstroma. In addition there is an increased production of IL-6 by mutated stromal fibrous dysplasticcells that induce osteoclastic bone resorption.

IntroductionFibrous dysplasia (FD) is a sporadic benign skeletal disor-der that can affect one bone (monostotic form), or multi-ple bones (polyostotic form), and the latter may form partof the McCune-Albright syndrome (MAS) or of the Jaffe-Lichtenstein syndrome (JLS). JLS is characterized by poly-ostotic FD and café-au-lait pigmented skin lesions, whileMAS has the additional features of hyperfunctional endo-crinopathies manifesting as precocious puberty, hyperthy-roidism or acromegaly [1,2].

Gender prevalence of FD is equal. The monostotic form ismore common and affects the 20 to 30 years age group:polyostotic FD has its onset mainly in children youngerthan 10 years of age, the lesions grow with the child, sta-bilize after puberty, and most commonly involve cranio-facial bones, ribs, and metaphysis or diaphysis of theproximal femur or tibia [3]. The ratio of occurrence ofpolyostotic to monostotic FD is 3:7 [4,5].

Signs and symptoms of FD include bone pain, pathologi-cal fractures and bone deformities [6]. Serum alkalinephosphatase (ALP) is occasionally elevated, but calcium,parathyroid hormone, 25-hydroxyvitamin D, and 1,25-dihydroxyvitamin D levels in most cases of FD are nor-mal. Persons with extensive polyostotic FD may havehypophosphatemia, hyperphosphaturia and osteomala-cia [3]. Malignant transformation is rare, and is usuallyprecipitated by radiation therapy [7].

The craniofacial bones are affected in about 10% of casesof monostotic FD and in 50% to 100% of cases of polyos-totic FD [4,8,9]. When only the cranial and facial bonesare affected by FD the term craniofacial FD is used. Theprevalence of the polyostotic craniofacial FD ranges from71% to 91% and of the monostotic form, from 10% to29% [8,9]. FD of the jaws affects the maxilla more fre-quently than the mandible and affects females more fre-quently than males [7].

Published: 9 November 2009

Head & Face Medicine 2009, 5:22 doi:10.1186/1746-160X-5-22

Received: 8 May 2009Accepted: 9 November 2009

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© 2009 Feller et al; licensee BioMed Central Ltd. This is an Open Access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License (, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.

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Any cranial or facial bone can be affected by FD and theclinical associated features will depend upon the bone orbones affected. Signs and symptoms can include facialpain, headache, cranial asymmetry, facial deformity,tooth displacement, and visual or auditory impairment(figures 1 and 2) [4,8].

The aetiology of FDFD is a genetic non-inherited condition caused by mis-sense mutation in the gene GNAS1 on chromosome 20,that encodes the alpha subunit of the stimulatory G pro-tein-coupled receptor, Gsα. The activating mutationsoccur post-zygotically, replacing the arginine residueamino acid with either a cystein or a histidine amino acid.The mutation selectively inhibits GTPase activity, result-ing in constitutive stimulation of AMP-protein kinase Aintracellular signal transduction pathways [2,6,10-16].

The systemic manifestations of the mutated Gsα protein-coupled receptor complex include autonomous functionin bone through parathyroid hormone receptor; in skinthrough melanocyte-stimulating hormone receptor; inovaries through the follicle-stimulating hormone recep-tor; and in the thyroid and the pituitary gland, throughthe thyroid and growth hormone receptors respectively[3].

FD is a somatic mosaic disorder with a broad spectrum ofphenotypic heterogeneity. The extent of the disease isrelated to the stage at which the post-zygotic mutation inGsα had occurred, whether during embryonic develop-ment or postnatally [13,16].

Polyostotic FD can affect bones derived from mesodermor neural crest, and is associated with pregastrulation

mutation. The same process associated with multiple-organ manifestations of Gsα mutation is referred to asMcCune-Albright syndrome. The mutated pluripotentialcell develops into a mutated clone of cells affecting bonesin the case of FD, and affecting multiple organs togetherwith bones in the case of McCune-Albright syndrome [6].

Monostotic FD and polyostotic FD without either cranio-facial skeletal or extraskeletal organ involvement candevelop from a post-gastrulation mutation; but sincepolyostotic FD nearly always involves craniofacial bones,it is reasonable to assume that the monostotic FD is theonly form of FD that can develop post-gastrulation [6].

Severity and extent of Gsα mutation-associated diseasesare not related to the stage of embryogenesis when themutation occurred, but rather are functions of survival ofmutated cells within the clone during migration, growthand differentiation, and of the ratio of mutated to normalcells at the affected anatomical site [6,13].

The postnatal manifestation of FD is not a reflection of thestage of development when the mutation occurred butindicates the time that the dynamic equilibrium betweenmutated and normal osteogenic cells in the mosaicfibrous dysplastic bone favoured the mutated cells. Possi-ble factors influencing the dominance of mutated overnormal cells include growth factors and hormones [6],and it is probable that there is a 'critical mass' of mutatedcells necessary for the development of FD. The burden ofmutated cells in FD frequently declines with age, owing toimponderable suppressive influences shifting the balanceof transformed to normal cells towards predominance ofnormal cells, resulting in arrest of FD [6].

The cellular portion of the abnormal bone in FD is com-posed of a mosaic of mutated and non-mutated osteo-

Craniofacial fibrous dysplasia showing a diffuse swelling of the right maxillary region causing facial asymmetryFigure 1Craniofacial fibrous dysplasia showing a diffuse swell-ing of the right maxillary region causing facial asym-metry.

Intraoral view of case shown in figure 1Figure 2Intraoral view of case shown in figure 1. Note the dif-fuse expansion of the palate and buccal bony plate of the maxilla.

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genic cells [16]. In fibrous dysplastic bone, the increasedexpression of cAMP by the mutated lesional cells is asso-ciated with abnormal osteoblast differentiation and for-mation of defective bone [17]. Fibrous dysplastic lesionshave characteristic changes in bone matrix organization,in expression of certain non-collagenous proteins of theextracellular matrix, and in mineralization; and themutated cells within the lesion are morphologicallyaltered [15].

The skeletal lesions of FDFocal lesions of FD are somatic mosaics, and the severityand extent of the bony lesions are a function of the ratiobetween the mutated cells and the normal osteoblasts;and of the severity of cytogenic alterations and the subse-quent functional impairment of the mutated cells [3,10].

The cellular component of the bony lesions of FD com-prises mesenchymal cells of osteogenic lineage. There is avariable ratio between normal osteoblasts and mutatedfibroblast-like cells. The mutated cells are poorly differen-tiated, functionally impaired osteoblasts with anincreased proliferation rate [17], and are capable of pro-ducing extracellular matrix and woven bone. However thewoven bone is abnormal in organization and in composi-tion.

The bone matrix in fibrous dysplastic lesions is deficientin osteopontin and in bone sialoprotein (BSP), comparedto normal bone. BSP is a marker of osteoblastic cell differ-entiation and its expression is required for mineralization[2,17]. Indeed, fibrous dysplastic bone lesions demon-strate a deficit in mineralization that can be defined aslocalized osteomalacia. The unmineralized woven bonein long bones at sites where FD develops never maturesinto lamellar bone; and the local 'normal' mineralizedbone adjacent to the lesion shows a relatively low mineralconcentration. However, in persons with FD, the bonesthat are not affected by FD do not have osteomalacicchanges [14,15]. In contrast to FD of long bones, incraniofacial FD the immature woven bone may undergolamellation. These differences between the mineralizationof FD of long bones and of craniofacial membranousbones, may be owing to the fact that these two embryolog-ically distinct types of bone are under different inductiveinfluences during development.

In addition to the osteomalacic changes, fibrous dysplas-tic bone shows increased osteoclastic activity, and markersof bone resorption may be elevated in some affected per-sons [15]. The mutated stromal cells of FD express highlevels of IL-6 owing to the inherited cellular excess ofcAMP. The increased levels of IL-6 stimulate osteoclas-togenesis that contributes to the bone resorption at thesite of FD [10]. Thus the fibrous dysplastic bone is charac-

terized by increased bone resorption and poor mineraliza-tion.

FD and bone lesions caused by hyperparathyroidism aresimilar in nature, and are generated by the intracellulardownstream effect of the activation of the parathyroidhormone (PTH) G protein-coupled receptor of osteogeniccells. While in hyperparathyroidism PTH receptor is overstimulated by excess PTH, in FD the same receptor isinherently active owing to the mutation in the α subunitof the G protein [12]. The end result in both FD- and inhyperparathyroidism-associated bony lesions is anincrease in osteoclastogenesis resulting in bone resorp-tion. However, while hyperparathyroidism-induced bonylesions are characterized by tunnelling bone resorption[15], there is evidence that fibrous dysplastic lesional cellsare more sensitive and responsive to PTH stimulationthan normal osteoblasts, but tunnelling resorption is notevident in persons with FD that do not have parathy-roidism [15].

Radiological features and microscopic features of FDThe radiological features of FD are diverse and aredependent upon the proportion of mineralized bone tofibrous tissue in the lesion [17]. Early FD of craniofacialbones is radiolucent with either ill defined or well definedborders, and may be unilocular or multilocular. As thelesions mature, the bony defects acquire a mixed radiolu-cent/radiopaque appearance, and established FD exhibitsmottled radiopaque patterns often described as resem-bling ground glass, orange peel or fingerprints, with illdefined borders blending into the normal adjacent bone(figure 3) [1,9,18].

Cropped panoramic radiograph of fibrous dysplasia of the left mandibleFigure 3Cropped panoramic radiograph of fibrous dysplasia of the left mandible. Note the diffuse mottled-glass appearance and tooth displacement.

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Microscopically, FD comprises irregular trabeculae ofwoven bone, blending into the surrounding normal bone(figure 4) and lying within a cellular fibrous stroma withosteoblast progenitor cells resembling fibroblasts (figure5) [19]. These trabeculae of woven bone have been fanci-fully said to resemble Chinese script writing [1].

Early craniofacial FD is characterized by minimally miner-alized deposits of woven bone with a continuum progres-sive lamellation of the woven bone trabeculae as FDbecomes more mature (figure 6). This is in contrast to FDlesions in long bones where mature lamellar bone is notfound [15].

Treatment of FDThere is no cure for FD, and the existing guidelines fortreatment are not universally accepted. Spontaneous reso-lution of FD does not occur [17]. Fibrous dysplasticlesions that are not symptomatic, that do not progress andthat do not cause deformities or functional impairmentshould simply be monitored [8]. Surgical intervention isrequired when important structures are in danger of com-pression [9]. However, after surgical reduction of fibrousdysplastic lesions, particularly in younger subjects andwhen the lesions are more immature, is high (50%) [8,9],so a conservative surgical approach will often requiremore than one intervention to control the clinical signsand symptoms [8]. As an alternative treatment, when sur-gery is not indicated, relief of bone pain and reduction ofosteoclastic activity with partial filling of osteolytic lesionscan be achieved with intravenous bisphosphonate ther-apy [3,17,20].

ConclusionFibrous dysplastic lesional cells are committed osteogenicprecursor cells with impaired capacity to differentiate intonormal functioning osteoblasts. The defects in osteoblastdifferentiation are associated with Gsα mutation of bothneural crest and mesoderm-derived osteogenic cells andmay thus affect any part of the osteogenic compartment.

Poorly demarcated line of fusion between FD bone (left of arrow) and residual bone (right of arrow) (H&E stain, ×100)Figure 4Poorly demarcated line of fusion between FD bone (left of arrow) and residual bone (right of arrow) (H&E stain, ×100).

Fibroblast-like osteoblast progenitor cells forming a woven bone deposit in a fibrous matrixFigure 5Fibroblast-like osteoblast progenitor cells forming a woven bone deposit in a fibrous matrix. Note the absence of osteoblastic rimming around the woven bone (H&E stain, ×250).

Polarized light photomicrograph of craniofacial FD showing lamellation of Chinese character-like trabeculae (H&E stain, polarized light, ×150)Figure 6Polarized light photomicrograph of craniofacial FD showing lamellation of Chinese character-like trabec-ulae (H&E stain, polarized light, ×150).

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Competing interestsThe authors declare that they have no competing interests.

Authors' contributionsNHW, RAGK contributed to the literature review. LF, JL,NHW and EJR contributed to the conception of the article.LF, JL, NHW and RAG contributed to the manuscript prep-aration. EJR carried out histological analyses and draftedthe histology section. Each author reviewed the paper forcontent and contributed to the manuscript. All authorsread and approved the final manuscript.

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