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Gilbert et al. BMC Genomics 2013, 14:599


GRASP [Genomic Resource Access forStoichioproteomics]: comparative explorations ofthe atomic content of 12 Drosophila proteomesJames D J Gilbert1,2*, Claudia Acquisti3,4,5, Holly M Martinson2, James J Elser5, Sudhir Kumar4,5

and William F Fagan2


Background: “Stoichioproteomics” relates the elemental composition of proteins and proteomes to variation in thephysiological and ecological environment. To help harness and explore the wealth of hypotheses made possibleunder this framework, we introduce GRASP (, a public bioinformatic knowledgebase containinginformation on the frequencies of 20 amino acids and atomic composition of their side chains. GRASP integratescomparative protein composition data with annotation data from multiple public databases. Currently, GRASPincludes information on proteins of 12 sequenced Drosophila (fruit fly) proteomes, which will be expanded toinclude increasingly diverse organisms over time. In this paper we illustrate the potential of GRASP for testingstoichioproteomic hypotheses by conducting an exploratory investigation into the composition of 12 Drosophilaproteomes, testing the prediction that protein atomic content is associated with species ecology and with proteinexpression levels.

Results: Elements varied predictably along multivariate axes. Species were broadly similar, with the D. willistoniproteome a clear outlier. As expected, individual protein atomic content within proteomes was influenced byprotein function and amino acid biochemistry. Evolution in elemental composition across the phylogeny followedless predictable patterns, but was associated with broad ecological variation in diet. Using expression data availablefor D. melanogaster, we found evidence consistent with selection for efficient usage of elements within theproteome: as expected, nitrogen content was reduced in highly expressed proteins in most tissues, most stronglyin the gut, where nutrients are assimilated, and least strongly in the germline.

Conclusions: The patterns identified here using GRASP provide a foundation on which to base future research intothe evolution of atomic composition in Drosophila and other taxa.

Keywords: Bioinformatics, Comparative-phylogenetic analysis, Ecological stoichiometry, Material costs, Nutrientlimitation, Proteomics

BackgroundUnderstanding the basis of biological diversity requires in-tegration of ecological and evolutionary information. Oneexciting emerging picture is that ecological variation inthe availability of key elements can have evolutionaryconsequences even at the primary protein sequencelevel [1-4], a perspective known as “stoichioproteomics”

* Correspondence: [email protected] Heydon-Lawrence Bdg, University of Sydney, Sydney NSW 2006,Australia2University of Maryland, College Park, MD 20742, USAFull list of author information is available at the end of the article

© 2013 Gilbert et al.; licensee BioMed CentralCommons Attribution License (http://creativecreproduction in any medium, provided the or

(reviewed in [5]). Indeed, various studies, both olderand newer, have detected selection for efficiency ofusage in key limiting elements in amino acid sidechains, both in the sequences of individual proteins[1,6] and across entire proteomes [7-10].To begin to explore this potentially vast source of vari-

ation within and among species, it is necessary to havereliable and comparable sequence datasets for multipletaxa. This problem applies most strikingly in multicellu-lar eukaryotes. Although several studies have exploredstoichioproteomics in prokaryotes (e.g., [7,8,11-15]) and

Ltd. This is an Open Access article distributed under the terms of the, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, andiginal work is properly cited.

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eukaryotes [2,9-11], prokaryotic species have more oftenbeen the subject of comparative analysis than eukary-otes. Comparative analyses of molecular-scale variationsin the elemental compositions of proteins among plantand animal species are currently very scarce (see e.g.[2,9]). One reason for this may be that, in these taxa,such analyses are more difficult owing to the more com-plicated relationships between gene, transcript, and pro-tein (for example, through alternative splicing), whichblurs the definition of “homology” and makes meaningfulcomparisons among proteomes more difficult to achieve.In such species, answering even simple questions aboutatomic composition can quickly become a daunting taskthat requires merging several large datasets from differentresearch groups using multiple sequence identity codes.To begin to address this problem, we present GRASP

(Genomic Resource Access for Stoichioproteomics,, a public web resource focused onproviding a centralized and standardized resource foranalyzing the elemental composition of whole eukaryoticproteomes. GRASP is intended, first and foremost, to en-courage and enable researchers to conduct their owncomparative stoichioproteomic analyses. Second, it isintended to simplify and greatly facilitate these analysesfor eukaryotes, by providing a common, standardizedrepository of protein-by-protein information with easyways to search, match, extract, and analyse compositiondata from groups of homologous proteins and splice va-riants across multiple species with sequenced genomes.Third, we seek to facilitate testing of biological hypo-theses by linking protein data to other publicly availablesources of biological information using standard namingconventions. GRASP does not provide new data; rather,the advance GRASP represents is one of convenienceand streamlining of analyses that would otherwise be la-borious, in a manner analogous to repositories of bio-logical data such as FishBase (, theTree of Life ( and the Global Biodi-versity Information Facility ( its current form, GRASP includes information on

the atomic composition of proteins of all twelve fully-sequenced species of Drosophila: D. ananassae, D.erecta, D. grimshawi, D. melanogaster, D. mojavensis, D.persimilis, D. pseudoobscura, D. sechellia, D. simulans,D. virilis, D. willistoni and D. yakuba. Information onmultiple splice variants is currently available for D.melanogaster. In the future, we plan to expand the data-base to include a diversity of multicellular and unicellu-lar eukaryotes.

Exploring Drosophila stoichioproteomicsCombined with an almost unparalleled understanding ofthe biology of Drosophila from many decades of inten-sive research (see [16] and references therein), these 12

sequenced genomes have already been used to make in-ferences about species relationships and speciation, pat-terns of genome organization, e.g. [17], the evolutionand function of gene sequences, e.g., [18], and rates ofevolution, e.g., [19]. However, the potential of this cladefor studying variation in atomic composition has yet tobe investigated.To illustrate the potential that GRASP represents for

researchers interested in testing biological and ecologicalhypotheses using stoichioproteomic data, and the kindsof analyses that are facilitated by GRASP, we presenthere the first exploratory analysis and overview of prote-omic variation in atomic composition among the 12 se-quenced Drosophila species. We specifically illustratethe potential of this resource by conducting preliminarytests of two stoichioproteomic hypotheses.

Example hypothesesStoichioproteomics derives a number of specific hypoth-eses from a single core precept: that limitation in anelement leads to purifying selection in order to reducethe usage of amino acids needing that element in proteinsequences or their expression. Limitation could occur atany of several levels. At the long-term ecological level,limitation would result in predictable changes in proteinstoichiometry among species (see [2]). Alternatively, atthe short-term ecological level, limitation would resultin predictable changes in protein stoichiometry amongor even within individuals (see [20]). Limitation may op-erate even at the intracellular level, whereby temporarynutrient limitation within cells due to the demands ofprotein expression results in predictable changes incomposition among proteins with predictable expressionprofiles such as nutrient assimilation proteins [1], differ-entially expressed protein variants [6], or according totransient expression profiles [13]. We examined two setsof predictions arising from this general elemental limita-tion hypothesis: first, ecological differences should leadto predictable protein stoichiometry among species, andsecond, highly-expressed proteins should have sequencesconservative in key nutrients, specifically N.First, we collated data for the 12 Drosophila species on

key ecological traits that have been linked to organismalstoichiometry, and tested for associations between thesetraits and the composition of proteins (and protein sub-sets) across species. These traits, along with the relevantpredictions with respect to Drosophila proteomes, areoutlined in Table 1.Second, we combined the data in GRASP with a public

database of protein expression (FlyAtlas, [26]) in different Drosophila tissues to test for anegative association between protein expression and Ncontent. Using tissue-specific expression allowed us toassess the predicted relationship not only in a general

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Table 1 Predictions about associations between genomic and ecological traits and the evolution of proteinatomic content

Trait(s) Expected or potential associations with protein stoichiometry

Genome size (130 – 364 Mb); Intron percent (19.6–24.0%) [17] Larger proteomes (as indicated by larger genomes) require more intensivetranslation activity, and so should contain proportionally less of a limitingelement (C, N or S), owing to selection for efficiency of element usage.This may be confined to the proteins involved in translation, which areoverexpressed when intensive translation is required. Similarly, higherpercentages of protein–coding DNA (i.e. lower intron percent) shouldselect for higher efficiency of usage owing to a proportionally greatereffect on the phenotype.

Male and female body size (thorax width; males, 0.64–1.78 mm; females,0.80–1.89 mm); Sexual dimorphism (female thorax – male thorax; 0.00–0.18 mm); Development time (10–27d); Male and female specific growthrate (development time/thorax width) [16]

Contrasting predictions arise from the growth rate hypothesis [21]. First,smaller organisms have faster specific growth rates than larger organismsand therefore require proportionally more transcription activity. Thus theyshould require more nutrient conservation in proteins, particularly theproteins of transcription and translation that are overexpressed whenincreased protein synthesis is required. Conversely, owing to higher ratesof protein synthesis, smaller organisms have a lower protein:nucleic acidratio, the N:P ratio of their tissues is accordingly lower, and they arepredicted to be more easily P limited rather than N limited. This predictsthat smaller organisms should be under weaker selection to conservenitrogen in their protein sequences.

Ovariole number (16–43) [16] With limited nutritional choices, organisms often prioritize allocation tofertility over lifespan [22]; this may impose selection for nutrientconservation in key proteins. Therefore evolutionary increases in ovariolenumber should result in nutrient depletion across proteomes, ordifferentially in the proteins of oogenesis.

Diet breadth (general, oligo, specialist) [16, 25, 34] It is advantageous to maintain a stoichiometric balance close to that ofone’s food (reviewed in [23]). Generalist flies are more likely to be able toadjust the nutritional balance of ingested food to their own nutrientdemands [24], whereas specialist flies are more likely to evolve a bodystoichiometry that corresponds with that of their resources [25]. Thereforethe evolution of feeding specialization may involve evolution ofdistinctive protein stoichiometry, across proteomes or in the proteins ofnutrient assimilation and digestion.

Ranges of trait values are given in parentheses where appropriate.

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context but also in tissues where this relationship wouldbe expected to apply strongly or not at all, respectively.First, the insect midgut is the site of nutrient uptake andassimilation; enzymes that function to assimilate nutri-ents have evolved to contain less of the element they as-similate [1], leading to the prediction that we shouldobserve a stronger relationship between expression andN content in the midgut. Conversely, in the testes of D.melanogaster, evidence suggests that protein synthesis isgreatly reduced, which should reduce the requirementfor N conservation. Protein expression during spermato-genesis in Drosophila occurs in a unique way: transcrip-tion occurs only in early meiotic divisions, which peakduring the pupal stage. Post-meiosis, there is almost notranscription in Drosophila spermatids; instead, proteinsynthesis is achieved by retention of mRNA transcriptsfor relatively long periods of time [27]. Translation alsoappears to be reduced—12 ribosomal proteins are down-regulated in adult testes while none is up-regulated [28].In a global expression study, transcription and transla-tion proteins were not among those differentiallyexpressed in testes, unlike in ovaries [29]. Thus, in con-trast to other tissues, an adult testis would have no

particular requirement for N conservation in its pro-teins, because proteins are being synthesized at a muchlower rate.

Results and discussionOverviewIn GRASP, core information on individual proteins isgiven as protein length, the percent composition of eachamino acid, the number of atoms of each constituentelement in each protein (excluding invariant backbone),and “elemental content”, defined (following [2]) as

100=Lprotein� �



where Lprotein is the protein sequence length, wi is thenumber of atoms of a given element in the side chain ofamino acid i, and pi is the frequency of amino acid i inthe protein.The multivariate analyses we present here incorporate

(1) elemental content, following previous authors, e.g.[1,2,7,10], (2) DNA GC content, and (3) several basicproperties of amino acid sequences (protein length, pro-portions of hydrophobic, polar, positive, negative, and

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aromatic residues). We restricted our analyses to thesubset of proteins that have orthologs in all 12 availableDrosophila species (n = 4934). Future authors may wishto base more detailed analyses upon individual aminoacid contents and raw numbers of constituent elements,or on the composition of proteins lost and gained duringthe evolution of this clade.

Standing variationPrincipal component analysis revealed multiple patternsof co-linearity among the analysed sequence variables(Figure 1).Both species and functions differed statistically

(MANOVA, species: Pillai’s trace = 0.91, df = 27, p <0.001; function: Pillai’s trace = 0.29, p < 0.001) but theinteraction of species and function did not (Pillai’strace = 0.02, p = 0.99), indicating that protein func-tional groups occupied similar regions of multivariatespace relative to each other within each species’proteome. There were relatively small differencesamong species with the exception of D. willistoni(Figure 2) but pronounced differences among proteincategories (Figure 3).Figure 1 shows pairwise plots of variable loadings for

the first eight principal component axes, which collect-ively explained 89% of the variance. Most of the co-linearity stemmed from inherent properties of protein

PC1 (14.4%)


2 (1





4 (1




PC5 (11.0%)


6 (1





8 (7

























Figure 1 a-d biplots showing variable loading vectors for the first eigprotein composition for 12 combined Drosophila proteomes.

sequences. Aside from fundamental associations such asthose between N and O content and charge density (des-cribed by PC1), and between C content and aromaticity(described by PC2), Figure 1b also shows, for example,that S content was negatively associated with proteinlength. Although this partly reflects the effect of a con-stant initial methionine residue, PC1 and PC2 loadingsdid not appreciably change after excluding this initialresidue from all proteins (data not shown) so this maystem from the tendency of smaller proteins to be stabi-lized by disulphide links while longer proteins tend tohave salt bridges [30]. Also reflecting previous findings,DNA GC content was correlated negatively with proteinC content [14,15] and also with O content [8].Most species showed only small differences on all PC

axes (Figure 2). D. willistoni was an outlier in manycases, notably PC2, PC3 and PC7, stemming from itsproteome’s relatively exceptionally high O content (median0.496 atoms/residue) and its genome’s well-documentedlow GC content (median for our dataset 46.5%; see[31]). Although D. willistoni is not exceptional amongeukaryotes either in its GC or O content, since it fallsroughly centrally among eukaryotes plotted in Vieira-Silva & Rocha's Figure 2 (in [8], p. 1935), it was a clearoutlier within the clade studied here.Overall, protein functional categories differed in ele-

mental content and sequence properties largely in line

PC3 (11.8%)














C content

O content

N content

S content

GC content

% positive

% negative

% polar

% hydrophobic

% aromatic

Protein length

PC7 (9.8%)
















5 8

ht principal component axes describing standing variation in

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−1.23 −0.674 −0.117 0.439 0.996−1.025








−0.802 −0.288 0.226 0.74 1.254−0.806





D. mojavensisD. virilisD. grimshawiD. willistoniD. persimilisD. pseudoobscuraD. ananassaeD. erectaD. yakubaD. melanogasterD. sechelliaD. simulans




−1.427 −0.855 −0.283 0.289 0.861−1.195








−0.623 −0.211 0.201 0.613 1.025−0.424





Figure 2 a-d composition of 12 Drosophila proteomes (lines, interquartile range; central gaps, 95% confidence intervals around themedian). Axes are the same as in Figure 1.




−1.948 −0.506 0.937 2.379 3.822









−1.314 −0.747 −0.179 0.388 0.955






Nucleic acid bindingTranscription factorOxidoreductaseReceptorTransferaseProteaseSelect regulatory moleculeMiscellaneous functionHydrolaseTransporterKinase




−1.201 −0.622 −0.042 0.538 1.117









−1.011 −0.524 −0.038 0.449 0.936






Figure 3 a-d proteomic composition of different functional groups of proteins within 12 Drosophila proteomes (lines, interquartilerange; central gaps, 95% confidence intervals around the median). Axes are the same as in Figure 1.

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with expectations from the biochemistry of each proteincategory (Figure 3). For example, transcription factorsand nucleic acid binding proteins had very low values onPC1, indicating high N and O content, high chargedensity and hydrophilicity; nucleic acid binding proteinsin particular had high N content, reflecting the require-ment for positive charge associated with binding tonegatively charged DNA. In contrast, receptors andtransporters had high values of PC1 indicating very lowN and O, low charge density, and high hydrophobicity,consistent with the high proportion of hydrophobicgroups required to function within a plasma membrane.

Patterns in elemental content across the wholephylogenyTo investigate evolutionary patterns rather than standingvariation, we first explored species divergence in the PCaxes identified above by reconstructing ancestral states foreach axis in the PCA. The most striking lineage-specificpatterns were in D. willistoni and in the D. persimilis/D.pseudoobscura lineage (Figure 4). D. willistoni has under-gone across-the-board increases in PC2 (i.e. increased Ccontent and decreased GC content, percentage of polarresidues, and protein length) and PC3 (i.e. increased Ocontent and negative charge, and decreased GC content,N content and positive charge) and decreases in PC4 (i.e. increased S, reduced protein length) in all functionalcategories of proteins, arising from divergence since itslast ancestor, while D. pseudoobscura and D. persimilishave both undergone equally wholesale, but slightly lesssubstantial, decreases in PC2 and PC3 and increases inPC4. This suggests a proteome-wide, bottom-up evolu-tionary pressure leading to correlated changes in GCcontent of DNA and of C, O and N content across pro-teins, instead of an ecological or physiological explanationthat might be seen more strongly in some proteins than inothers.Why we should observe this pattern remains an open

question. It seems likely that selection acting on DNAGC content may drive the observed difference; PC2,










−0.2 −0.1 0.0 0.1 0.2















5 6


Figure 4 Biplot showing mean divergence in proteomic compositionAncestral values are standardized at the origin for comparison. Axes are the

PC3 and PC4 all contain heavy loadings for GC content,a fundamental property of DNA, and, in PCA analyses,extant standing variation in species tended to fall alonga common line roughly parallel with variation in GCcontent in all cases (Figure 2). While it is beyond thescope of this study to speculate on causal relationshipsbetween genomic GC content and protein properties,which are currently unclear (for discussion, see [8] withrespect to O content and [15] with respect to C con-tent), changes in GC content in D. willistoni have beenshown to correlate with changes in amino acid transitionrates [32]. If evolutionary changes in GC content indir-ectly drive evolution in amino acid composition and pro-tein properties such as O content, it is likely that thischange may be sufficient to account for observed differ-ences in PC2, PC3 and PC4 between D. willistoni, D.pseudoobscura, D. persimilis and their congeners.We then calculated phylogenetically independent con-

trasts in each variable for each ortholog set across thephylogeny to look at general patterns in the evolution ofproteomic properties across the clade. We amalgamatedall independent contrasts into a single dataset and usedPCA to identify broad patterns of evolutionary variation(following [33]). The main axes of variation we identifiedare given in Figure 5. Here we term these “EvolutionaryPrincipal Components” (EPC) purely to distinguish themfrom the axes identified for standing variation amongproteomes in Figure 1. Broadly speaking, these were(EPC1) from long, polar, high-O content proteins to aro-matic, high-C proteins; (EPC2) from hydrophobic, high-GC proteins to positive, high-N proteins, (EPC3) frommore polar proteins to more negative, more hydrophobicproteins and (EPC4) from GC-poor, S-rich, aromaticproteins to GC-rich, positively charged proteins. Evolu-tionary changes in protein and DNA properties oftenmirrored patterns detected within proteomes. For ex-ample, O content and hydrophobicity were strongly op-posed on both PC1 (Figure 1) and EPC1 (Figure 5). Asanother example, evolutionary divergence in both C andO content were negatively related to divergence in GC

−0.2 0.0 0.2 0.4



D. mojavensisD. virilisD. grimshawiD. willistoniD. persimilisD. pseudoobscuraD. ananassaeD. erectaD. yakubaD. melanogasterD. sechelliaD. simulans





8 911




since the most recent ancestor for 12 species of Drosophila.same as in Figure 1.

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Figure 5 a-d biplots showing variable loading vectors for the first eight evolutionary principal component (EPC) axes describingphylogenetically independent contrasts in protein composition across the Drosophila phylogeny, i.e. summarizing evolutionarychanges in proteomic composition rather than extant standing variation.

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content on EPC3, which reflected our findings withinproteomes (Figure 1) and supports previous findingsamong whole proteomes of other taxa [8,14,15].However, evolutionary patterns were sometimes differ-

ent from standing variation within proteomes. Evolutionin N content and % positive charge followed patterns

Table 2 Number of proteins (out of 4934) showing significant0.01; see Methods for details) between principal componenthypotheses, see Table 1; for PC axis loadings, see Figure 1)

Trait Nu


Genome size 49 44 49

Intron percent 651 561 493

Dimorphism 73 58 47

Thorax width 128 104 49

Specific development time 393 309 272

Development time 118 86 31

Diet breadth 302* 229* 200-

Ovariole number 394 288 260

Values over 200, or 4 × the expected number of proteins, we deemed significant anbiased towards positive or negative values (binomial sign tests). Asterisk indicates tcategories (χ2 tests).

different from those seen in static variation. Evolutionarychanges in N and % positive charge were independent ofO content and % negative charge both on EPC1 and (toa lesser extent) on EPC3 (Figure 5). In contrast, withinproteomes, these two variables were positively related toO content and % negative charge on PC1 (collectively

evolutionary relationships (using PGLM, threshold p =(PC) axes and ecological/genomic traits of interest (for

mber of significant relationships


36 13 21 25 26

539+ 349- 313+ 363 475

82 22 27 34 53

99 33 35 50 86

267+ 170 161 197 270

87 31 33 37 79

229 119+ 120 148- 205+

311 162 179 195 250

d are given in bold. +/− in superscript indicates that regression coefficients arehe sign of coefficients are unevenly distributed among protein functional

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describing charge density) and negatively related on PC3(collectively describing a positive–negative continuum;see Figure 1).

Testing hypotheses across the phylogenyStatistics for all protein subsets are given in Table 2.Note that we use PC (not EPC) axes for these analyses,because the technique we used (PGLM) uses raw speciesvalues, not contrasts, as its input data (see Methods fordetails). We detected extensive changes in protein stoi-chiometry across all axes with intron percent; associa-tions significant at the p < 0.01 level were seen in 651,561, 493 and 539 out of 4934 proteins on PC1, 2, 3 and4, respectively, over 10 times the expected number.However, there was no detectable bias on any of PC1-4towards positive or negative associations with intronpercent (binomial tests on effect sizes, all NS); neitherwere positive or negative associations biased towardsany protein category (χ2 tests, all NS). This indicates anoverall lack of consistent association between intron per-cent and protein stoichiometry. Comparably high num-bers of significant associations that also had no netpositive or negative bias were also detected for ovariolenumber (162–394 proteins across all axes) and specificdevelopment time (161–393 proteins across all axes).Future investigators may wish to explore these associa-tions in more detail, on a protein-by-protein basis.For diet breadth (significant associations in 302 and

229 proteins across PC1 and PC2, respectively), the sig-nificant positive and negative associations were distri-buted unequally among protein functions (χ2 tests,p < 0.05). Among this subset of proteins showing sig-nificant associations, nucleic acid binding proteins andtranscription factors showed predominantly positive as-sociations between diet breadth and PC1, while trans-porters showed negative associations. For PC2, nucleicacid binding molecules and transcription factors showedpositive associations, whilst oxidoreductases, transfe-rases and select regulatory molecules showed mostlynegative associations. Rather than being a phylogeny-wide trend, though, these patterns were driven by D.sechellia, the most resource-specialized of all the fliesrepresented here and for whom this subset of proteinshad diverged somewhat from the rest of the species(Figure 6). In D. sechellia, this subset of nucleic acidbinding proteins and transcription factors had thehighest PC1 (i.e. were most hydrophobic, with highest Sand lowest N and O) and PC2 (i.e. the least polar, withthe highest C), while its transporters had the lowestPC1 and its oxidoreductases, transferases and selectregulatory molecules had the lowest PC2. Althoughthese differences appeared to drive evolutionary correla-tions with diet breadth, from a stoichioproteomic per-spective we might, a priori, have expected the protein

composition of cactus-feeders such as D. yakuba to havebeen most distinctive (see e.g. [25]), owing to the lownutritional quality of their food resources, but this wasnot the case. Furthermore, D. erecta is almost as strictlyspecialized as D. sechellia but did not have distinctivestoichiometry in these proteins (Figure 6). It may there-fore be different, species-specific selection pressures inD. sechellia, such as detoxification of host substances,that have contributed to this divergence; patterns of se-lection in this subset of proteins may warrant furtherresearch.Ecological selection pressures evident at the proteomic

level have been detected previously using comparativeanalyses across whole kingdoms (see e.g. [2,7,11]); therelatively few substantial findings we report here mayalso reflect a relatively short divergence period (com-pared to divergence among kingdoms), or that differ-ences in the ecologies of Drosophila are not substantialor consistent enough to generate the selection pressureswe predicted – although major differences in body com-position reflect those seen among the flies’ respectivesubstrates [34], these differences may not ramify into theproteins. Given the scope of the proteomic datasets, ouroverview-style analysis was also necessarily very broadand coarse-grained. More detailed research into theatomic content of specific proteins or protein groupsusing GRASP may be better able to reveal effects of nu-tritional limitation upon protein atomic content amongDrosophila species.

Protein expression levels in D. melanogasterHighly expressed proteins (i.e. proteins that impose sub-stantial nutrient demands upon a cell) should theoreti-cally evolve to be nutrient poor [2,6] and, conversely,nutrient-rich proteins should be down-regulated in timesof low nutrient availability [13,20]. To test this hypo-thesis, and to illustrate the ease with which the infor-mation in GRASP can be integrated with other publiclyavailable resources, we asked how atomic composition,specifically N content, was related to protein expression(FlyAtlas, [26]) across different tissuetypes in D. melanogaster.Bragg & Wagner [3] outlined two hypotheses to account

for how nutrient conservation in highly expressed proteinsmight come about. First, relief of nutrient limitation mightarise mainly from changes in expression, with nutrient-rich proteins down-regulated and nutrient-poor proteinsup-regulated. This scenario predicts a proteome-widenegative correlation between expression levels and con-tent of the limiting nutrient. Second, specifically up-regulated proteins may have evolved to be nutrient-poor,resulting in a negative expression-nutrient content rela-tionship only in up-regulated proteins [3,20].

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−2.5 −2.0 −1.5 −1.0 −0.5 0.0 0.5 1.0







0 1 2 3 4







−0.5 0.0 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0PC2






−1.0 −0.5 0.0 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0PC2


Figure 6 Boxplot showing median ± IQR (box) and 95% CI (whiskers) of standing variation PC score (axes in Figure 1) across 12Drosophila species, for subset of proteins exhibiting a relationship with diet breadth: (a) PC1, Nucleic acid binding proteins (n = 26);(b) PC1, Transporters (n = 12); (c) PC2, Oxidoreductases (n = 9); (d) PC2, Transferases (n = 9). Species are given in order of diet breadth:white bars, specialist; light grey bars, oligophagous; dark grey bars, generalist. Species names have been abbreviated using their first three letters.

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Expression was bimodal in all tissues, the lower distri-bution corresponding to low- or rarely-expressed genes(see e.g. [35]). To test among the three alternatives (thetwo predictions outlined above, plus a null hypothesis ofno negative association between nutrient content andexpression), we conducted analyses for each tissue separ-ately. Specifically, we conducted piecewise regression,allowing us to separate the low expression and high ex-pression clusters at the most likely point (correspondingto a log2 abundance of 5.5; see Methods).Results of piecewise regressions for N content are

shown in Table 3 (for context, statistical data for alltissues and all response variables [PC axes and all ele-ments] are given in Additional file 1: Table S1). In thelow expression cluster, N content was weakly and incon-sistently related to expression levels. By contrast, in thehigh-expression cluster, N content was steeply nega-tively related to expression level in all tissues but thetestes, where this relationship was actually positive, andovaries, in which the slope did not differ from zero(Figure 7, Table 1).

This indicates that, specifically in the highly expressedproteins of all tissues except the germline, increased ex-pression was associated with conservation of N in pro-tein sequences. In the testes, upregulated proteins wereactually higher in N - the only tissue for which this wasthe case. The most steeply negative expression/N rela-tionships were seen in the midguts of adults and larvae.In these tissues, doubling expression (i.e. increasing byone log2 unit) was associated with approx. 0.01 fewer Natoms per amino acid residue. The next-steepest rela-tionships were also all gut-related tissues (hindgut andmalpighian tubules; Table 3).One clear interpretation of these patterns is that high

levels of protein expression place a high demand for Nupon somatic cells, creating a selection pressure for con-servation of N in the most highly expressed proteins [4].Thus, our results support the hypothesis that specificallyup-regulated proteins have evolved to be nutrient-poor[3,20] in keeping with the idea that proteins evolve to re-flect material costs of their production [1,4]. Among eu-karyotes, this specific expression/N content relationship

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Table 3 Linear and piecewise regression statistics for models of N content against expression level (log2 transcriptabundance) in 27 Drosophila melanogaster tissues, in descending order of the estimated slope of the relationship inthe high-expression cluster (expression > 5.5)

Linear regression Piecewise regression Linear vs. piecewise

Tissue Estimate SE Estimate (< 5.5) SE (< 5.5) Estimate (> 5.5) SE (> 5.5) F p Sig.

Larval midgut −0.003092 0.000332 0.000539 0.001152 −0.007019 0.000798 21.74 <0.001 ***

Adult midgut −0.002606 0.000331 −0.000192 0.001157 −0.006411 0.000805 15.86 <0.001 ***

Larval Malpighian tubule −0.001542 0.000315 −0.000169 0.001168 −0.006314 0.000818 20.20 <0.001 ***

Adult Malpighian tubule −0.001756 0.000325 0.000103 0.001211 −0.006128 0.000803 18.41 <0.001 ***

Larval hindgut −0.002210 0.000324 −0.000267 0.001172 −0.005367 0.000821 10.35 <0.001 ***

Adult hindgut −0.002262 0.000330 −0.001324 0.001178 −0.005303 0.000799 8.81 <0.001 ***

Cultured S2 cells 0.000309 0.000292 −0.000082 0.001210 −0.005190 0.000885 22.58 <0.001 ***

Larval residual −0.001548 0.000333 0.000140 0.001183 −0.004714 0.000812 10.04 <0.001 ***

Larval fat body 0.000439 0.000355 0.003550 0.001219 −0.004449 0.000781 27.03 <0.001 ***

Adult trachea −0.000705 0.000323 0.000876 0.001216 −0.004427 0.000822 12.73 <0.001 ***

Adult heart −0.001064 0.000305 −0.000146 0.001105 −0.004321 0.000792 10.04 <0.001 ***

Adult crop −0.001076 0.000332 −0.000110 0.001232 −0.003892 0.000807 7.44 0.001 ***

Whole adult fly −0.001281 0.000401 −0.001290 0.001380 −0.003696 0.000883 4.94 0.007 **

Adult head −0.002018 0.000349 0.000421 0.001221 −0.003671 0.000827 5.72 0.003 **

Mated spermatheca −0.001020 0.000327 −0.000607 0.001188 −0.003608 0.000811 6.08 0.002 **

Virgin spermatheca −0.000984 0.000322 0.000112 0.001154 −0.003364 0.000800 5.64 0.004 **

Larval salivary gland −0.000248 0.000319 0.000352 0.001228 −0.003288 0.000814 8.24 0.000 ***

Adult residual −0.001764 0.000367 0.000961 0.001281 −0.003147 0.000785 5.19 0.006 **

Adult accessory gland −0.000337 0.000337 −0.001018 0.001256 −0.002881 0.000836 6.46 0.002 **

Adult salivary gland −0.000849 0.000361 −0.002055 0.001388 −0.002713 0.000774 4.99 0.007 **

Adult eye −0.001458 0.000323 −0.000439 0.001152 −0.002687 0.000798 1.95 0.142

Adult fat body −0.001053 0.000341 −0.000622 0.001209 −0.002384 0.000791 1.75 0.174

Thoracico-abdominal ganglion −0.000649 0.000332 −0.001418 0.001237 −0.002359 0.000860 3.19 0.041 *

Larval CNS 0.000165 0.000323 −0.001832 0.001297 −0.002176 0.000937 7.43 0.001 ***

Adult brain −0.000537 0.000323 −0.001098 0.001241 −0.002089 0.000906 2.20 0.111

Ovary 0.000965 0.000277 −0.001613 0.001319 −0.000418 0.001010 6.68 0.001 **

Testis 0.001925 0.000345 0.001978 0.001226 0.003557 0.000937 1.85 0.157

For details, see Methods.

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has so far only been identified in plants [eg., 2, 9] and isweaker or absent in animals, possibly owing to relaxedselection for efficiency of N usage in heterotrophs [2].Proteins involved in nutrient assimilation show strongevolutionary conservation of the element they assimilate[1], so we would expect a priori to see the steepest rela-tionships between N content and expression at the sitesof N assimilation, such as the gut. Accordingly, midguttissues, the main site of nutrient uptake, showed thesteepest relationships of all tissues – followed by allother gut tissues in both larvae and adults (Table 3). Incontrast, sites where protein synthesis is arrested or re-duced, such as the testes, are not expected to show sucha pattern. In contrast to the testes, the ovary grows

during adult life [36], but we still found a relatively shal-low relationship between PC1 and expression in ovaries,suggesting they may also be under reduced selection forN conservation. As a potential hypothesis for futurestudy, conservation of N in eggs may impair offspringperformance, constraining egg proteins to be nutrition-ally expensive. Consistent with this, dietary protein defi-ciency differentially affects female fertility rather thanlifespan in Drosophila [22]. Brain and CNS tissues, whileactively growing and differentiating in larvae and adults[37], also showed comparatively shallow N content/ex-pression relationships (Table 3); we hypothesize that, be-cause the CNS is highly charge-sensitive, the intrinsiccorrelation between N content and protein charge may

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0 5 10 15








N c



TestisOvaryMidgutLarval midgutOther

Figure 7 Piecewise regression lines for N content against expression level (log2 transcript abundance) in 27 D. melanogaster tissues.

Gilbert et al. BMC Genomics 2013, 14:599 Page 11 of 14

reduce the scope for N conservation in nervous tissues.However, the apparently shallow expression/N contentrelationship in these tissues remains an open question.Interestingly, Elser et al. [2] also used D. melanogaster

as a reference model organism for heterotrophs, andused it as a baseline in the comparison with autotrophs.They found that N content in Drosophila followed aU-shaped curve that actually increased with expressionintensity in the most highly expressed proteins (theirFigure 1b). Examination of their figure reveals that thistrend is influenced by two outliers (possibly ribosomalproteins, a group with unusually high N [10,13]); exclud-ing these two outliers, the remainder of the points intheir figure agree with our data because the non-outlierdata in [2] follow a weakly negative trend. This result ac-cords with the authors’ main conclusion, because thisnegative trend is indeed shallower than in the plantsthey analysed, lending weight to the idea that N conser-vation is indeed relaxed in animals.Comparing the extent of N conservation we observed

in D. melanogaster with the results obtained by Elseret al. [2], our results indicate that it is important to con-sider tissue-specific expression levels. For example, inthe tissues with the strongest N conservation, the larvaland adult midgut, the most highly expressed proteinswere approx. 0.05 N atoms poorer per residue than inthe least highly expressed. By contrast, in the testes therewas no such pattern. These results suggest that selectionfor nutrient conservation in proteins may be mediatedby tissue-specific expression, a possibility that requiresfurther research.Of course, it is difficult to be entirely confident that

stoichioproteomic patterns are not a result of systematicselection on biochemical properties of amino acids or ofunderlying DNA rather than elemental content per se.As an alternative hypothesis, the most highly expressed

proteins may require a lower charge density to allow un-binding from the machinery of translation at a fastenough rate to maintain high expression, which wouldexplain their lower N and O content, although this re-quirement would most likely be of much lower impor-tance than requirements of protein function. Futureauthors may wish to make preliminary steps towardselucidating these two hypotheses by conducting analysesof protein composition and expression while controllingfor charge density.

ConclusionsWe have provided a mainly descriptive account ofbroad-scale variation in the atomic content of Drosoph-ila proteins across the 12 fully sequenced Drosophilaspecies, to which GRASP provides ready access, along-side preliminary tests of some core stoichioproteomichypotheses. Further detailed research using GRASP willprovide deeper insights into the evolution of atomiccomposition within and among species. Subsequent re-leases of GRASP will be augmented with similar infor-mation on other organisms across the phylogeny, as wellas with additional information about other characteris-tics, including known developmental regulators, lifespan, feeding habits, and other ecological information,resulting in a powerful bioinformatics knowledgebase forthe framing and testing of stoichioproteomic hypotheses.We found that atomic content in Drosophila was at

least partially a function of DNA GC content and aminoacid biochemistry, and was also predictable based uponrelative amounts of other constituent elements. On topof this, however, proteins carried signatures of conser-vation of limiting nutrients: N content was reduced inthe most highly expressed proteins in most somatictissues, but not in testes where nutrient conservationis unnecessary. However, the predictable patterns in

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D. simulans

D. sechellia

D. melanogaster

D. yakuba

D. erecta

D. ananassae

D. pseudoobscura

D. persimilis

D. willistoni

D. grimshawi

D. virilis

D. mojavensis

Figure 8 Phylogeny of the 12 Drosophila species used in thisstudy. (Taken from [17]).

Gilbert et al. BMC Genomics 2013, 14:599 Page 12 of 14

elemental composition that we detected withinproteomes were not plainly evident in broad-scale com-parisons across species, indicating a potential role forlineage-specific evolutionary changes; this phylogeneticvariation can provide a testing ground for future re-searchers wishing to use GRASP to look into the evolu-tion of atomic composition.Protein atomic content can be seen a passive emergent

property of selection acting on the phenotype via a pro-tein’s structure, but may also be a source of selectionpressure in itself, through its effect on organism nutrientdemand. Here we have identified patterns in atomic con-tent ranging from associations with basic properties ofDNA to evolutionary associations with ecological speciesdifferences that may represent signatures of selection fornutrient conservation. We hope that the stoichioproteomictrends we have identified here will provide multiple work-ing hypotheses for future research aiming to investigatethese hypotheses in detail using these 12 Drosophila spe-cies and beyond. GRASP will provide a convenient spring-board for such studies.

MethodsGRASP is organized around a central interface wherebyusers select the species they wish to query and then thecategory of proteins whose data they wish to extract. Arange of data is included on the website to enable directtests of hypotheses, as well as providing links to outsidesources of information. We have added categorical datamapping to the Gene Ontology ( protein family, biological process, molecular function,and pathway, derived from FlyBase (,Panther (, and Uniprot ( GRASP also includes the amino acid se-quence itself, along with its length, plus the underlyingcoding DNA sequence and information about its GCcontent, a property that directly affects the amino acidsequence [14]. The current sequence data in GRASP arederived from FlyBase version FB_2007_3, October 2007.When a gene gives rise to more than one protein prod-uct, each protein product is indicated with a differentsuffix (i.e., PA, PB, etc.). Aggregations grouped by bio-logical process, molecular function, protein pathway andfamily can be selected and output to the browser or viadownloadable spreadsheets and comma-separated valuelists for use in other statistical software. In addition,users can create their own aggregations of proteins de-rived from the selected species, automatically generatinga downloadable spreadsheet of aggregated amino acidand elemental counts.

Exploratory analysis of Drosophila proteomesAfter downloading the information from GRASP, all dataanalyses were carried out in R 2.13.0 [38] using various

packages as cited below. Unless stated otherwise, onlyproteins with orthologs in all 12 species were analysed.First, we used principal component analysis to cha-

racterize multivariate relationships between C, O, N andS content, DNA GC content, protein length, and theproportions of hydrophobic, polar, positive, negative andaromatic residues, respectively, in the entire dataset. Wethen asked whether proteins from the 12 different spe-cies, and different functional categories, occupied dis-tinct regions in multivariate space using MANOVA withthe first 8 principal components as a multivariateresponse.

Species- and clade-specific divergence in elemental contentBecause species share evolutionary history to differentextents, comparisons among species must account forthe way characters evolve e.g. [39-41]. For the 12 Dros-ophila species under consideration, a well-supportedphylogeny is known based on the whole genome, withreliable divergence estimates (Figure 8; see [17]). Boththe inferred phylogeny and protein atomic content areclosely linked to the amino acid sequence, which maylead to circular inference – we assumed this would notbias our results, i.e. we assumed that forces affecting theatomic composition of proteins were independent of theforces affecting the sequence affinity of the entire ge-nomes on which the phylogeny was based.First, we looked at species divergence in the PC axes

identified above by reconstructing the ancestral statesfor each protein across the phylogeny on each axis inthe PCA using maximum likelihood reconstruction inthe ace() function of the ape package in R [42]. We usedthis information to calculate the estimated divergence

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for each protein in each species since its most recentcommon ancestor with a sibling species. Lineage- andclade-specific evolution of atomic content could there-fore be isolated from patterns shared among species.

Evolutionary patterns in elemental content and ecologyWe used the method of phylogenetically independentcontrasts (PIC, [39]) to calculate independent contrastsin all considered variables. To look at multivariate evolu-tionary change we then calculated principal componentsin these contrasts, following [33]. Evolutionary associa-tions among the variables were assessed using the vari-able loadings of the principal axes.

Testing hypotheses across the phylogenyTo test ecological and genomic hypotheses relating tostoichioproteomics (Table 1), we asked whether any ofthe species-level ecological or genomic traits listed inTable 1 on its own was related systematically to evolutio-nary patterns in atomic composition and protein pro-perties. We used phylogenetic generalized least squares(PGLM), using the CAIC package [43] to model phylo-genetic changes in the principal component axes identifiedabove for “standing variation” against changes in the traitof interest (i.e. for each ecological trait, 4934 analyses eachof n = 12), asking whether fitted lines systematically de-parted from zero. Under a null hypothesis we would ex-pect 1% of 4934, or 49, analyses to be significant at the0.01 level; we used 200 or approx. 4 times this number asan arbitrary but conservative threshold for significance.Note that PGLM differs from the method of PIC whichwe used to calculate the EPC axes: where PIC calculates anew dataset of phylogenetically independent contrasts,PGLM instead uses raw species values as the responsevariable, and incorporates phylogenetic information intothe error term of the model. Thus, we performed theseanalyses on the "standing variation" PC axes (rather thanthe EPC axes). For ecological variables that were fre-quently associated with protein composition (intron per-cent, ovariole number, specific development time and dietbreadth) we asked whether associations were consistentlypositive or negative in particular protein categoriesusing χ2 tests; for each variable, Table 1 outlineshypotheses relating to specific subsets of proteins thatmight be expected to show elemental conservation in theirsequences.

Protein expression in D. melanogasterDetailed information on protein expression in D. mela-nogaster has recently become available in the FlyAtlasdatabase ( [26]). We used FlyAtlas toanalyse protein elemental content with respect to pro-tein expression in various tissues of D. melanogaster (seeTable 3 for tissues). Nutrient conservation in proteins is

expected to appear as a negative relationship betweenprotein nutrient content and protein expression level(see [2,3,13]). If N conservation is brought about bywholesale adjustment of expression levels on the basisof N content, we would expect to see such a negativerelationship across all proteins. On the other hand, ifproteins that are constrained to be highly expressed haveevolved to be low in N, we should see this negativerelationship only in highly-expressed proteins [3].To test between these two hypotheses, we fitted piece-

wise regression models to the data for each tissue, brea-king the bimodal distribution at a point corresponding toa log2 abundance of 5.5 (determined by comparing AICvalues of piecewise regressions using different breakpoints;data not shown).In tissues where N conservation is expected to be weak

or non-existent, however, we would expect a negative rela-tionship in neither down- nor up-regulated proteins.Thus, we predicted that the slope of any relationship bet-ween expression and N content would be shallower forthe testes than for any other tissue.

Additional file

Additional file 1: Table S1. Results of linear and piecewise regressionof different response variables (PC1-4 and C, O, N and S content) againstexpression level for 27 different Drosophila melanogaster tissues. See textfor details.

Competing interestsThe authors declare no competing interests, financial or otherwise.

Authors’ contributionsJDJG carried out the analyses and drafted the manuscript. CA participated inthe design and implementation of GRASP, in the analyses and in drafting themanuscript. HMM participated in the analyses and in drafting themanuscript. JJE, SK and WFF conceived of the study, implemented andcurrently maintain GRASP and provided comments on the manuscript. Allauthors read and approved the final manuscript.

AcknowledgementsThis work was funded by NSF grant (DBI 0548366) to WFF, JJE and SK andNIH grant (HG002096-12) to SK. The authors would like to thank B. vanEmden and R.R. Tyagi for technical assistance with GRASP and J. Bragg and F.S. Gilbert for useful discussions and comments on the manuscript.

Author details1A08 Heydon-Lawrence Bdg, University of Sydney, Sydney NSW 2006,Australia. 2University of Maryland, College Park, MD 20742, USA. 3WWUMunster, Institute for Evolution and Biodiversity, Hufferstr. 1, Munster 48149,Germany. 4Center for Evolutionary Medicine and Informatics, BiodesignInstitute, Arizona State University, Tempe, AZ 85287-5301, USA. 5School ofLife Sciences, Arizona State University, Tempe, AZ 85287-4501, USA.

Received: 14 June 2012 Accepted: 5 June 2013Published: 4 September 2013

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doi:10.1186/1471-2164-14-599Cite this article as: Gilbert et al.: GRASP [Genomic Resource Access forStoichioproteomics]: comparative explorations of the atomic content of12 Drosophila proteomes. BMC Genomics 2013 14:599.

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