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Brain Transformation With The Digital Revolution

Brain Cell

Neurons in the human brain Reference:

The Universe

A computer simulation of dark matter in space Reference:

Brain Cell

Neurons in the human brain Reference:


The Universe

A computer simulation of dark matter in space Reference:


"Some part of our being knows this is where we came from. We long to return. And we can. Because the cosmos is also within us. We’re made of star-stuff. We are a way for the cosmos to know itself ”

Is The Internet Becoming a Kind of Worldwide Brain

A map of the internet, circa 2005. Image: The Opte Project

Is thisthe golden age of your brain?

We have entered a golden age of brain research

What we called science fiction has become reality…

A  brilliant new scientific landscape, which will reshape human destiny, is opening up. 

What About The Brain Myths?

There are so many…..

Myth #110 percent of the brain

Very wrong, but still very popular

Myth #2A person's personality displays a right-brain or a left-brain dominance

Myth #3The injured brain cannot heal itself

Our brain constantly remodels itself


Myth #4The brain loses millions of cells everyday and lost brain cells cannot be replaced

The total number of nerve cells we have at age 20 does not significantly change when we reach 70


Myth #5Drinking alcohol will definitely kill brain cells

Moderate amounts of alcohol do not kill brain cells

What happens to our brain in today's digital environment?

Humans adapt. It's what we do better than every other specie.

Mobile Changes Everthing

What The Internet is Doing To Our Brains

Different Brains

Different Thinking

‘Google Effect’

The Internet becomes a personel memory bank




The Net is Changing The Way We Read

CircadianRhythms ?  

Kids Are Less Empathic


Communication Problems

Internet use may improve some brain functions

We gain new skills and perspectives but lose old ones

The science of how always on technology impacts human behavior is still in its infancy

We have choices…

Creative thinking only seems to happen in silence