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  • 8/17/2019 guide in evaluating play


    Play Evaluation

    Play or Musical: Producing Organization:

    Director: Evaluator:

    This evaluation instrument- items with Roman numerals- is used by the Kennedy Center-American College

    Theatre Festival respondents. The items following each enumerated section are designed to help you think abothe KC-ACTF uestions! evaluate with a score! and respond in writing to the ACTF uestions.


    I. Choice of Play:Is this play appropriate for a college/university/professional production? Include

    your criteria and explain how or if the production met this criteria.

     """""""" Selection of play and casting. (0 - 10 #as the choice appropriate!

     personnel involved! facility! and audience$ #ere casting choices effective and

    consistent with the script and the interpretation$

     Erase this statement and respond with your own thoughts. Use as much space as necessary.

    II. Direction: Define the director’s concept and explain whether this was viable for the play. Was it

    successfully and consistently realized? How was the play cast? How did the director work with actor

    Did he or she illustrate adequate control over the play, create a good stage pictures, define movement,


     """"""""  Production concept and interpretation. (0 - 10  #as the concept clear and

    related to the intentions of the script$ %ow much creativity and imagination

    were utili&ed in translating the script to the resources$ #ere the givencircumstances of the play fully e'hibited$ #ere the moments of the play

    understood and developed through strong story telling and actor interpretation$

     """"""""  !loc"ing and co#position. (0 - 10 #ere basic fundamentals observed

    and well e'ecuted$ (id the blocking serve the staging )proscenium! thrust!

    arena*$ #ere relationships and meaning clarified through blocking and

    movement$ #as motivation emphasi&ed$ #ere all the elements of themotivation emphasi&ed$ #ere all the elements of the production fused into an

    effective picture$ +f choreography was involved! how original and varied$

     """""""" $e#po and develop#ent. (0 - 10 (id the play have an adeuate rhythm$ (idit build to significant clima'es$ (id it sustain energy$

     """""""".  %es&'o as t)e director*s influence and +)and, ovious This is agood thing if so. ,roductions are not strong by luck or by accident.

     Erase this statement and respond with your own thoughts. Use as much space as necessary.

    This sample

    template is on thetheatre website.

  • 8/17/2019 guide in evaluating play


    +++. Acting:Address in small casts each of the actors and in large casts, the feel of the ensemble,

    especially looking at technical ability, interpretation of character, ensemble performance,

    movement, period, dialect, etc.

     """"""""  $ec)ni/ue (0 - 10 #ere actors audible and clear$ (id they handle furnitureand props well$ #ere they focused and concentrating$ (id they listen and

    adapt the listening into responses$ (id the actors pick up cues and move the

     play forward$ #ere they involved with the environment$ (id the actors fit in the

    concept and at the level of the other actors$

     """"""""  )aracterization (0 - 10 #ere the actors believable$ (id they come to life on

    stage as a real entity derived from the given circumstances of the play$ and witha fully developed life$ #as there an obvious through line with each character$

    #as each actor connected to each action and beat$

      Ense#le (0 2 10 #as there an ensemble or were the actorsproductionuneven$ (id the actors function as a unit$ #as there an obvious sense of pride

    in their work)coming through the performance*$

     Erase this statement and respond with your own thoughts. Use as much space as necessary.

    +. Design ElementsHow did the design elements contributed to the production? Look for artistic

    excellence and how the design elements functioned within the context of the play. Were these

    elements on the same page as directorial concept and acting choices etc.?

    _________ (0-10) Scenic, Properties, Lighting, Sound, Costumes, Makeup.

     Erase this statement and respond with your own thoughts. Use as much space as necessary.

    V. Technical Elements: How were the design elements executed? How did the show run? Whatimprovements would help the show itself?

     """"""" Sets3 Properties3 4ig)ting3 ostu#es3 Sound (0-5

     """"""" 6unning of t)e s)o7 Stage Manage#ent (0-5

     """"""" Mar"eting3 8ront of 9ouse3 9ouse3 Progra#3 etc. (0-5

     """""""" ere t)e various s)ops3 designers&tec)nicians used appropriately and

    effectively (0-5 9o7 can you tell 

     Erase this statement and respond with your own thoughts. Use as much space as necessary.

    +.  Overall (id the performance seem to indicate a strong rehearsal process as well as a compelling performancefrom the actors and technicians$ %ow would you rate this production$  KC-ACTF uses the /trongly

    RecommendedRecommended0ot Recommended model and /-1-2-F helps to shape that point of view.

    /trongly Recommended3 /uperior 

    Recommended3 1'cellent

     0ot Recommended3 2ood or Fair 

     Erase this statement and respond with your own thoughts. Use as much space as necessary.

  • 8/17/2019 guide in evaluating play
