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Featuring Interviews


Upcoming Shows

March 15th, 2015 – Threads, They All Float, Icarus, The

Optimist, After The Outbreak – Amity Music Hall,

Amityville NY - $10

March 20th, 2015 – Shai Hulud, Divider, Punishment

Due, Commonwealth, Enemy Of The State – Amity Music

Hall, Amityville NY - $10

March 28th, 2015 – Title Fight, Bane, Pianos Become

The Teeth, Defeater, Superheaven, Capital, Give, Hotel

Books, High Card, Soda Bomb – Revolution Music Hall,

Amityville NY – SOLD OUT

April 12th, 2015 – King Nine, God’s Hate, Disgrace,

Jukai, Separated, Regulate – Amity Music Hall,

Amityville NY - $12

April 14th, 2015 – Fury, Unified Right, Westpoint, High

Card, US Dogs – The Acheron, Brooklyn NY - $10

April 15th, 2014 – Full Of Hell, The Body, Nervous

System, Vein, SITH – Up All Night Collective, North

Haven CT - $10

April 17th, 2015 – World of Pain, No Zodiac, The

Merciless Concept, Jagged Vision, Forced Out – The

Brooklyn Asylum, Brooklyn NY - $14

April 24th, 2015 – Nasty, No Zodiac, Doomsday

Mourning, Forced Out, red100 – Amity Music Hall,

Amityville NY - $13

May 16th-17th, 2015 – The Regulators, Crumbsuckers,

Candiria, Sick Of It All, Madball, The Rival Mob, + many

more – Webster Hall, New York NY - $40 per day, $70

for both

Nothing Special Entertainment is focused on releasing high-quality

audio and video of your favorite bands. Based out of Long Island,

New York, we aim to create the highest quality reproduction of the

highest quality of the live show experience.

Recently Filmed: Turnstile @ The Winter Classic in Howell, NJ

Bands we have filmed include: Code Orange, Counterparts, Expire,

Four Year Strong, The Front Bottoms, Incendiary, King Nine, Soul

Search, Title Fight, The Wonder Years, and many more!

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Detriment Interview

How’s everything dude? Tell us your name and your role in

the band, if you may.

“What’s up, I’m James. I sing in Detriment.”

Whenever I see you guys announcing shows, it’s never in the

same area as your last. What’s it like always playing shows in

different areas?

“Dude, literally the coolest thing. For some reason, which I

don't understand, people hit us up a lot to come play their

cities. We hardly ever say no. It's the best part about being

in a band, in my opinion. I like seeing Nowhere, USA. I like

eating things I can't eat in NY, I like meeting new people in

different areas, and I like getting a break from Long Island. I

also really enjoy the car rides with the idiots in my band.”

You guys are hitting big, bad Europe later this year. How’s

you guys score that? You stoked for it?

“So we got a tour offer to go to Europe via Facebook. Kind of

brushed it off for a little while but then realized it was a

serious offer with some research. I can't begin to tell you

how excited we are. We’ll be playing with Earth Crisis,

Harms Way, Suburban Scum, Hardside, Rude Awakening,

Nasty, Homewrecker, just to name a few of the bands well

be playing with over there. It's gonna be a party. I still don't

have my passport. I should probably get that done.”

Tell me a little bit about your most recent release, Suffer

This Life, and how that’s been going.

“Suffer This Life came out last April and I would like to think it was received pretty well, being that we're just some local band from Long Island. I think the record is good, but we rushed the recording process to get it out ‘cause we were just so pumped for it. Ever since we released it, I think we've been taken a bit more seriously, and the show offers increased a ton, which is awesome.“

What are some new, up-and-coming bands you think

everyone should check out?

“Check out Cold Touch from Richmond Virginia. My personal

favorite up-and-coming band right now. We’ve played some

shows with them last summer and they kill it. They're

younger guys making crazy good music. Except the singer,

Joe. He's my age and he's the size of the Incredible Hulk,

except not as ugly.”

Any last shoutouts, announcements, or anything you want

to talk about before we cut this?

“Shoutout to you for asking me to be a part of this, dude!

Shoutout to Long Island Hardcore, I’ma shoutout some cool

bands now. Point Blank, Eternal Sleep, Ten Ton Hammer,

Timebomb, Queensway, Misery Machine, Red Vision, Lost

Souls, Holy Land, Pariah, Reactor 4, Separated, Jukai, Cross

Me, Numbskull, Tiebreaker, Down In It, Enraged Youth, Laid

2 Rest, Recycled Earth. If you don't know those bands, check

‘em out. Shout out to the family, LCOD.”

Thanks for talking dude!

“Thank you!”

Regulate Interview

What’s up man? Let’s start off with stating your name and

what you do in the band.

“I'm Sebastian and I sing.”

How have things been going? You guys have been recently

playing a bunch of out-of-state shows, and got on FYA Fest

in Florida a few months back, how was that?

“Chillin’ right now, tryin’ to write new stuff. FYA was sick,

mad last minute but we loved every second of it .Shoutout

to Bob Wilson.”

I recently asked my friend about you guys and he said, “They

cover fucking Breakdown, what’s not to like?”

“I love Breakdown. I wish we wrote Blacklisted.”

Let’s talk Currupt/Correct. Five song banger of an EP. How

did writing for that go?

“Everything went pretty smoothly. Usually Jarred has a riff and he plays it for us, or sends it to us and we get together to practice. Harry comes up with his drum shit and Kevin does his thing. We didn't write C/C with our current bassist (DanMax) but the new shit we have written with him has been real easy to do .He's a solid bassist so he thinks up his parts quick. While they're all jammin’, I'm writing lyrics and interjecting with suggestions here and there.” Should people expect to hear new music anytime soon?

“Well, we got one song we're getting ready to record in mid-

March for an LIHC comp. We're writing, but we're not really

aiming to have anything out by any specific time.”

What are some of the bands you guys all look up to and

respect the most? Regulate seems to always be playing with

the coolest bands.

“Well personally, Gorilla Biscuits is the first hardcore band I

remember listening to so I guess you could say I look up to

them the most, especially ‘cause they're from New York.

Honestly though, I look up to a lot of bands, mostly NYHC

bands for two reasons: the best hardcore bands are from

New York and it's just cool knowing that these bands you

think are so crazy come from the same place as you. I can't

really think of a band that the five of us really fuck with that

much though, maybe like Blink 182, haha. But we all love the

hometown bands like Backtrack, Incendiary and King Nine.

Nonstop Feeling is played a lot when we're driving to shows


Anything else you wanted to talk about or shout out? New

music, future shows, bands to check out, anything?

“Hm, well Turnstile put out an insane record, but you knew that already. God’s Hate is gonna put out a crazy record soon too. Shout out New York Islanders. Fuck the Rangers. I love Heavy Chains and Blind Justice. Fuck Matt Carbotti. Listen to Soda Bomb. We're playing a show on April 12th with Separated, Jukai 2.0, Disgrace, God’s Hate and King Nine at AMH. I used to hate AMH a lot but now I love it. My Hero is better than Cherry Valley. Go Islanders.” Thanks for the interview man! “Thanks for having me do this. Excited to see how it comes out. P.S. Go Islanders.”

They All Float Interview

How’s it going, dude? Why don’t you start off with saying your name and what you do in the band? “My name is Joey Chiaramonte, and I sing in They All Float.” I know you guys just got done with your first tour with your West Virginian friends in Threads. What was that like? “It was really sick! Going into it I wasn’t quite sure what to expect. We had only done little weekend runs and one offs prior to that so I’d never been out on the road for more than a couple of days. Threads are some of our really close friends, so it felt right touring for the first. A lot of the dates pulled really well, I got to shower a majority of the days, and we made some awesome new friends along the way! Also respect to YOUNGLOUDADAM for pulling double bass duty for us and Threads.” 3. Being a non-traditional hardcore band, how do you think that sets you apart playing with other bands who more “fit the part” in your area? “Well, I think stylistically what kind of sets us apart is that we fit an unoccupied niche. Not a lot of band’s on Long Island really sound like we do, I’m not sure if that’s good or bad but I think the statement holds some truth, haha. We don’t really write trying to produce a sound that will be different or nontraditional. It’s more so, we’ve been a band for like four years. We started this band when I was hardly 15, I turn 19 in like 4 months. We didn’t always sound like we do, the band has changed a lot over the years. The one thing that has remained constant is that we write/play whatever type of music we want because it’s what we like!” 4. When the hell can we expect new music?! “It’s really exciting for me to finally (sincerely) say this, very soon! Our record is being mixed/mastered by Levi from Threads. The single should be out this month! It’s a track called Worrystone

which features James from Detriment! We worked really hard on this record and I think it encompasses a fine collection of ass-beaters and really melodic well written tracks. This record is it, this is us finally planting our flag and saying “This is They All Float.” The record just talks about a lot of shit myself and Harold have needed to get off of our chests for a while.” 5. You seem like you’ve been going to shows for a while now. How would you characterize Long Island/New York’s scene compared to others? “LI/NY has a really tremendous scene. It’s a hot spot for a lot of bands, new and returning. What I think is really cool is that there is something for everyone. Beyond hardcore, everything pulls really well on Long Island. I think that is a strength that not every scene has. It says a lot about any scene if hardcore shows can sell out a local venue, and that is something that occurs fairly regularly on Long Island. New York is just strong in general.” 6. Anything else you wanted to talk about? Any shows coming up, new bands to check out, anything? “Thanks to Jake Zimmerman, John Scanlon, Tom McCarthy, and Daniel Valentino. They’re all responsible for making the LI scene as a whole something to be proud of. As far as bands to check out goes, for sure Detriment and Regulate. Two staple bands on Long Island right now. Also be sure to pay attention to Commonwealth, Starve, Separated, Break Free, Numbskull, Cryptodira, and Jukai. Shoutout to the remains of BS, Da Fam, and LCOD!” 7. Thanks for the interview man! “Thanks for letting me be a part of this. I love you dude, excited to see the future of this zine!”


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