Download - Group 41 lights-Angel Garza

Page 1: Group 41  lights-Angel Garza

By: Charles L. Mee

Lighting Design

Wintertime’s WINTERTIME’


By: Charles L. MeeLighting Design

Student Name: Angel GarzaID#: 1173721

Page 2: Group 41  lights-Angel Garza

Act One

This is the house where Jonathan and Ariel came to visit, where Maria lives.

The lighting shows the mood of the

house and how the mood will be set for the rest of the play

It is set in the suburbs of New Jersey, and the lighting provides visibility to enable the audience to

see that the mood is somewhat tense and dark. Therefore, presenting a theme of tension and


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This is the lighting used when the play begins, Jonathan has come to the house after Christmas with Ariel, he then finds out that his mother Maria and her boyfriend François are also there to visit.

This is where the play begins to involve tension between the characters, because Maria accuses François of sleeping with

Jonathan’s girlfriend Ariel

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The type of lighting that is used here clearly amplifies the characters motives, the audience understands that François

and Frank are not found of each other, this shows them arguing over Maria, whom is married to Frank. The audience can see that the lighting is characterizing how the characters feel, because the lighting is directed at the characters to give the audience an understanding of the mood that is being set

between the characters. The color is neither dim nor bright, it is in between the two, because the two are arguing, the

lighting here is beginning to set the mood for the rest of the play.

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This lighting is used when everyone is in the room, Frank and François are arguing over Maria, Maria is accusing François of

sleeping with Ariel, Jonathan is in shock and doesn’t know what to believe, therefore the lighting in this scene clearly outlines how

tense the mood shifting from the beginning, it is getting more tense as it goes on, more conflict is appearing therefore the lighting is

helping the audience understand the theme of darkness and lack of appreciation due to the characters conflicts with each-there. The

stage lighting here is focused on every character because each one of them is arguing with one another, therefore the lighting is not

shifting from one character to another, it is directed at all the characters.

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This type of lighting is used when trying to look for Maria and Hilda in the river, it is very dark, which sets the mood

to let the audience know that something dramatic is occurring at that moment. The lighting is focused on the

characters because they are the ones trying to capture the two drowning women, even though both incidents occur at

different times, the lighting still gives the audience a sense of a mood shift because the audience does not know

if they are dead or not.

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The darkness in this scene represents sadness and a lack of appreciation, the dim lighting outlines the central image of the play, which is not being appreciative of life or the people in your life, the

dark lighting also represents a lack of love that the characters present during the play, the reason I am using the dim lighting is to

help the audience understand the mood shift through the scenes, the majority of the time they are arguing inside the house, therefore if

everything were happy between them the lighting would be brighter, though the audience can assume that the mood is tense because of

the lighting I chose which is similar to the central image and meaning of the play

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The lighting in this scene is reoccurring throughout the play, there is usually more than two characters at a

time during a scene, therefore the lighting is focused and is aimed at the entire stage, to clearly identify

which characters are communicating , and in what tone they are communicating in, because the tone reflects

the mood and style of a particular scene. Further giving the audience an idea to understand the conflict or message that the characters are trying to portray.

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The lighting here is illuminated directly at all

three characters because in this scene, the lighting is

trying to show the audience how angry Jonathan is at

Maria and François for creating conflict and accusing

Ariel of sleeping with François, the lighting is not

dim here because the mood is of heated tension and an

uprising tension between the three characters. The

audience can clearly identify the mood in this scene

because the lighting is also directed directly at Jonathan, which shows his anger and

frustration with the situation Maria has caused.

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The lighting intensity in this

scene is brighter than other scenes because it is

trying to send a clear message

to the audience that all the

characters are arguing about

their issues and conflicts

between each other.

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The color of the lighting in this scene establishes and elevates the mood for this

particular scene, the background is very dark and the warm and subtle lighting is solely focused on the two characters, which you can see the

woman is upset or heartbroken from what the

man is speaking to hear about. The distribution of the lighting here is how

the lighting comes from at a certain angle, in this

scene, the distribution is focusing directly at the characters from above, intensifying the scene

because of the angle the light is coming from, and not focusing on any other object in the set except

the characters.

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The central image is reinforced throughout the play, especially with the type of lighting used, warm

lighting helps set the subtle mood that is used a lot throughout the play, the warm lighting helps make the set tense so the audience can understand any

conflict that is occurring. The movement and rhythm of the lighting flows smoothly when transitioning

through scenes in the play, the transition helps the audience further understand the mood which shifts throughout the play from being happy to sad and conflicting, and then the end results in happiness

between all the characters.