Download - Gladiator Fitness Nutritional Plan


Introduction | 1



3 Introduction

6 Daily Caloric Needs

7 Body Fat Percentage & Ranges

10 10 Commandments of Fat Loss Eat Breakfast Plan for Success Eat Small, Frequent Meals Eliminate Bad Carbs Snack Smartly Drink Water Eat More Fiber Eat More Lean Protein Eat More Fruit and Veggies Maintain a Food Log

20 The Right Fuel for Exercise

22 Metabolism-Boosting Exercise Tips

24 Menus

Introduction | 3

IntroductIonOur Country has an eating problem. Along with the high stress and sedentary lifestyle, poor eating habits have led our country into a frightening new reality. Heart disease, stroke, cancer, and diabetes tear at the roots of our health because we aren’t willing to make the necessary changes in our lives. And despite technological advances and improvements in health care, we’re worse off than ever. More people are overweight and obese than at any time in recorded history. The childhood obesity epidemic has grown at an alarming rate. It’s so bad that this current generation of children is expected to have a shorter life span than their parents. Why? Because we don’t exercise enough and we don’t eat right. But the more important question is, what are we going to do about it? First, we must change the way we think about food. Instead of seeing food as essential fuel for our bodies, most of us think of it as a reward or a comfort. For some people, food is very much a drug. You eat to feel good. You chow down to cheer up, and turn to bad foods to deal with stress. When you’re dragging or you’ve had a rough day, you often drown your feelings in comfort food or alcohol to satisfy your emotions temporarily. How healthy is that?

– todd durkin, ‘the IMPAct Body Plan’.

I want you to take comfort in knowing that the fundamentals in this plan are simple and easy to follow. Stop listening to the hype! Stop looking for the magic pill because it does not exist! Stop looking for the latest piece of exercise equipment that promises six pack abs and a super model body overnight!

Creating a lean, strong and healthy body is all about following the simple fundamentals of proper nutrition and exercise, that’s all there is to it. You CAN do this if you are willing to change and are willing to commit. Ready to commit? Then let’s enter the arena and get Gladiator Fit!

We MAke our choIces, And our choIces MAke us Ultimately, the body you have right now, like it or not, is the result of the choices you have made up until now. Your choices can be your best friend or your worst enemy, they can lead you to your goals, or they can lead you in the opposite direction. In essence, you make your choices, and your choices make you. Every choice you make, no matter how slight, alters the trajectory of your life, and the same holds true with the choices you make regarding your nutrition and exercise habits. Whether you get your butt out of bed to exercise, or choose to blow off another workout; whether you put those handful of chips in your mouth, or choose to walk away; whether you drink those two glasses of wine with dinner, or choose ice water instead; whether you stick to your one cheat meal per week, or choose to go on a two day calorie busting binge over the weekend, the choices are up to you.

Fight the Fat Gladiator Tip:If exercise and good nutrition are just something that you pick up for a few weeks and then drop, you will never get into shape. It is important to know that life will never ever give you ideal conditions to get in shape. You need to make getting in shape a top priority and then schedule your workouts and your meals accordingly. You need to make the time to be in shape as life will not give it to you!”

As you begin this nutrition program, I want you to become aware of each and every choice you make by asking yourself, “is what I’m about to eat going to move me closer to my fat loss goal, or is it going to move me further away?” I don’t believe anyone intends to become obese, or to get so out of shape they have trouble walking up a flight of stairs, but unfortunately, these are the consequences of small, poor choices that are made consistently and over time. You will be amazed with the dramatic changes you can make to your body, in both how you look and feel, if you become aware and practice discipline in the simple choices you make each day.

WhY nutrItIon MAttersA large body of scientific evidence shows that diet and exercise work hand and hand to promote fitness and physical performance. As I like to often put it, nutrition and exercise are like the two wheels of a bicycle, if one should fall off, you’re not going anywhere very fast. One reason for this symbiotic relationship is the energy equation. When you expend more calories than you consume, you burn more fat (a.k.a. “stored energy”) and build lean body mass---but because you need energy to exercise, every calorie you eat must be at the highest quality to get you over the hump. “The better car, the better the fuel you need to make it run as designed.” My objective is to make you into a better car, so it’s time for some high-octane grub.

Fight the Fat Gladiator Tip:

The number one obstacle to weight/fat loss success is

underestimating portion size. Calories DO COUNT in the energy

equation, & small errors can add up to big disappointments.

Introduction | 5

deterMIne Your BodY’s needsIt’s not a big secret, the key to losing weight lies in eating less calories than your body uses. Even better, it’s quite easy to determine how many calories your body needs each day.

Once armed with this info, you’ll be able to customize any meal plan or menu to help you reach your weight loss goals.

Use a calorie counting book or website to figure out how many calories are in the foods coming across your plate. Good places to start are: |

Step 1: Determine Your Daily Caloric Needs

Weight in pounds x 14.25 = Your Daily Caloric Maintenance Level

For example, Julia weights 160 pounds 160 x 14.25 = 2280

Julia is maintaining her current weight by consuming roughly 2280 calories per day.

Step 2: Reduce Your Caloric intake

To reach your weight loss goals in an efficient and healthy way, let’s start by reducing your caloric intake by 20%.

For example, Julia’s Caloric Maintenance Level is 2280 calories

2280 - 20% = 1824 new daily caloric allotment

In combination with exercise, you can safely lose 1-2 pounds of body fat per week by limiting your caloric intake to the new daily caloric allotment. To maintain weight loss of 1-2 pounds a week, you’ll need to calculate your daily caloric intake after losing those initial pounds.

BodY FAt PercentAge & WeIghtWhen starting this program, don’t be surprised if your body weight actually increases slightly, particularly if you have never eaten properly or are performing resistance exercises for the first time. This is because you are dropping body fat and building muscle at the same time. If your weight should stay the same, or it goes up a bit, and you’re getting leaner at the same time, you’re on the right track. Often, we are too concerned with the number on the scale. We jump on that scale each morning to see if we have lost those miracle pounds overnight.

Body Fat Percentage & ranges | 7

Fight the Fat Gladiator Tip:

Instead of worrying about the scale, pay close attention to your

body composition as measured with body fat calipers or another

reputable method. Also pay close attention to your pictures and your

image in the mirror and way your clothes are fitting.

Muscle WeIght vs FAt WeIght One of the first things you need to understand is that muscle weighs more than fat. It’s a proven fact and a reality that many of us need to face before setting our list of goals. Once you begin performing resistance exercise and working towards transforming your body, you need to realize that it’s normal, and common, not to see the numbers on the scale budge as much as you had envisioned. However, don’t freak out! There are many other ways to track your development and become satisfied with all of the hard work that you are putting forth.

There are many methods used to estimate body fat. By far, the easiest method (but not the most accurate) is the hand-held electronic body fat tester. Another popular method, and one you can do on your own, is the skinfold caliper technique. The caliper is a hand held device that determines your skin’s density by measuring fat on various parts of your body. When done properly, the results are extremely accurate.

To look your best, you want to keep your muscle tissue intact so you looked toned, not flabby. However, if your body fat percentage is 35% or higher and you intend to drop a lot of weight in a relatively short period of time (less than 12 weeks), you may not be able to prevent losing some muscle tone.

This is why its better to start a weight loss program early and make weight loss gradual, and why we start with a 20% reduction in calories. This way you will drop weight at a healthy rate while losing a minimal amount of muscle tissue. When you begin your fitness program, it’s important to know when you are losing muscle as you try to trim down and lose body fat. Also, in order to identify how much weight you can potentially lose, you also need to know your body’s current makeup: how much of your total weight is fat, and how much is lean muscle tissue. The goal is to maintain lean muscles tissue while you lose body fat. If you lose one to two pounds a week, you are primarily losing body fat. Any more than that and you could begin to lose muscle tissue.

Body Fat Percentage & ranges | 9

Once you know your body fat percentage, you can determine your body composition, which consists of your body fat versus your lean muscle mass. Here is a simple formula to determine your body fat composition which consists of your body fat versus your lean muscle mass.

here Is A sIMPle ForMulA to deterMIne Your BodY FAt coMPosItIon:Current weight x body fat percentage = body fat in pounds

Current weight – body fat in pounds = lean muscle mass in pounds

In our example, Julia weighs 160 pounds, and her body fat is 32%.

160 x 32% = 51 pounds of fat

160 – 51 = 108 pounds of lean muscle mass

Body Fat Target very lean lean Average Below Avg very Poor

Men <9% 10-14% 15-19% 20-25% 26-30%

Women <15% 16-20% 21-25% 26-30% 31-40%

10 CommandmenTS of Gladiator Fitness nutrition

Fight the Fat Gladiator Tip:By simply cutting the number of calories you eat each day by 500, you will be sure to lose at least one pound per week.

I. eAt BreAkFAst!Eat a basic breakfast of complex carbohydrates, protein and fat to establish your metabolism for the day and provide fuel and muscle-sustaining ingredients. In a nutshell (and setting aside for now the hormonal and enzyme chemistry taking place at all times), protein builds muscle while carbohydrates and fats supply fuel for energy. Breakfast can be an easy-to-prepare meal from a quality protein shake to a bowl of oatmeal, scoop of cottage cheese and fruit. If you don’t feed yourself a wholesome meal in the morning, your body will draw on your muscle stores as a source of energy, putting you in a slump and muscle deficit.

Breakfast foods with a punch!

Oatmeal (Unsweetened, Unflavored) Gladiator Strength: Boosts energy, reduces cholesterol, maintains blood sugar levels Battles: Heart disease, diabetes, colon cancer, obesity

egg Whites Gladiator Strength: Builds muscle, burns fat Battles: Obesity, muscle loss

Peanut Butter Gladiator Strength: Builds muscle, burns fat Battles: Obesity, muscle loss, cardiovascular disease

greek Yogurt Gladiator Strength: Excellent source of protein, zero fat Battles: Obesity, muscle loss

Berries Gladiator Strength: Protects the heart, enhances eyesight, prevents cravings Battles: Heart disease, cancer, obesity

10 commandments of Fat loss | 11

II. PlAn For successNutrition is responsible for 70% of the results you experience with weight loss.....or weight gain. Taking the time to plan and prepare well-balanced meals within your caloric guidelines makes you ready to conquer half the battle of weight loss.

Over the weekend plan out the next week’s menu to ensure that each day you stay within your caloric guidelines and get all the nutrients your body needs. From here you can create a shopping list, gather recipes and even cook and freeze dinners. If you are a parent - this is a great opportunity to teach your kids about healthy nutrition.

Without a plan, you are more likely to eat the wrong kinds of foods, miss meals, or blow your calorie allowance. An hour or two of planning each week will help prevent stress and result in success.

Packing your lunch not only ensures that you are eating the right foods throughout the day, it also ensures you are not eating the wrong foods, and too much of the wrong foods, which can be overloaded with all sorts of processed crap, calories and fat! Oh, and another benefit of packing your own lunch is that it will probably save you a lot of money!

Does planning a week’s worth of meals seem overwhelming? Break down your plan into segments. Start with planning 2-3 days at a time. Or, it may be easier for you to take time to plan dinners, then lunches, and lastly breakfast and snacks. Make meal preparation easier by getting a cooler and a variety of containers to carry lunches and snacks to work.

III. eAt sMAller, More Frequent MeAlsIt may seem like you’re eating more, but regularly grazing on small portions not only keeps you feeling fuller longer, it also boosts your metabolism and keeps your “fat furnance” burning throughout the day. This one change alone can cause your body to burn more calories and fat.

Aim for staying within your caloric guidelines while having 4-6 small meals per day. Most people break it down this way: breakfast, morning snack, lunch, afternoon snack, and dinner. But you can play around with what works best for you; just be sure to stay within your caloric needs.

Practicing What I Preach:I almost never eat anything throughout the day that I didn’t pack in my cooler. Here’s an example of five meals I recently packed:

• Muscle milk shake and banana (post-workout meal)• Greek yogurt and 1 cup of granola• Lamb gyro, avocado, grapes • 3 plain rice cakes with tuna fish (16 oz) • 1 cup of oatmeal, chocolate muscle milk, 2 tablespoons of

peanut butter (mix together and microwave for 1 minute)

Fight the Fat Gladiator Tip:

Most restaurants serve enough food at each meal to actually fuel

you for two meals. Ask your server to put half of your order in a to-go

bag before bringing the meal to your table.

10 commandments of Fat loss | 13

Iv. elIMInAte BAd cArBs!You’ve heard it before, and you’ll keep hearing me say it because it just plain works. Decreasing your intake of processed sugars keeps your body’s insulin levels low, and lower insulin means less fat storage.

Simple carbohydrates (white bread, sugar, honey, soft drinks, candy and cakes) provide us with a quick pick-up, but let us down just as fast. Excessive sugar plays havoc with our insulin levels, metabolism, and leads to fatigue, poor performance, fat storage and diabetes.

Not only can reducing the amount of simple carbohydrates in your daily routine help with weight loss - but it can also help boost your energy levels. And, you can receive many health benefits by replacing “bad carbs” with fiber-rich, complex carbs.

“Let your food be your medicine and let your medicine be your food.” –hippocrates

Fight the Fat Gladiator Tip:An easy way to distinguish bad carbs from good carbs is to remember what the Father of Fitness, Jack Lalane, once said: “If it doesn’t come out of the ground, or fall out of tree, don’t eat it.

v. enjoY energY-BoostIng snAcksIf you choose your snacks wisely, they can help tide you over until the next meal, boost your metabolism and provide you with more energy. Making unwise choices can bust your calorie budget, spike your blood sugar, and leave you feeling tired.

The key to incorporating healthy snacks into your fat-loss plan is to keep moderation and balance in mind. Healthy snacks are comprised of complex carbohydrates, protein, and a healthy fat. It’s not difficult to find healthy snacks that fit within your calorie guidelines and taste great! For many people, making the change to healthier snacking is one of the easier steps to make.

Snacks worthy of a gladiator.

•Light/low-fat Cheese•Raw Almonds/Walnuts•Fruit•Low-fat Greek Yogurt•Low-fat Cottage Cheese•Peanut or Almond Butter with whole grain crackers•Sliced veggies dipped in hummus

10 commandments of Fat loss | 15

vI. drInk WAterDid you know that part of a water molecule is necessary for every process that happens in your body? Breaking down a fat cell, contracting a muscle, maintaining blood sugar levels - it’s more than just being healthy, it’s sustaining life.

Drinking the right amount of water can also help you obtain a healthy weight. Water helps with digestion of food and detoxes the body.

Also, sometimes the messages to and from your brain about thirst and hunger get mixed up. Staying hydrated ensures you will not be reaching for a snack when actually your body is craving water.

how much water do you need to drink each day?

Divide your bodyweight in half and drink that many ounces per day. Keep in mind that this number may need to increase on days you exercise or are in extreme heat.

Pick up a reusable water bottle and calculate how many times you need to empty it each day to reach your goal….and do it!

Fight the Fat Gladiator Tip:The best meal and snack options contain a mix of complex carbs, protein, and fat. This balance helps with satiety, weight management, and overall health. Often that is why pairing foods makes for great snacks - celery and peanut butter or almonds and dried cranberries.

vII. IncreAse Your FIBer IntAkeFiber can reduce the risk heart disease, diabetes, and constipation. High-fiber foods can also aid in weight loss. Foods rich in fiber can help prevent overeating in a couple of different ways. First, they generally require more time chewing, which gives your body time to recognize when you are no longer hungry. Second, high-fiber meals can give a greater sense of satiety, meaning you’ll stay full longer.

The amount of fiber you need is based on the number of calories you eat each day. Most people need between 20-30 grams daily. For example, if you are aiming for taking in 2000 calories daily, it is recommended to have at least 25 grams of fiber.

quick tips for increasing fiber intake:

• Snack on raw vegetables instead of chips or crackers.• Choose whole fruits instead of drinking fruit juices. Eat all types

of berries as they are high in fiber.• Swap white rice, bread, and pasta with brown rice and whole

grain products.•Enjoy whole grain cereals for breakfast.• Substitute legumes for meat two to three times a week. Try

Indian or Middle Eastern dishes.

vIII. eAt leAn ProteInProtein has been the star nutrient in many high-profile diets. Praised for its ability to build muscle and increase metabolism, it can also support weight loss by helping you stay full between meals, and can give you energy for your workout.

And while protein is a vital nutrient, it is most effective when part of a well-balanced diet and when you choose the right protein sources. It’s important to choose lean protein as opposed to protein that is high in saturated fat. Foods like red meat that have a higher level of saturated fat are linked to higher levels of cholesterol.

10 commandments of Fat loss | 17

How much protein do I need? Here’s a simple rule to help you determine how much lean protein you should consume daily. Aim for approximately 1 gram of protein per pound of body weight.

Plan of attack - choose lean protein!

eggs 1 large, 7 grams of protein

Milk (1% or skim) 1 cup, 8 grams of protein

cottage cheese ½ cup, 15 grams of protein (low-fat)

Almonds, Peanuts, ¼ cup, 8 grams, 9 grams, 5 grams of cashews protein

Peanut Butter 2 Tablespoons, 8 grams of protein

greek Yogurt 20 grams of protein per cup

chicken Breast 3.5 oz., 30 grams of protein (99% fat-free, boneless, skinless)

turkey About 7 grams of protein per ounce

tuna 6 oz. can, 40 grams of protein

salmon 3.5 oz., 27 grams of protein

Fight the Fat Gladiator Tip:Eliminate as much processed food as possible and focus almost entirely on foods that are only 1 ingredient. So this means eggs, nuts, seeds, fruits, veggies, fish, lean meats, beans, etc. Stop falling for food labels on processed foods that claim to be healthy but are really junk foods in disguise. Stick to 1ingredient foods and it’s hard to wrong.

IX. MAIntAIn A nutrItIon journAlWrite down what you eat every day and how you feel before and after the meal. This may sound cumbersome at first, but after a few days of recording, you can begin looking for patterns that might shed light on habits you can change for a healthier lifestyle.

Research indicates that when you don’t track your food intake you are very likely to overestimate or underestimate the food you eat. The main goal here is to be honest, you can’t deal with extra snacking if you pretend it’s not happening.

X. eAt More FruIt And veggIesNot only are fruits and veggies full of vitamins and nutrients you body needs, for the most part they are also low in calories, high in fiber, and they’ll help keep you feeling fuller longer - so, fill up on the good stuff!

Have at least 1 fruit and/or vegetable at every meal, with the goal of 5-13 servings total each day. Be smart about increasing fruits and vegetables by determining what a serving size is before you start chowing down. That banana you put on your cereal this morning may be large enough that it is actually two servings of fruit. Many calorie counting books and websites will help you determine proper serving sizes.

Stick with eating plans you can maintain indefinitely. Remember that no matter how hard you’re working out, if you’re consuming too many calories, you’ll never see the muscles that lie beneath layers of fatty tissue. You can never out-exercise a bad diet!

Metabolism-Boosting exercise tips | 19

the rIght Fuel For eXercIseBefore

Eat a small, easily digested meal about an hour before you train. With protein and complex carbohydrates in your system, you’ll train harder, longer and with more enthusiasm. You won’t experience low blood sugar jitters or dizziness; you’ll get a great pump and probably hit that last rep.


At the end of your workout, when your body’s glycogen stores are low, you have a window of opportunity of around one hour when calories will be used up to 400% more efficiently than at any other time. Food eaten during this period is so vital for recovery that it is often referred to as “free calories.”

What to eat matters, however. Sugar is important—perhaps it’s the only time it really should be part of your diet. But recent science shows us that a ratio of 4 parts carbs to 1 part protein with very little fat will provide you with the quickest recovery time, up to 26% better than sugar alone. Fat should be virtually absent here, as it slows the absorption of nutrients (a plus at any other time).

Fight the Fat Gladiator Tip:Get 7 (8 hours being the ideal) to 9 hours of sleep each night: Lack of sleep increases your hormone cortisol, which is a hormone that stores fat and burns muscle (in other words, it does the exact opposite of what you are trying to accomplish), and decreases your testosterone levels (which need to be high in order to keep your fat burning/muscle gaining processes going at full speed).

A layman’s explanation of the science is this: Your body uses all its stored blood sugar during an intense workout, during which your muscles are broken down. In this depleted state, much damage can be done, so quick replenishment of blood sugar is vital. The quicker you recharge your system, the less damage you’ll do and the faster you’ll recover. Sugar is absorbed quicker than any other nutrient, which is why you want something high on the glycemic index. And since it’s your muscle tissue that is broken down, a good serving of protein added to the mix piggybacks the sugar to jump-start your recovery.

As you may imagine, this is vital for athletes, so you’ll find that most sports companies today make a 4:1 recovery formula. A good way to achieve this formula is with a quality recovery shake. In lieu of this, real food can be used. Something like a small bowl of cereal with nonfat milk or soymilk and a banana will work, or fruit dipped in a little yogurt. Other creative ideas I’ve seen are sushi rolls (high glycemic white rice with fish) and Gatorade with a scoop of protein powder.

rAllY Your FAnsHaving a support team to cheer you on can be an important part of keeping you motivated.

And letting the friends, family members and co-workers that you share most of your meals with know about your new healthy habits means they will be less likely to pull you off course.

Who knows - you may even inspire some of them to adopt healthy eating habits!

Metabolism-Boosting exercise tips | 21

MetABolIsM-BoostIng eXercIse tIPsPerform intense exercise

include intense resistance training as part of your exercise regimen at least 4 to 5 times per week. The more lean muscle mass you have the more calories your body will burn and the higher your metabolism will burn,

Full Body Strength training

By working all your muscles in one or two sessions, you burn massive amounts of calories in a short time.

Working More than One Muscle at time

Don’t have time to do an exercise for each muscle group? That’s ok! You can torch calories and hit all the major muscle groups with dynamic exercises like squats, 8-count body-builders, pull-ups, push-ups, and rows.


Maximum fat burning occurs when your body is working at peak intensity. Try this - Run all out for 30 seconds then slow down to a light jog for one minute. That’s one interval. Build up your number of intervals over time.

Fight the Fat Gladiator Tip:Eat well balanced meals and remember that excessive calories, even if they are fat free and high in protein will turn to excess weight. Extra calories equal extra weight!

Metabolism-Boosting exercise tips | 23

ProPer PortIonsTo achieve weight loss, it’s crucial to really understand what a portion is. Here’s a trick: use your hand as a guideline to portion sizes.

Palm = Proteins

Make protein portions the size of your palm. Protein is found in animal products, like fish, meats, and cottage cheese. Some veggie sources include legumes (beans, etc.), tofu, tempeh, and wheat glutens.

thumb = Fats

Fats are important but also very dense, so match portions to the size of your thumb. Good fat sources are avocados, olive oil, nuts, and seeds.

Fist = Fruits, grains, etc.

Your bread, fruit, cereal, rice, and grain portions should be about equal to the size of your closed fist. Remember that whole grains are always preferred.

hand = Veggies

Open your hand and spread your fingers as wide as you can. That is a good vegetable portion. Raw vegetables are loaded with fiber and nutrients, and contain very few calories.

sAMPle MenusIn the next section you will find seven days of sample menus which I adopted from Tom Venuto’s The Body Fat Solution book. These menus are only examples, so you’re not required to follow them exactly if you don’t want to. In fact, I encourage you to learn how to put together your own meal plans because no one knows what to eat better than you do.

You may need to customize these menus for your personal calorie requirements and your degree of carbohydrate tolerance. Some people do better on both health parameters and body composition by reducing the X-factor carbs—starches, grains, and simple sugars—and by focusing on eating more of the non-starchy vegetables, low calorie fruits, lean proteins, and healthy fats.

These menu plans are well balanced and moderate in carbs (no extremes of very high or very low carbs), so they give you a great place to start. With this set of seven menus, consisting of five meals and snacks per day, that’s 35 meals in total. You can easily mix and match these meals to create additional menus.

With the portion sizes listed, these menus add up to about 2200 calories per day. That’s the average ideal calorie level for men to burn to fat while maintaining lean muscle. Women usually need about 500 – 600 calories fewer than men (that’s about 1500 to 1600 calories per day). If you’re female, all you have to do is eat 75 percent of the portions listed. For example, if a meal says 6 ounces of chicken breast, then women would eat about four ounces. If the menu says one and a half cups of shredded wheat cereal, then you’d eat just over one cup. Simple right?

If the time comes when you have to reduce your calories, the best way to do it is by selectively reducing the X-factor carbs. Leave the serving sizes of lean protein, fibrous (nonstarchy) vegetables, and healthy fats the same. Instead, reduce your portions of the starchy carbs such as pasta, bread, cereal, and even potatoes, rice, and whole grains.

Meal 1 (Breakfast)

2 whole omega-3 eggs and 2 egg whites, scrambledLow-fat cheddar cheese, shredded, ½ cupRed pepper, chopped, ½ cup4-grain hot meal, oats and flax, 1 cup dry

Meal 2 (Mid-morning snack)

Grapes, 2 cupsWhole-wheat pita (6 inch)

Meal 3 (Lunch)

Chili: 95% lean ground beef, 6 oz, Kidney beans, canned ½ cup Chopped garlic and chili powder to taste

Meal 4 (Mid-afternoon snack)

Nonfat yogurt with fruitRaw almonds, 20

Meal 5 (Dinner)

99% lean ground turkey, 4ozWhole-wheat pasta spirals, 1 cup dry (approx. 2 cups cooked)Pasta sauce, light tomato and basil, 4.4 oz

Menu # 1

Menus | 25

Meal 1 (Breakfast)

Whole-wheat bagel, 3.7 ozNonfat cream cheese, 3 ozRaspberries, 1 cupNonfat milk, 1 cup

Meal 2 (Mid-morning snack)

1 pear, mediumCelery, 2 stalksNatural peanut butter, 2 tbsp

Meal 3 (Lunch)

Sprouted wheat bread, 2 slicesTuna fish, 1 canLettuce, tomato, and onionReduced-calorie omega-3 mayonnaise, 2 tbspDash of pepper and sea salt

Meal 4 (Mid-afternoon snack)

Low-fat cottage cheese, 1 cupSunflower seeds, 2 tbsp1 peach, large

Meal 5 (Dinner)

Grilled chicken breast, 6 oz1 baked potato, medium 7 ozSteamed spinach, 8 ozOlive oil, 1 tbsp

Menu # 2

Meal 1 (Breakfast)

1 orange, medium sliced

Greek omelet: 1 whole omega-3 egg 3 egg whites Chopped spinach, 1 ½ cups Low-fat feta cheese, ¼ cup 8 Greek black or kalamata olives

Meal 2 (Mid-morning snack)

Greek yogurt with fruit, 6ozGround flaxseed (mixed in yogurt)1 banana, medium

Meal 3 (Lunch)

Tuna, chunk light, 6 ozSprouted wheat bread, 2 slicesHummus (chick pea spread)1 cucumber, small, sliced

Meal 4 (Mid-afternoon snack)

Low-fat cottage cheese, 1 cup1 peach, medium sliced

Meal 5 (Dinner)

Grilled Chicken breast, 6 ozBrown rice, 1 cupOriental mixed vegetables, 8ozLight soy sauce

Menu # 3

Menus | 27

Meal 1 (Breakfast)

1 orange, medium, sliced

4-veggie omelet or scramble: 2 whole omega-3 eggs and 2 egg whites Mushrooms, onions, tomatoes, green pepper, ½cup each Low-fat mozzarella cheese, ½ cup Add your favorite spices to taste

Meal 2 (Mid-morning snack)

Chocolate protein powder, 2 scoops1 banana, mediumStrawberries, sliced 1 cup

Meal 3 (Lunch)

Low-fat whole-wheat tortillaRoasted turkey breast, thin sliced, 4 oz4 tomato slicesLettuce, 1 ½ cups

Meal 4 (Mid-afternoon snack)

Sardines, canned in olive oil100% whole wheat crackers

Meal 5 (Dinner)

Grilled codfish, 6 ozBaked yam, 6 oz

Mixed green salad: Romaine lettuce, 2 cups ½ cucumber ½ green pepper, medium, sliced 1 avocado, medium, sliced Light balsamic vinaigrette dressing, 2 tbsp

Menu # 4

Meal 1 (Breakfast)

Peach French toast: Whole-wheat bread, 2 slices Non-fat milk, 1 cup Vanilla protein powder, 1 scoop Cinnamon, 2 tsp Sliced peaches, water-packed, ½ cup

Meal 2 (Mid-morning snack)

Salmon salad pita sandwich: Whole wheat pita (6 inch) Reduced calorie omega-3 mayonnaise, 1 tbsp Chopped onion, ½ cup Celery, finely chopped, ¼ cup Lemon juice, 2 tbsp Dill weed and black pepper to taste

Meal 3 (Lunch)

Tomato vegetable soup, 1 ½ cupsBarley, cooked, 1 cupLow-fat mozzarella cheese, shredded, 1 ozTilapia fish, 5 oz

Meal 4 (Mid-afternoon snack)

1 apple, mediumNonfat fruit yogurt

Meal 5 (Dinner)

Grilled chicken breast, 6 ozSteamed carrots, 1 cupBrown rice, cooked, 1 cup

Menu # 5

Menus | 29

Meal 1 (Breakfast)

Shredded wheat cereal, 1 ½ cupsSkim milk, 1 ½ cupsBlueberries, 1 cup

Meal 2 (Mid-morning snack)

Apple-cinnamon oatmeal pancake (a portable meal): 1 whole omega-3 egg 3 egg whites Old-fashioned oatmeal, ¾ cup Vanilla protein powder, 1 scoop Chopped apple, ½ cup Cinnamon, 2 tsp Mix all ingredients in a bowl and cook on frying pan or griddle.

Meal 3 (Lunch)

Grilled chicken breast, 6 oz1 baked potato, mediumSteamed broccoli, 2 cups

Meal 4 (Mid-afternoon snack)

High-protein meal replacement shake mixed in water, 1 packet

Meal 5 (Dinner)

Beefy Spanish rice: Long-grain brown rice, 1 cup 95% lean ground beef, 6 oz Diced tomatoes, canned, 7.5 oz Tomato paste, 1 tbsp Thyme, black pepper, 2tsp each Worcestershire sauce, 1-2tsp Garlic powder, to taste

Menu # 6

Meal 1 (Breakfast)

1 grapefruit, large

Rich and creamy vanilla oatmeal pancakes: Old-fashioned oatmeal, 1 cup Non-fat cottage cheese, ¾ cup 4 egg whites Vanilla protein powder, 1 scoop Cinnamon, nutmeg, vanilla extract, 1 tsp each Mix all ingredients in bowl and cook on frying pan or griddle. Makes 2 pancakes

Meal 2 (Mid-morning snack)

Greek yogurt, 6 ozBlueberries ¼ cup

Meal 3 (Lunch)

Broiled salmon, 5 ozSteamed asparagus, 10 spearsBrown rice, 1 cup

Meal 4 (Mid-afternoon snack)

Raw almonds, ¼ cup10 baby carrots, medium

Meal 5 (Dinner)

Grilled top round steak, grass-fed beef, 4 ozSteamed green beans, 2 cups1 baked sweet potato, medium

Menu # 7

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