Download - Hannah Smith - Co-Director Application

  • 8/7/2019 Hannah Smith - Co-Director Application


    A 300 word response to Why do I want to be a Co-Director?

    Having witnessed and played a part in the birth, development, trials, tribulations and

    incredible successes of the UKYCC over the past three years, I would have found it

    very hard to resist applying for the position of Co-Director.

    I endeavour every day to understand the complexities of this bright and beguiling

    movement of young people, all with different skills, passions and hopes for climate

    campaigning, all of which deserve an outlet on an equal platform, and I want to take

    on the mammoth task of facilitating the multitude of different platforms that UKYCC

    has already created: from the UN and DECC, to peer-led training and personal

    campaigning at the grassroots.

    I feel that having been involved as a team member, volunteer and coordinator in the

    Outreach, Power Shift and International Engagement Teams has given me a great deal

    of experience and importantly investment in our movement, equipping me with

    the pastoral, communication, management and fun skills that I believe may come inuseful...

    As the COP16 Delegation Coordinator I was able to experience what it is to manage a

    smaller-scale team on a very intensive and intimate basis through some of the most

    stressful and emotional experiences of our lives, and I want to now use this

    experience and build on it by taking on a much larger, more diverse and equally

    inspiring team.

    2011 is set to be possibly the busiest and most exciting year yet for UKYCC, and I

    would really like to see everyone old and new come together. I hope to be part of

    the continuing effort to help shape UKYCC into one of the most exciting and

    inspiring outlets for young people to engage with the decisions that will shape our

    future, and I feel I have the strength, ability and spirit to take this on with all I have.

  • 8/7/2019 Hannah Smith - Co-Director Application


    A 300 word response to Whats my vision for UKYCC?

    In many ways I would be very fortunate this year were I to be elected as Co-Director

    as much of the legwork has already been established in envisaging the project

    direction for 2011, so I would throw everything in to supporting these projects and

    their teams I am not afraid to roll up my sleeves and get stuck in!

    I feel reassured that UKYCC is at a really healthy and stable point in it's development,

    and that following the creative vision of Emma and Casper, combined with the

    sustaining actions worked so hard for by Alex and Ellie, UKYCC will be able to look

    outwards in 2011 and really get down to action, without having to worry about the

    internal mechanisms and support systems that have been so effectively put in to place.

    I want to see UKYCC supporting a wider diversity of young people in the UK and

    Europe, and I would endeavour to strengthen the way we support the newer members

    of the team from those farther flung reaches so that as we continue to grow, we

    remain the intimate, friendly and supportive team that we have always been so goodfor.

    I would endeavour to continue building on our newly-formed European friendships

    through plans for Power Shift 2011 and beyond, as I feel that strength in numbers will

    help to raise our collective youth voice on both national and international political


    Finally, with regards to the Coalition I would hope to work with our Coalition

    Coordinator at improving UKYCC's capacity as a resource network to share

    information, training and skills across our partners not just on a one-to-one basis,

    but across the board, so that there could be more cross-communication between

    partners. Much great work is already happening in this regard, and we can only get


  • 8/7/2019 Hannah Smith - Co-Director Application


    One reference from someone who has worked closely with you in aprofessional or voluntary capacity. This should be no more that 500words.

    Handing over a project at UKYCC is not an easy thing to do. So when in January2010 I stepped down from being a youth delegation coordinator it was with

    apprehension as to who would lead our UN efforts over the next year. I am thankful

    and so grateful to be able to say that Hannah achieved more than we, with our 3

    coordinators, ever did in her year in the role. Picking up the mantle post Copenhagen

    was no easy task and Hannah approached it as she does every project with enthusiasm

    and gusto. Her project management skills were unfaultable as was her support of her

    team. As the first delegation coordinator to deal with the logistics of flying to a

    meeting and of issues of accessibility she never even let a chink in the armor of cool

    calm and collectedness with which she ran the project (and I should know I sat across

    a desk/living room from her for most of the year). Sitting across that desk I also saw

    Hannah deal with high pressure situations in her work role and respond to them withflair and dignity. In this time she proved her self more than capable of dealing with

    intense and complicated work dynamics and situations without batting an eyelid.

    Since her first task on taking over the UN role was the paperwork that goes with

    becoming unfccc accredited I can only assume her admin skills are pretty top notch

    too. Her commitment to her team was unfaultable as was the personal support she

    gave them both in the run up and during COP16. She is passionate and engaged with

    the wider ukycc and always thoughtful and considered in her responses to difficult

    situations. From what I know of Hannah I can only assume she will bring all this and

    so much more to the co-director role should she be elected. She has the ability to

    support all members of a team while still driving projects forward and her enthusiasm

    and commitment mean that even in difficult times she brings people together, perhaps

    the greatest task and challenge of a co-director. Over the last year Hannah not only

    earned my respect for her role but also my trust and if Hannah was to become co-

    director I would be more than happy in the knowledge that ukycc would be in very

    good hands.

    Anna Collins 11/01/11