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Page 1: Happy New Year!

Happy New Year!

Page 2: Happy New Year!

Şi dacă colindătorii au ajuns cu întârziere

cu colindul lor de om bun, fie ca Sorcova, Noul An 2011, să vă aducă multă, multă sănătate, împlinirea dorinţelor, pace în suflet şi în familie.

If the carolers arrived late with their carol for good people, may the New Year 2011 bring you the best of health, the fulfillment of all your wishes and peace in your souls and families.

La mulţi ani! Happy New Year!

Page 3: Happy New Year!

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Page 4: Happy New Year!

Sorcova vesela,Sa traiti, sa-mbatriniti,Ca un mar, ca un par,Ca un fir de trandafir,Tare ca piatra,Iute ca sageata,Tare ca fierul,Iute ca otelul,Pricuri, pricuri revarsate,Nici cocosii n-au cintat,Nici noi n-am intarziat.Cite cuie sint pe casa,Atitia galbeni pe masa,Cite frunze de stejar,Atiti bani in buzunar.

Page 5: Happy New Year!

Happy wishes for you

To live and grow old

Like the apple tree and the pear tree,

Like a rose,

Strong as the stone,

Fast as the arrow,

Drops and drops fallen

The cocks have not sung yet

And we are not late yet.

May you have as much money on your table

As many nails are in the house

May you have as much money in your pocket

As many leaves there are on the oak trees!

(N.B.It’s a Romanian wish for health and wealth for the New year)

Page 6: Happy New Year!

Fie ca lumina acestei lumânări să vă lumineze drumul vieţii.

May the light of this candle enlighten your life path!

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