Download - Green Button for America Initiative Overview

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Green Button for America

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What is Green Button? •  Common-sense idea that

electricity customers should be able to download and transmit their own energy usage information in a standard consumer- and computer-friendly format

•  Today, 18M households and businesses have access with commitments from utilities to deploy to an additional 20M homes

•  Major Goal: Within one year, double the number of customers with access to Green Button

•  Green Button is also a data standard that can be used to represent and transmit energy usage and cost information – in any system (not just for data from utilities or electric meters)

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Green Button Download My Data & Connect My Data Now Rolling Out

A  customer  visits  their  u.lity  web  portal,  they  can  simply  login  and  

download  their  Green  Bu;on  Data  as  an  XML-­‐forma;ed  file    

This  powerful  model  allows  a  consumer  to  authorize  a  third-­‐party  service  provider  to  receive  direct  access  to  their  Green  Bu;on  Data  -­‐  no  need  to  repeatedly  login  to  their  

u.lity  and  download  files.  These  authoriza.ons  are  valid  for  an  agreed  

upon  .me  and  can  be  revoked  at  by  the  consumer  

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What  Can  Green  Bu-on  Be  Used  For?  

Innovation: entrepreneur-created web portals and apps analyze energy usage and savings Heating and Cooling: customized heating and cooling activities for savings and comfort; Solar: Significantly better accuracy of quotes Verification: Measurement of energy efficiency investments Real Estate: Provide cost info to tenants/buyers Education: Community and student energy efficiency competitions

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What  People  Are  Saying  About  Green  Bu-on…  

“It may finally give consumers a reason to care about the smart grid.” – SF Chronicle “Solar companies are also eager for consumer data because understanding a homeowner's electricity use is key to the sales process.” – San Jose Mercury News “I'm a big fan of simplicity and open standards to unleash a lot of innovation.…I'm going to reach out to ConEd, the utility in NYC, and find out when they are going to add Green Button support to their consumers data. I hope it is soon.”

– Fred Wilson (Venture Capitalist)

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Green  Bu-on  U>lity  Support  

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Commi;ed   Implemented  • Aclara • Apogee Interactive, Inc. • Belkin • BuildingIQ • Calico Energy Services • C3 • Ecova • Efergy USA, Inc. • Efficiency 2.0 • eMeter - A Siemens Business • EnergyDeck Ltd. • EnergySavvy • FirstFuel • Honest Buildings • iControl Networks • Johnson Controls Panoptix • LinkCycle • Melon • myBenchmarx • Noesis Energy • Oracle • PlotWatt • Power2Switch • Schneider-Electric • Silver Spring Networks • Simple Energy • Smart Utility Systems • SunRun

• Incorporated • Autodesk, Inc. • Building Energy Inc. • BuiltSpace Technologies Corp. • EchoDog • EnergyAi • EnerNOC • EnerNex • Gas and Power Technologies • Genability • Green Suite LLC • High Energy Audits • HyperTek • Itron • Lucid • Melon Power • OPower • • Planet Ecosystems • People Power • Performance Systems Development • Retroficiency • Smart Grid Labs • Snugg Home • Tendril • Wattvision • Watts At Work

Green Button 3rd Party Support

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“The Administration will leverage the ‘Green Button’ standard – which aggregates energy data in a secure, easy to use format – within federal facilities to increase their ability to manage energy consumption, reduce greenhouse gas emissions, and meet sustainability goals.”

The President’s Climate Action Plan, June 25, 2013  

Climate Action Plan Commitment

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Green Button and Federal Facilities •  GSA to serve as a test bed or pilot of Green Button Connect

My Data

•  Details: –  Green Button Data streams provided from both submeter

and utility (whole facility) meter sources. –  Work with vendors to support Green Button Connect My

Data when providing energy-related services to GSA

•  Desired Outcome: –  Show the value of Green Button data streams to the

operational efficiency of GSA Energy Managers

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Engage Utilities Ask utilities to provide GSA electricity data in Green Button format

•  Details: –  GSA will request usage and cost data from selected utilities

that provide electricity for its buildings –  GSA will request utilities to use Green Button Connect My Data

standard to link data directly to energy management/efficiency systems and vendors

•  Desired Outcome: –  Show the value of using whole facility data in the energy

management of buildings without significant sub-metering –  Show integrated Green Button data streams in facilities

currently operating with GSA Energy Managers

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Engage the Vendor Ecosystem

Ask vendors to support Green Button standard when providing energy-related services to GSA

•  Details: –  Energy equipment and service vendors will use Green

Button format for transmitting GSA’s energy usage and cost data

•  Desired Outcome: –  Increase energy vendor ecosystem adoption of the Green

Button Connect My Data (vs. vendor-proprietary systems) –  Increase ability of businesses and other agencies to

participate in energy efficiency programs using Green Button

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Publish GSA’s Utility Data Publish datasets of GSA facilities energy usage in Green Button format

•  Details: –  Green Button data will be used for reporting to OMB and be

used in DOE / EPA tools (SEED, E* Portfolio Manager) –  DOE’s Building Performance Database is seeking data –  GSA facility & utility data would significantly increase the

volume and quality of publicly-available building energy data

•  Desired Outcome: –  Significantly increase the volume of energy data available to

researchers, developers and the public –  Increase effectiveness of energy benchmarking tools –  Encourage other institutions and companies to submit data

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Energy Data For a Challenge

Support a challenge or prize using Building Link data, using the Green Button standard

•  Details: –  Challenge entrepreneurial community and existing energy

system vendors to create solutions in an area such as fault detection, predictive maintenance, and behavior framing

–  Provide a large, standardized GSA facility consumption dataset as an input to the challenge

•  Desired Outcome: –  Encourage development of applications and services that

can use energy data to improve building efficiency –  Gather specific ideas for savings/efficiency in GSA facilities

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Department  of  Energy  American  Energy  Data  Challenge    

•  Focus:    •  High  value  

data  sets  •  Killer  ideas  

Challenge  Two  Apps  for  Energy  II  Jan  –  Mar  ’14  

Challenge  One  Energy  Ideas  Contest  Nov  6  -­‐  Dec  13  ‘13  

•  Focus:    •  Best  use  of  specific  

DOE  APIs,  best  use  of  customer  Green  Bu-on  data,  and  best  app  that  uses  one  of  the  “killer  ideas”  iden>fied  in  Challenge  One  

Challenge  Three  Energy  Data  by  Design  Apr  –  

Jun’14  Challenge  Four  

American  Energy  Challenge  Jul  –  Oct  ‘14  

•  Focus:    •  Improving  the  

clarity  and  discoverability  of  energy  informa>on  

•  Focus:    •  Building  bold  

ideas  for  reimagining  America’s  energy  infrastructure  


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Ontario, Canada - Adopts Green Button!

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Ontario Hackathon and Apps Contest