Download - Global Subsea University Alliance

Global Subsea University AllianceProf Brian Evans Curtin University, Perth Australia
Subsea GSUA Alliance Showcase, 9 February 2018
Foundation Members
Global Subsea University Alliance
Global Subsea University Alliance
The vision of the alliance is to be the premier subsea engineering research and education network enabling safe and reliable deep-water solutions for increased offshore oil and gas recovery.
Work towards On-line streaming, MOOCs Student/staff exchange
Host industrial CPD courses and Training Link with other universities to improve subsea engineering education/research
Global Subsea University Alliance
Research Goals Develop practical projects in niche areas Build qualification and testing facilities coupled to workforce development
GSUA joint projects Education
Aberdeen/Curtin Alliance, with a Joint Global MSc Subsea Engineering- a semester in Aberdeen and a semester in Perth with a semester project
Pilot projects
Norwegian partners
HiB, IRIS PI: Ragnar Gjengedal, HiB
Houston, Aberdeen, Singapore
HiB, UiB, CMR, UiS
Rio, Singapore
CMR Prototech
Curtin University- Research Expert competence areas: Subsea infrastructure (particularly ROV/AUV) 3-Phase core flooding IFT and injectivity analysis Drilling engineering Composite pipes.
Key infrastructure and laboratories: Corrosion Centre Centre for Marine Science and Technology National Geosequestration Centre with 2- CO2 injection test sites Pawsey supercomputer centre
Important local partners in addition to industry: DnV, FMC, Shell, Woodside, BHPB, Intecsea, GE O&G, Baker Hughes, SUT, SEA, Technip,
Chevron, Fugro, Henderson fabrication facility
• 8 year project developing automated Coiled Tube drilling rig with $170 million industry funds (DETCRC) over 8 years- current proposal for $200 million to develop over 10 yrs
• Rig has drilled 2 test holes to 500m • Coiled tubing has turbine on end and drills at 4,000 rpm, 48mm (2”) • Micro-holes drilled for sampling, water circulation and separation on-board • To be developed for offshore exploration
Curtin University- Research
Conventional deep work-over Shallow work-over
• Rig control remote- 2 men- Casing over top 50 m • Tubing using composite materials 3 times greater fatigue life than steel • Composite with embedded logging sensors- no wire-line logging
required • Automated sampling of cuttings • Water separation at rig minimises water loss to formation • Automated mud circulation with polymer drilling fluid system
A reminder of composites
Field trial central Australia
Backup test labs: Drilling and mud flow, bit testing, particle tracking
• Flow loop testing mud circulation and cuttings transport • Polymer slurry replacing steel casing • Particle tracking and drill scratch testing • 4 international patents- auto sampler, auto sonde/sonde, cementing • Logging truck, 1Km cased test well 8”
Curtin University- Research
Resin development- must be elastic Proven design for carbon/glass composite with fatigue life 3x more than steel- to be
used as conventional drill pipe with no corrosion, potential for unlimited life. Embedding electronics for wire-line logging
Composite drill rod
Composite pipe development
Curtin University- Research
Using ICs, built into prototype embedded sensor pad Fibre optics communications/sensors (temp, pressure) Embedded ICs in coiled tube pipe for continuous LWD & condition monitoring
IC chip containing x,y,z
alarm thresholds
Curtin University- Research
• Exploration drilling rig acts as platform • ROVs or AUVs do seabed and site surveying for real time geotech
assessment prior to drilling next hole- provides data for soil drilling and any hazards in the proposed location
Ice sheet
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GSUA joint projects
Curtin University- Research
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