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  • 8/6/2019 Gold Leaf Org


    Name: Gold Leaf Organization, a New Jersey Non-Profit OrganizationAddress: 147 Longfield Court, East Brunswick, NJ 08816Phone: (732) 423-2843Email: [email protected]

    I, Jabari Golden, Chief Executive Officer of the Gold Leaf Organization, a New Jersey Non-Profit Organization, hereby attest that the information included in this package, including allstatements, figures, amounts and other information incorporated within are indeed accurate. Iattest that this information is true, precise and complete to the best of my knowledge. Iunderstand that any falsification, omission, or concealment of material fact may subject me toadministrative, civil, or criminal liability.

    xJ aba ri Go ld enC hie f E xe cu tiv e O ffic er

    mailto:[email protected]:[email protected]
  • 8/6/2019 Gold Leaf Org


    Gold Leaf Organization

    Criterion 1: Submission of required ATC Operational InformationMeasure 1:

    I.Gold Leaf Organization1. The name of the organization/agency/group shall be Gold LeafOrganization a New JerseyNon-

    profit Organization.II. Board of Directors

    1. The Soard o f Directors shall serve with pay and consist of three members.2. Servesasa member of the Board. Servesasthe Chief Volunteer of the Gold Leaf Organization.

    Partners with the Chief Executive in achieving the organization's mission. Provides leadership tothe Board of Directors, who sets policy and to whom the Chief Executive isaccountable. Chairsmeetings of the Board after developing the agendawith the Chief Executive. EncouragesBoard'srole in strategic planning. Appoints the chairpersons of committees, in consultation with otherBoard members. Discussesissuesconfronting the organization with the Chief Executive. Helpsguide and mediate Board actions with respect to organizational priorities and governanceconcerns. Reviewswith the Chief Executive any issuesof concern to the Board. Monitorsfinancial planning and financial reports. Playsa leading role in fund raising activities. Formallyevaluates the performance of the Chief Executive and informally evaluates the effectiveness ofthe Board members. Evaluates annually the performance of the organization in achieving itsmission. Performs other responsibilities assigned by the Board.

    3. Board members shall serve single year terms.4. Vacancies shall be filled by the Board, with the recommendation of the Executive Director.5. Board members with five unexcused absencesshall be dismissed from the Board.*

    III. Officers1. The officers of the board shall consist of a Chair, Vice Chair, Secretary, and Treasurer nominated

    by the Board.2. Elected officers will serve a term of one year.3. {a)The Chair shall preside at all Board meetings, appoint committee members, and perform

    other duties asassociated with the office. {b)TheVice-Chair shall assume the duties of the Chairin caseof the Chair's absence. {c)TheSecretary shall be responsible for the minutes of theBoard, keep all approved minutes in a minute book, and send out copies of minutes to all. (d)The Treasurer shall keep record of the organization's budget and prepare financial reports asneeded.

    IV.Committees1. The Board may appoint standing and ad hoc committees asneeded.

    V. Meetings

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    Organizing DocumentsPurpose Clause:

    The assetsand income of the organization shall be applied solely in furtherance of its establishedpurpose and no portion shall be distributed directly or indirectly to the members of the associationexcept as bona fide compensation for services rendered or expenses incurred on behalf of theorganization.The organization is organized exclusively for medicinal, educational, and scientific purposes undersection 501 (c) (3) of the Internal RevenueCode, or corresponding section of any future federal tax code.

    Dissolution clause

    In the event of the organization being dissolved, the amount that remains after such dissolution and thesatisfaction of all debts and liabilities shall be transferred to any organization with similar purposes, suchasthe American RedCross,Salvation Army, and the National Council of the United States Society of St.Vincent de Paul, lnc., which are not for profit organizations.Furthermore, upon the dissolution of this organization, assets shall be distributed for one or moreexempt purposes within the meaning of section 501 (c) (3) of the Internal RevenueCode, orcorresponding section of any future federal tax code, or shall be distributed to the federal government,or to a state or local government, for a public purpose.

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    I, the Treasurer of the S ta tedo hereby certify! that the abooedid file and record in this department aC ertificate of In corpora tion on lvlayand that the attached is a true copy of th isdocument as the same is taken franz and comparedw ith the originalie) filed in this o_tficeand notoremaining on file and of record .

    17Th 2010

    Cer tif icate Number: 117148718Andrew P Sidamon-EristcffState Treasurer

    \ler{l)l this certificate online atImps: ((WW1\' l.srate.nj.lIsIIYTR_SrandingCertJ.ISPIVerify_ Cert.jsp

  • 8/6/2019 Gold Leaf Org


    Gold Leaf Organization


    GOLD LEAF ORGANIZATION A NT0 4 0 0 3 4 9 0 0 5

    10. First-Boardo 'llrustees;JABARI GOLDEN


    11. Incorporators:JABARI GOLDEN

    12. Main Business Address:147 LONGFIELD COURTEAST BRUNSWICK, NJ 08816

    Signatures:JABARI GOLDEN IN TESTIMONY i/llHEREO f., 1hereu nto set nit! hand andaffixed m y O ffi~ial Sea l

    at T re nto n, th is17th day o f May, 2010

    A n dr ew P S id am on -E ris io iiS ta te Treasurer .-Cer tif ica te Number: 1.171477-10V'r~fy this corrit icate online (11


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    Gold Leaf Organization



    0 4 0 0 3 4 9 0 0 5

    1, the Treasurer of the State ojNew Jersey,above-named New Jersey Non Profit V , 'asregistered by this office on May 15,2010.As of the date of this certificate, said businessbusiness in good standing in the State of Nell?Reports are current.

    Jabari Golden147 Longfield CourtEast Brunswick, NJ 08816

    L'v'T5r1:\10\",/ HHROF I havehereunto set J?t .Y hand andmy Official Seal at Trenton, this17th day of May, 2010

    Andrew P Sidamon-EristoffState Treasurerertificate Number: J 17148558

    Verif this certificate online alIUlps:llwwwl,s{{Jle,nj.usIT1TR_SwndillgCertIJSPNeri{y_CenjSf'

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    Gold Leaf Organization

    Measure 2:Please see attachment(s).Proposed physical address o(the Alternative Treatment Center:599 Kelsey Avenue, Perth Amboy, NJAppendixB

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    Satellite View

    . Appendix C

    Chapter 181-CERTIFICATE OF CODE COMPLIANCE per City of Perth Amboy, NJ

    181-1. Certificate required prior to transfer or sale. 181-2. Certificate required prior to lease of commercial and industrial structures. 181-3. Exemptions. 181-4. Substantial compliance with codes. 185-5. Appeals; Appeals Board established. 181-6. Limitations of Appeals Board. 181-7. Forms. 181-8. Fees. 181-9. Senior citizen fee exemption. 181-10.Violations and penalties.

    [HISTORY: Adopted by the Council of the City of Perth Amboy 9-17-1991 as Ord. No.569-91. Amendments noted where applicable.]

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    GENERAL REFERENCESBuilding construction - See Ch. 170.Unsafe buildings - See Ch. 175.Uniform construction codes - See Ch, 184.Electrical standards - See Ch. 204.Fire subcode - See Ch. 222.Fire prevention - See Ch. 227.Plumbing - See Ch. 326.Zoning - See Ch, 430.

    181-1. Certificate required prior to transfer or sale. [Amended 6-7-1995 by Ord. No. 769-95; 9-13-2000 by Ord. No. 1058-2000]A. No person, individual, firm or corporation or the agent, servant or employee of any owner,in any capacity, shall transfer, conveyor sell any residential dwelling or commercial or

    industrial building or structure unless there is first obtained from the Department of CodeEnforcement of the City of Perth Amboy a certificate of code compliance. This document,issued by the Director of the Department of Code Enforcement pursuant to proceduresdeveloped by that Department, in conjunction with the Zoning Officer and the FireOfficial, shall certify that the residential dwelling or commercial or industrial building orstructure conforms to the existing zoning regulations and Fire Safety Code of the City ofPerth Amboy 1 and, in addition, substantially conforms to the adopted PropertyMaintenance Code.2

    B. The Director of the Department of Code Enforcement pursuant to procedures developedby that Department may allow for a conditional certificate of code compliance to be issued. for a time period of forty-five (45) days in which the property shall comply with thestandards required by this chapter. A second forty-five (45) day conditional certificate ofcode compliance may be issued by the Director of the Department of Code Enforcementupon request.

    181-2. Certificate required prior to lease of commercial and industrial structures.[Amended 6-7-1995 by Ord. No. 769-95; 9-13-2000 by Ord. No. 1058-2000]A. No person, individual, firm or corporation or the agent, servant or employee of any owner, _

    in any capacity, shall let or lease any commercial or industrial building or structure unlessthere is first obtained from the Department of Code Enforcement of the City of PerthAmboy a certificate of code compliance that the commercial or industrial building orstructure substantially conforms to all requirements of all existing codes of the City ofPerth Amboy except as hereinafter provided in Section 181-3.

    1Editor's Note: See Ch. 430, Zoning and Ch. 227, Fire Prevention, Art. I.2 Editor's Note: See Ch. 335, Property Maintenance.Page9 of98

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    B. The Director of the Department of Code Enforcement pursuant to procedures developedby that Department may allow for a conditional certificate of code compliance to be issuedfor a time period of forty-five (45) days in which the property can comply with thestandards required by this chapter. A second forty-five (45) day conditional certificate ofcode compliance may be issued by the Director of the Department of Code Enforcementupon request.

    181-3. Exemptions.The following transfers, conveyances or sales of any residential dwelling or commercial or

    industrial building or structure are hereby exempt from the provisions of 181-1 of this chapterA. Whenever a transfer, conveyance or sale of premises is made between immediate

    members of a family, including but not limited to husband and wife.B. Transfer or conveyance of premises by reason of probate proceedings.C. Whenever a residential dwelling, building or structure has been inspected and a certificate

    of code compliance pursuant to this chapter or a certificate of occupancy pursuant toChapter 184, Uniform Construction Codes, has been issued within six (6) months priorthereto. [Amended 6-7-1995 by Ord. No. 789-95]

    D. Whenever premises are purchased specifically for the dwelling or the building thereon tobe demolished, then in that event, said intention shall be given to the Department of CodeEnforcement of the City of Perth Amboy, in writing, and the necessary demolition permitapplied for. [Amended 6-7-1995 by Ord. No. 769-95]

    E. Whenever an application sets forth, in writing, that the purchase transferee or lessee of anypremises or property intends to purchase or lease said property as is. After inspection, atemporary nonrenewable certificate of code compliance may be issued for a period not inexcess of six (6) months from the date of transfer, conveyance, sale or lease, unless theDirector of the Department of Code Enforcement determines that a life-safety and/or life-hazard condition exists. [Amended 6-7-1995 by Ord. No. 769-95]

    181'::4. Substantial compliance with codes. [Amended 6-7-1995 by Ord. No. 769-95]The Director of the Department of Code Enforcement may issue a certificate of code

    compliance hereunder even though an existing residential dwelling or commercial or industrialbuilding or structure does not conform exactly to all requirements of all existing codes of theCity of Perth Amboy, provided that upon inspection, said existing residential dwelling orcommercial or industrial building or structure is determined to be in substantial compliance withthe requirements of all existing codes of the City of Perth Amboy and that such residentialdwelling or commercial or industrial building or structure is in a safe, sound and sturdycondition.

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    181-5. Appeals; Appeals Board established.A. Any person, individual, firm or corporation shall have the right to appeal the denial of a

    certificate of code compliance under the provisions of this chapter within ten (10) daysfrom the date of denial of the certificate of code compliance to an appeals board to beknown as the "Certificate of Code Compliance Appeals Board," which is herewith created.This Board shall consist of three (3) members who shall be appointed by the Mayor withthe approval of the Municipal Council and whose terms of office shall be for three (3)years, and they shall serve without compensation. The members of the Appeals Boardshall be chosen for their knowledge and experience in the various building trades.

    B. The appeal shall be in writing and made to the Director of the Department of CodeEnforcement and shall set forth the grounds for the appeal, which shall be heard by theAppeals Huard within ten (1O)cdays of the filing of the appeal, and the decision shall herendered within ten (10) days of the hearing by the Appeals Board. [Amended 6-7-1995by Ord. No. 769-95]

    C. Any person, individual, firm or corporation aggrieved by any order of the Appeals Boardmay appeal to a court of competent jurisdiction within the time prescribed by law.

    181-6. Limitations of Appeals Board.The Appeals Board, as herein provided, shall have jurisdiction to hear appeals only from the

    denial of certificates of code compliance as required by the provisions of this chapter, and suchjurisdiction shall not extend to certificates of occupancy required by any other ordinance of theCity of Perth Amboy.

    181-7. Forms. [Amended 6-7-1995 by Ord. No. 769-95]The Department of Code Enforcement, in conjunction with the Zoning Officer and the Fire

    Official, shall also cause to be prepared such appropriate forms as may be required to secure acertificate of code compliance.

    181-8. Fees. [Amended 11-18-1991 by Ord. No. 583-91]A. The fees for inspection and reports and certificates of code compliance issued under this

    chapter shall be as follows:(1) Single dwelling unit: fifty dollars ($50.).(2) Two (2) and three (3) dwelling units: seventy-five dollars ($75.).(3) Four (4) dwelling units: one hundred dollars ($100.).(4) Over four (4) dwelling units: one hundred dollars ($100.), plus twenty dollars ($20.)

    per unit for each unit over four (4) dwelling units.(5) Rooming houses, motels and hotels: twenty dollars ($20.) per unit with no fee less

    than sixty dollars ($60.) for such inspection.Page 11 of 98

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    (6) Commercial and industrial buildings:(a) Two thousand five hundred (2,500) square feet or less: fifty dollars ($50.).(b) More than two thousand five hundred (2,500) square feet: one hundred dollars

    ($100.).(7) Mixed occupancy fees shall be computed on the occupancy categories listed above.

    B. Any fees charged for smoke detector inspections shall be credited against the above fees;however, with respect to 181-9, smoke detector fees shall not be credited and/or waived.

    C. The fees required by this chapter shall be reduced to fifteen percent (15%) of the fees setforth herein where a certificate of habitability has been issued for a structure in its entiretypursuant to the Registration and Annual Inspection Ordinances within six (6) months priorto application underthischapter. [Added 1-19-1993 by Ord. N().661-93]

    D. With respect to properties with more than one (1) structure, the fees set forth above in 181-8A shall be calculated as if all of the residential units and, commercial and industrialspace are part of one (1) structure. [Added 6-7-1995 by Ord. No. 769-95]

    181-9. Senior citizen fee exemption.Any citizen holding a senior citizen exemption under NJ.S.A. 54:4-8.40 et seq. shall be

    exempt from the fees required by this chapter.3Editor's Note: see Ch. 358. Art. II. Registration and Inspection of Rental Units.

    181-10.Violations and penalties.Any person, individual, firm or corporation who shall violate any provisions of this chaptershall, upon conviction, be punished by a fine of not to exceed one thousand dollars ($1,000.) or

    by imprisonment in the county jail for a period of not to exceed ninety (90) days, or by both suchfine and imprisonment, and each violation of any of the provisions of this chapter and each daythe same is violated shall be deemed and taken to be a separate and distinct offense.

    Published by ClerkBase2010 by Clerkbase. No Claim to Original Government Works.Measure 4:The closest school to the proposed Gold Leaf Organization Alternative Treatment Center isAcademy-Allied Health &Biomed Science, 1 Convery Boulevard, Woodbridge, NJ 07095 (732)634-5858. The physical distance from the proposed to nearest school is approximately 1804.461feet.AppendixD

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    ARTICLE IDrug-Free School Zones

    202-1. Adoption of map.202-2. Map to be official finding.202-3. Notice of changes in bonndaries.202-4. Filing and copies of map. 202-5. Additional matters.

    ARTICLE IIMnnicipal Alliance

    202-6. Purpose.202-7. Composition; appointment. 202-8. Functions.202-9. Organizational structure.

    ARTICLE IIISale, Use or Possession of Narcotics

    202-10. Offense against public peace, safety and morals.202-11. Violations and penalties.

    ARTICLE IVDrug-Free Public Parks, Public Housingand Housing Property Zones

    202-12.Adoption of map. 202-13. Map to be official finding.Page13 of98

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    202-14. Notice of changes in boundaries. 202-15. Filing and copies of map. 202-16. Additional matters.

    [HISTORY: Adopted by the Council of the City of Perth Amboy: Art. I, 5-2-1989 as Ord.No. 482-89; Art. II, 3-19-1991 as Ord. No. 533-91; Art. III, 8-1-1995 as Ord. No. 782-95;Art. IV adopted 10-25-00 as Ord. No. 1073-2000. Amendments noted where applicable.]

    ARTICt,E I Drug-Free SchoolZones[Adopted 5-2-1989 as Ord. No. 482-89]

    202-1. Adoption of map. [Amended 9-22-2004 by Ord. No. 1257-2004; 3-24-10 by Ord.No. 1505-2010]In accordance with and pursuant to the authority of P.L. 1988, c. 44 (N.J.S.A. 2C:35-7), the

    Drug-Free School Zone Map produced on or about May 1995 and revised through April 15,2009 by Ernest W. Feist, Feist Engineering, Inc., City Engineer of the City of Perth Amboy, ishereby approved and adopted as an official finding and record of the location and areas withinthe municipality of property which is used for school purposes and which is owned by or leasedto any elementary or secondary school or school board and of the areas on or within onethousand (1,000) feet of such school property.

    202-2. Map to be official finding.The Drug-Free School Zone Map approved and adopted pursuant to Section 202-1 of thisArticle shall continue to constitute an official finding and record as to the location andboundaries of areas on or within one thousand (1,000) feet of property owned by or leased to anyelementary or secondary school or school board which is used for school purposes until suchtime, if any, that this Article shall be amended to reflect any additions or deletions with respectto the location and boundaries of school property and drug-free school zones.

    202-3. Notice of changes in boundaries.The school board, or the chief administrative officer in the case of any private or parochialschool, is hereby directed and shall have the continuing obligation to promptly notify theMunicipal Engineer and the Municipal Attorney of any changes or contemplated changes in thelocation and boundaries of any property owned by or leased to any elementary or secondaryschool or school board and which is used for school purposes.

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    202-4. Filing and copies of map.The Clerk of the City of Perth Amboy is hereby directed to receive and keep on file the originalof the map approved and adopted pursuant to 202-1 of this Article and to provide, at areasonable cost, a true copy thereof to any person, agency or court which may from time to timerequest such a copy, along with a certification that such copy is a true copy of the map approvedand adopted herein and kept on file. It is hereby further directed that a true copy of such map andof this Article shall be provided without cost to the Middlesex County Clerk and to the office ofthe Middlesex County Prosecutor.

    202-5. Additional matters.The following additional matters are hereby determined, declared.recitedandstated:A. It is understood that the map approved and adopted pursuant to 202-1 of this Article was

    prepared and is intended to be used as evidence in prosecutions arising under the criminallaws of this state and that, pursuant to state law, such map shall constitute prima facieevidence of the following:(1) The location of elementary and secondary schools within the municipality.(2) The boundaries of the real property which is owned by or leased to such schools or a

    school board.(3) That such school property is and continues to be used for school purposes.(4) The location and boundaries of areas which are on or within one thousand (1,000)

    feet of such school property.B. Except as is otherwise expressly noted on the face of the approved and adopted map, all of

    the property depicted on the map approved and adopted herein as school property wasowned by or leased to a school or school board and was being used for school purposes asofJuly 9, 1987, that being the effective date ofP.L. 1987, c. 101 (NJ.S.A. 2C:35-7).

    C. Pursuant to the provisions of P.L. 1988, c. 44, a prosecutor is not precluded fromintroducing or relying upon any other evidence or testimony to establish a violation of theoffense defined in that statute, including use of a map or diagram other than the oneapproved and adopted pursuant to 202-1 of this Article. The failure of the map approvedherein to depict the location and boundaries of any property which is in fact used forschool purposes and which is owned by or leased to any elementary or secondary schoolor school board, whether the absence of such depiction is the result of inadvertentomission or the result of any changes in the location and boundaries of such propertywhich have not yet been incorporated into a revised approved map, shall not be deemed tobe an official finding and record that such property is not owned by or leased to a schoolor school board or that such property is not used for school purposes.

    D. All of the requirements set forth in P.L. 1988, c. 44, concerning the preparation, approvaland adoption ofa Drug-Free School Zone Map has been complied with.

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    ARTICLE I] Municipal Alliance[Adopted 3-19-1991 as Ord. No. 533-91]

    202-6. Purpose.The purpose of the Perth Amboy Municipal Alliance to Prevent Alcoholism and Drug Abuseshall be as follows:A. Organizing and coordinating efforts involving schools, law enforcement, business groups

    and other community organizations for the purpose of reducing alcoholism and drugabuse.

    B. In cooperation with local school districts, developing comprehensive and effectivealcoholism and drug abuse education programs in Grades kindergarten through 12.

    C. In cooperation with local school districts, developing procedures for the intervention,treatment and discipline of students abusing alcohol or drugs.

    D. Developing comprehensive alcoholism and drug abuse education, support and outreachefforts for parents in the community.E. Developing comprehensive alcoholism and drug abuse community awareness programs.

    202-7. Composition; appointment.A. The Perth Amboy Municipal Alliance to Prevent Alcoholism and Drug Abuse

    membership shall include broad representation from the local community. Membershipmay include but shall not be limited to:(1) The Mayor's appointed representative.(2) The Chief of Police.(3) The President of the School Board.(4) The Superintendent of Schools.(5) A student assistance counselor.(6) A representative of the Parent-Teacher Association.(7) A representative of the local bargaining unit for teachers.(8) A representative of the Chamber of Commerce.(9) A Municipal Court Judge or County Probation Officer.(10) Representatives of local civic associations.(11) Representatives of local religious groups.(12) Representatives from private business and organized labor.(13) Private citizens.

    B. Members are to be appointed by the Mayor.

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    C. At least fifty percent (50%) of the members shall reside in the City of Perth Amboy.

    202-8. Functions.The function of the Perth Amboy Municipal Alliance to Prevent Alcoholism and Drug Abuseshall include but not be limited to:A. Creating a network of community leaders, private citizens and representatives from public

    and private human service agencies who are dedicated to a comprehensive andcoordinated effort to promote and support drug and alcohol abuse prevention andeducation programs and related activities with an emphasis on youth.

    B. Conducting an assessment of the communi.ty to determine the needs of the community inrelation to alcoholism and drug abuse issues.

    C. Identifying existing efforts and services acting to reduce alcoholism and drug abuse.D. Coordinating projects within the municipality to avoid fragmentation and duplication.E. Developing programs to be implemented at the municipal level or participating in

    regionally developed programs that accomplish the purpose of the Alliance effort and thepurposes of the Perth Amboy Municipal Alliance to Prevent Alcoholism and Drug Abuse.

    F. Assisting the municipality in acquiring funds for Alliance programs and developing asubcommittee on fundraising.

    G. Cooperating with the Governor's Council on Alcoholism and Drug Abuse and the CountyLocal Advisory Committee on Alcoholism and Drug Abuse/Alliance SteeringSubcommittee to provide municipal data, reports or other information which may berequired for the County Annual Alliance Plan or need to assist the Alliance effort.

    202-9. Organizational structure.The organizational structure of the Perth Amboy Municipal Alliance to Prevent Alcoholism andDrug Abuse shall include:A. Bylaws to be adopted by the Perth Amboy Municipal Alliance to Prevent Alcoholism and

    Drug Abuse membership.B. Meetings to be held regularly, with a calendar of meetings established in advance.C. Minutes to be taken to serve as public record.D. Standing and ad hoc committees to be established as needed.

    ARTICLE HI Sale. Use or Possession of Narcotics[Adopted 8-1-1995 as Ord. No. 782-95]

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    202-10.0ffense against public peace, safety and morals.The sale, use or possession of narcotics and other unlawful drugs in the City of Perth Amboyshall be considered an offense against public peace, safety and morals.

    202-11.Violations and penalties.Any violation of any provision of this Article shall, upon conviction thereof, be punishable by afine not less than one hundred dollars ($100.) and not more than one thousand dollars ($1,000.),or by imprisonment for not more than ninety (90) days, or both.

    ARTICLE IV Drug-Free Parks, Public Housing and Housing Property Zones[Adopted 10-25-2000 as Ord. No. 1073-2000]

    202-12.Adoption of map. [Amended 9-14-2005 by Ord. No. 1301-2005; 3-24-2010 by Ord.No. 1505-2010]In accordance with and pursuant to the authority of NJ.S.A. 2C:35-7.1, the 500 Foot RadiusDrug Map - Public Parks, Public Buildings & Perth Amboy Housing Authority Sheet NumberLocation Map produced on or about June 8, 1999 and revised through April 15, 2009 by ErnestW. Feist, Feist Engineering Inc., City Engineer of the City of Perth Amboy, is hereby approvedand adopted as an official finding and record of the location and areas within the municipality ofproperty which is used for public housing facilities, public housing property or a public park andthe areas on or within five hundred (500) feet of such property.

    202-13.Map to be official finding.The 500 Foot Radius Drug Map - Public Parks & Perth Amboy Housing Authority SheetNumber Location Map approved and adopted pursuant to Section 202-12 of this Article shallcontinue to constitute an official finding and record as to the location and boundaries of areas onor within five hundred (500) feet of property which is used for public housing facilities, publichousing property or a public park until such time, if any, that this Article shall be amended toreflect any additions or deletions with respect to the location and boundaries of property which isused for public housing facilities, public housing property or a public park and drug-free zone.

    202-14.Notice of changes in boundaries.The Perth Amboy Housing Authority Director is hereby directed and shall have the continuingobligation to promptly notify the Municipal Engineer and the Municipal Attorney of any changeor contemplated change in the location and boundaries of any property owned by or leased to thePerth Amboy Housing Authority.

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    202-15.Filing and copies of map.The Clerk of the City of Perth Amboy is hereby directed to receive and keep on file the originalof the map approved and adopted pursuant to Section 202-12 of this Article and to provide, at areasonable cost, a true copy thereof to any person, agency or court which may from time to timerequest such a copy, along with a certification that such copy is a true copy of the map approvedand adopted herein and kept on file. It is hereby further directed that a true copy of such map andof this Article shall be provided without cost to the Middlesex County Clerk and to the office ofthe Middlesex County Prosecutor.

    202-16.Additional matters.The following additional matters are hereby determined, declared, recited and stated:A. It is understood that the map approved and adopted pursuant to Section 202-12 of this

    Article was prepared and is intended to be used as evidence in prosecutions arising underthe criminal laws of this state and that, pursuant to state law, such map shall constituteprima facie evidence of the following:(1) The location of public parks, public housing and public housing property within the

    municipality.(2) The boundaries of property which are owned by or leased to the Perth Amboy

    Housing Authority.(3) The boundaries of public parks which are owned by the City of Perth Amboy.(4) That such property is used as a public park and/or public housing and continues to be

    used for that purpose.(5) The location and boundaries of the area on or within five hundred (500) feet of a

    public housing facility, the area in or within five hundred (500) feet of public housingproperty, and the area in or within five hundred (500) feet of a public park.

    B. Except as is otherwise expressly noted on the face of the approved and adopted map, all ofthe property depicted on the map approved and adopted herein as public parks was ownedby the City of Perth Amboy and the property used for public housing and public housingproperty was owned by the Perth Amboy Housing Authority as of January 9, 1998, thatbeing the effective date ofP.L. 1997, c. 327 (NJ.S.A. 2C:35-7.1).

    C. Pursuant to the provisions of P.L. 1997, c. 327, a prosecutor is not precluded fromintroducing or relying upon any other evidence or testimony to establish a violation of theoffense defined in that statute, including use of a map or diagram other than the oneapproved and adopted pursuant to Section 202-12 of this Article. The failure of the mapapproved herein to depict the location and boundaries of any property which is in fact usedfor public housing facilities, public housing property or a public park and which is ownedby or leased by the Perth Amboy Housing Authority and the City of Perth Amboy whetherthe absence of such depiction is the result of inadvertent omission or the result of anychanges in the location and boundaries of such property which have not yet beenincorporated into a revised approved map, shall not be deemed to be an official finding

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    and record that such property is not owned by or leased by the Perth Amboy HousingAuthority or the city or that the property is not used for public purposes.

    D. All of the requirements set forth in P.L. 1997, c. 327 concerning the preparation, approvaland adoption of a Drug-Free Public Parks, Public Housing Map have been complied with.

    Published by ClerkBase2010 by Clerkbase. No Claim to Original Government Works.

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    Measure 5:Appendix E:

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    Union County

    1968 Treasury/ Federal Legislative A lternateCode Taxation Code District County

    Municipality Code CodeBerkeley Heights 2001 2001 34039005 21 VOl

    TownshipClark Township 2002 2002 34039010 22 V02

    Cranford 2003 2003 34039015 21 V03Township

    Elizabeth City 2004 2004 34039020 20 V04

    Fanwood Borough 2005 2005 34039025 22 V05Garwood Borough 2006 2006 34039030 21 V06Hillside Township 2007 2007 34039035 29 V07

    Kenilworth 2008 2008 34039040 20 V08BoroughLinden City 2009 2009 34039045 22 V09

    Mountainside 2010 2010 34039050 21 VI0Borough

    New Providence 2011 2011 34039055 21 V11Borough

    Plainfield City 2012 2012 34039060 22 V12

    RahwayCity 2013 2013 34039065 22 VBRoselle Borough 2014 2014 34039070 20 V14Roselle Park 2015 2015 34039075 21 V15Borough

    Scotch Plains 2016 2016 34039080 22 V16TownshipSpringfield 2017 2017 34039085 21 V17TownshipSummit City 2018 2018 34039090 21 V18

    Union Township 2019 2019 34039095 20 V19Westfield 2020 2020 34039100 21 V20Township

    Winfield Township 2021 2021 34039105 22 V21

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    Somerset County

    1 9 6 8 T r e a s u r y ! F e d e r a l l e g i s l a t i v e A l t e r n a t eC o d e T a x a t i o n C o d e D i s t r i c t C o u n t y

    M u n i c i p a l i t y C o d e C o d eB e d m i n s t e r 1 8 0 1 1 8 0 1 3 4 0 3 5 0 0 5 1 6 T O lT o w n s h i pB e r n a r d s 1 8 0 2 1 8 0 2 3 4 0 3 5 0 1 0 1 6 T 0 2T o w n s h i p

    B e r n a r d s v i l l e 1 8 0 3 1 8 0 3 3 4 0 3 5 0 1 5 1 6 T 0 3B o r o u g h

    B o u n d B r o o k 1 8 0 4 1 8 0 4 3 4 0 3 5 0 2 0 1 6 T 0 4B o r o u g h

    B r a n c h b u r g 1 8 0 5 1 8 0 5 3 4 0 3 5 0 2 5 1 6 T 0 5T o w n s h i p

    B r i d g e w a t e r 1 8 0 6 1 8 0 6 3 4 0 3 5 0 3 0 1 6 T 0 6T o w n s h i p

    F a r H i l l sB o r o u g h 1 8 0 7 1 8 0 7 3 4 0 3 5 0 3 5 1 6 T 0 7F r a n k l i n T o w n s h i p 1 8 0 8 1 8 0 8 3 4 0 3 5 0 4 0 1 7 T 0 8

    G re en B ro ok 1 8 0 9 1 8 0 9 3 4 0 3 5 0 4 5 2 2 T 0 9T o w n s h i p

    H i l l s B o r o u g h u g h 1 8 1 0 1 8 1 0 3 4 0 3 5 0 5 0 1 6 T l OT o w n s h i p

    M a n vi l l e B o r ou g h 1 8 1 1 1 8 1 1 3 4 0 3 5 0 5 5 1 6 T l lM i l l s t o n e B o r o u g h 1 8 1 2 1 8 1 2 3 4 0 3 5 0 6 0 1 6 T l 2

    M o n t g o m e r y 1 8 1 3 1 8 1 3 3 4 0 3 5 0 6 5 1 6 T l 3T o w n s h i p

    N o r t h P l a i n f i e l d 1 8 1 4 1 8 1 4 3 4 0 3 5 0 7 0 2 2 T l 4B o r o u g hP e a p a c k 1 8 1 5 1 8 1 5 3 4 0 3 5 0 7 5 1 6 T l 5

    G l a d s t o n eB o r o u g h

    R a r i t a n B o r o u g h 1 8 1 6 1 8 1 6 3 4 0 3 5 0 8 0 1 6 T l 6R o c k y H i l lB o r ou g h 1 8 1 7 1 8 1 7 3 4 0 3 5 0 8 5 1 6 T l 7S o m e r v i l l e 1 8 1 8 1 8 1 8 3 4 0 3 5 0 9 0 1 6 T l 8

    B o r o u g hS o u t h B o u n d 1 8 1 9 1 8 1 9 3 4 0 3 5 0 9 5 1 6 T l 9

    B r oo k B o ro u ghW a r r e n T o w n s h i p 1 8 2 0 1 8 2 0 3 4 0 3 5 1 0 0 2 1 T 2 0

    W a t c h u n g 1 8 2 1 1 8 2 1 3 4 0 3 5 1 0 5 2 1 T 2 1

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    Ocean County

    1968 Treasury/ Federal Legislative AlternateCode Taxation Code District County

    Municipality Code CodeBarnegat Light 1501 1502 34029005 9 Q01

    BoroughBay Head Borough 1502 1503 34029010 10 Q02Beach Haven 1503 1504 34029015 9 Q03Borough

    Beachwood 1504 1505 34029020 9 Q04BoroughBerkeley 1505 1506 34029025 9 Q05Township

    Brick Township 1506 1507 34029030 10 Q06Eagleswood 1508 1509 34029040 9 Q08Township

    Harvey Cedars 1509 1510 34029045 9 Q09Borough

    Island Heights 1510 1511 34029050 10 Q10Borough

    Jackson Township 1511 1512 34029055 30 Q11Lacey Township 1512 1513 34029060 9 Q12

    Lakehurst 1513 1514 34029065 9 Q13BoroughLakewood 1514 1515 34029070 30 Q14Township

    Lavallette Borough 1515 1516 34029075 10 Q15Little Egg Harbor 1516 1517 34029080 9 Q16

    TownshipLong Beach 1517 1518 34029085 9 Q17TownshipManchester 1518 1519 34029090 9 Q18TownshipMantoloking 1519 1520 34029095 10 Q19Borough

    Ocean Township 1520 1521 34029102 9 Q20Ocean Gate 1521 1522 34029105 9 Q21Borough

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    Pine Beach 1522 1523 34029110 9 Q22BoroughPlumsted 1523 1524 34029115 30 Q23Township

    Point Pleasant 1524 1525 34029120 10 Q24Borough

    Point Pleasant 1525 1526 34029123 10 Q25Beach BoroughSeaside Heights 1526 1527 34029130 10 Q26

    BoroughSeaside Park 1527 1528 34029135 10 Q27Borough

    Ship Bottom 1528 1529 34029140 9 Q28Borough

    South Toms River 1529 1530 34029145 10 Q29Borough

    Stafford Township 1530 1531 34029150 9 Q30Surf City Borough 1531 1532 34029155 9 Q31

    Toms River 1507 1508 34029035 10 Q07TownshipTuckerton 1532 1533 34029160 9 Q32BoroughBarnegat 1533 1501 34029003 9 Q33Township

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    Keansburg 1321 1323 34025105 13 N21Borough

    Keyport Borough 1322 1324 34025110 13 N22LakeComo (South 1347 1346 34025235 11 N47Belmar Borough)

    Little Silver 1323 1325 34025115 12 N23Borough

    LochArbour 1324 1326 34025120 11 N24Village

    Long Branch City 1325 1327 34025125 11 N25

    Manalapan 1326 1328 34025130 12 N26TownshipManasquan 1327 1329 34025135 10 N27Borough

    MarlBorough 1328 1330 34025140 12 N28Township

    Matawan Borough 1329 1331 34025145 13 N29Aberdeen 1330 1301 34025003 13 N30TownshipMiddletown 1331 1332 34025155 13 N31TownshipMillstone 1332 1333 34025160 12 N32Township

    Monmouth Beach 1333 1334 34025165 11 N33BoroughNeptune 1334 1335 34025170 11 N34TownshipNeptune City 1335 1336 34025172 11 N35Borough

    Tinton Falls 1336 1349 34025247 12 N36Borough

    OceanTownship 1337 1337 34025185 11 N37Oceanport 1338 1338 34025190 12 N38Borough

    Hazlet Township 1339 1318 34025082 13 N39RedBankBorough 1340 1339 34025200 12 N40

    Roosevelt 1341 1340 34025205 30 N41Borough

    Rumson Borough 1342 1341 34025210 11 N42

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    Sea Bright 1343 1342 34025215 11 N43Borough.

    Sea Girt Borough 1344 1343 34025220 11 N44Shrewsbury 1345 1344 34025225 12 N45Borough

    Shrewsbury 1346 1345 34025230 12 N46TownshipSpring Lake 1348 1347 34025240 11 N48Borough.

    Spring Lake 1349 1348 34025245 11 N49Heights BoroughUnion Beach 1350 1350 34025250 13 NSOBorough

    Upper Freehold 1351 1351 34025255 30 N51Township

    Wall Township 1352 1352 34025260 11 N52West long Branch 1353 1353 34025265 11 N53


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    Mercer County

    1968 Treasury/ Federal legislative AlternateCode Taxation Code District County

    Municipality Code CodeEastWindsor 1101 1101 34021005 12 LOlTownship

    Ewing Township 1102 1102 34021010 15 L02Hamilton 1103 1103 34021015 14 L03TownshipHightstown 1104 1104 34021020 12 L04Borough

    Hopewell Borough 1105 1105 34021025 15 L05Hopewell 1106 1106 34021030 15 L06TownshipLawrence 1107 1107 34021035 15 L07TownshipPennington 1108 1108 34021040 15 LOSBorough

    Princeton Borough 1109 1109 34021045 15 L09Princeton 1110 1110 34021050 15 l10TownshipRobbinsville 1112 1112 34021060 30 L12TownshipTrenton City 1111 1111 34021055 15 L11

    West Windsor 1113 1113 34021065 14 L13Township

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    Middlesex County

    1968 Treasury! Federal Legislative AlternateCode Taxation Code District County

    Municipality Code CodeCarteret Borough 1201 1201 34023005 19 MOl

    Cranbury 1202 1202 34023010 14 M02Township

    Dunellen Borough 1203 1203 34023015 22 M03East Brunswick 1204 1204 34023020 18 M04Township

    EdisonTownship 1205 1205 34023025 18 M05Helmetta Borough 1206 1206 34023030 18 M06Highland Park 1207 1207 34023035 17 M07BoroughJamesburg 1208 1208 34023040 14 M08BoroughOld Bridge 1209 1215 34023077 13 M09TownshipMetuchen 1210 1209 34023050 18 M10BoroughMiddlesex 1211 1210 34023055 22 M11BoroughMilltown Borough 1212 1211 34023060 17 M12

    Monroe Township 1213 1212 34023065 14 M13New Brunswick 1214 1213 34023070 17 M14


    North Brunswick 1215 1214 34023075 17 M15Township

    Perth Amboy City 1216 1216 34023080 19 M16

    Piscataway 1217 1217 34023085 17 M17Township

    PlainsBorough 1218 1218 34023090 14 M18Township

    Sayreville Borough 1219 1219 34023095 19 M19

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    South Amboy City 1220 1220 34023100 19 M20

    South Brunswick 1221 1221 34023105 14 M21TownshipSouth Plainfield 1222 1222 34023110 18 M22

    BoroughSouth River 1223 1223 34023115 18 M23BoroughSpotswood 1224 1224 34023120 18 M24Borough

    Woodbridge 1225 1225 34023125 19 M25Township

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    G o l d L e a f O r g a n i z a t i o n

    Hunterdon County

    1968 Treasury! Federal Legislative AlternateCode Taxation Code District County

    Municipality Code CodeA l e x a n d r i a 1 0 0 1 1 0 0 1 3 4 0 1 9 0 0 5 2 3 K 0 1T o w n s h i pB e t h l e h e m 1 0 0 2 1 0 0 2 3 4 0 1 9 0 1 0 2 3 K 0 2T o w n s h i p

    B l o o m s b u r y 1 0 0 3 1 0 0 3 3 4 0 1 9 0 1 5 2 3 K 0 3B o r o u g h

    C a l i f o n B o r o u g h 1 0 0 4 1 0 0 4 3 4 0 1 9 0 2 0 2 4 K 0 4C l i n t o n T o w n 1 0 0 5 1 0 0 5 3 4 0 1 9 0 2 5 2 3 K 0 5

    C l i n t o n T o w n s h i p 1 0 0 6 1 0 0 6 3 4 0 1 9 0 3 0 2 3 K 0 6D e l a w a r e 1 0 0 7 1 0 0 7 3 4 0 1 9 0 3 5 2 3 K 0 7T o w n s h i p

    E a s t A m w e l l 1 0 0 8 1 0 0 8 3 4 0 1 9 0 4 0 2 3 K 0 8T o w n s h i pF l e m i n g t o n 1 0 0 9 1 0 0 9 3 4 0 1 9 0 4 5 2 3 K 0 9B o r o u g h

    F r a n k l i nT o w n s h i p 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 3 4 0 1 9 0 5 0 2 3 K 1 0F r e n c h t o w n 1 0 1 1 1 0 1 1 3 4 0 1 9 0 5 5 2 3 K 1 1

    B o r o u g hG l e n G a r d n e r 1 0 1 2 1 0 1 2 3 4 0 1 9 0 6 0 2 3 K 1 2

    B o r o u g hH a m p t o n B o r o u g h 1 0 1 3 1 0 1 3 3 4 0 1 9 0 6 5 2 3 K 1 3

    H i g h B r i d g e 1 0 1 4 1 0 1 4 3 4 0 1 9 0 7 0 2 3 K 1 4B o r o u g h

    H o l l a n d T o w n s h i p 1 0 1 5 1 0 1 5 3 4 0 1 9 0 7 5 2 3 K 1 5K i n g w o o d 1 0 1 6 1 0 1 6 3 4 0 1 9 0 8 0 2 3 K 1 6T o w n s h i p

    L a m b e r t v i l l eC i t y 1 0 1 7 1 0 1 7 3 4 0 1 9 0 8 5 2 3 K 1 7

    L e b a n o n B o r o u g h 1 0 1 8 1 0 1 8 3 4 0 1 9 0 9 0 2 3 K 1 8L e b a n o n To w n s h i p 1 0 1 9 1 0 1 9 3 4 0 1 9 0 9 5 2 3 K 1 9M i l f o r d B o r o u g h 1 0 2 0 1 0 2 0 3 4 0 1 9 1 0 0 2 3 K 2 0R a r i t a n T o w n s h i p 1 0 2 1 1 0 2 1 3 4 0 1 9 1 0 5 2 3 K 2 1

    R e a d i n g t o n 1 0 2 2 1 0 2 2 3 4 0 1 9 1 1 0 2 3 K 2 2T o w n s h i p

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    Gold Leaf Organization

    Stockton Borough 1023 1023 34019115 23 K23Tewksbury 1024 1024 34019120 24 K24Township

    Union Township 1025 1025 34019125 23 K25West Amwell 1026 1026 34019130 23 K26Township

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    Gold leaf Organization

    The Gold Leaf Organization, a New Jersey Non-Profit Organization does not have any indirectinterest owed to any external persons, entities, or businesses.Measure 11:The required is attached to this package as required by the New Jersey Department of Health andSenior Services.Criterion 2: Submission of Required Alternative Treatment Center Operational InformationAppendix G1.Procedures for the oversight of the alternative treatment center:

    Provide patients with the highest level of nurturing care. Gold Leaf is devoted to maintainingan extremely safe and private atmosphere for patients to access their Medical Marijuanawithout feeling common apprehensions. Work on public relations to educate the public aboutthe misgivings and preconceived notions regarding marijuana. Which in tum, will helpprospective patients get the relief they need without having to rely on often harmful andineffective medicines.Utilizing inventory hardware and software as well as regularly meeting with 1ntprt',pr"ronmanagement will ensure the successful oversight of the alternative treatment center.

    Combine scientific knowledge of ecology and modem technology with traditional farmingpractices based on naturally occurring biological processes to create the widest range of first-rate cannabis.Gold Leafs target audience will be persons whom are medically qualified, according to stateprovisions, to possess medical marijuana in the state on New Jersey.

    2. Procedures for safely growing and dispensing medicinal marijuana:Some of our procedures for safely growing and dispensing medical marijuana are asfollows:

    Personal Protective EquipmentAll employees will be provided with:

    Hair caps & powder free gloves for utilization in the growing area. Fire safety gloves, uniforms if needed, and protective goggles.

    Personal protective equipment will be enforced to instill not only a safework environment but a sanitary setting to ensure production of the

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    highest quality of the product. Gloves and hair caps will be provided atthe entrance of every growing area as well as in the incinerating section ofthe facility. Gloves are to be changed if damaged or when employee isshifting to a different strain of marijuana to prevent any crosshybridization.

    Uniforms will consist of: a white laboratory jacket a pocket-less polo style shirt company approved dress pants tread-free, low profile black sneakers or shoes

    Note: This uniform is to provide a neat professional atmosphere as well as auniform that has no concealed pockets.

    3. Procedures to ensure accurate recordkeeping, including inventory protocols to ensurethat quantities cultivated do not suggest redistribution:

    PackagingTo ensure freshness, preservation and safe transport, all medication will be distributedto the patient or legal authorized caregiver in a labeled push and turn child safety vial,stapled in a pharmacy style RX paper bag with a seal stating:

    "Medical Cannabis is provided to qualified patients under the New Jersey Healthand Senior Services NJ.S.A. 24:61-1 et seq., particularly 24:61-7 and 16"

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    I" X 2" Labels for application on plastic container sides ofmany sizes. White adhesive backed paper labels on IOOOpcpaper rolls are easy to apply. The matte finish on theselabels is perfect for writing with a felt marker or ball pointpen. Pre-pr inted with Medical Cannabis information andwarnings.

    Labels & Bar CodesOur growing facility as well as our satellite dispensing facilities will be equipped witha private web based Dispensary Management Software System similar to whatdoctors may use as Electronic Medical Records to keep track of all:

    inventory held and distributed patient ids to be scanned, the patient will be photographed with input of the patient's

    name, address, visits, product purchased and quantity each product will have its own bar code that will imputed into our system for efficient

    and quick record all daily sales will be recorded for tax and budgeting

    Our Dispensary Management Software System will have a secured back up to preventany breach in H.I.P.P.A laws and provide quick access in any emergency situation. Incare of our patients it will provide a simple, pharmacy like, timely and productiveway to distribute medical marijuana to ill patients.ScalesGold Leaf will be equipped with digital table top and floor scales for precision. Theywill all be tested daily for accuracies and inspected for any tampering to ensure allmerchandise is accounted for at all time. All scales will follow statues andregulations established by the State of New Jersey Department of Law and PublicSafety Division of Consumer Affairs Office of Weights and Measures.Documentation & Time StampAll marijuana weighed and processed will be time stamped and documented withemployee's name, signature, batch number, and digital date & time stamp to preventany alterations or discrepancies.

    4. Employee security policies:

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    MEASURE: 1Record Keeping Overview:All records shall be kept and maintained ill accordance with all State and Federalguidelines as mandated.Records, depending on type, shall be kept and/or archived either on site in hard copyform or onsite and off-site for the purposes of disaster recovery and business continuity.

    The following shall address the specific records and plans for retention and access:Business Records:To include all letters of incorporation, minutes of Board meetings, certificates oflicensure and insurance, evidence of purchases and sales, contracts, tax considerations,business plans, operating plans and inventory .

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    5. Safety and security procedures, including a disaster plan with procedures to be followedin case of fire or other emergencies:Sample FirelEmergency PolicyGeneral Industry Outreach Training Program (to-hour)

    Topic: Exit Routes, Emergency Action Plans, Fire Prevention Plans, and Fire ProtectionOverview ofthe OSHA StandardSubpart E, Exit Routes, Emergency Action Plans, and Fire Prevention Plans, containsrequirements essential to providing a safe means of escape from fire and similar emergencies.This subpart deals with the need to have a safe and efficient means of leaving a building orfacility under emergency circumstances, with minimal problems finding and using it.Subpart L, Fire Protection, contains requirements for fire brigades, and all portable and fixedfire suppression equipment, fire detection systems, and fire or employee alarm systemsinstalled to meet the fire protection requirements of 29 CFR Part 1910.

    1. Step 1: Planning the Lessona. Instructional Materials.b. PowerPoint presentationc. Instructor notes.d. Other materials.e. Instructional Objectives.

    i. Complete the required topics for the OSHA 1O-hour course.ii. Complete the following optional topics:

    Present Exit Routes, Emergency Action Plans, Fire Prevention Plans, and Fire Protection toall employees. Incorporate active participation in each lesson. Provide a quiz or shortevaluation at the end of the course. Ensure feedback from participants at various points in thetraining. Guest SpeakerslPresenters and Topics/Responsibilities.

    2. Step 2: Presenting the LessonLesson Introduction.

    Introductory remarks or transition from previous lesson. Sample Lesson Plan -Exit Routes, Emergency Action Plans, Fire Prevention Plans, and Fire Protection

    Learning Objectives/Outcomes.Upon completion of the lesson, participants will be able to:

    List or describe the three parts to an appropriate exit route.Possible responses and exit access.

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    Effiective Exit Routes:./ Fire alarms to alert occupants, including flashing lights to alert those that are./ hearing impaired ../ Enough exits in the proper arrangement for quick escape of all occupants in an./ emergency ../ Adequate and reliable illumination for all exit facilities ../ At least 28 inches wide and 7-112 feet in height../ Unobstructed, unblocked and unlocked exits ../ The door that connects any room to an exit route must swing out in the

    direction of exit travel if the room is designed to be occupied by more than 50people or if the room is a high hazard area.

    Purpose for the development of an emergency action plan:./ To describe actions that ensure employee safety during an emergency ../ To map out a floor plan showing emergency routes ../ To communicate to employees the actions they are to take in emergencysituations ../ To ensure all emergencies that might reasonably be expected are covered in

    the plan.Examples: fires, toxic chemical releases, hurricanes, tornadoes, blizzards, floods,earthquakes, or terrorist activities. Sample Lesson Plan - Exit Routes, Emergency ActionPlans, Fire Prevention Plans, and Fire Protection

    Possible elements of the fire prevention plan:./ The plan must be in writing ../ The plan must list major fire hazards ../ The plan must give procedures for handling, storage and control of items thathave been identified as major fire hazards ../ The plan must give the names and job titles of persons responsible for

    maintenance of equipment and systems to prevent or control ignitions or fires ../ Control of fuel source hazards ../ The plan must provide training for all employees who have responsibility for

    activities in the plan.Four of the five classes of fire extinguishers and the types of fires they can properlyextinguish .

    ./ Class A - combustibles/wood, cloth, paper

    ./ Class B - flammables/liquids, gases, greases

    ./ Class C - electrical/energized electrical equipment

    ./ Class D - combustible metals

    ./ Class K - combustible cooking media/vegetable or animal oils and fatsReferences

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    OSHA Standards; 29 CFR 1910 Subpart E, Exit Routes, Emergency Action Plans, andFire Prevention Plans (1910.35 to 1910.38) toc/OSHA Std toc 1910 SUBPART E.html; 29 CFR1910 Subpart L, Fire Prevention (1910.155 to 1910.165) toc/OSHA Std toc 1910 SUBPART L.html; OSHAPublications; 3088 How to Prepare for WorkplaceEmergencies OSHA ReferenceslResources OSHA Fire Safety Advisor; OSHA Small BusinessOutreach Training Program, Emergency Preparedness and Response; OSHA Technical Links - FireSafety

    6. Personal safety and crime prevention techniques:

    normal course of business and during off hours.The plan is outlined as a general overview of how

    7. The alternative treatment center's alcohol, smoke and drug-free workplace policies:

    The Gold Leaf Organization, a New Jersey Non-Profit Organization follows a zerotolerance policy for alcohol, smoke, and drug usage in the workplace. The officialcompany policy shall include but is not limited to:Drug and alcohol use in the workplace is strictly prohibited as covered bythe Occupational Health and Safety Act 2000 which requires that employers:

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    ensure the health, safety and welfare at work of all their employees and any other personin their place of work

    take all practical measures to protect workers in relation to health, safety and welfare Take reasonable care for the health and safety of persons at their place of work who may

    be affected by their acts.Drug and alcohol use in the workplace creates a range of problems. Employees with drugand alcohol problems can cause injury to themselves and others and damage theirphysical and mental health.Workmates of a drug or alcohol user are faced with a risk of accidents, covering poorwork performance, disputes and the need to 'dob in a mate' for their own good. Otherproblems include lateness and absenteeism, lost time and production from accidents andinefficiency and damage to plant, equipment and other property.

    8. A description of the Alternative Treatment Center:Hours of Operation:

    Monday-Friday: 8AM-6PMSaturday: 8AM -6PMSunday: 8AM-6PM

    After hour contact information:Per management, an after hour phone will be designated for emergencies and customerservice purposes.

    Fee schedule and availability of sliding fee scales based on income:The Gold Leaf Organization, a New Jersey Non-Profit Organization will adjust fees on asliding scale, scheduled on a quarterly basis. The evaluation will be based on anevaluation of financial data and current research findings by the Upper Tiers ofmanagement and the Board of Trustees.

    Expectations of onsite personnel in maintaining confidentiality and privacy of the operationsand clients of the Alternative Treatment Center:

    Employees ofthe Gold Leaf Organization, a New Jersey Non-Profit Organization shallsign a Confidentiality Clause which will include, but is not limited to, "all data, materials,products, technology, computer programs, specifications, manuals, business plans,software, marketing plans, business plans, financial information, and other informationdisclosed or submitted, orally, in writing, or by any other media shall be disclosed to anyoutside party or entity due to state and federal regulations. Recipient agrees that theConfidential Information is to be considered confidential and proprietary to Owner and

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    Recipient shall hold the same in confidence, shall not use the Confidential Informationother than for the purposes of its business with Owner, and shall disclose it only to itsofficers, directors, or employees with a specific need to know. Recipient will notdisclose, publish or otherwise reveal any of the Confidential Information received fromOwner to any other party whatsoever except with the specific prior written authorizationof Owner."

    Criteriafor involuntary disenrollmentfrom the Alternative Treatment Centers list ofqualifying patients pursuant to unacceptable behavior and appeal process:

    The Gold Leaf Organization, a New Jersey Non-Profit Organization's Code of Conductoutiines standards of personnel and patrons, also conduct that all employees and patronsmust strive to uphold and behave in an ethical and professional manner at all times. TheCode provides a basis for all employees to maintain a working environment that isproductive, positive, enjoyable, safe and free from harassment and discrimination. Itwillalso assist managers to induct employees into the Gold Leaf Organization and addressany circumstances that may develop which conflict with the stated Standards and Values.

    Registered qualifying patients' assumption of risk in complying with the AlternativeTreatment Center registration policies:

    The Gold Leaf Organization, a New Jersey Non-Profit Organization will assume no riskand obligation for registered patients. In accordance with New Jersey established lawsand regulations, the Gold Leaf Organization will abide by all New Jersey established'laws and regulations. Also, the Gold Leaf Organization will ensure that the operatingmanual of the alternative treatment center is available for inspection by the Department,upon request.

    The Gold Leaf Organization, a New Jersey Non-Profit Organization prohibits the followingapplicable actions in the alternative treatment center:

    (a) Consumption of marijuana and/or alcohol on, or public areas in the vicinity of.(b) Consumption of food and/or beverages by qualifying patients and primarycaregivers on the premises.(b) Sales of food, beverages, alcohol or tobacco on the premises.(d) Entry onto the premises of an ATC by a person who is under the age of 18 isprohibited unless he or she is a registered, qualifying patient accompanied by his or herprimary caregiver and both are in possession of a registry identification card.

    The Gold Leaf Organization shall keep records in accordance of the State of New Jerseystatues and regulations in regards to recordkeeping requirements applicable to alternativetreatment centers, including but not limited to the following:

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    (a) The Alternative Treatment Center shall maintain the following administrative records,as applicable:

    Organization charts consistent with the job descriptions in N.J.A.C. 8:64-9.4(a)6;

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    If applicable, a projection of the number of qualified patients to be servedby the ATC;

    The Gold Leaf Organization, a New Jersey Non-ProfitOrganization is expecting to service patrons in excess of, but notlimited to, fifteen patients per business day.

    Projections by the ATC for a two-year period of the ratio of registeredqualifying patients-to-demand for usable marijuana and procedures bywhich the ATC shall periodically review these ratios for consistency withactual patient demand ratios;

    At the present moment, there is insufficient data available and anaccurate patient-to-demand ratio is still undetermined. As moreinformation becomes available, more precise predictions will be -developed by the Gold Leaf Organization.

    Procedures by which the ATC shall ensure the availability of medicinalmarijuana in accordance with projected and actual demand ratios.

    For every 90 day period, the Gold Leaf Organization projects.thatwe shall cultivate 130+ plants for distribution. This will ensurethe availability of medicinal marijuana in accordance withprojected and actual demand ratios.

    The name, medical license number, resume and contact address of themedical director of the ATC, if applicable.

    Please see the attached documentation. The name, resume and address of the chief administrative officer of the

    ATe.Please see the attached documentation.

    9. The standards and procedures by which the ATe determines the price it charges forusable marijuana and a record of the prices charged:

    (b) ATCs shall maintain business records including, manual or computerized records ofassets and liabilities, monetary transactions, various journals, ledgers and supportingdocuments, including agreements, checks, invoices and vouchers that the ATC keeps asits books of accounts.

    Please see the Gold Lea/Organization Security Plan below.Page 51 of 98

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    (c) Business records include sales records that indicate the name of the qualifying patientor primary caregiver to whom marijuana is distributed, the quantity, strength and formand the cost of the product.

    Please see the Gold LeajOrganization Security Plan below.(d) The bylaws of the ATC and its affiliates or sub-contractors shall contain provisionsrelative to the disposition of revenues and receipts as may be necessary and appropriate toestablish and maintain its nonprofit status, as applicable.

    Please see the Gold Leaj Organization Security Plan below.The Gold Leaf Organization Security Plan

    MEASURE: 1Record Keeping Overview:All records shall be kept and maintained III accordance with all State and Federalguidelines as mandated.Records, depending on type, shall be kept and/or archived either on site in hard copyform or onsite and off-site for the purposes of disaster recovery and business continuity.

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    The following shall address the specific records and plans for retention and access:Business Records:To include all letters of incorporation, minutes of Board meetings, certificates oflicensure and insurance, evidence of purchases and sales, contracts, tax considerations,business plans, operating plans and inventory.

    be scanned and stored electronically in a third party secure server. Shall be placed on a weekly schedule of update, rotation and maintenance. Shall be placed on a permanent retention schedule.

    Company Personnel Records:BoroughTo include all human resource based employment files of all company personnel,applications of employment, tax considerations, background checks (with the exceptionof drug testing. See medical record storage and retention), disciplinary action, terminationand 1-9 information.

    Shall be stored in standard filing cabinets. Cabinets shall be placed

    Shall be maintained indefinitely for active employees. Shall be archived for a period of seven years upon termination of employment. Shall be destroyed by a third party records destruction service with certification of

    destruction provided as required.

    Medical Records (Patient and Employee)To include all patient histories and certification of program participation andprescriptions as well as any employee medical health records as they may relate to agiven employee of the firm.

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    Shall be in accordance with the Department of Health and

    Shall be released as required ONLY with written patient authorization in conjunctionwith all State and Federal H IP AA supporting release forms in accordance with theDepartment of Health and Human Services 45 CFR Part 162.

    e Shall be on a permanent retention schedule.

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    Personnel recordsThe Gold Leaf Organization, a New Jersey Non-Profit Organization shall maintain apersonnel record for each employee, principal officer, director, board member, and agentor volunteer that includes, at a minimum, the following:

    1. An application for employment or to volunteer;2. A copy of his or her current ATC identification card and a copy of his or herdriver's license or other State-issued photo identification card;3. Documentation of the certification of each principal officer, director boardmember stating that he or she submits to the jurisdiction of the courts of the Stateof New Jersey and agrees to comply with all the requirements of the laws of theState of New Jersey pertaining to the Medicinal Marijuana Program;4. Documentation of verification of references;5. Documentation of background checks;6. The job description or employment contract that include duties, authority,responsibilities, qualifications and supervision;7. Documentation of all required training, including training regarding privacyand confidentiality requirements, and the signed statement of the individualindicating the date, time and place he or she received said training and the topicsdiscussed, including the name and title of presenters;8. Documentation of periodic performance evaluations;9. A record of any disciplinary action taken; and10. Documentation of the results of drug tests authorized pursuant to this chapter

    The Gold Leaf Organization, a New Jersey Non-Profit Organization shall maintainpersonnel records for at least 12 months after termination of the individual's affiliationwith the alternative treatment center, for the purposes of this rule.

    1. Permit holders are responsible for maintaining personnel records for all otherbusiness purposes in accordance with their business practice.

    The Gold Leaf Organization, a New Jersey Non-Profit Organization's training programshall include but is not limited to the following:

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    1. Develop, implement and maintain on the premises an onsite trainingcurriculum; or2. Enter into contractual relationships with outside resources capable of meetingemployee, agent and volunteer training needs.3. Each employee, agent or volunteer, at the time of his or her initial appointment,shall receive, as a minimum, training in the following.

    1. Professional conduct, ethics and State and Federal laws regardingpatient confidentiality;

    "The Gold Leaf Organization, a New Jersey Non-Profit Organization'sCode of Conduct outlines standards of personnel and patrons, alsoconduct that all employees and patrons must strive to uphold and behavein an ethical and professional manner at all times. The Code provides abasis for all employees to maintain a working environment that isproductive, positive, enjoyable, safe and free from harassment anddiscrimination. It will also assist managers to induct employees into theGold Leaf Organization and address any circumstances that may developwhich conflict with the stated Standards and Values. "

    2. Informational developments in the field of medical use of marijuana;Please see the attached Security Plan.

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    The Gold Leaf Organization, a New Jersey Non-Profit Organization will maintain acontract with an approved New Jersey employee assistance program.

    8:64-9.7 Security:MEASURE: 1Record Keeping Overview:All records shall be kept and maintained III accordance with all State and Federalguidelines as mandated.Records, depending on type, shall be kept and/or archived either on site in hard copyform or onsite and off-site for the purposes of disaster recovery and business continuity .

    .~...".. ," '". ..::~-,=~- .....-- - . -~, - ~

    The following shall address the specific records and plans for retention and access:Business Records:To include all letters of incorporation, minutes of Board meetings, certificates oflicensure and insurance, evidence of purchases and sales, contracts, tax considerations,business plans, operating plans and inventory.

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    be scanned and stored electronically in a third party secure server. Shall be placed on a weekly schedule of update, rotation and maintenance. Shall be placed on a permanent retention schedule.

    Company Personnel Records:BoroughTo include all human resource based employment files of all company personnel,applications of employment, tax considerations, background checks (with the exceptionof drug testing. See medical record storage and retention), disciplinary action, terminationand 1-9 information.

    Shall be stored in standard Cabinets shall be placedand Shall be maintained indefinitely for active employees. Shall be archived for a period of seven years upon termination of employment. Shall be destroyed by a third party records destruction service with certification of

    destruction provided as required.

    Medical Records (Patient and Employee)To include all patient histories and certification of program participation andprescriptions as well as any employee medical health records as they may relate to agiven employee of the firm.

    Shall be handled and maintained in accordance with the Department of Health andHuman Services 45 CFR Part 162.

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    Shall be released as required ONL Y with written patient authorization in conjunctionwith all State and Federal HIPAA supporting release forms in accordance with theDepartment of Health and Human Services 45 CFR Part 162.

    Shall be on a permanent retention schedule.

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    Also, the Gold Leaf Organization will abide by all state established regulations, including but notlimited to the following:(a) Each alternative treatment center shall provide effective controls and procedures toguard against theft and diversion of marijuana including, when appropriate, systems toprotect against electronic records tampering.(b) At minimum, each alternative treatment center shall:1. Install, maintain in good working order and operate a safety and security alarm systemat its authorized physical address( es) that will provide suitable protection 24 hours a day,seven days a week against theft and diversion and that provides, at a minimum:i. Immediate automatic or electronic notification to alert State or local police agencies toan unauthorized breach of security at the alternative treatment center; andii. A backup system that activates immediately and automatically upon a loss of electricalsupport and that immediately issues either automatically or electronic notification to Stateor local police agencies of the loss of electrical support;2. Implement appropriate security and safety measures to deter and prevent theunauthorized entrance into areas containing marijuana and the theft of marijuana;3. Implement security measures that protect the premises, registered qualifying patients,registered primary caregivers and principal officers, directors, board members andemployees of the alternative treatment center;4. Establish a protocol for testing and maintenance of the security alarm system;5. Conduct maintenance inspections and tests of the security alarm system at the ATC'sauthorized location at intervals not to exceed 30 days from the previous inspection andtest and promptly implement all necessary repairs to ensure the proper operation of thealarm system;6. In the event of a failure of the security alarm system due to a loss of electrical supportor mechanical malfunction that is expected to last longer than eight hours:i. Notify the Department pursuant to N.J.A.C. 8:64-9.8; andii. Provide alternative security measures approved by the Department or close theauthorized physical addresses impacted by the failure or malfunction until the securityalarm system is restored to full operation;7. Keep access from outside the premises to a minimum and ensure that access is wellcontrolled;8. Keep the outside areas of the premises and its perimeter well lighted.i. Exterior lighting must be sufficient to deter nuisance and criminal activity and facilitatesurveillance and must not disturb surrounding businesses or neighbors;9. Provide law enforcement and neighbors within 100 feet of the ATC with the name andphone number of a staff person to notify during and after operating hours to whom theycan report problems with the establishment;10. Equip interior and exterior premises with electronic monitoring, video cameras andpanic buttons.i. A video surveillance system shall be installed and operated to clearly monitor allcritical control activities of the ATC and shall be in working order and operating at all

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    times. The ATC shall provide two monitors for remote viewing via telephone lines inState offices. This system shall be approved by the MMP prior to permit issuance.ii. The original tapes or digital pictures produced by this system shall be stored in a safeplace with a 30-day archive;11. Limit entry into areas where marijuana is held to authorized personnel;12. Consistently and systematically prevent loitering, that is, the presence of persons whoare not on-duty personnel of the ATC and who are not ATC registrants engaging inauthorized ATC-dispensary activity; and13. Provide onsite parking.8:64-9.8 Reportable events(a) An ATC, upon becoming aware of a reportable loss, discrepancies identified duringinventory, diversion or theft, whether or not the medicinal marijuana, funds or other lostor stolen property is subsequently recovered and/or the responsible parties are identifiedand action taken against them, shall:1. Immediately notify appropriate law enforcement authorities by telephone; and2. Notify the permitting authority immediately but no later than three hours afterdiscovery of the event.(b) The ATC shall notify the permitting authority within 24 hours by telephone at (609)826-4935, followed by written notification within 10 business days, of any of thefollowing:1. An alarm activation or other event that requires response by public safety personnel;2. A breach of security;3. The failure of the security alarm system due to a loss of electrical support ormechanical malfunction that is expected to last longer than eight hours; and4. Corrective measures taken, if any.(c) An ATC shall maintain documentation in an auditable form for a period of at leasttwo years after the reporting of an occurrence that is reportable pursuant to this section.

    8:64-9.9 InventoryINVENTORY MANAGEMENT must tie together the following objectives to ensure that there iscontinuity between functions: Company's Strategic Goals Sales Forecasting Sales &Operations Planning Production & Materials Requirement Planning.Inventory Management must be designed to meet the dictates of market place and support thecompany's Strategic Plan. The many changes in the market demand, new opportunities due toworldwide marketing, global sourcing of materials and new manufacturing technology meansmany companies need to change their Inventory Management approach and change the processfor Inventory Control.Inventory Management system provides information to efficiently manage the flow of materials,

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    effectively utilize people and equipment, coordinate internal activities and communicate withcustomers. Inventory Management does not make decisions or manage operations; they providethe information to managers who make more accurate and timely decisions to manage theiroperations.INVENTORY is defined as the blocked Working Capital of an organization in the form ofmaterials. As this is the blocked Working Capital of organization, ideally it should be zero. Butwe are maintaining Inventory. This Inventory is maintained to take care oftluctuations indemand and lead time. In some cases it is maintained to take care of increasing price tendency ofcommodities or rebate in bulk buying.Traditional Supply Chain solutions such as Materials Requirement Planning, Inventory Control,typically focuses on implementing more rapid and efficient systems to reduce the cost ofcommunicating information between and across the Inventory links in the SCM. COM focuses inoptimizing the total investment of materials cost and workload for every Inventory itemthroughout the chain from procurement of raw materials to finished goods Inventory.Optimization means providing a balance of supply to meet the demand at a minimum total cost,Inventory level and workload to meet customers service goal for each items in the link ofInventory Chain.It is strategic in the sense that top management sets goals. These include deployment strategies(Push versus Pull), control policies, the determination of the optimal levels of order quantitiesand reorder points and setting safety stock levels. These levels are critical, since they are primarydeterminants of customer service levels.Keeping in view all concerns, the latest concept of Vendor Managed Inventory is used tooptimize the Inventory. We are entering into Vendor Managed Inventory, Annual Rate Contractswith manufacturers or their authorized dealers, who maintain Inventory on our behalf and supplythe items as and when required.VMI reduces stock-outs and optimize inventory in supply chain. Some features ofVMI include: Shortening of Supply Chain Centralized Forecasting Frequent communication of inventory, stock-outs and planned promotions Trucks are filled in a prioritized order, e.g. items that are expected to stock out have toppriority then items that are furthest below targeted stock levels then advance shipments ofpromotional itemsDespite the many changes that companies go through, the basic principles of InventoryManagement and Inventory Control remain the same. Some of the new approaches andtechniques are wrapped in new terminology, but the underlying principles for accomplishinggood Inventory Management and Inventory activities have not changed.The Inventory Management system and the Inventory Control Process provides information toefficiently manage the flow of materials, effectively utilize people and equipment, coordinateinternal activities, and communicate with customers. Inventory Management and the activities of

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    Inventory Control do not make decisions or manage operations; they provide the information toManagers who make more accurate and timely decisions to manage their operations.

    The basic building blocks for the Inventory Management system and Inventory Control activitiesare:Sales Forecasting or Demand ManagementSales and Operations PlanningProduction PlanningMaterial Requirements PlanningInventory ReductionThe emphases on each area will vary depending on the company and how it operates, and whatrequirements are placed on it due to market demands. Each of the areas above will need to beaddressed in some form or another to have a successful program ofInventory Management andInventory Control.Inventory is usually a distributor's largest asset. But many distributors aren't satisfied with thecontribution inventory makes towards the overall success of their business: the wrong quantities of the wrong items are often found on warehouse shelves. Even thoughthere may be a lot of surplus inventory and dead stock in their warehouse(s), backorders andcustomer lost sales are common. The material a distributor has committed to stock isn't availablewhen customers request it. Computer inventory records are not accurate. Inventory balance information in the distributor'sexpensive computer system does not accurately reflect what is available for sale in thewarehouse . The return on investment is not satisfactory. The company's profits, considering its substantialinvestment in inventory, are far less than what could be earned if the money were investedelsewhere.

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    Overview M arO l, 2 01 0 Ma r 24 , 2 0 1 0 T ime pe rIod$3~245.57 SU&CS36 39 norns Sold

    AK47 J o r, n s m e n

    h ap lY , p H is Jotlll SmIth Clf"Jnatis 9.1l

    PUlpleKu!1.h Mile High cannabis : . Y - i . 503,'24/20iO VendQ(

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    03'01/2010 - V io'etor KUSh f,,1ile,Hlgh cannabis 45.2503

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    (a) Each alternative treatment center, at a minimum, shall:1. Conduct an initial comprehensive inventory of all medicinal marijuana,including marijuana available for cultivation and usable marijuana available fordispensing, seedling to mature marijuana plants and unusable marijuana, at theauthorized location on the date the alternative treatment center first engages inthe production or dispensing of medicinal marijuana;i. If an alternative treatment center commences business with nomedicinal marijuana on hand, the ATC shall record this fact as the initialinventory;ii. Marijuana is deemed to be "on hand" if it is in the possession ofor under the control of an ATC;iii. An inventory shall include damaged, defective, expired oradulterated marijuana awaiting disposal, including the name, the quantityand the reasons for which the ATC is maintaining the marijuana;2. Establish inventory controls and procedures for the conduct of inventoryreviews and comprehensive inventories of cultivating, stored, usable andunusable marijuana;3. Conduct a monthly inventory of cultivating, stored, usable and unusablemarijuana;4. Conduct a comprehensive annual inventory at least once every yearfrom the date of the previous comprehensive inventory;5. Promptly transcribe inventories taken by use of an oral recordingdevice; and6. Ifmarijuana is disposed of, maintain a written record of the date, thequantity disposed of, the manner of disposal and the persons present during thedisposal, with their signatures;i. ATCs shall keep disposal records for at least two years.(b) The record of an inventory conducted pursuant to this section shall include, ata minimum, the date of the inventory, a summary of the inventory findings and thename, signature and title of the individuals who conducted the inventory.8:64-9.10 Destruction of marijuana; recordkeeping(a) If a permit to operate an alternative treatment center expires without beingrenewed or is revoked, the permit holder shall:1. Destroy or dispose of all unused marijuana or surplus inventory in itspossession by providing it to the New Jersey State Police for destruction;2. Create and maintain a written record of the disposal of marijuana that isidentified for disposal by the alternative treatment center and weigh and inventoryprior to destruction; and3. Discontinue production of marijuana.(b) Within 10 business days after destroying the marijuana, the holder of thepermit shall notify the Department, in writing, of the amount of marijuana destroyed.(c) A qualifying patient or a primary caregiver in possession of unused,unadulterated marijuana that is no longer needed for the qualifying patient's medicaluse shall dispose of the marijuana by:1. Returning it to an alternative treatment center; or

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    2. Transporting it or arranging for pickup by State or local police;i. The person or entity submitting marijuana for disposal pursuant tothis section shall present a valid registry identification card and a NewJersey driver's license or other State-issued pho