Download - GO SPEAK. GO DO. GO DEEP.. In order to go forth, you’ve got to go deep…We are disciples of Jesus, following in his footsteps, not going our own individual.

Page 1: GO SPEAK. GO DO. GO DEEP.. In order to go forth, you’ve got to go deep…We are disciples of Jesus, following in his footsteps, not going our own individual.


Page 2: GO SPEAK. GO DO. GO DEEP.. In order to go forth, you’ve got to go deep…We are disciples of Jesus, following in his footsteps, not going our own individual.

In order to go forth, you’ve got to go deep…We are disciples of Jesus, following in his footsteps, not going our own individual ways. And to do that you have to go deep, deep into the very life of the living God. Deep into prayer, deep into the Word of God, deep into the worship of God, deep into the ancient wisdom and practices of our tradition of faith. To go forth, you have to go deep.

Page 3: GO SPEAK. GO DO. GO DEEP.. In order to go forth, you’ve got to go deep…We are disciples of Jesus, following in his footsteps, not going our own individual.

Hail Mary

Page 4: GO SPEAK. GO DO. GO DEEP.. In order to go forth, you’ve got to go deep…We are disciples of Jesus, following in his footsteps, not going our own individual.

Opening prayerIntroduction

Page 5: GO SPEAK. GO DO. GO DEEP.. In order to go forth, you’ve got to go deep…We are disciples of Jesus, following in his footsteps, not going our own individual.

Come, Holy Spirit, fill the hearts of your faithful and kindle in us the fire of your love. Send forth your Spirit and we shall be created. And you shall renew the

face of the earth.

Page 6: GO SPEAK. GO DO. GO DEEP.. In order to go forth, you’ve got to go deep…We are disciples of Jesus, following in his footsteps, not going our own individual.
Page 7: GO SPEAK. GO DO. GO DEEP.. In order to go forth, you’ve got to go deep…We are disciples of Jesus, following in his footsteps, not going our own individual.

Disciple as learner

Page 8: GO SPEAK. GO DO. GO DEEP.. In order to go forth, you’ve got to go deep…We are disciples of Jesus, following in his footsteps, not going our own individual.

Dwelling in the Word/

Embedding scripture

Page 9: GO SPEAK. GO DO. GO DEEP.. In order to go forth, you’ve got to go deep…We are disciples of Jesus, following in his footsteps, not going our own individual.

Once while Jesus was standing beside the lake of Gennesaret [otherwise know as the Sea of Galilee], and the crowd was pressing in on him to hear the word of God, he saw two boats there at the shore of the lake; the fishermen had gone out of them and were washing their nets. He got into one of the boats, the one belonging to Simon, and asked him to put out a little way from the shore. Then he sat down and taught the crowds from the boat. When he had finished speaking, he said to Simon, “Put out into the deep water and let down your nets for a catch.” Simon answered, “Master, we have worked all night long but have caught nothing. Yet if you say so, I will let down the nets.” When they had done this, they caught so many fish that their nets were beginning to break. Luke 5:1-6


Page 10: GO SPEAK. GO DO. GO DEEP.. In order to go forth, you’ve got to go deep…We are disciples of Jesus, following in his footsteps, not going our own individual.

1. Word or phrase that strikes you.2. How this passage intersects with our focus on going deep.

Page 11: GO SPEAK. GO DO. GO DEEP.. In order to go forth, you’ve got to go deep…We are disciples of Jesus, following in his footsteps, not going our own individual.

Cartoon of aquarium

Page 12: GO SPEAK. GO DO. GO DEEP.. In order to go forth, you’ve got to go deep…We are disciples of Jesus, following in his footsteps, not going our own individual.

Dwight Zscheile’s questionsWhat does it mean to be a disciple in

today’s world? What does it mean to be a church member? Are they the same?

How does the shape of life in the Episcopal Church foster depth and

commitment to the way of Christ and how does it undermine it?

Who are we as Episcopalians and what are we here for?

From his book People of the Way

Page 13: GO SPEAK. GO DO. GO DEEP.. In order to go forth, you’ve got to go deep…We are disciples of Jesus, following in his footsteps, not going our own individual.

Dwight Zscheile’s questionWhat does it mean to be

a disciple in today’s world?

What does it mean to be a church member? Are they the same?

Page 14: GO SPEAK. GO DO. GO DEEP.. In order to go forth, you’ve got to go deep…We are disciples of Jesus, following in his footsteps, not going our own individual.


Page 15: GO SPEAK. GO DO. GO DEEP.. In order to go forth, you’ve got to go deep…We are disciples of Jesus, following in his footsteps, not going our own individual.

Disciple and member

Disciple vs. member

Page 16: GO SPEAK. GO DO. GO DEEP.. In order to go forth, you’ve got to go deep…We are disciples of Jesus, following in his footsteps, not going our own individual.

Dwight Zscheile’s question:

How does the shape of life in the Episcopal Church foster depth and commitment to the way of Christ and how

does it undermine it?

Page 17: GO SPEAK. GO DO. GO DEEP.. In order to go forth, you’ve got to go deep…We are disciples of Jesus, following in his footsteps, not going our own individual.

Rooted and restless

Page 18: GO SPEAK. GO DO. GO DEEP.. In order to go forth, you’ve got to go deep…We are disciples of Jesus, following in his footsteps, not going our own individual.

But mostly rooted.

Page 19: GO SPEAK. GO DO. GO DEEP.. In order to go forth, you’ve got to go deep…We are disciples of Jesus, following in his footsteps, not going our own individual.

Dwight Zscheile’s question

Who are we as Episcopalians and what

are we here for?

Page 20: GO SPEAK. GO DO. GO DEEP.. In order to go forth, you’ve got to go deep…We are disciples of Jesus, following in his footsteps, not going our own individual.

Questions posed by the Outline of the Faith:

The mission of the church is to restore all people to unity with God and each

other in Christ.How are we doing that?

Page 21: GO SPEAK. GO DO. GO DEEP.. In order to go forth, you’ve got to go deep…We are disciples of Jesus, following in his footsteps, not going our own individual.

From Pope Francis’Homily at Daily Mass on February

14, 2014

You cannot think of a stationary Christian: a Christian that

remains stationary is sick in their Christian identity. The

Christian is a disciple to walk, to move.


Page 22: GO SPEAK. GO DO. GO DEEP.. In order to go forth, you’ve got to go deep…We are disciples of Jesus, following in his footsteps, not going our own individual.

Go deep. A call to spiritual


Page 23: GO SPEAK. GO DO. GO DEEP.. In order to go forth, you’ve got to go deep…We are disciples of Jesus, following in his footsteps, not going our own individual.

In your own journey, what were periods of spiritual

growth? What helped that


Page 24: GO SPEAK. GO DO. GO DEEP.. In order to go forth, you’ve got to go deep…We are disciples of Jesus, following in his footsteps, not going our own individual.

In your own journey, what were

periods when spiritual growth stalled? You got

stuck? What caused that?

Page 25: GO SPEAK. GO DO. GO DEEP.. In order to go forth, you’ve got to go deep…We are disciples of Jesus, following in his footsteps, not going our own individual.

And by spiritual growth

we mean what?

Page 26: GO SPEAK. GO DO. GO DEEP.. In order to go forth, you’ve got to go deep…We are disciples of Jesus, following in his footsteps, not going our own individual.

By spiritual growth, we mean what?Growing in relationship

with God, neighbor, world and self

Page 27: GO SPEAK. GO DO. GO DEEP.. In order to go forth, you’ve got to go deep…We are disciples of Jesus, following in his footsteps, not going our own individual.

The relational dimension of spiritual

growthJesus said: The first commandment is this: Hear O Israel, the Lord our God is the only Lord. Love the Lord you God with all your heart, with all your soul, with all your mind, with all your strength. The second is this: Love your neighbor as yourself. There is no other greater commandment than these.

Mark 12:29-31

Page 28: GO SPEAK. GO DO. GO DEEP.. In order to go forth, you’ve got to go deep…We are disciples of Jesus, following in his footsteps, not going our own individual.

How does this passage inform a

discussion of spiritual growth?


Page 29: GO SPEAK. GO DO. GO DEEP.. In order to go forth, you’ve got to go deep…We are disciples of Jesus, following in his footsteps, not going our own individual.

How does this passage inform a

discussion of spiritual growth?Jesus said: The first commandment is this:

Hear O Israel, the Lord our God is the only Lord. Love the Lord you God with all your heart, with all your soul, with all your mind, with all your strength. The second is this: Love your neighbor as yourself. There is no other greater commandment than these.

Mark 12:29-31

Page 30: GO SPEAK. GO DO. GO DEEP.. In order to go forth, you’ve got to go deep…We are disciples of Jesus, following in his footsteps, not going our own individual.


Page 31: GO SPEAK. GO DO. GO DEEP.. In order to go forth, you’ve got to go deep…We are disciples of Jesus, following in his footsteps, not going our own individual.

Elevating expectations:

What might that look like?

Page 32: GO SPEAK. GO DO. GO DEEP.. In order to go forth, you’ve got to go deep…We are disciples of Jesus, following in his footsteps, not going our own individual.
Page 33: GO SPEAK. GO DO. GO DEEP.. In order to go forth, you’ve got to go deep…We are disciples of Jesus, following in his footsteps, not going our own individual.

There is more.

Page 34: GO SPEAK. GO DO. GO DEEP.. In order to go forth, you’ve got to go deep…We are disciples of Jesus, following in his footsteps, not going our own individual.

O God of unchangeable power and eternal light: Look favorably on your whole Church, that wonderful and sacred mystery; by the effectual working of your providence, carry out in tranquillity the plan of salvation; let the whole world see and know that things which were being cast down are being raised up, and things which had grown old are being made new, and that all things are being brought to their perfection by him through whom all things were made, your Son Jesus Christ our Lord; who lives and reigns with you, in the unity of the Holy Spirit, one God, for ever and ever. Amen.