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Gold Beard the


Gold Beard

the Pirate

As the seas rose and fell in sync with the wind, a pirate ship appeared on

the horizon. Her captain was obsessed with treasure and devoted his life to

searching the Seven Seas looking for it. His name was Gold Beard the Pirate

and he was feared by all because he was the greediest pirate there ever


Gold Beard was on his way back to his hideout, Treasure Island. He and his

crew had been away for many months following another treasure map.

However, this time someone else had beaten them to the treasure and all

that was left for them was a big hole in the ground where the treasure had

once been.

By the time they reached Treasure Island, Gold Beard had already come up with his

next plan. They were going to go after the biggest treasure ever. Many had tried

but no one had succeeded as it was such a treacherous journey. His crew thought

he was crazy. His greed could end up getting them killed.

Gold Beard went straight to his special hide out to admire his treasure. It was

the most impressive collection of treasure anywhere in the world and it was all


Of course, he could never have gathered such a great fortune without the help

of his crew, but he never shared any of it with them. His crew were well fed

and well paid and Gold Beard considered that was enough.

BUT his crew had different ideas. They were getting sick of the way Gold Beard was

treating them and they thought they deserved their share of the treasure. That night,

as Gold Beard slept, they decided to teach him a lesson. They took their share of the

treasure, hid the rest, climbed aboard Gold Beard’s ship and set sail.

The next morning

when Gold Beard

awoke he saw that his

crew had deserted him

and taken all his

treasure. Gold Beard

was so angry as he

kicked the sand in

rage. He started to

wonder how long he

was going to be stuck

on this island all by


Meanwhile, the

crew had arrived

at Port Paradise.

They were

enjoying having a

break from their

greedy boss. But

they couldn’t help

but think they’d

done the wrong

thing leaving Gold

Beard alone on the

Island. They

decided to return

to Treasure Island

first thing the next


As they approached the shore they saw Gold Beard was waiting for them. What

surprised them was that he didn’t look at all angry. In fact, he looked quite happy

to see them. The crew started to apologise for their behaviour but were interrupted

by Gold Beard. “It is not you who should be apologising. It is me! While you were

gone I realised my mistakes. I have been very greedy and I have learnt my lesson.”

From this day on Gold Beard the Pirate was no longer feared but respected

and loved by those around him.

This book is about a greedy old pirate who loved treasure.

He didn’t share with his crew so they decide to teach him

a lesson. It’s a fun lesson for you to enjoy