Download -  · Web viewI usually have four meals a day. In the morning I have breakfast. At school I have lunch. At home I have dinner and in the evening I have supper. Besides,

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Министерство образования, науки иМолодежной политики Краснодарского края

Государственное бюджетное профессиональное образовательное учреждение Краснодарского края «Кропоткинский техникум технологий и

железнодорожного транспорта»

ИНОСТРАННЫЙ ЯЗЫК(английский язык)


для профессии «Повар, кондитер»



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Протокол №________Зав. МО ____________«____»_________________ 20_____ г.Заместитель директора по научно-методической работе______________«____»_________________ 20_____ г.

Одобрено в качестве учебно-методических материалов для аудиторной работы студентов по дисциплине “Иностранный язык” методическим советом Протокол №_____ от «____»_________________ 20_____ г.Председатель методического Совета _________________________


Самойлова Т.А, преподаватель иностранного языкаИностранный язык: сборник технических текстов с заданиями для профессии «Повар, кондитер»


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Unit 1 5

Unit 2 8

Unit 3 12

Unit 4 15

Unit 5 17

Unit 6 18

Unit 7 22

Unit 8 28

Unit 9 33

Unit 10 36

Unit 11 41

Unit 12 43

Unit 13 49

Unit 14 50

Unit 15 53

Unit 16 58

Unit 17 60




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Сборник технических текстов с заданиями составлен на основе государственного образовательного стандарта 2016 г. и соответствует тематике преподаваемого предмета.

В сборник включено 17 практических заданий, на каждое из которых отводится 2 часа.

Данный сборник текстов предназначен для студентов профессиональных образовательных учреждений и основной целью работы по нему является развитие у коммуникативной компетенции во всех видах речевой деятельности.

Результатом выполнения практических работ будут:знания:

– лексический (2000 лексических единиц) минимум необходимый для чтения и перевода (со словарем) текстов технической и профессиональной направленностиумения:– понимать основное содержание несложно звучащих текстов или диалогов по изучаемым темам;– выражать своё отношение и мнение к высказываниям;– делать сообщения с наиболее важной выбранной информацией;– рассуждать, делать выводы по прочитанному материалу;– выборочно понимать и извлекать информацию в неадаптированных технических текстах;– пользоваться двуязычными или одноязычными словарями и другой справочной литературой.

В практических работах Ваши знания оцениваются следующим образом:









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работы100-90 89-80 79-75 менее 75

Перечень практических заданий приводится в содержании.


Page 5:  · Web viewI usually have four meals a day. In the morning I have breakfast. At school I have lunch. At home I have dinner and in the evening I have supper. Besides,

Unit 1


1. Прочитайте и переведите текст, используя слова после текста.

I usually have four meals a day. In the morning I have breakfast. At school I have lunch. At home I have dinner and in the evening I have supper. Besides, I like to eat an apple or a banana, or to drink a glass of juice between meals, if I'm thirsty. Yesterday I got up at 7 o'clock, washed, cleaned teeth and dressed. Then I had breakfast. I had mashed potatoes with meat, a cheese sandwich and a cup of tea for breakfast. At school we had a pie and a glass of orange juice. I'm always hungry when I come home after school.

Yesterday my mother cooked cabbage soup' roast chicken and rice, made pudding and tea. It was so tasty' I ate everything with pleasure. For supper we had pancakes with jam and sour cream. These are my favourite things.

My mother thinks that one apple a day keeps the doctor away. That’s why she buys fruit and vegetables every day. Yesterday she bought oranges and kiwi. I have a sweet tooth and my parents often buy me ice-cream, sweets, chocolate, cakes, cookies and other tasty things. I like them very much.

Vocabulary be hungry - быть голодным be thirsty - хотеть питьbesides - кроме того, помимоbetween - междуdifferent - различныйfavourite - любимыйhave a sweet tooth – быть сластёнойhave breakfast - завтракатьhave dinner - обедатьhave lunch - завтракать(второй завтрак)have supper - ужинатьmashed potatoes – пюре картофельноеmeal – принятие пищи, едаpancake - блин, оладьяroast - жареныйsour cream - сметанаtasty – вкусный


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2. Вставьте пропущенные слова . 1. I usually have .... a day.2. ...I like to eat an apple or a banana or to drink a glass of juice ... meals, if I'm ... .3. I'm always ... when I come home after school.4. For supper we had ... with jam and …. .

3. Согласитесь или исправьте неверные утверждения.

1. In the morning I have supper.2. I had mashed potatoes with meat, a hamburger and a cup of tea for breakfast.3. Yesterday my mother cooked cabbage soup, roast chicken and rice and made pudding and tea.4. My mother thinks that a potato a day keeps the driver away.

4. Переведите предложения на английский язык.

1. Я обычно кушаю три раза в день.2. Кроме того, я люблю съесть яблоко, банан или выпить стакан сока,

если я хочу пить.3. В колледже нам давали стакан апельсинового сока и пирожное.4. Я сластёна.5. Кушай по яблоку в день и доктор не понадобится.

5. Ответьте на вопросы .

1. How many meals a day do you have?2. Where and when do you have breakfast (lunch, dinner, supper)?3. What did you have for breakfast (lunch, dinner, supper) yesterday?4. What do you like to eat when you are hungry?5. What do you like to drink when you are thirsty?6. Do you like fruit and vegetables? Why?7. Do you have a sweet tooth? What do you like to eat?

6. Укажите соответствие . 1) 1. sweets a. pastry 2.cake b. ice-cream c. dessert d. candy

2) 1. dish a. style of cooking 2.cuisine b. snack


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c. meal d. course

3) 1. entree a. main dish 2. side dish b. garnish c. spice d. salad

4) 1. snack a. nourishing food 2.substantial meal b. tasteful food c. delicious meal d. light meal (quick)

5) 1.cabbage a. fruit 2. veal b. vegetable c. meat d. fish

6) 1. hard-boiled eggs a. breakfast in aspic b. dessert c. dinner d. side dish


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Unit 2

My meals

1. Прочитайте и переведите текст.

It goes without saying that I prefer to have meals at home. At the weekend I like to get up late and have a good breakfast of scrambled eggs, or pancakes, or something like that. But on weekdays I'm always short of time in the morning. So I just have a cup of strong tea or coffee and a couple of sandwiches.

As I spend a lot of time at school (usually eight or nine hours) it's necessary to have a snack at midday just to keep me going. That's why I have to go to the school canteen to have lunch. Our school canteen leaves much to be desired. It has become a tradition with our canteen to serve chops and watery mashed potatoes every day with a glass of cocoa or stewed fruit.

But I enjoy my evening meal at home. My mother is a wonderful cook and her dinners are always delicious and various.

To begin with, we usually have some salad — tomato and cucumber salad or mixed salad (I like it very much). For the first course we have some soup — noodle, mushroom or cabbage soup, or maybe some fish soup for a change. For the main course we have meat, chicken or fish dishes, for example, steak or fried fish with spaghetti or potatoes (boiled or fried). We also have a lot of vegetables — green peas, carrots, tomatoes, cucumbers. I prefer meat to fish but my mother makes me eat fish from time to time. She says it's good for my brains.

For dessert we have some fruit, fruit juice or just a cup of tea with a slice of cake. On Sundays we sometimes go to McDonald's. I like everything there: cheeseburgers, hamburgers and Big Macs, apple pies and fruit cocktails. But unfortunately we can't afford to go there very often, because it's rather expensive for a family and besides, they say it's not very healthy to eat at McDonald's.

Vocabulary it goes without saying - и без слов понятноscrambled eggs - яичница болтуньяshort of time - мало времени ( нехватка времени)couple - параsandwich - бутербродto have a snack - закусить, перекусить


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2. Ответьте на вопросы письменно .

1 How many meals a day do you usually have? 2. What do you usually have for breakfast? 3. Where do you have lunch (dinner)? 4. How many courses does your lunch (dinner) usually consist of? 5. What is your favourite dish? 6. What vegetables do you like? 7. What do you usually have for dessert? 8. How often do you eat out? 9. Have you ever eaten at McDonald's? 10. Some people say that eating at a restaurant is a waste of money. Do you agree? 11. Can you cook?

3. Вставьте артикль a / an , где необходимо, или напишите no change , где артикль не нужен.

1 Joanna eats apple every morning. apple ... 2 Peter doesn't like milk in his tea. NO CHANGE.. 3 Katie rarely has biscuit with her coffee………………………………………... 4 George normally eats meat for dinner. ………………………………………… 5 Brian usually has omelette for lunch. …………………………………………..6 Margaret never drinks beer. …………………………………………………….7 Robin occasionally puts butter on his potatoes………………………………….

4. Джеин пытается похудеть, поэтому каждый день записывает своё меню. Вставьте артикль a / an , только в малокалорийных продуктах.

Breakfast – cornflakes, pork chop, juice, porridge, milk, salad, cheese, cup of black coffee, cake, mashed potatoes.

Lunch – soup, chicken broth, ham, vegetable salad, boiled beef, mineral water, beer, cauliflower, cabbage, bread, dry bread.

Dinner – lobster, fish, potatoes, omelette, turkey, glass of milk, meat salad, fruit salad. tea, veal, steak, green peas, fried pork, spaghetti.

5. Обсуди своё меню на обед со своим другом.


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a. if you are going to dine alone b. if you invite your group-mates for this dinner.

6. Укажите правильный ответ .

1. After а hard working day I came home and was as hungry as a ….. .

a. wolf b. hunter c. lion d. bird

2.We wanted to have a snack and went to the cafe but unfortunately it was ….. .

a. full b. free c. packed d. crowded

3. Peter doesn`t like juice, he prefers steward fruit for ……. . a. dinner b. breakfast c. lunch d. supper

4. You should know that soup is eaten with a …… . a. knife b. napkin c. fork d. spoon

5.……….. is a green, red or yellow fruit, which is very useful for our health.

a. apple b. orange c. pine apple d. strawberry

6. During the party in the restaurant we were served by polite …… .

a. servants b.waitresses c. managers d. maids

7. During the whole summer bees produce very useful …….. .

a. sugar b. honey c. sweets d.cakes

8. They say hunger is the best …… . a. friend b. sauce c. food d. Snack

7. Запишите и выучите новые слова и выражения.

1. Milk, Milk Products and Dishesbaked milk - топленое молокоyoghurt кефир (по-славянски)whipped cream взбитые сливкиbaked pudding of curds запеканка из творога

2. Eggs and Egg Dishesa soft-boiled egg яйцо всмятку


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a hard-boiled egg яйцо вкрутуюa well-boiled egg яйцо (в мешочек)scrambled eggs яичница-болтуньяeggs up Br.E, sun-like eggs Am.E яичница-глазуньяbacon and eggs яичница с бекономsausage and eggs яичница с колбасойham and eggs яичница с ветчинойa cheese omelette омлет с сыромan onion omelette омлет с лукомa tomato omelette омлет с помидорамиeggs stuffed caviar яйца, фаршированные икройan egg salad салат из яиц

3. Rolls and Bunsbrown bread Br.E, black bread Am.E. чёрный хлебrye bread ржаной хлебwhole meal bread пеклеванный хлебwhite bread белый хлебwheat [wi:t] bread пшеничный хлебa roll [roul] булочкаa bun сдоба, сдобная булочкаa cream bun булочка с кремомa pie пирогa patty пирожокa tart открытый пирог с фруктами, ягодами иливареньем; фруктовое пирожное; тортa Swiss roll бисквитный рулетa beef-roll, a meat-loaf рулет с мясомa jam puff слоеный пирожок с повидломan Easter cake куличpastry ['peistri] кондитерские изделия;печенье; пирожные, торты и т.д.a cake пряник, кексa honey-cake медовый пряникa dumpling пончикa pastry-cake, a fancy-cake пирожноеa shortcake песочное пирожноеa sponge-cake бисквитное пирожноеa cup-cake пирожное (корзиночка)a layer-cake слоеное пирожноеan almond-cake миндальное пирожноеeclair эклер


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Unit 3


1. Прочитайте диалог, соблюдая интонацию. Переведите .

Frank: In English a meal that you eat in the middle of the day is named as lunch.

Jane: Everyone knows that. And how do you call your lunch if it is for business purposes?

Frank: You may have a business lunch, may be in a restaurant where people have lunch together and discuss business matters.

Jane: I know that sometimes people just have a packed lunch, or, in other words, some cold food, such as sandwiches, fruit, coffee, etc. You can have a packed lunch. It may be also called dry rations. Do you know that, Frank?

Frank: Yes, I do.Jane: Usually one hour off is given to a person for lunch!Frank: In other words, a lunch may be a light and quick meal in a cafe or in

some other place. So you go out for lunch, you may, for example, go to a restaurant to eat.

Jane: Are there any fixed word combinations to describe situations with the word lunch?

Frank: Yes, there are. They are known as collocations.Jane: Can you give an example? Frank: Some of them are as follows

- you have/eat lunch every day.- You may think in advance what you may have for lunch.- People go out for lunch at a certain time


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Some people like to take smb out to lunch. Jane: Well, now I know quite well all the expressions with the word

“lunch”.Vocabulary dry rations - сухой паёкone hour off is given – отводить час времени на обедquick and light meal – лёгкий перекус

2. Прочитайте текст, выберите подходящее слово в скобках.

Salty fillingsThe British Sandwich Association was (dramatical / critical / indecisive) of

the findings.

"Sandwiches (involve / take / consist ) the assembly of ingredients," said Jim Winship, director of the organization.

"The fact is that the salt is already in the ingredients – e.g. bacon or ham – so if consumers (sell / choose / give) a sandwich containing these they are bound to have a higher salt content."

But he stressed that on average, the sandwiches surveyed had 2 g of salt – or a third of the (given / offered / recommended ) daily intake – and that these levels were not unreasonable.

Cash admitted that, given a sandwich was often the main (point / thing / constituent ) of one of three meals in the day, containing a third of the recommended daily intake of salt was not necessarily a problem.

"But it (does / is / has) often combined with other things," says Jo Butten, the group's nutritionist. "Once you have had a packet of crisps with your sandwich and finished off with some biscuits, you may well have gone over your (limit / point / taste)".

3. Запишите и выучите новые слова.

to cook готовить (пищу)to boil кипятить; кипеть; отвариватьto fry жарить (на масле)to roast жарить (мясо, дичь, птицу)to grill жарить (на гриле)to spit жарить (на вертеле)to stew тушитьto tin, to can консервироватьto smoke коптить (рыбу и т.д.)to salt солитьto dry сушитьto bake печь, выпекать


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to taste пробовать (на вкус)to wash up мыть посуду

scant скудный, ограниченный, малыйsandwich бутербродto care for нравитьсяfried eggs яичницаsubstantial плотный (о еде)curd pancakes сырники patty пирожокomelette омлетgem пресная сдобная булочкаhard-smoked сырокопченая (колбаса)soft caviar черная икра;fresh caviar зернистая икраcold-smoked холодного копченияhot-smoked горячего копченияvaried разнообразныйbacon and eggs яичница с бекономmashed potatoes картофельное пюреfried mushrooms жареные грибыbaked beans запеченные бобыblack pudding ['pudiŋ] кровяная колбасаhash browns поджаренное, мелко нарезанноемясо с овощамиtoasts тосты, поджаренные хлебцыto prefer предпочитатьcroissant [krui'sam] Fr. рожок, сдобная булочка

3. Ответьте на вопросы письменно .

l. What do "you have for breakfast on week-days? Is your breakfast scant or substantial? 2. What do you have for breakfast on your days out? 3. What does Kate recommend her guests for breakfast? 4. What does British breakfast consist of? Is it scant or substantial? 5. Tell us about continental breakfast. 6. Tell us about a good Russian breakfast.

4. Заполните пропуски подходящими по смыслу словами (см. приведенные ниже слова).

1. This morning my breakfast is ... because I have very little time. 2. Sometimes I eat ..., bread and butter and drink a cup of ... or ... . 3. On my days out my breakfast is ... . 4.I prefer ... tea. 5. We serve our guests ... . 6. Do you like ...


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sandwiches? 7.1 don't care for ... tea. I prefer it ... . 8.1 don't eat ... bread. I like ... bread. 9. Peter eats ... apples. He doesn't care for ... apples.

scant, ham and cheese, fried eggs, strong freshly-made, substantial, coffee, cocoa, weak, strong, fresh, stale, sour,sweet, quickly.

5. Переведите следующие словосочетания.

Приготовленный завтрак, копченая колбаса, яичница-болтунья, жареное мясо, кипяченое молоко, отварное мясо, сушеная черная смородина, поданная еда, выпечные пироги, копченая осетрина, соленая осетрина.

Unit 4

Tastes differ

1. Прочитайте , переведите и перескажите текст. Ответьте на вопрос письменно.

Tastes differ. It concerns food in the first place. A Frenchman will eat a fried frog with pleasure but a Russian would choose something different. Pigs are not eaten in Moslem countries though Europeans are fond of pork. A sandwich of raw meat is a delicacy for a German while in other countries it is not served. One may give many other facts to illustrate the above saying. What explanations can you give to these customs?

2. Ответьте на вопросы по образцу .

Образец: Have you had any vegetables? (fruit)- I haven't had any vegetables. I have just had some fruit.

1. Has he had any beans? (peas) 2. Have they had any coffee? (tea) 3. Have you had any apples? (peaches) 4. Have I had any cabbage? (lettuce) 5. Have you had any beer? (wine) 6. Has he had any lamb? (beef) 7. Have they had any tea? (milk) 8. Has she had any meat? (vegetables)9. Have you had any chicken? (steak)

3. Согласитесь или опровергните следующие утверждения.


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l. Sandwich is a hot meal which we eat at dinner for the first course.2. We have lunch in the evening before going to bed.3. Englishmen usually do not have porridge in the morning.4. Doctors usually recommend people to have heavy supper.5. If you want to reduce your weight (to become slim) you must eat a lot of bread.6. Tarts and cakes and fruit are usually served at the beginning of a meal.

4. Прочитайте текст, ответьте письменно на вопросы после него.National food

English language has a number of “national '' expressions. Many of them are to do with food.

A Scotch egg, for example, is a hard-boiled egg in sausage meat, eaten cold or hot. Scotch broth is a thick soup with beef and barley. Irish stew is made from meat, onion and potatoes. Welsh rarebit pronounced “rabbit” is melted cheese on hot toast. A Spanish omelette is an omelette containing tomatoes, onions, and potatoes. Russian salad is a salad of cold, cooked vegetables made with Russian dressing which has a sharp taste. Russian tea is tea with lemon instead of milk.

1. What English expressions about food do you know? 2. What is Irish stew? 4. What is the most popular meal in the USA?5. Can you cook any national dish? Could you give the recipe?

5. Прочитайте письмо о китайской еде. Выполните просьбу китайского друга.

Dear friend,You asked me to tell you what we eat and drink here in China. Well, for

breakfast I usually have green tea and rice porridge.For lunch I have rice and vegetables and more tea, and for dinner I have rice

again, usually with some pork or chicken, I usually drink tea-again! And we finish the meal with some soup. 0n special occasions we have duck or fish for dinner – I like duck, but I don't like fish very much-and in the summer we often eat fruit, like mangoes or peaches or melons. I love mangoes! At Chine’s New Year we have my favourite meal dumplings?!

Please write and tell me about food in your country,


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Song Lin.

6. Переведите на русский язык.

l. What can I do for you? 2. Breakfast for two, please. 3.What would you like for breakfast? 4. Here is the menu. Make your choice, please. 5. Today we've got a big choice of milk products and dishes. 6. Would you like ice-cream or whipped cream? 7. Strawberry jam is delicious. 8. I'd rather have curd pancakes and a meat patty. 9. How much do I pay?-Five roubles. 10.1 don't care for boiled milk. 11. Will you bring us something substantial to your taste? 12. I'm very much in a hurry. 13. I'll serve you in no time. 14. Would you like cranberry jam? - With great pleasure. 15. Can I have an open curd tart for tea? 16. What's the bill?

Unit 5

English food

1. Прочитайте и переведите текст . Сделайте краткий конспект текста. Составьте план для пересказа.

English food is full of dishes that have strange names and wonderful flavours. Though the current national dish is currently considered to be Chicken Tikka Masala, there is much famous, more traditional fare to be enjoyed. All through the day, you can tickle your taste buds with things like bubble and squeak, kedgeree, a Cornish pasty, or a Devon scone. The food is complimented by the pleasant teas, ales, and ciders specific to the nation of England as well. Whether you prefer Edwardian culinary delights, Victorian tasty treats, or more contemporary fare, you can explore the local cuisine all over the countryside and in the city as well.

Start your day off with a Full English breakfast, a substantial start to the day. Traditional components to this traditional hearty breakfast are fried eggs, fried toast, mushrooms, grilled tomatoes, bangers (links of pork sausage fried up in a skillet, sometimes exploding with a bang), rashers of bacon, and baked beans. Some add black (blood) pudding or white pudding to the plate. Add a pot of tea to the table and you have a spread worthy of lingering at the table on a lazy weekend. If you are more inclined to a simpler, but still filling meal to jumpstart the day, traditional English porridge will hit the spot. Devilled kidneys on toast were once the breakfast food of choice. Brunches often include kedgeree, a curried rice, haddock, and egg concoction. If you can think about lunch after that filling breakfast, you might try a


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traditional sandwich like roast beef and horseradish or egg and watercress. Cornish pasties are pastries filled with savoury meat and potatoes are crimped closed and cooked to make them portable pies, perfect for a picnic lunch. Fish and chips are also a traditional take-away English food. Grab some from a fish and chips stand and keep on going, or sit back and relax while you enjoy this deliciously fried treat. Hang out at a pub for steak and ale pie, Ploughman's, or smoked salmon. Afternoon tea is perhaps the most famous eating tradition in England. People around the world associate the nation with this repast. It starts with crustless, dainty sandwiches, moves to cakes and scones, and is rounded off by petit fours. All along the way you drink delicious English teas. English food for afternoon tea is rich and indulgent, even though it was originally invented as an afternoon pick-me-up. No matter the time of day, traditional English delights can please your palate.

Unit 6

A Brief Introduction to British food.

1. Прочитайте и переведите текст.


In many European countries it is normal to have a long break in the middle of the day when all members of the family return to their houses to eat together. This is not very common in Britain because normally it is a long way from the place of work or school to the home. Consequently the British people tend to have a big breakfast before they go to work and the meal at midday is not spent with the members of the family but with workmates or schoolmates. Lunch is normally eaten between 12.30 pm and 1.30pm. Most people finish work at five thirty. It often takes at least an hour to get home from the school or workplace so people tend to eat their evening meal or "dinner" between 6.30pm and 8pm.

On Sundays people don't have to work so they take the opportunity eat together with their family. Sunday lunch is usually the best meal of the week and many of the meals which are considered typically British are eaten for Sunday lunch. For example, roast beef and yorkshire pudding.


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This is a typical British family eating together on Sunday.After lunch the father will smoke his pipe and read the newspaper sitting on

his favourite armchair while his wife washes the dishes. The children will play traditional English

games suchas hopscotch, skipping or doctors and nurses.

Although everyone in Britain understands that "breakfast" is the first meal of the day. There is a lot of confusion about the words for other meals such as "dinner, lunch, tea, high tea , elevenses, brunch, supper" and if you ask a British person what these words mean, most of them will give you a different answer according to what part of the country they are from or from what social class they are from. Another example of this is the pronunciation of the word "scones" ( a type of cake eaten with Devonshire clotted cream, strawberry jam and cups of tea, known as a "cream tea")


Generally speaking the British breakfast is much bigger than in most other countries. Many people like to have a fried breakfast which can consist of fried bacon and eggs with fried bread and possibly fried tomatoes or black pudding. Of course not everybody wants to eat a lot early in the morning and many people prefer to just eat toast and marmalade with tea or coffee. Cereals are also very popular. The most common is cornflakes. They are made with different grains such as corn, wheat, oats etc. If you go to a Britsh supermarket you will see that there are many types of cereals available. In Scotland many people eat "porridge" or boiled oats. Porridge is very heavy but in the winter it will keep you warm on your way to school.


If you go to Britain to study English and you stay with a family you will almost certainly be given a "packed lunch" to eat for your midday meal. Some factories and schools have canteens where you can eat but the packed lunch is the most common thing to eat. A packed lunch normally consist of some sandwiches, a packet of crisps, an apple and a can of something to drink, for example, coca-cola. The contents are kept in a plastic container and you take it with you when you go to school or work. The quality of the packed lunch can vary from terrible to very good, it all depends on who makes it.


Things are changing and most British people eat meals from many different countries for example spagetti or curry. In fact you could even say that the British don't eat much British food. However the most typical thing to eat for dinner is


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"meat and two veg". This consists of a piece of meat accompanied by two different boiled vegetables. This is covered with "gravy" which is a sauce made with the juice that was obtained when the meat was cooked. One of the vegetables is almost always potatoes. The British eat a lot of potatoes.


meal — еда cereal — овсянка, кукурузные хлопья to prepare — готовить to consist — состоять light — легкий lamb — баранинаto tend – иметь тенденцию, склонностьaccording to – в соответствии с fried – жареныйpossibly – возможноstrawberry – клубникаcornflakes – кукурузные хлопьяavailable – всевозможныеcanteens – столовыеcrisps – чипсыThe contents – содержимоеquality – качествоto depend – зависеть отcurry – блюдо, приправленное карриaccompanied – сопровождаемыйgravy – соус, подливка мяснаяobtained – полученный

2. Ответьте письменно на вопросы.1. How many meals a day do English people have? 2. What did they use to eat for breakfast? 3. What do they usually eat nowadays? 4. Is lunch a large meal? 5. Where do English people eat lunch? 6. What dishes are served for dinner? 7. What is the most important meal of the week? 8. Is British afternoon tea still popular? 

3. Прочитайте информацию, переведите, и сделайте заметки в тетради.

Glossary of typical English food.

Baked Beans20

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Baked beans are beans cooked in a tomato sauce. They come in cans and are normally eaten on toast. The British are very fond of baked beans.

Bangers and Mash. This is mashed potatoes with sausages.

Black Pudding. A thick sausage made with blood and fat.

Yorkshire pudding. A batter made with flour, eggs and milk and cooked in the oven. This is most often eaten with roast beef for Sunday lunch. (Batter is the same mixture that is used to make pancakes)

A Ploughman's Lunch. This is a very popular thing to eat if you go to eat in a "pub" at midday. It normally consists of a bread roll with a piece of cheese and a pickled onion. By the way there are many very good pickles that you can buy at the supermarket for example "branston pickle". Branston Pickle is not sold in any other countries but it is the perfect companion to cheese. (I always buy a jar when I go to England) British cheeses are very good. The most famous is Cheddar. Most of the cheeses are named after the region from where they come from eg. Red Leicester, Cheshire etc. There is a very good British blue cheese called Stilton although it can be rather expensive.

Haggis. This is only normally eaten in Scotland. It is sheep's intestine stuffed with meat and vegetables.

The Fish and Chip shop. You will almost certainly go to a fish and chip shop when you visit Britain. It is a shop which cooks fried potatoes called chips. They are usually accompanied by fish, pies, mushy peas, etc. The chips used to be wrapped in newspaper but now white paper is used. They often ask if you want salt and vinegar to be sprinkled over your chips. Be careful because sometimes they give you too much!

Pie. A pie is some food surrounded by pastry (pastry is a mixture of flour and butter). It is normally baked in the oven. The content of the pie can be sweet or savory. Typical examples of pies are "steak and kidney pie" or "apple pie". There are variations of the pie such as Cornish pasties. Pasties were originally invented so that working men could take their food to work with them. Someone told me that miners in the Cornish tin mines invented the Cornish pasties. I suppose that if you work in a mine it is too much trouble to come to the surface to have lunch.


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Bread and Butter. When the British eat bread they almost always cover it with butter or margarine. It is very common to see a plate of bread and butter on table when you eat. You can use it to soak up the gravy or juices left on your plate.

British Bread. British bread is very good and if you go to the baker there are many different types of bread to choose from. However, although the bread is very good, the most popular type of bread in Britain is sliced white bread. This is sold in plastic packets and is not half as good as the bread which you must cut yourself.

Baked beans – тушёная фасоль

Unit 7

Russian cuisine

1. Прочитайте и переведите текст, используя слова после текста.

There have always been two types of Russian cuisine - on the one hand, the aristocratic, rich style, and on the other hand – a peasant, simple, everyday style. Russian people loved chicken (turkey emerged at the beginning of the 17th century). Veal was not eaten. Russian kitchens only boiled, steamed or simmered food. Food was never heated in fat (butter).

During the times of the Rus, many different kinds of bread, cakes and pirogs were baked and filled with things which were in the house, farm, garden, field, or forest: chicken, vegetables, peas and beans, fruit, berries or mushrooms. The rivers were full of fish, so Pirogs filled with all types of fish were very common. Chicken pirogs were eaten on public holidays. Meat was eaten boiled and on special occasions at the end of the meal like blessed food. There was no shortage of soup, especially vegetable soup: borsch, stchi – a soup made from marinated cabbage. Other, favourite was the famous Russian kasha. So there is a Russian saying : “ Stchi and kasha is all we ever get to eat''.

The cuisine of the aristocracy preferred the blinse cakes (pancakes) or towers, which were invented by Russian gourmands and comprised blinses of all manner - of different fillings piled up on top of each other. In the times of Catherine 11 it became fashionable to serve French and Russian meals at receptions, followed by delicious desserts and exotic fruits. The evening meal at the tsarist court comprised 80 courses for each person. There were hot broths, marinated chicken, rabbit, tortoise, sausages, pirogues, salads, oysters, bitter oranges, pastry, blinses, sweets.


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It is of upmost importance for the Russian hospitality to set a rich table. Blinses are still very popular both by themselves or filled with meat, fish, caviar, and sour cream. Originally, they symbolized the sun.

These traditions still exist. They have survived – at family dinners, friendly parties at the kitchen, even in the kitchens of the communal apartments food , where every housewife, and sometimes houseman cooked his or her own special dish. To this very day, the greatest praise which can be said to a cook is that it “tastes as if it were homemade”. And foreigners can’t believe their eyes: “What? You can do all that at home?”

Vocabulary:cuisine - кухняpeasant –крестьянскаяveal – говядинаfill – наполнять, начинатьpea – горохberry – ягодаmushrooms – грибыblessed food – благословенная едаdelicious – вкусныйexist – существовать

2. Ответьте на вопросы по тексту.

1. What were the two types of Russian cuisine? 2. How did the Russian cooked the food? 3. Veal wasn't eaten, was it? 4. Was food heated in fat (butter)? 5. What did Russian people use to fill cakes, blinses, pirogs? 6. What soups did Russian people cook? 7. What did the cuisine of Russian aristocracy Tasty treat prefer?8. What dishes were served at the tsarist receptions? 9. It's a Russian tradition to set a rich table, isn't it? 10. What Russian dishes are still popular?11. What did Russian blinses symbolize? 12. What is the greatest praise which can be said to a Russian cook?

3. Прочитайте и переведите текст. Составьте план для пересказа


Russian Cuisine


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Russian cuisine is rich and varied. In Russia there is a large variety of milk products: a sort of dry, granulated cream cheese called "tvorog", thick sour cream called "smetana", and several types of sour milk products of the yoghourt type. Smetana can be used with almost anything: a dollop of it in the soup, a spoonful eaten with meat dish, or strawberries and apples sliced up small and eaten mixed with smetana. It is also used on pancakes. Smetana is an almost universal flavouring sauce, or if you like, it can be drunk by the glassful with or without sugar. Smetana is made from cream. It contains 2,5% of protein, 20 - 40% of fats, lactic acid. One hundred grams contain 203 kilo-calory.Kefir is a pleasant, useful beverage made from cow's milk, yeast and lactic acid bacteria. It's a dietary product. Ryazhenka is a sour milk product made from baked milk, very pleasant to taste.

There is a big choice of appetizers, soups, hot and dessert dishes. You can recommend your guests soft, pressed and red caviar. Its vitamin content is especially high. Then, of course, salmon, hot and cold smoked sturgeon, pikeperch in aspic or stuffed, herring, red herring, Baltic salt-sprats; fried, smoked, marinated smelt and the like.

As for cold meat dishes our guests can taste ham, lean cold boiled pork with spices (buzhenina), jellied tongue, meat jelly and horse-radish sauce and various salads beginning with salad "Stolychnii" up to Russian salad. For a change you can taste frozen apples. They are delicious. Russian blini with caviar and mushrooms in thick sour creamsauce are popular hot appetizers.

How about soups? There are plenty of them. Fresh cabbage meat shchee, shchee "Petrovskie" (cooked from soodak fish and fresh cabbage), Moscow borshch, kidney and cucumber soup (rassolnik), meat and fish sawlyanka, ookha (special fisherman's soup), mushroom soup and soups in season - okroshka and cold beetroot soup are very popular with our guests. For the hot dish guests can order pike-perch in white wine or fried, sturgeon of all kind - boiled, steamed or on a spit, fried burbot or carp in thick sour-cream sauce or meat dishes to their taste: beef-Stroganoff and mashed potatoes,roast veal, special pot-roast stuffed cabbage-rolls (golubtsy), Siberian pelmeni, suckling with buckwheat "kasha", stewed rabbit and hare and so on. Now a few words about buckwheat "kasha" which may be eaten with meat like potatoes as well as a cereal with butter or milk. It's very popular in our country because it's a very useful product.It's recommended for stout people, for people suffering from diabetes. Buckwheat kasha purifies our organism and makes us stronger.

There is a large variety of poultry and game dishes: roast chicken, roast duck and goose stuffed with apples and sauerkraut, roast partridge, hazel-grouse, wood-


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grouse, wood-cock, black-cock, pheasant and quail. They are juicy and tender dishes.

How about dessert? For dessert you can have baked apples, fruit and berry kissels (made from fruit or berry juice and potato flour), compot (made from dried stewed fruit mixed), dessert fruits: aromatic melons from Middle Asia, watermelons from the Volga, juicy grapes, pears, apricots, peaches, tangerines, oranges. And at last Goorievskaya kasha. This dessert dish was made in honour of the victory over Napoleon in the war of 1812. Taste it!

These dishes are served at the Russian restaurants "Sadko", "Troyka", "Okolitsa" and at many other fashionable restaurants in our city.

Russian cuisine is famous for its Russian pies which were baked in Russia in good old times and remain popular nowadays. They are: kulebiaka (a Russian pie with meat or cabbage filling), rastegay (a pie with special fish filling), open curd tarts (vatrushJa), honey-cakes, twists of bread (krendeli), boubliki (thick ring-shaped rolls), baranki (ring-shaped rolls), sooshki (small ring-shaped crackers), Russian Easter cakes and various fancy-cakes.

As for drinks we should recommend fruit and berry beverages: morse, kvas and zbiten (an old Russian beverage made from kvas, cognac or vodka, honey, tea and spices). Welcome to our restaurants!


granulated раздробленный, превращенный в зерноdollop большая доза, большой кусокflavouring [fleivəriŋ] ароматный, приятный на вкусto contain [kən'tein] содержатьcontent [kontənt] содержание, содержимое (веществ в продукте)protein [prouti:n] белокlactic acid молочная кислотаbacterium [bak'tiəriəm] (pl. bacteria) бактерияsour milk кисломолочныйsmelt корюшкаand the like и тому подобноеfrozen apples мочёные яблокиburbot [‘bə:bət] налимspecial pot- roast фирменное жаркое в горшочкеstuffed cabbage-rolls голубцыsuckling (-pig) поросенокbuckwheat "kasha" [kα:∫ə] гречневая кашаrabbit кролик


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hare заяцas well as так же, как иto suffer (from) страдать, болетьdiabetes диабетto purify [pjuri'fai] очищатьpartridge куропаткаhazel-grouse [heizlgraus] рябчикwood-grouse тетерев-глухарьwood-cock вальдшнепblack-cock глухарьpheasant [feznt] фазанquail перепелbaked apples печеные яблокиGoorievskaya kasha гурьевская кашаhonour ['onə] честь;in honour в честьnowadays в наши дниfilling начинка

4. Поставьте следующие предложения в вопросительную форму. Переведите .

1. Thick sour cream is a universal flavouring sauce. 2. Kefir is a dietary product. 3. There is a big choice of Russian appetizers. 4. Russian soups are very popular with our guests. 5. Real Russian meat, fish and poultry dishes are very good. 6. Zbiten is an old Russian beverage. 7. Thick sour cream is made from cream. 8. Ryazhenka is made from baked milk. 9. Much fish was sold in our market-place yesterday. 10. Juicy pears and melons were served for dessert. 11. Much food will be eaten on the holidays. 12. These beverages will be made from berries and sugar.

5. Прочитайте текст, составьте план пересказа.

Russian Food and Cuisine.

Every country in the world has its own cuisine.We have certain associations when we speak about French, Italian or Mexican cuisine.They all have something characteristic about themselves. What associations do have when we speak about Russian food and Russian cuisine. One can state that


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Russian food is what Russian people usually eat. However, considering how large a country Russia is and how many cultures there are in Russia, it is difficult to say that Russians in Moscow and in a small village have the same meals. Life in cities is quick-paced, city dwellers are always rushing somewhere. That’s why the fast food is becoming more and more popular in cities.

Yet, traditional Russian food is much tastier and healthier that the fast food.To understand our national cuisine, one should remember that Russia is a northern country in the most part and that our winters are rather long and sometimes very cold.That means that the food should be such as to give us enough energy.Among most popular components of Russian dishes are: potato, eggs, butter, bread, and meat. Very popular are milk products like sour cream, and curds; as well as fresh fruit and vegetables. Russian cuisine enjoys quite a number of authentic national dishes for every part of a meal, be it appetizers, soups, main courses, desserts, or beverages.Appetizers are usually served before main courses.

We often start our meals with various salads.I would say that medley (vinegret) is probably loved by everybody in Russia.To cook medley, we mix boiled potato, carrot, and beet as well as salted cucumbers chopped in more or less equal cube-like pieces and add oil.For many festive occasions, we cook so called “seledka pod shuboi”, or herring under coat. To make it, one has to boil potato, carrot, and beet; then grate all these ingredients and place them on a plate in layers covering a layer of chopped herring and finally dress it with mayonnaise. This salad is an extremely popular New Year dish.There is probably no family in Russia not including this salad into its New Year or birthday menu.

Let’s now turn to the Russian soups, which are an essential part of afternoon meals.The classical Russian soup is borsch, or red-beet soup made of beet, meat, potato, and mostly served with sour cream, although some might prefer mayonnaise.Very characteristic of Russian cuisine is okroshka, or cold soup made of cold kvass with different vegetables, chopped boiled eggs and spices.Among other kinds of soup I would like to mention ukha, or fish-soup, mushroom soup, chicken soup. After soups come main courses as a rule.Main courses are eaten at afternoon and evening meals. Usually they include meat and/or vegetables with garnishes. For the meat part, we can have cutlets or chops, fried fish or sausages. For garnishes, we might have potato or kashas, of which there are many kinds to choose from: buckwheat, rice and other. Very often pelmeny, or ravioli are mentioned among Russia-originated dishes. Strictly speaking, it is not. Yet, these small squares of pasta containing minced meat and spices are very popular in Russia.


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Although you can find dozens of pelmeny brands in the shops, we prefer legendary home-made pelmeny. Sometimes, instead of meat we use potato or curds and call this pelmeny-like dish vareniks.

After all these tasty things, it’s time for Russian desserts. Pancakes are always welcome as a dessert and are usually served with jam, honey or sour cream.Pastries with berries, apples, and other fruit are also part of Russian food tradition.Among traditional Russian beverages, to my mind, mors, kissel and kvass are most typical. Kissel is made of sweetened fruit puree and mors, which is a kind of berry drink, is made of cranberries, black-currants, or other berries. Kvass is an original Russian beverage made of stale bread and is probably most popular among traditional beverages.

Unit 8

National food

1. Прочитайте и переведите текст.

Ukrainian Cuisine

If you happen to come to Ukraine you should taste a real Ukrainian borshch. It is sour-sweet, aromatic, tasty and nourishing. It is served with local fancy-dumplings called pampoushki and ga- loushki. The main thing in cooking borshch is in the following: you should put vegetables in a definite order. And secondly. Borshch will be tastier if beetroot is stewed, carrots and onions - fried. The word "borshch" originates from old-slavonik "borshch" - beetroot which is the main ingredient of this dish. Now borshch is cooked in all regions of our country with local variants. Don't fail to taste chicken cutlets Kiev style and Ukrainian vareniki (cottage cheese or cherry dumplings). A great variety of local buns, cakes and dishes of all kind are recommended to the guests in Ukraine.


nourishing ['nΛri∫iŋ] питательный, сытныйlocal ['loukl] местныйdumplings клецки, вареники, пампушки, галушкиto originate происходитьto fail потерпеть неудачу, не суметь что-л. сделать;don’t fail to taste... не забудьте попробовать..., непременно попробуйте...ingredient [in'gri:diənt] составная часть, ингредиент


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region край, областьvariant вариант

2. Прочитайте и переведите текст. Ответьте на вопросы .

British Cuisine

Some people criticize English food. They say it's unimaginable, boring, tasteless, it's chips with everything and totally overcooked vegetables. The basic ingredients, when fresh, are so full of flavour that British haven't had to invent sauces to disguise theirnatural taste. What can compare with fresh pees or new potatoes just boiled and served with butter? Why drown spring lamb in wine or cream and spices, when with just one or two herbs it is absolutely delicious? If you ask foreigners to name some typically English dishes, they will probably say "Fish and chips" then stop. It is disappointing, but true that, there is no tradition in England of eating in restaurants, because the food doesn't lend itself to such preparation. English cooking is found at home. So it is difficult to find a good English restaurant with a reasonable prices. In most cities in Britain you'll find Indian, Chinese, French and Italian restaurants. In London you'll also find Indonesian, Mexican, Greek... Cynics will say that this is because English have no "cuisine" themselves, but this is not quite the true.


to criticize — критиковатьtasteless — безвкусныйovercooked — переваренныйingredient — ингредиент, составная частьto invent — изобретатьsauces — соусto disguise — скрытьspice — специя, пряностьherb — траваdelicious — очень вкусныйdisappointing — обидноto lend — одалживатьcuisine — кухня

1. What do foreigners say when they criticize English food?2. Do English people use a lot of sauces?3. From a foreigner's point of view, what are typically English dishes? 4. Do all English eat in restaurants?5. What kind of restaurants can you find in Britain?


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6. Is it the true that English have no cuisine?

3. Прочитайте и переведите текст. Выпишите главные мысли из текста.

Caucasian Cuisine

Caucasian cuisine is rich in various appetizers, soups, hot and cold dishes. A great variety of green vegetables is used in making appetizers. They are: egg-plants, tomatoes, string-beans, cabbage, sauerkraut, cauliflower, beets, potatoes, garlic, brown onions, spinach and also greens, spices, mushrooms, eggs and walnuts. The latter are used in making sauces to dishes of all kind. What appetizers can guests taste? Here are some of them. 1) Egg-plants stuffed with wal nuts, garlic, brown.onion, cut small kinza, celery, parsley, dried cinnamon, clove, winy vinegar, cayenne, salt. 2) Baked egg-plants with walnuts and pomegranate. 3) Fried egg-plants and tomato sauce.4) Salted egg-plants and walnuts. 5) Grilled mushrooms and walnut sauce. 6) Stewed tomatoes and walnuts. 7) String-bean salad. 8) Spinach, garlic and thick sour-cream etc.There are soups to any taste but most popular are spicy soup khartcho, tender chihirtma and thick chanahy.As for meat dishes you can taste meat-boiled, roast, stewed, grilled and on a spit. For example: 1) boiled beef in tomato sauce with greens; 2) roast beef and string-beans with greens; 3) beef fillet stewed in walnut and tomato sauce; 4) pork fillet stewed with quince; 5) boiled mutton in garlic sauce; 6) liver in pomegranate sauce; 7) pilaf.Meat on a spit shashlyk is served everywhere in Georgia. It is suckling, lamb, beef, chicken and even kidneys.The poultry dishes are also very popular in Caucasian cookery: 1) oiled chicken in garlic sauce; 2) roast or boiled chicken in walnut sauce (bazha). The sauce is made from minced walnuts, garlic, cutsmall kinza, salt and vinegar. The chicken is roasted or boiled, then cut in pieces, put on a dish and poured with this sauce. 3) chakhohbily of chicken; 4) chicken "Tabaka"; 5) satsivy of poultry.How about fish and fish dishes? The guests can taste:


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1) fried fish in tomato sauce; 2) boiled fish in garlic sauce; 3) satsivy of fish. There are many egg-dishes: 1) cheese-sulguny and eggs;2) tomatoes and eggs; 3) string-beans and eggs; 4) walnuts, pomegranate and eggs and some others.

Let us add a few words about baked items. We all know kha- chapouri - pies with cheese and egg filling. But not everybody knows that khachapouri can be baked with potatoes, kidney-beans or top beets. Then go pies with raisins and walnuts, honey pies and sweet, delicious gozinaky (shelled chopped walnuts boiling with honey). Gozinaky is a traditional New-Year dish. For tea you can have a great variety of jams: apricot, sweet cherries, water-melon, fig, quince and even green tomato jams.

Vocabulary:Caucasian [ko:'keizhiən] кавказскийstring-bean фасоль spinach шпинат walnut [wo:lnat] грецкий орех the latter последний (из перечисленных)khartcho харчоchihirtma чихиртмаchanahy чанахиquince айваpilaf [pilafl (pilau, pilaw [pi'lau]) пилав, пловtop beets ботва свеклыgozinaky козинакиfig инжир, винная ягодаto pour [рo:] лить, поливатьchakhohbily чахохбилиsatsivy сацивиkhachapouri хачапуриkidney-bean тропическая американская фасоль

4. Объясните значение пословиц :

1. The glutton digs his grave with his teeth.2. The proof of the pudding is in the eating.3. You can't eat a cake and have it.4. The appetite comes with eating.5. Man does not live by bread alone.6. Too many cooks spoil the broth.


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7. First catch your hare then cook him.8. You cannot make an omelette without breaking eggs.9. Enough is as good as a feast.10. Hunger is the best sauce.11. Dog does not eat dog.

5. Прочитайте, переведите и прокомментируйте цитаты.

'Tell me what you eat and I will tell you who you are.' Anthelme Brillat-Savarin

'Man is the only animal that can remain on friendly terms with the victims he intends to eat until he eats them.' Samuel Butler

'A gourmet is just a glutton with brains.' Philip W. Haberman Jr.

'Where the guests at a gathering are well-acquainted, they eat 20 percent more than they otherwise would.' Edgar Watson Hawe

'The whole of nature, as has been said, is a conjugation of the verb to eat in the active and passive.' William Ralph Inge


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Unit 9

Meals and cooking

1. Прочитайте текст . Выпишите из текста все выделенные слова и словосочетания. Переведите их .

Living in Russia one cannot but stick to a Russian diet. Keeping this diet for an Englishman is fatal. The Russians have meals four times a day and their cuisine is quite intricate.

Every person starts his or her day with breakfast. Poor Englishmen are sentenced to either a continental or an English breakfast. From the Russian point of view, when one has it continental it actually means that one has no breakfast at all, because it means drinking a cup of coffee and eating a bun. A month of continental breakfasts for some Russians would mean starving. The English breakfast is a bit better, as it consists of one or two fried eggs, grilled sausages, bacon, tomatoes and mushrooms. The English have tea with milk and toast with butter and marmalade. As a choice one may have corn flakes with milk and sugar or porridge.

In Russia people may have anything for breakfast. Some good-humoured individuals even prefer soup, but, of course, sandwiches and coffee are very popular. One can easily understand that in Great Britain by one o'clock people are very much ready for lunch. Lunch is the biggest meal of the day. That would be music for a Russian's ears until he or she learns what lunch really consists of. It may be a meat or fish course with soft drinks followed by a sweet course.

The heart of a Russian person fills with joy when the hands of the clock approach three o'clock. His or her dinner includes three courses. A Russian will


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have a starter (salad, herring, cheese, etc.), soup, steaks, chops, or fish fillets with garnish, a lot of bread, of course, and something to drink. The more the better. At four or five the Russians may have a bite: waffles, cakes with juice, tea, cocoa, or something of the kind.

In Great Britain they have dinner at five or six. Soup may be served then, but one should not be misled by the word "soup". British soup is just thin paste and a portion is three times smaller than in Russia. A lot of British prefer to eat out. "Fish and Chips" shops are very popular with their take-away food. The more sophisticated public goes to Chinese, Italian, seafood or other restaurants and experiments with shrimp, inedible vegetables and hot drinks.

Supper in Russia means one more big meal at seven. The table groans with food again. In England it is just a small snack — a glass of milk with biscuits at ten.

Most Russians have never counted calories and they are deeply convinced that their food is healthy. Some housewives may admit that it takes some time to prepare all the stuff, including pickles, home-made preserves and traditional Russian pies and pancakes. But they don't seem to mind too much and boil, fry, roast, grill, broil, bake and make. Paraphrasing a famous proverb one can say:

'What is a Russian man's meat is a British man's poison'*.

* What is one man's meat is another man's poison — Что русскому хорошо, то немцу — смерть (поcл.).

2. Отработайте произношение следующих слов .

To cement, outsider, mourning, unduly, to stroll, luncheon, rusk, hostess, embarrassed, to inquire, roll, to plaster, miraculously, lamb, cutlet, spinach, stewed, pear, resourceful, powdered, macaroni, to sizzle, delicious, chef, succulent, burgundy, champagne, to persevere, to pour, pathetic, gluttonously, to devour, voluptuously, solemn, ecstatic, fervour, lousy, meringue.

3.Прочитайте и переведите слова и словосочетания. Составьте с каждым из них по предложению.

To make someone thinner; juicy and delicious; food making people fat easily; to drink; to cut into two parts; to put something on one's plate; to put butter on top; to like sweet things; to use hands when eating; to eat noisily; to eat fast, swallowing large quantities.

4. Заполните таблицу следующими словами, в соответствии с их переводом.


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to swallow, to crunch, to champ, to hog, to munch, to gobble (up), to nibble at something, to gnaw, to gulp, to chew, to devour, to bolt, to bite.

Пожирать (3)

Глотать (3) Жевать (3) Грызть (2) откусывать (2)

5. Допишите список продуктов питания.

6. Изучите таблицу калорийности продуктов и напишите:a) меню для человека, который хочет сбросить вес; b) меню для человека, который хочет набрать вес.


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7. Прочитайте диалог по ролям.

Dietary Breakfast

Waiter to his guest: Good morning, Sir! What would you like for breakfast?

Guest I'd like something light. I'm on a diet.W: I see. First of all, I can recommend you porridge, a soft-boiled egg, fresh

cottage cheese and middling tea.G.: Thank you. Will you bring me porridge, one soft-boiled egg, cottage

cheese and middling tea.W.: Very good, Sir.

Unit 10


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The places where people go to eat

1. Соедините названия мест для приёма пищи и их значения.

1. snack bar A. originally a British public house licensed to serve beer and other alcoholic beverages. Сustomers get their drinks

from the counter and either stand there or sit at the tables. Some

light snacks like pies and sandwiches are served.

2. café/cafeteria B. a counter where food and drink may be bought and eaten (e.g. in a on railway station a train)

3. pizzeria C. small restaurant mainly concentrating on cakes, sandwiches, coffee and tea. Choice of food is often very limited.

4. refectory D. a place where guests normally come fairly late and stay until

the small hours. Always with dancing and often also with floor

shows. Food is some times available.


5. buffet E. a place where students or workers have their lunch, usually connected with a school, office or factory.

6. night club F. a nice place where meals are served to customers.

7. canteen G. a modest restaurant where customers collect their food on trays at

counters and carry it to tables. Choice of dishes is based on convenience and speed, with food like hamburgers,

sausages and sandwiches.

8. pub H. a restaurant specializing in pizzas, and other Italian-type food.

9. restaurant I. a university cafe

2. Какого типа рестораны вы бы посоветовали следующим людям:

1. A young couple who want food and some entertainment late at night.


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2. A man who wants a meal in a place where he can meet some local people.3. Someone wanting a quick, cheap meal.4. Someone at a railway station.5. Someone who wants non-English food.6. A student staying at the university all day.7. A factory worker at lunch-time.8. A family who wants to celebrate some special occasion.

3. Определите основную мысль текста, запишите (5-6 предложений).

To travel through the whole of England is to realize what a rich and varied country it is. From one county to the next you could be on a different island, this being particularly true of the East and West coasts, the North of England and the South. The food from place to place varies, too. The thick clotted cream of Cornwall and Devonshire does not travel far from where it was made, any more than the succulent Cumberland sausage leaves Cumbria. The wildfowl of the Fens do not mingle with the fat Aylesbury ducklings and Lincolnshire stuffed chine also stays at home. The English are rightly proud of their heritage and today, amongst the welter of take-always and fast food places, they are even more determined to keep it alive. Traditions sometimes connected with food are not lost either.

The Reverend Sydney Smith (1771—1845), the witty, food-loving canon of St. Paul's wrote: 'I am convinced that character, talents, virtues and qualities are powerfully affected by beef, mutton, pie crust and rich soup.'

4. Прочитайте и переведите текст, используя слова после текста.

Dinner at a Restaurant

Yesterday was my day out. My friend Nick and I had dinner at the restaurant. At one o’clock we were at the "Metropol". The waiter showed us in and we took a table by the window. The waiter brought us the menu and recommended some appetizers and dishes. For a snack we had soft caviar, jellied tongue and mixed green salads. The snacks looked very appetizing. Then Nick had chicken rice soup. I ordered beef-tea and a meat patty. For the main course we had fried pike-perch and new potatoes. Our dinner was delicious. For a drink we ordered special lemon beverage and for dessert pears, oranges and ice-cream. The waiter served us very well.


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We paid the bill, thanked the waiter and left the restaurant-hall. We had a hearty meal. I think the meals at the "Metropol" are very good. Then we went to the bar for coffee and cigarettes. Some guests ordered rich sweets, nuts and cocktails.

to show in провести (в помещение)appetizer [æpitaizə] закуска Syn. hors-d'oeuvre [o:'də:vr] Fr., snack jellied tongue [tΛŋ] заливной языкbeef-tea крепкий бульон из говядиныfor the main course на второе for afters на десертnew potatoes молодой картофельhearty [hα:ti] обильный, здоровый (о пище)

cigarette [siga'ret] сигарета, папиросаHave a cigarette! Закуривайте!nuts орехиstarter закускаside-dish гарнирHow much do I owe [ou] you? Сколько с меня? (Сколько я вам должен?)helping порцияsquash [skwo∫] (фруктовый) сок

5. Запишите и выучите новые слова.

Salads (Салаты)crab salad салат из крабов fish salad рыбный салатvegetable salad овощной салат Russian salad винегретtomato and cucumber salad салат из помидоров и огурцов mixed green salad салат из свежих овощейto dress a salad with sour cream or mayonnaise заправить салат сметаной или майонезом

Meat Dishes (Мясные закуски)pâtè [pα:’tei] Fr./pasty [pæsti] Eng. паштетcold pork буженинаboiled tongue отварной языкmeat-jelly and horse-radish sauce мясной студень с хреномentrecôte [α:ŋtrə'kout] антрекот beef steak/steak бифштекс languette [læŋ'gwet] with mashed potatoes лангет с картофельным пюре shnitzel шницель quenelles [kə'nelz] кнели


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croquette [krou'ket] Fr. крокеты fillet [‘filit] филе goulash [gula:∫, 'gudæ∫] гуляш cutlet/rissole [‘risoul] котлета (рубленая)steamed rissoles паровые котлеты chop отбивная котлета (натуральная) mutton chop (lamb) [læm] баранья отбивная (молодая) veal chop телячья отбивная pork chop свиная отбивная scallop ['skoləp] эскалоп meat balls биточкиkidney pie запеканка из телячьих почекliver in sour cream sauce печень в сметанном соусеboiled tongue and green peas отварной язык с зеленым горошкомhot-pot тушеное мясо с картофелем в горшочкеhamburger гамбургер (котлета или рубленый бифштекс в булочке)

Poultry [poultri] (Птица)cold-roast chicken холодная жареная курица или цыпленокcold-roast goose [gus] холодный жареный гусьcold-roast duck холодная жареная уткаroast chicken жареный цыпленок или кураroast duck and apples жаренная утка с яйцамиroast goose and sauerkraut жареный гусь с квашеной капустойroast turkey and mixed vegetables жареная индейка со сложным гарниром

Fish Snacks (Рыбные закуски)pressed caviar паюсная икраred caviar красная икраsalmon [sæmən] семга, лососьSiberian [sai’biəriən] salmon кетаwhite salmon белорыбицаhumpback [hΛmpbæk] горбушаwhite sturgeon/beluga белугаaspic [‘æspik] заливноеsturgeon in aspic/sturgeon in jelly/jellied sturgeon заливная осетринаstuffed pike фаршированная щука perch in marinade [,mæri'neid] окунь под маринадом pike-perch судакlampreys ['læmpriz] in mustard ['mΛsted] sauce миноги в горчичном coycesprats in oil шпроты в масле sardines in oil сардины в маслеherring and vegetables селедка с овощамиmarinaded herring маринованная селедка


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marinaded eel маринованный угорь cod liver [livə] печень трески oysters [oistəz] устрицы crabs крабы lobsters омары shrimps креветки squids кальмарыfish assorted/assorted fish/fish assorty рыбное ассорти

Greens (Зелень)parsley [ pa:sli] петрушка celery [seliri] сельдерей dill укроп

Spices (Пряности)pepper перецvinegar [vinigə] уксусground pepper молотый перецspicy [spaisi] ароматный, пикантныйallspice [o:lspais] душистый перецcinnamon [sinəmən] корицаcayenne [kei'en] красный перецclove [klouv] гвоздикаrump steak [rΛmpsteik] ромштекс

Unit 11

Visit to the Dietician

1. Прочитайте диалог по ролям и переведите его.

Visit to Dietician

D r. J о n e s: Good morning, Mrs. Fat. Sit down, please.Mrs. Fat: Good morning. Dr. Jones. Do you mind if I sit on the sofa? D r. J о n e s: No, not at аll. You can take any seat you like. So you would

tike to lose weight, wouldn't you? Mrs. Fat: Exactly. I've been overweight all my life and now I think it's

time I started dieting.


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D r. J o n e s: Oh, yes. I see. You know... before I can recommend you a particular diet I must team all about your eating habits. How many meals a day do you normally have?

Mrs. Fat: I usually have only three meals a day. I mean breakfast, lunch and dinner, but unfortunately I very often eat between meals.

D r. J о n e s: What do you have for breakfast?Mrs. Fat: A traditional English breakfast. I have a glass of orange juice, a

bowl of cereal and bacon and eggs. And then I drink tea.D r. J о n e s: Do you take milk in your tea?Mrs. Fat: I normally drink tea with cream, though I realize that I should

have it with skimmed milk.D r. J о n e s: And what about lunch?Mrs. Fat: Well, that depends. On some days I just have a couple of

sandwiches for lunch, but sometimes I also have a bowl of soup and cakes or pies to follow.

Dr. Jones: What do you have for dinner and when do you have it?Mrs. Fat: I normally have dinner at 8 p.m. I know it's a bit too late, it just

happens so. What do I have? You know, I like to have a very substantial dinner — a starter, like a salad or assorted meat, followed by a main course such as beefsteak or fish and chips and then dessert and tea or coffee.

D r. J о n e s: What do you have for dessert as a rule?Mrs. Fat: Ice-cream or cakes, or both.D r. J о n e s: And what do you eat between meals?Mrs. Fat: Peanuts, chocolate, popcorn, crisps and stuff. Sometimes I just

like to nibble candies.D r. J о n e s: In fact, many people do the same and yet they have no

problems with excess weight. Let me see... Do you fry one or two eggs with your bacon in the morning?

Mrs. Fat: I actually take eight eggs, but I share my breakfast with my toy-poodle dog.

D r. J о n e s: I see. Here is my prescription: Don't change your diet. Change your dog. Replace it with a Labrador. Or keep both dogs and share all your meals with them. And here is the telephone number of a vet, who is a very good dog dietician, just in case your dogs might need a correction of their diet.

2. Объясните значения следующих слов .

food, meal, dish, course, overweight, diet, breakfast, lunch, dinner, supper, snack.

3. Переведите на английский язык.

1. Я завтракаю в восемь часов утра.2. За завтраком я обычно съедаю бутерброд и выпиваю чашку чая.3. Мой брат всегда ест яичницу с ветчиной на завтрак.4. Что ты ешь в обед на второе?5. Какой десерт нравится твоей маме?


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6. Я никогда не перекусываю между завтраком, обедом и ужином.7. Вы хотели бы похудеть?8. У тебя нет лишнего веса и тебе не надо садиться на диету.9. Я терпеть не могу рыбу с картошкой.10. Мой друг постоянно ест жареный арахис или соленую воздушную

кукурузу. Меня это раздражает.11. — Что такое традиционный английский завтрак? — По-моему, это

стакан сока, кукурузные хлопья с молоком, яичница с ветчиной и чай.12. Я люблю плотно поесть в обед — закуску, суп, второе, десерт и

выпить чашечку крепкого кофе.

4. Что бы вы хотели заказать на завтрак Образец: I'd like to have ...

omelette fried eggs boiled eggs bacon and eggs pie, patty, fancy-cake jam, marmalade

Unit 12


1. Прочитайте список напитков и переведите. Распределите эти слова в две колонки:

a ) полезные напитки b ) вредные напитки

Orange juice, milk, skimmed milk, tea, coffee, beer, brandy, cognac, Scotch whisky, Coca-Cola, Pepsi-Cola, apple juice, tomato juice, pineapple juice, gin, rum, vodka, champagne, port, dry sherry, sweet sherry, vermouth, ale, lager.

2. Запишите новые слова, отработайте их произношение. Выучите.

Strong (Hard) Drinks (Крепкие напитки)43

yoghurt semolinabuckwheat (kasha) rice cereal porridge

pancakespuddingsyrnikicottage cheese

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alcoholics [,ælkə'holiks] алкогольныеvodka водкаArmenian [a:'mi:njən] армянскийGeorgian грузинскийMoldavian [məl'dæviən] молдавскийCognac "Five Stars" коньяк «Пять звездочек»Cognac "Three Stars" коньяк «Три звездочки»Cognac "O.C" (very old) коньяк (очень старый)Cognac "K.C." (old) коньяк (старый)Ashberry ['æ∫beri] in Cognac рябина на коньяке (рябиновая настойка)brandy брэнди, коньякfruit brandy настойка (общее понятие)cherry brandy вишневая настойкаrum ромgin джинwhisky [wiski] виски liqueur [li'kjuə] ликерfruit liqueur наливка (алкогольная) Syn. ratafia [rætə'fiə], ratafee [rætə'fi]Cherry-Ratafia вишневая наливкаPlum-Ratafia наливка сливянкаRatafia of Cranberries наливка клюквеннаяfruit cordial [ko:diəl] наливка безалкогольная

Aperitive WineDubonnet ДюбонеCinzano ЧинзаноButón БутонMartini [ma:'tini] МартиниAperol Аперольsome kinds of dry vermouth некоторые виды сухого вермутаmedium sherry ['mi:diəm ∫eri] средний хересdry Madeira сухое вино мадераold/vintage выдержанное (вино)labelled [leibəld] wine марочное вино

Grape Winea) Table dry wine (Столовые сухие вина)dry white wine белые сухие столовые вина"Tsinandali" Georgian No 1 «Цинандали» грузинское № 1“Gurdgiaani” Georgian No 3 «Гурджаани» грузинское №3Riesling "Abrau" рислинг «Абрау»dry red wine вина сухие столовые красные"Teliani" Georgian No 2 «Телиани» грузинское № 2


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"Mookoozani" Georgian No 4«Мукузани» грузинское № 4 half-sweet полусладкое "Alazanskaya Valley" «Алазанская долина»b) Strong grape wine (Крепленые виноградные вина)Madeira [mə'diərə] мадераsherry [∫eri] херес vermouth [və:məθ] вермут cahors кагор portwine портвейнс) Sweet dessert wineMuskat [mΛskət] мускатVarna ВарнаTokai [toukei] токайChampagne [∫æm'pein] шампанскоеsweet сладкоеsemi/demi/half sweet полусладкоеdry сухоеsemi/half dry полусухоеsparkling игристоеWeak Alcoholic Drinks (Слабые алкогольные напитки)beer [biə] пиво light beer светлое пивоdark beer темное пивоmedovukha медовухаzbiten сбитеньSoft Drinks (Non-Alcoholic) (Безалкогольные напитки)squash фруктовый напитокorange squash апельсиновый напитокorangeade оранжадlemonade [¸lemə'neid] лимонад soda-water [soudəwo:tə] содовая водаmineral ['minərəl] water минеральная водаPepsi-cola пепси-кола

3. Прочитайте и переведите предложения .


The attitude to alcohol is ambivalent. On the one hand-it’s accepted and welcomed as an integral part of the British culture. On the other hand, the puritan tradition has led to the widespread view that drinking is smth potentially dangerous which should be restricted.


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Pubs (public house): The nearest pub is commonly referred as ‘local” & people who go there often know as “regular”. Notable aspect is appeal to the idea of tradition. The most has the old name with old-fashion, rural associations, such as: The Sheep Sheares, The Duke of Cambridge,)

People can’t be served in pubs until 18. The pub should have a special children’s certificate allowing children inside on until they are 14.

All pubs is looked old, have very small windows helping pubs fell homely.

In order to not proper for people to be seen drinking just few pubs have tables outside. Instead many have a garden at the back.

Nearly all pubs are owned by a brewery.The landlord is simply employed by brewery as its manager.The few pubs are privately owned proudly advertise themselves as “free houses”. As result they have the wider line of beers.

The notable aspect – the pubs there are no waiter services. You should fetch your drink yourself in the bar.

The pubs still have to close at their advertised closing time. The tradition of “closing time” have remained in place.

4. Прочитайте и переведите текст, запишите виды баров.

Salad-Bars are equipped with a special counter with an open refrigerating vegetable show.

There are: cut lettuce, cucumbers, tomatoes, radishes, spring onions, olives, hard-boiled eggs, boiled potatoes, carrots, beetroot, brown onions, dill, .parsley, celery, cabbage, sauerkraut and also boiled meat, fish, sausage, cheese, cottage cheese and so on. In separate dishes there are: butter, sour cream, mayonnaise, oil, vinegar, mustard, salt, pepper, granulated sugar, horse-radish sauce. Each visitor puts vegetables, meat, fish or both, dressings and sauces in his salad-dish to his own taste. These bars represent one of the variants of "Swedish Board".

Fruit-Bars. It's a new type of bar in our social catering. There are many juices, up to fifteen, electric mixer for milk cocktails, elec tric coffee-pot, samovar. Customers may have tea, coffee, buns, cakes, pies etc.

Milk-Bars. Great attention should be paid to milk-bars. They can recommend a wide choice of milk products and beverages. Cus tomers can


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taste milk noodles home style, noodle pudding stuffed with apples, Russian blini with butter or thick sour cream, pies, curd items, cheese sticks, butter, cheese and sausage, sandwiches, milk and cream shakes. Many dishes are made in the presence of customers. Milk-bars will be built close to big dairy shops.

Express-Bars are arranged at the railway stations, hotels, in the shopping centers. Their aim is to serve the customers as quick as possible. The assortment is the following: sandwiches, baking items, pastry, milk products.

Snack-Bars are intended for quick service of customers at the counter. The assortment is minced or plain beefsteak, entrecote, roast chicken, duck or goose, cooling beverages, juices, cocktails, coffee.

Beer-Bars sell bottled and unbottled beer, mineral and fruit water. There are no strong drinks on sale. Cheese, salted, smoked, dried fish, chipped potatoes, biscuits, small dried rings (sooshki), dried crusts, olives, stuffed eggs, shrimps go nicely with beer. You can also have sandwiches, cold and hot snacks.

Disco-Bars work in the evening. Their halls should be decorated beautifully. Young people come to these bars to have a good time, to dance, to listen to the music, to see the performance. Disco-bars should be equipped with modern musical apparatus and large screens for demonstrating slides. They should also have a television-set, video tape-recorders, special devices producing light effects. Cooling and mixed drinks, snacks and hot dishes are on the menu. For dessert guests can have strawberry, apricot, peach and nut ice-cream.

Welcome to the bars!

5. Запишите и выучите новые слова.

a long drink пить, не торопясь (через a long drink пить, не торопясь, через соломинку)

a short drink выпить залпомat a gulp [gΛlp] залпомin the near future в ближайшем будущемeach каждыйto equip [i’kwip] оборудовать, оснащатьrefrigerating холодильныйshow показ; витринаseparate [seprit] отдельныйSwedish Board [bo:d] шведский столboth [bouθ] оба; both ... and и ... иsocial ['sou∫l] социальный, общественныйcatering [keitəriŋ] обслуживание; питание


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electric mixer электромиксерattention [ə'ten∫n] вниманиеto pay attention обращать вниманиеmilk noodles молочная лапшаnoodle pudding лапшевникshake коктейльpresence [prezəns] присутствиеoriginal cocktails оригинальные коктейлиa) layer [leiə] cocktails слоистые коктейлиknickenbein кникенбайн champerol чемпероль pousse-café [puskə'fei] пус-кафеb) crusta [krΛsta] крастаto improve [im'pru:v] улучшатьto quench утолятьthirst [θə:st] жаждаto use [ju:z] использовать, пользоватьсяstraw [stro:] соломинка

6. Дополните диаграмму приведёнными ниже словами.


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Unit 13

The etiquette


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1. Прочитайте и переведите.

The list of Table Don'ts.

1. Elbows are never put on the table while one is eating.2. Don't lift your plate up to your mouth.3. Don't push back your plate when finished. It remains exactly where it is until whoever is waiting on you removes it.4. Don't lean back and announce, 'I'm through'. The fact that you have put your

fork and knife together on the plate shows that you have finished.5. Don't wait until all plates are served; after a few guests have been served, it is

perfectly all right to start eating.6. Don't let others see what you have in your mouth.7. Don't make a noise when eating.8. Put the food in your mouth with your fork, never with your knife.

The list of Table Dos.

1. Put your napkin on your lap. Do not wear it around your neck.2. Gravy should be put on the meat, and the condiment, pickles and jelly at the side of whatever they accompany.3. All juicy or soft fruit or cake is best eaten with a fork and when necessary a spoon or a knife also.4. When passing your plate for a second helping always leave a knife and a fork on the plate and be sure the handles are far enough on not to topple off.5. You may use your knife or a piece of dry crust as a pusher to guide and hold each mouthful for the fork to lift.6. Fish bones are taken between finger and thumb and removed between compressed lips.7. Bread should always be broken into moderate-sized pieces with the fingers before being eaten.

2. Откройте скобки, употребив глагол в нужной форме.

1. Table d`hôte dishes (to be) served for dinner every day. 2. The table (to be) laid beautifully yesterday. The guests (to be) served very well. 3. Soft and red caviar (to be) served for supper party on Sunday evening. 4. Horse radish and salted cucumbers (to be) served for meat jelly tomorrow. 5. Smoked smelt (to be) sold in St. Petersburg in May every year. 6. Many guests (to be) invited for my birthday next Saturday. 7. Fruit (to be) sold in aisle five.

Unit 14

Tools and Equipment50

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1.Прочитайте слова, найдите в словаре их перевод. Запишите и выучите .

Heat, simmer, boil, stir, cut, mince, chop, rub something into something, soak, bake, beat, mix, strain off the liquid, pour, roll out, melt, whisk, peel, squeeze out, bring to the boil.

2. Запишите и выучите новые слова.

Saucepan - кастрюляfrying pan - сковородаbowl - чашкаscoop - ковшwhistling kettle – металлический чайникcolander - дуршлагmincing - мясорубкаcoffee pot - турка

3 . Прочитайте текст.

Food Equipment Can Be Dangerous

Modern cooking and food processing equipment has an extraordinary capacity to burn, cut, smash, mangle, and amputate parts of the tender human body. This may sound like a harsh way to begin a chapter, but the intent is not to intimidate you or scare you but to inspire a healthy respect for the importance of proper safety and operating procedures.

Never use a piece of equipment until you are thoroughly familiar with its operation and all its features. You must also learn how to know when a machine is not operating correctly.

When this happens, shut it down immediately and report the malfunction to a supervisor.

Capacity – потенциалHarsh – суровыйSupervisor – руководитель

4. Найдите в тексте перевод данных предложений и словосочетаний.

1) современное оборудование,2) части человеческого тела,3) суровый метод


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4) Никогда не пользуйтесь оборудованием, пока вы хорошо не знакомы с его работой и не знаете все его особенности.

5. Прочитайте и переведите текст .

Your Hands Are Your Best ToolsMachines are intended to be labor saving devices. However, the usefulness

of specialized processing equipment often depends on the volume of food it handless. It takes less time for a cook to slice a few pounds of onions by hand than to set up a slicing attachment, pass the onions through it, and break down and clean the equipment. This is why it is important to develop good manual skills.

labor saving devices – устройства экономии труда

6. Задайте три вопроса к тексту.

7. Прочитайте и переведите.

TYPES OF COOKTOPS1. Open elements (burners), either electric coils or gas flames. These tops

arethe fastest to heat and can be turned off after short use. However, cooktopspace is limited to one pot per burner.

2. Flattop or hot top (lightweight). Burners covered with steel plate. More cookspace is available. Top supports moderately heavy weights.

3. Heavy-duty flattop. Burners covered with heavy cast steel.4. Induction cooktops. The top of an induction unit does not become hot.

Rather, it works by magnetically agitating the molecules in steel or iron cookware so the cookware becomes hot. As a result, much less energy is used and the kitchen stays cooler, because only the pots and pans and their contents become hot.

8. Прочитайте текст, переведите, составьте краткий конспект.

OvensThe oven and the range top are the two workhorses of the traditional kitchen.

Ovens are enclosed spaces in which food is heated, usually by hot air or, in some newer kinds of ovens, by microwaves or infrared radiation.

In addition to roasting and baking, ovens can do many of the jobs normally done on the range top. Many foods can be simmered, stewed, braised, or poached in the oven, freeing the range top and the chef’s attention for other tasks.

There are many kinds of ovens beyond those discussed here, but they are often for specialty or high-volume uses. These include conveyor ovens, which carry foods through the oven on a steel conveyor belt; holding ovens or warmers, which are designed to hold many types of foods at serving temperatures for


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extended periods without drying out or overcooking (this category includes ovens that also cook the food, then automatically switch to holding temperature); and high-volume roll-in ovens, with large doors into which one can roll carts loaded with trays of food.

oven - духовкаinfrared – инфракрасныйsimmered – на медленном огнеstewed – тушёный

9. Прочитайте и переведите.

Processing EquipmentMixers

Vertical mixers are important and versatile tools for many kinds of food mixing and processing jobs, both in the bakeshop and in the kitchen.

Food CutterThe food cutter or rotation chopper, familiarly known as the buffalo

chopper, is a common piece of equipment used for general food chopping. A variety of attachments (described in the next section) makes it a versatile tool.

10. Изучите данную информацию . Capacity measures are given in Imperial pints and fractions of pints with

small amounts in spoon measures.Liquid ingredients may also be given in cups. These follow the English

measures, i.e. 1 pint equals 2 cups (U.S.A.— 2V2 cups).All spoon measures refer to the British Standards Institution based on the

V2-ounce table-spoon. The American standard measuring spoons are slightly smaller in capacity than the British ones. The proportion, however, is similar in that 3 American tea-spoons equal 1 table-spoon.

All measures are levelled off to the rim of the spoon.

Metric Equivalents

It is rather difficult to convert from English measures with absolute accuracy, but 1 oz. is equal to approximately 30 grammes, 2 lb. 3 oz. is equal to 1 kilogramme. For liquid measure, 3/4 English pints may be regarded as equal to 1 litre.

Unit 15

The recipes


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1. Переведите рецепты на русский язык.

1. Hot chocolate.Heat 600 ml (1 pint) milk, add 100g (4 oz) chopped plain or bitter chocolate and stir, when melted, bring to a simmer and whisk for 3 minutes. Sweeten to taste. Pour hot into cups and top with whipped cream.

2. Oat cakes.Sift flour into a bowl and add salt. Rub in fat until texture resembles breadcrumbs. Add currant, lemon juice and rind, then mix to a fairly firm dough with about 4 tablespoons water or milk and water. Divide the dough into 4 pieces and put on to a floured surface. Roll into circles and fry in the oil until brown all over. Drain well and eat hot, sprinkled with sugar.

3. Ham baked with chestnuts.Mash the chestnuts well, add the sugar and either butter or cream and some pepper. Lay the ham on a board and stuff it with as much of this as will hold, then press together and secure. Put into an ovenproof dish. Make a criss-cross pattern with a sharp knife on the top of the ham. Mix the breadcrumbs into the rest of the chestnut mixture and press this over the top. Put the ham into a pre-heated oven at 200° С (400° F) for about 1/2 hour or until the top is crisp.

2. Соедините названия блюд и их рецепты.

1. RICHMOND MAIDS OF HONOUR These little almond cakes are said to have been first made at Richmond Palace

when Henry VIII was king. The young girl who first made them gave her recipe to a Mr. Billet, who, after her death, opened a "Maids of Honour" shop in Richmond. The secret was kept in the family for many generations. However, a certain Mr. Newen went to work in Mr. Billet's shop and bought the recipe from the owner for a thousand guineas. The present Mr. Newen still makes them by hand at 288 Kew Road, Kew Gardens.

2. TOAD-IN-THE-HOLE The dish was often served at country hotels, or pubs, in the last century. Toad-in-

the-Hole has deteriorated very much over the years. Up until the 1920s it was often made with good steak, chopped into pieces, sometimes with some kidneys added, but nowadays it is more often served made with sausages. It can be extremely good eaten piping hot from the oven.

3. TWEED KETTLE Salmon from the Tweed river is well known for its flavour and the traditional

methods of cooking preserve that delicacy. The pan in which the salmon is cooked is always called a fish kettle.


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A. 900g (2 lb.) fresh salmon, middle cut or tail end, salt and pepper, pinch of nut-meg, water, 1 small onion, chopped, 3 tablespoons white wine vinegar, 2 tablespo-ons parsley, chopped. Serves about 6

В. 450g(1 lb.) prepared puff pastry, 225g (8 oz) cheese, 175g (6 oz) wanned butter, 2 egg yolks, 100g (4 oz) sugar, 2 tablespoons brandy, 2 tablespoons breadcrumbs, level, 50g (2 oz) ground almonds, 1 lemon. This amount makes about 24 cakes.

C. 675g (1 1/2 lb.) pork sausages, 225g (8 oz) flour, pinch of salt, 3 eggs, 600 ml (1 pint) milk. Serves 4.

3. Вы собрались в турпоход, какую еду вы возьмёте с собой, а какую не возьмёте. Напишите, используя предложения.

Why don't we take ...We can't do without ...... is a must.We'll certainly need ...We are sure to need ...... will be of use, no doubt.It could be a good idea to take ...

4. Прочитайте и переведите рецепты блюд.

Fresh Cabbage Shchee (for four litres)Beef or pork - one kilo with boneFresh cabbage - one kiloBrown onions - 150 gramsFresh tomatoes - 2 pieces or one spoonful of tomato pasteRoot celery - one pieceRoot parsley - one pieceBay leaf - two piecesSome dill and spring onionsSalt (to taste)Water - four litres

The meat is boiled till it's half ready (for an hour or two). Then you put schredded fresh cabbage. Sliced brown onions, carrots, tomatoes, root celery and parsley are fried for twenty - twenty-five minutes in the frying-pan and put in the saucepan. Bay leaf is put at the end of cooking and should be taken away after shchee is ready. Shchee is served with sour cream, cut small spring onions and dill. Cooking-time - about three hours.


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Sauerkraut ShcheeSauerkraut is washed and stewed for an hour in the frying-pan. You can

use butter or some fat. Meat is boiled in the saucepan. After an hour sauerkraut is simmered with meat. If you like you can put a potato or two ten minutes before putting the sauerkraut. Otherwise the potato(es) will taste badly. Fried vegetables: brown onions, tomatoes or tomato paste, carrots and greens: celery, parsley and bay leaf are put in the saucepan. Everything is simmered for half an hour. Sauerkraut shchee is served with thick sour cream, cut dill and parsley. Cooking-time is about three hours. Sauerkraut shchee is an old Russian dish.

Okroshka(four - five portions) Kvas - 1 litreNew cucumber(s) - 1 of medium size Spring onions - 100 gr Hard-boiled eggs - 2 Boiled beef- 100 gr or boiled sausage/sausages Lean ham - 50 gr

Spring onions and cucumber(s) are washed and sliced. So is boiled beef and ham. Hard-boiled eggs are cut large. All this is put in the kvas, salted to taste. It's better to have kvas sour. If it's sweet you can put a slice of lemon or citric acid at the tip of the knife. In home-made cooking a potato (boiled and cut) is added. Before serving okroshka it's recommended to keep it in a cool place or refrigerator for two hours. Okroshka is served with thick sour cream, cut parsley and dill. If it's too thick you should add some more kvas.

Chahohbily of Chicken

Chicken - 1 kgBrown onions - 4 bulbsButter - 2 - 3 spoonfulsTomatoes - 800 grKinza - 3 - 5 twigsBlack pepper, salt to taste

The salty chicken is cut and roasted in a sauce-pot. Shredded onions, fresh sliced tomatoes, pepper, cut greens - kinza, parsley, dill are stewed with the chicken. You can add a bay leaf and some allspice at the end of cooking. Ghahohbily is garnished with greens. Cooking-time is an hour.


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Chicken "Tabaka"Chicken "Tabaka" is roasted under press for an hour. Before roasting the

chicken is greased with the prepared mass of pounded garlic (2-3 cloves), ground pepper, cut greens and salt. Chicken "Tabaka" is served on a large plate and garnished with chipped potatoes, marinated onions, tomatoes or cucumbers, raw or pickled. Tomato or pomegranate sauce is served separately. Cooking-time is an hour.

Satsivy of PoultryChicken-800 gr (or: turkey; duck; goose)Butter-400 gr The sauce: (Satsivy) flour-25 gr butter - 40 gr kinza - some twigs khmeli-suneli - a pinchground clove, ground saffron, cinnamon, cayenne, vinegar, salt to tastetwo egg yolks shelled walnuts-250 gr brown onions - 120 gr

The prepared poultry is boiled whole till it's half ready. Then the poultry is greased with butter or fat and roasted in the oven. While roasting you should pour it with satsivy sauce and turn it over to get the poultry rosy from all sides. The satsivy sauce is made from the sliced brown onions slightly fried in the frying-pan, the flour diluted with some clear soup, pounded garlic, some vinegar, khmeli-suneli, clove, cinnamon and chopped greens. The poultry is put in this sauce and simmered for ten minutes. The shelled walnuts are chopped with some cayenne, yolk and saffron. The saffron in diluted in the clear soup (one pinch for 25-30 grams of clear soup). All this is added to the poultry but after that satsivy must not be boiled. The dish is sprinkled with nut oil and served cooled.

5. Запишите и выучите новые слова и выражения.

culinary [kΛlnəri] кулинарныйpiece [pi;s] кусок; штукаbay leaf лавровый листto shred шинковатьslice ломоть, ломтикto slice резать ломтикамиfrying-pan сковородаsaucepan кастрюляto simmer кипеть на медленном огне


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stew-pan низкая кастрюля; сотейникa pinch щепоткаpeel кожураto peel чистить (апельсин и т.д.)citric [sitrik] acid лимонная кислотаto pound толочь handful горсть, пригоршняto cut large резать крупноto cut small резать мелко refrigerator холодильник bulb головка (лука и т.п.)twig веточкаto garnish украшать (только о блюдах)to grease [gri:z] смазыватьclove [klouv] головка (чеснока и т.п.)to chip жарить (картофель) стружкойraw [ro:] сыройsaffron [sæfrən] шафранyolk [jouk] желтокwhite белокto shell чистить (орехи) от скорлупыto boil whole варить целикомoven [‘Λvən] духовкаto turn over переворачиватьslightly слегкаto dilute развести (бульоном, водой)to chop мелко нарезатьto sprinkle сбрызнуть

Unit 16

We can’t live without it


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1. Прочитайте и переведите тексты. Задайте по 5 вопросов к каждому тексту.


One of the most important foods for human beings in general and children in particular is milk. Milk also serves as a basis for other important foods. We have, for instance, butter and many different, kinds of cheese. Then milk itself is prepared in different ways specially for children and people in poor health, all of whom need greater care and attention than people in ordinary good health do.

Milk is also used in preparation of cakes, some kinds of bread and sweets. Milk chocolate, for instance, is greatly used by the explorers and others who go far from the places where people generally live, and who must carry the food they need along with them. When milk has been dried, it becomes very light powder which is also used by those who need food that is light in weight. Besides milk powder, condensed milk is also produced and sold in tins. There is generally some sugar in condensed milk.


A typical grain is wheat which is the staple food in many countries. Wheat grows in the field. Combines are machines which cut the wheat and thresh the grain. Grains are the wheat's seeds. When the grain is separated from the husk, it is stored'-in barns, in silos or in elevators. Then wheat is transported to the flour-mills. There it is ground into flour.

Bread and cakes are made out of this flour. Grain is also used in brewing. It may also be pounded or milled and then sold in the form of grouts. Grouts are used lin garnishes and can make a separate dish—porridge or gruel (kasha).

2. Переведите предложения на русский язык.

1. Молоко – один из самых важных продуктов для человека.2. Молоко также используется для приготовления тортов, хлебных

изделий и сладостей.3. Из молоко получают много продуктов питания.4. Я люблю пить молоко по вечерам.5. Хлеб и хлебобулочные изделия делаются из муки.

3. Ответьте на вопросы .

1. What food products are made from milk?2. What animals do we get milk from?


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3. What kinds of milk do you know?4. What dishes can be prepared with milk?5. What cereal is the staple food in your republic?6. Where is grain stored?7. What other cereals do you know?8. What do we make from flour?

Unit 17

What is High Tea?


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1. Прочитайте и переведите текст

The drinking of tea not only became a social event for the upper classes, it altered the time and manner in which they took tea. Afternoon Tea became the bridge between meals because many wouldn't eat their evening meal until maybe 8pm. As such, Afternoon Tea became a ‘mini meal' in itself.

This was all well and good for the upper classes, but the working classes ran to a different schedule and a different budget. Tea was still quite expensive at the time and the working classes could not afford to waste it on anything other than necessities. A wearied factory worker wouldn't arrive home until six in the evening, and when he did, he was famished! Thus, in the industrial areas of the UK (northern England and southern Scotland), the working classes evening meal evolved: high tea.

Family eating high tea - Buy this photograph as a poster

English High Tea usually involved a mug of tea, bread, vegetables, cheese and occasionally meat. Variations on high tea could include the addition of pies, potatoes and crackers.

So while Afternoon Tea was largely a social event for their upper class counterparts, high tea was a necessary meal in the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries. This traditional high tea still exists for some parts of the North and Scotland.

Why is it called ‘high tea'?

A possible explanation why this type of meal was called high tea is the fact that it was eaten at a table. In comparison, Afternoon Tea was taken whilst seating


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in low, comfortable chairs or sofas. Of course, soon after, the upper classes developed their own variation and also called it ‘high tea'. It was a meal that could be eaten when their servants were away or not available, as it was so easy to prepare. The upper class ‘high tea' involved the amalgamation of Afternoon Tea and high tea, with the addition of pigeon, veal, salmon and fruit.

It is important to add that the Afternoon Tea menu served in the UK today is often refered to as high tea in many other parts of the world. Because of this some hotels, such as The Ritz in London, use the term ‘High tea in London' to advertise their Afternoon Tea because a large proportion of their customers are from overseas.

Some venues do serve a special high tea menu, in addition to Afternoon Tea, which includes additional savoury items such as Welsh Rarebit, English muffins, pies or omelette. 

2. Прочитайте текст. Выпишите предложения, содержащие главные мысли текста. Переведите их .

What is Tea?

Tea is a drink that is produced from the combination of cured leaves of the Camellia Sinensis (tea) plant with hot water. Tea is the second most popular beverage in the world, after water. The Camellia Sinensis plant thrives growing in tropical and sub-tropical climates, hence its origins on the continents of Asia and Africa.

The first recorded consumption in the history of tea was in China, as early as the 10th century BC. Soon, it spread to Korea and Japan. During the 16th century Portuguese exploration of the Far East, tea was traded with the West and as a result, the tea plant spread to the rest of the world. It has been said that Catherine of Braganza, the Portuguese queen consort to King Charles II, introduced the drinking of tea in the UK. 

It wasn't until the 19th century until tea drinking became a common pastime for all the social classes. Now, tea drinking occurs as a daily occurrence not just as a component of afternoon tea or a tea party. In the UK, it has become a ‘national drink' of sorts and an integral part of British culture.

There are (at least) four different types of tea: white tea, green tea, oolong tea and black tea. The type of tea depends on the type of tea processing it undergoes. Tea leaves are prone to wilt and therefore oxidise, if they are not dried quickly. As the chlorophyll breaks down, the tea leaves darken and release tannins; this process is called fermentation in the tea industry. 


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Tea as we know it in the UK is more often sold as teabags. Most popular brands of teabags are usually made by blending a variety of different teas together. Tea is renowned for containing numerous antioxidants and less caffeine than coffee. There are also certain teas used in diets and  tea for weight loss .


['bɔtl'əupnə] бутылочная открывалка63

Page 64:  · Web viewI usually have four meals a day. In the morning I have breakfast. At school I have lunch. At home I have dinner and in the evening I have supper. Besides,

bottle openerbowl [bəul] миска, глубокая тарелкаbread [bred] хлебbread and butter [bredænd'bʌtə] хлеб с масломbread and cheese [bredændʧi:z] хлеб с сыромbread-crumbs [bredkrʌms] панировочные сухариbreakfast ['brekfəst] завтракbream [bri:m] лещbring [brıŋ] принестиbrown bread [braunbred] черный хлебbuckwheat ['bʌkwi:t] гречневая крупаbun [bʌn] сдобная булка, кексbutter ['bʌtə] сливочное масло, намазывать масломbutter-dish ['bʌtədıʃ] масленкаcabbage ['kæbɪdʒ] капустаcafe ['kæfeɪ] кафе, барcafeteria [̗kæfə'tɪərɪə] кафетерий, кафе-закусочнаяcake [keɪk] торт, кекс, пирожное, лепёшкаcandy ['kændı] карамельcanned [kænd] консервированныйcanteen [kæn'ti:n] столоваяcarp [kɑ:p] карпcarrot ['kærət] морковьcasserole ['kæsərəul] утятницаcauliflower ['kɔlıflauə] цветная капустаcaviar ['kævıɑ:] икраcheese [ʧi:z] сырcheese-cake [ʧi:zkeɪk] ватрушкаcherry ['ʧerı] черешняchicken ['ʧıkın] цыпленок, курятинаchicken quarters ['ʧıkın'kwɔ:təs] окорочкаchicken-broth ['ʧıkınbrɔθ] куриный бульонchips [ʧıps] жаренный картофельchocolate ['ʧɔkəlıt] шоколадchocolates ['ʧɔkəlıts] шоколадные конфетыchop [ʧɔp] отбивная котлетаcinnamon ['sınəmən] корицаclear soup [klıəsu:p] бульонcod [kɔd] трескаcoffee maker ['kɔfı'meıkə] кофеваркаcoffee-grinder ['kɔfı'graındə] кофемолкаcoffee-pot ['kɔfıpɔt] кофейник


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cold boiled pork [kəuldbɔıldpɔ:k] буженинаconfectionery [kən'fekʃnərı] кондитерская, кондитерские изделияcook [kuk] повар, готовить пищуcookery-book ['kukərıbuk] поваренная книгаcork screw [kɔ:kskru:] штопорcorn [kɔ:n] кукуруза, зерно, зёрнышкоcorn-cob [kɔ:nkɔb] кукурузный початокcorn-flakes [kɔ:nfleıks] кукурузные хлопьяcottage cheese ['kɔtıʤʧi:z] творогcrab [kræb] краб, ракcranberry ['krænbərı] клюкваcream [kri:m] сливки, кремcrisps [krısps] чипсыcrumbs [krʌms] крошкиcucumber ['kju:kʌmbə] огурецcup [kʌp] чашкаcurrant ['kʌrənt] смородинаdate [deıt] финикdelicious [dı'lıʃəs] очень вкусныйdessert [dı'zə:t] десертdessert-spoon [dı'zə:tspu:n] десертная ложкаdiet ['daıət] диетаdill [dıl] укропdine [daın] обедатьdinner ['dınə] обедdinner plate ['dınəpleıt] мелкая тарелкаdisagrees with [,dısə'gri:swıð] вредноdish [dıʃ] блюдоdish rack [dıʃræk] сушилка для посудыdishwasher ['dıʃ,wɔʃə] машина для мойки посудыdough [dəu] тестоdough-baked [dəubeɪkt] плохо выпеченныйdoughnut ['dəunʌt] пончик, пышкаdressing ['dresıŋ] гарнирdrink [drıŋk] пить, питьё, напитокduck [dʌk] уткаdumpling ['dʌmplıŋ] клецкаeat [i:t] есть, поедатьeat out [i:taut] кушать вне домаeatable ['i:təbl] съедобныйeel [i:l] угорьegg [eg] яйцо


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egg sandwich [eg'sænwıʤ] сэндвич с яйцомegg-plant ['egplɑ:nt] баклажанenjoy [ın'ʤɔı] получать удовольствие, наслаждатьсяfatty ['fætı] жирныйfeed [fi:d] кормитьfeed on [fi:dɔn] питатьсяfig [fıg] инжирfilling ['fılıŋ] начинка, фаршfish [fıʃ] рыбаfish dish [fıʃdıʃ] рыбное блюдоflavourless ['fleıvəlıs] пресный (о пище)flour ['flauə] мука, крупчаткаfood [fu:d] пища, питаниеfor dessert [fɔ:dı'zə:t] на десертfor dinner [fɔ:'dınə] на обедfor supper [fɔ:'sʌpə] на ужинfork [fɔ:k] вилкаfresh [freʃ] свежийfresh milk [freʃmılk] парное молокоfried [fraɪd] жареныйfried eggs [fraɪdegs] яичница-глазуньяfruit [fru:t] фруктыfry [fraı] жаритьfrying pan [fraııŋpæn] сковородкаgame [geım] дичьgarlic ['gɑ:lık] чеснокgeese [gi:s] гусиginger ['ʤınʤə] имбирьgingerbread ['ʤınʤəbred] имбирный пряник, коврижкаglass [glɑ:s] рюмка, стакан, стеклянная посудаglass of milk [glɑ:sɔvmılk] стакан молокаgoose [gu:s] гусьgooseberry ['guzbərı] крыжовникgrapefruit [’greɪpfru:t] грейпфрутgrapes [greıps] виноградgrate [greıt] натеретьgrater ['greıtə] теркаgravy ['greıvı] мясная подливаgreen [gri:n] неспелыйgreen cheese ['gri:nʧi:z] молодой сырgreen olive [gri:n'ɔlıv] оливкаham [hæm] окорок, ветчина


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hamburger ['hæmbə:gə] гамбургерhard-boiled egg [hɑ:dbɔıldeg] яйцо вкрутуюhave a bite [hævəbaıt] перекуситьhazel-hen ['heızlhen] рябчикhelp oneself to [helpwʌn'selftu:] положить себе (на тарелку)help yourself! [helpjɔ:'self] Беритеhelping ['helpıŋ] порцияhen [hen] курицаherring ['herıŋ] сельдьhoney ['hʌnı] мед, сладостьhoneycake ['hʌnɪkeɪk] медовый пряникhorse-radish ['hɔ:s,rædıʃ] хренhungry ['hʌŋgrı] голодный, голодающийhunk [hʌŋk] ломоть, толстый кусокice-cream ['aıs'kri:m] мороженоеimmersion heater [ı'mə:ʃən'hi:tə] кипятильникjam [ʤæm] варенье, джемjar [ʤɑ:] банка (для специй)jelly ['ʤelı] желе, студеньjug [ʤʌg] кувшинjuice extractor [ʤu:sıks'træktə] соковыжималкаkeep to a diet [ki:ptu:ə'daıət] придерживаться диетыkettle ['ketl] чайникkidneys ['kıdnıs] почкиkitchen scale ['kıʧınskeıl] кухонные весыknead [ni:d] замешивать, меситьknife [naıf] ножladle ['leıdl] половник, черпакlay the table [leıði:'teıbl] накрывать на столlean [li:n] постный (о мясе)leaven ['levǝn] заквашивать, ставить на дрожжахlemon ['lemən] лимонlemon squeezer ['lemən'skwi:zə] лимоновыжималкаlettuce ['letıs] салат-латукlid [lıd] крышкаliver ['lıvə] печенкаloaf [ləuf] батон, буханка, каравайlobster ['lɔbstə] омарlunch [lʌnʧ] второй завтрак, ленчmackerel ['mækrəl] скумбрияmargarine [,mɑ:ʤə'ri:n] маргаринmarmalade ['mɑ:məleıd] повидло, мармелад


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mashed potatoes ['mæʃtpə'teıtəuz] картофельное пюреmayonnaise [,meıə'neız] майонезmeal [mi:l] прием пищи, мука крупного помолаmeat [mi:t] мясоmeat balls [mi:tbɔ:ls] тефтели, фрикаделькиmelon ['melən] дыняmelt [melt] растопитьmenu ['menju:] менюmilk [mılk] молокоmilk shake [mılkʃeık] молочный коктейльmilk-can [mılkkæn] бидонmilk-jug [mılkʤʌg] молочникmillet ['mılıt] просо, пшеноmince meat [mınsmi:t] мясной фаршmincing-maching ['mɪnsɪŋmə̗ʃi:n] мясорубкаmix [mıks] смешиватьmixer ['mıksə] миксерmug [mʌg] кружкаmushroom ['mʌʃrum] грибmustard ['mʌstəd] горчицаmustard-pot ['mʌstədpɔt] горчичницаmutton ['mʌtn] баранинаnoodle ['nu:dl] лапшаnourishing ['nʌrıʃıŋ] питательныйnut [nʌt] орехnutcrackers ['nʌt,krækəs] щипцы для ореховoats [əuts] овесoffer ['ɔfə] предлагатьoil [ɔıl] растительное маслоomelette ['ɔmlıı] омлетon a diet [ɔnə'daıət] на диетеonion ['ʌnjən] лукorange ['ɔrınʤ] апельсинorder ['ɔ:də] заказ (в ресторане), заказыватьoverdone [,əuvə'dʌn] пережаренныйoyster ['ɔıstə] устрицаpancakes ['pænkeıks] оладьи, блиныparsley ['pɑ:slı] петрушкаpartridge ['pɑ:trıʤ] куропаткаpass [pɑ:s] передавать (за столом)peach [pi:ʧ] персикpeanut ['pi:nʌt] арахис, земляной орех


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pear [peə] грушаpeas [pi:s] горохpeel [pi:l] кожура, чистить фруктыpepper ['pepə] перецpepper-box ['pepəbɔks] перечницаperch [pə:ʧ] окуньpheasant ['feznt] фазанpickle ['pıkl] солить, мариноватьpie [paı] пирог, пирожокpike [paık] щукаpine-apple [paın'æpl] ананасpiquant ['pi:kənt] пикантныйpistachio [pıs'tɑ:ʃıəu] фисташкаplaice [pleıs] камбалаplate [pleıt] тарелкаplum [plʌm] сливаpomegranate ['pɔm,grænıt] гранатpork [pɔ:k] свининаpork chop [pɔ:kʧɔp] эскалопporridge ['pɔrıʤ] овсяная кашаpot [pɔt] горшочекpotatoes [pə’teɪtəʋz] картофельpoultry ['pəultrı] домашняя птицаpowdered sugar ['paudəd'ʃugə] сахарная пудраprefer [prı'fə:] предпочитатьpressure cooker ['preʃə'kukə] скороваркаprocessed cheese ['prəusest'ʧi:z] плавленый сырpropose a toast [prə'pəuzətəust] предложить тостprune [pru:n] черносливpudding ['pudıŋ] пудингpumpkin ['pʌmpkın] тыкваrabbit ['ræbıt] кроликradish ['rædıʃ] редисraisin ['reızn] изюмraspberry ['rɑ:zbərı] малинаrecipe ['resıpı] рецептrefreshments [rı'freʃmənts] закускаrestaurant ['restərɔ:ŋ] ресторанribs [rıbs] грудинка, ребраrice [raıs] рисrich dough [rıʧdəu] сдобное тестоrind [raınd] кора, кожура


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ripe [raıp] спелыйroast [rəυst] жаркое, жареное, кусок жареного мясаroast beef [rəustbi:f] ростбифroast chicken [rəust'ʧıkın] жаренный цыпленокroll [rəul] булочкаrolling-pin ['rəulıŋpın] скалкаrump steak [rʌmpsteık] ромштексrusk [rʌsk] сухарьrye [raı] ржанойsalad ['sæləd] салат, винегретsalmon ['sæmən] лососьsalt [sɔ:lt] соль, поваренная сольsalt-cellar ['sɔ:lt,selə] солонкаsalty ['sɔ:ltı] соленыйsandwich ['sænwıʤ] бутерброд, сандвичsardine [sɑ:'di:n] сардинаsaucepan ['sɔ:spən] кастрюля, ковшикsaucer ['sɔ:sə] блюдцеsauerkraut ['sauəkraut] кислая капустаsausage ['sɔsıʤ] сосиска, колбасаscone [skɔn] ячменная лепешкаscrambled eggs ['skræmbld'egz] яичница-болтуньяseasoning ['si:znıŋ] приправаsemolina [,semə'li:nə] манная крупаserve [sə:v] обслуживатьsheat-fish ['ʃi:tfıʃ] сомshell [ʃel] скорлупа, шелуха, очищать от скорлупыshrimp [ʃrımp] креветкаsift [sıft] просеивать, сыпать, посыпатьslice [slaıs] тонкий кусокsmoked [sməukt] копченыйsnack [snæk] легкая закускаsnack bar ['snækbɑ:] буфет, закусочнаяsoft caviar [sɔft'kævıɑ:] зернистая икраsoft-boiled egg [sɔftbɔıldeg] яйцо всмяткуsoup [su:p] супsoup-tureen [su:ptə'ri:n] супницаsour ['sauə] кислыйsour cherry ['sauə'ʧerı] вишняsour cream ['sauəkri:m] сметанаsour milk ['sauəmılk] простоквашаsouse [saυs] рассол


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spice [spaıs] пряность, специяspicy ['spaısı] острыйspinach ['spınıʤ] шпинатspoil [spɔ:ıl] портитьсяsponge [spʌnʤ] бисквитspoon [spu:n] ложкаsprat [spræt] килька, шпротаstale [steıl] черствый (о хлебе)steam [sti:m] обрабатывать на паруstew [stju:] тушитьstrawberry ['strɔ:bərı] земляника, клубникаstrong cheese [strɔŋʧi:z] острый сырstuff [stʌf] фаршироватьstuffed [stʌft] фаршированныйsturgeon ['stə:ʤən] осетринаsubstantial [səb'stænʃəl] сытный, плотныйsucculent ['sʌkjulənt] сочныйsugar ['ʃugə] сахарsugar-basin ['ʃugə,beısn] сахарницаsugar-tongs ['ʃugətɔŋz] щипцы для сахараsupper ['sʌpə] ужинsweet [swi:t] сладкийsweets [swi:ts] конфетыtake away [teıkə'weı] унестиtangerine [,tænʤə'ri:n] мандаринtart [tɑ:t] фруктовый пирогtaste [teıst] пробовать на вкусtasteless ['teıstlıs] безвкусныйtasty ['teıstı] вкусныйteapot ['ti:pɒt] заварочный чайникteaspoon ['ti:spu:n] чайная ложкаtender ['tendə] нежный (о мясе), мягкий (о мясе)thermos jug ['θə:mɔsʤʌg] термосthick soup [θıksu:p] густой супthirsty ['θə:stı] испытывающий жаждуtimer ['taımə] таймерtin [tın] консервная банкаtin opener [tın'əupnə] консервный ножtinned fish [tındfıʃ] рыбные консервыtoaster ['təustə] тостерtoasts [təusts] гренкиtomato [tə'mɑ:təu] помидор


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tough [tʌf] жесткийtray [treı] подносtreat to [tri:ttu:] угощатьtrout [traut] форельturkey ['tə:kı] индейкаturnip ['tə:nıp] репаunderdone ['ʌndə'dʌn] недожаренныйundersalted ['ʌndə'sɔ:ltɪd] малосольныйunleavened ['ʌn'levnd] пресный (о тесте)vanilla [və'nılə] ванильveal [vi:l] телятинаvegetable ['veʤıtəbl] овощvegetable marrow ['veʤıtəbl'mærəu] кабачокvegetables ['veʤıtəbls] овощиvinegar ['vınıgə] уксусwaiter ['weıtə] официантwaitress ['weıtrıs] официанткаwalnut ['wɔ:lnʌt] грецкий орехwater melon ['wɔ:tə'melən] арбузwhite bread [waıtbred] белый хлебwhite of an egg [waıtɔvæneg] белокwholemeal bread ['həulmi:lbred] хлеб с отрубямиyeast [ji:st] дрожжиyogurt ['jɔgə:t] йогуртyolk [jəuk] желток


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1. Агабекян, И.П. Английский для инженеров / И.П. Агабекян, П.И. Коваленко. – Ростов н/Д: Феникс, 2007. – 352с. – 3000экз. – ISBN 978-5-222-12171-9.

2. Англо–русский и русско–английский словарь для школьника : Фонетика, грамматика, лексика к разговорным темам. / Сост. А.А. Кадук. – К.: А.С.К., 2005. – 800с. – 80000 экз. – ISBN 966-539-255-7.

3. Андреев, Г.Я. Сборник технических текстов на английском языке / Г.Я. Андреев, Л.Л. Гураль, А.Л. Лев. – М.: «Высш. школа»,2005. – 200с. – 1000экз.– ISBN 968-5-112-32171-9.

4. Бонами, Дэвид. Английский язык для будущих инженеров / Дэвид Бонами. - М.: АСТ, 2006. – 320с. – 8000экз. – ISBN 5-17-016962-0.

5. Калинина, Н.В. Применение технической терминологии на уроках иностранного языка в средних профессионально-технических училищах : методические рекомендации / Н.В. Калинина, Ю.С. Шлепова. – М.: «Высш. школа», 2006.– 58с. – 30000экз. - ISBN 155-187-016962-0.

6. Прохорова, Е.Ф. Единый государственный экзамен: английский язык контрол. измерит. материалы / Е. Ф. Прохорова, Т.М. Тимофеева, З.З.


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Верховская и др. – М.: Просвещение, 2008.- 133с. - 10000экз. – ISBN 978-5-09-018118-1.

7. Синявская, Е.В. Учебник английского языка для технических вузов / Е.В. Синявская. - М.: «Высш. школа», 2007 – 269с. - 50000экз. - ISBN 978-6-08-015128-3.

8. Шляхов, В.А. Английский язык. Контрольные задание для студентов технических специальностей вузов [Текст]: учебно-методическое пособие / В.А. Шляхова, Т.Д. Любимов. – М.: «Высш. школа», 2007. – 111с. – 500 экз. – ISBN 978-02-04236.


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