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  • 8/6/2019 Gender Mainstreaming - ADB


    Asian Development Bank

    Stockholm, Sweden

    Shireen Lateef

    Senior Advisor (Gender)

    The views ex ressed in this a er are the views of the author and do not necessaril reflect the views or olicies of the Asian

    Development Bank (ADB), or its Board of Governors, or the governments they represent. ADB does not guarantee the accuracy of thedata included in this paper and accepts no responsibility for any consequence of their use. The countries listed in this paper do notimply any view on ADB's part as to sovereignty or independent status or necessarily conform to ADB's terminology.

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    Gender in corporate architecture

    Gender Mainstreaming at ADB

    Project Gender Categorization SystemADBs Gender Performance

  • 8/6/2019 Gender Mainstreaming - ADB


    Gender in Corporate ArchitectureGender in Corporate Architecture

    2008: Strate 2020 Gender as Driver of Change

    Results Framework 2012 Targets 40% ADB projects 50% ADF projects

    2010 Planning Directions Incentive

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    in ADBin ADB

    Defines gender mainstreaming as an approach

    ranslates ender mainstreamin into concretestrategies, actions, activities

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    Gender Categorization SystemGender Categorization System

    1. Gender Equity Theme (GEN) Gender equality and womens empowerment (GEWE) as

    exp c pro ec ou come

    Directly supports GEWE

    . GEWE substantially integrated but not explicit outcome Directly supports EGWE

    3. Some Gender Benefits (SGB) Gender partially integrated and does not meet EGM criteria Indirectly supports GEWE

    4. No Gender Elements (NGE)

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    Project Gender

    4 main oints

    Ever ro ect is reviewed to assess level ofgender integration

    Initial categorization done by project departments Reviewed and endorsed by gender team in the centre.

    Categories 1 (GEN; 2 (EGM) ; 3 (SGB) all

    count as GM.

    Defined criteria for ender mainstreamin .

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    GENGEN--EGM CriteriaEGM Criteria

    GEN Theme

    Explicit outcome statement or outcomeindicators in the project DMF

    GEN + EGM

    ro ect gen er act on p anGender analysis in project preparationGender tar ets and erformance indicators in DMF

    GAP in project processing & administration documentsGender mainstreaming explained in RRP

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    Projects w ith Gender Mainstreaming

    2004 2010

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    Projects w ith Gender Mainstreaming

    2004 2010

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    Projects w ith Gender Mainstreaming

    2004 2010

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    Im rovin PerformanceIm rovin Performance20082008--20102010

    Incentive Mechanism More gender specialists: HQ + RM

    Gender mainstreaming categories clarified

    Early category identification by RDs ore r gorous a en ry pro ec rev ew

    Expanded staff briefing and gender training

    Tracking in corporate results

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    HCMC MRT2: Gender Action PlanHCMC MRT2: Gender Action Plan

    Tranche 1

    Output 1& 2: Site

    - New facilities with gender design features e.g.male/female toilets



    Output 3 & 4 -Gender-responsive design: street lighting aroundMRT station schedules and ticketin o tions to suit

    transport multiples short trips/inter-modal transport usage.

    -Marketing campaign to target women as users.


    Output 1: Constructionof MRT2 main line &depot facilities

    spaces, separate toilets, shop spaces for female-owned businesses, child friendly access

    - 20% civil works jobs for women, gender core labor codes

    in contractsOutput 2: MRT2Rolling stock & metro

    - 30% jobs women - OM, ticketing, station attendees

    - Rolling stock design e.g. women only carriages, childserv ces seating, storage space e.g. for prams/ shopping

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    Cambodia: Rural Water Supply &Sanitation Projecten er ct on an

    Outputs Gender Actions

    Communitymobilization 25% of NGO staff w il l be female40% female WSUG board members

    At least 40% of sanitation & hygiene training participants to be

    Water supplyimprovements

    Consider wom ens needs in access to water points, child safety,and operation of hand pumps before construction

    50% of O&M training participants to be female


    Review specific considerations that affect females (e.g. separatepublic toilet blocks for women)

    Capacity building and Gender training for MRD staff at all levels

    t east tra n ng part c pants ema eSex-disaggregated data

    Project guidelines on gender mainstreaming

    Chair of MRDs Gender Working Group to sit on steering committeeArrangements

    At least 2 GWG members in PM U

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    good results

    Access to water andsanitation = increasedconven ence, me sav ngssafety, better health

    -managed, prioritized


    , , 43% women board

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    Bangladesh: Rural Infrastructure ResultsBangladesh: Rural Infrastructure Results

    Feeder Roads 4.62m w ork days for women; 2200 womencontracted for road side maintenance; Pay equity;

    ar e n ras ruc ure

    Shops and training forwomen, separate womensmarket sections

    omen mar e sec ons - separa e o e

    facilities; 816 Shops allotted to women; 733female traders trained in shop management;women in market mana ement

    Growth Center Markets withareas allocated to women

    200 Women market sections (279); Women inmarket management

    Maintenance (1250 km) fordestitute women

    formed/savings/skills training; 250 LCS trained

    Women given 5 km road maintenance

    r ges, u ver s, a s ,flood refuge centers (30) omen s pr va e corner n oo re ugesWaiting rooms/ toilets for women ghats, busshelter



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    Gender Performance tracked

    esu ts on tor ng ramewor

    Gender Mainstreaming strategy for GEWE

    ro ec en er c on an oo or ma ns ream ng

    2010 Performance

    equality/womens empowerment

    Need for more focus on implementation

    More ender ca acit develo ment overnmentpartners and staff

  • 8/6/2019 Gender Mainstreaming - ADB


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