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Global Business Environment Discussion Board:Iraqi Marshlands

By: Shannon Pickering

I think that offering assistance in preserving the Iraqi marshlands is worthwhile for Canada. Canada is teaching Iraqi professors and students about the marshes, and training them in areas such as water quality monitoring. I think this is an appropriate way to contribute, as it empowers them manage their own resources. Furthermore, those who have received the training may be able to apply their knowledge to other projects, or use it to educate others.

I think that many of the challenges to overcome involve local concerns, such as the instability that continues to exist in Iraq, and the lack of cohesiveness in addressing this issue between Iraq and its neighbours. The actions of these nations will ultimately determine whether the marshes are restored, and to what extent. It is very important that they be willing to cooperate on this matter, but they cannot be forced into cooperation.

Iraq’s current government has shown some interest in preserving the marshes. However, it is already a low priority. There is also no guarantee that future governments will be interested in preserving the marshlands, and the possibility of conflict still exists.

Economic considerations may also create challenges. In an impoverished region, the oil underneath the marshes or using the land for agriculture may take precedence over preserving the marshes in the future. Furthermore, economic development increases the need for fresh water from the marshes, and increases the amount of wastewater entering them.

Climate change and infrastructure projects will continue to affect the marshes. In the future, difficult decisions regarding the amount resources to contribute to restoring the marshes may have to be made. The challenge of restoring the marshes may decrease morale for the project, and people may not be willing to continue with restoration efforts.

I think that the challenges can be overcome through an emphasis on sustainable development, stability within Iraq, and effective management in restoring the marshes. Cooperation between nations in the region is important. When these countries implement infrastructure projects in the future, it is important to consider their impact on the marshes. Long-term sustainability needs to be considered when pursuing economic development.

Stability in Iraq is another important factor, as it would allow Iraq to dedicate more resources and achieve more internal co-operation in preserving the marshes. Overall, I think it is important to have a realistic plan regarding conservation efforts, and to be dedicated to implementing it. Iraq, its neighbouring counties and other stakeholders all need to be dedicated, co-operative and organized in their efforts to preserve the marshes.

Shannon Pickering

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Shannon Pickering