Download - Guidelines on Process and Evaluation of Corporate Internship-2012

  • 7/31/2019 Guidelines on Process and Evaluation of Corporate Internship-2012



    Jaypee Business School A constituent of Jaypee Institute of Information Technology

    (Deemed University)A-10, Sector 62, Noida (UP) India 201 307


    Course Code: M3CIN01 Credit: 6

    Total Maximum Marks: 100ObjectivesThe purpose of Corporate Internship for 6-8 weeks is to connect theory and practice, obtain knowledge &awareness of the functioning of various departments of the corporate and its environment which is utmostnecessary for the success of the budding managers. The basic objectives of the Corporate Internship for theMBA students are:

    1. To understand the business and competitive environment in which the organization is operating.2. To analyze and understand the financial position of the organization viz a viz competitors.3. To study at least one management department and its practices.4. To facilitate our students in testing what they have learnt in the foundation courses in the first year.5. To get a feel of corporate life and its functioning & understand various interaction styles.

    GUIDELINES FOR CORPORATE INTERNSHIP1. You must fill the Corporate Internship-2012 Form and meet your JBS-faculty supervisor, get it

    signed by him/her and submit to the Programme Director/PA to Director before leaving for joiningCorporate Internship-2012 ( use Annexure-I).

    2. You are advised to report to the respective faculty supervisor in the format attached (Use Annexure-II) as soon as you join your corporate internship organizations. (Preferably on the first day of joiningitself) and keep taking guidance/updating your JBS-Faculty Supervisor through e-mail/SMS/Meeting.

    3. The 6-8 weeks Corporate Internship progress would be monitored at two different stages. First stageat the end of the third week as Mid Internship review and second stage at the last week as Final

    Internship review.(a). Mid Internship review-By the end of this period you should be able to identify the companys

    profile, the objectives of your study and review of the work done till that day in a one page reportformat, which you need to send to the JBS-faculty supervisor (b). Final Internship review -Completion of the work done at your organizations in a one page report which you will send to theJBS-faculty supervisor.

    4. You should feel free to contact the JBS-faculty supervisor for any specific queries/guidance during thecorporate internship period. The faculty supervisors list is enclosed.

    5. Evaluation Criteria: See the details below.6. Details for Industry and Financial Statement Analysis (see the details below).7. After completion of the corporate internship, students would be required to write a project report of

    not more than 70-80 pages, see the structure of the Corporate Internship-Report (use required formatsavailable in separate file attached).

    Corporate Internship Components1. Industry Analysis 1.1 Industry size & trends of growth1.2 Competitive analysis1.3 Position of the company in terms of Market share etc...

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    1.4 Corporate mission and objectives1.5 Portfolio analysis1.6 Sector & Market Segment

    Note: If for some reason the annual report of the organization is NOT AVAILABLE in which you aredoing internship, then you MUST do financial analysis of any other listed company in same industry andcompare with other listed company of the industry.

    2. Financial Analysis Calculate as well as its interpretation in Business context2.1 Analysis of balance sheets, Profit & loss statements of the company for last three financial years interms of minimum three ratios in each of the following categories and also analysis of cash flowstatements for last 3 years:

    2.2.1 Liquidity ratios2.2.2 Profitability ratios2.2.3 Activity ratios2.2.4 Leverage ratios

    Do comparative analysis of the above with the balance sheets, Profit & loss statements and cashflow statements of one of its competitors.

    3. Detailed study / Research ProjectDetailed study on the Marketing, Operations and Finance & HR functions

    OR Details of the specific field based project assigned during the internship.

    4. Report Writing

    Details of Industry and Financial Statement Analysis(a)Industry Analysis While preparing your Corporate Internship Report, you may cover the following under the Industry Analysiscomponent (as applicable to your company and report).

    Macro vs. Micro Economic Analysis

    Analyze Global Economy, Indian Economy, Sector and Industry in order to provide a background of the business environment in which your company operates. It will also be useful in discussing the current andthe future prospects and challenges that the company is likely to face with. You may refer to the following

    Economic and Monetary Indicators Unemployment Rate Industrial Production Corporate Profits

    Structure Companies in the industry Market size Growth trends Performance Legal/Regulatory issues Standards Technology Other environmental factors

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    Competition Analysis Product Differentiation Existence of Monopolies Patents Held by Other Companies Technological/Procedural Advancements Barriers to Entry Foreign Trade Policy

    Comparative Valuation: Competitors Identifying Competitors

    o Perfect Substitution Obvious competitorso Imperfect Substitution Goods serve same basic purposeo Size and Scope of Business

    Industry/Product/Market Analysis Consider 4 Ps: o Product o Price o Place o Promotion

    Sources of Information For Industry Information you may refer the following:

    Industry Analyses and Market Research Reports (CMIE, IMRB etc.) Trade Associations & Trade Publications General Press Company sources International agencies, and local government sources Books

    Resources Economic Data:

    o Reserve Bank of India - Ministry of Statistics and Programme Implementation

    Industry Data:o Ministry of Statistics and Programme Implementation Cement Manufacturers Association - http://www.cmaindia.orgo Automotive Component Manufacturers Association of India - http://www.acmainfo.como Society of Indian Automobile Manufacturers -

    For the above said components/subcomponents you may refer the following (i) Page no. 110 187 of Corporate Strategy (4 th Edition) by Richard Lynch, Pearson Education Ltd(ii) Page no. 7 14; 37 87 of Management of Strategy Concepts and Cases (India Edition) by

    Michael A Hitt, Robert E. Hoskisson and R. Duane Ireland, Cengage Learning.(iii) Chapters 15 & 16 ( Pages 428 to 476 of Investment Analysis & Portfolio Management by Prasana

    Chandra, Tata McGRAW HILL

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    (b) Financial Statement Analysis For Financial Statement Analysis , you may refer the following:-(i) Chapters 3, 4 & 5 (Pages 39 to 130) of Financial Management- Theory & Practice by Prasana

    Chandra, Tata McGRAW HILL. (7 th Edition)(ii) Chapters 7 (Pages 180 to 239). (Second Edition) of Investment Analysis & Portfolio Management

    by Prasana Chandra, Tata McGRAW HILL. Please buy latest edition(iii) Introduction to Financial Statement Analysis by Ashish K Bhattacharya, 2007 ELSEVIER

    (c) Detailed Study/ Research Project

    Detailed study on the Marketing, Operations and Finance & HR functions

    OR Specific Field based Project assigned during the internship

    PROJECT DESCRIPTIONDescribe in detail the nature of the work or the nature of the project or projects, which you carriedout, stressing as much as possible on the management aspects of your work. Describe the goals for the project, the methods used to approach the project, and the accomplishments. Do not disclose any

    proprietary information. PROJECT ANALYSIS

    A complete & exhaustive analysis of your project done during the internship period may be carriedout. Please describe the tools & techniques which you have applied or used & their resultantoutcome. Apart from the write up & points of analysis you may prepare charts, diagrams & graphsfor a more elaborative analysis of the work done .

    o Describe the extent of your involvement with this organization, including the activities,importance, leadership structure and location of the facility at which the work was done

    o Describe your position and the basic areas in which you worked for your internship

    (d) Structure of Corporate Internship-2012Final report of the internship should structured as follows:

    1. Cover page ( use Annexure-I)2. Self Certificate3. Certificate from the organization4. Acknowledgement5. Table of Contents6. Executive Summary (one page)7. Introduction & Objectives (1-2 page)8. Companys Profile (2-5 pages)9. Industry Analysis (5-10 pages)10. Financial Analysis (10-15 pages)11. Detailed Study/ Research Project (15-20 pages)12. Conclusion & Recommendations (4-6 pages)13. Key Learnings (1-2 pages)14. Annexure15. References(including web references)(1-2 pages)

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