Download - Google Penalty Recovery Presentation By Eric Lancheres


Eric Lancheres

Recover From The Panda Penalty & Build Panda-Proof SitesA proven method that will allow you to recover any size information site, e-commerce and affiliate site.

What You’ll Discover Tonight…

How Panda Is Affecting You Right Now1

Start Recovering From Panda Today

The Secret To All Panda Recoveries3

Bonus At The End…. Stick Around!4


Panda Is Integrated Into The Ranking Algorithm

Every website is assigned a “Quality Score” by Google

You might be affected by Panda and not even know it.

Earlier sites that were hit by Panda know they were hit because they saw a sudden, massive traffic drop.

New sites receive a quality score but never see the infamous ‘traffic drops’ to tell them they could be receiving 2x-3x more traffic.

Panda Is Integrated Into The Ranking Algorithm

Why is this important?

Google is out to reward “High Quality Sites” and penalize sites with a poor quality score.

The more links you build (ie: link networks), the more important it is that you have a high quality site because Google expects high quality sites to receive more links.

Small Business Owner Knows He’s Hit By Panda

Every website is assigned a “Quality Score” by Google

You might be affected by Panda and not even know it.

Earlier sites that were hit by Panda know they were hit because they saw a sudden, massive traffic drop.

New sites receive a quality score but never see the infamous ‘traffic drops’ to tell them they could be receiving 2x-3x more traffic.

Google is out to reward “High Quality Sites” and penalize sites with a poor quality score.

Major Corporations Destroyed By Panda

Site-Wide Penalty That Destroys Your Income and Causes Stress, Panic

Major Corporations Destroyed By Panda

First Update Was Feb 24th 2011 USA OnlySecond Update Was April 11th 2011 International

Panda Is Integrated Into The Ranking Algorithm

Every website is assigned a “Quality Score” by Google

[Panda Quality Score / 100] x [ Old Ranking Factors ] = Your Rank

Example: [Panda Score 70/100] x [20 Backlinks + Good On Page] = Rank #5 Example: [Panda Score 95/100] x [10 Backlinks + Good On Page] = Rank #2

The better your quality score, the easier it is to rank!

The POWER Of Recovering From Panda

Only Difference Is The Panda Quality Score Improved

2-9x your current traffic

The traffic increase is sudden and happens in a few days

Without any new backlinks, without new content.


This site had seen a 60% traffic drop in April 2011 during the first Panda Update and fully recovered following my methods.

Pure 100% Affiliate Site Recovery

Hit By The May 10th Panda Update Recovered By The September 28th Update

Hundreds of affiliate links, ton of “thin” content… Yet seems like a high quality site in the eyes of Google!


First, Who Am I ?

Eric Lancheres

SEO Consultant & Researcher

Author of Secret Sauce SEO (White hat)

Consultant in competitive fields such as gaming, dating, health, tech and real estate industry.

Ranking #1 the most competitive fields.

Ex-Affiliate Marketer (Hit Hard By Panda)

Lost Everything To Panda (How could I call myself an SEO expert when I didn’t understand one of the biggest SEO changes in history? Lost 90% of passive revenue. )

BSc Environmental Science

Who’s Ready To Start Recovering!

[Panda Quality Score / 100] x [ Old Ranking Factors ] = Your Rank

Remember: The better your quality score, the easier it is to rank!

Where Is My Panda “Website Quality Score” ?

Your Quality Score is hidden from you as a webmasterand is used as an internal score to rank your sites.

- There are quality score thresholds, and if you go below them, you’re getting hit!

- Sites that are ‘borderline’ sometimes see-saw. They get hit and quickly recoverwith a few changes.

- Most sites that get hit… never recover. Because the nature of their siteis exactly what Google is trying to penalized.

But there’s hope! Even if Google is after you…(Information sites, Affiliate Sites, Review Sites and Lead Generation Sites…)

If Google thinks you’re a content farm,spammer, scraper, low quality site = Bad Quality Score

How To Not Look Like A “Content Farm”The first step to improving your quality score…

One of the major difference between a specialized, high quality site that covers a topic and one that collects random articles (Like Ezine) is:


Proper Internal Links - Wikipedia

Content Farm - Ezinearticles

Internal Linking


Tells Google that you aren’t a content farm.

Provides related, in-context backlinks to help you rank higher.

Keeps your users on your site longer (Improves Your Website Quality Score)

Manual links are better but there are Wordpress pluginsthat can automate the process!

- SEO Smart Links Plugin- Insights Plugin- Manually

How To Not Look Like A “Cheap Affiliate”The second step to improving your quality score…

One of the major difference between a high quality site written by an expert and a site that hosts a 1000 outsourced articles based on a list of keywords:

Writing on TOPICS instead of keywords

The Old Way of “Targeting Keywords” is DEAD

Visitors that search for specific keywords are usually low quality visitorsthat come in as fast as they leave. This makes Google think you have a low quality site… EVEN if you have great content.

Visitor A) Lands on your site from query: “BBQ Cooking website” This visitor is likely to stay around, read your site and have a good userexperience. Maybe even bookmark it if he thinks it’s good.

Visitor B) Lands on your site from query: “How to cook a butter chicken”This visitor is likely to read… and then immediately leave.

The Old Way of “Targeting Keywords” is DEAD

This is why so many keyword optimized sites were penalized…

Even if they had great content!

Because most of the traffic that keyword optimized sites receive come and go almost instantly.

This tell Google that the site is bad.

But wait! Aren’t these “long tail keywords” supposed to be good?

Yes, they are good for sales…

But bad for user experience which means Google Penalties and little-to-no traffic.

When Google talks about “High Quality Sites”, they are NOT talking about akeyword stuffed site.

Page 10 Result – Keyword Targeting (Don’t do this!)

I would spend maybe 20 seconds on this site… probably less.

Have Content That Make People Stay On The SiteI would spend 3-4 minutes on this site… probably more.

You have to mix “keywords articles” with topic articles

If you ONLY have keyword targeted articles on your site, you’re getting penalized


If you mix in keyword targeted articles with great, on topic articles, you’ll rank!(Because your visitors will likely stick around to read other things)

Panda Quality Score Equation

[Static Elements] x [User Experience] = Panda Quality Score

For the first time ever, Google is paying attention to the user experience on your site. That’s why Panda is a site-wide penalty.

User Experience

Are your users having a “good experience”?

- How long are your users staying on your site? Can you improve that metric?

- How fast does your site load? Check in webmaster tools. Under 4 seconds acceptable.

- Are your users finding the content that they want? Can you improve your navigation?

- More…

User Experience

Improving the “user experience” is the KEY to recovering from Panda

1. Are your users reading your content? Go in your Google Analytics and find the content that people don’t seem to be reading.

Start there! That’s your key.

User Experience

Improving the “user experience” is the KEY to recovering from Panda

2. How fast does your site load? Check in webmaster tools. Under 4 seconds acceptable. If not, then startoptimizing your site (resize images, get a better webserver, etc). When pages load too slowly, people don’t read your content.

User Experience

Improving the “user experience” is the KEY to recovering from Panda

3. Do you have static navigation? If so… Get rid of it! Panda loves dynamic, laser targeted navigation. If your users are in a specific category of your site, then show them related content.

Eliminate all static navigation except for the footer and header!

User Experience

When you tell Google that your visitors are having a good user experience, Google is happy to send you traffic!

User Experience

The site was penalized for an entire year before they improved the user experience and saw a full recovery!

What’s Next?

I’ll show you the fastest way to get your site in “Panda shape”… even if you havemillions of pages indexed. Even if you have been targeting keywords all along…

What’s Next?

I’ll show you all the “user experience” elements that Google monitors and tell you exactly what to do to improve them

What’s Next?

You’ll discover how to transform ANY site into a high quality site…That will make Google fall in love with your content.

… And once Panda updates your quality score, you’ll see your traffic BOUNCE BACK!

Implementing The Solution

Panda Recovery

Site-Wide Changes Made Here

Impact Here

High Quality Sites Generate More SalesProfits increase as well! ~30% more subscribers than Pre-Panda penaltySame traffic levels… but with new “high quality” site, the result is more sales.

If you like this… I want you to introduce you to my programcalled: Panda Breakthrough


- Step by Step program designed to recover & build Panda-Proof sites.

- 6 DVDs That Covers Information Sites, Affiliate Sites, E-Commerce Sites, Comparison Sites, Review Sites.

- Takes “low quality, keyword sites” and transforms them into high quality sites that Google wants to reward.

Can you live with a Panda Penalty?

[Panda Quality Score / 100] x [ Old Ranking Factors ] = Your Rank

Every link built with the Panda penalty is a link that’s not living up to it’s full potential.

Every article written with a Panda penalty is an article that’s not going to rankwhere it should rank!

If you’re penalized by Panda, then you’re being held back from your true potential… and you’ll continue to suffer for years, until you do something about it!

How Much Is It Worth…

If you operate with a typical Panda penalty (60% of your traffic), how much money will you lose in the next year?

In the next 2 years?

5 years?

How Much Is It Worth…

Panda Breakthrough is easily worth $100 000 to an information businesses that was hit by Panda.

How Much Is It Worth…

Panda Breakthrough is easily worth $10 000 to a small business that relies on Google traffic for revenue.

How Much Is It Worth…

Panda Breakthrough is easily worth $5000 to SEO consultants that perform recoveriesservices.

How Much Is It Worth…

But that’s not affordable for the people that REALLY need it…

How Much Is It Worth…

So for a very limited time…

In order to get this in the hands of people that REALLY need it.

I’m going to give it away for one payment of $497. (Even if I believe it’s worth muchmuch more)

How Much Is It Worth…

Invest in security, peace of mind that you won’t be hit by Panda and recover any site penalized.

Recover from Google penalties…

And future-proof your site so you won’t get hit by the next update…

Panda Breakthrough Includes

- 6 DVD Panda Recovery Program- 1 year of updates on future Panda research- Continuous updates, FAQ, additional technical documents for Panda recoveries

Everything to recover from Panda and build Panda-Proof sites that have the highest quality score possible so you’ll outrank everyone and be safe from penalties.

But that’s not all… Not even close….

Penguin Update SEO Research ($5000 Value)

- The sequel to Panda is called “Penguin”

You’ll receive SEO analysis, research and updates as these updates are releasedfor 1 year: Penguin+ . ($5000 value)

- This includes new changes to link building, over optimization, etc. You’ll have peace of mind that someone is doing all the research for you.

Right now, Penguin+ is rocking the world (and not in a good way) and not only will yoube receiving the Panda product, but you’ll also receive:

Penguin+ Recovery Updates (As they are released)


1. Panda Breakthrough ($10000 value) World’s First Panda Recovery Program(Tells Google you have a high quality site that it wants to reward)

2. One year of Panda updates ($5000 value)

3. Penguin+ Recovery Updates As They Are Released For 1 year ($5000 value)

You get everything for one payment of $497.

You’re getting:

Our internal Penguin (next update) testing has proven to be very successful so far… and module 1 of Penguin+ explains it

(Traffic spike right after Penguin)

60 Day Total Guarantee

In the event that you implement all the material and you still don’t see results.

We’ll do 30 minutes of 1 on 1 consultation (phone or Skype) where we look over your site together and figure out what’s wrong.

I am dedicated to making sure that everyone recovers from Panda.

If at this point, we can’t figure out what’s wrong, I’ll give you a full refund.

That’s my way of making sure you are fully covered and risk free.

Order Now Go To:

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First 30 to purchase gets my link building Secret Sauce SEO Bonus I and II where I show how I rank #1 for the most competitive keywords with only 7 links. (How I get links from my direct competitors)

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Live webinar RIGHT after this for all the new members. We’ll walk you throughhow to use the program and get the most out of it. (For everyone that buys on this webinar, you’ll be invited to the private session)

Feedback From The Support Area

Feedback From The Support Area

Questions & Answers

Q. How can you be so confident in this method?

Questions & Answers

Q. Why that price? For an SEO product?

Questions & Answers

Q. Why don’t you just keep all this to yourself and do consulting for large companies?

Questions & Answers

Q. What exactly am I getting? And if I get it… when does it arrive?

Questions & Answers

Questions from the chat

Order Now Go To:

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BONUS: First 50 people are entered in a draw for a permanent, high quality, in-context PR3 Backlink from one of my private sites.

Draw will start in 10 minutes.

Giving away 3 links of them, so you have a 1 in 5 chance of winning.

Panda Breakthrough ($5000) + 1 Year of Updates ($5000)+ Penguin Research ($5000) + Secret Sauce SEO ($97) + Chance To Win PR3 Backlink

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BONUS: Live Webinar for all the new members starting VERY soon.

Panda Breakthrough ($5000) + 1 Year of Updates ($5000)+ Penguin Research ($5000) + Secret Sauce SEO ($97) + Chance To Win PR3 Backlink