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Googles reputation and familarity Googles speed and user friendliness Relevance ranking based on citations Extra services Multi-disciplinarity


Heterogeneousness of the material Content is arbitrary Risk of dead-ends (users find the citation, but can't access the full text) No expert search Anglo-Saxon (English language) focus


Offer an easy starting point Reach new user groups Reach new content Easy and exper search fully integrated using OpenURL Higher usage of valuable (expensive) content


Lost sight (control) of indexing policy Possibility of censorship Users get lost/confused User ends up at wrong copy (i.e. doesn't get to the institutional subscription) Print collection becom less visible Information skills will disappear Library services become less visible

Internal STRENGTHS: Proclaimed by many as ‘the most efficient’ search engine on the Internet Lured Earthlink, the number three Internet Service Provider in the United

States, to use Google as its default search engine. Largest search engine in the world

Internal WEAKNESSES Made their IPO a complicated auction process, which angered a number of

investors Produces less relevant hits than subject-specific subscription databases

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External OPPORTUNITIES Computer literacy is on the rise, especially in underdeveloped countries. There is a trend in the United States towards telecommuting and at-home-

businesses. As the cost of technology continues to fall and the demand for information

grows, the variety of services will increase in response to market niches.

There is a lot of potential for the International Market, especially in China, which plans to privatize many state-owned facilities.

External THREATS There will be legal challenges from private citizens to the storage of

information about private citizens. Database companies (Gale, Lexis-Nexis, ProQuest) are designing products

and internet search engines at rates that are more affordable to individual customers; these products provide superior research aids; they are also teaming with newspaper companies.

There are a number of companies in competition with Google.

Dari segi BCG menurut gw dia yang hirarki tertinggi (cost flow tinggi dan market nya tinggi)

Karena search engine yang memonopoli semuanaya deh kayaknya

Prediksi tahun depan adalah

1. Komisi Eropa bakalan langsung menyetujui proposal pembelian Doubleclick oleh Google.

2. Google akan melanjutkan garapannya di segmen mobileMeskipun begitu, namun Google diprediksi akan memenangkan lelang spectrum 700 megahertz, menjadi wireless carrier maupun memperkenalkan Google phone atau Gphone pada 2008.

3. pertumbuhan sebesar 39% pada pendapatan kotor Google pada 2008, namun percaya bahwa ketatnya persaingan bakal menekan margin lebih jauh. S&P memprediksi bahwa kecepatan perkembangan pangsa pasar akan berkurang.

2. Google akan memperkuat hubungan dengan AppleGoogle adalah salah satu penyedia aplikasi utama iPhone keluaran Apple., di tengah usaha Google dalam mengembangkan open network dan platform. Google juga bekerja sama denganYoutube, yang kontennya tersedia di iPhone dan Apple TV.

3. Usaha Google dalam Internet search dan iklan kontekstual akan memberikan hasil yang mixed

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Meskipun Youtube terus memperoleh pangsa pasar dalam segmen video online, namun dampak finansialnya bagi Google masih kurang jelas.

Sehingga prediksi google masih akan terus menjadi leader di dalam search engine…