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1.Chair’s opening remarks

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2.Adoption of standing orders

3.Guest speakers: Theresa Griffin MEP Tony Kearns CWU SDGS

4.Officer’s reports

5.Motions to AGM

Greater Mersey & South West Lancs Amal Branch 2015/16 Obituary List

Below is a list of members who we have sadly lost in 2015/16, our thoughts go out to all their families:

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Mr Allan Crompton Mr N GriesdaleMr Christian Beattie Mr Douglas T AllisonMrs Carmen Mubery Mr Henry MorleyMr Edward Coffey Mr Ronald ParrMr John Valiant Mr Robert LeylandMr G Podmore Mr Brian WoodsMr R Hutchings Mr Joseph McGeehanMr Kenneth Grounds Mrs M MaddocksMrs A Spivey Mr Andrew McCordMr L Hewitt Mr Edward James StowersMr Albert Tomlinson Mr Daniel Cavanagh


Theresa Griffin MEP:-In May 2014, Theresa was elected to the European Parliament, as the top Labour Party candidate in her region, to represent the North West of England.

Theresa is a member of two Committees in the European Parliament. She is a full member and Labour Party Spokesperson for Industry, Research and Energy and a substitute member on the Transport and Tourism committee. She has also been assigned the EU-Russia

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Parliamentary Cooperation Committee as her Delegation, and she is a substitute member for the Delegation for Relations with the People’s Republic of China.

Theresa was appointed the Socialist & Democrat Shadow Rapporteur for an Opinion on the establishment of a Market Stability Reserve for the EU Emissions Trading System in the Industry, Research and Energy Committee. Theresa led a progressive coalition to secure a rejection of right-wing proposals to weaken the ETS, which was described as ‘historic’ by the Committee chair. In addition, Theresa has also been working on issues concerning fuel poverty, regional funding, equalities, the promotion of a digital single economy and the protection of IPR.

In the Transport and Tourism Committee, Theresa has been working closely with Lucy Anderson MEP (London) and Steve Rotheram MP (Liverpool Walton) on issues of tyre safety in the UK and across the European Union, following the Bestival coach crash in 2012.

Theresa is also a member of several Intergroups – similar to the ‘All Party Parliamentary Groups’ in Westminster. Theresa follows the Disability Rights, the Digital Agenda for Europe, Children’s Rights and Well-being, LGBTI, SMEs, Tourism, Trade Union and Urban Intergroups. Theresa has been a Labour Party member for 26 years; an active campaigner at local, CLP, national and European levels. She was a member of Unite’s North West Political Committee and represented North West CLPs on the National Policy Forum. As a Liverpool City Councillor in the 1990s, she was lead member for Economic Development and Europe and was instrumental in bringing Objective One status and billions of pounds of investment to the Liverpool city region.

Theresa was born in Coventry, the fourth child of Irish immigrant parents where her father was a machinist in the British Leyland car factory and her mum was a teaching assistant. Theresa attended Bishop Ullathorne Comprehensive school and achieved a first class B.A. and an M.A. from Lancaster University. From an early career in community theatre, she became Director of Communications and Research at North West Arts. Having narrowly missed getting elected to the European Parliament in 2009, Theresa then spent five very happy years as a Regional Organiser for the public services union, UNISON. Theresa is a committed trade union activist and has campaigned closely with all unions on employment rights, rights for young people and against the far-right.

    Tony Kearns CWU SDGS :- joined the Post Office in 1978. Tony joined the Union and almost immediately went onto the local Branch Committee of the Liverpool Counter & Clerical Branch. From there, he became the Assistant Secretary, then the Branch Secretary, then a District Official. In 1990, he was elected as an NEC member. In 1998, he was elected as the Assistant Secretary Postal for the C&CS Dept, until he was

elected as SDGS in December 2001; a post he only took up on a substantive basis following the retirement of both Tony Young (SDGS) and David Norman (GT). The post is a combination of both those positions.

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Tony is not a member of the Labour party. He is a committed socialist and supporter of a number of organisations that campaign and lobby to make society a better place. He firmly believes in the repeal of anti-trade union legislation. Tony supports the Campaign Against Climate Change and is involved heavily with the TU section of the CCC. He firmly believes that the trade union movement needs to understand and acknowledge that it needs to take a major role in this area of campaigning. He also passionately supports the campaigns Unite Against Fascism, Defend Council Housing and Hands Off Venezuela. Tony's primary responsibility is to put in place policies and systems that will turn around the finances of the Union.

He is concerned about the role of Women both within the Union and the workplace. Tony says almost half of our members are women, yet whilst the basic needs are the same for all workers, i.e. pay and conditions etc, it never ceases to amaze him how the perception of a male dominated union and all the baggage that goes with it still becomes the mindset for the Union as a whole. "We are getting better but we can and will improve."

Tony is also mindful of the Retired Members. Perhaps the most neglected section of the membership, campaigning for the right for retired members to live in dignity and receive decent health and transport benefits "are issues we need to be pushing on a lot more than we have done."

Tony believes in complete transparency in just about everything he does as an elected official.


Branch Chair Report AGMCan I take this opportunity to welcome you to this year’s AGM our first since merger, for those of you who couldn’t attend to thank you for taking the time to read the report, I’m sure you will agree the reporting is both

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comprehensive and informative. As chair of the Greater Mersey and South West Lancs Branch, I will be leading this year’s delegation at conference and can guarantee that we will be supporting job security, better terms and conditions and on a personal note if Performance Management is still on the agenda again, if little has changed, will be supporting those motions.

After all, the view of the CWU, at times differs little from the companies we represent. We all want a successful well-run business, providing quality services, job security, work-life balance, good prospects and a pat on the back for a job well done. That isn't too much to ask for.

In my wider capacity as the part of the Labour movement, through the West Lancs CLP, the TUC and the CWU, I have been actively involved in a number of campaigns that many of you may already be aware of.

There has been the CWU People's Post campaign, to protect the universal service and delivery for the public to all parts of the country, worried about the cherry picking of the more lucrative markets at the cost of rural areas. The CWU, with new GS, Dave Ward et al, met, discussed then marched on to listen to Jeremy Corbyn, on Parliament Square, and again, in Manchester, just prior to Jezza's election as the LP leader. We were there again with the TUC over the (anti) Trade Union bill. The NW regional AGM at the Mechanics Institute in Manchester saw many new activists tag along. On the agenda were Equality, H&S, Learning, Political, Retired, Women and last but no means least, Youth. All these sections regularly have committee meeting to co-ordinate strategies. We all then split into 3 groups and discussed how best to organise effectively, with Dave Ward and Tony Kearns giving their views on matters.

With the creeping privatisation of the NHS, education, public services etc., are something we all need to respond to by an increasing show of strength. We would love to see even more new faces turning up alongside the usual activists. Please get involved. Even in retirement we can offer involvement with recent Branch trips that have included a day out at RAF Cosford and there is even talk of a tour around the Houses of Parliament for anyone interested.

Other alarming initiatives include TTIP, and the TU bill with draconian proposals to virtually abolish any rights to legally challenge unfair practices. After attacks on Employment Tribunals and the lobbying (gagging) bill, this ties in neatly with the  with the junior doctors dispute, signaling their intent to go after the NHS and public sector workers. Add the gerrymandering of boundaries and you can see where this is going. By stealth, this Government is desperate to cling on to power at any cost.

Ironically, with the current debate for Europe, the TU bill may be challenged and possibly ruled illegal under European legislation. The issue with immigration, needs to be discussed Europe wide, but the cuts to education, wages, the NHS, eroding of terms and conditions were all made in this country. Legislation exists from Europe protecting our rights to be treated fairly, and to take action, even strike. All proposals to reduce red tape with Health and Safety, and Human Rights, will only play into the hands of corporate bodies wanting to maximise profits. Hard won rights will be lost.

I hope you enjoy reading the reports enclosed and find them interesting enough to get yourself involved in the union and that of the wider movement, we are only as strong as our members and with your continuing support we can achieve our goals.

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Brian Coupland


Branch Secretary ReportMark Walsh

The Communication Workers Union represents over 25000 members in the North West with 6300 members across the Mersey Region with our branch repenting almost half of them with just over 3120 members working in postal, administrative, financial, telecom and mobile companies. Our members’ expertise includes engineering, computing, clerical, mechanical, driving, and retail, finance, call centre and manual skills. The CWU campaigns include Deliver Digital Britain, the People’s Post, and Equal Employment Rights for Agency Workers and Strengthening Dangerous Dogs Laws.

What does that mean for our members?

You can earn more – trade union members earn on average 10% more than non-unionised members.

You get more holidays – unions are the people that brought you extra leave and continue to campaign to protect those rights.

You can get a better deal – CWU negotiates terms of maternity or paternity leave, pensions and redundancy enabling you to have more than the legal minimums.

You are less likely to be injured – there are 50% fewer accidents in unionised workplaces. The CWU works to ensure employers protect our members from risks to their Health and Safety.

Better Job Security - trade union members are more likely to stay in their jobs longer, on average five years more than non-members.

Support Whenever You Need It – without the backing of a union you could face £1,200 in fees should you need to take your employer to a tribunal. CWU gives free advice and support and legal representation to all valid claims to all its members so they are not alone to face those issues.

You Can Get Better Compensation – in 2013 a record £330 million was won for union members and their families from legal help, and £1 million in equal pay claims, an average of £15,000 per member.

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In or Out of Work, There is a Place For You – the CWU offers a place for those retiring, between jobs, meaning you are always part of something bigger.

Being Part of The Fight for Fairness – from defending our NHS to fighting for decent homes, decent Schools to campaigning against discrimination some of things we can do together.

The union plays an important part of our working and non-working lives as I have outlined above however it does so much more. Unfortunately whilst we have to deal with our respective management today the union also has to tackle legislation and laws. They have to deal with shareholder pressures, political intervention and more recently the regulator whilst trying to campaign on issues that affect you the members, your families and the neighbourhoods you live. The union doesn’t end in any particular workplace but that is how it should start with each workplace having a rep or an interface with the CWU.

The last year has seen a change in the union in what seems 12 months of leadership elections hopefully diminishing in the next few weeks with the T&FS Assistant Secretary. We have a new General Secretary Dave Ward who has committed to making the union more proportional wanting to bring youth, women, ethnic and LGBT members forward to become representatives and mirror how our society looks. He will also oversee the future of the union and how it reacts to a changing world of ecommerce and globalisation with a falling membership. Unfortunately one of his first jobs as the new GS is to move our members from the Warrington mail centre into a stand-alone branch to safeguard future relations in the North West region. We obviously opposed the ideas we did when offered that solution 5 years ago but ours was the only voice of opposition in the room whilst in reality that didn’t matter as the decision had already made before the meeting took place. These amongst the other day to day issues he will have will be a demand on the union but something we will have to get right first time if we are to continue to be relevant not just to the membership but also the wider Labour movement.

On the T&FS section the branch invited Davie Bowman up to hear first-hand the experiences of our members when being pushed to the limits and in some cases bullied whilst trying to perform the their workloads. Whilst it wasn’t a full house I’m sure Davie was under no illusions as to the problems we have in the area, with certain managers. After the meeting he and Angela Teeling were able to set up a breakfast meeting with senior managers to listen to the members concerns something I believe hadn’t happened before or at least with a preselected audience. We have been continuing to recruit new members into the section and will challenge CWU headquarters again on how branch allocation is given. If you see a new a face ask if they are a union member and what branch, if they’re not members give them our details or send theirs to us.

We have also challenged the myth regarding the failings of BT and its need to break up the company putting our members’ livelihoods at risk by seeking meeting with the MP’s responsible for giving oxygen to the subject.

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In the postal constituency we have also seen similar management behaviours in delivery with members constantly monitored on how much they deliver and how long it takes them. In Parcels its similar with managers watching laptops daily to keep tabs on drivers and what they are doing, shame they don’t have more meaningful work to do really. That is the world we seem to live in and now we are fully privatised I expect to see some of the tools used in BT to monitor to enter into RM. We have sent a motion to the postal conference to try and build an agreement that protects our members around this new technology rather than the punitive version the employer will want.

Whilst the Post Office is still under the umbrella of the government the break from RM hasn’t been the best of planning it has left our members in a worse position with constant change and the threat of further job losses. We saw the closure of Prescot, Huyton and Kirkby and were pleasantly surprised that the last round of closures didn’t include Liverpool. To break the link with RM the union also had to negotiate away the roles of some of the reps to now being business based and reduced the number down meaning reps cover large areas of the country putting extra pressure on the role of the reps. Similar to RM they have also been threatened with major

changes to the pension scheme so no Crown protection considering the government is the owner of the network, incidentally the only network in the world that has been separated from their letters arm.

The only growth in the postal industry has been in the parcels market even though amazon is trying its best to kill it for us and now it’s rumoured Uber may enter the market. So if you’re a union member reconsider joining amazon prime their free delivery will kill the parcels market and cut terms and conditions we saw what happened to City Link other carriers are struggling because of their business model with drivers earning far less than the minimum wage as self-employed.

We have faced two challenges that probably haven’t been realised by sine of our members and the dangers will bring unchallenged. First is the regulator Ofcom who for reasons best known to it is now trying to break up both BT and Royal Mail under the guise of the customer when in fact it’s the competition it’s really supporting? That support creates job losses and pushes down terms and conditions and household wages. In their dispute with RM they believed our higher wages were to blame for the failure of Whistl (TNT) to deliver to a handful of cities 3 days a week, they blamed access costs and our wages, bearing in mind they couldn’t survive on offering zero hour contracts at minimum wage. They have also challenged BT and its effectiveness to deliver broadband believing the business being broken up to allow others in would improve the service. In both cases they last people they spoke to were the ones in the RM, BT or its staff, in both cases no evidence was produced to say the companies hadn’t provided services it was the competition challenging the regulator to get involved. This we will have to address as a union as it appears very little appetite in government to do so at this time.

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Secondly and probably just as drastic for our future is the Trade Union Bill, something locally we have already been challenging with local MP’s and the North West Labour and TUC conferences. The bill when it becomes law will severely dent the unions’ ability to act quickly when planning a dispute or is the middle of a dispute with employers, it adds further legislation on top of the other legislation we already have. It will also make it more difficult for the union to support Labour candidates like Margaret Greenwood Wirral West who beat Esther McVey in the last election and the labour party in general. The trade union movement is already the most legislated body in the country and we have the worst anti employee legislation in the modern world this next level will give workers and their unions in third world countries better rights than us. Our union shouldn’t fear strike ballot votes our returns are usually very good and overwhelming in their result, its often the other ballots we have in between that our usually low but if it suits this government to be elected on a 38% turnout then why they need to change the unions turnout doesn’t seem fair, maybe it’s because we would have a government, would that be a bad thing.

For those of you who didn’t attended the #Peoplespost event in Manchester that may be the start of something new in politics and trade union campaigning for whilst it was billed as Postal service saving event it was much more than that. Police estimates over 7,000 people attended the event with over 6,000 standing outside Manchester Cathedral listening to a host of speakers not just talking about the postal service but about their communities, their worry about the future and economy under this

government. The brightest note apart from hearing Jeremy Corbyn’s speech was the number of young people who wanted to listen to the debates who had no idea about politics or trade unions; maybe there is some hope for the future after all.

Our retired members section continues to be active and has represented the branch at a number of events over the last year namely the National

Pensioners Parliament, Retired Members Conference, North West Labour Conference and the branches long standing Armistice Event in November, and I am certain they will also be involved in this year’s Annual Conference. Can I thank Allan Trotter who has returned back to duty after a period of ill health, Phil Duffy and Adrian Parry for the work they have been involved with on behalf of the branch and the members in this time.

Your section reports will give you a fuller update on the last year and how it may change in the next year.

Finally can I take this opportunity to thank the following people for their help since the merger Angela Teeling, Ste Donald, Harry Paxton, Derek Maylor, Brian

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Coupland, Pam Lydiate, Ian Corrin, Mike Yarwood, John Pettit and Elli Long for all their efforts and commitment to the new branch. Also to thank Ernie Jackson, Paul Edwards, Paul Allen, John Forshaw, Karen Smith, Jay Ward, Tommy Higgins, Lee Campbell and Paul Chadwick for their work on behalf of the mail centre members and the branch over the years.

Financial Secretary Annual Report 2015

I would like to open my first annual report as financial secretary by thanking the former Merseyside Amal financial secretary Ray Lucas for the support and guidance he gave me when I first undertook the role in June 2015, and I always know he is just a phone call away if I ever need any further advice.

I can honestly say that I may have slightly underestimated what the financial secretary’s role encompassed, but that is not to say I am not up for the job and I will endeavour to emulate my predecessor and continue his excellent work.

New BT/Postal Branch:

This first year will be a learning curve for all involved in the newly formed branch both financially and industrially as we learn from each other about how the Postal and Telecoms sectors operate.

I am certain we will learn from each other as we all have a common goal to protect our members, and to constantly strive to improve our member’s terms and conditions.

The branches finances are now running smoothly after closing both the former branches general and political accounts and opening new accounts under the new Greater Mersey & South West Lancs Amalgamated Branch name.

We are currently in the process of changing the payment methods the branch uses by moving away from cheques were possible, and using BACS payments and direct debits, this ensures any bills and expenses are paid as quickly as possible, this has also given the branch the opportunity to make some savings by moving to paperless billing etc. this will be periodically reviewed.

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Along with the branch merger came the fact that, we had the duplication of some hardware items, printers etc. we will need to review these over the coming months when leases expire, to once again look at any savings we may be able to make.

HMRC/Policies and Procedures:

When I undertook the role Mark Walsh (Branch Secretary) thought it would be prudent for me to visit CWU HQ to gain a better understanding of the HMRC rulings that the branch must adhere to, this visit proved invaluable as to what processes must be followed so the branch remains compliant with HMRC rulings.

In November 2014 the CWU received from HMRC a new and revised dispensation to cover a number of areas relating to expenses etc. after lengthy review the CWU National Executive Council approved a final set of policies and procedures in relation to expenses at their November 2015 meeting.

As a result of this, all payments made from union funds from the 1st January 2016 must be made in strict accordance with the expenses policies and procedures document.

Warrington Mail Centre:

On the 7th August 2015 along with Mark Walsh (Branch Secretary), I attended a meeting in Manchester held by Dave Ward (CWU General Secretary) regarding the future of our members who work at Warrington Mail Centre (WAMC), the meeting was also attended by the three other branches that have CWU members who work at WAMC.

The outcome of the meeting was that WAMC would be become a stand – alone branch, a decision taken out of the hands of the affected branches by Dave Ward after guided consensus was sought from the affected branches.

The hard truth is that, while this is no doubt the best outcome for the CWU members who work at WAMC, it is also a blow to our branch, as we are losing 400+ members and friends who we have worked with closely, over the years.

I would like to wish them all well, and I am sure we will continue to work and support each other as if we were still one branch, after all is said and done we are all CWU members.

47 Seymour Terrace:

I suppose with the loss of not only 400+ members, but also the loss of the Distribution and Processing sections from the branch, and with technology changing the way our representatives are able to operate, we will at some point in the future have to look at

the viability of 47 Seymour Terrace as a fit – for – purpose union office.

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But with this in mind, my opinion is that our members will always need a branch office that they can contact for advice and support when needed, and it might be that we need to utilise the building in different ways, than we have in the past.

National Picture:

The CWU nationally are once again having to look at finances and how branches function with an ever decreasing membership; membership fees are down by approximately £1 million, this is partly down to members leaving through VR etc. or by reduced fees due to what seems to be an ever increasing part – time workforce.

(Tony Kearns may well touch on this at our Branch AGM)

As you will be able to see, all of the above put together will no doubt at some point in the future put strains on our branches finances, but we will deal with these in a professional manner, as and when they arise.

Branch Accounts:

Both the general and political accounts are in good order, although taking the branch merger and the WAMC loss into account it will be a few months until we finally get a true understanding of how the branch finances will look.

Some anticipated expenditure for the coming year will be around training for representatives, supporting health & safety initiatives and looking to get involved in community initiatives.

On a final note, the first stage of the branch accounts were submitted to CWU HQ in-line with national rules and policy, and if there are any questions on either of the Greater Mersey & South West Lancs Amal Branch accounts they can be submitted to me in writing at the branch offices.

Ian Corrin


Financial Secretary



One of the CWU objectives, as per the national rule book-

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Rule 21. To unite and organise all those entitled to be members.

To protect and promote members’ interests and maintain and improve their working lives.

Rule 4 . 2 states that members are obliged to-2. Support and promote the Union’s objectives

So given the above, we are asking for your help: we are asking that you engage in conversation with your colleagues, if you see anyone new then speak to them about

the CWU and encourage them to join up.

Recent years has seen a decline in membership numbers, this is due to a mixture of retirement, EVR and release schemes. Technology has hit our industries hard over the years, less people are need to do the jobs we do. The CWU was created at a time when more people were needed, when the boom came and union

membership soared. The decline has not only affected the branches but obviously the overall picture of the CWU has changed: less members’ means less revenue and stretched resources. It must be noted, most people who leave the CWU, do so because they have left the company they work for, not for simply leaving the union.

Joint figures across all sections of our branch, (Retired, Postal and T&FS), we currently have:-

A total of 3,109 members of which:

222 are women 211 are aged 29 or under 1,224 are over the age of 55

There still is and always will be strength in numbers, and you always give us your support: we need to maintain this as we move forward. Now that RM is a private company we expect the screws to be turned in the way our BT members have seen them over the years: the drive to keep shares up behind almost every decision the company makes. Ironically it is the work our members actually do which really keeps the shares prices at the level they are at.

So the Branch Officers have set themselves a number of tasks:-

1. Check all workplaces for non-members and recruit them2. Check all workplaces for CWU members who should be in our branch3. To track stopped memberships and contact those who are considering leaving

the union4. To check and verify all membership details: including addresses, email

addresses, phone numbers and death benefit nominees.5. To identify other areas where we can recruit

As you can imagine: this is an arduous task.

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During the year a number of things have occurred:-

1. The branches merged (finally)2. The Warrington Mail Centre formed a new branch,

causing our own branch membership to drop by over 400.

3. We supported the trial of a CWU mobile phone app, designed by the North West region T&FS organising committee.

With the introduction of the Trade Union Bill: which will come in one form or another, the emphasis will be on making sure we have the correct details for our membership, this includes full name, duty and

workplace: for our mobile members in ROMEC and BT this is classed as the place where you park your van overnight.

We are always thinking of new strategies and ways in which we can contact members, keep you informed and recruit: if anyone has any thoughts or ideas on the matter then we would love to hear from you.

We have Tony Kearns as a guest today: I am sure he will be able to put more meat on the bones regarding the importance of the organising departments and most of all, the important role we can all play in making sure our collective voice is as strong as ever: in and out of the workplace.


2015 will be the year remembered for a new dawn, the birth of the Greater Mersey and South West Lancs Amalgamated Branch.

Since the branch merger, an amazing 97 new members have joined our union, can I please place on record my sincere thanks to those representatives in the workplaces who guide and educate those individuals in doing the right thing and become trade union members.

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However it’s a ‘glass half full scenario’ whilst we welcome all our new members, we have also lost nearly 40 former members who have for reasons on either a personal level or who have left the business through early voluntary retirement.

It must also be said that over 400 members have now left this branch to become members of the newly formed Warrington Mail Centre Branch can I wish the members and representatives of the new branch best wishes on moving forward.

But the Greater Mersey and South West Lancs Amal still holds a very comfortable and solid foundation of member numbers and long may it continue.

But it’s no secret, and nor should it be, that in conjunction with dwindling numbers in other branches across the country, the union has a serious problem in retention and recruitment. Because of the working climate we currently operate in, its no secret that members up and down the country would welcome the opportunity to leave the business on a retirement package in line with the MTSF Agreement, and what’s also now apparent through our own personal experiences is that it’s becoming extremely difficult to retain these individuals as members when they have left the functions. I am confident that the Union is taking a serious look at these matters and no doubt will be able to find the answers and solutions to these issues.

This is also my first report as Branch Organiser, can I please thank the former Organiser of the Merseyside Amal

Ray Lucas, for his guidance and friendship in enabling me to continue in the same manner as he did during his time as the previous organiser.

Phil Callaghan,

Branch Organiser.


Well 2015 was the year that was: we finally completed the merger and became one Branch, in many ways we have gone full circle, no doubt many members will remember this being one branch originally.

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On a personal note I would like to thank everyone who took the time to vote in our Branch elections: whoever you voted for, it is taking part that makes the difference. Mark Walsh has undertaken the task, as Branch secretary, to bring us all together as a branch. His patience has been greatly appreciated while we all find our feet in the new branch. Bringing two ways of working together is never easy, and as you can imagine we are all quite vocal, so at times this

must have been a bit of headache: but things have gone smoothly under the Branch secretary’s guidance. On behalf of the Branch, I would like to thank Mark for all his hard work.

I am sorry I did not get to meet all the people who work at Warrington Mail Centre: as Merseyside Amal you have taken on some battles together over the years, I wish the new Warrington Mail Centre Branch the very best.

We have already done a lot of things as one branch, in and out of the workplace: the Manchester Rally against austerity, the Public meeting in Manchester Cathedral which was addressed by Dave Ward and Jeremy Corbyn: we have worked as a team on mail postings to members of both sections and to the membership as a whole – the Christmas diary and card being a prime example.

With the Branch’s support, November 2015 I was able to take part in one of the CWUHA convoys this year: we took much needed aid to Hungary for the refugees. This is the unions charity, 2015 was its 20th anniversary: for more information see their website www.CWUHA

While on the convoy it struck me that if you live on the street, it is as bad if you are one person or if you are one of a million people.

So upon my return and with the help of Mark Walsh (our branch secretary), support from North West No1 Branch and the CWUHA charity, our Branch was able to do something locally for some of the homeless people in our area. Christmas week, I and the Branch secretary dropped a number of items such as boxes of paper, bottles of juice, clothes, toothbrushes, soap, shower gel, hand lotion, toilet rolls and food to the Whitechapel Centre in Liverpool ( just round the back of Hope University). These items were very much appreciated, but it was us who

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were humbled by the efforts of the centres many volunteers. We also were able to take toiletries to a women’s aid shelter and to some local foodbanks.

With the help of Angela Gallagher and my sister, we made bags for the homeless: in each bag were warm clothes, a blanket, drinks, food, toiletries, a ground sheet, hats, gloves and scarves: each bag was for one homeless person on the street.

The Sunday after New Year, with the help of my three kids, we took some of the Branch’s donated items to the

flooded areas of the North West.

Since we came together we have been working hard, making sure our members are supported in their workplaces but also those less fortunate in our communities.

We will now endeavour to build on all of this: thank you for your support.

Women’s officer end of year report

In the summer two female branch members attended the ‘women’s leadership’ weekend, at our CWU training centre in Alvescot. These are run roughly twice a year, feedback from the event was that it was very good and opened people’s eyes to what the union do beyond industrial relations: both ladies said they would recommend the course to others.


November 2015 the branch sent a delegation to the CWU Women’s annual conference in Glasgow. The delegates spoke to support motions and the branch submitted the following emergency motion, which was carried unanimously after the mover had spoken that many women work late and fit jobs around their family, more likely to be using public transport at quieter times, these times being the first to be hit when savings need to be made.

“On the 9th November 2015, George Osborne announced that four government departments have provisionally agreed to cut their spending by an average of 30% over the next four years.The transport, local government and environment departments, plus the Treasury, have all agreed deals ahead of the spending review on 25 November.

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The departments will be expected to cut day-to-day spending over the next four years through a combination of efficiency savings and closing low value programmes.The settlement with the four departments will see their day-to-day spending cut by 8% in each of the next four years. Because historically women use public transport more than men, and due to working times some women work around families, it may be less used services that are cut early mornings and late transport;  we therefore instruct the women’s advisory committee to link in with other CWU advisory committees and external like-minded groups and actively campaign against any cuts to the public transport department. This is yet another attack on working class people that this Tory Government have decided to impose in the name of austerity which will result in women suffering more.”


Women are constantly fed messages by the media that suggest being slim and young is the key to beauty and success. So naturally, feminists regularly talk about body image.

We talk about the unrealistic expectations placed on women. We talk about skinny shaming. We talk about fat shaming. And we talk about everything else in between.

With around one in every 250 women estimated to suffer from an eating disorder, discussions around body image are undeniably important.But body image isn't the only challenge facing women. There are many, many other issues out there that rarely get the media coverage they deserve.So here are 12 issues facing women that we need to give equal focus to

1. Domestic Violence

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Around one in four women experience domestic violence over their lifetimes.

According to new research, women who suffer at the hands of domestic violence are stuck in their situation for nearly three years, on average,

before getting the help they need.More than 85% of victims are in contact with professionals - on average five times - in the year before they get help.As Diana Barran, SafeLives' chief executive, said last week, it is simply not acceptable that victims should have to try to get help repeatedly.But with more and more women's shelters being closed every year due to budget cuts, immediate and apparent help is becoming less likely than ever.

2. Female genital mutilation (FGM)FGM is a global problem. The World Health Organisation estimates that three million girls undergo some form of the procedure every year in Africa alone. But it's also at our back door. Here in the UK, the Home Office estimates that 170,000 girls and women living

in the UK are survivors of the practice, with 65,000 girls under the age of 13 being at risk - these are the highest figures of any EU country.

In July, David Cameron hosted the first Girl Summit along with UNICEF, and we thought the issue of FGM was finally going to be tackled both here in the UK and abroad. But since then, the subject seems to have dropped off the radar once again.

3. BreastfeedingIn December Louise Burns was asked to cover herself with a napkin while she breastfed her child in Claridge's Hotel. She was made to feel "humiliated" as though feeding her child in public - a completely natural thing to do - was somehow wrong.Since then, mothers across the word have shown their support for public breastfeeding by posting brelfies (breastfeeding selfies) and Prime Minister David Cameron has said it's "totally unacceptable" for mothers to be made to feel uncomfortable when feeding their babies in public.But more still needs to be done to end the sexualisation of women's bodies and quash any stigma still attached to breastfeeding.

4. Sex-selective abortionsSex-selective abortion is illegal in the UK, but figures from 2014 suggested the practice had become so prevalent in the UK that between 1,400 and 4,700 females had disappeared from the national census records of England and Wales.MPs recently rejected a proposed amendment to the Serious Crime Bill, to clarify in law that abortion on the grounds of gender alone is illegal in the UK. Many MPs (and journalists)

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raised concerns that the amendment was a move towards limiting women's abortion rights in the UK."Crucially this bill implies specific protection for foetuses in the event that they are aborted for sex-selective reasons, thereby giving rights to some foetuses in some circumstances," Lisa Hallgarten wrote on the New Statesman.But that doesn't change the fact that around the world, female foetuses are aborted on the grounds that a male child is considered preferable to a daughter.Clearly, we need to find a way to tackle the underlying issue.

5. CatcallingCompared to some of these issues on this list, you may be inclined to say catcalling is "not a big deal." After all, its not a matter of life and death, is it? "Roll your eyes and ignore it" you may add. But in November a man who was almost

killed for defending his girlfriend against a cat caller.Catcalling is no laughing matter. Nor is it a compliment.When a woman secretly filmed herself walking round New York City in October, she was catcalled a total of 100 times in 10 hours. The video soon went viral, presumably because a lot of women can relate.

6. TraffickingMen, women and children are trafficked within their own countries and across international borders. According to charity Stop The Traffik, the practice affects every continent and every country - that most definitely includes the UK.

According to Equality Now, 20.9 million adults and children are bought and sold worldwide into commercial sexual servitude, forced labour and bonded labour and trafficking women and children for sexual exploitation is the fastest growing criminal enterprise in the world. They say women and girls make up 98% of victims of trafficking for sexual exploitation.

7. Stalking and harassment According to Women's Aid, stalking is one of the most common types of abuse.Government figures support the claim, showing around one in 25 women aged 16-59 are a victim of stalking every year.Recently, police said the number of women being stalked is

growing due to the internet.A source said to the Express: ""The prevalence and popularity of social networking sites means that stalking can be done at the touch of a button, rather than the old style of stalking, which involved waiting at someone's house and following them wherever they went."

8. Boko Haram

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On 14 April 2014, 276 School girls were kidnapped from the Chibok Government Secondary School by Boko Haram terrorists in Nigeria.The world was outraged by the kidnappings - initially at least - with high profile people such as Michelle Obama and Malala Yousafzai showing their support for the

#BringBackOurGirls champaign.But the media interest has all but disappeared, despite the fact that approximately230 of the girls are still missing.As Yousafzai said last month: "These young women risked everything to get an education that most of us take for granted. I will not forget my sisters. We cannot forget them."We must demand their freedom until they are reunited with the families and back in school, getting the education they so desperately desire."

9. Low rape conviction rateReports suggest the conviction rate for rape is criminally low. Estimates suggest 12,000 men and 85,000 women on average are raped in England and Wales every year, but only 1,070 rapists are convicted of their crime.An average of just 15,670 rapes are reported to the police each year.

Until something is done to eradicate the culture of victim-blaming in the UK, this is unlikely to change.

10. Poor Parliamentary representationIn the UK, 77% of MPs are men. The House of Commons is made up of 502 men and 148 women.The imbalance in other parts of the world is even more shocking, so it's not surprising that women's issues so often fail to be the priority.The 50:50 parliament campaign aims to address the problem in the UK - if women are to be taken seriously, we need more women in the positions that matter the most.

11. Gender pay gapWomen now make up 47% of the UK workforce, but figures from 2014 show that for every pound a man makes, a woman will only earn 80p.Currently, the average British woman earns £2.53 less than the average British man per hour.

12. Trolling

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In 2014 the #GamerGate furore confirmed that online trolling is becoming a huge

problem for women.Female game developer Brianna Wu fled her home after receiving rape and death threats online. Developer Zoe Quinn also received graphic threats before details of her home address were posted on social media.The threats made over #GamerGate almost certainly echo the threats female journalists, authors and campaigners faced the previous year.We cannot assume that trolling has nothing to do with us because it happens to "other women."Each and every topic in this list is about silencing and intimidating women into not having a voice - and that affects every child and woman in the world.


The CWU are continuing with their efforts to make the structure of the union executive more reflective of it’s membership. The CWU has several initiatives to support its women members and to encourage them to participate in the union. Around 20% of the Union's membership is female, and, although we are still encouraging greater representation at all levels in the Union, CWU women do still make their voices heard!

My role within the Branch is encourage women to step forward, to keep them informed of matters relating to women and to be the voice of our female membership.

If anyone has any ideas on how we can communicate better, or issues which you would like me to look into then please do not hesitate to get in touch.

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Two years into the programme of looking and addressing the issue of proportionality within the CWU, this meeting was arranged so we could come together and assess the progress that has been made.

Dave Ward acknowledged that while most people in the CWU “get” proportionality, “the time has come for the union to have an open and honest discussion with those who don’t,” and he stressed the urgency of creating a more inclusive union. Dave thanked everyone for all the work that had been done for the TUC #heart union week. Dave said proportionality was an agenda that had been driven by the former GS Billy Hayes and now sees it as his own responsibility to continue with the programme: he added that it is a responsibility of us all to deliver proportionality. Dave went on to say that he hopes to set up a mentoring network, led by all the national officers of the CWU. He said that still, even two years in some branches “do not get it” and it is time now for the union to have an open and honest discussion and if needs be, address individual branches. Equality needs to be brought to the mainstream of the union, he even went as far to say that he would support a change in the structure of general conference to support and promote equality debates.

Some data was provided:

84% of the total CWU membership are retired 42.9% are over 50yrs old The total number of women members is 34,661 which is 19.4% 9.6% are under the age of 30 13.5 per cent of reps are female 14 women branch secretaries

The womens’ conference and disability conference had been held on consecutive days, midweek: they had attracted the highest attendance recorded for these events.Branch visits were to continue, data collection, training and mentoring were al priorities going forward.

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Each of the advisory committees gave a brief presentation on what work they have carried out over the two years, what had been achieved and what in their view still needed to be done.

WAC – to empower and inspire. LGBT – briefed us on legislation changes, offered the opportunity of workshops to branches.RA –reported out of 129 branches 44 currently have a BAME officer in post: they accept that location of the branch and it’s demographic play a large part in this. DAC -30,000 members in the union have a disability. Even more, but a lot of members do not recognise their own disability.

Two things they all had in common, to educate branches and to empower members.Guest speakers at the event:-

Alice Hood – TUC Head of Equality & Strategy. Alice said unions negotiate equality policies for the benefit of all, “in unionised workplaces you are more likely to get flexible working, maternity rights and no maternity discrimination.” She stated that women are

more likely to be in a union than men, so the trade union bill is hitting that group more. Alice said that “a womens’ place is in the EU”. Europe may not be perfect but the social protections have afforded us a balance: a lot of equality protections come from the EU membership. Alice asked us if we really wanted to risk leaving the EU, do we risk leaving everything in the hands of the UK government or should we take the initiative and build on the social community of the EU. Alice thought that whatever our views are, unions need to get stuck into the EU debate; disabled, BAME, LGBT need to feel supported, so they are confident in speaking up and most of all comfortable I being themselves.

Paul Canoville – A freelance motivational speaker, who has worked in education, the criminal justice system and local communities for the past 8 years. As a youth he played professional football and was the first black player signed to Chelsea Football Club at the age of 19 years old. Paul told us that as he warmed up on the side-lines for is debut game, he could hear the heckles and racist comments that abuse was coming not just from the away fans but from Chelsea’s own fans: his fans. He felt completely drained, emotionally and his

team mates did not know what to say to him. This abuse continued for 2 and a half years.

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Then in a cup qualifier game, Paul scored the winning goal – only then did the Chelsea fans begin to accept him. Paul said he had a goo 5 to 6 years after that, but eventually he left the club after a race fired dispute with another player, to which the club offered no backing to Paul. He retired early through injury but had more heartache, getting addicted to drugs, having cancer and a child dying in his arms.

Paul though, rebuilt his life, being asked by Chelsea in 2004 to talk to some children. He later became a classroom assistant. His autobiography “Black and Blue” (2008) won a number of awards. Paul raised the issue of black players not being given a fair opportunity to become managers in the Premiership.

“We played and thought we’d be given a chance but we’re not getting that chance. It is upsetting us a lot – there is the question of how we overcome barriers,” said Paul, who spoke of a scheme in the USA’s National Football Association whereby a BAME person has to be interviewed for major coaching positions.

Kate Green –MP for Stretford and Urmston: she is currently the shadow minister for women and equalities. Kate began by congratulating the CWU on the approach our union has taken in tackling the issue of proportionality. Kate said “equality and Justice are so important, looking at yourselves in this way brave but essential.” Statin it makes us stronger when we show how we apply our values across our movement.

Kate described how the government are casually destructing and picking off equality issues one by one. She explained how the government’s austerity agenda has proved just how blind they are to the equality impacts that their cuts to benefits are having: women being hit the hardest, with the youth and disabled services affected by cuts. Specialist services being closed down, such as sure start domestic violence abuse, transport and home applications all affected by the callousness of the government. People are now trapped in low paid, insecure work we now have a new phrase ‘in work poverty’. Equally career advice has collapsed and once again we are now seeing yung females being directed towards certain career paths.

Linda Roy addressed the meeting stating the CWU faces many challenges least of all from the HMRC, the Trade Union Bill and the employers. Yet, on a positive note, even while under attack the branches and the CWU as a whole have proven that we have the most dedicated and committed people working in them. Linda said “when we first set off people asked ‘why bother?’ but if you now look at the many photos on Facebook from last week’s campaign, you can see the diversity of our membership. We are trying to reflect eh

profile of our membership.”

Trish Lavelle explained the importance of training, education being key and then went on to talk more about the relevance of mentoring new people as they come through.

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International Women’s DayCelebrate the Past-Fight for the FutureJANE LOFTUS, BRANCH MEMBER, PRESIDENT OF THE CWU

Women have made great strides forward in the fight for Equality and Women’s liberation. Yet in 2016 Countries across the World still treat women as second class citizens and refuse to allow women the vote, legal redress, right to education and to

be free of violence. These are only a few of the issues women face on a day to day basis around the Globe. Progress for these women may seem slow or totally out of reach. International Women’s Day brings us together and allows us all to celebrate the progress and highlight the campaigns and to join the struggles on issues that still affect women in the 21st Century.

In the UK many organisations, including your union the CWU and some of your Employers will be raising the profile of International Women’s Day. Some will highlight the lack of women applying for or doing jobs that would have been seen as “men only” in the past. The record of the CWU and the Employers on women’s issues may be seen as progress but both the Union and Management will agree, much more could be done both in work and

society. The CWU will continue to fight for better agreements that are above the legal minimum to ensure women’s rights are protected in the workplace.

It is important that women join unions and political campaigns so that their voices can be heard on all issues not just women’s rights. I’ve been a CWU member for 34 years, the whole of my working life. Society and the workplace have changed during this time, but the need to organise in the workplace has never gone away and becomes more important than ever as the Tory Government and Employers attack workers conditions, welfare and pensions in the name of austerity and cuts.

I would ask all members to get involved in the CWU. This may be going to a Branch meeting, advising representatives of any issues in the workplace or

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standing for a union position. By being involved you can shape agreements and change the direction of the CWU and management. You will also meet others who believe that unions play a vital role in work and society. The CWU is involved in local and National Campaigns that affect everyone. If you are interested in campaigning with the CWU let your local rep or Branch Secretary know. If you’re part of a campaign get in touch with your Branch and ask for support and help.

As a Socialist and Trade Unionist I believe the future is there for us to shape by joining the fight against the cruel injustices we all face, as the rich continue to get richer and the poor poorer. Get active in your workplace and union Branch.

Together Another World is Possible! Jane Loftus CWU President 




Hello I’m Julie Gibson and I’m a CWU member of the Greater Mersey Branch and a postwoman from the Ormskirk depo. I’ve been a trade unionist all my working life and became a member of the CWU when I became a postwoman for Royal Mail back in June 2013. I’m also a County Councillor for Lancashire County Council and took on this role at about the same time as I became a postwoman in the County Council elections of 2013. I often claim to people that I lead a double-life - a postie in the morning and a politician in the afternoon!! In fact when I turn up to my desk at County Hall after I’ve

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finished my shift a lot of my fellow councillors are leaving for the day as I’m just arriving! I also spend my “rest day” catching up with my residents, dealing with ward work and the business of the Council. Organising my time is a skill that I probably get right 95% of the time, but as with any career the best laid plans can often come undone, but I like to think I’m getting there!!!  It’s always entertaining when people at the County Council find out I’m a postwoman. I’ve had a few instances this year, when due to busy periods at the depo I’ve had to rush straight from work to attend a Full Council meeting. In fact, at one Full Council meeting this year I was speaking in the debate on Police cuts having just rushed straight from my shift in Ormskirk to the meeting in Preston. The people watching on the webcam broadcast must’ve thought it rather strange that a person in full postal uniform was addressing the main meeting of the Full Council. I never let it be known on my round that I’m a councillor, I’m very aware of my role as a Royal Mail employee and to be neutral in my dealings with the public. However, after a few appearances in the local paper I could see a couple of people on my round looking at me rather differently and then one of them had the courage to ask “It is you isn’t it? You’re the postie councillor?” and that’s how I’m known by many of them now. “Councillor Postie” is a refrain that often follows me around out on delivery.  

This year I celebrate 25 years as a member of the Labour Party, joining in April 1991 and I would love to encourage other CWU women members to join their local party and get involved. I enjoy having a job away from Council, I always feel that it keeps me connected to people in my community. We’ve had some real tough decisions to make at County Hall this year and I feel more equipped to take them having had contact with what I see as “life in the real world” and the people who live it.

 I have great support from my fellow posties, especially my postie partner (I work a shared van) who will help me out on delivery if I have to rush off for a briefing or a meeting and from my CWU Branch and the CWU North West Region who are always keen to support the involvement of women members in political life and have been a great resource and support to me. If you’re thinking of getting involved with your local Labour Party, becoming a Councillor or an activist and would like to speak to someone about it you can contact me on the details below.  

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Postie and Lancashire County Councillor Julie GibsonEmail: [email protected] Mobile: 07876 844276Twitter: @CllrJGibson Website:


ANNUAL REPORT. 2016The Section held four meetings in the last year. At the Annual General Meeting the following were elected, Phil Duffy chair, Allan Trotter Secretary, and three Committee Members, Jim Smith, Ray Walker,John Winder.

In June a party of members visited Blackpool for the Annual Meeting of the National Pensioners Convention,

In September a trip was taken by some Members to the RAF Museum at Cosford Telford.

On November the 11th the usual Remembrance Service was held at theMet Quarter Whitechapel. (The Old Head Post Office).

In December a successful Social was held at the Eldonion Centre.

In February 2016 Phil Duffy attended the Retired Members Conference in Manchester as the Branch Delegate and Vinny Holyland, Adrian Parry and John Winder attended as observers. I (Allan Trotter) should have attended on behalf of the RMAC but was not well enough. At that Conference a Motion from this Branch which originally came through the Retired Members Section was carried to go to Annual Conference in April this year.

Correspondence has been sent out to all the Retired Members about events taking place.

Chair, Phil Duffy

Secretary Allan Trotter.



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Parcels Health & Safety Report 2015


2015 is behind us and as we set out into another year it is time for the yearly annual report, 2015 has been an unfortunate and fortunate year for me for a number of reasons that I will mention later on. But first things first, 2015 started on a high note for me as I was chosen as the CWU entrant for the TUC Health and Safety rep. of the year award! This was for the work I had done in campaigning to have reversing cameras fitted not only to Parcelforce Fleet vans but also vans operated on behalf of the business by “Owner Drivers” This was at first resisted by the business but eventually after a good deal of work undertaken by the CWU Health and Safety Dept. Headed by National Health, Safety and Environment Officer Dave Joyce, this proposal was accepted and now as a direct result all vans operating on behalf of Parcelforce will be fitted with a reversing camera or reversing aid.

This is an excellent result for all concerned, the public and Parcelforce drivers putting both in a much safer environment and the business, underlining its total commitment to the safety of its employees and its customers the public, it is a “win, win” situation and although I did not eventually win the TUC award, I feel it is a safety improvement that will save lives, and serious injuries being suffered in the future and the fact that I was nominated and accepted and then put forward by Dave Ward gives me great pleasure and makes me proud to be the Parcelforce H & S rep.

As far as I am aware I am the first Parcelforce Safety rep. to achieve this honour.

Moving on into 2015, various advances were made on the safety front by the CWU H & S dept. Notably the CWU Dangerous Dogs-Bite Back Campaign. If you follow the link below it will direct you to a short film highlighting the campaign which Dave Joyce has headed up and campaigned valiantly for members for a number of years now, resulting in changes to the law relating to dangerous dog attacks on members of the public and Postal Workers. Well done Dave.

With regard to injuries to postal workers National Officer Dave Joyce had this to say

"Royal Mail employs 0.7% of the UK population but is responsible for nearly 10% of the UK's musculoskeletal injuries each year and their track record on Safety isn't good enough. In fact, it's four times worse than the transport industry. Additionally, the HSE have been inspecting Delivery Offices across the country and they generally aren't too impressed either".

Well I have been in my role as Health & Safety rep. for over 10 years now and in that time I have never had the opportunity to walk a HSE Inspector around my own depot, or any of those I inspect as Area Rep. (sub). In fact, chance would be a fine

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thing, if I had the opportunity to accompany an Inspector on his or her “walk around” I am also sure they would not be too impressed with what evidence I could reveal to them!

Musculoskeletal disorders and stress have increased massively, firstly musculoskeletal disorders, or more commonly, injuries to our bones and muscle tissue have gone off the Richter scale, not too many years ago we were all being told “the way forward is smaller parcels and packets!” and for a time things did start to change, smaller, lighter parcels, more manageable and employee friendly started to become the norm...Hooray, common sense prevails you would think? But this new employee friendly way of working didn’t last long, probably 6 to nine months, then gradually slowly but surely the large, oversized and extremely heavy, crept back in and as they did along with them came the musculoskeletal disorders, just as sure as night follows day.

I have witnessed, industrial sized barbeques, large commercial vehicle exhaust systems, radiators that look big enough to heat The Kop or Gwadlys Street End and even hardwood coffins! These are all items that of course can be delivered but they are mostly two-man lifts and for that reason should not be attempted by one man from the back of a Sprinter van, any manager who is fully conversant with U.K. and indeed European health and safety law, will of course fully understand the dangers and repercussions under those same laws and regulations of instructing single persons to perform a duty that demands two people to carry out that task. If you feel that you are being asked to move something that is beyond your own personal capabilities ask immediately for assistance to load and deliver the offending item if this assistance is not forthcoming, come and see me and I will take up the matter there and then.

Stress, is another symptom of overwork, bullying, constant pressure, every day you must perform! “Can you take more”, “can you do a collection in another area”, “on your way back in can you call at so and so”, if you can do it without any problems...fine, but if you can’t be honest and say, sorry I would like to help, but I am just too busy, unfortunately.

What is stress? Stress is the feeling of being under too much mental or emotional pressure.

Pressure turns into stress when you feel unable to cope. People have different ways of reacting to stress, so a situation that feels stressful to one person may be motivating to someone else.

Many of life’s demands can cause stress, particularly work, relationships and money problems. And, when you feel stressed, it can get in the way of sorting out these demands, or can even affect everything you do.

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Stress can affect how you feel, think, behave and how your body works. In fact, common signs of stress include sleeping problems, sweating, loss of appetite and difficulty concentrating.

You may feel anxious, irritable or low in self esteem, and you may have racing thoughts, worry constantly or go over things in your head. You may notice that you lose your temper more easily, drink more or act unreasonably.

You may also experience headaches, muscle tension or pain, or dizziness.

Stress causes a surge of hormones in your body. These stress hormones are released to enable you to deal with pressures or threats – the so-called "fight or flight" response. 

Once the pressure or threat has passed, your stress hormone levels will usually return to normal. However, if you're constantly under stress, these hormones will remain in your body, leading to the symptoms of stress.

Managing stress in daily life

Stress is not an illness itself, but it can cause serious illness if it isn't addressed. It's important to recognise the symptoms of stress early. Recognising the signs and symptoms of stress will help you figure out ways of coping and save you from adopting unhealthy coping methods, such as drinking or smoking.

Spotting the early signs of stress will also help prevent it getting worse and potentially causing serious complications, such as high blood pressure.

There is little you can do to prevent stress, but there are many things you can do to manage stress more effectively, such as learning how to relax, taking regular exercise and adopting good time-management techniques.

Studies have found that mindfulness courses, where participants are taught simple meditations across a series of weeks, can also help to reduce stress and improve mood.

Read more about mindfulness.

When to see your GP about your stress levels If you've tried self-help techniques and they aren't working, you should go to see your GP. They may suggest other coping techniques for you to try or recommend some form of counselling or cognitive behavioural therapy.

If your stress is causing serious health problems, such as high blood pressure, you may need to take medication or further tests.

Mental health issues, including stress, anxiety and depression, are the reason for one-in-five visits to a GP.

Recognising your stress triggers

If you're not sure what's causing your stress, keep a diary and make a note of stressful episodes for two-to-four weeks. Then review it to spot the triggers.

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Things you might want to write down include:

the date, time and place of a stressful episode

what you were doing 

who you were with

how you felt emotionally 

what you were thinking 

what you started doing 

how you felt physically 

a stress rating (0-10 where 10 is the most stressed you could ever feel)

You can use the diary to:

work out what triggers your stress 

work out how you operate under pressure 

develop better coping mechanisms

Doctors sometimes recommend keeping a stress diary to help them diagnose stress.

Take action to tackle stress

There's no quick-fix cure for stress, and no single method will work for everyone. However, there are simple things you can do to change the common life problems that can cause stress or make stress a problem. These include relaxation techniques, exercise and talking the issues through.

“Talking the issues through” that’s good advice if you feel stressed, address the problem and start to find the way that suits you not to be constantly racing against the clock, feeling under constant scrutiny and pressurised. Your employer doesn’t want you to suffer from any work related debilitating condition, so if you do feel under constant pressure take steps to alleviate the matter.

Also this year I would like to mention the fact that after complaints by myself going back over 6 years to the CWU health and safety dept. Following a meeting with Dave Joyce, it will shortly be announced that in the coming months elections will be triggered for the positions of all 4 Area Health & Safety Reps. Not wanting to dwell on this matter, it is enough to say I complained that I was aware that elections for these positions had not been held for many, many years and besides being totally against the constitution of the CWU and of course thoroughly undemocratic, the people in those positions had no mandate whatsoever from their peers the members of this union to act on their behalf. After my complaint I came across nothing but obstruction and supposed impediments from various different areas but with the help of our own CWU branch and in particular, Branch Secretary Mark Walsh, we were both able to bring this matter to what within months, should turn out to be a satisfactory conclusion.

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My feeling is if someone is representing me I want the best available and I also want the opportunity to have been able to vote for them!!

Finally, to revert back to the start of this report, I mentioned that it had been an unfortunate and a fortunate year for me, unfortunately in July of this year on my way to bed early one Sunday night, as I reached the step almost at the top of the stairs at home I slipped, I tried to grab the bannister rail but missed , this gave added impetus to my backwards fall, somersaulting from top to bottom of the stair, where at the bottom I hit the back of my scull on the hallway wall. To cut a long story as short as I can, I fractured my scull in 3 places, had major brain bleeds to all areas, knocked out or damaged 4 teeth, had to be resuscitated by a paramedic, on arrival at hospital I developed severe hypertension problems with a heart rate of over 200BPM, one of my Kidneys was damaged and I developed sepsis. If that wasn’t enough I was in a coma for 5 days and in intensive care for 5 weeks, I lost 34lb in weight, was hardly able to walk or talk and was expected to die.

The fortunate part of this story is next now! After what I can only describe as absolutely wonderful care by a truly massive NHS medical team, I not only survived but I have made a truly remarkable recovery and returned very tentatively to work in October, so much so that I am writing this report on a computer in London Metropolitan University where I am in the final weeks of study after a 6 year course to obtain a BA Honors Degree in Health & Safety...again I am the only Health and Safety rep. in Parcelforce to have achieved this.

So I would now like to end what has turned out to be a long report with thanks to the following, my wife Susan and sons and daughters who suffered more than I could imagine, my Mum, Dad and Brothers and their families for continual support, all my workmates and friends for help and ongoing support, in particular Mark Walsh and John Pettit and on the business side Andy Elliott and John Parry for their understanding and more than considerable help and assistance.

Thank you and can I personally wish all members and their families a very happy and healthy 2016.


Mal Woods, CWU Health and Safety Rep. Parcelforce Liverpool.


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Since 2014 work in the community was seen as the only way forward to encourage responsible dog ownership in our area

I have attended over 31 community dog chipping events, supported & arranged through the joint working partnership with Merseyside Police & Guide dogs UK and 601 dog owner questionnaires have been carried out by the CWU at these events and over 2,000 CWU information leaflets handed out promoting responsible dog ownership.

In October 2015 Royal Mail & the CWU announced a pilot of the "Postal Workers Service Level Agreement" which went ‘live’ in 3 of the largest police forces in the UK; Merseyside, Metropolitan and West Midlands. We have secured 4 successful dog owner prosecutions and now have a joint working group in place with MERSEYSIDE POLICE/CWU/GUIDE DOGS UKWe are the only area in the UK that has an agreement to share information on dangerous dogs with Police. Over 5,000 dangerous dogs sent to Merseyside police every year since 2013. Last year in 2015 we sent Merseyside Police 6,280 addresses where dangerous dogs have been identified on WRAP.

The national dog safety working group (which I am proud to represent this branch on) recognises Merseyside as the leaders on dog safety.A new working group now set up with Liverpool University dog behavioural specialists. The aim is to trail new initiatives and introduce the 5 step ‘smart’ approach to guidance into all walk logs

Just over 3 years ago in Merseyside we had the 3rd highest number of dog bite AODs in the UK!!

We still do not have a single High Impacting unit for dog attacks in any of the 'hot spot' D.Os in the West territory. This is something to be very proud of when, especially when you consider that according to the Health & Social Care Information centre. (HSCIC) You are 7 times more likely to be attacked by a dog in Merseyside than in Kent & Medway.


As Warrington M.C move forward as a stand-alone branch, I would like to thank and pay tribute to the hard work and dedication & support offered by all site H&S reps.

Over the Christmas 2015 period, the collective efforts of site H&S reps and site ASR’s ensured the correct control measures were introduced to the M.C .yard operations. The site remained safe during this period; however a serious and potentially catastrophic incident was avoided only due to the fact that the CWU

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ensured ALL required site Risk Assessments were completed and ALL necessary control measures were introduced.

We maintained our position throughout the Christmas operations discussions. The severity of risk should never be overlooked. Our stance proved to be a justified one!


We are now seeing a more robust approach from the business on challenging member’s safety failings. Safety reps have been briefed and a number of posters sent out for display in units. These are reminding our members of the importance of completing ALL mandatory safety procedures.

We have seen challenges this year from senior SHE management on the following issues.

Non-use of seatbelts, whilst driving a RM vehicle.

Non completion of mandatory daily & weekly vehicle checks.

Non-use of PPE (in a designated work area).

Non-use of mandatory delivery work equipment.

The ever increasing number of outdoor SMAT’s (Safety Management Audit Training) and behavioural coaching, highlight the fact that that we need to keep pushing home the safety message to all of our members at every unit.


I still Chair an active ASR’s forum covering the WEST CENTRAL area. We also have close H&S links with other branches within the North West area. Safety Ideas and initiatives are now shared across the whole of the West central & North West area.


By the end of May 2016 we should have 19 of 31 work area H&S reps trained up to level 3 TUC H&S.

We also need to look at other areas where we need to educate ourselves and our reps.

I was fortunate to attend the first MHFA course of its type in our area recently.

Mental Health First Aid (MHFA) is a new educational course which teaches people how to identify, understand and help individuals who may have a mental health condition. The course gives them the tools to recognise, support, reassure and encourage those suffering from mental ill health, much like a physical first aider. Every year 1 in 4 adults in Britain experience at least one diagnosable mental health

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issue. These conditions can have an effect on the individuals work life and home life. It is estimated that mental ill health cost the UK employers £26 billion a year.

Mental Health First Aid training for CWU reps could be a vital & supportive initiative moving forward over the next few years.


The numbers of members now being covered under the equality act has increased significantly over the last 3 years. I have completed 14 Vulnerable person R/A’s in the last 12 months. This is a massive upward trend, which we simply can’t ignore. We need to continue to support

these members and ensure the ‘reasonable adjustment’ entitlements are made available to every single member who needs them.

We are in a very good position as a branch. The number of unit H&S reps we have and also the ongoing safety training of those reps, mean we are in a strong position to face fast moving changes and also raise H&S challenges when we need to.

The hard work & dedication shown by all the CWU unit/depot health &safety reps in 2015 should never be under estimated. I would like to thank them on behalf of all of us for their support & representation in 2015.

We need to keep pushing forward in 2016, we have an opportunity to create the most ‘risk averse’ and most innovative branch in the UK.

Let’s not waste that opportunity!!Jamie McGovern.

CWU ASR, Greater Mersey & S.W Lancs Amal.

Branch Telecom Section Safety Annual Report

The Branch was let down by BT HR and the ever ongoing safety database which has held back USR accreditations, building inspections and even allocation of buildings.

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General consensus that the database is being wilfully blocked to prevent highlighting the progressive withdrawal of safety time for reps; we need to collate refusals for our own and Head Office evidence. Even the initial training course has been so rare it is difficult to get anyone on, BT say no one can book SR time without having done this course.

We continue to meet with Openreach, TSO, Supply Chain, Fleet, and Openreach NW with both a tri-regional meeting and a joint union meeting but some of these are cancelled at short notice or moved back then further back. There is a lack of commitment form many managers and a mere lip service to safety. There are organising differences in CWU set up in the ten regions, we are to consolidate the North [NE, NW & Scot] on the NW set up and diarise regional and national meetings at the same time to make reporting back easier and prevent duplication but maximise representation; to set up a spreadsheet with all meetings, frequency, attendance etc. Some Branch engineers went to help following the flooding in Cumbria which affected two main depots; Carlisle and Kendal TEC’s were designated no go areas due to contamination. Concerns were raised by Openreach management that Engineers were still entering the sites. Kendal TEC was a no go area as the ground started to dip and a sink hole has appeared. In Carlisle TEC BTFS completed the clean-up process with the cable storage area being decontaminated along with the cable. Carlisle Fleet workshop will not reopen and they are looking for a new site to be based as the risk of further flooding is extremely high. Also we have concern over accident reporting, it is inconceivable that with the amount of work hours that were spent in the weeks following the two storms that there was not a single accident or near miss – we did not get one report.

Over the last year we have put out several notices [as above] where applicable, in the name of the Branch, the NW Engineering Safety Committee or the BT Coord, we even wrote one at the request of Openreach.

Some general issues have been a Safety Belt Trial, Manager AMS Checks, BT Driver distraction comms - reminding and raising awareness, Samalite Floodlight Demonstration, and a PCP Door Safety Briefing. The lighting kit is largely dependent on engineer’s RA but much better kit, Openreach/CWU are going to reconvene the meeting over some issue and concerns about RWG when using the kit

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Safety Days – some are late, some are being cancelled, the CWU are frequently not getting invited over the whole North patch. What happened to the Openreach Safety Team coordinating them?

HSE - we are not informed of the CWU/HSE meetings in so much a manner to see agenda, get anything on the agenda, see any minutes or report back etc. although Head Office say “we’re nearly there”. Not reassuring. We considered a prop to conference but sided on IR issues at the Committee meeting.

There is an audit on PEUs to remove unsuitable kit and replacement of metal digging tools with a range of “shocksafe” insulated tools now mandatary for all pole erection work.

CPs located in dangerous sites - approximately 80,000 cabinets & 85K DSLAMS; there is a reporting Process for Dangerous cabs established with a single point of contact; Openreach claim that there are only 5 nationally that need addressing. Ongoing but we need to continue highlighting the ones where we have concerns.

There is concern over wind speed, the use of Beaufort scale and use of anemometers. The scale was devised back in 1805 and is not fit for purpose in 2016, new meters are available for less than £20.00 [a], flexible ins use and more acute taking out assumptions an guesswork. They could also be linked to an auto shut down that can only be over ridden in emergency.

Near misses - we are getting less reported as anecdotal evidence is that they have led to disciplines against the reporting engineer. Systems need complete anonymity to get used.

The Branch raised concern many years ago nationally about fixed ladders following an incident in Lancaster House and the issue was dismissed before finally it was accepted that they come under work at height regulations. We now have pictorial evidence of severely corroded external vertical ladders from a manhole and legislation states that “any equipment exposed to conditions that may cause it to deteriorate, and result in a dangerous situation, should be inspected at suitable intervals appropriate to the environment and use”.

We have raised concern over the growing complexity of latest pre-climb risk assessment aide and the 3m pole markings.

Traffic light trials - done on a 60mph highway, professional layout, newer version 4 available soon, long battery life (seven days) mean can be left overnight, all trialists were unit 10 trained, and volunteers, concern needing ratification on two engineers setting up being freed to work as automated system.

Lifter 4A hydraulic issue - any known issues can let Branch office know.

Appropriate PPE for female engineers, eventually, the latest supplier DCC introduced some new female designed worker and footwear was available straight

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away. The new wardrobes have been designed to include both female clothing and also the re-introduction of cargo trousers and T-shirts.

Dangerous cabinets - eg. Culcheth [not the only one] over two years old issue James Mills [Senior Plant Safety Risk Manager] looking at it and writing a generic RA for Openreach all such PCPs.

Stress - we have had a number of colleagues off ill and obviously such information is strictly confidential, however this does lead to questions on how we respond and we asked members to assist us. Health and Safety legislation does not expect BT to eliminate all risks such as stress they are required to do what is reasonably practicable to protect employees. The Branch wrote a quick survey to evidence the issue locally and put it on line at but the response was nil so we could not pursue it.

Accident reporting - previously, the Coord had asked this to be raised with the HSE as we considered that BT were in breach of SRSC Regulations and wilfully preventing CWU investigate incidents. After them coming through in a useless format they are now at least improved the details of their incident/accident findings but there are still issues with them. There is an incident number, name, and EIN but

no location info or OUC. Even if we are to look up the name/EIN we can’t identify where the person had the incident, they could be on-loan, they could be non-employees.

High performance target trial - though mainly an issue for the Engineering Committee it does reflect on BT generally. AB has suggested that the northwest takes a lead on the trial and we can then feedback to CWU Head Office. When we have engineers close to tears [a 50 year old bloke, 6'4'' in an IFW hearing], a branch official already off with stress and at least one incident where the

causational factor was the attitude and behaviour of the manager immediately leading to the incident. When we say we have a high number of engineers currently suffering from stress or who are currently off sick we may need to produce evidence of this. How we proceed will be discussed at Engineering and Coord meetings this week but sure both will support this meetings discussion IR approach.

High Risk Areas – North Manchester and South Manchester complete but the first meeting for Merseyside due on the 12 Nov was cancelled with no explanation at short notice. Openreach put out a statement saying “worked closely with the CWU and engineers to ensure we get a balanced and fair approach to what DPs and postcodes should be removed or included”. The NW Engineering Safety Committee believe that once the review team have identified an area where there is a high likelihood of our engineers being attached, then why would we want to put them at risk of being attacked? The general feeling is that managers are comfortable in sending an engineer into a HRA to carry out their own RA, especially when there are higher than usual work stacks. We continue to wait for positive responses from CWU Head Office and Openreach nationally.

Things can go wrong. Luckily no one was injured in this incident despite how bad it was, this was an on-loan engineer working in Scotland.

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Derek Maylor 2nd. March 2016.


Time and again we are met with conflicting ideas from members regarding the issue of political matters: some think we should not be so politically active and others think we should be more.

As trade unionists we are naturally wired to seek out answers to the issues our members bring us, to the problems our members have and to increase the welfare of our members and their families: that is sought to be achieved in and outside of the workplace.

But some of our IR/workplace issues cannot be fought and won solely in the workplace, we have to seek help and support.

That means we have to be a politically active branch.

We have all read recent headlines, who could ignore them?

“More than 1,000 flood defence schemes left without government funding”

“libraries are open less often or run by volunteers” “The vast majority of those affected by the bedroom tax had to cut down

on food to make up for the reduction in housing benefit.” “Tory cuts 20,000 Army, 5,000 Navy, 5,000 RAF, 60,000 NHS, 36,000

Police, 730,000 Public Sector, 7,000 Firemen” “SSI Redcar steelworks to be shut” “Labour Defeated On Tax Credit Cuts Rethink As No Conservative MPs

Vote Against The Government” “Even the House of Lords couldn’t stomach Osborne’s tax credit cuts” “Britain will join the coalition of nations conducting airstrikes in Syria”   “NHS sell-out: Tories sign largest privatisation deal in history worth

£780MILLION” “Junior doctors strike to go ahead on 12 January 2016”

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This report is a round-up of some of the activities we have undertaken in 2015: there are many that I will merely mention here:

A sit in on the dock road in Liverpool against one of Osborne’s Budget statements: this also included blocking the Wallasey tunnel and a march through Liverpool city centre.

Journeys to Westminster with the aim to either meet MPs regarding general issues or lobby MPs on specific issues.

Campaigning in Oldham after the passing of Michael Meacher.

Arranging workplace visits of local MPs and councillors.

2015 began as 2014 had finished: reps and officers doing all they could to support local Labour candidates in the fast approaching general election. Weekends, evenings and in fact most of our spare time was spent leafletting and door knocking in all wards and constituencies across the NW: we stayed behind after work to sort mailings and postings. For our CWU backed MPs and candidates, in particular Margaret Greenwood, who was standing in Wirral West against Esther McVey.

The week of the General election Branch officers stepped up their efforts, even giving their own time and vehicles to drive candidates around their areas.

Polls and commentators predicted the outcome would be too close to call and would result in a second hung parliament similar to the 2010 election, dubbing the vote 'the most unpredictable in decades.' 

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Optimism was high, Ed Miliband had come into his own on many issues, the televised debates had gone ok: except when asked about Labours spending history, that was a wobble (or so we thought).

Then the date finally came and the United Kingdom general election of 2015 was held on 7 May 2015 to elect the 56th Parliament of the United Kingdom. Voting took place in all 650 parliamentary constituencies of the United Kingdom, each electing one Member of Parliament to the House of Commons, the dominant house of Parliament. Local elections took place in most of England on the same day, excluding Greater London. It was the first general election to be held at the end of a fixed term parliament following the enactment of the Fixed-term Parliaments Act 2011.

Then at 10pm our hearts sunk, when the result of the exit polls were announced: personally I sat up all night in the hope that they were wrong. Labour was in front all night until 5am on the morning of the 8th May, then as the results of the counts continued to be announced the Tory party started to pull away, and the rest is sadly history.

Opinion polls were eventually proven to have underestimated the Conservative vote, which bore resemblance to their surprise victory in the 1992 general election. Having governed in coalition with the Liberal Democrats since 2010, the Conservatives won 330 seats and 36.9% of the vote, this time winning a working majority of 12.

The British Polling Council began an inquiry into the variance between opinion polls and the actual result. The election marked the first time a Conservative majority government had been elected since 1992; David Cameron became the first Prime Minister to continue in office

immediately after a full term with a larger popular vote share for his party since 1900 and the only Prime Minister other than Margaret Thatcher to continue in office immediately after a full term with a greater number of seats for his party. The Labour Party, led by Ed Miliband, saw a slight increase in their vote but incurred a net loss of seats, winning 30.4% and 232 seats. This was their lowest seat tally since 1987.

The Scottish National Party, having enjoyed a surge in support since the 2014 Scottish independence referendum, became the third largest party in the Commons by winning 56 of the 59 seats in Scotland, mostly at the expense of Labour. The SNP recorded a number of record breaking swings including the new record of 39.3% in Glasgow North East. They also won the seat of former Prime Minister, Gordon Brown, overturning a majority of 23,009 to win by a majority of 9,974 votes.

The Liberal Democrats, led by the outgoing Deputy Prime Minister Nick Clegg, had their worst result since 1970and held just eight out of their previous 57 seats. Liberal Democrat cabinet ministers Vince Cable, Ed Davey, and Danny Alexander as well as former cabinet ministers Michael Moore and David Laws all lost their seats. A number of senior

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Labour shadow cabinet ministers, notably Ed Balls, Douglas Alexander and Margaret Curran, along with Scottish Labour leader Jim Murphy, were defeated. The Green Party won their highest ever share of the vote with 3.8% and held their only seat of Brighton Pavilion with an increased majority. The campaign was marked by the growing support for the UK Independence Party (UKIP), which came third in terms of votes with 12.9% but only won a single seat, with party leader Nigel Farage failing to win the seat of South Thanet. Miliband (as national leader) and Murphy (as Scottish leader) resigned, as did Clegg and Farage,[9][10] although Farage's resignation was rejected by his party and he remained in post.

In Northern Ireland, there was less change. The Ulster Unionist Party returned to the Commons with two MPs after a five-year absence, gaining one seat from the Democratic Unionist Party and one from Sinn Fein, while Alliance lost its only Commons seat to the DUP despite an increase in total vote share.

What we now had to face was that the next five years were undoubtedly going to be the hardest to endure for most of us, countless attacks on unions and working class people, a class war the likes of which we have never witnessed in our lifetimes and utter bewilderment that the general population of this country would, even could, vote Tory: for most of us, it felt like a bereavement: a sense of loss and the inability to accept just what most had woken up to on the 8th of May 2015.

One ray of light, on what was a very dark day, was that Margaret Greenwood was successful in her campaign and bear Esther McVey, becoming the elected MP for Wirral West.

Responses from the LibDems and Labour were that the respective party leaders both stood down. Farcically, as you would expect, Nigel Farage submitted his resignation as leader of UKIP however, it was reported that his party had declined to accept his resignation, so he remained in position. Harriette Harmon, deputy leader of the Labour Party stepped in as temporary leader, however she announced that she would be stepping down as deputy leader.

So ensued the decline of a caring country and the start of the Labour party leadership and deputy leader elections.

30th June 2015, Unions together arranged a hustings event, each union was invited to send a delegation to both pose questions and listen to the responses from each candidate.

The CWU sent a delegation made up of 60 people, a mixture of CWU national officers, regional secretaries and a small number of branch representatives from each region.

Each Union was asked to send questions in, prior to the event, one for the leadership debate and one for the deputy

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leader debate. Branches were not asked to submit questions and no additional questions were raised on the day.

Both of the debates were chaired by Kevin Maguire.

Leadership election candidates were Liz Kendal, Andy Burnham, Yvette Cooper and Jeremy Corbyn.

Burnham : Burnham was praised for having both "a radical left-wing vision" and being credible enough "to unite the party and win back power", as well as for being someone who "actually listens to party members and the public".

Cooper : Cooper was praised by the Huffington Post for her hard work in local constituencies during the leadership contest and for her preparation for the Local Government Association hustings.

Corbyn : Corbyn's leadership bid was the subject of fierce discussion within the media. Janan Ganesh in the Financial Times argued that the election of Corbyn "spells disaster" for the Labour Party. Owen Jones argued in The Guardian that the reason Corbyn was so popular was because he "offers a coherent, inspiring and, crucially, a hopeful vision" addressing social injustice and economic inequality, comparing the surge of support for Corbyn to the popularity of both UKIP in England and the Scottish National Party(SNP) in Scotland.

Kendall : In June 2015, Kendall's leadership bid received praise from The Sun, who said that she was the "only prayer they [the Labour Party] have". The Sun also praised her for saying 'the country comes first' in response to Andy Burnham who said 'the [Labour] Party always comes first' in the Newsnight Labour leadership hustings. Commentators from across the political spectrum said that Kendall was the leadership candidate that the Conservatives "fear the most".

However, the Huffington Post criticised her, saying "Liz Kendall just doesn't seem to have it, she seems to be always on the verge of tripping over her own words, as if she is perpetually being caught off guard."

The 2015 Labour Party leadership election was won by Jeremy Corbyn. The voting process began on Friday 14 August 2015 and closed on Thursday 10 September 2015, and the results were announced on Saturday 12 September 2015. Voting was by Labour Party members and registered and affiliated supporters, using the alternative vote system.Support for Corbyn, who entered the race as the dark horse candidate, and the release of opinion polls which showed him leading the race, led to high profile interventions by individuals such as Gordon Brown, Tony Blair, Jack Straw, David Miliband, and Alastair Campbell, many of whom claimed that Corbyn's election as leader would leave the party unelectable. Nonetheless he was elected in a landslide in the first round, with 59.5% of the votes.

The deputy leader position was contested by five candidates:-

Angela Eagle MP for Wallasey Tom Watson MP for Bromwich East

Caroline Flint MP for Don Valley Ben Bradshaw MP for Exeter

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Stella Creasy MP for Walthamstow

The Labour Deputy Leadership election was won by Tom Watson with 50.7% of the vote on the third ballot.

During this period the CWU was obliged to run two campaigns: one for members to agree to part of their political levy go to the Labour Party and another to inform people that to be allowed to vote in the leadership election they had to individually affiliate to the LP: previously affiliation was automatic but due to the new alternative voting system if you did not affiliate as an individual, you would not get a vote.

At almost the same instant Jeremy Corbyn and Tom Watson were coming to terms with winning their respective elections, so began the media onslaught of articles and headlines decrying the newly elected leader of the Labour Party and his deputy.

Sunday 13th September 2015:- Jeremy Corbyn is a "threat to national security", David Cameron has claimed. The Prime Minister said the mild-mannered Islington MP, who was elected Labour leader yesterday, would undermine the UK's

defences. The push is part of a new strategy by the Conservatives to define the new Labour leader with their own terms early on.

Yesterday Defence Secretary Michael Fallon criticised Mr Corbyn's foreign policy, highlighting his commitment to nuclear disarmament.

"Labour are now a serious risk to our nation's security, our economy's security and your family's security," he said.

"Whether it's weakening our defences, raising taxes on jobs and earnings, racking up more debt and welfare or driving up the cost of living by printing money – Jeremy Corbyn's Labour Party will hurt working people.

As a side, myself and two other branch officers, Mark Walsh and Mike Yarwood, met Jeremy Corbyn at a fringe meeting which took place at the CWU 2015 annual conference: ironically there were only 20 or so of us in attendance at that fringe meeting, fast forward a few months and he draws in crowds of a few thousand or so. I have heard him speak to a large crowd, he is the same as he was when he spoke to the 20 at the fringe meeting, genuine. Tom Watson has attended many CWU meetings, even our own North West AGM last February: again as far as I have witnessed, he is a man who addresses every meeting with the same level of professionalism and interest, no matter who the audience or how large.

While the elections for the Labour leadership were taking place Branch officers contacted all the newly elected and re-elected Labour candidates within our branch area: congratulating them and introducing ourselves as a now merged branch. Many North West MPs had not only kept their seats, but had considerably increased their majority.

The Tory Party wasted no time in attacking jobs, the NHS and the welfare system. In July the PM announced he is open to Iain Duncan Smith's radical ideas about a new type of National Insurance:- he was ridiculed after suggesting the Tories 'should look at' the idea of workers saving for their own sick pay. The radical plan was dreamed up by Iain Duncan Smith - who claims National

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Insurance doesn't count as insurance because it's all spent on current benefits. He claims a new system could be devised similar to pensions, where alongside state help people are 'encouraged' to pay into a privately-owned pot from youth. It's not a Tory policy - yet. But the Prime Minister's spokeswoman confirmed he supports the idea, prompting outrage among activists.

The Work and Pensions Secretary insisted there should be 'products that allow people through their lives to dip in and out when they need the money for sickness or care or unemployment'. The PM and IDS’, (pensions secretary) views are that we should be doing more to encourage people to take personal responsibility for how they manage their affairs.

"This isn’t government policy, it’s an idea that’s out there. It’s an idea that should be looked at. That’s where it’s at, at the moment."

Many compared the dramatic departure from the welfare state to the US or the Far East, where workers have to have products like unemployment insurance:- "Years of paying national insurance to support me in tough times and millionaire Cameron didn't know it existed, his trust fund covers it." "What about those with chronic illnesses? Which 'national insurance' company will deal with them?"“People already pay their own sick pay & unemployment, via National Insurance! It's called Social Security!""Not sure how comfortable I am that my welfare system is in the hands of someone who has never heard of National Insurance."


We have been contacting all sorts of people including business people, MPs and people from the House of Lords, over wide reaching issues. Sometimes they related to the welfare of others, but we care about as trade unionists and others it was about things that directly impact us as workers and residents of the UK:-

Sunday October 4th 2015: branch officers, a couple of members and family members, took part in a march in Manchester. This was to coincide with the Conservative Party Annual conference which was taking place in Manchester at that time.

Although this had been widely advertised among the membership the turnout was poor from our Branch, in fact it was poor from all North West Branches and had it not been for the efforts of branches from other regions, the CWU would have had a very diminished presence.

Although some people had questioned what good would come of a rally: once it is called we attend, as the worst thing that we could do, is to do nothing and not voice our disgust at this government’s proposals to cut

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services that we all use, rely on and even pay taxes towards: while their millionaire mates get to avoid massive tax payments.

Dave Ward, CWU GS, addressed the march as did the likes of Billy Bragg, Owen Jones, Charlotte Church, Francis O’Grady and other union leaders.

We were accompanied on the rally by North West Labour MPs, councillors and MEPs.

Although we, (branch), could have had more people present than we did, the rally itself was massive: with banners against the Tory parties attacks on: trade unions, the NHS, fire services, the welfare state, public sector workers to list a few.

The junior doctors and NHS workers were greeted with cheers and applause from all other groups and campaigners.

Monday 5 October, Manchester CathedralOUR anti-austerity fightback must have our postal service at its heart and stop the race to the bottom, a mass rally heard in Manchester.

A packed meeting for us the Communication Workers Union, and our People’s Post campaign heard from Labour leader Jeremy Corbyn alongside, Green leader Natalie Bennett, and Milifandom founder Abby Tomlinson.

Addressing the crowds in Manchester cathedral, CWU general secretary Dave Ward said: “The government’s austerity agenda and Trade Union Bill are fundamentally shifting the balance of forces in this country, with working people losing out. This is mirrored in the postal industry where daily deliveries are being put at risk from competition

and postal workers’ terms and conditions are being put under ever great pressure by a regulator that sees a race to the bottom as a sign of success. Thousands of people here tonight are giving a message loud and clear to the Tory conference: it’s time for society to be run in the interests of the millions, not the millionaires.”

And there were literally thousands of people at the rally. The cathedral was packed with over a thousand people and it was estimated a further 5 to 6 thousand more crammed the streets outside.

Many attendees had travelled to Manchester to demonstrate against the Conservative Party conference. Mr Corbyn’s attendance is thought to be the first time an opposition leader has addressed mass protests during the conference of a governing party.

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Ms Tomlinson, who shot to fame when she led a social media movement honouring Ed Miliband, slammed the Tories for being a party “insistent to make the rich richer and the poor poorer.” In an impassioned address, she said: “Austerity is not ‘necessary.’ “Struggling to just survive, worrying about how you are going to afford to feed your family is not necessary. Dismantling our NHS, deliberately demoralising our staff, making excuses for privatisation is not necessary. Taking away the rights of workers and restricting trade unions is not necessary.” And she said the Tories’ approach to the post was symptomatic of its wider agenda. “The scandalous sell-off of Royal Mail cost taxpayers billions. This money could have built schools. It could have built hospitals. It could have built a fairer society.”

Dave Ward added: “While the government may have privatised Royal Mail, the CWU is not going away. The service has always been, and must remain, the People’s Post.”

As well as addressing people inside the Cathedral. The speakers then went outside to a stage so those who had gathered out there could also hear speeches. Sitting inside the Cathedral, we could hear the roars and cheers of the crowd outside: many CWU activists who attended remarked on the demographic of the crowd, unlike previous political rallies this had

captivated the imagination and passion of the youth, those outside were of a mixed back ground and age but it did stand out just how many younger people were in attendance.

Jane Loftus, Carl Webb and other senior CWU officers, as well as campaigners and Jeremy Corbyn spoke on the stage outside: they said they have never seen anything like it and that the ‘buzz’ was unmatched.


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Sadly on the 13th October 2015 we all woke to the following headline:-

Fury as Tories sell final Royal Mail shares overnight for £600m to City fatcats

The firesale took place a week after Jeremy Corbyn called for it to be halted at the above rally. Sajid Javid and George Osborne finally sold the final Royal Mail stake.

The £591million firesale went entirely to 'institutional investors', which typically include banks, pension schemes, insurance firms and hedge funds.

It was the last stake in Royal Mail to be sold off in a controversial privatisation that has poured £3.3billion into Treasury coffers. Business secretary Sajid Javid boasted it was a 'a truly historic day for Royal Mail with the workers gaining a share of this history'.

But the 455p share price, which reflects the current market rate, is well below the 500p the government earned just four months ago

In July 2015, I was fortunate to be invited, along with other CWU representatives to visit the European Parliament in Brussels and to meet with our three North West Labour Euro MPs: Theresa Griffin, Julie Ward and Afzal Khan. They explained to us how the European Parliament is split into it’s different sub-committees, what each person takes on and what they do as a collective. This was to help us with the forthcoming campaign regarding the EU referendum that David Cameron and the Tory Party had promised would take place, as part of their General Election Mandate.

The UK is set to have a referendum in June of this year, 2016, on whether or not to remain a member of the European Union.

What is happening? The Conservatives' election manifesto promised to hold a referendum (a nationwide vote) on whether or not the UK should stay in or leave the European Union. They won the election so it's all systems go.

What is a referendum? A referendum is basically a vote in which everyone (or nearly everyone) of voting age can take part, normally giving a "Yes" or "No" answer to a question. Whichever side gets more than half of all votes cast is considered to have won.

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What is the European Union? The European Union is an economic and political partnership involving 28 European countries. It began after World War Two to foster economic co-operation, with the idea that countries which trade together are more likely to avoid going to war with each other. It has since grown to become a "single market" allowing goods and people to move around, basically as if the member states were one country. It has its own currency, the euro, which is used by 19 of the member countries, its own parliament and it now sets rules in a wide range of areas - including on the environment, transport, consumer rights and even things like mobile phone charges.

When will the EU referendum happen? The one thing we know for sure is that Prime Minister David Cameron has said it will happen by the end of 2017. The most likely times of the year for referendums are generally May or September, and some people - including, it is said, the prime minister himself - think it should be held as soon as possible. There had been suggestions that it could be held in May 2016, to coincide with elections in Scotland, Wales, Northern Ireland and London, rather than waiting for 2017 - but the government has ruled that out. Here is a full rundown of the likely dates and key events.

Why not just hold the referendum now? When David Cameron announced in January 2013 his pledge to hold a referendum, a key element was that he would seek to make changes to the way the European Union works - or at least the rules covering the UK as a European Union member. Only once this renegotiation of British membership had been completed would he put the new arrangement to the public vote.

What about political opposition to a referendum? During the election the Lib Dems and Labour both said they did not want a referendum unless there were plans to transfer more powers from the UK to the EU. Labour has since dropped its opposition, so the Conservatives are expected to get their Referendum Bill passed easily. The House of Lords could delay it, but as the referendum was promised in the Conservative election manifesto (a manifesto is a document setting out what a party would do if they won the election) it is not likely to reject the bill once MPs back it.

What will the referendum question be? The question is always crucial in any referendum. The 2013 suggestion from the Conservatives was: "Do you think that the United Kingdom should remain a member of the European Union. Yes or no". Some people thought this phrasing leaned too far towards the status quo - the current state of affairs - and the Electoral Commission, which has to approve the question, said it was not clear enough and proposed: "Should the United Kingdom remain a member of the European Union or leave the European Union? "The final decision will be made by MPs but Downing Street has accepted the amended wording. 

Who will be able to vote? British, Irish and Commonwealth citizens over 18 who are resident in the UK, along with UK nationals who have lived overseas for less than 15 years. Members of the House of Lords and Commonwealth citizens in

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Gibraltar will also be eligible, unlike in a general election. Citizens from EU countries - apart from Ireland, Malta and Cyprus - will not get a vote.

Why is a referendum being held? Britain had a referendum in 1975 shortly after it had joined the EU, or the Common Market as it was then called. The country voted to stay in then but there have been growing calls, from the public and politicians, for another vote because, they argue, the EU has changed a lot over the past 40 years, with many more countries joining and the organisation extending its control over more aspects of daily lives. David Cameron initially resisted these calls but in 2013 he changed his mind.

1st December 2015, Labour has launched its campaign for the UK to stay in the EU, claiming the country's security depends on its continued membership. The campaign, led by ex-Home Secretary, CWUs very own, Alan Johnson, will be run separately to the cross-party, pro-EU campaign.

He said the Paris attacks underlined the need for Britain to "stand shoulder to shoulder with our allies in Europe". Campaigners for an exit said the EU had not responded quickly enough to terror threats, making the UK less safe. 

Speaking at Labour's campaign launch in Birmingham, Alan said there was "no progressive case" for Britain to leave the 28-member bloc and suggested that doing so would expose the country to greater risks. "There is nothing patriotic about condemning this country to isolation," he said. "The first duty of any government is to keep our country safe and I firmly believe that leaving the EU would fail that test. From the European Arrest Warrant to cross-border data sharing on terrorists, the speed of our response is vital. The lesson from Paris is clear: to tackle terrorism we must stand shoulder to shoulder with our allies in Europe. The security of Britain is inextricably linked to staying in Europe."

He also added "With challenges like the refugee crisis, terrorism and Russian aggression on the EU's borders, Britain is stronger when working with our allies, committed to peace, democracy and international law."

Alan Johnson was asked to head Labour's 'In' campaign by acting leader Harriet Harman earlier this year. The former postman and trade union official held a series of Cabinet roles in

the last Labour government before leaving frontline politics four years ago. While the majority of Labour MPs support continued membership of the EU, Jeremy Corbyn is regarded as the most Eurosceptic leader of the party for decades and several trade unions have said they could contemplate campaigning to leave if Mr Cameron's changes erode workers' rights. Alan Johnson spoke on this subject at the North West Labour Party conference, Blackpool November 2015: he said Labour’s campaign would be focused on "defending the rights of British workers", suggesting that employees, businesses, consumers, students and scientists would all be "damaged and diminished" by exiting the EU.

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The Branch sent a delegates to the North West Labour Party Conference: it was held over the Weekend 31st October and 1st November 2015.

If anyone would like a copy of the full branch report from this event, please contact the Branch secretary.

At this event we took the time to meet and discuss many issues with local MPs and councillors: three issues in particular were the Trade Union Bill, The People’s Post campaign and the refugee crisis.

Other issues were reflected in tweets from the event:-

#NWLab15 Lucy Powell MP - 'the collective actions of the Tory Party have shown their tried colours'

#NWLab15  conference has certainly made it clear that the words "Trade Union" are not dirty words but backbone of the party

#NWLab15 Kate Green MP asks us to think   "One day I may need the social safety net, so today I will make sure it's here for you". 

#NWLab15 huge enthusiasm exists within the Labour Party only equalled  by the viciousness of the Conservative party

#NWLab15  we are on a cliff edge for local council funding - essential services will be cut beyond the realms of safety & care

#NWLab15. More people have joined the Labour Party in the last few months than the total membership of the Conservative party

#NWLab15  Sunday trading - more time to spend money does not mean more money to spend. KEEP SUNDAY SPECIAL

Both branches have supported and helped with this campaign: this year was no different, as a merged branch we have kept in contact with the campaigners, in particular Eileen Turnbull, have distributed leaflets on their behalf and have arranged for them to speak at various gatherings, courses and meetings.

What happened, in is still happening to these trade unionists could happen to any one of us today: the question is, would we all be as strong as they have proven to be.

9 December 2015

Shadow Home Secretary, Andy Burnham’s intervention today (December 9th )- to try to leverage the truth from this Tory government about the highly emotive issue of jailed trade unionists in the 1970s – is wholeheartedly

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supported by UCATT, the construction union.

Speaking in a Westminster Hall debate tabled by labour’s Steve Rotheram MP, Mr Burnham today revealed how Ted Heath’s Tory government carried out a sustained and well-planned political campaign - using the Secret Service, the Civil Service, the Police, broadcasters

and outside agencies such as the Freedom Association – to target and convict, innocent trade unionists. An angry Mr Burnham said: “It was a political campaign against the unions, which Mrs Thatcher sorted out.” He said the Heath government, the Secret Services and the Civil Service briefed broadcasters making the anti-union television programme ‘Red Under The Bed’ and then made sure the judge in the Shrewsbury 24 case saw the programme before directing the jury.

Mr Burnham said: “The Secret Services were helping to make a nakedly political programme that was prejudicial to the trial. The government was complicit.” Mr Burnham also revealed the evidence in the Shrewsbury 24 case – the initial witness statements – were destroyed by the police.

If anyone would like to know more about the campaign, they have a website:-

Other campaigns and issues affecting our membership are outlined below, the branch officers are busy arranging meetings and preparing street stalls, basically raising the awareness of these among our membership and the general public.

If you live in Liverpool, Sefton, St Helens, Halton, Wirral and Knowsley, the likely decision to transfer powers from parliament will affect you

Devolution is one of the buzzwords flying around politics at the moment - but does it matter?

Well if you live in Bootle, Birkenhead, Widnes, St Helens, Knowsley or Liverpool the imminent decision on whether to accept new powers from the government will affect you, your family or your employer, school or college. But it won’t happen overnight. The government insists the “price” of handing over powers which are currently held by ministers in Whitehall is to have an elected mayor for the Liverpool city region.

This person would represent Sefton, St Helens, Halton, Knowsley, Liverpool and Wirral - and be elected by voters across these areas.

Now devolution looks increasingly likely - what will it mean? When will it happen?

Negotiations are in the final stage between local politicians and government ministers.

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Sefton, Knowsley, Halton, Liverpool, St Helens and Wirral all had council meetings November 19 2015 where they had to decide whether to approve whatever deal is agreed with the government – they did agree.

Council leaders met with Treasury ministers to hammer out final details. The government still has to pass the law needed to enable devolution, and was expected to be given Royal Assent in the New Year.

After that, assuming all goes smoothly, it is likely there will be an election for a directly elected mayor for the region in May 2017.

Will you see any difference straight away, if devolution happens?

As with many things, it is not like flicking a switch. The changes will take some time to be set up, and even though the “deal” with the government will have been signed, there will doubtless be work needed on the final details.

Why have a mayor? The government wants someone who is “in charge” and taking responsibility for delivering improvements - and directly accountable to voters who can kick him or her out if they don’t deliver. An elected mayor would undoubtedly have a higher profile than the current system, in which there is a combined authority made up of leaders of the six boroughs with a chairman.

So what powers will Liverpool city region get (that it hasn’t got already)? The deal hasn’t been signed on the dotted line yet, but we know key “asks” from Liverpool city region leaders include:

Greater control over funding which comes to the region, including investment funds, European grants and government programmes used to attract employment and business to the area.

An Endowment Fund to secure long-term funding of our cultural sector - the region’s national museums and galleries, which are currently funded by Whitehall.

Plans to use The Mersey and its estuary to provide clean renewable energy are part of the proposals, although there is little detail about how this would work at present.

The government is being asked to repay the debt on the Mersey tunnels - and allow greater flexibility locally to control toll charges. Whether this will mean the chancellor’s pre-election pledge for free tunnel tolls will come to fruition remains to be seen.

There are various demands around “skills and employment” and having a local workforce with skills more in line with what local industry needs - essentially allowing decisions on apprenticeships and training to be made in the city region. And strategic planning - which would mean handing the region greater control over meeting demand for housing and for industrial/commercial land.

So what will it mean in you day-to-day life? Probably not much for a while - apart from reading about who is in the running to become the new mayor for the city region. But eventually, it is hoped we could see things like cheaper tunnel tolls, a

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secure future for our art galleries, better training and more businesses coming to the city region and possibly even cheaper electricity.

In Manchester an interim mayor was appointed but it is likely the Liverpool city region will choose to continue with its combined authority, made up of the council leaders,

until a mayor is elected.

Will it cost us any more? At the moment the running costs of the proposed new elected mayor “form part of the negotiations” with the government - so who knows!!.

What happens to local councils? These will remain as they are.

Devolution means transferring powers which are held by government ministers to the directly elected mayor - “from the Thames to the Mersey” - and the new mayor will work with the existing combined authority like a “super cabinet”. It is likely major financial and “big-ticket” decisions will need to be supported by all the council leaders.

Who will be the region’s elected mayor? This will be a decision for you, the voter - It is expected that by late spring/summer 2016 there will be candidates in place for an election in May 2017. But it is clear there is considerable jockeying for position behind the scenes, with many yet to throw their hat in the ring.

Although the above refers directly to the Liverpool district if you live in Lancashire you can expect the same and no doubt your questions are the same as above. The development of a super authority for Lancashire is also likely, after all 15 councils met to test the water for a brand new Red Rose body to benefit from devolved powers on offer from Westminster. In a meeting, chaired by LCC leader Jennifer Mein, attended by all 12 district councils and Lancashire’s two unitary authorities of Blackpool and Blackburn with Darwen: the leaders agreed unanimously to investigate the formation of a combined authority.

Whatever is agreed, whoever stands for the positions of mayor in our immediate areas: we will look to meet with them and seek support for our CWU member’s issues in the area. Your branch officers will be keeping an eye on all events and timescales so we can keep you all briefed and informed.


The government’s trade union bill threatens the basic right to strike. 

Employers will be able to break strikes by bringing in agency workers to cover for strikers. This could have big safety implications, lead to worse public services, and will undermine the right to strike.  The bill also proposes huge restrictions on peaceful picketing and protests. Picket supervisors will have to give their names to the police – raising concerns about blacklisting and will need to carry a letter of approval their union. 

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There are lots of other proposals in the bill too – including powers to restrict the ability of unions to recruit and represent members in the public sector, restrictions on how unions use their resources and lots more unnecessary red tape.  And all of it taken together fundamentally undermines the rights for unions to organise, negotiate and strike in defence of their members at work.

Have no doubt, that this will affect you directly if it is brought in: whatever they agree can happen in the public sector will be jumped upon by the private sector. The race to the bottom will be of a speed we have yet to witness.

WHY SHOULD WE BE CONCERNED? If this bill passes, the right to strike will be under threat. That’ll upset the power balance at work and undermine good industrial relations. Ordinary workers won’t have any power to stand up to their bosses – even when they’re being unreasonable. And that’ll mean worse pay and conditions for everyone, and workers unable to raise concerns about service cuts and safety.

This government is determined to get the Trade Union Bill through Parliament with as little scrutiny as possible. We must not let them get away with it.  


1. AGENCY WORKERS The government plans to allow agency workers to replace striking workers. And by requiring 14 days’ notice of strike action (rather than 7 as at present), employers will have more time to arrange agency workers to cover for strikes. This has been banned in the UK since 1973.

What are our concerns?

This fundamentally undermines the right to strike, as it reduces the impact of strike action, and upsets the power balance between workers and employers.

These changes will make the UK an outlier in Europe. Across the EU large agencies have agreed not to use agency workers to replace striking workers.

There are health and safety concerns about inexperienced replacement workers taking on the roles of the permanent workforce.

Inexperienced agency workers replacing strikers might lead to poorer quality services.

2. PICKETING AND PROTESTS Unions will have to appoint picket supervisors. They will be required to carry a letter of authorisation which must be presented upon request to the police or “to any other person who reasonably asks to see it”. The supervisor’s details must be given to the police and they must be identifiable by an armband or badge.

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Failure to comply could result in a court injunction to stop the picket, or thousands of pounds of damages for the union. Local authorities could also have the right to issue anti-social behaviour orders to picket line participants or protesters.

What are our concerns?

Existing law already requires union members to comply with tough picketing rules. The new regulations are overly bureaucratic and the penalties are disproportionate. The protest restrictions are unjustified and would divert already scarce police resources away from tackling serious crime.

Unions are currently required to give 7 days’ notice before industrial action takes place. Doubling the notice period for strike action to 14 days will undermine negotiations and allow employers to recruit agency workers to cover for strikers.

This level of scrutiny and monitoring is excessive, undermining freedom of speech and threatening the civil liberties of working people who should be free to defend their rights.


In ‘important public services’ (fire, health, education, transport, border security and nuclear decommissioning), 50% of members must turn out to vote and 40% of the entire membership must vote in favour (that amounts to 80% of those voting, on a 50% turnout).

The government argues these thresholds are aimed at boosting democracy in the workplace.

What are our concerns?

Strikes are always a last resort but sometimes they are the only way to resolve disputes at work – including in those industries and occupations included in the government’s definition of ‘important public services’.

The government’s definition of ‘important public services’ is wider than the definition of ‘essential services’ in international law.

If the government was committed to increasing democracy it would allow secure electronic and workplace strike ballots instead of arbitrary thresholds. Online voting is already used by several national membership organisations including the RNIB, the Institute of Chartered Accountants for England and Wales, the National Trust, the Magistrates’ Association, the Countryside Alliance and the Royal College of Surgeons. And it is regularly used by political parties – including by the Conservative party to select their London Mayoral candidate.


The Certification Officer (who regulates unions) will be given powers to investigate unions and access membership lists even if no-one has complained about a union’s activities. The regulator will also be able to impose fines of up to £20,000 on unions. The government will be able to charge unions to cover the running costs of the

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Certification Officer. Costs are likely to increase as the regulator has new responsibilities.

What are our concerns?

There is no reason why the trade union regulator needs new powers now.

Giving the Certification Officer the power to confiscate copies of membership records and other documents is an intrusion on union members’ privacy and their right to have an independent relationship with their union.

Significant new costs will be placed on unions to pay for this red tape – money that could be better spent protecting and promoting the rights of workers.


All public sector employers will have to publish information on the cost of time off for union reps, plus a breakdown of what facility time is used for – collective bargaining, representing members in grievances or disciplinary action, or running training programmes.

Public sector employers won’t be able to offer the option of paying for union membership direct through salaries anymore (“check-off”).

The government will be able to cap the time public sector employers allow union reps to spend representing members.

What are our concerns?

These changes will restrict public sector employers from investing in good relations with their own employees.

Deductions at payroll are a common way that employers help their employees manage their money – often childcare, travel, bike or computer payments are made this way. It’s not clear why union membership fees should be singled out.

These moves will reduce unions’ ability to represent their members and resolve disputes before they escalate. Individual public sector employers should have the freedom to decide how they manage employment relations. The changes add more red tape for unions, whose time and money would be best spent serving members.

This bill has passed its readings in the Houses of Parliament: one good point is that the whole of the Labour party is against it. On the 11 th of January it will be debated in the House of Lords: we can only hope they push this back in the same way they forced the government to do a U-Turn on Benefits.

Through your Branch and the CWU as a whole you can affect change for the good. You can stop policies that would have a detriment effect on you, your colleagues and your family members.

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You have a voice, make it louder and contact the branch to see what you can do to help.

Angela TeelingBranch Political Officer


Delivery and Cleaners Section Greater Mersey Branch Annual Report



The final revision will be implemented on the 4th April 2016, this will be Kirkby Delivery office, and there has been a substantial amount of money spent on Kirkby refurbishing the office, which has now taken over the old Post Office counters part of the building and out buildings at this point I would like to thank Mark Miller for support at the being of this exercise and thanks to Billy Bristow and Gerry Cross for taking over Mark’s role and getting us to this point and especial the members within the office for being patient and giving your support when needed.


Since our last annual report we have had several manager changes within the Area, you have to say for the better, we are at present negotiating rather than fighting.

But I must say that the future is looking bleak, I will touch on that later on in my report, we have concerns at present about some contracts that are around ,some of our members have entered Royal Mail on 20 /25 hours and are continuously getting overtime to complete their original duty, the job security agreement states that a review should be done every 6 months, every manager within our area has been informed by HR that this process should be adhered to and recently we have found out that there is a number of members that have been on extended hours for up to 2 years, we are currently asking unit Rep’s to identify these members so we can pursue these cases,(if you are a member and on continuous extension of hours to your current contract me on the number below)

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07951652563 Mike Yarwood Area Deliveries Rep

The new Attendance procedure has seen a fall in members being put on this procedure, but I must say management and members have still not got a grip on the new agreement, you must when you report sick report it yourself (unless for obvious reason such as hospitalisation) at that point you must between your manager and yourself agree a contact strategy (when and where and what time you should get in contact) this keeps the communication between members and Royal Mail and stops these threats we get of Royal Mail stopping our members pay and there is a lot of emphasis on talking to each other about your circumstances at the time.

We have been having joint CWU and Royal Mail briefings where we discuss topics that are current in the hope that the management and Reps are hearing the same thing to help get continuity with the delivery sector, this has happened 3 times in 15 months and the evidence although a bit slow shows that this is working, we also have outside speakers giving us updates on Business and financial and different products that other competitive companies have today which give us new ideas for our business for us to grow to maintain full time employment for our members.


The union has finally won the battle to bring back Romec and our cleaners back in house under the umbrella of Royal Mail, whilst this won’t change all of our issues overnight it will help when we get back into talks regarding roles, revision or general changes to working patterns. The change will also offer the protections of working for Royal Mail whilst the company is always changing it doesn’t have to worry about previous partnerships walking away or going out of business. Hopefully our members working on such duties will also feel better about working back in house rather than being outside of the group and starting to see the benefits of working under the same company as their postal colleagues.

So welcome back !!!

Which brings me nicely on to the,


O M P (optimise Mail Preparation) simply put this is a machine that will be able to eventually prepare 95% of mail up to 7 millimetres thick and flats that are in plastic, again eventually the door to door, it has been tested for 5 weeks in Walsall, the machine has now been returned but I can assure you Royal Mail are looking to invest in these machines.

What does this mean for our members; there will be none or little amount of indoor left, therefore a reduction in full time members, unless we start looking at innovative duty structures of which some of our members will not like, but as a union we have to try and maintain full time duties, there will be less frames within offices as you will be bench merging ,for example your roads may come in a tray in delivery order

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including door to door and what manual mail has come through you will merge this into the trays therefore no wings would be needed and we may then see Royal Mail trying to merge actual delivery offices, the talks are ongoing but an example and bear in mind there are thousands of examples here is one below.

We intend to set up committees within delivery offices to address the forthcoming issues so if you have a desire to be involved please approach your unit rep.

6 hour deliveries: - this would be a delivery of 3 hours a return to your office for your break of 40 minutes and then return for another 3 hour delivery, this second delivery may be different such as delivering packets, the reason for such ideas is we have to address fatigue, the walk reduced for the first, a break in the middle and delivery of packets for the second delivery will mean you are not walking around the same distance again, THIS IS AN EXAMPLE.

We are attending several meetings on this and we will release any information forthcoming, I will urge members to start coming to the meetings we hold as this is the best vessel to inform you of what is coming next, if you cannot attend then next best would be to keep an eye on your notice board these notices will also have the date, venue and time of the next Delivery Section meeting, again I urge you to attended we have a very hard rock to climb within the next couple of years.

On a brighter note your branch has now merged with the Telecom side of the CWU (Merseyside and South West Lancs) now called the Greater Mersey Branch as you would have seen on the front of your diaries contact details are on the inside of the diary.

And the Branch secretary is Mark Walsh, Treasurer is Ian Corrin, Chair is a vacant positions at the moment, check your notice board for further info on this.

Finally I would like to thank you all for your constant support but especially all the unit representatives who do their job for you with no extra pay but with plenty of grief, thanks for your continued support I also would like to thank your section chair Ian Corrin and your Area Delivery rep (sub) Duncan Savage for their unconditional support they have given over the years.

Thank you again for all your support

Michael Yarwood

Area Delivery Representative

Greater Mersey Branch

Post Office Counters SectionAGM Report

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In May 2015 it was announced that 2 of the Merseyside offices that had been on the franchise list would not now be franchised but kept as crown offices these are Break Rd and Old Swan unfortunately the Post Office still went ahead with the closer of Kirkby, Huyton and Prescot. The blow was softened by the fact that anyone who wanted to leave could receive an enhanced settlement agreement and the creation of a pol call centre at St Helens which enabled 11 Merseyside clerks to stay with the business. Then the bombshell that after less than 12 months the Post Office have decided to close the call centre and centralise it in chesterfield (scandalous).

In April 2015 it was announced that with the hard work of clerks, duty revisions, V/R’s and franchising that the Post Office had finally broken even and in a naive way we thought we had achieved our goal, however, it was then announced that the Post Office now wanted to make a £10 million profit and in January it was announced that another 39 crown offices would be franchised ,although none of these are on Merseyside the CWU firmly believe that later on this year the Post Office will announce more franchising which may affect Merseyside.

At this moment we are in a consultation period regarding the proposal to change our pension scheme even though it is £136 million in surplus but under the proposal it will reduce the amount the Post Office pay into it and save them £5 million a year. There is absolutely no reason to touch the scheme at this point and after all the work that has been put in to turn pol around by our members this really is a step to far and at the moment we are balloting members to gauge their feelings.

Protect Our Pensions Neil Barry Area Counters Rep

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Parcels Section Report

Another busy year in the Liverpool depot with us again being tasked to deliver more parcels and more drops than last year and the year before. The depot whilst big when we moved in a few years ago is almost full to the brim, it hasn’t gone unnoticed that new yellow lines have been added to cram more vans inside.

With the continuing growth of internet and click and collect traffic we have seen the Liverpool depot beat previous year’s numbers and the growth is still happening when the country is still in a deep recession. Whilst he have been growing in parcels I am glad to say we have also been growing in members, national agreements allow me the opportunity to keep getting agency staff recruited onto proper contracts with Parcelforce and as such members of the branch.

Unfortunately the RM investigation branch have been called onto the site on a number of occasions in the last year and I need to make it clear the CWU do not support anyone involved in putting our contracts at risk, these actions can cost jobs it is up to all of us to make sure it doesn’t happen in the next year.

The school exam period was also busy again and the exams periods this year also look to be even busier, being busy brings its problems but as long as we worry about growing parcel numbers than lower I will be happy. The summer period didn’t let off with high volumes coming into the depot when most drivers want time off with their families hopefully the annual leave agreement helped this year.

The ‘Black Friday’ and ‘Cyber Monday’ caused a stir in our area with Liverpool and its posting area deluged with traffic that took almost a week to clear, the only other depot to suffer was Edinburgh however they had problems with the closure of the forth road bridge. For some reason consumers in our area really took to the internet in their numbers to order sending the number of parcels into Christmas figures.

Autumn pressure saw traffic increase further and we recruited fixed event contracts alongside (at the time of writing this report they are still employed) the usual agency staff to cope with pressure. As part of this pressure the depot utilised a new delivery tool to plot deliveries along the routes for each day. First reports back are that this helped the new drivers and also increased the quality of service.

With that in mind Liverpool has been chosen as part of a trial for a further roll out of the Route Optimising program (REP) with the knowledge that if there are issue they will be found in our depot. With having long service members many who have been performing deliveries for over twenty years it will be a test to see if a computer program can actually offer a better way of delivering parcels than years of knowledge. At the time of writing the report we have just entered the trial and as suspected we are having teething issues with it, may drivers believe they are better

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than the program, we are a in a process now of looking for fixes based on driver knowledge and pre-advice.

I have unfortunately missed the last few annual conferences due to ill health but am looking forward to attending this year; it will be an important one as we now have a new leader in Davie Robertson and this is our opportunity and his to set the direction of the union for the next year with motions and policy. As usual our branch will be putting propositions forward and hopefully Davie will take these forward to negotiate with the business.

In all another decent year with growth and new jobs and no member loosing hours, as we move forward if this new tool Is to work properly then a revision exercise will need to take place it can’t be productive to load parcels for another person to take them off on a daily basis if we are to continue to succeed we will need the right tools for the job, if that means more routes and more drivers then so be it.

Finally can I thank Ted Long for covering whilst I have been off, Mal Woods for his H&S work Mark Walsh and his assistance over the last year , Elli Long our Youth Officer and Stacey Wenham our ULR.

John Pettit

Parcels Rep

T&FS Section Annual Report

Ballot results:- Greater Mersey & South West Lancs Amal T&FS Section Ballot Results:

Section Chairperson Brian Coupland: 128 (ELECTED) Graeme Schlueter: 61

Section Vice – Chairperson Brian Coupland: 87 Alan Fowler: 103 (ELECTED)

Section Secretary Roy Day: 40 Angela Teeling: 155(ELECTED)

Assistant Secretary Ste Donald: 118 (ELECTED) Alan Fowler: 74

Ballot Papers Returned: 197

The above ballot results were counted, verified and signed off by the two independent scrutineer's Phil Duffy and Adrian Parry on the 17th of February 2016.

Many thanks to all who participated in the election: those who stood for positions and to the members who took the time to vote, it is very much appreciated.

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On a personal note, I would like to thank you all for the continued support and to those who have shown that support by voting for me in the recent elections.

2015 was a major year for the section: we ceased to be just a telecom branch and took on a new branch structure and in essence this section was born.

We have been lucky to have new people step up to become health and safety reps and a couple of new workplace reps. In BT fleet the new rep has already dealt with many issues and has attended national meetings on behalf of the branch. We gained a new BTFS rep, who is also doing the same.

Many thanks to Stephen Donald, Harry Paxton, Derek Maylor, Brian Coupland, Pamela Lydiate, Michael Collinson, Peter Warrener and Paul Bowes for doing the work that is always needed: taking on issues for our members. Also thanks to the members who have kept notice boards updated and therefore members informed and those who ring us on a regular basis keeping us informed: our daily eyes and ears.

We started the year wanting to meet as many section members as possible, we did not anticipate that it would be done by the amount of cases we would be dealing with through the year. 2015 was busier than ever, we attended the much needed monthly meetings with senior managers of every LOB: if one was missed it was ironically due to the case load put on us by their managers. We also attended the CWU meetings: regionally we attended two per month for the NW IR related issues and one per month for T&FS organising. We attended each meeting in London at the CWU HQ for each line of business, one each per quarter and we attended the ad hoc meetings called for various issues, such as the recent BT one.

We have seen a rise, as have the national CWU, in the amount of cases for members who work within Openreach. Performance management cases rose in number, many we won at appeal due to the poor and inappropriate coaching plans, mainly the lack of ‘how’ that a number of line managers had failed to address. It is without surprise that we had more cases raised by certain managers than with others.

Recently, at a Branch BT meeting, Davie Bowman CWU national officer informed members that BT will not get rid of performance management: but we can push for change. We have recently seen that through the pressure placed on them by the CWU BT Openreach were forced to review all coaching plans that made reference to the team based average alone, many thanks goes to all the members who allowed us to forward their coaching plans: we know Davie and the team used these as part of the evidence which brought about the challenge and ultimate change. Referring back to the Branch meeting, Davie listened to what members had to say and sought proposals off members that would make the performance management system a fairer one. Two suggestions made on the evening were that (a) quality should be taken into consideration as part of the calculations and (b) that location should also be considered: skills matching alone is not fair if someone works in rural areas and could very well climb 8 or so poles on one job, next to a city based engineer who

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may only need climb one pole per job, it isn’t the same consideration as travel as neither may actually travel more than the other. Members are still asked to consider what could be done to make it a fairer system, as we have to work with what we have and sadly that is the performance management process, whether we agree or not. Davie has maintained his contact with the Branch officers and we are working together; for example, with the help of Davie, a breakfast meeting is being arranged so some of our service delivery members can speak directly with Peter Stewart, unlike most breakfast meetings attendees will not be hand-picked by the managers.

The local Openreach SD SOM caused us a lot of issues during the early part of the year, it is no secret in the area: nor is it a secret that we have a different person in place at the moment. We also gained a new GM in BTO SD during the year. The Branch officers have been asked to ‘bear with the managers’ as they go through some training, in fact Peter Stewart said things cannot happen overnight, yet we disagree and we voiced that things do happen overnight: our members can go from fine one day to an IFW the next, so it is not acceptable to expect us to sit back and allow this to happen, if time is needed then surely it should be afforded to members and managers alike.

Issues in the branch area also lie with the current lead on performance for BTO SD, our view is that the person with this role is the very person who promoted all the bad practices and behaviours in the area. We also believe some local managers couldn’t tell you that you’ve won the lottery without upsetting you: all of these issues are currently being ‘discussed’ with senior managers and CWU national officers. Two person areas is still a contentious issue, we have a review of the two man teams scheduled in the New Year after, it was decided to disband them.

April our trainers came under attack, it took an emergency motion to conference, submitted by our branch officers, to pull BT Openreach back in line so they complied with company policy. Although not resolved completely, the old chestnut of an excuse given at the time was that certain managers had’ jumped the gun’ and rolled out more changes than they should have – as if!

It cannot go unmentioned, the support you gave us in service delivery in relation to the ‘roster smoothing’ piece, this was fantastic thank you. The fiasco that was caused by merely pressing a button was unprecedented. At first we were told it could not be rectified, we asked our members to make some noise to prove how upset you all were and the managers heard you loud and clear: when we met them again during an hours meeting it went from we can’t, we can but it will take some time to - it will be done in the next few days. A great display of what can be accomplished if we all work together and support each other.

The NOTV side of the business has been continuously challenged this year: in particular the training and mentoring new members are being given, this incudes what if any, support mechanisms are in place. Targets members were expected to meet and we also learned that payphones do not have any form of link up with the 2 person area data bases, this is now being looked at.

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During the summer months it became apparent that BT Group or some faceless wonder in HR had issued a brief in relation to casual leave: many managers interpreted this to mean no leave for anything, no hospital absences no clinic appointments etc. If they gave any then our members were expected to pay it back: be aware this is not so, if you feel you have been placed under pressure to do this then contact the branch officers. This has caused a huge amount of distress for our members who have needed this time, many requests were made by members because of ongoing health issues.

Who is the SOM on Openreach SE became a quiz at certain times of the year: it changed that often. Slight relief was brought about in SE when it was agreed that travel times were not to be counted towards performance.

Openreach working together project: Lancaster House became a centre of excellence. Although members did not face disruption as per work location, their job roles and functions did change. Pressure has and still remains on members heightened by the lack of training provided by the company, this has left many people feeling anxious. As with all LOB even if you are not currently being performance managed, the threat of it hangs in the air and eventually the constant looking over the shoulder takes its toll. We are in constant dialogue with senior managers regarding this. Ending the year with a briefing saying members had to be signed on to their systems by their start times, we hope our members have now been re-briefed as branch officers have since been assured this is not the case and was never meant to be so.

During the year some of our members in NI/SD (apologies but they change your name so much we cannot recall what you were at the time this happened), contacted us to say their manager had told them they had to be out of the yard by 8:15, (yes that old chestnut), rightly so our members challenged this but were told the union are wrong. We too challenged the manager. Who promptly sent us the slide pack he was working to. We have since been able to confirm the slides are incorrect and they should have been withdrawn. We have never agreed a time by which our member, in any line of business, should leave the yard in a morning.

Business connections members were expected to more or less perform ‘magic’ and create their own work stacks. Again managers came and went.

The planning community, lost managers then got them back. Recently new performance guidelines have been produced: the reason for this is to try and have some sort of constant approach that all managers must abide by and therefore we can challenge when they do not, previously it was a free for all and open to interpretation.

In BT Fleet, the hand held flint terminal was introduced. On one hand we welcomed this as it means our members in BT Fleet now have access to the BT intranet in the same way all our other members do. Our BT fleet members can now access all the policies, benefits etc. should you need to. However as with most things, the reason these were given was to enable new processes to come into practice: booking and closing work etc. It has not been an easy road and still there remain many issues

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that need addressing, BT fleet are due to update Flint with release 2 early in January. We await the results. Recruitment took place and agency conversions were won for branch members who work for BT Fleet: although this was not easy, BT fleet had offered one contract of employment but when it came to the time of conversion the new 20/20 contracts were the actual ones used: even then it took pressure on the company from the branch officers and NT to get people converted, fleet said they could not offer the contracts until they had been finalised, as a branch and with the help of Harry Paxton who sits on the NT we pointed out that other lines of business were offering the contracts yet theirs too needed work on the finer details and that while this debate was taking place, our members were losing out on sick and holiday pay.

Service management: targets, annual leave and management style have all been issues. Again people moved into the teams because of the centre of excellence and although initially they were told to be signed on by the start of the day, we are happy to report that it was the members already on the teams that pointed out to the managers that this was not the case and the actual policy of ‘being in the act of signing on’ was then briefed and followed. Our members are ace!

BT Global members saw a change, they lost their work and were then offered work for BT Security. This did mean a change of workplace for some, as they had to move from Lancaster House to Skelmersdale ATE. If anyone has been to Skem ATE lately, you will have noticed the changes. Although early days, we are waiting to see if they come through on the promised training etc.

BT Wholesale members in Warrington are still waiting the outcome to challenges put forward against a site closure. They were given the choice of Manchester or Chester, (nice of the company – the company thought it was!), both of which we deemed to be out of scope in relation to travel times. After absolute reassurances from senior managers they were in scope and all boxes had been checked and ticked, Manchester was suddenly dropped being deemed as too far: our members were told that although Chester is more than 45 minutes away from Warrington it is considered to a ‘reasonable’ length of travel time by the business, we doubt the business would see the reasonableness if our members were 10 to 15 minutes late every day and went home 10 to 215 minutes early every day and have raised this point. As stated this continues to be challenged.

BT TSO, a quieter period has fallen as the year has progressed, turning morwit off was almost a cause of celebration, for the branch officers and the members. Travel has been an issue since the days of BT Operate, when we went through that horrendous period and many members left, well - forced to leave. Thin on the ground yet travelling all over. The night team were more or less ‘forced’ to accept new attendance patterns. The branch officers had their legs kicked from under them on this issue by other parts of the CWU, however we still hold the line that all attendance proposals should be discussed and negotiated before they are offered to members, if for no other reason than policy dictates this should happen.

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BTFS moved back into BT, along with this the CWU were given a recognition agreement. Great work has been carried out by local reps including pay negotiations.

BT Computer centre also came back under the umbrella of BT, pensions were an issue but it was eventually resolved: the scheme members were on was deemed to be better than the new one being offered.

Although we do have hotspots and despite the fact individual managers cause us more work than others, what has been striking this year is how widespread, across the whole branch area, members have been contacting us.

No area or team has been left alone this year. We were going through our diaries and it would be fair to say, every senior manager changed during the course of this year, for every member of our section. But it has not all been bad news, we have had some ‘wins’ although it is never easy to regard something as a success, because it means our members have gone through a needless process or have been poorly and punished for it, so to call them a win or a success is something we rarely do: this is why these cases are scarcely mentioned, it’s what we are supposed to do isn’t it, win things? We have assisted our telecom members with their legal cases, grievances and represented them when sanctions were threatened, often travelling to other parts of the UK to locations outside of our branch area.

We have managed to overturn many performance cases, absence warnings and decisions to block our members having days off for personal reasons. We have visited people at home who have been absent due to many illness’ stress and anxiety of course along with depression have been the reasons for many of these absences. We have also been able to support members with issues outside of the workplace, although the knock on effects of these issues have or could have caused issues in work as well. Caring for vulnerable people in our families has been, and still is, an issue for many members; the emotional drain of watching loved ones become ill has taken its toll on many members added to this the physical tiredness of looking after them, but we have worked with local managers and had attendances amended and compassionate leave granted. We have also accompanied and supported members with their stream, passport and attendance meetings. We have driven members to hearings and arranged for them to get outside support.

As previously mentioned with your help, and that of all North West Branches, we managed to get a U-turn on the roster smoothing piece across the whole of the North West for our service delivery members.

We have challenged proposed changes across all lines of business at one time or other during the year. Many of these lie dead in the water, attendance pattern changes for other groups, extra duties, how annual leave can be booked, relocation, site closures, training to name but a few. Some local to us as a branch some on a wider North West basis; for these we have worked with the other branches as a collective.

Nationally the section have pushed back on all issues, but you have to remember most of the issues we have locally are driven nationally and the poor management

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styles we see in the branch area are led by poor management styles of those at the top: even so, changes to the performance management process have been agreed, the MCC process and working together piece and site rationalisation programmes many LOBs had planned were altered or dropped, securing more work for our members in places they could actually travel to and from on a daily basis.

We have been working worth the North West organising department this year, checking our records and contacting non-members in the hope they will sign up to the CWU: this is a long process, we go through each OUC and check this against our membership database, if someone is not listed on the database we contact the CWU membership department who then look to make sure they are not a member of another branch. It must be noted that this process has not highlighted many non-members in the area. This means as each release package is offered and members leave, the branch time granted by BT via the facilities agreement takes a hit and time is lost: if you consider that years ago the branch had four full time officers dealing with BT IR issues and now there are two. This decline will no doubt continue to happen and was the main reason we sought a branch merger, putting things in place to secure the future of your branch. To this end, Andy Kerr sent a survey out seeking branch views on the subject of branches paying BT for release of members for union duties: we have yet to be informed of the outcome of this survey or if any agreements are being made in relation to this: it would, we expect, be something similar to the central billing system our Postal comrades use and is something our Branch put as a motion to the T&FS annual conference in 2014: the motion was carried.

As well as the internal politics and local branch issues, the section is also keeping its eye on the situation with Ofcom: to this aim we have been meeting local MPs in the hope they, if needed, would support our members and oppose the break-up of BT and the subsequent sell off or if pushed, hand over of BT Openreach to its competitors. This is a serious issue, and so far the response from BT group has been that they would challenge any decision to do this in the courts, tying Ofcom up for years along with the threat that BT would pull back from the broadband roll out. Below is a recent news article on the subject.

18/09/2015 :  Sky and BT have come to blows over the future of Openreach as Ofcom holds a 10-year review of the communications market in the UK. In an opinion piece in the Telegraph, Mai Fyfield, Sky’s chief strategy officer, accused BT of holding back the broadband market in the UK.

“BT’s case for the status quo is built on unfounded or exaggerated claims about the benefits of vertical integration and the risks of separation,” she said. “Underinvestment by BT has led to unacceptable levels of faults and service problems that continue to affect consumers and businesses .” She added that creating Openreach as a separate division would be the only practical way of making sure the UK had proper investment in its broadband network.

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“An independent Openreach would be a new, highly investable, FTSE 100 company that could catalyse the transformation of Britain’s broadband infrastructure,” she said. “BT constantly emphasises that Openreach is entirely functionally separate, with its own assets, employees and accounts. So it is contradictory to argue that the next step of full separation is impracticable.” Her op-ed came hot on the heels of Openreach chief executive Joe Garner's article in the Telegraph, dated 13 September, in which he said that hiving off Openreach would be a "huge mistake".

"Britain has gained, and will continue to gain, from Openreach as a part of BT – benefiting from more investment, more coverage and more speed," he said.

"On investment, BT provides us with ready access to capital. BT’s capital allowed us to meet the rapidly rising demand for internet services by rolling out superfast broadband which is, incidentally, 20 times faster than in 2005 and half the price."

We recently sent updated information to members, regarding the two European Court rulings: annual leave pay and travel time. Although the rulings are favourable to our members, the actual impact will be minimal for holiday pay and travelling although counted as working time will have no impact at all on anyone's pay.

On the wider front there has to be a mention of the trade union bill, if brought in this will affect every member of every trade union and this section is not safe. We have campaigned, contacted MPs and Lords and anyone else who will listen to stand with us and protect your rites. Sometimes fights are bigger than just our local workplaces and have to be taken elsewhere to a larger arena, but they do have a direct impact on your working day, none of the above could be achieved if we did not have our rites as a trade union, we cannot push back if we do not exist: we took part in a recent rally in Manchester, it would have been nice to have seen some more members and reps there, as it was I would like to thank Brian Coupland, Angela Gallagher, Stephen Donald along with my sister and eldest daughter for coming along and representing our section on the rally. Hopefully as the bill progresses we will see more people wishing to step up and take part: a direct result of the bill so far is that BT have already started to look at the facilities agreement that we have with them. These things cannot be ignored.

Whoever helps to pick up the reigns will no doubt have an even busier 2016 with all lines of business. I am sure with your continued support we will be successful.

Angela Teeling

T&FS section secretary

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OPENREACH REPORTI start my report by saying a huge thank you for re-electing and trusting me as your Branch Officer for the next two years, it’s an honour to work on your behalf and a position I would never take for granted, so thanks again for all the support it meant and means a lot.

As this is the first report given as an officer of the new branch I have given an out view of the last 12 months, to given everybody a rough picture of where we have been and the work we have covered in the telecom’s section. It’s with a heavy heart I write this report as over the last twelve it’s been incredibly difficult to work in the Openreach environment, many of our members have been subjected to some shocking Performance Management tactics and we as Officers did see a huge rise in IFW/FFW & disciplines cases throughout 2015, it’s a testimony to how our members work and the support we have been given by them, that even when we saw a rise in performance management in 2015 and the issues starting to filter into the branch and we as officers continued to fight the onslaught our members were facing and this I felt was a huge positive to come from what has been a shocking year for all of our members.

We did however get some good news at the beginning of 2016 with PM being put out of its misery and Openreach management forced too back track and in the end admit that PM had been used unfairly and a new process agreed with our National team. We will still challenge any and all managers to follow the new process and should any not do so, they will find themselves under the same spotlight our members are.

Although a new process has been agreed, please Remember keep a dairy, make sure you note any problems or issues that affect your day, speak to your manager if you become stuck on a long term job or encounter any difficulties with your working day and last keep us informed, remember we are here to help.

We have over the last twelve months fought for our members and had some good results, one been the smoothing of rosters, this is a great example of the Officers and members putting pressure on management and making them see, you as

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members wont and didn’t take a backward step on this issue, it was in the end a great joint effort and I said thanks and well done.

We are also aware that within the controls our members had a pretty bad twelve months, lots of our member were told that their work was to be moved to another site and for a while they didn’t and weren’t sure what was happening to them, but thankfully a large amount of new work came their way and although it’s been hard at times, things have settled down with the new work flow and our member are working as hard as they ever did and being a top unit within the Openreach family.

Officers of Greater Mersey and indeed most NW Branches are still raising concerns regarding what we view as the misuse of the ILM data and as a branch we won’t allow management to misuse the processes that they must adhere too. It would appear to us, that the company just tag the name of another report to the data and expect us to accept this without challenge. Openreach have agreed ‘codes of practice documents’, (if you would like a copy, then get in touch and we will send it over) these are agreements between CWU and the lines of business. No case can be built solely on the data this equipment generates. This has led us to question many performance cases, coaching plans and disciplines. We have raised the point that the only way a manager knows what time you left your parking location in the morning, an exchange in the day or indeed returned to your start location in the evening, is by the ILM: the only other way is if your manager is on site at the time. As I said we will be keeping a close eye on this in 2016.

So the last twelve months have been hard for everybody, but I hope with the new process in place and a change in senior management we will see a better way of managing our members going forward in 2016, because if they don’t they will have your branch officers to deal with and you can rest assured we will fight and make sure they work to all agreed ways of working.

Stephen Donald

Telecoms Officer

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MOTIONS1. That this branch bestows honorary membership on the following former

branch officers: Billy Butterworth former Branch Sec and Lead ULR (Merseyside Amal), Ray Lucas former Treasurer, Legal & Medical Officer and Organiser (Merseyside Amal), Adrian Parry former Branch Sec and Openreach SPOC (Merseyside and South West Lancs) and Paul Pritchard former Treasurer and Lead ULR (Merseyside and South West lancs)

Motions relating to the branch rule book:-

1. Branch name

Delete “& South West Lancashire” forming new name.

If agreed, all consequentially affected rules to be amended accordingly

2. Rule 4.4.2

Delete “q. Branch Health & Safety co-ordinator”

3. Rule 4.6

Replace last sentence “A full list of Officer Roles and Responsibilities can be found in Annex D”

with “Guidelines referring to the roles and responsibilities for Branch Officerial and Branch Secretarial positions are attached to these rules (see attachment 1).”

4. Rule 4.12.3 (a)

Delete: Area distribution, Area Processing, RM Engineering representative.

5. Annex A 3

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After Retired Members’ Section Rules insert (Cross Constituency)

6. Annex B

Delete sections 3 and 4. Renumber affected rules accordingly

7. Annex CDelete: Area distribution, Area Processing, RM Engineering representative

8. Annex D

To be renamed as “Attachment 1, Guidelines: Roles and Responsibilities for Branch Officerial and Branch Secretarial positions”

9. Annex D

Replace “Branch Safety Officer” with “Lead Branch Safety Officers”

The Grunwick DisputeWe remember the dispute in its 40th

anniversary year.

For many the summer of 1976 will be remembered as the long hot summer with an equally long hosepipe ban across most of the United Kingdom, not for a strike held by immigrant, and in the main, women workers in a non-unionised workplace developing our holiday and family photographs.

Historically the Grunwick dispute was an important struggle for the trade union movement especially happening during the period of the social chapter, the agreement between the Trade Union Congress and the Labour Government. A struggle about working conditions, long hours and poor pay and add to the mix immigrant workers and the majority of those women. It should be remembered as a very important struggle for the trade union movement as it kept the issues surrounding the dispute on our TV screens and in the papers for months on end. (Rogaly, 1977)

As I mentioned earlier how the year is probably best remembered by my generation for its weather this no doubt played a part in the issues that led to the walk out and subsequent almost two yearlong picket of the site. The company was a film processor and would develop negatives into photographs for chemists and the public under a mail order system. The company had expanded and moved to a larger site to develop more coloured photographs. Summer and holidays were always busy periods for the company and whilst they used some casual workers for those periods’ staff had been expected to work longer

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hours. Bearing in mind how the summer so far has been really good in terms of the temperatures and lack of rain far more films had been arriving to be developed by the business. The company needed to have a quick turnaround of developing to keep them ahead of the competition so these extended hours had become the norm and expected during this extraordinary summer. (Dromey & Taylor, 1978)

We have a workforce forced to work long hours on low pay, working in sweltering conditions because the air conditioning was in need of repair. Even leave periods where set in the winter months stopping workers enjoying the summer when their families would have been off including the school holidays for those with children. Managers sat watching staff and their every move from full glass office vantage points and to make matters worse workers had to raise their hands to take a toilet break. This style of management behaviour was even targeted at pregnant women who were stopped from taking time off for ante natal clinics and time to take sick children to their doctors. (Dromey & Taylor, 1978)

Whilst the workers may have been used to the weather before moving to England they certainly weren’t used the pace of work and the long hours under such conditions. The staff always felt that if they complained they would be sacked, with many working to keep their families and support their husbands or partners wages. Indeed students worked to earn money whilst studying and they too felt unease at complaining about the conditions. If the workers complained about working overtime they would be reminded it was part of their contracts, in his book ‘Fort Grunwick’ George Ward said the staff had been allowed to leave early during the quiet periods and never asked for the pay or time back but they knew when starting in the company he expected some element of compulsory overtime from them when they got busy. (Ward G. , 1977)

The start of the dispute bearing in mind they had no union was reminiscent of a union protest by working to rule or as one of the strikers Devshi Budia put it ‘we worked slowly’ he felt. Overbearing style of the management constantly watching him and his co-workers it was safer than complaining about their conditions and would ultimately bring him into a position for them to challenge him. The day being a Friday also had a bearing as it was the busiest day of the week and he would be expected to work long after his normal time, being on £29 for a 35 hour week was no incentive to work harder or longer in those conditions.

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A strike that was started almost by default with workers leaving before they would be sacked one woman Jayaben Desai uttered what is now known as the lion speech not knowing those few words would change the union movement in the United Kingdom forever “what you are running here is not a factory, it is a zoo. But in a zoo there are many types of animals. Some are monkeys who dance on your fingertips; others are lions who can bite your head off. We are the lions. Mr Manager. I want my freedom. I am going, I have had enough." As she walked out of Grunwick offices on the 20 August 1976. (Mahamdallie, 2012)

Whilst now taking on an employer they also realised they needed the help of a trade union, historically trade unions hadn’t always responded well to immigrant or female workers in the Red Scar Mill strike Preston in 65 workers from afro-Caribbean, Pakistan and India had been opposed by their local TGWU, other disputes at Mansfield Hosiery Mill in 1972 and Imperial Typewriters in Leicester in 1974 had seen white workers and unions fail to support immigrant workers so the trade union movement had something to prove with the workers at Grunwick. (Mahamdallie, 2012)

It would help that the local trades’ council had quickly become involved and there suggestion of the white collar union APEX (Association of Professional, Executive, Clerical and Computer Staff) to help may have seemed strange bearing in mind they hadn’t been known as militant or striking union more right wing than centre ground

When reading up on the Grunwick dispute I came across the role the Union of Postal Workers had played in the dispute over the length of the dispute. Whilst it is well written how postmen at

the local delivery office in Cricklewood stood firm refusing to cross picket lines and blacked the mail causing piles of sacks to grow daily across London as Cricklewood ran out of storage space. The local trades’ council had been trying to get the national executive from the Union of Postal Workers to get more involved on a national level to gain further trade union support. This was eventually achieved on the 1st of November 1976 almost ten weeks after the dispute started; this decision put the UPW firmly in the spotlight of the Grunwick management and on a collision course with the government and right wing media. Wards backers were now quoting a 1953 Postal Act to try and put government pressure on the Postal Union, indeed they had entered talks with ACAS shortly after the UPW decision. Almost simultaneously the Post Office was being legally challenged to release the blacklisted mail, pressure soon followed the union too with legal advice suggesting the unjoin too could also be fined and then be susceptible to another claim for loss of earnings from Grunwick, with the union still struggling after its 1971 strike they had to give in to the pressure now being placed upon them.

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George Ward suggested at one point during the Postal ‘Blacklisting’ he had over £250k in mail just stored at the militant (the union dispute the term) Cricklewood Sorting Office alone and as such he had to try and get the mail bags into Grunwick, no doubt any small business would struggle with that sum of money effectively out of reach. His friends at the National Association of Freedom NAF and conservative ministers in parliament like Sir Michael Havers, Sir Keith Joseph and Lord Hailsham attacked the union and its workers in Cricklewood. The Post Office responded by threatening to take postmen off pay if they refused to handle the Grunwick mail, they were suspended and continued their daily jobs until the Post Office locked them out, the UPW responded by paying strike pay as Ward put it the militant workers are now taking a holiday. (Ward, 1977)

As the TUC had struggled in coming out with full support for the strikers and their union at a time when solidarity was commonplace across the movement the Communication Workers Union hierarchy also had its doubts about its likely involvement too. Whilst the workers in Cricklewood had been fully supportive of the workers and their cause at Grunwick the national leaders had no doubt been put under pressure by Royal Mail bosses when London and other major cities had large volumes of mail being stored and not dispatched as other areas had also started to block the move of mail bags, this may have started in London as the local office ran out of space but as word spread other notorious militant areas also blacked the mail. (Candy, 2014)

It was only when speaking to one of our unions retired members a former standing orders committee member who explained how the national union had been overturned by a proposition from Liverpool postal members to march into Grunwick as a national union in support of the strikers as it appeared it had been left to the local branches marching in support and the odd other branches from across the country taking a day to visit.

The Grunwick dispute has to be seen as unsuccessful when you consider the small company won against the might of the trade union movement and a Labour Government who had at the start of the dispute supported the workers plight. George Ward had taken on APEX, the UPW, ACAS, Lord Scarman report and a Labour Government. He didn’t do it alone and that is how I see the dispute failed after the almost two years. Hindsight would have suggested that APEX whilst on paper was the right union for the workers wasn’t a union who had any history in dealing with this sort of employer and that type of workforce, it was seen as a right wing white collar union representing skilled workers in the main. Unfortunately the workers at Grunwick weren’t skilled or white collar and they had little if any knowledge of trade unions and the role they could play. Jack Dromey would be a great ally to the workers by generating support for them with the trades’ council and the wider union movement. (Mahamdallie, 2012)

The postal workers blockade was almost a success in starving money out of the company and that probably would have seen George Ward have to sit with ACAS and agree terms with APEX but the law intervened with the help of the National Association of Freedom (NAF) and the Conservative party started a campaign against the Post Office and the UPW culmination in ‘Operation Pony Express’ that saw city types allowed in the Cricklewood Delivery Office to take the backlogged mail and give Ward his lifeline. (Ward G. , 1977)

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Added to the turmoil of the UPW dispute was a U-turn by the leadership after they became aware the union could be found liable to costs from the Post Office and Grunwick for the delay in the mail, deliberately holding back the mail is still a criminal offence. Furthermore the UPW national officers found a number of UPW organisers who continued their protest against Grunwick between £300 and £500, the fines were paid by donations from members, other unions and local trades’ councils. (Candy, 2014)

The group NAF had been big supporters of Margaret Thatcher and they had some power within the city and the conservative party; that influence also spread to the media. The media coverage whilst often called biased was almost constant with pictures on TV nighty. The week mass picket on the 13th June 1978 and the following two weeks saw a third of TV news coverage on ITV and slightly less on the BBC. The newspapers had run stories throughout and seen its fair share of letter and comments by various MP’s. NAF even took out adverts in national papers to undermine the workers and the trade union movement. The story changed the day a milk bottle smashed a policeman and knocked him to the ground bleeding profusely the images sent shockwaves across the movement and in parliament. Pressure was now coming to bear on unions and the Labour supporters who had now been told to stay away from the picket lines. Shirley Williams had been a high profile visitor with several colleagues to the picket line but they had been APEX members. (Rogaly, 1977)

The police whilst those on the left felt had been overzealous in their response to the pickets and those supporting had started to express concerns about controlling such large numbers in attending each day.

They didn’t seem to mind the excessive speeds the scab busses were doing but took offence to trade union sympathisers and arrested large numbers daily including miners leader Arthur Scargill. The Police, the media, NAF, the Conservatives and now the TUC had seen how big but damaging this dispute was becoming with end in sight and they called off the dispute a few weeks later in July 1978. (Dromey & Taylor, 1978)

The power and influence of NAF cannot be underestimated in the way they worked on behalf of George Ward they helped with legal counsel, they informed about the laws surrounding the mail and the Post Office, they even arranged emergency debates in parliament highlight the plight of a company besieged by militants trying to wreck his business. (Ward G. , 1977)

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There is no mention of the two year dispute in the TUC book ‘From the General Strike to New Unionism’ under the section dedicated to Len Murray the TUC leader during that period. That probably tells us what we probably already believed about the TUC’s involvement in the dispute and their subsequent removal of help in July 1978. Len did say at the end of Labours term that he felt the CBI got more out of the Labour government than the TUC did. (Taylor, 2000)

As recently as 2010 the respected newspaper the Guardian felt it needed to print an apology of its reporting of the Grunwick strike as it wrongly stated that, at the time of the 1976-78 strike, conditions at Grunwick Processing Ltd were "appalling". We also stated that "the pay was poor; employees had to put their hands up if they wanted to use the toilet, and overtime was compulsory adding the Scarman report felt they were better paid than others in the industry. (Strikers in saris, 2010)

Whilst the dispute failed in some respects it is probably best summed up by the strikers’ courageous leader Jayaben Desai when commenting on the union support adding ‘Trade Union support is like honey on the elbow – you can smell it, you can feel it, but you cannot taste it’ she also felt all wasn’t lost either by commenting ‘because of us, the people who stayed in Grunwick got a much better deal. When the factory moved, the van used to come to their home and pick them up because it was difficult for them to get to the new place. Can you imagine that? And they get a pension today! And we get nothing. That was because of us, because of our struggle’. (The Grunwick Dispute, 2014) Before her death in 2010 a journalist Sarfraz Manzoor had asked what it felt like to be part of history, she said ‘she was proud of what she did. They wanted to break us down, but we did not break’.

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