Download - Grails: a quick tutorial (1)


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Grails: a quick tutorial (1)

Davide Rossi

Jug Milano, 22/01/2009


- Grails: Groovy on Rails ?

- Create a new application

- Create domain classes

- Datasource

- Constraints

- Associations

- Create controllers / views

- Run the application

Contents (2)

- Searching

- Dynamic finders

- Hql (Hibernate query language)

- Hibernate Criteria

- Pagination

Grails: Groovy on Rails ?

- Web MVC framework based on Groovy

- Inspired by Ruby on Rails

- Built on top of Spring, Spring MVC, Hibernate

- Convention over Configuration

- Integrated Jetty Server and HSQL DB for rapid development

- Produces a WAR

Creating a new application

A simple CRUD application, a teams / players database

> grails create-app JugDemo

Domain classes and GORM

- Domain classes are the model layer of the application

- Every domain class is automatically persisted by GORM (Grails' Object Relational Mapping)

- GORM is based on Hibernate

- GORM can persist Java classes

- GORM adds id and version properties

- GORM creates DB schema from Domain classes

- GORM allows to configure table mapping (useful for legacy DB)


dataSource { pooled = true driverClassName = "org.hsqldb.jdbcDriver" username = "sa" password = ""}hibernate { cache.use_second_level_cache=true cache.use_query_cache=true cache.provider_class='com.opensymphony.oscache.hibernate.OSCacheProvider'}


environments {development {dataSource {dbCreate = "create-drop" // one of 'create', 'create-drop','update'url = "jdbc:hsqldb:mem:devDB"}}test {dataSource {dbCreate = "update"url = "jdbc:hsqldb:mem:testDb"}}production {dataSource {dbCreate = "update"url = "jdbc:hsqldb:file:prodDb;shutdown=true"}}}


- Grails validation (from Spring)

- Used by GORM to generate DB schema

- To validate a class instance call validate()

- save() calls validate() before calling the DB

- blank, creditCard, email, inList, matches, max, maxSize, min, notEqual, nullable, range, scale, size, unique, url, validator (custom closure)

Team domain class

> grails create-domain-class team

class Team { String name String championship String city Long supporters Integer foundationYear

static hasMany = [players: Player]

static constraints = { name (unique: true, blank: false, size: 2..30) championship (blank: false, inList: ['Serie A', 'Serie B', 'Serie C1', 'Serie C2']) city (blank: true, size: 2..25) supporters (nullable: true) foundationYear (nullable: true) }}

Player domain class

> grails create-domain-class player

class Player { String name String lastName String city Date birth String email

static belongsTo = [team: Team]

static constraints = { name (blank: false, size: 2..30) lastName (blank: false, size: 2..30) city (blank: true, size: 2..25) birth (nullable:true) email (blank: true, email: true) }}

GORM Associations One to one

Unidirectional- class Person { BillingAddress address } class BillingAddress { ... }

Bidirectional (no update / delete cascading)- class Person { BillingAddress address } class BillingAddress { Person person }

GORM Associations One to one

Bidirectional (update / delete cascading)

- class Person { BillingAddress address }

class BillingAddress { static belongsTo = [person: Person] }

GORM Associations One to many

Update cascading, no delete- class Team { static hasMany = [players: Player] } class Player { ... }

Update / delete cascading- class Team { static hasMany = [players: Player] } class Player { static belongsTo = [team: Team] }

GORM Associations Many to many

Update / delete cascading

- class Author {

static hasMany = [books: Book]


class Book {

static belongsTo = Author

static hasMany = [authors: Author]


- GORM creates a join table with the entitiy names (author_book)

GORM notes

- Default fetching strategy is lazy but can be changed

- Default inheritance strategy is table per hierarchy, but can be changed to table per class

- Its possible to prevent some properties from being persisted: static transients = [ "myProperty" ]

- Provides events hooks: beforeInsert, beforeUpdate, onLoad...

Team controller

> grails generate-controller team

Every action is implemented as a closure

Team controller - List

def list = { if (!params.max) params.max = 10 [ teamList: Team.list( params ) ]}

- params is a map containing the request parameters

- list is a GORM method, can take parameters:- max, offset, order, sort, ignoreCase, fetch

- No explicit return statement

- No explicit view

Team controller - Show

def show = { def team = Team.get( ) if (!team) { flash.message = "Team not found with id ${}" redirect(action: list) } else { return [ team : team ] }}

- get is a GORM method

- flash is a new scope introduces by Grails

- explicit return statement

Team controller - Save

def save = { def team = new Team(params) if(!team.hasErrors() && { flash.message = "Team ${} created" redirect(action: show, id: } else { render(view: 'create', model: [team: team]) }}

- save performs validation and return null if errors are found

- explicit view declarations (render)

Generate controllers and view

> grails generate-views team

> grails generate-all player

Running the app

> grails run-app

Application bootstrap

def init = { servletContext ->

if (GrailsUtil.environment == "development") { def team1 = new Team(name: 'Varese', championship: 'Serie C2', city: 'Varese', supporters: 1000, foundationYear: 1910).save() def team2 = ... def team3 = ... def team4 = ...

new Player(name: 'player1', lastName: 'one', city: 'Varese', birth: new Date(), email: '[email protected]', team: team1).save() ... new Player(name: 'player11', lastName: 'eleven', city: 'Palermo', birth: new Date(), email: '[email protected]', team: team4).save() }}

Search types

- Dynamic finders

- Hql

- Criteria

Adding a search form



Dynamic finders


def search = { def teamList = Team.findAllByChampionship(params.championship) render(view:'list', model: [teamList: teamList] )}

Dynamic finders

- findBy and findAllBy- def team = Team.findByName(Juventus)- def teamList = Team.findAllByCity(Milano)

- Composition of properties, boolean logic and comparators:- and, or- LessThan, LessThanEquals, GreaterThan, GreaterThanEquals, Like, Ilike, NotEqual, Between, IsNotNull, IsNull

es: Team.findAllByCityLikeAndSupportersGreaterThan(Milano, 1000, [max: 3, offset: 2, sort: "name", order: "desc"])

Multiaction search form

- Each button sends the form to a different action

Hql queries

def teamSearch = { def playerList = Player.findAll("from Player as p where = ?", ["${params.searchQuery}"]) render(view: 'list', model: [playerList: playerList])}

- You can use HQL queries with named and pagination parameters:

es:Player.findAll("from Player as p where = :teamName order by p.lastName asc", [teamName: "Juventus"], [max:10, offset:20])

Hibernate Criteria

def citySearch = { def c = Player.createCriteria() def playerList = c.list { ilike("city", "%${params.searchQuery}%") }

render(view: 'list', model: [playerList: playerList]) }

- Uses a Groovy builder to hide Hibernate's Criteria API complexity

Hibernate Criteria

A more complex example:

def c = Account.createCriteria()def results = c {like("holderFirstName", "Fred%")and {between("balance", 500, 1000)eq("branch", "London")}maxResults(10)order("holderLastName", "desc")}

Pagination problem

After the search we see a pagination error: we must modify the generated action and gsp:


def list = { if (!params.max) params.max = 10 def playerList = Player.list( params ) [ playerList: playerList, playerCount: Player.count()] }


def teamSearch = { def playerList = Player.findAll("from Player as p where = ?", ["${params.searchQuery}"]) render(view: 'list', model: [playerList: playerList, playerCount: playerList.size()])}

def citySearch = { def c = Player.createCriteria() def playerList = c.list { ilike("city", "%${params.searchQuery}%") }

render(view: 'list', model: [playerList: playerList, playerCount: playerList.size()])}


- Convention over configuration speeds up development by reducing glue and framework code

- GORM is a powerful tool that leverage Hibernate strengths but lowering its complexity

- You can reuse your previous knowledge (HQL, Criteria, Spring Validation...)

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