Download - H-LSAMP SCHOLARS PROGRAM SENIOR MEMORY BOOK ice cream container is one serving no matter the size of the container. ...





  • Claire Barbosa Major: Industrial Engineering Minor: Applied Mathematics

    Future Plans: I plan to get some

    work experience before applying

    to graduate school. My career

    aspirations involve owning my

    own business or becoming a CEO

    of a company.


    H-LSAMP Scholar College of Science and Engineering

    SPARK Scholar College of Science and Engineering

    Processing Engineering HEB Summer Internship

    Strategic Planner

    Tokyo Electron Internship


    “There’s no such thing as being

    overdressed or overeducated.”

    Take advantage of learning

    something new; education is

    power and it can take you


    Believe in yourself because no

    one else is going to do it for you.

  • David Peter Dzubay

    H-LSAMP Scholar Extraordinaire

    B.S in Industrial Engineering

    Minor Applied Mathematics

    Texas State Chapter of the

    Institute of Industrial

    Engineering Treasurer

    National Member

    Undergraduate Research in

    Healthcare Scheduling

  • Find balances in life, work hard and find your

    joy in life.


    – Ron Swanson

    Don’t be afraid to be the nerd in the room. The

    last thing you want is to finish up your degree

    realizing you have no competitive edge over

    your classmates. Be strong in who you are and

    don’t let peer pressure waiver your ambition.

    -David Dzubay

  • Christina Heinich

    Major: Computer ScienceMinor: Applied Math

    Research:Graph Traversal and Parsing  with Dr. Apan Qasem

    Future:NASA Software Engineer

    More Future:Graduate School Computer ScienceKeep NASA badge long enough to see SLS rocket launch in 2018 

  • ADVICE FOR ADD/ADHD PEOPLE(Because others are gonna cover general pretty 

    well probably.)

    ● Make todo lists and put them where you're going to see them. Reduce the amount of time required to find the info so you reduce the chance of getting distracted while looking. I recommend on your door or notebook.

    ● Don't be afraid to ask professors to repeat stuff when you space out. Just be polite. Alternatively, go to office hours instead.

    ● Take notes. It helps stave off space outs.

    ● Medication it totally fine; go to your doctor so you can get the proper dose. Please don't take too much and feel awful!

    ● Sometimes getting up and to walk off the jitters is all you need to concentrate.


    ● Eating regularly does wonders for your brain.

    ● Every ice cream container is one serving no matter the size of the container.

    ● Compliment people. If it's truthful, it makes them happy. Don't worry about looking weird.

    ● Always work to become the best you.

  • “A limit of what you will do,

    puts a limit on what you can do”

    Anthony Ledet Major: Chemistry & Microbiology

    Minor: Physics, Honors Studies

    Graduate of the Honors College

    Hometown: Houston, Texas

    H-LSAMP Scholar


    - 3 years of Undergraduate Research Experience

    doing Synthetic Organometallic Chemistry

    - One year of Undergraduate Research Experience

    doing Plant/Cell Immunology

    - I took on the opportunity over the summer at

    RPI to do Biomedical Engineering studies on

    cancer cells

    - One Summer of Undergraduate Research

    Experience in a Physics Lab doing OLED


  • Take your dreams and hold on to them tenaciously and soon you will see

    that through hard work, they will become a reality. In college, you will

    be faced with adversity, triumphs, victories and pit-falls. Yet, the

    approach that you take in the situation will foreshadow your outcome. As

    times get tough, elusive thoughts will arise that will try to derail you

    from achieving what you have dreamed of accomplishing. But you will

    know better than to succumb to such a thought, right? You will adhere

    to the little voices in your head that tell you to persist and carry on, as

    times such as these are not permanent. This thing called life is not easy,

    and often times we will experience defeat or failure. But in experiencing

    defeat or failure, it does not make you a failure. If we don’t produce the

    proper results then that’s all, but never confuse who you are for the

    results that you have produced. Always do what you can, with what you

    have, and NEVER be satisfied. There will always be times where life

    challenges your dream, but if you just hold on, the universe will be on

    your side. You must act on your dreams and act on your fears because

    life is too short. So begin to manifest your destiny and begin to live life

    on your terms. LIVE YOUR DREAM.

    Words of Inspiration

  • Kingsley Ike BS in Industrial Engineering

    December 2016

    Minor in Applied Mathematics

    Future Plans

    I plan to be working in industry starting in January.

    I believe I will be working as an engineer at Samsung Semiconductor in Austin.


    Don’t forget what you came to college for!

    Put yourself in a position to succeed; don’t procrastinate and remove the distractions.

    College isn’t just about learning in the classroom; it’s also about learning who you are as a person; discover yourself.

    Try to get as much experience in your field of study as you can - for example, research and internships.

    It’s okay if you decide to take another path in your career or in life, no matter what it is, as long as it’s the choice that

    you truly believe will make you happy!

  • Future Plans: I will attend graduate school at the Johns Hopkins University

    School of Medicine as a part of their 2020 class. I will be pursuing a M.D.

    and intend to specialize in Intensive Care to conduct clinical research in this

    field. Coming from a Hispanic background, I hope to give back to my com-

    munity and help combat health disparities through this career.

    College Experience

    Undergraduate Research Experience under Dr. Caitlin Gabor in Biology

    Undergraduate Research Experience under Dr. Rachell Booth in Biochemistry

    Summer Research Experience at the Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine

    Undergraduate Instructional Assistant in the Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry

    Research Technician Under Dr. Ron Walter in Biochemistry

    H-LSAMP Scholar in the College of Science and Engineering

    Jose Reyes

    C L A S S O F 2 0 1 6

    Major: Biochemistry Minor: Writing


    Find what you are passionate about and do it! We are often given a list of requirements for success, but interviewers are more interested in time we give towards our passions over time we give to things expected of us. Don’t pass on opportunities to network. From across our university to at conferences, you never know what connections will impact your future regardless of major or career. Be happy. Always make time for you. Interviewers look for happy people to help build happy environments!

  • Advice

    Laugh and enjoy life because it’s too short to stress over.

    There is a time for working hard and a time for fun, Learn when to apply them adequately.

    College isn't about getting good grades all the time; it’s the part of life where you will begin to develop who you are and who you will become.



    H-LSAMP Scholar

    Biochemistry Society member

    TXST Comedy Club


    Biochemistry Masters program at

    Texas State University

    Or Binghamton University

    Nestor Rodriguez

  • Nathan Russell

    Electrical Engineer: Computer Engineering

    School Activities o Bobcat Village Resident Assistant o Digital Logic Teaching Assistant o Society of Woman Engineers, President, Treasurer o Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, Member o Honors College o H-LSAMP

    Internships o Robotics Research and Development, Dow Chemical o Information Systems, Dow Chemical o Functional Post Silicon Class Testing, Intel

    Recommendations - Study Abroad! College is the only time you can do it for so long and so cheap.

    - Go to career fairs and work hard to land yourself an internship, the first one is the hardest to get.

    - Explore all options but don’t compromise what you have in doing so.

    - Be the best at whatever you do, and always surround yourself with people who are better.

    - Remember all of your schooling! Even though 80% of careers might not need you to remember much, you never

    know when you’ll find yourself in the 20% that need it all.

    (I never thought I’d end up on a team at Intel practicing exactly what I learned in college)

    - Don’t wait until the end of the semester to find an internship or job, and don’t expect anything until you’ve signed

    on the dotted line.

    (I say this from experience after struggling to get my full time position and having a letter of intent retracted.)


  • Braylon Yarbrough



    Fellowships: The National GEM Consortium Fellowship

    Scholarships: Dean’s Scholarship (USC)/Ingram Engineering/Mariel

    Muir Scholarship/Gulf Coast Scholarship

    Intel System Validation Engineering Intern

    Connectivity Team LDO validation

    Micro Power Process Engineering Technician

    Process Wafers Thermoelectric Testing


    Surround yourself with individuals that push you to better yourself everyday

    Never get comfortable with where you are Always look to improve yourself and technical skills Take advantage of every opportunity Have Fun

    Future Plans:

    I will be attending the University of Southern California as GEM fellow to obtain my masters in Electrical Engineering with a

    specialization in wireless technology