Download - Genre Analysis



Gemma-Rose Allen

END OF TIME-LACUNA COILThe scenery and costume is extremely influenced by the Victorian Gothic style, which creates an immediate relationship with the

music. However, the setting behind the table and the actors is completely plain which signifies to me that they’re the last people

on earth and there’s nothing left in the world because it’s “the end of time”. The shots that they used, especially in the beginning

when they were sat, dining at a table enjoying their last meal together, they used a rage of extreme long shots and close-ups to

present the emotion of relaxation with the very light emotion and lack of movement as well as emotionless eyes with no fear in

them. As soon as that happens, they cut to a over the shoulder then point of view shot very cleanly and nicely to show how the

“Couple” are staring at each other. Throughout the video, they have “creepy crawlies” or a signifier, crawling all over the set

which in my opinion signifies death, and how it is gradually getting thrown upon them; towards the end they start playing with it

as if they’re not fussed with it, but controlling it themselves. On the contrary, it is an extreme subversion of a music video form

this particular genre. The most common conventions of a Heavy Metal Music Video normally involve some form of on stage

performance; I have no evidence of this happening in this video;. In addition, they normally show off their instruments because it’s

a key element in heavy metal videos. They show of their instruments and their quality to the public, who aspire to have that item

for their own. However, they do show what genre they are by the clothing they have on during the piece, Victorian Goth, which is

highly associated with the heavy metal industry, which are shown by slow moving camera angles, which again isn’t a generic

convention of this genre. They usually have quick cutting and chopping movements to keep upbeat with the song and to create a

more dangerous and uneasy atmosphere. I love the way that they haven’t conformed to the usual codes and conventions, and

created their own piece away from the stereotypes, proving that you can be elegant and “well dressed” as well as unique in this

genre. I will definitely include some of the techniques I have seen today in my music video, mainly because I don’t want to make it

the same and repetitive, like other Music Videos. However, I will need to keep it minimal as I need to have the most common

conventions involved in mine.


Call me when you’re sober is the song that I will be doing for my task this year., and therefore I thought it would be a good idea to

analyse the video, and understand what shots they chose to make extremely effective. The first shot is a, extreme close up on her face,

whilst she is singing along to the lyrics, this shows her pale complexion, dark hair and dark makeup; which suggests to me that she is part

of this heavy metal or heavier music genre. The Camera then slowly zooms outward and reveals her outfit, which is a little red riding hood

mock up, which suggests that she is an innocent victim who only helps people and never thinks about herself, and is constantly getting

hurt and betrayed. As the camera zooms out even more, it pans to the left to show a male character who I’m guessing is her lover or

partner, who evidently is dressed as the wolf from the old tale. The setting seems to be in an old hall or dining room of a large house, with

the wilderness and nature overtaking the house like a forest. There’s a large table as the centre, with the man at one end and the woman

at the other, with mountains of space between them, portraying the distant relationship and lack of trust due to the fact they’re no where

near each other. They do have a few conventions of a heavy metal music video. The key one is a stage performance and close up of the

other band members. The camera panned above the drum kit, showing the drummer playing the beat of the song, and getting into the

swing of things. As well as that, they zoomed into the guitars fret board and had a slight slow motion effect when the guitarist was banging

his head through the air, this signifies the genre of Heavy Metal, due to the fact it is a very common thing for the band members to do

during their performance. However, they never got to show their faces during the video, which is showing to me that they’re not as

important and the lead singer, due to the fact that the camera most of the time is constantly on her. On almost every other line, they show

a stage performance, whether it’s her playing the piano; the guitarist or the drummer having a panned movement over the top of the

drums. Most of the shots in this video are either Close-Ups, Medium Close-Ups or Full Body Shots. Throughout my analysis of this music

video, it has given me so many ideas for what I want to use during my interpretation of their song. I definitely want to include some sort of

costume like “Alice In Wonderland” or something along those lines, to follow with the style that they have in their videos. As well as that, I

will want to have a stage performance which means I will need to find an audience to star in my music video.


FALLThis music video conforms to all of the conventions that a heavy metal music video should have so people can relate to the genre. The first one

that I noticed was the usage of extreme close up shots on the instruments that the musicians are playing to create this piece of music. One of the

first shots in this video was an extreme close up on the fret bar of the lead singer/guitarists guitar, showing off it’s wealth and the fact that it’s an

electric guitar, a key aspect needed when in the heavy metal music industry, they are synonymous with heavy metal because of the tone in which

they create; associated with heavy metal. A metal band will get a lot of recognition for a good guitarist, so this makes it a prime convention in a

heavy metal music video. As well as that, the various shots including a long, worms eye view, shows off to the audience the look and dressage of the

band. Typically, the band members would be dressed in dark, or sometimes black colours, or band shirts which connect directly to the fans of the

bands, due to the fact that they all normally dress in band shirts to show that they follow that particular band and therefore the members of the

band also do the same. As well as that, they normally have piercings and tattoos as well,. which are all shown in this music video, shown by the

specifically chosen shots. That, in my opinion demonstrates or signifies rebellion, due to the fact that it’s subverting from the usual mainstream

(POP, R&B, HOUSE) music, so they need to have the perfect look to go with it as well. The setting is quite dark, and dangerous which is a typical

setting for a heavy metal music video, die to the fact that they want to look “hard” and stronger than the normal man, and they’re not scared of

anything. Heavy metal music videos have a convention of dark, and mysterious places, and this video conforms to it 100%, as well as having a stage

performance! They have got almost all of the conventions that are needed to make a heavy metal music video, well, a heavy metal music video. In

addition, they produced a narrative story line, in my dominant reading, represents pain and mis-happening which fits the lyrical base very well,

with the lyrics signifying a distraught couple who just keep on falling into bad situations, quite like the lyrics in “call me when you’re sober” the

music video that I’m going to be creating! Due to that, I have a few ideas of what costume and conventions I want to involve in this music video

now. However, it isn’t going to be as confirmative as this video, due to the fact that the song I have chosen is sung by a female artist and

stereotypically females prefer a lighter music taste. But, I will be involving a dark setting and dark outfits to add to the heavy metal look!