Download - Happy ST. PETER CATHEDRAL Father’s Day to all of our ...€¦ · For the Sacraments of Bap sm, Marriage & Anoin ng of the Sick Please call the Parish Office at 226 6548. Prepara

Page 1: Happy ST. PETER CATHEDRAL Father’s Day to all of our ...€¦ · For the Sacraments of Bap sm, Marriage & Anoin ng of the Sick Please call the Parish Office at 226 6548. Prepara


Diocese of marquette

Office fax: (906) 226�8683 | �

Venerable Frederic Baraga

First Bishop of Marquette

Mass Schedule� Sunday 8:00am 10:30am 6:00pm�

� Saturday Vigil Mass 4:00pm �

� 1st Sunday La�n Mass 1:00pm�

Weekdays Mon � Sat 8:00am�

(1st Saturday 10:00am)�

Mon � Fri 5:15pm ��

Reconcilia�on�� Saturday 11:00am & by appt.�

� Sunday 5:30�5:50pm�

� 1st Friday 6:00pm�

311 West Baraga Avenue, Marque+e, MI 49855 | Office hours: M�Th 9am�4pm; F 9am�12pm | (906) 226�6548



Father’s Day to all of our

Fathers &


Page 2: Happy ST. PETER CATHEDRAL Father’s Day to all of our ...€¦ · For the Sacraments of Bap sm, Marriage & Anoin ng of the Sick Please call the Parish Office at 226 6548. Prepara

For the Sacraments of Bap�sm, Marriage & Anoin�ng of the Sick�Please call the Parish Office at 226�6548.�

Prepara�on for the Sacraments of First Reconcilia�on & Eucharist

begins each fall. Please call Jenny Lochner, Faith Forma�on, 226�6548.��

If you are interested in becoming Catholic or would like to learn more

about the Catholic faith, please contact the Parish Office at 226�6548.��

If you would like to join the St. Peter Cathedral parish family, call the

Parish Office at 226�6548 or stop in during office hours to register. Please call if you have a change of address, new �

phone number, or are leaving the area. Thank you!�

MISSION STATEMENT: To encounter Christ through the Eucharist and answer His call to holiness.� �

To carry out our mission, we: ��

� follow in the footsteps of Saint Peter and Ven. Bishop Baraga in our commitment to proclaim the Gospel message of �

Jesus Christ and make disciples of all na#ons through evangeliza#on and Catholic faith forma#on; �

� are commi'ed to prayerful lives and fostering par#cipa#on in Perpetual Eucharis#c Adora#on and other liturgical devo#ons; �

� welcome and serve our community, especially the less fortunate and one another.�

Dear Cathedral & St. Mary Mission Family,

The Conference on Catholic Liberal Arts Education hosted

here last week was very enriching for teachers, parents, and

others who attended! Speakers gave the rationale, vision and

encouragement for ‘classical curriculum’ in the Catholic

schools of our Diocese. As Fr. Marquette Academy keeps

growing in implementing this form of education, thank you to

all of you who are working to give the best to our students!

Great thanks to all of you who have been responding to our

“Faithful Living/Grateful Giving” stewardship appeal! If you

haven’t yet renewed your commitment, please do so by

mailing in your commitment card or dropping it in the

collection at Masses. Your support means so much to our

Cathedral parish, enabling all the ministries here to grow.

Every little bit counts in what you are able to contribute for the

good of all!

This weekend we welcome the “Totus Tuus” Mission Week

team to our area. They will be offering sessions for children

and youth from this Sunday, June 17th to Friday, June 22nd.

The Mission will be held at St. Michael Parish – call Jenny

Lochner at our Office if you have questions.

This week also, Fr. Aaron and I will be at Marygrove Retreat

Center in Garden on Tuesday through Thursday for the “Good

Leaders/Good Shepherds” program for priests of our Diocese.

Thanks to Fr. Dan Moll for offering morning Masses on

Wednesday and Thursday here so we could attend.

Notice the bulletin insert on our next “Witness to Hope”

dinner event on June 27th at 6:30 p.m. You’ll be able to hear

the inspiring witness of Michael & Heidi Czerkes, who joined

our parish last year. Please sign upon the Bulletin Board. God


In the Hearts of Jesus and Mary,

Rev. Msgr. Michael Steber


Jesus said to the crowds:

“This is how it is with the kingdom of God;

it is as if a man were to scatter seed on the land and would

sleep and rise night and day and through it all the seed

would sprout and grow, he knows not how.

Of its own accord the land yields fruit,

first the blade, then the ear, then the full grain in the ear.

And when the grain is ripe, he wields the sickle at once,

for the harvest has come.”

He said,

“To what shall we compare the kingdom of God, or what

parable can we use for it? It is like a mustard seed that,

when it is sown in the ground, is the smallest of all the seeds

on the earth. But once it is sown, it springs up and becomes

the largest of plants and puts forth large branches,

so that the birds of the sky can dwell in its shade.”

With many such parables he spoke the word to them as they

were able to understand it.

Without parables he did not speak to them,

but to his own disciples he explained everything in private.

— the Sunday Gospel, Mark 4: 26-34

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ST. PETER CATHEDRAL� � � � � PAGE 3� � ___________ JUNE 17, 2018�

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Thank you to all parishioners who have completed and submi�ed your Commitment Card to the church. As a reminder, all commitments need to be submi�ed to the church no later than July 1 in order to be accounted for in the final Summary Report. Please complete and submit your card to the church even if you are unable to

make a change to your current level of giving. For those registered parishioners not currently support the church with regular offertory gi&s, please consider a monthly gi& to support the needs of our parish. Thank you.�

3rd Annual Diocesan Youth Choir Camp

August 6—10, 2018 9am to 5pm

Singers, ages 10-18 $30 per family for the week �

Come to a summer choir camp full of friends, fun and whole lot of everyone’s favorite: MUSIC! This year we will explore music from composers with .es to Michigan. Campers will receive musical instruc.on and an opportunity to learn to play musical instruments (including handbells!), conduct, improvise and compose. There will be outdoor, “Grill the Presenter” sessions, games, and much more! The public is invited �to the daily sung Evening Prayer at 4:30pm and the final concert on Friday, August 10 at 4:30pm. You do not need to be from the Diocese of Marque�e to register. Financial assistance and housing available. For more informa.on, please contact Samuel Holmberg: 227�9122 or sholmberg@dioceseofmarque��Under the direc�on of Samuel Holmberg & the Music & Arts Staff�

Take advantage of your FREE subscrip�on to FORMED.� Go to and Click on Register.� Create your account by entering your email address.�


“ [Religious] freedom remains one of

America's most precious possessions.

And, as my brothers, the United States

Bishops, have reminded us, all are

called to be vigilant, precisely as good

citizens, to preserve and defend that

freedom from everything that would

threaten or compromise it.”

- Pope Francis

Please pray for our religious freedom.

Find prayers at the United States

Conference of Catholic Bishops,

�������� �����


The Solemnity of Saints Peter

and Paul is moved to the weekend of June 30/July 1. This is the Patron Feast Day �for our parish.�

`táá ã|ÄÄ ÇÉà ux {xÄw at 5:15pm, Wed�Thurs, Jun 20�21 � due to the Good Shepherd Priest ��

Conference. Please pray for our� priests who are a�ending this event.


The Care Clinic Life Walk for 2018 was successfully held on Saturday, June 2. Many thanks to the members of St. Peter Cathedral for your support. Because of your support, we were able to raise $31,244 toward our goal of $35,000. Life Walk dona.ons are s.ll being accepted, and checks may be mailed to 1213 N. Third Street, with

Life Walk in the memo area. The Care Clinic is able to con.nue its work because of the generosity and support from people such as those at St. Peter Cathedral. Thak you again so very much for your support.�

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Scripture Readings & Mass Inten�ons �


Monday, June 18�1 Kgs 21:1�16/Ps 5:2�3ab, 4b�6a, 6b�7 [2b]/Mt 5:38�42� 8:00 am Jimmy St. Cyr�

5:15 pm� Dora Hue�er�

Tuesday, June 19 �1 Kgs 21:17�29/Ps 51:3�4, 5�6ab, 11 and 16 [3a]/Mt 5:43�48� 8:00 am� Msgr. Henry A. Buchholtz� ��

Wednesday, June 20 �2 Kgs 2:1, 6�14/Ps 31:20, 21, 24 [25]/Mt 6:1�6, 16�18�

8:00 am �Cal Zorza� ��

Thursday, June 21�

Sir 48:1�14/Ps 97:1�2, 3�4, 5�6, 7 [12a]/Mt 6:7�15� 8:00 am� Souls in Purgatory� ��

Friday, June 22�

2 Kgs 11:1�4, 9�18, 20/Ps 132:11, 12, 13�14, 17�18 [13]/�

Mt 6:19�23�

8:00 am � Elwin Bell�

5:15 pm� Eugene Bianchi�

Saturday, June 23�2 Chr 24:17�25/Ps 89:4�5, 29�30, 31�32, 33�34 [29a]/�

Mt 6:24�34�

8:00 am �Bernadine Bushey�

4:00 pm� Delores & Jack Zinzki families��

Sunday, June 24�Is 49:1�6/Ps 139:1�3, 13�14, 14�15 [14a]/Acts 13:22�26/Lk

1:57�66, 80 �

8:00 am� Elwin Bell�

10:30 am Parish Family of St. Peter Cathedral & St. Mary

� � Mission�

6:00 pm� Joseph, Frances, & Martha Klander�

������������ ������������� ������������� ������������� ��

Eucharistic Adoration

You are invited

to spend some quiet time in our

Blessed Sacrament Chapel.

Please pray for those who are hospitalized and those sick at home: Shannon Doran, Jonah Hurley, Cheryl Paquette, Caleb Morrison, Shirley Burgess, Martha Murray, Ben Lansing, Madeleine Alderson, Calvin Prout, Ken LaCross, Carol Shook, Elizabeth Purcell, Daniel LaChance, Erminio Yurman, Opal Spitza, Mary Novak, Maria Sossi, Ralph Voet, Robert Shimanek, Lynn Nelson, Kaden Kedzierzawski, Marybeth Bell, Skylar Thompson, Kurt Kedzierzawski, Charlene Mullen, Steve Somers, Mark Roby, Lucia Soderberg, Andrew Skirka, JoAnn Trubiano, Patty Ellison, Erik Salminen, Susan Vandresse, Marsha Johnson, Edith Frye, Sister Jeanne Rene, Pat Ruecker, Mick & Debbie Case, Gabriella Gingras, Robert Przykucki, Carol Carlson, Judith Wentarmini, Avelyn Moore, Jessica & Chris Dieter, Daren Hillier, Tiny Anderson, Kelly Molino, K. Dale Anderson, Gloria Belmore, Skarlett Swartz, Ryan Thomas, Peyton Thomas, Elaine Wasilewski, Charlotte & John Wapienik, Joyce Reider & John Reider, Aaron Pap, Rose White, Lily Grace McCotter, Gunnar John Zemski, Dcn. Robert LaCosse, Bernice Anderson, Rose & Michelle Hosey, Mary Wilson, Janet LaCosse, Jerold Anderson, Sean Johnson.

Please remember our parishioners who are residents in nursing facilities and the Jacobetti Veterans Home. Please also pray for our relatives, friends and neighbors actively deployed in the Military.

Catholic Radio WNOA airs the St. Peter Cathedral

10:30am Sunday Mass live each week at 103.9 FM.�

Sunday Masses, June 23-24�

Vigil Mass, Saturday, June 23 4:00 pm�

Servers: Danielle Adams�

Eucharist: George Tomasi, Gretchen Be�s, Kathy Morse,

Myrna Meneses�

Lectors: Gretchen Be�s, Susan Hechtman�Hospitality: Lore Ann Parent, David Vallar, Phil Muck,

Jane Ladeck��

Sunday, June 24 8:00 am �

Servers: Ron Provost�

Eucharist: Francine Sanderson, John Archambeault�

Lectors: Jacy Williams�

Hospitality: Kevin & Mary Dowling, Patrick Dowling, Sco�


Sunday, June 24 10:30 am �

Servers: Andrew King, Ben & Clayton Edwards�

Eucharist: Barbara Hein, Denise Foye, John & Phyllis

Trudeau, Lucy Dewi�, Pa? Brennan�

Lectors: Andrew Wasilewski, Patrick Brennan�

Hospitality: John & Jan Keto, Jim Alderson, Mike Paluda ��

Sunday, June 24 6:00 pm�

Servers: Ray & Rianna Modell�

Eucharist: OPEN�

Lector: Russ Modell�

Hospitality: Heather Modell & Russ Modell, Jr., Mary

Grace Olson�

��������������� ���

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ST. PETER CATHEDRAL� � � � � PAGE 5� � � JUNE 17, 2018�



� � �

Monday, June 18�� 1:30 pm� Shawl Ministry, John Paul II Room�

� 7:00 pm� Pastoral Council, Bishop’s Room�


Tuesday, June 19�� 6:00 pm� Bible Study, St. Therese Room�

� 7:00 pm� Hearts of Mercy Prayer Group, Media Room�

� 7:00 pm� St. Vincent de Paul, FrassaC Room�


Saturday, June 23�� 8:45 am� Men’s Ministry, Media Room�

���� ���� � ����

Along to the wilderness came his sister, �

Antonia, and a man, Andrew Cecirek, �

who offered to act as his servant, both �

le& within a year presumably because �

Fr. Baraga lived so meagerly and poorly.�

Apostle of the Chippewas�

� � Notes from � � � � VENERABLE FREDERIC BARAGA�

First Bishop of Marque e�


�������������� !" �#

Sunday Envelopes……………….....................................$8,040�


Holy Days.........................................................................$0�

Special Collection.........................................................$566�

Total Income …………..................................................$9,954���

Collections received are for the operations and �

programs of the parish. Thank you for your support.���

Collections for June 10, 2018…..................................$9,388�

Weekly parish budget.…..………......................………..$14,615�

Percent under budget for the week.…….........................35%�


Total RECEIPTS to date........................……………..…$797,908�

YTD Transfers from Savings…….……… ………..………...$66,216�

Total Income including transfers…..…………………...$864,124��

EXPENSES YEAR TO DATE.......................................$825,194�

RECEIPTS OVER EXPENSES (with transfers)...................4%�

����� ������$�������$�������

Do you want peace in your family? Jesus made a promise to those who would have a devoCon to his Sacred Heart to help with just that! Call Deacon Louie Londo, 906�458�4868 for more informaCon or for your free home enthronement and family consecraCon.

Buy SCRIP to support our parish & school after the weekend Masses in the Gathering Area.


A person to serve as Assistant Liaison for St. Peter Cathedral

to the Care Clinic in Marque�e is needed. Primary effort and

involvement would be in early January to guide efforts for

the Baby Bo�le Boomerang, early in May to guide efforts for

the annual Life Walk in the Lower Harbor and for the annual

fund raiser dinner in October. The candidate must be very

strong Pro�Life, a very strong supporter of the Care clinic

here in Marque�e, and very fluent in current Social Media

communicaCon. If interested please contact John Hyde at

360�9954 or email: [email protected]


Diocesan Council of Marque�e is seeking to hire a Part�Cme Bookkeeping Assistant at their St. Vincent de Paul Diocesan Office.�• 10�20 Hours per week with limited benefits.�• Must be experienced in Quick Books, Excel, and payroll.�• Seeking talented individuals who are self�starters with

strong a�enCon to detail and professional organizaCon skills.�

• Bachelor’s degree preferred.�• 3 + years of accounCng experience preferred.�

Special Dates

Tuesday, June 19 St. Romuald

Thursday, June 21

St. Aloysius Gonzaga

Friday, June 22

St. Paulinus of Nola

Sts. John Fisher & Thomas More, Martyrs

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Mass Schedule Sunday - 10:30 a.m. Sacrament of Reconciliation Before Mass or by appointment

Clergy Msgr. Michael Steber, Pastor Rectory (St. Peter’s) ................................................... 226-6548 Earl & Nancy Bevins, Pastoral Associates ............ 345-9606 Sheila Leahy, Faith Formation .................................. 345-9845 Joan Horton, Sacristan .............................................. 345-9974 Doug Miller, Music & Liturgy .................................. 345-9372 Sheila Leahy, Secretary ………………………………………….. 345-9845 Lynn Roovers, Bookkeeper ....................................... 458-5287 Sarah Pelto, Pastoral Council President ................. 345-9576 Mary Van Drese, President, Ladies’ Guild………..…..345-9202

MISSION STATEMENT: As a EucharisCc community, we

are on a mission to serve our God by serving each other and

the world around us while we proclaim and live the Gospel. �

If you would like to join the parish family of�

St. Mary Church, please call Sheila at 345�9845

to register, or Msgr. Steber at 226�6548.��

Please call if you have a change of address, new phone � number, or are leaving the area. Thank you!�

Mass Intentions � ��

June 17 Helen Hultgren & 40th Anniversary of �

� � Vital & Mary VanDrese�

June 24� Becky Treado by Jill Bevins�

July 1 TBA�

In the Gospel, Jesus says: “This is how it is with the reign of God. A man sca�ers seed on the ground. He goes to bed and gets up day a&er day. Through it all the seed sprouts and grows without

his knowing how it happens.”�

Through your almsgiving you are sowing seeds that

grow far greater than you know, sharing Christ’s love

and compassion with the poor.�

Please call Judi Daley at 250�8702 for more informa$on

on joining us. �


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The Tabernacle Light Is Burning This Week

For all Fathers

Father’s Day, answering the call, and the Privilege of Faithfulness

Everyone who’s been or is a dad remembers catching our son or

daughter as they jumped into the pool, or soothing a crying baby,

or helping (usually an impatient son) get his shirt over his head,

or answering the muffled “daddy?” from our daughter who has

awakened because of a bad dream.

Before you know it you are dancing with your daughter at her

wedding and watching an ultrasound of your daughter’s or

daughter-in-law’s baby. And, truth be told, it does seem as if 20

or 25 years of fatherhood has flown by in one minute and one


Everyone likes to be flattered, but dads don’t need to be cele-

brated for doing what we ought to be doing in the first place.

Rather we should give thanks that God has placed these children

in our lives. We should be grateful beyond words to be able to

add to the typically far more important contribution of their

mother in raising our kids to be good men and good women.

And should we have terribly failed their mothers—consenting to,

if not actively encouraging them to abort—we can only contritely

ask for forgiveness for having not answered the call.

—Dave Andrusko, NRL News Today, June 1

May God bless all of our fathers and grandfathers this Father’s Day weekend. Thank you for all that you do!

������������ ��������������������


Masses will begin soon. If you are able to help out,

please contact Sheila at 345�9845. Thanks.�

Collection for 5/27/18:

Envelopes: $214.00 Food Pantry: $20.00 Loose: $278.00

Collection for 6/3/18:

Envelopes: $869.00 Loose: $71.32

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Page 8: Happy ST. PETER CATHEDRAL Father’s Day to all of our ...€¦ · For the Sacraments of Bap sm, Marriage & Anoin ng of the Sick Please call the Parish Office at 226 6548. Prepara