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Page 1: Geshaview May-June newsletter

N E W S L E T T E R ISSUE 9 - maY/JUNE 2010


Summer viewingsThinking of becoming part of Geshaview? What better way for you to experience the village than to visit in person on a personalised Discovery Trip in the summer of 2010.

Arranging your Discovery Tripall trips are arranged

through our UK Office. amie will be happy to facilitate all the flight bookings, transfer and accommodation for your trip. Every detail of your trip will be organised so that you can maximize your time.

a full itinerary will be sent to you prior to your departure.

Your journey Flights to Bulgaria are usually from

London airports, especially outside the normal holiday season. an indirect flight is often involved if flying with an European airline.

You will be met in Bulgaria by our fluent English speaking staff in the

arrival lounge where we will transfer you to your hotel. Either the same day or

the following day, depending on your flight arrival time, we will arrange the transfer to the Geshaview village.

Day One - inspirationalOn day one we will explain the project

to you and why the location has been chosen. You will then be shown houses in the vicinity that have been built to modern western standards but with the style of traditional Bulgarian properties.

a visit to Bojenci will give you the real experience of a traditional Bulgarian village, the layout and style of which is being embraced at the Geshaview village. To conclude the first day we will take you to a village and show you the working craft shops allowing you to experience the style of buildings and courtyard at Geshaview.

Day Two - embracing The day will start in the Geshaview

village where you will be able to walk the plot, admire the breathtaking views, see the Gatehouse, walk in the forest area, look around the village, visit the show homes and discuss the finer points of your purpose.

When you have absorbed the feeling of the village we will venture further afield and view the immediate surroundings, the villages. We will then take you to visit the local attractions in the area including a look at local crafts shops, traditional houses, the restaurants and the stunning views across the ancient capital Veliko Tarnovo.

Your two days viewing trip will conclude back at the Gatehouse to discuss the time frames of the project. If you are happy you need to understand a few legal procedures. This will normally be arranged to take place on the third day of your discovery trip.

We look forward to welcoming you on your discovery trip at Geshaview.

To discuss arranging your discovery trip

to Geshaview please call amie on 01202 566376

or email: [email protected]

Yana is your host at Geshaview.

Experience Tzaravets Castle at Veliko Tarnovo.

Discuss the finer points of buying a property.

Bojenci - a preserved traditional Bulgarian village.


Bulgaria is renowned for its organic cuisine.

easyJet are just one of the many airlines flying to Bulgaria regularly.

Page 2: Geshaview May-June newsletter

ISSUE 9 - maY/JUNE 2010


The living overview of the types of dwellings you can enjoy.

Geshaview has several types of dwellings all designed and built to integrate into and complement the strong principles of the village. all the dwellings are completely finished and built with high quality

materials according to the best traditional building standards. all properties have fitted kitchens, bathrooms, real fire-places, laminate and tiled flooring, clay roof tiles and general heating throughout.

These are the most popular type of dwellings at Geshaview. They are located throughout the village and are designed to maximize the use of space. They include an open plan dining and lounge area, large double bedrooms, rear and front balconies and options for a luxury upgrade to the kitchen. This type of property is a perfect balance of village lifestyle.

The approximate size of these properties is between 129sqm for the 2 bedroom Townhouses and 223sqm for the 3 bedroom Townhouses.

2/3 Bedroom Townhouses

2/3 Bedroom Mews CottagesThese dwellings, with large bedrooms, are strategically located in the village and designed to maximize internal space.

With magnificent views and secluded gardens, spacious lounge and dining areas, front and rear balconies these cottages are very special.This type of property is ideal for either young families or less able people because of their ease of access. The approximate size of a 2 Bedroom mews Cottages is 134sqm.

The 3 Bedroom mews Cottages are approximately 229sqm.



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ISSUE 9 - maY/JUNE 2010


2 Bedroom Cottage Homes

3 Bedroom Detached Farmhouse

Courtyard Apartments

These types of properties are designed to maximize the use of space both internally and externally located in a secluded part of the village.

They include 3 large double bedrooms, 2 fully tiled, modern bathrooms, utility room, dining area, spacious lounge and private patio area.

The size of this type of property is 307sqm - excellent for big families and groups with many friends.

Located in the main Courtyard building are the Courtyard apartments. They include a spacious bedroom, bathroom and a lounge/dining area with fantastic views to the forest or to the Courtyard festivities.

The approximate size of each apartment is 64sqm which makes them ideal accommodation for a short business stay at Geshaview.

all apartments have fitted kitchens, fully tiled bathrooms and central heating.

For more details and property availability, please visit our web site at:



4 REMAININGThe Cottage homes are located on the South slope of the village and each one of them has a great view to the mountains.

They have 2 en-suite bedrooms and a dining area with fireplace and fitted kitchen.

These lovable 118-120sqm Cottage Homes are the perfect holiday home and a great residence for small families.

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ISSUE 9 - maY/JUNE 2010


Feel like getting more involved? One option to own something different at Geshaview and the, something, that many have already enquired about is, very much more personal. Offering to become part of the small, but growing family of teachers and professionals who wish to offer there wisdom, skills and experience. Geshaview as you know is a place of education and knowledge, for all 3 generations across all aspects of life and wellbeing.The large rooms in the courtyard and the open spaces in the village offer a unique place of learning.Normally labelled conferencing, seminars or meetings, we have a vision of the 'Geshaview places' being known differently to this. again, if you would like to have a greater insight to this type of opportunity please feel open to contact me. The organising of groups for workshops, gatherings, festivals and much more is all part of being at Geshaview.

‘How to...’ you can now own your special piece of Geshaview...

We have come to realise over the past 5 years that Geshaview isn’t just another piece of real estate. So many times we, the team, have been told that the village has something very, very special, an energy and a feeling difficult to explain but easy to feel... despite the attention to the detail of the technical aspects of the ‘bricks and mortar’ the value that all speak of is the intangible value of the whole village, its buildings, its forest, its ground, its pathways and its place compared to the world we currently live in. This of course was the concept and principle from the outset, this was ‘the vision’.

CommercialWhat about a small investment in the commercial/operational opportunity at Geshaview, maybe in one of the 22 shops or 7 eateries? There are many aspects of the functionality of the village that are available. If you would like more information please be open to contact me on 01202 566376.

Just one more opportunity to contribute...

as you will have read, we have recently been personally granted, from the Bulgarian Church, the permission to restore (restorate to its original) the ‘old church of Gesha’. although this is not directly connected with the Geshaview village, we just have to honour our opportunity to give back the church to the old Gesha village. We will very soon be open to contributions on any level from anyone. all we desire is to be part of the giving back and show respect to those who have helped make Geshaview possible so far.

Bricks and mortarSo, having said that, there are many options for anyone to take the opportunity to own a special part of Geshaview. Obviously owning outright one of the properties would be a fantastic option, however for many of us this is maybe not possible, for many reasons, both financial and practical. Owning part of property in a 'shared ownership' scheme is something that may be more realistic and exciting. What better than owning and sharing with those closest to you a little piece of something special. maybe the era of owning a 'holiday home abroad' has passed and many are looking for something much more... I believe Geshaview is that, and much more.

Financial planning available for you to consider...From a financial aspect we are very open to discuss with you, and those you may know that may want to have a further insight into Geshaview. There are many options that can make owning a special part of Geshaview a reality. With help from our partners in the banking world and with support we are able to offer many options. Part payments, delayed options, referred mortgages and more. Just ask!We would be pleased to hear from you.

You and your family's long term security...Your monetary investment can start from as little as €25,000 (based on a shared ownership option). Your personal return would be priceless!all properties, cottages, farmhouses, courtyard dwellings and lodges within Geshaview village are managed under a carefully orchestrated programme of ‘management to maturity’.Each has its individual characteristic, potential to generate contributions from lettings and opportunity to welcome you for an unlimited time of occupancy at the village.Your investment is important to us and we understand the need for you to completely embrace the village, its reality, its potential and its return to you.

To help you, we are pleased to welcome you to experience a journey to the village, stay a few nights with us and absorb the feeling. Once you have completed this part of your investment, and only then, will you be in a position to decide if Geshaview is right for you and your family's future.


id H



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ISSUE 9 - maY/JUNE 2010


The team, including a reporter and 2 cameramen, were interested with the concept and the story behind the creation of “...such a magnificent and splendid project on such a large scale”.

The reporter, mrs. Ivelina Belcheva, interviewed Julian Georgiev and David Hollands. She was a real professional who soon became a true friend and a big fan of Geshaview.

The documentary meets British people who have settled in Bulgaria and, although in Bulgarian, gives an insight into their lives.

Lights, camera, action!

They’re off! ready, steady sculpt.

insight into their lives.

The sun shone for The Bulgarian National Television. Channel 1 visited Geshaview to start filming the ‘embraced living’ documentary.

A link to the film can be found on our blog:

Above: David Hollands and Julian Georgiev give Ivelina Belcheva a guided tour of the village. The film strips show the film crew arriving. The cameraman at the 'Circle'. Julian and David being interviewed by Ivelina. Yana watches as the cameraman films one of the properties, and getting ready to film inside a house.

The Fifth International Art Festival, ‘Dryanovo 2010’In our last issue we mentioned that

during the period 6th – 22nd May 2010 we are a host and co-organizer of the Fifth International Art Festival, ‘Dryanovo 2010’, together with the Municipality of Dryanovo, the Panev family ( and Mr. George Valev.

This event is a cultural and professional exchange between World established Bulgarian and foreign painters and sculptors.

as this issue was being prepared the sculptors have started work at the village on their pieces of art.

We can't wait to see the results which will be left in the village for visitors to admire for years to come.

In the next issue we will have a full report on the Festival. In the meantime we will endeavour to post progress reports on to the Geshaview blog at: Ron Meerts with an assistant at work on his sculpture.Carving art from rocks excavated at Geshaview.

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ISSUE 9 - maY/JUNE 2010


It’s never too late to learn and to improve your professional and life skills. What would be better than the opportunity to do it while enjoying the fantastic views and energy of Geshaview’s natural surroundings.

Naturally lit ‘knowledge spaces’ offer you the best education ever imagined.

From improving your foreign language skills to learning how to bake bread for example!

Whether attending a business management class or fine art course, your education at Geshaview will be remembered forever.

Knowledge and wisdom......throughout all 4 seasons for all 3 generations in a forgotten way.

Worldwide famous culinary chefs, artists and athletes will have open classes taking place at Geshaview.

7 days spent on site showing their unique style of work and skills to all who are interested.

Performing, cooking, painting, sculpting, martial arts, rock climbing and astronomy are just some of the classes that will take place at Geshaview.

Specialists from different spheres of cultural, business, science and sport life will give you the opportunity to get lost in their world and reveal the secrets of remarkable talents.

One of the innermost wishes of the Geshaview team is to establish the village as an educational centre.

Schooling and education in an alternative and different way.

Visiting ‘teachers’ sharing the basic curriculum including the respect, nature, culture and traditions of the region as well as the world we live in.

Outdoor classes and organic food provide the perfect conditions for all to grow happy and healthy.

Special experiences



Mature students taking inspiration from Geshaview into their future business ventures.

A natural environment for children to learn forgotten values.

Connecting to, understanding and absorbing life’s hidden opportunities.

Art and photography is only part of the curriculum.

Teaching respect for nature and cultural heritage.

Culinary arts and respect for natural and sustainable living.

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ISSUE 9 - maY/JUNE 2010


How do you feel now after your stay at Geshaview?

Relaxed, peaceful, refreshed, inspired and excited about the

future. What we have experienced here in the creation of Geshaview and everything it encompasses is really difficult to put into words. Everywhere you go in the village there is a special feeling.

What is the story behind your visit?We came here because we would like to bring people to Geshaview in

retreat and also to participate in workshops. The healing energy of the village as a whole and in the earth is very powerful; it is a place we would choose to work in.

You both are complementary wellbeing therapists. Do you see

the potential in Geshaview as a venue for wellbeing therapy, workshops and healing? Is it a place would you say, where you can heal yourself in different ways?

We are both teachers of health and spiritual wellbeing. We definitely

see classes and events at Geshaview. We have a lot of connections with spiritual teachers, healers and therapists who will not want to miss what we feel is here for everyone. They will come, we know that, and they will spread the word, the ripples will go out from them all. The first workshop planned here by us will be in September 2010. It has been a joy to create it while we have been here in touch with everything around us.

So you see a good future for Geshaview? Definitely. It will be so special for us to run our workshops here maybe

once a season, so people can come again and again. We sense the earth energy of our surroundings; the stones and the earth. The energy you feel here is truly extraordinary, and we have only just begun. Surrounded by nature, clear air, clean soil and pure water from the mountains, the beauty of nature can’t help but heal.

What would you say to people who still hesitate to come to

Geshaview? Geshaview will call to everyone but not everyone will come. Those

people who come and stay here will feel the energy of the place, and the place will speak to them. Everything at Geshaview is exceptional, extraordinary, amazing and very special. It holds a healing energy that I believe exists nowhere else on earth.

What is the future like in your eyes for Geshaview? It’s glowing like a bright shining star, and it feels like our spiritual

home. We don’t want to leave it now, we will return again and again!

Interview with Stephen and Valery Coburn who have booked the first workshops at Geshaview in September.

First workshop at Geshaview

Stephen and Valery Coburn.

Valery and Stephen Coburn have 25 years of experience as practitioners, healers and teachers in the field of health and wellbeing.

Stephen was recognised for his special services in event organising during his 34 years in the Fleet air arm. Valery the founder of InspirationPlus in the UK is also an Interfaith minister, Spiritual Counsellor and experienced group facilitator of many years standing.

Their greatest joy is in inspiring the thousands who have passed through their hands and hearts over the years. The couple are highly skilled, and openly share heart felt wisdom through their many forms of healing disciplines.

Their recent trip to Bulgaria, nearly 6 years after their first visit, opened a gateway and confirmed to them their innermost feelings. Within a few moments on entering the Courtyard and then on into the village the feeling was overwhelming. The next 5 days of their visit has positioned them to be one of the founders of the Geshaview’s ‘Embraced Living’ diary of events.

We look forward to meeting them at Geshaview at the many gatherings, ceremonies, workshops and events they will be passionately celebrating with visitors from around the world. Stephen and Valery share a picnic at the Geshaview Circle.

For more information about Stephen and Valery

their website

In the next issue we will give full details about

the Workshop that will take place from the

22nd - 30th September.

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ISSUE 9 - maY/JUNE 2010


Permission granted for Restoration of the church at old Gesha

One of the projects we are raising funds for is the renovation of the church at Gesha, the village from which Geshaview takes its name.

It is our intention to restore this church to its former glory.

The church was last used as a place of worship in 1901 according to the documents found there.

It has slowly fallen into a state of disrepair with parts of the roof allowing the weather in and damaging the frescoes on the ceiling.

The papers and documents have just been left where they were and no doubt provide a fascinating insight into Bulgarian history all those years ago.

In future issues we will try to uncover more of the history of the church.

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ISSUE 9 - maY/JUNE 2010


Hi Amie, Just returned last night from a wonderful trip to Geshaview

WOW what a change. Sorry your photos don't do it justice.

It's much better in real life.

When we got there I could have cried, the transformation

from when I went last time was incredible. It looks magical

place, and when everything is finally finished, it will be a

place of outstanding beauty.

Both Steve and myself were stunned with our property, it

has turned out to be much better than we first thought, it

was quite hard to find anything to snag (but you didn't get

off that well, we only found a few) The property was so

clean. Would you please pass on sincere thanks to Julian, his

passion and vision about Gesha were amazing, I saw

another side to what we had purchased. A big thank you to

Yana, and Plamen, they are such lovely people and so

helpful. It's a great credit to everyone in Geshaview,

nothing was too much trouble.

Once we were there all my misgivings and worries about

bringing in a rental vanished, and after a re assuring talk

with Julian, I feel much more confident with everything.

Our next trip over will be in September when we hope to be

able to stay in our property.

Many thanks once again.

Pam & Steve Foster

Happy customers!Geshaview property owners Colin Perry and Pam & Steve

Foster visited their house in the village recently and we are pleased that they have allowed us to print their comments from the emails they sent on their return from Bulgaria.

Owners visit their property and give us their response.

Yana with Colin Perry and Pam & Steve Foster outside the townhouses.outside the townhouses.

Dear Amie, I am just dropping you a line because as you know myself and Steve and Pam Foster went out to Geshaview earlier this week to complete the process of purchase. I am writing to say how happy we were with the result. May I say that the house, although not quite completed, was superb, from the outside to the inside upstairs and down was great. Added to that the entire development is outstanding and although it has been a while coming I need to say that it has been well worth waiting for. I am so, so happy with my purchase, and so are the others.

Would you please also pass on to Julian and Yana our thanks for the time and consideration given and a special thanks to Plamen, who as always was helpful and informative in his own inimitable laid back style.It was an absolute joy to see the house finished almost to the standard it is and then the enhancement of the landscaping to be topped off by what I felt was a superb team. Thanks once again.

I also have a couple of clients who I will try to encourage to come and view. In the meantime please pass on my comments to all and please keep up the high standards I witnessed.Thanks so much. Colin Perry.

Steve Foster, Julian and Colin Perry. Pam, Colin and Steve listen as Julian explains the construction of the stone walls.

Page 10: Geshaview May-June newsletter

ISSUE 9 - maY/JUNE 2010

BULGARIA - THE COUNTRY Q1 Which is this capital of Bulgaria? ❏ Veliko Tarnovo ❏ Sofia ❏ Varna Q2 Bulgaria has a coastline. What is the name of the sea? ❏ The Red Sea ❏ The mediterranean Sea ❏ The Black Sea Q3 Bulgaria has a famous river that forms part of its international border. What is the name of the river? ❏ The Danube ❏ The Seine ❏ The Bosphorus Q4 Bulgaria has 3 mountain ranges. Which of these mountain ranges runs almost the length of the country? ❏ The Pirin ❏ The Stara Planina ❏ The Rila Q5 Bulgaria is a member of the EU. What year did the country officially enter the EU?❏ 2006 ❏ 2007 ❏ 2008


Q6 What is the national dress of Bulgaria?❏ Nosiya ❏ Kukeri ❏ Zabradka Q7 What is the main religion of modern Bulgaria? ❏ Christianity ❏ Islam ❏ Judaism

Q8 Bulgarians celebrate the beginning of spring with red and white emblems. What is the name of this annual celebration? ❏ martenica ❏ Koleda ❏ Velikden Q9 The national and recognised instrument of Bulgaria is called the Gaida. What type of instrument is it? ❏ Woodwind ❏ Stringed ❏ Percussion Q10 The written alphabet in Bulgaria has a number of symbols that do not appear in the English alphabet.What type of alphabet is used in Bulgaria? ❏ arabic ❏ Cyrillic ❏ Latin

GEOGRAPHY AND PLACES Q11 Bulgaria’s highest mountain is Musala. In which mountain range can you find this peak? Strandzha Rila Pirin Q12 The capital city is home to over 2 million people. What is the population of the whole country? 5 million 8 million 12 million

Q13 There are 5 countries on Bulgaria's borders. Which 2 countries are to the west? ❏ Greece/Turkey ❏ Romania/macedonia ❏ macedonia/Serbia

Q14 Bulgaria has 2 major cities on its coastline. What are their main manufacturing processes? ❏ Tourism ❏ Shipbuilding ❏ Technology Q15 The capital sits under the shadow of a snow capped mountain. What is the name of this mountain? ❏ Vitosara ❏ Vistarama ❏ Vitosha


Q16 Bulgaria has its busiest international airport in its capital city. What city has the second busiest airport? ❏ Bourgas ❏ Gorna Oryahovitsa ❏ Varna Q17 Bulgaria is famous for exporting a certain type of oil extracted from a flower. What flower is grown to produce this oil? ❏ Tulip ❏ Rose ❏ Sunflower Q18 What is the currency of Bulgaria called? ❏ Loova ❏ Lira ❏ Leva Q19 What is the name of the national airline of Bulgaria? ❏ air Bulgaria ❏ Bulgaria air ❏ air BG Q20 The national flag of Bulgaria has 3 colours: red, white and green. Which is the right order of the colours from top to bottom? ❏ Green/white/red ❏ Red/green/white ❏ White/green/red

LANGUAGE Q21 What word is normally used when casually greeting a close friend? ❏ molya ❏ Zdrasti ❏ Zdravei Q22 What is the word normally used to say goodbye? ❏ Dovijdane ❏ Kak si ❏ Blagodarya Q23 What is the correct word for the airport? ❏ aerogara ❏ avtogara ❏ Jepagara Q24 What is the casual word used for saying thank you? ❏ Chao ❏ Dobre ❏ merci Q25 What is the correct word for asking ‘where is…’ ❏ Kolko? ❏ Kakvo? ❏ Kade e?

How well do you know Bulgaria?Have a bit of fun testing your knowledge with our quiz

we will publish the answers in our next issue.



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ISSUE 9 - maY/JUNE 2010

Saint Cyril and Methodius DayOn 24 May Bulgaria celebrates the day of education and culture, and the Slavonic literature.

St. George’s day is celebrated on 6 May for Eastern Orthodox Christians.

In Bulgaria St. George day is a public holiday, the day of the army and of shepherds, and a name day of over 200,000 people who have the name Georgi or Gergana.

The traditions on this day are very strong and the most common ritual is to prepare and eat a whole lamb. This is a sacrificial tradition for the health and prosperity to all who celebrate.

In Christian iconography martyr St. George is portrayed riding a white horse and his long lance is stuck in the mouth of the terrible dragon. This scene is inspired by the legend of Saint George who saves the beautiful King’s daughter from the evil dragon. as a reward the King and his nation decided to accept the Christian religion. The holy martyr St.George the Victor has been considered one of the most important saints ever since Christianity became the official state religion in Bulgaria in the 9th century.

Saint George is the patron saint of England. He is portrayed as a chivalrous knight, a devout martyr and most famously, a heroic slayer of dragons.

St. George himself is an unlikely choice for Patron Saint of England as he wasn’t English and probably never even visited the country!

Nevertheless, the date of his death on april 23rd is England’s National Day, and by the fifteenth century was

a major feast and national holiday rivalled only by Christmas.

Saint George is a household name most famously mentioned in Shakespeare’s Henry V, his name is invoked before battle – “Cry God for Harry, England and Saint George!”.

In later years his name was adopted by King George V, who instituted the George Cross for acts of great heroism, the highest decoration awarded to civilians.

2 countries - one Saint......St. George is celebrated as a slayer of dragons by many nations, but

each has its own traditional way of marking his day.

England - Saint George’s Day – 23rd April

Many Bulgarians say, and not without a reason, that May 24th is the most beautiful and important Bulgarian holiday.

It commemorates the creation of the Slavian Glagolian and Cyrillic alphabets by the two brothers Saints Cyril and methodius in 9th Century.

Bulgarians are exceedingly proud of this national holiday. all pupils, students, teachers and scientist celebrate the day with parades on the streets of every town, singing songs and reading patriotic poems.

With the accession of Bulgaria to the European Union, Cyrillic became the third official alphabet of the EU. Bulgaria is the second EU country that uses a non-Latin alphabet and the first to use Cyrillic, which originated in the medieval Bulgarian empire.

Celebrating 24 May in front the statue of St Cyril and Methodius at the National Library in Sofia. On this day the students get graduated and on every anniversary after the graduation the classes gather again to celebrate the occasion.

Traditional St. George’s lamb dish. Icon representation of St. George.

St George rides through the streets of London during the St. George’s Day Pageant.


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ISSUE 9 - maY/JUNE 2010

Thank you for taking a few moments to absorb some of this month’s Geshaview news. I look forward to writing again next month.


Topics for the next issue will include:

Yana Dimitrova Yana Dimitrova

UK/EU OFFICE: Sales & Administration Telephone: +44 (0)1202 566376 Email: [email protected]

Bulgarian Head Office: 1309 Sofia, 127 ”Slivnitsa” blvd., ”West Park” Trade centre, floor 3, office 22 Telephone: 00359 2 822 00 65multiple award Winner

For journeys and discovery trips to the village please contact: [email protected] • UK / EU: +44 (0)1202 566376

People of GeshaviewI would like to introduce you to an

important member of the Geshaview team…

Svetoslav Stefanov

This smiling young man joined us 6 months ago and won the hearts of us all with his hard work and dedication. Svetoslav maintains the newly furnished houses in Geshaview and the beautiful green areas all around the village.

Svetoslav Stefanov

Business Investment at Geshaview.

a full review of the art Festival at Geshaview.

In the peak of the summer - nice and shady at Geshaview.

One year on - Geshaview Newsletter- Flashbacks and Testimonials.

The hidden nooks and crannies in Geshaview are becoming more numerous. Charming spots where you want to sit and stay, and natural playground and shelters for children, suddenly spring up into sight. With each passing day, Geshaview is becoming a more beautiful and attractive place for all who appreciate the harmony and beauty of nature.

Nature returning with abundance