Download - GD NT 3: MeckMom LDS Gospel Doctrine New Testament Lesson 3

  1. 1. Unto You is Borna SaviorGospel Doctrine Lesson 3: Luke 2, Matthew 2
  2. 2. Introduction Story of the wise men They knew the astronomy but didnt know the prophesy so they went to Harod Matt 2:4-6 What did those scribes do? What did the wisemen do? Its not enough to know the story
  3. 3. History Last week: Covered the Annunciation and the story of John the Baptist This weeks purpose: To encourage class members to rejoice in the birth of Jesus Christ and follow the example he set in his youth, [increasing] in wisdom and stature, and in favour with God and man (Luke 2:52).
  4. 4. Luke 2: Jesus Christ is born 1-4: Taxes were related to property Distance is 80 miles 5-6: Three stages of marriage 1. Promise (in front of witnesses) 2. Espousal (contracts signed, husband builds a home) 3. Marriage (bridegroom story)
  5. 5. Luke 2: Jesus Christ is born 7: Brought forth No mid-wife, no mom, no sisters Swaddling bands (5 linen strips) Made by the bride-to-be while the husband worked on the house Showed lineage of both families Had to be perfect on both sides Used in the marriage ceremony
  6. 6. Luke 2: Angels & Many Others Rejoice at Jesus Birth 8-9: Only two scenarios explain why they were keeping watch It was birthing season They were sacrificial sheep (McConkie) Shepherds were blue collar, considered unclean because they worked on the Sabbath, often young 10-12: Jews expected a King
  7. 7. Luke 2: Angels & Many Others Rejoice at Jesus Birth 13-14: What did the angels announce? How has Jesus glorified the Father? Has the earth found peace? John 14:27 Joseph B. Wirthlin: Be assured that there is a safe harbor. You can find peace amidst the storms that threaten you. Your Heavenly Fatherwho knows when even a sparrow fallsknows of your heartache and suffering. He loves you and wants the best for you. Never doubt this. While He allows all of us to make choices that may not always be for our own or even others well-being, and while He does not always intervene in the course of events, He has promised the faithful peace even in their trials and tribulations.
  8. 8. Luke 2: What did the shepherds do? 15-16: They left with haste! They didnt find a sub, or worry about the sheep. Why not? What did they see there? 17-18, 20: Steps of the Shepherd 1. Learn, 2. Witness, 3. Testify, 4. Return
  9. 9. Luke 2: Simeons Witness 22-24, 40 days of purification (80 for girls) 25-27, He came by the Spirit How had he prepared? What level in society was he? 28-32, Who did he announce this to? 33-35, Why did they marvel? What is he teaching Mary about Jesus destiny?
  10. 10. Luke 2: Annas witness 36-37: She was married for 7 years and a widow for 84 years. What class of woman was she? 38: She would have stayed in the court of the women The scriptures dont say that she saw anything. Witnesses so far: Young, old, poor, middle-class, humble, wise, male, female
  11. 11. Matt 2: Wise men come to worship the child Jesus. Herod seeks to kill him. History: Who was Herod? Similar to Henry VIII 1-3: Why did they come (2)? What does that tell us about them? 8-10: The light moves ahead of them
  12. 12. Matt 2: Wise men come to worship the child Jesus. 11: Their first gift is humility Gold: symbol of Kingship Frankincense: symbol of Diety/Priesthood Myrrh: symbol of Death/suffering 12-15: Flight into Egypt How are we warned today? Mary didnt receive this vision. Why?
  13. 13. Luke 2: Guided by the Father, Jesus prepares in his youth for his ministry 39-40: Waxed strong To increase (or decrease) over time 41-46: 12 is the age of manhood JST - they were asking 47-50: Two uses of Father
  14. 14. Bruce R. McConkie "He was as much the product of the mother who bare him as were her other children. As a babe he began to grow, normally and naturally, and there was nothing supernatural about it. He learned to crawl, to walk, to run. He spoke his first word, cut his first tooth, took his first step--the same as other children do. He learned to speak; he played with toys like those of his brothers and sisters; and he played with them and with the neighbor children. He went to sleep at night and he awoke with the morning light . . . . He learned to speak, to read, to write; he memorized passages of scripture, and he pondered their deep and hidden meanings. He was taught in the home by Mary, and then by Joseph, as was the custom of the day. Jewish traditions and the provisions of the Torah were discussed daily in his presence. He learned the Schema, reverenced the Mezuzah, and participated in prayers, morning, noon, and night. Beginning at five or six he went to school, and certainly continued to do so until he became a son of the law at twelve years of age . . . . It is also apparent that Jesus learned much from nature--from observing the lilies of the field, the birds of the air, and the foxes that have holes for homes . . . . Further: in his study, and in the learning process, he was guided from on high in way that none other has never been."
  15. 15. How did he learn? JST Matthew 3:24-26 (784) 1. Gained strength 2. Waited upon the Lord 3. Served 4. Set himself apart D&C 93:19-20 How can we do the same?