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Girlguiding Birmingham BP info for Leaders 1

Girlguiding Birmingham

Baden-Powell Challenge Award


1. Introduction

This Information for Leaders document has been prepared to introduce the Baden-Powell

Challenge Award and explain how Girlguiding Birmingham provides Baden-Powell

Adventures for Guides in the county. It includes contact details for people who may be

able to help you with queries.

2. About the Baden-Powell Challenge Award

The Baden-Powell Challenge Award is the highest award a Guide can achieve. To start the Baden-Powell Challenge a Guide needs to have:

• made her Promise • gained at least two Guide Challenge Badges • gained at least two interest badges.

This shows her commitment to guiding.

The Baden-Powell Challenge is divided into five zones, each containing lots of different clauses. She needs to complete ten clauses in total. She should do one from each zone, then five more. These can come from any of the zones. Up to two of them can relate to Country/Region or Girlguiding initiatives.

To finish the Award she needs to take part in a Baden-Powell Adventure. These are usually residential events organised by the County or Country/Region for all Guides in the area who are doing the Baden-Powell Challenge.

There is more information about the Baden-Powell Challenge in the G file.

The full syllabus is available in the G file or on the Girlguiding website:

A copy is provided in Appendix A.

3. The B-P Challenge Award in Girlguiding Birmingham - how it works!

3.1. Registration (Form BP1)

When a Guide starts the B-P Challenge Award, she should complete the B-P Registration

Form (Form BP1) and either she or her leader should send the form to the B-P

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Administrator at Girlguiding Birmingham. Details of where to send the form are given on

the form. A copy of the form is included in Appendix B.

Please check the Girlguiding Birmingham website, for

the latest version of the form or email [email protected].

Stopping work on the award

After registering and sending in Form BP1, if for any reason a Guide does not want to

continue with the B-P Award, please let us know and we can take her off the list. Please

email [email protected].

3.2. Acknowledgement

The BP Administrator will acknowledge receipt of the form by sending an email to the

Guide and her leader. The Guide is added to the B-P Registration list.

3.3. Nearly ready for Baden-Powell Adventure (Form BP2)

When a Guide has completed seven clauses of the Award, the Guide and her leader should

complete the B-P Adventure Form (Form BP2) and send it to the BP Administrator at

Girlguiding Birmingham. Details of where to send the form are given on the form. A copy

of the form is included in Appendix B. Please note this form has TWO pages.

Please check the Girlguiding Birmingham website,, for

the latest version of the form or email [email protected].

3.4. Invitation to B-P Adventure

Once Form BP2 is received by the B-P Administrator, the B-P Coordinator will invite the

Guide to the next two Adventures and copy the email to the Guide’s leader.

The Guide should reply and let the B-P Administrator know which Adventure she would like

to attend.

If a Guide can’t attend either Adventure, as long as she replies to let us know, we will

work with her and her leader to work out the best way forward for her to attend an

Adventure. This may be another Adventure organised by Girlguiding Birmingham or by

joining in another County’s Adventure in Midlands Region, or perhaps attending an

Adventure organised by Girlguiding at one of the Training and Activity Centres (eg

Blackland Farm, Icando, Foxlease, Waddow etc).

If we don’t hear from a Guide we will send a second invitation by email, also copied to her

leader, giving her a deadline by which to reply. We will say on the email that if we don’t

hear back, then we will assume she doesn’t want to attend an Adventure any more and

will take her off our registration list. We will send an email to the Guide and her leader to

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let you know this is what we have done. Of course, if we hear back from a Guide again,

then we can put her back on the list.

NOTE FOR LEADERS: It is important that when leaders receive copies of emails we are

sending to Guides, they check with their Guides that they are receiving emails and

replying as appropriate. Please encourage your Guides to take responsibility for this

themselves and reply.

3.5. The B-P Adventure

What is a Baden-Powell Adventure?

To complete the Baden-Powell Challenge Award a Guide takes part in a Baden-Powell

Adventure. This is a celebration of all she has achieved in guiding so far and is not subject

to any kind of formal assessment. The Baden-Powell Adventure will usually have some kind

of residential component eg overnight, weekend, or a midweek residential event. The

Adventure will not be part of a unit event – this enables the Guides to take part in

something beyond the usual experiences.

For a Guide, the purpose and key elements of the Adventure are

Trying something new, beyond her previous experiences

Meeting other Guides from outside her own unit

Celebrating completing the clauses of the Baden-Powell Award

Celebrating her time in guiding to date

Discovering what further opportunities are available in Guiding

Gaining a real sense of achievement

Building confidence

Enjoying herself and having fun!

Being enthused to continue in guiding.

Girlguiding Birmingham’s Adventure events

At Girlguiding Birmingham, as we receive confirmation from Guides as to which Adventure

they would like to attend, we will gradually compile a list of attendees for each

forthcoming Adventure event. We will try to keep the number of girls from each unit on

each adventure to three to four girls to give a good mix and enable all the participants to

have an opportunity to meet Guides from different units. These numbers may vary

depending on where the Adventure is taking place.

We generally run two or three Baden-Powell Adventure events a year in Girlguiding

Birmingham. These are typically in March, June and October (Sept in 2015). There is a

limited number of places on each B-P Adventure, so please encourage your Guides to reply

to invitations as soon as possible. We will run additional Adventures if needed.

Adventures are run by Divisions, following the guidance from Girlguiding for organisers of

B-P Adventures. The county B-P Adviser liaises with each Division planning team to ensure

that the Adventure covers the points listed above.

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REMEMBER – Girls should still be Guides when they attend a B-P Adventure – this is a Guide


Adventure Badge and Certificate

Each Guide who completes an Adventure will receive a badge and certificate to celebrate

this at the end of the Adventure.

3.6. Completing the Baden-Powell Challenge Award

Following completion of the ten clauses and an Adventure, all that is left for the Guide to

do is meet with her Commissioner to discuss what she has done in the course of working on

the B-P Challenge Award.

Arrangements should be made at unit level to present the Baden-Powell Challenge Award

to the successful Guide, of course consulting with the Guide as to how she’d like to

celebrate. You may like to invite your commissioner to present the award, have a

celebration party…

Baden-Powell Challenge Award Badge and Certificate

Guides will be given a slip to bring back to their leader from the Adventure. This slip

should be handed in by the leader to the shop at Trefoil House when she buys a B-P

Challenge Award Badge and Certificate for her Guide.

4. Support for leaders

If you would like help or support while your Guides are working on the Baden-Powell

Challenge, please contact your Commissioner or other experienced Guide leaders in your

own Division, alternatively, please don’t hesitate to contact us at Girlguiding Birmingham.

The following people may be able to help you:

Name Role Contact details We can help you with:

Sarah Trinder

B-P Adviser 07979 362752 [email protected]

General queries about B-P and how it works in the county

Janet Nunn B-P Administrator 0121 421 5954 [email protected]

Admin queries about B-P eg registering, forms BP1 and BP2, booking onto an Adventure

Anne McGibbon

Guide Section Adviser

Please contact via [email protected]

General queries, advice and ideas for the Guide programme

Or please email the county office [email protected] or our B-P email

address [email protected].

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5. We’d like to hear from you

Please let us know:

When your Guide has completed her B-P Challenge Award and been presented with

the Award. For a Guide to complete the B-P Award is a real achievement. It would

be great if you could send some photographs with permission to use on the county

Girlguiding Birmingham website,, too! We’d

like to understand in the county how many Guides achieve the award each year.

If there is anything we can do to help you support your Guides who are working

towards the Award.

Has this document been helpful to you (which version of the document are you

reading? please check the footer)? Is there any further information you would like?

Any feedback you may have about running the B-P Challenge Award with your


We look forward to hearing from you.

Thank you for all you do to support your Guides in attaining this award.

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Appendix A – Baden-Powell Challenge Award Syllabus

The Baden-Powell Challenge Award is the highest award a Guide can achieve. To start the

Baden-Powell Challenge you need to have:

made your Promise

gained at least two Guide Challenge Badges

gained at least two interest badges This shows your commitment to guiding.

The Baden-Powell Challenge is divided into five zones, each containing lots of different

clauses. You need to complete ten clauses in total. You should do one from each zone,

then five more. These can come from any of the zones. Up to two of them can relate to

Country/Region or Girlguiding initiatives.

To finish the Award you need to take part in a Baden-Powell Adventure. These are usually

residential events organised by your County or Country/Region for all Guides in the area

who are doing the Baden-Powell Challenge.

You will find more information about the Baden-Powell Challenge in your G file.

Zone 1: Healthy lifestyles

Aim: To encourage Guides to lead a healthy lifestyle by promoting physical, emotional and

spiritual well-being.

1. Organise and run a Patrol cooking competition. You could provide ingredients and

challenge the Patrols to produce dishes in a set time.

2. Set yourself three personal fitness goals and keep a diary for a month to show how you

have worked towards them.

3. Run an activity session for your Patrol on an issue which concerns young people today.

4. Help to organise a sports competition with another Patrol or another Guide unit, eg

mini-Olympics, fitness trail or team games evening.

5. Complete one of the following badges: Agility, Cook, Healthy Lifestyles, Sports.

6. With your Patrol, plan and carry out a ‘Reflections’ session around a chosen theme. You

could include a relaxation or meditation aspect or use mime, readings, music, dance or


7. Organise a sponsored fitness event for a good cause.

8. Produce a cookbook of healthy recipes appropriate for Rainbows, Brownies or Guides to

use at an event, holiday or camp.

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Zone 2: Global awareness

Aim: To increase awareness of global issues and of the contribution each Guide can make.

1. Find out about the life a child from a country in the global south (the developing world)

leads. Share your findings with your Patrol.

2. Organise an activity for your Patrol or unit which will help somebody from a country in

the global south (the developing world). Let your local International Adviser know what

you are doing.

3. Complete one of the following badges: World Cultures, World Guiding, World Issues.

4. With your Patrol, organise an international evening with games, crafts, food or music

and dance.

5. Design a poster on a current global issue and use it to make a presentation to your unit.

6. Use the Internet or your local library to find out about fair trade. Survey what fair trade

items are available in your area, for example in your local supermarket. Organise an

activity about fair trade with your Patrol.

7. Find out about the Guide Friendship Fund or World Thinking Day Fund and hold a fund-

raising evening to support its work.

Zone 3: Discovery

Aim: To challenge Guides with new experiences and adventure.

1. Make a bivouac and spend the night in it. Make your own breakfast the following


2. Start a new hobby or craft, or extend an existing one, and work on it for at least three

months. You could try glass painting, learning a musical instrument, football, candle

making, rollerblading or stargazing. Find out about your hobby’s origins, history and rules.

Do a presentation on your hobby for your Patrol in a way that is new to you.

3. Attend a residential event somewhere new to you, eg in a youth hostel or on a

narrowboat. Your Baden-Powell Adventure cannot count for this clause.

4. Complete the Outdoor Pursuits, Survival or Community Action badge.

5. Visit a city farm, rescue centre or nature reserve. Discuss with your Patrol why it is

important to have these and who benefits from them. What could you do to help?

6. With friends, attend an event such as theatre, ballet, an open air concert or a pop

concert. Record your thoughts and impressions and share them with your Young Leader or

Leader. Stay safe when you are out and about.

7. Use ICT skills to make a new resource for your unit. What about making a ‘Welcome to

Guides’ pack, a ‘Guide to camp’ or a songbook? You could use photography, video,

computers etc.

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8. Complete the Guide Camp Permit.

Zone 4: Skills and relationships

Aim: To develop Guides’ self-confidence and self-worth and to improve their interpersonal

and life skills.

1. Organise a party for someone outside your unit, such as your local Brownies, your

family, or girls not normally involved in guiding; or hold a bring-a-friend party at Guides.

2. Organise a cooperative games evening for your unit, eg parachute games.

3. Help organise a trip with your Patrol to see something of interest to you. Go on the trip

and report back to your unit.

4. Find out what there is available for young people in your area. With your unit, organise

a discussion to find out about local issues that affect you and what young people can do to

assist. Check out your local Connexions centre or speak to a local councillor.

5. Complete one of the following badges: Communicator, Independent Living or Water


6. Organise an activity based on today’s clothing. You could do an analysis of what is

suitable for certain activities, what’s currently fashionable and what makes you feel good.

Present your findings in an interesting way.

7. Raise money to take part in your Baden-Powell Adventure. Could anyone else benefit

from your fund-raising?

8. Complete the Active Response or First Aid badge. Hold a First Aid evening for your unit,

including incidents and fake wounds, to demonstrate your new skills.

Zone 5: Celebrating diversity

Aim: To promote active citizenship among Guides, developing their awareness of rights

and responsibilities for all.

1. With your Patrol or unit, celebrate a festival from a culture other than your own, eg

Diwali, harvest festival, Chinese New Year, Thai Festival of Lights.

2. Organise a disability awareness activity evening or invite someone to your unit to talk

about disabilities.

3. Find out about the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child. Organise an activity to

share what you have found out.

4. Complete one of these badges: Culture or Discovering Faith..

5. Take part in a practical activity to benefit the environment in your local community,

such as tree planting, nature conservation or bulb planting.

6. Take part in a WAGGGS initiative. Check out .

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7. What is ‘being you’ all about? Make a collage to reflect your culture and lifestyle. Share

this with your Leader.

8. Look at guiding in your area and think about units that may not be as fortunate as

yours. Think of ways you could offer them assistance. Carry out your ideas and

tell your Commissioner how you were able to make a difference.

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Appendix B – Forms BP1 and BP2

Baden-Powell Challenge Registration Form - FORM BP1

Baden-Powell Adventure Form - FORM BP2 – NB this form has two pages!

Please check the Girlguiding Birmingham website,, or

contact [email protected] for the latest version of the forms.

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