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Hack for Good (and Profit)Using Cloud Foundry for HackathonsPresenters: Cornelia Davis, Pivotal and Catherine Spence, Intel IT

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Objectives & Agenda

Objectives:• Share our experience of using Cloud Foundry in numerous hackathons• Discuss why and how you can deliver your own hackathon

Agenda:• Overview• Intel, Pivotal and other Hackathon Examples• Cloud Foundry is Ideally Suited for Hackathons • Cloud-Aware Apps• Hackathon Best Practices• Key Messages

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Premise: An event where developers meet for collaborative computer programming

• The spirit is to collaboratively build applications around a specified theme

• Make fast progress on applications that can really be used

• Offer an environment for learning & practicing new skills

• Fun contest where many people come together to hack, with ample opportunity for creativity and innovation

• Friendly competition during set timeframe at a specific venue, with judging & prizes

• Enough room in problem statement for unexpected contributions

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Intel Code-For-Good HackathonsCreate & extend computing to connect & enrich lives of everyone on Earth

Creating software-based solutions to a social problem Event for developers, designers, students, and subject matter experts

One or two day hackathons:• Intel Developer Forum Cloud Hackathon

• Georgia Tech Hackathon

Results Combine technology with social agenda - delight New skills – has translated into paid work experience Apps & prototypes to advance the computing


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Intel Cloud-Aware Code-a-thonsEnterprise training event

Code cloud-aware apps and land them in Intel’s cloud

Developers compete for prizes

One day session format:• Overview Presentation on cloud-aware

• Roaming “road side assistance”

• Apps graded on how cool, useful and cloud-aware

• Lunch & snacks provided

Results Held 8 codeathons globally, training over

100 developers, delivering over 60 apps Created key learning & demand for PaaS

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Other Enterprise Cloud Foundry Hack-day Examples

Goals: Morale, Creativity, Inspiration Global – all CF staff across locations Projects explicitly distinct from mainline


One day session format:• All “regular work” ceased

• Group and individual work

• Cloud Foundry as the theme – open beyond that

• Lightning talks at end of dayResults

Held 2 hack days, delivering more than 100 demonstrations

Cross team knowledge sharing Resultant pull requests

Goals: Get Work Done Projects explicitly drawn from overtaxed

backlogs Help determine platform requirements Education

CFP and Project Acceptance:• Cloud Foundry as one track

• Custom Services

• BOSH releases

Results Jump started Cloud Foundry platform

customizations Generated interest in corporate


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MoPaaS – PaaS Service Provider ChinaPublic Event

Goals: Promote PaaS awareness and afford learning opportunity

Co sponsored by MoPaaS, OSChina and Pivotal with support from other partners

Format:• 6 week period

• Applications deployed to MoPaaS

• MoPaaS technical support available to participants

• Public judging for semi-finalists

• Semi-finalist entries (100) judged by experts

• Prizes awarded

Services “Standard” services – relational and NoSQL DB,

Rabbit MQ Object Storage, face recognition, voice recognition and OCR

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MoPaaS CompetitionResults

Over 300 apps under active development More than 2000 developers Five winning submissions

Survey:• Demographics

• Technology Preferences

• 92% of respondents said they would continue using MoPaaS after the competition

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Cloud Foundry is Ideally Suited for Hackathons (and beyond)

• Auto-detect runtimes• Extensibility via

Buildpacks• “Push and it works”

model• CF Push [Appfile]• CF Push [Docker]• CF Push [.NET]


• Elastic Pivotal HD• HAWQ Analytics• Mobile Push• Mobile Sync• Mobile API


• Redis • Rabbit MQ• Elastic Search• Cassandra• Jenkins (Partner)


• Instant Dynamic Routing• Streaming Logging Agg• ID/team/RBAC/Policy• Four layers of built-in Availability and Health Management

• Application Performance Monitoring (APM)

• Auto-scaling, Scheduling



….and more


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Cloud-Aware Apps

Create business value by taking full advantage of cloud

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Best Practices: Organizing the Event• Decide time: A typical hackathon is one or two days. Staying

overnight is an option if your participants are up for it.

• Find a place: at a business, school facility, or other venue

• Think through parking, access to bathrooms, ease of getting in and out (especially for overnight hackathons), trash disposal, etc.

• Comfortable places to sit and work are a must.

• Provide the four basic ingredients: Food, Power, Internet, and Caffeine (not necessarily in that order).

• Remove barriers to participation - make it possible for as many of your target audience to participate as possible

• Publish the rules and grading criteria in advance

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Best Practices: Cloud Foundry Availability• What will your target cloud be?

• Public offerings from

• On-prem deployment

• Personal deployment – bosh-lite

• Ensure sufficient capacity

• Pre-allocate accounts? Self-service is preferred

• Have PaaS administrators on hand for things such as quota changes

• Prerequisites?

• Installation of CLI

• Participate in training

• …

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Best Practices: Running the Event• Make it fun, casual time where participants can set aside the "day to

day" and focus on building something cool

• Kick off with a "download" - an introduction to the topic & ground rules

• Help teams form organically, around common skillsets, interests, and needs. Don't be too rigid about team structure.

• Consider periodic read-outs to ensure forward progress.

• When facilitating a hackathon, your role is to answer questions and solve problems.

• Include a "show and tell" at the end of the event, where each team shows what they accomplished.

• Encourage teams to think beyond the end of the hackathon for their projects

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Key Messages

• Hackathons are popular with developers and a great venue for innovating

• There are many examples of successful hackathons in Cloud Foundry community

• Cloud Foundry is a perfect fit for hackathons in that developers focus on their apps instead of infrastructure details

• Take advantage of best practices to run your own hackathon

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Intel Confidential — Do Not Forward

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Legal Notices

This presentation is for informational purposes only. INTEL MAKES NO WARRANTIES, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, IN THIS SUMMARY.

Intel and the Intel logo are trademarks of Intel Corporation in the U.S. and/or other countries.

* Other names and brands may be claimed as the property of others.

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Intel Codeathon Rubric

Category Criteria Distinguished (4) Proficient (3) Good (2) Beginning (1)Cool & Useful (28/100 points)

Novel & Fun idea / techniques that can be used at Intel

Addresses a critical Intel strategy with modern approach; major WOW

Addresses a known area with a modern approach; Built with fun throughout

Addresses a critical Intel Strategy with conventional approach; hints at a sense of humor

Addresses a known mature area using conventional approach; Pratical but boring

Functionally complete

Done coding, is hosted in PaaS and it runs properly, Source code uploaded to GitHub

Done coding, is hosted in PaaS and it runs properly but with many missing features

Still in the process of coding but has been uploaded to PaaS for testing

In the process of coding but not uploaded to PaaS

Cloud Aware (64/100 points)

Web Services Exposes and consumes web services Exposes web services Consumes web servicesDoes not expose or consume web services

StatelessUse MySQL as part of PaaS to store state data

State data is written to a database outside of PaaS There is no state data to be maintained State is maintained in memory

Scale outDemonstate that performance improves as the # instances are scaled

Demonstrate a common data store for multiple app instances

Demonstate that the app can scale beyond 2 instances App does not scale

Secure Input validation Least privilege Basic access control Authentication/encryption

Provisioned services Bind to 3 service Bind to 2 services Bind to one serviceDoes not bind to a PaaS Service (MySQL, Redis, RabbitMQ)

Extra Credit (8/100 points)

UI - user-friendly interface, clear graphics UI supports multiple devices (PC, SFF, etc) Solid, easy to use UI Emerging UI Very basic UI

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Sharing Intel IT Best Practices With the World

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