Download - Genesis 40 & 41 - Joseph Feeds Egypt


Genesis 40 & 41

God Protects His People in Egypt and the Exodus

Joseph Feeds Egypt

Egypt at the Time of Joseph

c. 1900/1730 b.c.Joseph arrived in Egypt during the reign of the Twelfth Dynasty, arguably the zenith of Egypt’s power. Shortly before this era, Upper and Lower Egypt had been unified under one ruler, and now Egyptian influence expanded south and east. The regular flooding of the Nile River provided a relatively stable supply of food and offered some degree of protection from the famines suffered by other lands of the ancient Near East.

“And we know that for those who love God all things work together for good, for those who are called

according to his purpose” (Romans 8:28).

Genesis 401. Why were these important officers in prison?

For committing offenses against Pharaoh

2. Why did the keeper of the prison trust Joseph to care for Pharaoh’s officers? He knew that Joseph worked hard and that the Lord was with him

3. Who did Joseph say interprets dreams? God

4. What did “lift up your head” mean for each man? To the cupbearer, it meant restoring his work as cupbearer; to the baker, it meant hanging for his offense.

5. What did Joseph ask the cupbearer to do? To tell Pharaoh about Joseph so Pharaoh might free him.

6. What happened three days later on Pharaoh’s birthday? Joseph’s interpretations of the two dreams were fulfilled.

7. Did the cupbearer remember Joseph? No.

1. How did Pharaoh feel after the dreams? His spirit was troubled.

2. Whom did Pharaoh call to interpret his dreams? Egyptian wise men and magicians. Were they successful? No.

3. Who encouraged Pharaoh to call Joseph and why? The chief cupbearer because he remembered Joseph had correctly interpreted his dream in prison.

4. Whom did Joseph credit for dream interpretations? God.

Genesis 41

1. Why did Joseph say Pharaoh had the dreams? God showed Pharaoh what He would do (v. 28). That way, Pharaoh could make plans.

2. What advice did Joseph give Pharaoh? Choose a discerning wise man to oversee Egypt and store crops during the plentiful years. Then use that food as reserve for the years of famine.

“And my God will supply every need of yours according to his riches in glory in Christ Jesus”

(Philippians 4:19).