Download - Hani Mansour Al-Mazeedi - · Hani Mansour Al-Mazeedi B.Sc. Food Manufacturing (USA), M.phil./P.hD. Immunochemistry (London, UK) ... watched closely Halal slaughtering

Page 1: Hani Mansour Al-Mazeedi - · Hani Mansour Al-Mazeedi B.Sc. Food Manufacturing (USA), M.phil./P.hD. Immunochemistry (London, UK) ... watched closely Halal slaughtering

Hani Mansour Al-Mazeedi


Hani Mansour Al-Mazeedi

B . S c . F o o d M a n u f a c t u r i n g ( U S A ) , M . p h i l . / P . h D . I m m u n o c h e m i s t r y ( L o n d o n , U K )

Kuwait Institute for Scientific Research, P.O.Box, 13109, Kuwait [email protected], @azkahalal, Mobile +96597498500, Profile

• + 30 years of continuous works in the area of Food Safety, Food Quality Systems, and Halal Requirements Services. He has a field and a scientific experience in these three areas.

• The systems that has taken most my interests in the field of Halal Requirements Services is the establishment of Halal system in a number of countries like Brazil, and Kuwait. In addition, he has field and scientific experience in the internationally recognized food safety that is Hazard Analysis & Critical Control Points (HACCP) and its related systems such as Good Health Practices (GHP), and Prerequisite programs.

• He has presented few Intensive training courses for a number of food establishments in Kuwait, Saudi Arabia, and in academic universities in the Arab world.

• He gave few scientific presentations on Halal topics worldwide in international conferences to name but few in: South Africa 2008, Kuwait 2011, Malaysia 2011, Saudi Arabia 2012, France 2012 and Turkey 2012.

• He has traveled, for the past 32 years, to famous food industries and slaughterhouses in the world and have watched closely Halal slaughtering services and the latest food processing techniques in countries such as Australia, New Zealand, USA, France, Belgium, Holland, Turkey, Italy, Malaysia, Brazil Saudi Arabia, Syria and in addition to Kuwait.

• He has published few books in Arabic, the first of which was in 1998 entitled “Concepts on Food Hygiene”, the second was in 2002 entitled “Practical Guide to Food Safety” and the third is about to be published and it will be in 2013 entitled “My Food”. All of these books have a chapter on Halal control, Halal system, and the Halal industry.

• He has a book of four parts entitled “Index of Official papers related to Food and Slaughter according to Islamic Rites, for the period of 1979-2012”, the state of Kuwait give it free for interested organizations.

• He has participated in local and regional meetings and in many official visits in the area of Halal services, Food quality and its safety.

• He was part of an official visit to McDonalds at the Hamburger University at Chicago, Ill, USA, were he has introduced McHalal System for McDonalds international.

• He was one of the winners of the Halal Journal Award, of Malaysia, in 2009.

• He initiated and executed the first Halal conference and workshops in Middle east region, in Kuwait, in 2011, 2012, and 2013.

• He has been appointed as a visiting scientist at Institute of Halal Research and Management, IHRAM in the Islamic Science University of Malaysia, USIM.

• He has been selected as a member of board to the International Islamic Halal Authority of Muslim World League in Saudi Arabia.

• His original work was with Kuwait Municipality as the general controller of food import.

• He is currently working as an Associate Research Scientist at Kuwait Institute for Scientific Research. Mobile: + (965) 97498500

• He has an active twitter in Arabic @azkahalal and a website