Download - Global/ World History Final Review


Vocabulary Words1. Anthropology- The study of humans and species2. Appeasement- To make satisfied or give in to demands in order to avoid war3. Communism/command- The policy of shared resources4. Diaspora- Jews living outside of Israel5. Economist- An expert in economics (the efficient use of resources)6. Gross Domestic Product- The total value of goods produced and services provided in a country during one year7. Have nations, developed nations, or industrial nations- A nation with a high standard of living, industrial power, and a strong economy8. Imperialism- Extending rule over foreign countries9. Monotheism- Belief in only one god 10. Nationalism- Patriotism for a country11. Neutrality/nonalignment- Not supporting either side in a conflict12. P.C.I.- Per Capita Income; The average income of a country13. Polytheism- Belief in more than one god14. Sanctions and Embargoes- A threatened penalty for disobeying a law or rule; an official ban on trade or other commercial activity with a particular country15. Schism- Split between sections or parties16. Secularism- Doctrine that rejects religion and religious considerations17. Social mobility- The movement of an individual to another social or status group18. Specialization- Separation of tasks within a system19. Stratification- The act or process or arranging persons into classes or social strata20. Subsistence agriculture- Farming just enough to live and provide vital food for ones family21. Tariff- A tax or duty to be paid on a particular class of imports or exports22. Terracing- The process of building walls to hold the soil in place on a sloped landscape.23. Theocracy- Religious government24. Topography- Surface features of a region25. Adherents- Someone who supports a particular party, person, or set of ideas26. Advocated- Publicly recommend or support27. Autonomy- A self-governing country or region28. Catalyst- A person or thing that precipitates an event29. Condoned- Approve of or accept to continue30. Constituents- The body of voters who elect a representative for their area31. Dissident- In opposition to official policy32. Edict- A formal or authoritative proclamation33. Eradicate- To wipe out34. Hegemony- One country or group dominates another35. Hinder- To block or delay36. Hubris- Arrogance37. Indigenous- Native38. Instigate- To initiate or provoke39. Myriad- A countless or extremely great number40. Partition- The action or state of dividing or being divided into parts41. Pluralistic- Diverse42. Precipitate- Cause to move suddenly and with force43. Tenets- A principle or belief, especially one of the main principles of a religion or philosophy44. Tutelage- Guidance or instructionIntro Unit/World Problems/Terrorism Interdependent- We need other countries because we dont have all of the resources and products we need Globalization- The growing integration of economies in the world Flat world- Playing field has been leveled for all countries Democracy- People run the government Presidential Democracy- President represents the people Dictatorship- Power lies with one person Junta- Military Dictatorship Theocracy- A nation ran by religious leaders Communism- The government controls and distributes equally (lacking incentive and leads to greed) Republic- Government run by a charter or constitution Command- Government controls the economy Capitalism- Businesses and corporations trade Traditional- The way things have always been done Famine- Extreme lack of food in a region J curve- Thomas Malthus predicted famine because food production is liner and population growth is expediential. Direct method- Drop food Fishpole/Indirect method- Teach man how to farm and how to use tools Have vs. have not nations- Developed versus poor and low life expectancy/literacy rates Ethnocentrism- When your culture thinks it is better than all others Assimilation- Cultures blend Acculturation- Countries cultures meet and blend Parliamentary Democracy- Have a prime minister at the head Socialism- Production and distribution by socialism Neolithic- Agricultural Revolution (Bantus took over the Khoisions) Civilization- A way of life Demographics- Information about a population Terrorism- The use of violence or threat of violence to get or to meet your goal Revolutionary- Groups that use terrorism because they want a change Hezbollah- Terrorist group; enemies with Israel International- Involves more than one country Air France Flight 139- (1976) Plane hijacked going from Athens to Israel State Sponsored- A state or country is behind the attack Pan Am Flight 103- (Libya 1988) Blew up over Lockerby, Scotland (London to JFK), two government officials who worked for Kudafi were responsible Nuclear terrorism- Use of nuclear weapons Narco- Use of violence or threat of violence using Narcotics (drugs) Hijacking- Take over controls to take over a group of people 1972 Olympics- Arab terrorists (Black September, an offshoot of the PLO) take an Israeli wrestling team hostage Operation Wrath of God- Launched against the Palestinians in revenge for September 5thAfrica and World Problems Olduvai Gorge (Hadar, Ethiopia) - Where Dr. Johanson found Lucy in 1947 at site 162. It is the best place to find evidence because there is a rift do to the climate and weather, so things can surface. African Origin Theory- Man was thought to have derived from Africa (Cradle of Civilizations) Tribalism- Is loyal to ones group or tribe rather than ones country Animism- The belief in a supernatural power that organizes and animates the material universe Sahara Dessert- First food domestication in Africa (Food centers) Niles (Egyptians)- The 1st Africans to develop (1st domesticated food) Slavery- The systematic exportation of labor for work without consent Mansa Musa- Conquered and had 500 slavesthe Romans, Greeks, Edyptains, and the Middle East would trade slave Prince Henry the Navigator- Wants to be famous for navigating around the world (Portugal- 1400s) Dr. Johanson- (1947) Brought a team to the valley of Hadar, Ethiopia. At site 162 he finds the oldest hominid to ever exist, Lucy. Thomas Gray- Assisted Dr. Johanson Mali- Advanced city, hospitals, people, universities, scholars, libraries (1300s) in Timbuktu 1443 Nuo Trista- Ship seizes 29 Africans and brings them back to Portugal Pope Nicholas the 5th (V)- Says slavery is okay for non-Christians Plantations- Why the slave trade worked. Saint Dominico was the largest plantation, with tobacco, cotton, and sugar. Kingdom of Kongo- Diago introduced it. Portugal spotted it in 1480. He converts them to Christianity so the community is protected. He writes saying they are the Christian King of Portugal. There is no response, but they went after surrounding tribes. The whole kingdom was then annihilated; they created a system where everyone hated them. Ashant- (Ghana) controlled gold trade. Leave gold trade go to slave trade back to gold trade after Da homey- Also affected Mandica Benin- Stayed out from slave trade: Reflected art work Tiv- If the West thought you were deformed they wouldnt take you. They scarified their heads. The Europeans thought they were disgusting Vesco de Gama (1497)- Goes around the Cape of Good Hope. It had a balanced climate, a savanna (grassland), and a steppe Steeping sickness- From tsetse fly Burton and Speke- (Royal Geographic Society) Want to find the source of the Nile River (1850s). They end up discovering Lake Tanganyika and there is snow in Africa at a higher altitude. They disagree. Burt thought Lake Tanganyika was the ource of the Nile, while Speke though it was Lake Victoria. Dr. Livingstone- Goes to Africa and likes the Africans. He had witnessed a slave raid and outlawed slavery. He feels pain from the West. He discovered: Lake Nysa (1859) Victoria Falls (1855) Lake Ngami (1849)In 1969 he disappears. Henry Morton Stanly- (writes for the NY Herald) Finds Dr. Livingstone Mungo Park (1796, Niger) Sick and kidnapped by a hostile tribe Shara Desert- Need camels, food, and water (hot, disease) Callie- Wants to explore the desert and go to Timbuktu and Mali. He is disguised as an Arab because he would be in trouble if he came across an Arab tribe. In 1828 he arrives in Timbuktu and finds it is gone. Scarification- Marking up your body Animism- Polytheistic traditional religion of Africa in which there is power in animals Polygamy- Numerous spouses Polygyny- One husband and two or more wives Polyandry- One wife and two or more husbands Hominid- Early humans Apartheid- A vision to see Africans as permanently inferiorSubcontinentIt covers most of North, Central, and East India. It has a large population because of farming. There is farming because of the fertile land.Deccan Plateau- High, flat land in South IndiaJhar Desert- Northwest dry desert that goes into PakistanMountains: Himalayan, Hindukush, and GhatsHimalayan Mountains- Cuts India off from AsiaRivers and peninsulas- Helps trade, transportation, and defenseMonsoon- A wind system which usually brings in lots of rain because high and low pressures develop. High pressures develop over water and low pressures develop over land. This is used for navigation in particular, but also for sailing and Indian Ocean trading. It was used by Greeks, Persians (Iran), Chinese, Songhai Dynasty, East Africans, and Indonesians. 600 million Indians are in the agricultural business. 20% of the GDP is dependent on the Monsoon. It either will not come, and result in a drought, or come and cause a flood. In 1972 the Monsoon didnt come and the Indians protested against Indira Gandhi because the economy was bad. Kids celebrate the arrival of dark clouds. In three hours, India gets more rain than Los Angeles in one year. The record for the most rain in the world is held by Cherapunji with a 1041 average. Indias average rate of rainfall is 420.Indonesia- Has pepper. Pepper was used to preserve food, it tasted good, and for pearls (from oysters).Trading Seasons- Three trading seasons: Winter (October-February, dry, hot, no rain, average from 60-80), Summer (March-May, hot, dry, average 100), and Monsoon (June-September, hot, wet)

Time PeriodCivilizationImportant Facts and Descriptions

3200-2850 BCEIndus Valley-Earliest civilization in Pakistan-Near the Indus River-Spoke Dvavidian, which cannot be deciphered-Worshipped mother goddess-Cities: Harappa and Moherjo Daro-Advanced infrastructure: Sewer systems, terrain pipes, garbage collectors, perfectly aligned square citied-Declined probably because of a natural disaster

11500 BCE-1500 BCEAryans-Originated from Steppes of South Russia-Didnt originally migrate because the horse wasnt domesticated-In 1500 BCE they domesticate the horse and can migrate-Pillaging-Raid villages-Indra is now the most important God

Zoroaster- (1200 BCE) Priest was horrified with the Aryans and thought they had it wrong. They should be following Lord Mazda and maybe they would be paid back. This is the earliest form of monotheism. They do not want to make Indra made. Zoroastrian becomes the state religion of Iran after Zoroaster dies.

Hinduism- The most popular religion in India Oldest religion in the world- at least 5000 years old Over 1 billion followers 80% of Indians practice Hinduism 3rd largest religion in the world No founder Combination of religions from the Aryans, Indians, and Indus Valley Difficult conversion religion Dont proclaim to know everything like Christians Direct link to Indias past 10th BCE vaishyas- farmers who come and start questioning devas. They seek out more worthy gods. They seek a Creator God. Rigvedas- concept creator God Prajapati or God of Gods Brahman- holds it together; supreme reality; cosmic glue 900-800 BCE atman- inner self soul Question sacrifice Believe in symbolism Ahmisa- nonviolence 800-700 BCE- renouncer, ascetics. They sacrifice everything and go into the forest. They beg for food and eat plants because they dont want to kill 700-600 BCE- Upinishads- end of vedas Yoga- systematic attack of the ego RRS- Nationalistic group who wants to make Hinduism more rigid Samsura- Reincarnation Karma- Actions will determine your rebirth Dharma- Your duty to accept fate Moksha- the escape from samsara (rebirth). You will not be reborn if you do your duty. Caste System- Born into a family occupationOrderOccupation


KshatryasRulers and warriors



UntouchablesClean toilets, remove bodies, ect.*The lowest, not even acknowledged*

1995- The Caste System is outlawed, but is technically still used in India Untouchables had to wear cowbells Most families have shrines in their homes and leave things for them Hinduism has spread to Indonesia. One Islamic island, Bali, became Hindu Most Hindus follow Central Gods Lord Brahma- The Creator God Lord Shiva- The Destroyer Lord Vishnu- The Preserver (of life) Daevas- Gods Indra- Warrior God Agni- Fire God Mazda- Lord of Justice

Jainism- Less violent religion with 4.2 million followers. It is one of the oldest religions (386 BCE). They have an extreme following of ahimsa. Ashoka- He is the grandson of the Maurayan Empire founders. He continues on with his expansion and attacks and annielates Kalinga. This is an epiphany and then embraces ahmisa and converts to Buddhism.Shan- Jahan- Builds the Tajh Mahal in memory of his wifes beautyIndia has: Spices (pepper, saffron), trading, animals (tigers, elephants), silk from China, sapphires, gold, diamonds, ebony (wood), pearls, jute, indigo, cotton, and tea. India spearheads colonization.Imperialism- When a strong nation takes over a weaker oneSepoys- Mercenaries hired to be in army set up by MoguelsRobert Clive- Leader of British trading companyBattle of Swalley- (1612) Great Britian wins and Portugal is reduced to 1-2 islandsMoguels decline at the end of the 1600s and beginning of the 1700s at Britain takes advantageBattle of Plassey- (1757) British East India Company won over the Bengalis, which created company rule in Southeast AsiaThe Sepoy Revolution- Mutiny- (1857) The Sepoys heard a rumor that the gun cartridge was greased with cow and pig pat, so they refused to grease the cartridge.Causes:1. Political- Justice system2. Economics- Take natural resources back to Great Britain and farmers cant feed their families because they cannot sustain cash cropsGreat Britain takes the raw materials>Manufacture the goods>Transport them back to India> Sell to Indians at low prices so Indian companies would go out of business (only buy European salt)3. Social- The cow is a sacred animal. India is a colony of Great Britain. It becomes the British Raj 858.Viceory wanted to set up Christain schools and get rid of some of the Hindu customs.Sati- Jump into the fire (bride burning) to show how much one loves himGandhi- Influential Hindu leader who believed in non-violence and democratic chance. He was born to the Vaishya cast of perfume sellers in 1869. He studies Bhagavid Gita or the song of Gods on Hinduism. He becomes a lawyer, and in South Africa in 1890 he develops some goals:1. Eliminate British rule- swaraj (self rule)2. Eliminate poverty3. Eliminate untouchables- harijan4. Brotherhood religions5. Liberate womenBlack Act- (1906) Fingerprints all women in IndiaGandhis campaign: Satyagraha- firmness of good truthAshram- Huge communeUtilize mediaRowlatt Act- (1919) Didnt want to give freedom to Indians, despite their help in World War I. They tapped into resources for bullets, paid tax, and over 1.5 million Indians were used to fight.Hartal- day of prayer and fasting to shut down IndiaThe Amritser Massacre- (1919) General Dyers response for not obeying the Rowlatt Act. 7000 Sikhs met at the Golden Temple to embrace Gandhis plan. Dyer wanted to shoot into the thickest part of the crowd.The Non Cooperation Campaign- (1920) No cooperation with the BritishSimon Commission- (1927) Set up a committee to try to deal with the demands of Indians, but didnt ask the Indians to sit on the commission.December 31, 1929- Indians declare independenceSalt Satyagraha (Salt March) - (1930) Gandhi uses civil disobedience to protest the British salt manufacturing. They bring in 8.2% of their revenue from salt. He starts at his ashra, 241 miles to the sea. 78 handpicked males walk through 48 villages. The media is invited. After 23 days, on April 15th, the anniversary of the Ahmritser Massacre, they make it.Storming of Dhansani Salt Factory- Used nonviolence to gain independence.1934- Gandhi resigns from the INC1940- Satyagraha against war. 2.5 million fought for Great Britain.1942- Quit India Campaign- Do or die by NehruAugust 15, 1947- India gains independencePartition between the Muslims and IslamGandhis Methods:1. Civil disobedience- Not obey unjust laws (Black Act)2. Boycott (British cloth in 1920)3. March and demonstrations4. Fasting (17 times)January 30, 1948- Godse killed Gandhi. He was a Brahmin and a member of the RRS who believed in extreme, rigid Hinduism. He was mad at Gandhi because he was accepting of Muslims and thought he would give up everything.Partition in India: Muslims and Hindus separated into Pakistan and India. The Muslim League was created in 1906 to protect Muslim interests. Muhammed Ali Jinnah was the leader of the Muslim League. They proposed the partition in 1940 because they wanted a secular Muslic company. However, the INC rejects their plan.Direct Action Day- (1976) violence, riots, and cow killings starting in Calcutta (by Muslims) to show Hindus what they rejected. Great Britain then pulled out. 1-2 million people died when they partitioned. Because the Indians and Muslims had to migrate, 10 million became refugees.East Pakistan speaks Bengali and West Pakistan speaks UrduRadcliff was in charge of drawing the partition and favored Nehru. West Pakistan was led by Jinnah. Bhutto died in a car bomb.Religious leaders feed children and teach them hate at Madrasses, now led by Molas. Bin Laden is a benefactor. They breed terrorism and learn quaran, or the Muslim book of worship.Jawaharlal Nehru is a pandij, or scholar. He was the youngest member of the INC and was jailed a total of ten years. He embraces Lennon after the Russian Revolution, and believes in Communism and Socialism.Problems: Pakistan confrontation, starvation and poverty, illiteracy, low life expectancy, low PCI, and a huge population.He wanted voting, rights, Untouchables, and women. India is the largest democracy in the world. He set up the ITT domestic (home) plan to embrace socialismForeign Policy- NonalignmentBandung Conference- (1955) Invites Asia and Africa nations. Mistake: Trusts MaoGreen Revolution- Revolution over agricultureJ.P. Movement- Bring Indira DownSikhism- 20 million followers founded in the 1600s. They must follow ten gurus. Guru nanek founded this monotheistic religion. They believe in reincarnation, karma, and the five Ks for unity and symbolism.Operation Blue Star- (1984) Military storm of the Golden Temple to attack Singh, but instead attacks civilians.Middle EastIslam- Translates to surrender to God; founded by MohammedMuslims- Practice Islam Mosque- Place to pray RamadanAllah- Only God in IslamKoran- Book with religious and political rulesdMonotheism- Muslims only believe in AllahJihad- Inner struggle1. Struggle in the Koran (inner)- Follow pillars and Allah2. After the crusades (external)- When someone wants to hurt or kill youMecca- Muslims must go once in their life to pray and worshipFundamentalism- Strict, rigid rules that one abides byHaji- A Muslim who has been to Mecca Mohammed- Revolutionary figure who is the last in line of Allah. He acquired with Jews and Christians and influenced trade with the Persians.Kbba- Box in MeccaUlema- Religious scholarUmma- Muslim communityDietDome of Rock- Place where Mohammed ascended to HeavenMedina Shiite *See notesSunni *See notesImam- The person who leads prayers in a mosqueTwelvers- Believe there is another iman to comeHussein- Iraqi leader who waged war against IranCaliphs- The civil and religious leader of a Muslim state considered to be a representative of Allah on earthAbbasid- Dynasty that ruled Islamic Empire in Middle East from mid-8th to 13th centuryUmayyad- the first dynasty of Arab caliphsAbu Bakr- Early convert and immediate believer in IslamWahabism- A conservative and intolerant form of Islam that is practiced in Saudi ArabiaTaliban- a fundamentalist Islamic militia; in 1995 the Taliban militia took over Afghanistan and in 1996 took Kabul and set up an Islamic government; "the Taliban enforced a strict Muslim code of behavior" What are the five pillars of faith in Islam?Five Pillars- The foundation of Islam as believed by all Muslims1. Shahada- Must profess your belief in one God- Allah2. Salah- Pray five times a day towards the city of Mecca (originally Jerusalem)3. Zakat (almsgiving)- Muslims must share their wealth. 10% of their money goes to the poor, meaning that his appeals to the lower class. There is money in oil, so the controllers have money. They have free education and pay for healthcare.4. Sawm- Muslims must fast during the month of Ramadan. During this time, they are very weak.5. Hajj- Muslims must make a pilgrimage at least once to Mecca. They all wear white because they are all equal.6. Egyptians- (3000 BC- 395 AD) Pyramids, mathematics, astronomy, and papyrus7. Phoenicians- (1200-800 BC) Seafarers (became Lebanon)8. Hieroglyphics- Communication symbols used by the Egyptians9. Cuneiform- Early language10. Tigris and Euphrates- Rivers beneficial to the Sumerians11. Fertile Crescent- A geographical area of fertile land in the Middle East stretching in a broad semicircle from the Nile to the Tigris and Euphrates12. Persians- Persia was an empire in southern Asia created by Cyrus the Great in the 6th century BC and destroyed by Alexander the Great in the 4th century BC. Its people were called the Persians.13. Royal Road- The network of the Assyrian "king's roads" was a system of privileged overland routes used for state purposes, such as the transport of troops and communication between the king and his officials14. Zoroastrian- Zoroastrianism introduced the concept of monotheism, and the duality of good and evil15. Cryus- Created Persia in 6th century B.C.16. Assyrians- (800 BC- 612 BCE) Weapons, warriors, and military17. Nubians- (2000 BC- 1000 BCE) Kush- Social stratification and culture18. Sumerians- (2900-1800 BCE) Controlled irrigation, cuneiform, mudbricks, military, and the Tigris and Euphrates Rivers19. Babylonians- (1900 BC) The Hanging Gardens and Code of Hammurabai20. Hanging Gardens- Babylonian landmark21. Code of Hammurabi- Code of Laws (Babylonians)22. Papyrus- Paper developed by the Egyptians23. Why is the Fertile Crescent important for early Middle Eastern civilizations?24. What are the accomplishments of the early civilizations?25. Sumerians- Tigris and Euphrates26. Babylonians- Code of Hammurbai and the Hanging Gardens of Babylonia27. Phoenicians- Seafarers28. Assyrians- Military warriors29. Egyptians- Papyrus and advancements30. Nubians- (Kush) Social stratification and culture31. Rabbi- Jewish religious leader32. Torah- Scroll of the law of God as told to Moses33. Synagogue- Building where the Jewish congregation meets34. Holocaust- Mass murder of Jews35. Monotheism- Belief in only one God36. Jews- Waiting for the Messiah; the descendant of King David37. Torah- The Jewish book made up of the five books of Moses: Genesis, Exodus, Levitacus, Deuteronomy, Numbers38. Talmud- Holy book with an explanation the understanding of the Torrah 39. Tefillin- Phylacteries worn by Jews40. Tallit- Jewish prayer shawl41. Mitzvahs- Good deed done from religious duty or commandment (celebration when age thirteen is reachedbar: boy, bat: girl)42. Koshrut- Set of Jewish dietary laws43. Star of David- Jewish and Israeli symbol44. Yarmulke- Skullcap worn by orthodox Jews during prayer45. Yom Kippur- Religious fast at the last of the ten days of penitence, beginning with Rosh Hashanah46. Solomon- Son of David; King of Israel47. King David- David was the second king of the United Kingdom of Israel48. Babylonian relations with Jews-49. Persian relations with Jews-50. Abraham- The Hebrew patriarch from whom all Jews trace their descent51. Jerusalem- The Holy City52. Moses- Hebrew prophet who led the Israelis from Egypt53. Diet- Cant eat lobster, bottom feeders, and meat with milk (as a courtesy to cows)54. What is the Torah? Made up of the five books of Moses: Genesis, Exodus, Levitacus, Deuteronomy, Numbers55. Fertile Crescent- A geographical area of fertile land in the Middle East stretching in a broad semicircle from the Nile to the Tigris and Euphrates56. Anatolia- Thriving Islamic Empire (largest since Abbasid)57. Levant- Home to monotheistic religions: Christianity, Judaism, Islam. It is modern and has the highest university degrees.58. Resources- Oil (good for trade)59. Crossroads- Crossroads because of the Middle Easts locations between continents60. Tigris and Euphrates- The TigrisEuphrates river system is part of the palearctic Tigris-Euphrates alluvial salt marsh ecoregion, in the flooded grasslands and savannas biome, located in West Asia61. The term Middle East- The Near East (ethnocentric because closer to Western Powers)62. Persia- Home of Zoroastrians63. Impact of Water- Water is scarce, but is important because everything is possible with oil64. Demography- Desert conditions, some mountains, climate65. What resources does the Middle East have and what resources does it lack?66. Has: Oil67. Does not have: WaterSultan- Wealth of empire belongs to these leaders of the OttomansOsman- The first leader of the Islamic empire Anatolia. Ottoman comes from the name Osman.Istanbul- In 1443 the capital Bersa becomes Istanbul. Constantinople is captured.Vassal state- Territories that are centralized and controlled by themselves, but money was paid to the OttomansJanisarries- (devshirme) a great military that captures Christain boys, brought them back to Bursa, educated them, and then taught them to fightSeraglio-Suleiman the Magnificent- (1520- 1566) Ruler of the Golden AgesMillet-Crimean War- (1853- 1856) War over the Ottoman Empire. Great Britain and France and against Russia.Sick Man-Treaty of Paris- Black Sea Neutral- the Ottomans have to pay and then are backruptArmenian Massacre- Young Turks deported the Armanians.Why are the Ottomans significant?What caused their downfall?1. Did not modernize2. Strategic position3. West comes in4. Economy5. Debt6. Treatment of Non-MuslimsWhat happened to the Armenians under the Turks in 1915? Over one million of them were deported.What accomplishments did the Ottomans achieve? Largest Islamic empire since Abbasid Sets up the Ottoman Empire using vassal states Advanced when the West is in the Dark Ages Builds schools, healthcare, and mosques

China Chou Period- Warring States Period (403-221 BCE); chaotic; violent Kong Qui or Kong Fuzi (Western name)- Confucius Communist revolution (1966)- Get rid of Communist influence on Chinese Ren- Attitude of kindness, respect, diligence, ect. Li- Behaviors you should follow Filial Piety- Put your parents before your own needs Legalism- Han Feizi founded it. There are three parts to legalism: Fa, shi, and shu. There is no need to discuss mortality. One only needed strict guidance. Chin- 1st dynasty to unify China using legalism Shi Huangdi- He crushed opposition following Confucism. He is responsible for uniforming currency, weights, built roads, set up irrigation, and began building the Great Wall. Accupuncture- Needles to stop pain Daoism- Tao- Late Hun Dynasty and resurfaces in Tang. It is intertwined with other philosophies, founded by Laozi. It is a way of life that should not interfere with the natural flow of things. The three jewels are: Compassion, Modernization, and Humility. Wu Wei- No action Feng shui- House is extension of nature Yin and yang- Need balance Chin dynasty- 221-202 BCE Shihungdi- 1st Emperor of China: Obsessed with immortality. In 1974 70,000 terracotta warriors sacrificed for him and the weapons were rigged. Han dynasty- 2020 CE-220 CE. This became a Confucious dynasty, which was important because Rome was thriving. The Han dynasty had education, civil service, expanded their empire, and planned cities (centralized and secured the Silk Road great for trading). They invented paper, the horse collar, crossbones, and silk. Buddhism spread. Things were peaceful. There were taxes and they worked with iron. Song dynasty- Bound feet because it was considered attractive (cracked foot meant you couldnt work and were therefore marriageable) Zhou preserved Shang culture Chief deity- Heaven Monarch- Son of Heaven Rule- Mandate of Heaven (ruler chosen by the supreme deity) Location of capitals in the Western part of the Kingdom and the buildings faced south so they were harmonious with the weather. Dynastic cycle- New emperor Drought, floods Population, less money for public work because of taxesRebellion Sui- (589-6180 CE) Strong centralizes government. They built the Grand Canal to irrigate China. Tang- (618-907 CE) Golden Ages of China while the West was in the Dark Ages. They had advanced music, art, poetry, infrastructure, and inventions (gunpowder). They set up equal distribution of land, postal system, and secured the Silk Road. They had the civil service exam. They got agricultural technology (irrigation), iron tools, shops, flourishing, taverns, brothels, theatres, specialty shops, and porcelain shops. Song- (960-1279 CE) Continuation of the Golden Ages Marco Polo- Westerner from Italy who goes to court Cubelcon and tries to take back what Chinas like Ethnocentrism- One nation believes they are better than another Canton System- Come through Canton and is decided if they should be allowed in based on their gifts (pay respects to leader) Opium Wars- (1840-1856) Chinese dump Opium off ships Treaty of Nanking- British wins and gets Hong Kong Treaty of Tientsin (1856)- Spheres of influence are set up Dr. Sun Yat- Sen- President of the Republic of China in 1912 for 45 days. He was a nationalist (Kuomintang). He couldnt centralize the war lords. His ideas included nationalism and democracy. In 1924 he died of liver cancer. He steps down because he cant centralize. Chiang Kaishek- General steps up in 1928 (nicknamed Cash my check) and lived the life of an emperor while people were starving. May 4th Movement (1919)- Students and adults protest because the Japanese get in Germanys lost territories. The government is inept in getting rid of foreigners. Three Gorges Dam- Built by the Chinese government on the Yangsee River because it had flooding. It increased electricity, but to build it, 2 million peasants had to be moved, animals, and Buddhist symbols. 1966- Cultural Revolution launched by the Communist Party Let 100 Flowers Bloom- Encourages people to come forth and criticize Mao Jiang Zemin- President of China from 1993-2003 (expanded economic zones but did not make political changes) Deng Xiaoping- Next leader who walked in the Long March. He led after Mao died in 1976 and set up zones with capitalism in them.Japan and Korea Meiji Restoration- The restoration of the Emperor Meiji to power in Japan, overthrowing the Tokugawa Shogunate in 1868. Feudalism- The dominant social system in which land granted by the Crown to the nobility was in turn held by vassals. Shintoism- Shintoism is the religion in which animals are revered. Kami- A divine being the Shinto religion Cultural diffusion- Culture is spread from one nation/country to another Mono culture- The cultivation of a single crop in one area Bushido Code- The code of honor and morals developed by the Japanese samurai Daimyo- One of the great lords who were vassals of the shogun Sino- Japanese War- a war between China and Japan (1894 and 1895) over the control of the Korean Peninsula Russo- Japanese War- Japanese victory in the war with Russia (1904-1905) gave Japan power over Korea and Manchuria. Amaterasu- The principal deity of the Japanese Shinto religion, the sun goddess and ancestor of Jimmu, founder of the imperial dynasty. Uprising of 1637- After taxes were raised, there was an uprising during the Edo Period. Most of them were Catholic peasants. The Christians were blamed and they closed off Japan. Treaty of Kanagawa- A treaty signed in Japan at Kanagawa, now part of Yokohama, on March 31, 1854, by Japan and the United States to allow U.S. ships into the ports of Hakodate and Shimoda. Treaty of Shimoda- (1855) Signed for official relations between Japan and Russia Zaibatsu- A large Japanese business conglomerate Xenophobia- Fear of foreigners Archipelago- Lots of islands surrounded by a large body of water Matthew Perry- United States admiral who led a naval expedition to Japan and signed a treaty in 1854 opening up trade relations Kim Il- Song- President of North Korea 197294 (Precipitated the Korean War) Kim Jong- Il- Korean politician and head of state of North Korea (since 1994) Emperor Meiji- The Japanese emperor who established Shinto as the state religion of Japan Prince Shotuku- Regent and a politician of the Asuka period in Japan who served under Empress SuikoSouth East Asia Buddhism- Originated in Nepal by Siddhartha Guatama (500 BCE). He sees four sights: An ascetic, old person, a sick person, a dying person and a dead body. He is so disturbed he decides to leave his life. He becomes Bodhi- enlightened one. It is his darma, or duty to teach and he meditates. 4 Noble Truths: 1. Suffering (dukha) 2. Desire causes suffering 3. The cessation to suffering 4. Follow to middle path or Eightfold path to enter Bodhi and enter eternal peace Nirvana- to escape samsara Theravada- Used Pali textsOldest form of Buddhism (strict and orthodox) Mahayana- Believe in meditationappeals to more people because it is for the good of the community (new version) Vietcong- Guerilla fighters (branch of NFL) Vietminh- A member of a Communist-dominated nationalist movement (formed in 1941) that fought for Vietnamese independence from French rule

Guerilla warfare- Small groups split up and use violent tactics Vietnamization- Gradual withdrawal and training the Vietnamese to take over the war Gulf of Tonkin Resolution- President has the right to send troops (1964) USS Maddox hit by the Gulf of Tonkin in August of 1964 Tet Offense- (1968) Gia launches a surprise guerilla attack on 100 cities Domino theory- The theory that a political event in one country will cause similar events in neighboring countries, like a falling domino causing an entire row of upended dominoes to fall French in Vietnam- Vietnam attempts to model after Japan (Go East) and modernize to get the French out; however, they are getting rubber, rice, opium, and salt from Vietnam. Khmer Rouge- Want model government in Cambodia Year Zero Plan (Khmer Rouge during 1975-1979) Perfect utopian society (renamed to Cambuchia)- turned clocks to 0 Pagan- A person holding religious beliefs other than those of the main world religions Srivijaya or Sriwijaya was a powerful ancient Malay empire based on the island of Sumatra, modern day Indonesia, which influenced much of Southeast Asia Pol Pot- Cambodian communist leader of the Khmer Rouge; prime minister 197679; (overthrown in 1979) Ho Chi Minh (Nguyen Ai Quoc)- President of North Vietnam 1954 to 1969 An San Suu Kyi- Burmese political leader who won the 1991 Nobel Peace Prize for her work promoting democracy in her country. Siddhartha Gautama- Confucius Vo Nguyen Giap- soldier and government official of North Vietnam and later of the Socialist Republic of Vietnam

Questions46. A civilization is advanced, modern, has leaders, infrastructure, and religion.47. Terrorism is the use of violence or threat or violence to get or meet your goal. Terrorism must be public to work so you can impact the most people.48. Anwar Sadat was assassinated because he recognized Israel as a state at the Oslo Peace Accords.49. The Mau Mau Uprising was a military conflict that took place in Kenya (then called British East Africa), from 1952 to 1960, between a Kikuyu-dominated anti-colonial-group called Mau Mau and the British Army-cum-adjuncts.50. Famine is an extreme lack of food. It is caused by the J-curve. When the population increases so drastically, food production cant keep up.51. Revolutionary: Use terrorism because they want a change (KKK, Al Qaeda, Hamas, and Hezbollah); International: Involves more than one country (Al Qaeda have worked in Spain, Indonesia, Africa, London, and the U.S.; Air France Flight 139 [1976]); State Sponsored: A state/country is behind the attack (Libya- 1988 Pan Am Flight 103); Nuclear terrorism: Use of nuclear weapons (Pakistan); Narco: Using Narcoticsdrugs (Mexico- 5 Cartels)52. Their goal is to spread their message and impact people by doing so.53. Israel has been influenced by terrorism because Egypt has attacked them due to the creation of their land, which has caused conflicts. The Muslims dont like the Jews. The Palestinians were already living there, and it is a Holy Land for other religions.54. Irgun was a Zionist organization founded in 1931. It used violence to help create Israel, but was disbanded after Israels creation in 1948. Irgun splits into the Stern Gang (use urban terrorism against British officials).55. The Doomsday Clock is used to predict when doomsday will have.56. Nuclear proliferation is the spreading of nukes from two countries that dont have them. (Example: Pakistan gave them to North Iran and North Korea)57. A command system is when the government controls the economy and a market system is when money is used in exchange for goods, services, or resources.58. Marxism is the start of Communist (Used by Russia, China, Cambodia, Vietnam, and Laos). It was started by Karl Marx and Angeles and many countries adapt their own ways to it. 59. Sudan is the largest colony in Africa. They had a civil war since independence. In the south are the Bantus (African Blacks) and the North group (Arab Africans). Because of petroleum being found in 2003 in the North, everyone wants the resources and the North and South went to war. The leader of the North, Bashir (an Arab descent), comes up with a solution. The Nomads need food so he tells them to attack the South for this food. The group is called Janjaweed and he trained them to kill them.60. Tribalism is when one favors their groups and tribes rather than their country as a whole. This influences Africa because there are many different ethnic groups, and because of this and colonialism, they are not unified. Sometimes opposing tribes are under the same territory of superpowers.61. The Europeans caused imperialism because they wanted more resources, to spread Christianity, and prove that they were superior to other superpowers: Ethnocentrism, demands of capitalist economies, and prestige of colonial possessions. 62. South Africa is currently improving after colonialism and apartheid. However, in Darfur there is a genocide and there are still raids.63. Neocolonialism allows countries very little economic and political freedom.64. Animism is the polytheistic traditional religion of Africa. There is power in Animals. Those who practice it believe that there is one central god who controls all other gods. If they anger God, they believe they get revenge.65. Aids is very serious. Many women are dying because of it in Africa.66. Zimbabwes currency has been disvalued and they are in an economic crisis.67. British mission: Indigenous people and the British were segregated; French mission: Racial toleration (those who became like them)68. In 1994 there was a genocide in Rwanda. In 1973 Habyarima, a Hutu, takes over. In 1994 he died because his plane was shot down. The death was blamed on the Tutsis but the Hutus may have killed him. This is started a genocide.69. The slave trade was spearheaded by Portugal in 1482. Prince Henry the Navigator wanted to be famous for navigating the world. In 1443 the Nuo Trista seizes 29 Africans. Pope Nicolas the 5th says slavery is okay for Non-Christains.70. Loss of population, social collapse, violence, and racism/prejudice were all effects of the slave trade.71. The slave trade declined because of the abolition movement, enlightenment, the scientific revolution, slave revolts, and the industrial revolution.72. The African Origins Theory explains that the first hominid was found in Africa.73. The Berlin Conference was in 1884 and the major Western powers split up Africa.74. Britain controlled Tanganyika, Rwanda and Burundi were taken by Belgium, North to Northwest Africa was France, South Africa was taken by Britain, Belgium took the Congo, Cameroon was split with the majority to Britain and remainder to France, Nambia had South Africa, And Togo was taken by the French trust territory.75. San Domingo is now Haiti/ the Dominican Republic. Tuson was a slave who started a riot there. He threw off the French and British by using guerilla warfare.76. King Leopold II tried to civilize the Congo.77. Expropriation of land, exploitation of labor, hut and poll tax, labor conscription, disruption of the practice caused to Africans and their way of life, cash crops and one crop economies, prohibition of inter-African trade and communications, immigrant labor, and lack of industrialization are cons to imperialism in Africa. The pros are: Introduction of Western medicine, formal education, infrastructure, Islam and Christianity, and countries were created.78. Apartheid in South Africa fought for equal rights.79. Steve Biko led the Black Conscious Movement. There wasnt a lot of success as a peaceful group so it became more violent.80. Nelson Mandela and F.W. deKlerk worked peacefully to end apartheid. In 1990 Nelson Mandelas life ban is released. In 1991 apartheid laws were appealed, and in 1994 there is the 1st free election (Mandela vs. deKlerk). Mandela becomes the first black president of South Africa.81. Africa was referred to as the Dark Continent because there was so much land and things to explore that the world had no prior knowledge of.82. The plane was flat, which was difficult for boaters. Also, there were lots of waterfalls and physical features which made exploring difficult.. H.M. Stanley explores, and finds Lake Victoria is the source of the Nile.83. Desertification is the process of turning land into dessert.84. Silk, religion, and resources were traded.85. Egypt invented papyrus and hieroglyphics.86. Mali had thriving Timbuktu.87. Mansa Musa is important because he was a rich king who traveled to see Timbuktu.88. Ibn Battuta was amazed at Mansa Musas power so he went to go see Timbuktu disguised as an Arab. However, when he arrived, it was gone.89. Hinduism is a religion which is a direct link to the past in India. It is widely spoken.90. The Indus civilization had a sewer system, terrain pipies, advanced, infrastructure, Harappa, and Mohenjo Daro (3200-1750 BCE).91. The Vedics or Aryans (11500 BCE-1500 BCE) domesticated the horse and began to migrate, leading to pillaging.92. The Mauryan Empire was first to centralize rule. Buddhist embraces ahimsa.93. The Gupta Empire was the Golden Ages of India with advanced math. They invented Arabic numerals.94. The Mughals were Islamic.95. The Caste System is when you are born into a family occupation. Brahmins- priests Kshatrya- rulers and warriors Vasishyas- peasants Shudras- laborers Dalits- untouchables- clean toilets and remove bodies96. The Green Revolution was a revolution over agriculture.97. The Sepoy Revolution- Mutiny (1857) was caused by political, social, and economic reasons: The justice system, and the natural resources taken back to Great Britain. Britain took raw materials, turned them into manufactured goods, and sold them to Indians at low prices so the competition would go out of business. The Seopys heard a rumor that gun cartridges were greased with cow and pig fat so they refused to grease the cartridges. As a result, India becomes a colony of Great Britain.98. Salt March- Civil disobedience Gandhi led. They reached the sea on April 15th in 1930 after 23 days. It is the anniversary of the Ahm Ritser Massacre.99. Gandhis goals:1. Eliminate British rule- Swarai (self-rule)2. Eliminate poverty 3. Eliminate untouchables- harijan- Caste System4. Brotherhood- religions5. Liberate women100. In 1919 the Amritsar Massacre was General Dyers response for not obeying the Rowlatt Act (not allowed to meet). His troops fired into the thick of the crowd and 379 people died.101. The positives to British rule were that it brought order to India, however, it was negative because there was a lack of rights and economic freedom.102. Pakistan split from India due to the difference in Muslims and Hindus. Pakistan wants a secular Muslim country.103. Today in India, people are still trying to regroup from differences in political leaders.104. Gandhi was mostly successful in meeting his goals. Due to the partition, religions were not unified. The Caste System was outlawed in 1955, but untouchables were still looked upon. However, he did give more rights to women, attempt to improve poverty, and eliminate British rule.105. The disputes in Kashmir and Punjab are over who should own their territory.106. The Sikhs believe in natural living, equality for all, and God to be the Universe itself.107. The Indian National Congress is significant in India. They wanted to pick a well leader after Nehru dies of stress in 1964 so they can control her. They choose Indira Gandhi because she had tuberculosis.108. The monsoon system is a rain and wind storm which affects Indias agriculture. Many jobs and lifestyles are dependent on the monsoon.109. Indira Gandhi faced poverty problems, starvation, population, and ethnic problems in 1966 as the Prime Minister of India.110. China is isolate and has lots of natural barrios. They are ethnocentric toward the outside world because they are isolated.111. Kong Qui is Confucius. He believed in kindness and certain behaviors. It was around during the Chou Period (403-221 BCE).112. Five relationships: Ruler to ruled (ruler has more power), father to son (father), husband to wide (husband), friend to friend(elder), and brother to brother (elder).113. Dynastic cycle: New emperor Drought, floods, population, less money for public work because of taxes. Rebellion New emperor (starts over)114. Mandate of Heaven is the Rule: Order or a dictate to rule from Heaven.115. The Opium Wars were caused because of the crime, prostitution, and gambling that come from it.116. In 1901 the Boxer Rebellion was a chance for the Fist of Righteous Harmony to get back at foreigners by going after churches and Christians. The British did not like this.117. They signed unequal treaties because they wanted to get rid of the west.118. (1934-1945) The Long March was Mao and the Communist Partys retreat to evade Kuomintang.119. Mao wanted to rid China of anything that hindered Communism. He got the Support of Stalin and fought against Chiang Kai Shek.120. Communism came into China though Mao and got rid of art, culture, and Confucianism. 121. The Taiping Rebellion122. The Cultural Revolution was launched by the Communists in 1966 and Mao to cleanse Chinese society of factors that hinder socialism. (kids werent education, scholars developed depression, history was destroyed, and colleges closed)123. China was ethnocentric so foreigners were not viewed positively.124. The May 4th Movement was used to protest the government and ask for more rights. There were 300,000 with tanks, similar to the Tiananmen Square Massacre.125. The Great Leap Forward was used to turn an agrarian society into a modern and Communist one.126. Deng Xiaoping was revolutionary and made radical changes. He set up economic zones with capitalism and opened up to trade.127. The 4 Modernizations were modeled after agriculture, industry, science and technology, and military.128. China shifted towards capitalism because other companies came into China and it was good for the economy.129. The Tiananmen Square Massacre occurred in 1989130. Zheng He is a famous Chinese navigator. He maintained diplomacy between many countries around the Indian ocean.131. Confucianism: System of ethics.

Legalism: Punishments and rules are enforced.

Taoism: centers around a belief of balance, or Yin Yang.

They are all Chinese.

The difference is Confucianism is a philosophy, Legalism is a political system and Taoism is a religion132. China insists Taiwan is part of the mainland, but Taiwan says they are independent.133. Nationalism, well-being, and democracy are Sun Yat Sens Three Principles.134. Shi Hunagdi was king during the Warring States Period and became the first emperor of unified China. He undertook lots of big projects, like finishing big sections of the Great Wall and outlawing/burning books to ensure stability.135. The Japanese believe that everything is connected to nature and have spirits.136. Japan is surrounded by water, making it difficult for countries to invade.137. The Meiji restoration (1867) is the decision for Japan to become modernized. They centralized after Prussia (Germany). There was no shogun. Emperor Meiji had power and got land from daimyo.138. Modern Japan is thriving. They are successful, innovative, and educated.139. Japan has taken architecture and education from China, food, ect.140. Japan invaded China because they thought it would be easy to assimilate, had resources, was large, and proximity. 1894-1895- Sino-Japanese war. Japan wins and gets Taiwan, Lindong Peninsula, China has to pay, unequal treaties, and forces China out of Korea. In 1931 they invaded China because they wanted resources and built mines (iron and coal).141. The U.S. and Japan have different trading policies, which causes issues.142. Japan is currently economically successful because they put in large amounts of money (invest), using the latest technology, using mass production, and teamwork.143. Japan was occupied by the Allied Powers. They underwent an educational reform but the occupation led to criminals and rape.144. Japan was imperialistic during the 1930s and 1940s because countries want their resources, culture, ect.145. Japan was allowed to govern itself after World War 2.146. A feudal system means that society is layered. The peasant farmers at the bottom, who are ruled by the warrior caste (knights or samurai), who are in turn ruled by local lords or magistrates, who in turn serve the king/emperor/Shogun in the emperor's name. The religious group, priests, priestesses, etc. exist off in their own group serving god, or his representative on earth, which was the king/emperor.147. Japan did not like being told what to do but outsiders but explored their culture during modernization.148. Korean War- The war of 195053 between North and South Korea.149. The U.S. adopted the policy of containment after the Cold War. General Mac Arthur believed the Chinese would not intervene in Korea. But they did and the Korean War was on. The U.S. got involved because they felt it was their duty to stop Communism.150. North Korea and South Korea are in turmoil. North Korea is censored so no one knows any information, however, through secret footage; we know they are having trouble.151. North Korea is censored. They are experiencing hunger, poverty, or possibly displacement.152. South East Asia is tropical, hot humid, and receives lots of rainfall. The monsoon is a huge rain and wind storm. Many people depend on this for agricultural income.153. Buddhism is a religion that doesnt proclaim to know everything. The Cast System is rejected and reincarnation is embraced. Peace is a focus.154. The Four Noble Truths are: 1. Suffering (dukha) 2. Desire causes suffering3. The cessation to suffering4. Follow to middle path or Eightfold path to enter Bodhi and enter eternal peace155. Buddhism and Hinduism both believe in wholesome physical activities and reincarnation. However, Hinduism is specific while there are two different forms of Buddhism. Also, while there is no founder of Hinduism, Siddhartha Guatama (500 BCE) founded Buddhism.156. The Vietnamese were fighting the French until the Battle of Dien Bien Phu (1954). A monsoon came and it was a turning point because the French decided to get out.157. The U.S. got involved due to the Domino Theory. It was our job to contain Communism.158. When Pol Pot came into power the Khmer Rouge launched a modernization plan for a utopia at launched the Year Zero Plan.159. Guerilla warfare was modern fighting tactics which promoted violence. The Americans were not ready for this and wore the wrong type of equipment.160. Vietnamization is the gradual withdrawal by training the South Vietnamese to take over the war.161. Hinduism, Islam, Buddhism, Animism, and Christianity are religions in various South East Asian countries.162. Ho Chi Minh created and led the Viet Minh. He mainly believed in nationalism and communism. He wanted to end capitalist exploitation, create a new revolution, and he envisioned a utopia Vietnam.163. Aung San Suu Kyi is a peaceful leader who tried to bring democracy to Myanmar. She wins the leader of parliamentary in 1990 but the junta refuses to step down.164. Under Pol Pot, massive amounts of people were evaded and starved, became displaced, and Cambodias conditions worsened.165. An offensive by Vietcong and North Vietnamese forces against South Vietnamese and U.S. positions in South Vietnam, beginning on Jan. 31, 1968, the start of Tet.166. Iman (Professing Faith), Salah (Prayer- 5 times a day), Zakah (Give money to the poor), Sawm (Fasting), Haj (Pilgrimage)167. OPEC is important to the U.S. because we need gas, plastic, and wax.168. Algeria, Ecuador, Venezuela, Gabon, Indonesia, Iroan, Iraq, Kuwait, Libya, Nigeria, United Arab Emirates, Quatar, and Saudi Arabia are all members of OPEC>169. OPEC was formed to make money.170. The U.S. complies with Saudi Arabia because they have oil.171. The Yom Kippur War occurs in 1973 and the Arabs surprise attack OPEC embargoes.172. Yasser Arafat was a terrorist who was part of the PLO.173. The Balfour Declaration shows that the British support Zionism; the movement for a Jewish homeland.174. 6 Day War of 1967- Nasser cut off the Gulf of Agaba to Israeli ships. As a result, Egypt is forced to acknowledge Israel as a state.175. Egypt and Syria wanted their land from 1967 back so they surprise attacked Israel (1972 Yom Kippur War). As a result, Egypt moves away from the Soviets and to the U.S.176. There were refugees in Lebanon and the PLO moved its headquarters there for the 1982 War. The PLO attacks Israel and Israel invades it is very tribal.177. At the 1972 Olympics, an Israeli wrestling team was taken hostage by an offshoot of the PLO.178. Israel was created to protect the Jews and shouldnt have been created because the land was taken away from Palestine.179. The Zionist movement was precipitated by the Dreyfus Affair and violence with Jews.180. Zionism caused the Arab Israeli conflict.181. There are many different ethnic groups, so Afghans are tribalistic and not unified.182. Afghanistan is diverse. It is landlocked and mountainous. It is in the middle of the empires so it is a crossroads between the East and the West.183. Great Britain and Russia are fighting for Afghanistan in the Great Game.184. The U.s. is scared of Communism and boycotted the 1980 Olympics in Moscow.185. The Taliban outlawed dancing, parties, drug use, sports, chess, music, anything with Christianity, and kit flying.186. The U.S. invaded Afghanistan in 2001. They requested they close training camps and turn in bin Laden. Afghanistan said they would turn him over to Islamic court. 7 days later, the U.S. invades.187. The Young Turks ran the country and Ataturk modernized Turkey.188. Mohammed Ali wanted to modernize, socialize crop distribution, advance, and industrialize (runs out of money).189. The U.S. supports Iran because they have petroleum.190. Iran faced lots of pressure from Russia prior to 1979.191. Iraq invaded Kuwait to gain control of its oil wealth. The U.S. assembled an army and forced Iraq out, causing the first Gulf War.192. The U.S. wanted to find out if Iraq had nuclear weapons in the second Gulf War.193. The Kurds were killed with mustard gas (about 5,000) under Saddams leadership.194. Saddam Hussein helped children receive education, organized government, and had infrastructure.195. Saddam Hussein was a dictator and a tyrant.196. Iraq wanted the unstable Iranian government to fall and Hussein wanted to dominate. Radical Islam was threatened to spread from Iran to Iraq. Territory and oil were also an issue in the Iran/Iraq War. Many deaths and a slow process of rebuilding were the effects.197. Israel, the PLO, and the Marrionites were involved in the Lebanon civil war.198. The U.S. tried to help Lebanons civil war, but left when their embassy was bombed.199. The bombing of the embassy and invasions convinced the U.S. to leave Lebanon.200. France was not happy Lebanon became independent.201. The Ayatollah criticized Shah Pahlavi for his modern ways and pro-Western feelings.202. Reza Khan- (Shah 1921) Secular, railroads, modern203. Mahmoud Ahmadinijad- President of Iran204. The U.S. is involved in Iran and only allowed their approved leaders to rule (modern and pro-Western) so they were taken hostage in 1979.205. Great Britain controlled Palestine, Iraq, Egypt, and Trans Jordan. France controlled Algeria and Northern Africa countries.206. The Mandate system was used to establish order, lower crime rate, build infrastructure, and protect religious and civil rights.207. The Muslim Brotherhood and the Baath Party were groups which developed nationalism.208. Intifada- Uprising in 1987 because the Palestinians were frustrated all government documents were in Hebrew.209. The Soviets come into Afghanistan, thinking that because they helped, they can invade.210. Suez Canal Crisis occurred in 1956 and the canal was closed off. Egypt was upset. The canal was vital for trade.211. The Taliban came into power in 1996. They are going back to the days of Muhammad.212. The Northern Alliance fought the Taliban off.213. At the Oslo Accords, self-determination was discussed.214. At the Camp David Accords Israel was recognized as a state by Egypt.215. Muhammed founded Islam and he was told my Gabriel that he was last in lne.216. Fundamentalism is strict ways which used punishment.217. The Phoenicians were seafarers.218. The Assyrians were warriors who had weapons and battle tactics.219. The Egyptians developed hieroglyphics and papyrus. 220. Britain imperialized Egypt and set up strict rules (see imperialism note cards).221. The mujahedeen are guerilla fighters and money from Texas was funneled to them.